Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can Obama Do For Northern Irish Peace What He Has Done for The Middle East? or Chicago?

 Barack Obama today received huge cheers in Northern Ireland as he asked a room full teenagers: 'What's the craic?' . . .  He said: ‘If towns remain divided - if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can't see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden - that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.'  He added: 'Peace is not just about politics. It is about attitudes, a sense of empathy and breaking down barriers in hearts.' ( emphasis my own) 

Catholic schools create division?

President Obama (44) had a very bad attitude toward President George W. Bush (43) whom he and his surrogates deemed a war-mongering lout.  President Obama succeeded President Bush and was handed the Nobel Peace Prize.  He immediately went on a 'change your attitude' tour of the Middle East, which was immediately followed by the Arab spring which begat Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood's Egypt and the unchallenged slaughter of Coptic Christians .  Obama's new UN Ambassador Samantha "Genocide" Power has yet to comment on their fate and you will find no comment of outrage from President Obama.

Belfast and Northern Ireland itself were shaped by attitudes - bad attitudes, apartheid attitudes, British Colonial attitudes.  Bullets, bombs. barbed wire, tanks and RPGs competed for attention from 1969-New Millennium, but it was politics, dirty politics Bill Clinton style that brought about the Good Friday Agreement. Gerry Adams and Ian Paisley played ball in same manner that Mayor Richie Daley played ball with the Hyde  Park Mafia in order to create President Obama and put Sinn Fein in Stormont so to speak.  President Obama is only wrong when his mouth is moving.

America developed a very carefully crafted shift in attitude toward the war in Iraq and with help from Senators Dick Durbin and John Kerry American warriors became Nazi Wolf's Head monsters.  Hollywood, Journolists  and General Electric crafted the Obama Peace Narrative which would draw down the Iraq Surge and Surge up Afghanistahn and Raid Pakistahn and snuff Bin Laden.

Afghanistan became the Obama Good War.  Obama Rolling Stoned the military leaders like McCrystal,

Petraeus and others who managed to violate PC rules like Captain of the USS Enterprise.  Iraq was emptied of troops and Afghanistan stuffed. President Bush was Commander in Chief between 2001 nd 2009. Check the casualty count surge.
U.S. fatalities by month in only Afghanistan according to iCasualties.org
Grand Total: 2,144
U.S. all fatalities in Afghanistan only
Source: [1]
Note: Table omits the deaths of 92 soldiers killed in support of operations in Afghanistan in other countries.

Killed in action only[edit]

U.S. KIA (hostile) in Afghanistan only by month according to iCasualties.org
Grand Total: 1,770
575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed.These numbers should give us pause. While the Administration has publicly conceded that there is no military solution in Afghanistan, and claimed that it supports 'Afghan-led reconciliation', its policy on the ground is marked by a refusal to establish a timetable for full military withdrawal even after misleading Americans into thinking that all US troops would be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.We must ask ourselves how many more lives will be sacrificed before the Obama administration sets a clear end date for America's longest war.

President Obama objects to Catholic schools and Protestant schools, but the victims and most especially the perpetrators of Chicago's soaring homicide rate tend to secularist Chicago Public Schools.

President Obama objects rhetorically to violence but asks God's Blessings on Planned Parenthood.

President Obama calls for harmony and has polarized America like no other American President -unprecedented.

President and Mrs. Obama  still own a home in Kenwood-WoodLawn-on-Hyde Park and not weekend goes by without an ironic note that a victim took some rounds, 'near Obama's home.'  There have been scores of victims to this ballistic magnetic field.   What attitudes Obamaesque could solve this very unBelfastian dilemma?  They are distressed that 'white Irish Catholics' hold all of the power of politics.

Now, what kind of an attitude is that?

What's the craic? The Obama Presidency.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day History Lesson from Old Herodatus - Who's Happy?

Happy Father's Day Dads!  I hope you are happy . . .well maybe Dads in Boston might be really . . .pleased, after power playing the Mighty Blackhawks in OT last night.  Pleased, not happy.

Who's happy?  Me.

