Showing posts with label Boss Terry Cosgrove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boss Terry Cosgrove. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why Am I Not a Republican? I Like My Toes

Traditional GOP Footwear

The goof from Missouri who seemed to have a clear path to the United States Senate and replace Claire McCaskill, a bused-over Obama mouthpiece, is a Republican. All the guy needed to do for the next two months and change was make the rounds of the Show-Me State Knights of Columbus, Odd Fellows, and League of Women Voter library soirees and gobble rubber chicken.  Instead, Rep.  Todd Akin decided to dip his foot in his tonsils on TV with a guy named Jaco. Jaco? That did not signal DISTRESS, Congressman? Jaco?  The last guy I recall with the handle of Jaco wore a glove on one mitt, played with a monkey and drank boxed wine with little kids.

Instead, Todd Akin blew off his own toes.

I have been a Democrat all of my life.  The Democrats have purged the Party of people like Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, Harry Truman, Old Man Daley, Mike Sheahan, Frank Annunzio and Marty Russo for the likes of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jan Schakowsky, Barney Frank, Anthony Weiner and the goof who thinks Guam will tip over.

I have been a Catholic all my life and managed to survive Clown Masses, Liturgical Dance, Help for Hamas, Liberation Jesus and Homosexual predators and the Purple Mafia Bishops who doled out the  get out of jail free cards.  Today, the American Catholic Church is coming back and Catholics are coming home thanks to doctrinal-authentic bishops like Cardinal George, Cardinal Dolan and priests like Father Bob Barron.

I hope the same for the Democratic Party - a return to authentic values and 1st Principles.  There is some hope.  My Congressman Dan Lipinski (D.3rd) defends real labor over the leftist public service PACS like SEIU and the life of the unborn child is his litmus test.

The GOP, while attractive in some respects,  stilll manages to front daffy old balls like Illinois Treasurer Judy Barr Topinka, the Minnesota Toe-Tapper of Airport Men's Rooms, and the Missouri Magpie -Todd Akin over genuine and talented people like Dan Proft. These are the "tassled loafer" crowd of GOP deep-thinkers who enable the likes of Pat Quinn.   When School Choice was possible to pass in the Illinois Legislature it was the suburban DuPage, McHenry and Lake County Republicans who sold out.

The GOP vets goofs in the same manner as the Democrats, with one huge difference - the media will not provide cover for Republicans.

When TV reporter Charles Jaco asked Akin whether abortion should be illegal if it is the result of rape, the Republican Party Missouri Senate candidate gave this inglorious answer: "From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something: You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist and not attacking the child."

Republicans are much more prone to let off a volley down-range!  By golly!  Down-range to the GOP often means -The Toes Goes!

Illinois GOP gubernatorial hopeful Bill Brady was an adept at shooting off his own piggies.  He allowed WLS drive-time wits Roe & Roeper to corner him on his tax returns.  Brady allowed Personal PAC of Illinois Planned Parenthood to manage the message that Brady Wars on Women without a chirp.  Pat Quinn is the governor who takes orders from Illinois Personal PAC's Boss Terry Cosgrove.

Nope, I'll remain a right of center Democrat.  I like my toes.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Planned Parenthood Chicago Not Only Kills the Child but the Mom as Well

Tonya Reaves (Credit: Facebook)Tonya Reaves, 24, died late Friday night at Planned Parenthood at 18 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL - home of Personal PAC and our Abortion Friendly Illinois Government

Now here is a woman's choice gone worse thanks to the Dowagers of Planned Parenthood Illinois and Personal PAC's Boss Terry Cosgrove
A young woman has died after having a second-trimester abortion at a Chicago-area Planned Parenthood clinic. Tonya Reaves, 24, died late Friday night, according to a local CBS television station, of hemorrhage, with a cervical dilation and evacuation, according to the medical examiner’s office following an autopsy after the abortion that claimed her life.
CBS Chicago said Reaves died after the abortion she had at 18 S. Michigan Avenue Planned Parenthood facility. The woman was transported from the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead at 11:20 P.M.An autopsy conducted Saturday determined that she died from hemorrhage following a Dilation and Evacuation abortion. The D&E abortion method is one employed in pregnancies that have advanced beyond the first trimester. In involves opening the cervix and removing the pre-born baby by dismembering him or her. The Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood advertises abortions up to 18 weeks. (emphasis my own)
Having bought an Illinois Supreme Court Justice this last spring should but the butchers in good stead. Gov. Quinn, Boss Terry Cosgrove - you and the Dowagers own this one. No guns or bullets were involved in these homicides.

 Huge Hat Tip to Pundit and Pundette

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Illinois McDonough Contract - The Progressive Random Purg

 This is the common manner Progressive Democrats employ when saying thank you to a benefactor. - Pat Quinn gave James McDonough a random send off for his charity and support.
"The actions being taken against McDonough grew out of a random audit of McDonough last year in which officials examined a wide range of state engineering contracts the firm won between 2000 and 2009."

Some one in Governor Pat Quinn's Illinois Government decided to randomly examine McDonough Construction.

I wouldn't know James McDonough ,if he walked on me.

I have heard about the generous gifts showered on hospitals, universities, charities and especially St, Xavier University and St. Ignatius.

Mr. McDonough is one of the successful people that Directors of Development want to address as "Jim" after months of cultivation, golf, lunch and moist kisses to the McDonough rump and pry open the family wallet.

I do that, but I do not golf, tend to eat with gusto sans conversation until perspiring and then tend to pick my aging teeth and pucker-up only to secretaries, as they are the genuine engines of power in all matters of corporate citizenship.  The less time a Seven Figure and Change Prospect spends face-to-face with Patrick Francis, the more that person is  inclined to write a husky check for benefit of Leo High School.  Make the case, present the documentation and make yourself scarce are the three legs of Hickey's Development Tripod.

Common sense also dictates - never rub another man's rhubarb - Don't Poach Prospects Not Your Own.

