"The actions being taken against McDonough grew out of a random audit of McDonough last year in which officials examined a wide range of state engineering contracts the firm won between 2000 and 2009."
Some one in Governor Pat Quinn's Illinois Government decided to randomly examine McDonough Construction.
I wouldn't know James McDonough ,if he walked on me.
I have heard about the generous gifts showered on hospitals, universities, charities and especially St, Xavier University and St. Ignatius.
Mr. McDonough is one of the successful people that Directors of Development want to address as "Jim" after months of cultivation, golf, lunch and moist kisses to the McDonough rump and pry open the family wallet.
I do that, but I do not golf, tend to eat with gusto sans conversation until perspiring and then tend to pick my aging teeth and pucker-up only to secretaries, as they are the genuine engines of power in all matters of corporate citizenship. The less time a Seven Figure and Change Prospect spends face-to-face with Patrick Francis, the more that person is inclined to write a husky check for benefit of Leo High School. Make the case, present the documentation and make yourself scarce are the three legs of Hickey's Development Tripod.
Common sense also dictates - never rub another man's rhubarb - Don't Poach Prospects Not Your Own.
James McDonough has never heard his executive secretary say, " A Pat Hickey from Leo High School keeps calling and sending drawings by him of happy students at Leo who would have bigger smiles, if you send lots of money. Do you want to talk with him? Jim O'Connor* said he is harmless. Okay, I'll tell him to . . . what is it he should do with himself?"
Mark Brown wrote a very balanced assessment of the ritual throat-cutting, in my estimation, of James McDonough in today's Sun Times. Mark Brown's commentary follows the fine investigative report by Chris Fusco and Tina Sfondeles that detailed to State of Illinois cast breadcrumbs leading to James McDonough. The Master-key word in this report is "random."
If allowed to stand, the cascading effect of the contract bans threatens the very existence of the firm, which is expected to go to court to challenge the state’s ruling.
Now, you may have noticed from time to time that newspapers will hype a story just a bit to get your attention.
Well, this is the flip side of that coin: a story so significant we can hardly put it in proper perspective in the space allotted.
McDonough and his company have been a major part of the fabric of this city and its politics for more than four decades since he left a post as Streets and Sanitation commissioner under Mayor Richard J. Daley to enter the engineering world in 1974. . . . In short, McDonough is a major player to be wiped off the board so suddenly, not that there won’t be any number of engineering firms vying to replace his company.Mark Brown Chicago Sun Times ( emphasis my own)
Mark Brown's nose smells blood in this random throat-cutting of McDonough. I have seen this movie many times before - follow the bones to Dawn Clark Netsch. Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Toni Preckwinkle. Jan Shakowsky, or Pat Quinn and you will be able to construct the dinosaurs tossed in the tar-pits.
Nothing is random - especially any full blown departmental forensic audit of a random cash cow.
n.b. -
John Carroll University Receives
$1 Million Gift from Chicago Couple

John Carroll University alumnus Jim McDonough and his wife, Jacque, have made a $1 million gift to John Carroll University to be used for The President’s Opportunity Fund.
The President’s Opportunity Fund was created in 2006 and is intended to enable JCU President Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., to strategically allocate resources to academic programs, service projects, and capital improvements.
Father Niehoff praised the Chicago, Illinois, couple for their support, stating, “We are very thankful for their generous investment in our future. Jim and Jacque epitomize our mission of developing individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve in their own communities and around the world.”
“We are delighted to make this gift to the University because of its commitment to educational excellence in the Jesuit Catholic tradition,” remarked Mr. McDonough, a 1955 John Carroll graduate. “John Carroll University was a formative experience in my own life, and Jacque and I are especially pleased that our daughter, Maureen, is a graduate of the University.”
Mr. and Mrs. McDonough are among John Carroll’s most loyal and generous benefactors and have long been enthusiastic supporters of the University. Mr. McDonough is president and chairman of McDonough Associates, Inc., a full-service engineering architectural consulting firm with a worldwide client base. In 1990, Mr. McDonough received the University’s Alumni Medal, the highest honor given by the JCU Alumni Association in recognition of an individual’s distinguished service to their profession, exemplary family and personal life, contributions to their community, and service to the University.
I mentioned only Mr. McDonough's philanthropic gifts, because like any person in Chicago with two nickels to rub together Clan McDonough is politically taxed by all and sundry.
Are there any random audits of Personal Pac associated gifters and captains of industry? Cable News? Print Media? Advocacy Industrialists?
Governor Pat Quinn does not exercise his sphincter without the say-so of Terry Cosgrove, e.g. No random eructations for sensible Pat, let alone bill support and signage, or the random forensic audit of traditional political ally of the Old Guard.
From the slightly cracked steps of my front poarch, it looks like Old Time and Dependable funding-sources to Old Guard Democrats are being purged by the Personal PAC, Abortion, Gay Marriage Progressives funded by people who do not give to schools, hospitals and charities linked to a Saint's name. Fred Eychaner comes to mind. I am sure that Pat Quinn and Dick Durbin have spilled more than a few fun-toddies and flat-breads heaped with caviar on Fred's carpets and couches.
Why? Power needs to be demonstrated. Nothing says power, like the very public execution of the powerful to signal the purges to come. Play nice with a Progressive if you must, but expect to be kicked to death with a random act of kindness and show of Good Government.
Read and follow -Mark Brown and the Sun Times investigative team on this purge and the death by of thousand cuts awaiting Mr. McDonough.
* Jim O'Connor - St. Ignatius graduate, philanthropist founding member of The Big Shoulders Fund and gentleman to the backbone. No doubt Jame McDonough is as good a man as Mr. O'Connor and I imagine the polar opposite of a Governor Pat Quinn.
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