Why?  I have three kids on the edge of all grow'd up ( 18-27), all gainfully employed, almost out of the house . . .almost.   I have a couple of nickels in savings and enough for the bills in checking.  I have a job that I love these past forty years and remain, I do not know how, in good health.

My kids asked the Hallmark question, " Dad. . . .serious;y; What  do you want for Father's Day?"

I rejoined, "What could you give that I do not already possess?"

They shuddered,  " He's off on his Mr. Hickey act."

"Beloved Fruit of my Loins, Silence and sit!  Long before cable TV, Smart phones and Apps, when Hawks tickets were stocking stuffers for the children of working men, I taught scores of children to read and write and so doing learn the common thread of the Humanities, Faith, and Service," I prologue'd. To continue, " One text I used with my students was Herodatus' Histories.

" That black book with the yellow pages you got in your Dad John in the basement?"

" That very text."

" You gonna talk normal?"

" Not a chance of it.  Book One of that ancient manuscript translated by Aubery de Selincourt, tells of the great king Croesus of the island power of Sardis, Croesus ( like CREESUS in his panst) was said to be the richest king alive.  We, or some of us, say one is as rich as Croesus.  A wise man by the name of Solon of Athens, not yet a great world power, visited Croesus and wowed the crowd royal with his stories and insights.  Croesus asked the much travelled gent, who would be the happiest man alive .  Here is the passage from Herodatus -

 So Solon, . . . .came to Croesus at Sardis.
 Having there arrived he was entertained as a guest by Croesus in the king's palace; and afterwards, on the third or fourth day, at the bidding of Croesus his servants led Solon round to see his treasuries; and they showed him all things, how great and magnificent they were: and after he had looked upon them all and examined them as he had occasion, Croesus asked him as follows: "Athenian guest, much report of thee has come to us, both in regard to thy wisdom and thy wanderings, how that in thy search for wisdom thou hast traversed many lands to see them; now therefore a desire has come upon me to ask thee whether thou hast seen any whom thou deemest to be of all men the most happy."
 This he asked supposing that he himself was the happiest of men; but Solon, using no flattery but the truth only, said: "Yes, O king, Tellos the Athenian." And Croesus, marvelling at that which he said, asked him earnestly: "In what respect dost thou judge Tellos to be the most happy?"
 And he said: "Tellos, in the first place, living while his native State was prosperous, had sons fair and good and saw from all of them children begotten and living to grow up; and secondly he had what with us is accounted wealth, and after his life a most glorious end: for when a battle was fought by the Athenians at Eleusis against the neighbouring people, he brought up supports and routed the foe and there died by a most fair death; and the Athenians buried him publicly where he fell, and honoured him greatly."
"My son, what did Herodatus say to you?"

"Nothing, Wasn't that talks between Croesus and Solon?"

" Yes, as recorded and presented by Herodatus.  Now, what does History, from the Father of History, say to you?"

" A bunch of random stuff that happened."

" Indeed."

"How about that? Now, ask me again, what I could possibly ask for  more that I do not already possess?"

The trio of babes smiled , " We got you a gift certificate from B Dubs."

I could not be more pleased.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

John Dunn - President of Western Michigan University - 'He's One of Us!'

“If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society...  John Henry Cardinal Newman, The Idea of a University

College leaders in America are too often anything but leaders.  They seem to be more interested in sucking up to the political and cultural demands of grant making foundations than they are in the students they should serve.

Parents ask, "How in the world will my daughter compete in this world armed with a bachelor of arts degree in Comic Books ( graphic novels) and a minor in gender and identity?"

Woefully, folks.