James McDonough has never heard his executive secretary say, " A Pat Hickey from Leo High School keeps calling and sending drawings by him of happy students at Leo who would have bigger smiles, if you send lots of money. Do you want to talk with him?  Jim O'Connor* said he is harmless.  Okay, I'll tell him to . . . what is it he should do with himself?"

Mark Brown wrote a very balanced assessment of the ritual throat-cutting, in my estimation, of James McDonough in today's Sun Times. Mark Brown's commentary follows the fine investigative report by Chris Fusco and Tina Sfondeles that detailed to State of Illinois cast breadcrumbs leading to James McDonough. The Master-key word in this report is "random."

If allowed to stand, the cascading effect of the contract bans threatens the very existence of the firm, which is expected to go to court to challenge the state’s ruling.
Now, you may have noticed from time to time that newspapers will hype a story just a bit to get your attention.
Well, this is the flip side of that coin: a story so significant we can hardly put it in proper perspective in the space allotted.
McDonough and his company have been a major part of the fabric of this city and its politics for more than four decades since he left a post as Streets and Sanitation commissioner under Mayor Richard J. Daley to enter the engineering world in 1974. . . . In short, McDonough is a major player to be wiped off the board so suddenly, not that there won’t be any number of engineering firms vying to replace his company.Mark Brown Chicago Sun Times ( emphasis my own)

Mark Brown's nose smells blood in this random throat-cutting of McDonough.   I have seen this movie many times before - follow the bones to Dawn Clark Netsch. Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Toni Preckwinkle. Jan Shakowsky, or Pat Quinn and you will be able to construct the dinosaurs tossed in the tar-pits.

Nothing is random - especially any full blown departmental  forensic audit of a random cash cow.

n.b.  -

John Carroll University Receives
$1 Million Gift from Chicago Couple

Katie Sheridan
John Carroll University alumnus Jim McDonough and his wife, Jacque, have made a  $1 million gift to John Carroll University to be used for The President’s Opportunity Fund
The President’s Opportunity Fund was created in 2006 and is intended to enable JCU President Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., to strategically allocate resources to academic programs, service projects, and capital improvements.
Father Niehoff praised the Chicago, Illinois, couple for their support, stating, “We are very thankful for their generous investment in our future.  Jim and Jacque epitomize our mission of developing individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve in their own communities and around the world.”
“We are delighted to make this gift to the University because of its commitment to educational excellence in the Jesuit Catholic tradition,” remarked Mr. McDonough, a 1955 John Carroll graduate.  “John Carroll University was a formative experience in my own life, and Jacque and I are especially pleased that our daughter, Maureen, is a graduate of the University.”
Mr. and Mrs. McDonough are among John Carroll’s most loyal and generous benefactors and have long been enthusiastic supporters of the University. Mr. McDonough is president and chairman of McDonough Associates, Inc., a full-service engineering architectural consulting firm with a worldwide client baseIn 1990, Mr. McDonough received the University’s Alumni Medal, the highest honor given by the JCU Alumni Association in recognition of an individual’s distinguished service to their profession, exemplary family and personal life, contributions to their community, and service to the University. 

I mentioned only Mr. McDonough's philanthropic gifts, because like any  person in Chicago with two nickels to rub together Clan McDonough is politically taxed by all and sundry.

Are there any random audits of Personal Pac associated gifters and captains of industry?  Cable News?  Print Media? Advocacy Industrialists?

Governor Pat Quinn does not exercise his sphincter without the say-so of Terry Cosgrove, e.g.  No random eructations for sensible Pat, let alone bill support and signage, or the random forensic audit of traditional political ally of the Old Guard.

From the slightly cracked steps of my front poarch, it looks like Old Time and Dependable funding-sources to Old Guard Democrats are being purged by the Personal PAC, Abortion, Gay Marriage Progressives funded by people who do not give to schools, hospitals and charities linked to a Saint's name. Fred Eychaner comes to mind.  I am sure that Pat Quinn and Dick Durbin have spilled more than a few fun-toddies and flat-breads heaped with caviar on Fred's carpets and couches.

Why?  Power needs to be demonstrated.  Nothing says power, like the very public execution of the powerful to signal the purges to come.  Play nice with a Progressive if you must, but expect to be kicked to death with a random act of kindness and show of Good Government.

Read and follow -Mark Brown and the Sun Times investigative team on this purge and the death by of thousand cuts awaiting Mr. McDonough.

* Jim O'Connor - St. Ignatius graduate, philanthropist founding member of The Big Shoulders Fund and gentleman to the backbone.  No doubt Jame McDonough is as good a man as Mr. O'Connor and I imagine the polar opposite of a Governor Pat Quinn.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chicago News Embargo - No News on Tomorrow's "Stand Up for Religious Liberty" Rally at Federal Plaza

There is a news blackout in Chicago. You will not find a clause, much less an article about tomorrow's rally in defense of religious liberty and against the Obama HHS Mandate anywhere in the Sun Times, Chicago Tribune, Southtown Star or anywhere else.

No matter how many thousands of people attend the rally tomorrow it will be reported as a few score. That's because the Chicago media is invested in the Obama Campaign 2012. Dave Axelrod, Terry Cosgrove and the 2012 Team have poisoned this well and well they have. You see the Path to 2012 Obama Victory runs right through Illinois and blocking the way is Francis Cardinal George.

On March 1,2012, Cardinal George told me to get myself to Federal Plaza at 50 West Adams before noon, if I wanted to stand with him and thousands of other folks against religious bigotry and the Obama HHS Mandate.

We were talking about that Mandate which forces Catholic and other religious institutions to pay for contraception and abortifacients, only months after Obama told St. Xavier Univeristy that 'it was no longer a Catholic University,' because Obama's NLRB needed to unionize part time employees.

The Obama Mandate will force the American Catholic Church to close schools, hospitals and orphanges. However, Obama's script writers demanded that the issue be framed as a Catholic War on Women. Nope, it is a war on liberty -religious liberty.

Well, the dude abides, Cardinal.

I vote. Did so the other day. I write checks to Miserecodia, Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, Special Olympics and to Sacred Heart Church. I write on this blog as has been my practice since I was a baby teacher in 1975, back then I used a Big Chief Notebook. I sin like I know what I'm doing and try to reconcile those sins through Confession.

Cardinal George holds to prnciple and clings to our Faith and takes many, many, many insults and threats from Carol Marin, Michael Sneed and other Vichy Catholics. After our chat, I saw a parade of Catholics thank Cardinal George and one Greek Orthodox Woman thank him for his defense of religious freedom and asked him for his blessing. The Cardinal should hang out with the hoi poloi more often. Catholics were appreciative of their pastor. Our Faith has been to be Roman Catholic and each Sunday, or Saturday night, Catholics say these word:

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."
(emphases my own)

We believe that the Lord and Giver of Life ( not the Obama White House, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn, or Terry Cosgrove) did just fine without an additional Mandate from Kathleen Sebelius at the direction of the folks who script President Obama.

HBO notwithstanding, life begins at conception. Always has done so. Religious liberty demands that what we believe be unshackled by Neo-Nuremburg Mandates.

The Cardinal George told me to show up tomorrow, if I really believe in all of the words I mouth or put to paper.

I think I'll drive.

Here are some other places where you can stand up for religious liberty.


Federal Plaza
50 W. Adams Street

Lincoln-Douglas Debate Square
114 E. Douglas Street (Parking Locations)

Peoria Courthouse
324 Main Street (Map)

Holy Family Parish
4401 Highcrest Road (Map)
Mass preceding Rally at 11 a.m.

Grandon Civic Center
310 E. Park Avenue (Map)
Mass at 11 a.m. Prior to Rally

No Chicago News -

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Meet the Winners of the 2012 Illinois Democratic Primary - Personal PAC Boss Terry Cosgrove and Fred Eychaner

Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC can now get more dollars out of fitness dowager Jane Fonda - Fabulous!

Only one person ( Okay, it was two: Terry and Fred Eychaner)
won the Illinois Democratic Primary - Personal Pac Boss Terry Cosgrove. Here he is in an all-too rare live public exchange with a reporter on video.

Power loves anonymity . . .well, sort of. Coalitions need money. Power uses money. Coalition Power fuses LGBTQ, Green Everything ( hence LGBTQ pol Deb Shore on Water Reclamation), Public Education, Election Reform, ACLU and SEIU. Remember the Democratic Part? Used to be something. Got its money from trades unions, cigar chomping saloon keepers and low-life rascals like Joe Kennedy. Thank, Dewey; it's Progressive now.

Progressive Illinois is powered by abortion and sexual prefernces of any and all manner as a Civil Right , with the odd nod to freeing all of the prisoners, keeping black women on the welfare rolls and hordes of unskilled workers on the government's dime and suing anyone.

Personal PAC shopped for a Federal Judge and did great.

Springfield, Ill. — A federal court Tuesday overturned part of Illinois’ recently passed election finance law, just a week ahead of the state’s primary election.

U.S. District Court Judge Marvin Aspen struck down a 2009 law that limited how much an individual can donate to a political action committee, or a PAC, which spends money in an election but doesn’t coordinate with a candidate.

The “Supreme Court and the Seventh Circuit speak clearly: the First Amendment prohibits governments from limiting contributions to independent-expenditure-only PAC(s),” Aspen wrote in his opinion.

Personal PAC, a pro-choice lobbying group, initiated the case when it sued the Illinois State Board of Elections over the limits in early February.

Unlike PACs that spend money to influence how a lawmaker might vote by donating directly to their war chest, Personal PAC spends most of its money to get pro-choice candidates elected through advertising blitzes.

Personal PAC - Illinois depends upon very wealthy individuals who want to change the political landscape - read Fred Eychaner*.

Personal PAC, like SEIU and other tax-dollar salaried monster unions helped make President Obama's transformational first term a reality.

Here in Illinois Personal PAC controls who will get on and stay on a ballot.

Speaker of the House Mike Madigan is the media strawman for outrage over what Thundering Dick Simpson calls Illinois Corruption.

Not so. Real corruption and political rot starts at the head of the Illinois Carp - Planned Parenthood's Personal Pac. Personal PAC destroyed the chance to preserve the independence of the Illinois Supreme Court with its new found dollars by doing a Brady on Aurelia Pucinski in the final days before the primary. It worked just fine.

Personal PAC controls the Governor, much of the media, Chicago's Water Reclamation District, the Supreme Court and the Illinois Legislature.

Terry Cosgrove, never seems to get microphone time on Television, or the radio, but he dominates the printed media. Therefore, he remains a name. Terry Cosgrove controls the wealth that controls the ballot process and the information needed by voters to make an informed choice - not an abortion.

. . .Rarely interviewed and adamant about not being photographed, Eychaner lives a remarkably frugal life, with the notable exception of his multimillion-dollar home in Lincoln Park.

The fortresslike structure, made of glass and concrete, has hosted Bill Clinton three times. Mayor Richard M. Daley, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and other notable Democrats have also come to pay their respects to someone who is the state's top individual political donor and one of the city's richest men.

But as Eychaner, 60, lives a public life of saving old buildings, running a media company and trying to elect presidents, what he seeks most is anonymity, something that sets him apart in the ego-laden cultures of politics and philanthropy.

The perfectly smooth, gray concrete walls inside his home hold not a single image of Eychaner smiling next to a politician, say those who have been there, even though there have been many opportunities to have such trophy photos taken. He almost never asks for special tickets to political events and rarely attends the golf outings and cocktail parties designed to woo big donors.

"He is very reclusive, in every sense of the word," said Lewis Manilow, a friend and Democratic fundraiser from Chicago.

Eychaner (pronounced Eye-can-er) earned his wealth from mass media, first in printing and then radio and television.