It is not just the coastal elite universities and colleges that happen to be dominated by stiffs and frauds with advanced degrees.  Inland Seas States are not immune, Minnesota first represented in the US Senate by James J. Shields and home to scions of thick-pawed Swedes and Norwegians offered the follwing from its moss -backed faculty lounges
ST. PAUL, Minn. – There’s a major controversy within the state of Minnesota over how K-12 students are taught U.S. history.
Minnesota’s top education officials are proposing new social studies standards that would no longer require students to learn about Martin Luther King, Jr., the War on Terror, the Soviet Union or the importance of patriotism.
Instead, students would be required to learn about America’s “institutional racism,” “the rise of big business,” and the problems posed by an “unregulated capitalist economy.”
In other words, some want to change the curriculum so history instructors teach children that the United States is a bad country with an evil past.
 Tum delirum esse in Arcadia !  as Publius Virgilius Maro might shout; he's dead white guy. Yes, Brethren and Sistren, stupid is right down the block.  Tread carefully the path to high learning.

My daughter chose Western Michigan University.  Thanks be to God.  All I knew of this school was the fact that Danny O'Brien pitched for the Broncos before playing a few semesters in the pros. Here on the south side of Chicago our kids tend to choose colleges as extensions of the parish grammar school/Catholic high school matriculation.  Go to St. Cajetans (Pre-8), jump to Mother McAuley, or Mount Carmel and then head to the economically sound Eastern Illinois, Western Illinois or Illinois State Universities.  South siders pal-up for life.

My daughter Clare decided upon WMU in her sophomore year despite my cries of " It's Out of State!!!!!!"   I KNOW Dad.

WMU was Clare's first choice and acceptance.  There were others but they went immediately into the basket containing the ads from Miller Appliances/Time-Share opportunities and Obama 2012 solicitations. I am a Bronco Dad!

The Orientation was this week.  This was not my first rodeo.  Eldest child Nora went Western University and Conor went to La Lumiere. Both kids are gainfully employed members of the AMERICAN WORKFORCE. I am blessed.

College and boarding school orientations are as fun as a good gum scraping.  Organized group session, break-out sessions, and group chats raise the many hackles of my simian back.  I am a veteran high school teacher and coach.  High school teacher/coaches are about as well behave in group settings as cops and fireman at beer buffet prepared hosted by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Supt. McCarthy. I am an especially bad member of any audience to any presentation not about  sexist or ethnic humor.

The Orientation for in-coming freshmen and parents at WMU was all that and more.  Cross campus walks, PNC banking side-shows, REALLY peppy Bronco WOOOOOO Shouters and more handouts than Jehovah's Witness ladies at the Dunkin Donuts on Wednesdays.

Amid the much expected and necessary organized fun and group Novocaining, emerged President John Dunn, leader WMU since 2007.  Western Michigan University is ranked in top 100 American universities by US News & World Report and Princeton Review. WMU has been so listed for last 22 years; however, President Dunn appears to have captured the soul of school.

President Dunn crashed the student presentation given to parents and incomers on Wednesday afternoon, as the Board of Directors meeting took a short break.  Mr. Dunn is a lively and witty guy without a hint of pretense.   He addressed the families like neighbor who has popped onto the driveway with Mayflower van still blocking the public sidewalk.  "Need any help?  Welcome to town!"

Upon August arrival, Dunn admonished the Young Broncos to not only introduce themselves to, but get to know the most important people necessary to their college lives  - the maintenance crews, the food service people, the bus drivers, the health care nurses, the security personnel, the landscapers and construction crews.  President Dunn explained that everyone on this campus was there to help them and that it was incumbent upon students to get to know those folks,  That, he told the kids, was how to become educated.  Respect for each person's work and life is Dunn's dictum.

I was wowed.  The campus is immaculate and happy people work hard everywhere one turns.  No class war-fare.  Respect.

President John Dunn asked the parents to keep in touch. I asked some the students working off tuition about their President and heard nothing but genuine praise and admiration.  " He's here all the time -literally and always ready to ask about our day."

I read this about President John Dunn's early days on campus,
" On Monday, WMU acknowledged its eighth chapter, formally installing John M. Dunn president, in an inaguration ceremony that heaped accolades on a new campus chief who has quickly become regarded as a tireless worker and approachable leader since his hiring last summer.
"You can feel in the pulse of this university, even in nine months here, that this campus's heart and soul has been reinvigorated by your leadership," WMU senior Chris Praedel described to Dunn and an audience of hundreds attending the ceremony at Miller Auditorium.
He's "one of us" said faculty union head, Paul T. Wilson.