In his latest move, he is mixing business and politics. With the introduction of WCPT-AM 850 ("Chicago's Progressive Talk") in May, Eychaner has used one of his nine area radio stations to bring the liberal Air America radio network back to Chicago airwaves.

Although he is a student of politics, those who know Eychaner say his giving is driven by a desire to change the world rather than win clout. One former employee even said he was once scolded for using Eychaner's name in a business letter to a politician.

In 2004, Eychaner gave at least $3.2 million to Democratic causes and candidates, while his private foundation contributes twice that much in any given year to more than 200 charities, researchers and arts groups.

An openly gay man, Eychaner has long been involved in gay rights issues, and he has been a generous donor for AIDS research and treatment.

"He really believes he can make the world a better place," said Michael Bauer, a Chicago lawyer and gay rights activist.

While he has mostly managed to maintain his philanthropic anonymity, Eychaner's role in national politics has grown more prominent in recent years. Consistently ranked among the top 20 Democratic donors nationally, Eychaner is routinely listed among such names as billionaire investor George Soros and billionaire movie producer Steve Bing.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Vote Aurelia Pucinski - Stop Boss Cosgrove's Personal Pac Control of Illinois Supreme Court

Boss Cosgrove Explains his mastership of Illinois to Personal Pac Pal Jane Fonda.

Personal Pac's Boss Terry Cosgrove follows up Aurelia Pucinski's press conference to counter the smear of Planned Parenthood to her campaign for Chief Justice Thomas Fitzgerald's seat on the Illinois Supreme Court.

Terry Cosgrove is the man who tells Governor Pat Quinn what Illinois must do.

Theis said that when she was appointed in 2010 to replace the retired Justice Thomas Fitzgerald, it was the culmination of her life's work.

Records show Theis' campaign received donations from Chicago names such as former congressman and judge Abner Mikva and author Scott Turow.

This week, Pucinski criticized Theis for a mailing sent out by Personal PAC, which donates to candidates who it believes support abortion rights. Theis said she did seek the endorsement of the group, but was careful to tell the organization she would not comment on any issue that could wind up before the court, such as parental notification of abortion.

The group has spent tens of thousands of dollars on three glossy mailings touting Theis' experience and suggesting Pucinski is unqualified.

Pucinski contends she is qualified, particularly citing her time in circuit court handling domestic violence cases, and said the mailing amounts to an issue-advocacy group injecting itself in a campaign for a post that is supposed to be above politics.

Both Brendan O'Sullivan of the Theis campaign and Terry Cosgrove, president of Personal PAC, said there has been no coordination between the organizations on the mailing.

For all of the hand-wringers worried about what to do about Illinois corruption, watch the video and then vote for Aurelia Pucinski.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

If Personal PAC Says So, Vote For Aurelia Pucinski for Illinois Supreme Court Justice

I'm not even an active Catholic but I do know that abortion is murder. That doesn't make me a Catholic. It makes me a sane human being. Michael Moriarty

We all know that Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood's Illinois Political Money Muscle, and Boss Terry Cosgrove give Governor Pat Quinn his marching orders.

Governor Quinn quakes before the power and majesty of Abortion's Bishop Terry, while he dismisses the Catholic Bishops of the faith into which he was baptized with a toss of the head and a boast of his Christianity. That is a matter of very public record.

Personal Pac is the most powerful political machine in Illinois. A federal District Judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter, Marvin Aspen, ruled that Personal PAC could use more power. Abortion is not a health initiative, it is home-plate for political power.

Personal PAC targets Aurelia Pucinski as dangerous to Abortion. Abortion provides the money and political muscle that gave Illinois the Religious Liberty and Civil Union Act and is now boiling up bucks for the Gay Marriage Law that the ever compliant Governor Quinn will sign. Abortion lends support to the power of the Teachers Unions, to SEIU and other tax-dollar-dependent grass roots shouters. Abortion helps International Solidarity Movement find aid and comfort for Hamas.

If Aurelia Pucinski is dangerous to Abortion, vote for Aurelia Pucinski to replace the vacancy of Chief Justice Thomas Fitzgerald.

I did.

Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who starred in the landmark television series Law and Order from 1990 to 1994. His recent film and TV credits include The Yellow Wallpaper, 12 Hours to Live, Santa Baby and Deadly Skies.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

As Rare as Hair on a Bowling Ball, Yet, One Can Be A Catholic Democrat and Not Planned Parenthood's Chattel

Governor Pat Quinn as seen from Above

"I find it outrageous that anyone in a position of public trust would trample on the conscience of people of religious beliefs," Ray Flynn (D) former Boston Mayor and President Clinton's Ambassador to the Vatican

I like that Ray. You mean anyone like

Illinois governor Pat Quinn, Senator Dick Durbin, or anyone endorsed by and accepting of Personal Pac's Terry Cosgrove's approval?

Ray Flynn ain't no chattel and he is a Democrat. My former State Representative Kevin Joyce was no one's chattel. Congressman Dan Lipinski (D. 3rd), my Congressman, is like Ray Flynn for the most part. Chattel* is a great word.

* Chattel (n.):Middle English chatel property, from Anglo-French

First Known Use: 14th century

1. an item of tangible movable or immovable property except real estate and things (as buildings) connected with real property

2. slave, bondman

Friday, March 09, 2012

Governor Pat Quinn Visits Dr. Quentin Young

Dr. Quentin Young: His patients have included Martin Luther King Jr., Mike Royko, Studs Terkel and members of the Chicago 7 conspiracy trial, but after 61 years in private practice, Dr. Quentin Young is hanging up his stethoscope. Phil Kadner Southtown Star

Last month, Governor Pat Quinn, a rock-ribbed Progressive Christian was suffering from pains in his knees, so he visited the doctor - the eminent Progressive founder of the Democratic Socialists of America.

'What seems to be the problem, Governor? Right Knee? Left Knee? Wee Knee?'

'The left, Doctor, always the Left. The Right is none too good. Wee knee? Didn't know there was one.'

'Of Course. . . .( examine probe, touch and conclude) . . .You're suffering from a disease that we medical experts call "kneeitis",' said the doctor. 'Take it easy for a month or so and above all don't climb any stairs. That puts a terrible strain on the knees'.

A month later the Governor returned and after a brief examination was found to have recovered completely.

'Can I climb the stairs now doctor?'

'Certainly', replied the doctor.

'Thank Heavens', said the Governor of Illinois, 'I was getting a bit browned off climbing up the drainpipe every time I wanted to go to the toilet'.

The radical internal medicine man and doctor to the evolved smiled and nodded. 'Nature always compensates, when universal government health care gets blocked by systemic racism and capitalism, Governor.'

The gob-smacked Guv had an epiphany brewing, 'twas clear, and the Socialist Sawbones probed on about how Nature sometimes compensates for a person's deficiences. For example', he told the brain-straining Governor, 'if a man is deaf, he may have keener sight, and if a man is blind, he may have a very keen sense of smell'.

'I think I see what you mean', said the Personal Pac acolyte budget busting penman and Christian, 'I've often noticed that if a man has one short leg, then the other one is always a little bit longer'.

'You've noticed that have you? Well, until our next chat, Governor!'

Illinois - you can and must make this stuff up!


Quentin Young told Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, that while an Illinois State senator, Obama was a strong supporter of “single payer”

Barack Obama, in those early days—influenced, I hope, by me and others—categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion…. ”

Physicians for a National Health Program

Who is Quentin Young and what is Physicians for a National Health Program? What influence do they actually have?

PNHP claims to be a national organization of 14,000 doctors advocating single-payer national health insurance.

In reality it was long a phonebox size operation run by Quentin Young and a handful of Marxist comrades.

Quentin Young is one of America’s most committed socialists, beginning with his time in the Young Communist League in late 1930s Chicago.

After WW2, into the mid 1970s, Young was closely associated with the Communist Party and was accused of belonging to the Bethune Club (a communist doctor’s club) by a US Congressional Committee investigating the riots at the 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago.

In the late 1970s Young was associated with the pro Marx/Gramsci, New American Movement and in 1982 helped found the also Marxist, Democratic Socialists of America-to which he still belongs.

In 1972, in the dying days of the Vietnam War Young led a small radical delegation to Communist North Vietnam.

In 1995 Young attended the famous meeting at the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn where Barack Obama was introduced as chosen successor to Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Toni Preckwinkle - Up Next -Burn Bodies and Save Energy: No Stiffs No Morgue Problem

Cook County Morgue, or Green Alternative Energy Source for Toni?

I hear so many gushing Gwens, generally Progressives, say that Toni Preckwinkle will replace Rahm Emanuel as Mayor of Chicago. Would not surprise me in the least. Toni is every bit as smart as Arne Duncan, Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool and Desiree Rogers.

Cook County Board President Toni has her hands full, at the moment, firing a couple of poor mopes because her morgue is stuffed with stiffs. Stacked like cord wood them cadavers be! Somebody else's troubles! Toni's opportunity!

Toni, who in my understanding of her intellectual depth and breadth, never popped out an original thought in her life, reads from the same play card as President Obama and all of the Hyde Park Mafia - educated, or influenced by, Chicago Lab School and University of Chicago. Toni once read a daffy New York Times piece that slammed Chicago Nobel Laureate Saul Bellow and repeated that single meme ( Bellow is a toxic Racist) chapter and verse to oppose Chicago honoring a home grown artist. It is obvious Toni has never read Bellow. Thus, like our science President Barack Algae Obama, Toni will take a page out of eugenics happy Great Britain's Conservative Party -Sir George Samuel Knatchbull Young, 6th Baronet. You see in the Nation that Stood Alone Against Hitler - Mr. Eugenics Himself -the same dipstick soulless mopes control the media and the message.

The Message from Old Blighty is burn corpses and heat swimming pools!

Sir George Young, leader of the House of Commons, said the proposal to warm a Worcestershire leisure centre with heat from a nearby crematorium was a “groundbreaking scheme”.

He said the Government is considering whether the plan could be duplicated elsewhere in Britain.

“The Government is aware of this particular scheme,” he said. “The Department for Energy and Climate Change will shortly be publishing its heat strategy and this will explore the potential for better recovery and reuse of wasted heat in schemes such as this one.”

He added that he would “die a happier man” if he knew heat from his cremation was warming the waters of a local pool.

Now, here is payoff!

Redditch Borough Council will be the first authority in the country to use a crematorium to heat a swimming pool. Work has already begun on the project, which is expected to be completed this spring. Since the plans were approved in February last year, they have won an award from the Green Organisation.

Oh, Good Show! The move is positively Green Happy! Soylent Green! I'll bet there is not an Imam from Soho down to Brighton who would not love to see this Retro-scheme get all fired up.

Burn stiffs and find a great new source of energy free of our enslavement to fossil fuels! Stiffs are too fresh to be fossils. As President Algae says, "nothing but drilling is off the table!"

Toni! The Tables at morgue are filled! Don't be Fuelish! These stiffs are not yet fossil fuels. Be like Brits; cook cadavers and heat a few pools.

Toni? Toni Preckwinkle! I have set my digital stop watch! Go! I can hear Sneed Now!

Get all those stiffs out of the morgue! Burn 'em! Cook 'em! Convert 'em>! Light 'em up to Light up of Lives, Toni!

Money, Marbles or Chalk, Chicago! I am no longer a betting man, but were I yet a practicising degenerate gambler, I'd a bet a house payment that, in no time at all, Carol Marin, WTTW, NPR and our Room Temperature IQ Editorial Boards will Huzzah Toni's plan to Torch the Stiffs and pave the way for more abortions with help of Boss Cosgrove of Personal PAC. This will be necessary to add as much kindling to the Energy Green Savings dead kids and with the help of SEIU as well, to shift Energy Friendly and Women's Health legislation for Pat Quinn to sign and make Kingsford of old Mrs. Wiesniewski, Mr. Antonelli, and other Blue Hairs in Skilled Care Facilities across Illinois as well as the nameless babies!