You got that right Mr. Wilson.  He is one of us.  That is the Idea of a University.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Understanding President # 44 - "The White Sox Kid" Sums Him Up.

President Obama is finally being understood by Blue and Red America - there is a vast whiteness, a void, the great empty that is sum total of an entirely imagined man with a Presidential pension and Nobel Prize.

He is the same man that he was in 2009 when he talked about himself as the nation's Chief Sox Fan:

The names Minnie Minosa, Luis Aparicio, Nellie Fox, Billy Pierce, Joe Crede, Frank Thomas, Bo Jackson, Dick Allen could not ring that Pavlovian Presidential Bell.   Obama got a pass on that, because most Americans were too busy listening to Letterman make rape jokes about Sarah Palin's kids.

How should we not be surprised that Man in the Hart Schaffner & Marx rig-outs could answer any question about where he was on September 11, 2012, who wrote the Libyan talking points, where did the IRS get the knackers to open the books on Americans, how many bullets does DHS buy each day, which guns go to Mexican drug cartels, Samantha Powers, how many hours is it from Italy to Benghazi, or what is religious freedom?

I trust government only so much as I trust the people elected to govern.   

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Snowden's Sponsor - Treason Training with Glenn

Glenn Greenwald, a reporter of Britain's The Guardian newspaper, speaks to The Associated Press in Hong Kong Tuesday, June 11, 2013. Greenwald, the journalist who interviewed Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old contractor who allowed himself to be revealed as the source of disclosures about the U.S. government's secret surveillance programs, said he had been in touch with Snowden, but declined to say whether he was still in Hong Kong and said he didn’t know what his future plans were. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

Americans love reporters and detest Journalists in same way that they love and admire teachers and detest "Educators."

There's huge difference reporters go out and get the story and journalists go out create a compelling narrative. Journalism schools have all but killed reporting.  Glenn Greenwald is a lawyer and a journalist who creates the news.  He is the later-day Wizard of Bradley Manning USA, due to the fact that Manning was a property of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.  After the pale prince of whistle blowers was put up in an English manor, all Glenn could do was paper the web with  paeans to Manning;s treason and be the fluorescent light for whistle blowing truths.

Greenwald seems to have gotten his hooks into the GED master spy sometime ago.   I believe we will see Glenn Greenwald to be goad to Snowden's treason in the next few weeks. I do not believe that NSA techno-geek Snowden reached out to Glenn Greenwald, rather Greenwald poached Snowden from a colleague. That's hip.

Treason is extreme and extreme is what being a hipster is all about - obscure, dark, contrarian, androgynous, and well-compensated.  Glenn Greenwald is all of that and change.

Glenn Greenwald wants to be the Hipster Treason Master.  I'll give that to him, for now.

Monday, June 10, 2013

" What's a Whistleblower, Daddy?" Why a Traitor with a Good Press Agent. Now, Here's a Dime - Be Somebody!

22 Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was approaching, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people. Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented, and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present. . . While he was still speaking a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He approached Jesus to kiss him, 48 but Jesus asked him,“Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” . . .Luke 22; 1-48
Judas, Benedict Arnold,  Aaron Burr, Tokyo Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Rosenberg . . .not alot of coins struck in their memory - not even dimes  Here in Illinois, we know about whistle blowers; they are generally Federally flipped opportunists, or the preemptive dime droppers one step ahead of the handcuffs who help the BGA, or local media icons get sensational headlines.

Here in Chicago, one "dimes out" someone,some people in order to benefit financially, or to exact retribution for real or perceived harms and slights, in order to Blow the Whistle on one's enemies.  A whistle blower is a rat, a stool pigeon, a 'disgruntled ( passed over for theft, truancy, or incompetence) public employee.'

The term was an updated version of the practice of 'dropping a nickel' -making a phone call - in order to betray, put on-the-spot, inform and exact annihilation upon a person or persons who have hurt that "the dimer's" feelings.

They are louses.  They are feral creatures who benefit at the public trough, or lard up on larceny until opportunity affords them a sanitary off-ramp from harm.