That is how smart Toni Preckwinkle is folks.

God ain't making any more land, but we got mortality going for Clean Energy!

Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle will really Cook County and Light Up Our Lives!

The stop watch is a ticking!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Governor Ramblin' Pat Quinn and Lt. Governor Sheila "G-String" Simon Sing Budget Worries Away "Talking Union Pension Good Times Blues!"

Welcome to Soundstage - Live from WTTW and broadcast LIVE over NPR - This is Soundstage - Tonight Ramblin' Pat Quinn and Sheila "G-String" Simon! Brought to you by a grant from Personal PAC and SEIU - when babies need killin' and Purple Ts need fillin'!

Chords G/C/D tuning and frailing and futzing about - Ramplin Pat and Sheila G!!!!!!!!!!( the fans is screamin'!)

Q- Hello Ilini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m here today to tell you the truth!
This budget contains truths that may not be what you want to hear! ( C-Tuning Sheila? Well, Alright Then!)

But these are truths that you do need to know! ( Capo up to G two past me, there)
And I believe you can handle the truth. ( G! Sheila, this should not be your first polka - there it is!) Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, Everybody! Let's get to it! (hard strumming and picking)

( Chorus) Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another child-skinner out on your new road line?

Now, down to business

Truth is these past 35 years/ Too many governors Too Many Beers/
Members of the 'ssembly have clung to budget Hopes (Well,fantasies, Thar Pat) "stead a'confrontin' our pensions on the Ropes!

(Chorus)Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another kid -skinner out on your new road line?

” Old Quinn said. “I'm proposin' a budget that includes spendin' cuts/ Reductions 'n reforms to restore fiscal Struts!
Stability to our state,buildin' and a growin' economic Kale/ Ypu can travel down to Dwight/ On my new high speed rail.”

( Chorus) Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another brat-skinner out on your new road line?

Since I’ve been Governor, we already nixed the doubters/ by working all together to enact reforms, Ye Pouters.
Like no-nonsense ethics standards Like reforming the workers’ comp/Unemployment insurance systems/ Let's Do the Pat Quinn Stomp!

( Chorus) Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another breed-stopper out on your new road line?

In WWII The sailors said: “We Stick—We Win!? Terry Cosgrove says that every day Hear what I'm Sayin Jim?
Yanks kno 'stick together'and 'work for the common good?'/ It's Land o'Lincoln Rube, We do the stickin in!

The sailors had a motto: “We Stick—We Win!”
Americans know when we stick together and work for the common good, we all come out ahead. We all win.
Loyalty to the common good is far more important in Illinois today than loyalty to your caucus or loyalty to your lobbyist

Banjo Solo - Guitar Riff ( shave and hair cut/Two-bits!)

Join Soundstage next week when Billy Corgan Plays Uncle Fester

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pat Quinn's Gay Abortion Christmas Carol - " Did You Hear What I Heard?"

It was as gay as Christmas when Pat Quinn signed the Civil Union act; but, gay ain't always happy. The Bishops tried to correct Quinn on the issue. You can't fix . . . Governors.

Pat Quinn hears exactly what he hears. I hear a train a-coming and I get off the tracks. I hear a fire truck or ambulance siren and I ease to the right in traffic and stop. I hear 'the garage is on fire' and I tend to dial 911. Pat Quinn hears what he wants to hear.Cardinal George and nine more Catholic bishops of Illinois spoke to the daffy Governor for over two hours at Chicago's Union League Club about the differences between political PAC Obligations and Church teaching on the evil that is abortion and the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Two hours - Abortion is 100% Evil
Marriage is between a Man and Woman

Pat Quinn explained the meeting to Abdon Pallasch of Chicago Sun Times -

Quinn said Saturday morning that the two-hour talk between him and Cardinal Francis George and 9 other bishops was “only a little bit” about his positions the bishops say are at odds with Catholic teachings on abortion and gay couples’ right to adopt — a clash that has made headlines recently — and more about the need to help the poor.

“A lot of the discussion was how we could work together to fight poverty, help the people who are less fortunate and need a helping hand,” Quinn told the Sun-Times as he left a Christmas toy give-away on the Far South Side. “Getting people jobs, helping people who don’t have enough food to eat — that’s what the church’s social mission is all about.”


"But after reading Quinn’s comments posted on the Sun-Times website Saturday, the bishops that met with Quinn issued a written statement saying Quinn characterized the meeting wrong: The primary purpose of the sit-down, they said, was to admonish the governor for using his Catholic up-bringing to justify views that they say aren’t supported by the church. It was the second time in the past two months the bishops have issued a statement blasting the Catholic governor.

“We share the Governor’s concern for the poor,” they wrote. “From our point of view, however, this was a meeting between pastors and a member of the Church to discuss the principles of faith, not the works of faith. On several occasions, the Governor has referred to his Catholic conscience and faith as the justification for certain political decisions.”
Governor Quinn listens . . .to Boss Terry Cosgrove about the beauty and benefits of abortion and to openly gay Rep. Greg Harris who high speed-railed the Religious Liberty and Civil Union Legislation Which Pat Quinn signed with gusto! This is the religious liberty legislation that immediately made war on Catholic Charities.