These days traitors and whistle blowers benefit from the decades long campaigns to dumb down Americans by creeps serving bad agendas.  The Rosenbergs were traitors but Hollywood and the Ivory Tower attempted to treat them as victims, until the Soviet Union collapsed and the Reds published their 'classified materials.'  Tokyo Rose's last years were padded with velvet thanks to President Ford's political need to get out from under the Nixon pardon.

Today, the pasty ectomorph wearing an Army Uniform and beret is hailed as the new Cindy Sheehan

and now we have another whistle blower hailed his equal -

Progressive's love this stuff. Anything that make the compelling narrative a huge cudgel for the exclusive use of our enemies foreign and domestic.

Holed up in a hotel room in Hong Kong, Edward Snowden, 29, said he had thought long and hard before publicizing details of an NSA program code-named PRISM, saying he had done so because he felt the United States was building an unaccountable and secret espionage machine that spied on every American. Chicago Tribune
 So Snowden spilled his guts for his country.    I remember teaching Joseph Heller's Catch 22 about how a WWII Snowden spilling his guts for his country -
But Snowden kept shaking his head and pointed at last, with just the barest movement of his chin, down to his armpit. Yossarian bent forward to peer and saw a strangely colored stain seeping through the coverall just above the armhole of Snowden’s flak suit. Yossarian felt his heart stop, then pound so violently he found it difficult to breathe. Snowden was wounded inside his flak suit. Yossarian ripped open the snaps of Snowden’s flak suit and heard himself scream wildly as Snowden’s insides slithered down to the floor in a soggy pile and just kept dripping out. A chunk of flak more than three inches big had shot into his other side just underneath the arm and blasted all the way through, drawing whole mottled quarts of Snowden along with it through the gigantic hole in his ribs it made as it blasted out. Yossarian screamed a second time and squeezed both hands over his eyes. His teeth were chattering in horror. He forced himself to look again. Here was God’s plenty, all right, he thought bitterly as he stared — liver, lungs, kidneys, ribs, stomach and bits of the stewed tomatoes Snowden had eaten that day for lunch. Yossarian hated stewed tomatoes and turned away dizzily and began to vomit, clutching his burning throat. The tail gunner woke up while Yossarian was vomiting, saw him, and fainted again.
Not the same.

Our pasty ectormorph du jour is fixing to harbor-out in Red China. Good place for him.

A whistle blower is a traitor with a good Press Agent, a website, Commie lawyers, and the soul of a pig or a Progressive.

Trying to ask the difference between a whistle blower and traitor is like asking a set of chopsticks - "Which is the fork?"

Friday, June 07, 2013

Ah, Sure and It's Only a Wee Gun

A 14-year-old boy is accused of dropping a gun in the middle of North Michigan Avenue in the Gold Coast yesterday afternoon, causing a disturbance, police said today. . . .
His mother, who was reached by telephone Thursday evening, said authorities were “wrong” for having cited him and implied they were not going to listen to her son’s side of the story anyway.
“My son’s side of the story doesn’t count,’’ she said. “They’re going to make it whatever they want.’’
After being asked if her son had a gun, she said: “I’m not at liberty to say, you’ll have to discuss that with his lawyer,’’ and hung up on a reporter.

Went something like this, you think?

Talk a laugh! And sure the wee man thought concealed carry had passed. All the other kids got one . . .at least.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Eye Yam Sleepy Lemon Rivers!

Some might say that I am just a mean Old Prique, but I likes my feet wet.

Whoa yeah, oh yeah
Everythin' gonna be alright this mornin'
Oh yeah

Now when I was a young boy, at the age of 5
My mother said I was gonna be the greatest man alive
But now I'm a man, I passed 21
I want you to believe me honey I had lots of fun

I'm a man
Spell M-A child -N
That represents man
No B-O child -Y
That mean mannish boy ...............


According to this wonderful Blues Calculator, I am become the The Blues Artist -Sleepy Lemon Rivers AKA Clyde Wood, my Porn Star Name: Patrick Francis Hickey

The rest we know . . . .