Statewide Relationship RecognitionnoLicenses marriages for same-sex couples.noHonors marriages of same-sex couples from other jurisdictionsyesRelationship recognition for same-sex couples: civil unions.2010 Civil union law enacted, effective June 1, 2011. Allows same-sex and different-sex couples to enter into a civil union and receive "the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections and benefits as are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses." Please join our Illinois Civil Union Tracker.1996 Anti-marriage bill adopted. Prohibits marriages "between two individuals of the same sex" and declares such lawful marriages to be "against public policy." See Illinois Compiled Statues, Chapter 750 §§ 5/201, 5/212 and 5/213.1.Statewide Employment ProtectionsyesPrivate employment protections based on sexual orientation.yesPrivate employment protections based on gender identity.yesPublic (state) employment protections based on sexual orientation.-Public (state) employment protections based on gender identity.See 775 ILCS 5/1-103 and 775 ILCS 5/1-102.2005 Sexual orientation and gender identity were added to the Illinois Human Rights Act. Senate Bill 3186, an amendment to existing law, signed by Governor Rod Blagojevich on 1/21/05Statewide Parenting LawsWho May Adopt Any person. 750 ILCS 50/2Second Parent Adoptions Approved in Petition of K.M. 653 N.E.2d 888 (Ill. App. 1995); reaffirmed in In re C.M.A., 715 N.E.2d 674 ( Ill. App. 1999)Notes Permits individual, joint and second parent adoption.

Greg Harris said that this legislation is merely the path to marriage between homosexual couples. Marriage between two men or two women is a problem for Catholics. Marriage is for procreation - breeders having kids. Breeders enjoying the procreative act outside of marriage are required to hit the confessional box and ask forgiveness for committing adultery.Adultery is having sex outside of marriage - one-tie all tie - homesexual, breeder, onanist ( the legendary Solitary Man that Neil Diamond celebrated in his 1966 song of the same name). At least that is what I hear and comprehend.

I am sure that Gov. Pat Quinn comprehends - Cosgrove's Personal PAC of Planned Parenthood gave him $ 500,000 to be governor of Illinois and Greg Harris did not obstruct Quinn's Budget. What did the Catholic Church give Pat Quinn - a pass. . . until now.

What do you hear?

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Real Priest Tunes Up Planned Parenthood's Gov. Patsy Quinn

Illinois Governor (for now) Pat Quinn turned the keys over to Boss Terry Cosgrove. Boss Terry Cosgrove is the President of Personal PAC of Planned Parenthood. He is not the labor governor, that he campaigned as, but the pawn of Planned Parenthood and the Progressive Machine of Illinois - Cadillac Commie lawyers making millions in Pan-wrongful lawsuits ( Torture, brutality, racism and just being mean), Gay Rainbows, Public Salary PACS, Green Rangers, Dr. Quentin Young and Abner Mikva.

Pat Quinn immediately found cover when he was challenged by the Catholic Bishops of Illinois and sanctimoniously whined that he is a Christian and allowed Boss Cosgrove to control the narrative for him - The Bishops were anti-rape victim. Really? The news media said so, when Boss Cosgrove made the phone calls and terrifying Twitters.

Now, the Catholic Bishops want a sit down with Governor Christian. Let's see, $ 500,000 from Personal PAC and Boss Cosgrove's good will, or living up to the Baptism. Confirmation, and all that other hocus pocus, from the Abusers of Children . . .now, which way do you think Quinn will flop? Quinn flipped on all of the skilled trades unions, doing the Christian budget of Illinois.

The Bishops should do something better with their time - devising strategies on how not to allow the in-the-tank media to play them for saps again.

Instead, have a real priest visit Governor Christian. I suggest Father Tony Brankin of St. Odilo's Shrine of Lost Souls in Berwyn.

Father Brankin is a real priest and there are damn few of them.

Click my post title, scroll down to page 2 and read in full the parish bulletin from St. Odilo's and the musings of Father Tony Brankin with regard to the Quinn tap dances for abortion.

Quinn can't hide behind Planned Parenthood's skirts when there is real priest in the room.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dennis Byrne Reveals - Personal PAC Commands the Good Ship Quinn

doublewide at 3:26 AM November 15, 2011
Byrne this boat has sailed long ago give it up!
from Chicago Tribune Comments

Dennis Byrne is a Chicago Newsman. Ballyhooed by the Progressives who are so glad that they are no longer around, Chicago Newsmen reported and presented an independent voice free of political tentacles. Chicago Newsmen like Dennis Byrne, the late, great Ray Coffey, Mike Royko, Steve Neal, Basil Talbott, John McHugh, Herman Kogan, S.E. Kiser Robert Herguth,and Nick Von Hoffman are praised but never emulated by the contemporary species of ink-slinger.

The narrative is controlled. The narrative is pre-determined and pre-set for type. . .or font.

Chicago's supine media, to quote the late Tom Roeser, is in-the-tank for Progressive everything. Nowhere is that more in evidence than with the editorial boards of the two extant Chicago Dailies and the iconic "Ain't They Great" columnists.

The narrative is controlled. The story line of reports are edited to fit the Procrustean Progressive racks and the Opinion if Progressive agenda driven.

Gainful Employment for Protected Species - Forrest Claypool, Terry Cosgrove, Sheila Simon, & etc.

Gay Marriage is a must

Police Torture, though there has not been one conviction in the three decades of journalistic partnership with G. Flint Taylor's Peoples Law Office, is doctrine.

Redistribution of Wealth via Ralphie Martire's Pie-Charts is legislation

Public Schools are a howling success and need more money -For the Children!

Systemic Racism determines everything and anything from breakfast to black-on-back crime

Sexual Predators avoid meat on Friday, say the Memorare and conduct May Crownings

Sexual Preference is a Civil Right

Marriage is for White People - the stupid ones.

Bullying is a wholly owned subsidiary of LGBT industries

Abortion is cosmetic choice

Human Life begins and ends with the State.

Former Governor Pat Quinn turned to Planned Parenthood's Illinois Personal PAC President Terry Cosgrove when the Illinois Catholic Bishops yelled at Quinn and hurt his feelings for participating in Personal PAC's Awards Dinner.

Terry Cosgrove deftly gamed the media and took hold of the story, for the Governor who could not find a Chinaman on 22nd Street. The Bishops it seems hurt the feelings of a person being awarded for her efforts to advance the Cause of Women killing babies.

Dennis Byrne revisited this Orwellian gambit today. The ever-ready Vox Abortus a coalition of Gay Rights and Abortion activists turned on the News Cycle hate - much longer than two minutes.

Byrne pointed out the secular issue:

Outfits like Personal PAC would prefer to fight this issue on purely secular grounds, insisting that people who have a moral compass butt out. So let's consider this controversy from a purely secular perspective.

In that light, Quinn provides a lesson in Illinois' pay-to-play politics. He owes Personal PAC large. The group gave more than $400,000 in cash and in-kind contributions to Quinn's campaign. It ran its own TV ad campaign at a critical time. Terry Cosgrove, head of Personal PAC, was appointed to a $46,960-a-year seat on the state's Human Rights Commission.

The bishops' criticism targets Quinn's betrayal of his faith. My criticism is that Personal PAC is not just your average political action committee. It represents the most extreme political views about questions of life, and it's every bit as extreme as it accuses the Catholic Church of being.

Personal PAC opposes common sense regulations that would allow parents to be notified if their child is set for an abortion. Not only do Americans strongly support such parental notification, but according to a Gallup poll that was updated Nov. 11, 71 percent favor laws requiring parental consent for juveniles, education about possible risks of an abortion (87 percent), a 24-hour waiting period (69 percent), a ban on partial-birth abortions in the last six months of pregnancy (64 percent) and that patients be shown a pre-abortion ultrasound. Answers are similar for both men and women. Pro-choicers of Personal PAC's stripe oppose every one of them, arguing they cramp the "right to choose."

Personal PAC's position can be summed up by its support of proposed state legislation called the Reproductive Health and Access Act. It would grant an absolute right for any elective abortion before viability . It also would grant the right to an abortion at any time during pregnancy when it's "necessary to protect the life or health of the pregnant woman."

Who's To Say - the Progressive Mantra - works everyday!

Pat Quinn got elected Governor by promising the moon and stars to members of the Skilled Trades and Industrial unions. Absent from Quinn-A-Rama's were the XXXL Purple T-Shirts of SEIU. Quinn was a working guy. Quinn delivered for the public service unions and Pipe-fitters, Carpenters, Electricians, Operating Engineers, Millwrights, Iron Workers, Teamsters, and Machinists are getting laid off by the cohort. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Cop Torture, and State Welfare are doing just fine thank you.

In fact, the compelling narrative has shifted from Quinn to Speaker Madigan for the next few weeks.

All the while, a real Chicago Newsman, Dennis Byrne stays on the story of Personal PAC's ( Terry Cosgrove et al) control of the Goodship Paddy Quinn.

Dennis Byrne

1998-Present: Freelance writer and consultant
• Writing under my own byline and ghostwriting.
• Appearing weekly as Chicago Tribune op-ed columnist (2000 to present) and regular contributor to, Human Events, PoliticalMavens and other publications
• Chicago Sun-Times freelance op-ed columnist appearing twice weekly (1998 to 2000).
• Commercial writing of many kinds for corporate, governmental and other clients.
• Consulting on public affairs matters and public relations.

1986-1998: Chicago Sun-Times
• Columnist: Appearing up to four times weekly in Commentary section; writing on public policy, political, economic, cultural and other topics of my choosing.
• Editorial Board Member: Responsible for setting newspaper’s editorial policy, writing editorials, endorsing political candidates and interviewing government office holders, corporate executives, civic and community leaders, and a multitude of others.

1984-1986: Director of Public Relations, Specialty Chemicals Division, AlliedSignal, Inc., Des Plaines, IL
• Responsible for public relations for this $1-billion regional headquarters of a Fortune 50 company. Helped move the company’s corporate image toward one of a high-tech enterprise.
• Oversaw public relations for its dozen operating divisions, from developers of petroleum processes to the commercialization of reverse osmosis water purifiers.
• Writing and public relations for the AlliedSignal Corporate Research Center, interpreting complex scientific and engineering developments for mainstream media.

1978-1984: Chicago Sun-Times
• Science and Technology Writer: 1981-1984
• Transportation Writer: 1978-1981
• Special Projects Writer, heading up political polling, computer analysis of public issues and other projects.

1970-1978: Chicago Daily News
• Assistant Financial Editor: 1975-1976
• Urban Affairs Reporter: 1971-1974; 1976-1978
• General Assignment Reporter: 1970-1971

1967-1970: United States Navy
• Assistant Supply Officer, U.S. Naval Air Reserve Station, Olathe, Kansas: 1969-1970.
• Disbursing Officer and Assistant Supply Officer, USS Jonas Ingram (DD-938), homeported in Mayport, Florida: 1967-1969.
• Student, U.S. Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Georgia, 1997.
• Officer Candidate, Navy Officer Candidate School, Newport, Rhode Island, 1997.

1965-1966: Chicago Daily News
• General Assignment Reporter

1962: DePere Journal-Democrat, De Pere, Wisconsin
• Summer Editorial Intern

• Post Graduate Russell Sage Fellow in Social Science Writing, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1964-1965
• M.S. Urban Affairs, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1963-1964
• B.A. Journalism, Marquette University, 1959-1963

• Nominated for Pulitzer Prize by the Chicago Sun-Times for column writing, 1998.
• Nominated for Pulitzer Prize by the Chicago Sun-Times for investigative series on police underreporting of rape cases, 1982.
• Nominated for Pulitzer Prize by Chicago Daily News, for investigative series on shoddy home construction, 1973
• Peter Lisagor Award, presented by the Chicago Headline Club, for editorial writing, 1991, 1993.
• UPI, third Place Award for Spot News reporting in Illinois, for mass transit funding crisis, 1981.
• Chicago Newspaper Guild Stick-O-Type Award for editorial writing, 1988.
• Chicago Newspaper Guild Stick-O-Type Ward for analytical reporting on the crash of American Airlines DC-10 in Chicago, 1979.