I'm a man
I'm a full grown man
I'm a man
I'm a natural born lovers man
I'm a man child
I'm a rollin' stone
I'm a man child
I'm a hoochie coochie man

Sittin' on the outside, just me and my mate
You know I'm made to move you honey
Come up 2 hours late
[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/mannish-boy-lyrics-muddy-waters.html ]
Was that a man?

I spell M-A- child -N
That represents man
No B-O- child -Y
That mean mannish boy

A man
I'm a full grown man
I'm a man
I'm a natural born lovers man
I'm a man
I'm a rollin' stone
I'm a man child
I'm a hoochie coochie man

I'm a natural born lovers man
I'm a rollin' stone
I'm a natural born lover
I'm a hoochie coochie man
Well, well

Oh yeah, hey
I'm a natural born lovers man
I'm a natural born lover


Irish American U.N.Ambassadors - Daniel Patrick Moynihan 1975 and Coming Soon - Samantha Power

 “Am I embarrassed to speak for a less than perfect democracy? Not one bit. Find me a better one. Do I suppose there are societies which are free of sin? No, I don't. Do I think ours is, on balance, incomparably the most hopeful set of human relations the world has? Yes, I do.” 

― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

 I got into journalism not to be a journalist but to try to change American foreign policy. I'm a corny person. I was a dreamer predating my journalistic life, so I got into journalism as a means to try to change the world.

SAMANTHA POWER, Salon.com interview, Feb. 18, 2008

President Obama just doubled-down on folly.  He took Susan Rice out of the reach of Congressional scrutiny for any future transparency over the Benghazi massacres last September 11th with an appoint to White House National Security Chief and the nomination of Samantha Power to replace Rice as UN Ambassador for the United States.
President Obama does not break wind without the full and roaring approval of Valerie Jarrett, White House Ministress Without Portfolio Foreign and Domestic. Ms. Jarrett is a Chicago Slum Property Venture Capitalist and someone the newspaper purse-puppies say is really smart.  Personally, I don't think Ms. Jarrett could make change without a committee of Alumni from University of Chicago Lab School. 
That said, the President trotted out his choices: 
Swell.  Susan Rice will stay hidden but the OXfAM Anti Semite Ms. Power will buck and wing her way through the nomination process.
Ms. Power helped craft the Libyan mess and the subsequent Benghazi massacre.  Ms. Rice talked the talk.
Ms. Rice will do exactly what the Slum Dog Millionaire Jarrett tells her to do, but Ms. Power (Mrs. Cass Sunstein) could be Pandora in pumps for the Administration and world affairs, because she speaks her mind and heart.  Samantha Power is in it only top transform America from a world power and moral force into a pinata for Third World fascists who use the war on genocide in order to annihilate Israel and its allies. Ms. Power's war on genocide is the Wannsee Protocols for the Muslim Brotherhood - stop the killings only if it leads to the killing of Jews.
The Irish are strange creatures - loyal,spiritual,  generous, lyrical and compassionate; Informers, atheistic, petty, bigoted and selfish.  For every Kevin Barry there is a Gypo Nolan, for each Edmund Rice there is a Lord Haw-Haw, for a Daniel Patrick Moynihan, we now a have Samantha Power.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was the greatest Irishman of the last century, in my opinion, scholar, poet-bartender, patriot, statesman and the greatest orator of the times and the man could work a beer glass.  Most of all, Daniel Patrick Moynihan was Mick enough to able to waltz through a cow pasture on dark night without soiling his brogans.  He like most Paddys knew his meadow muffins from mayonaise.  He was America's Ambassodor to the UN and Israel's champion.
Here is Samantha Power -
Her book A Problem from Hell, will also be the title chosen by her biographer. 
I always thought that Barack Obama was most inadequate to be President.  A back-benching Illinois State Senator should have been the apex of his resume.   The nomination of this pedigree'd Turkey-bird*, Samantha Power, to a UN chair made sacred by Narrow Back Paddy Moynihan's rump is proof positive.

*Turkey-bird - endearing term for for Salt Water Irish, FBI ( Foreign Born Irish) - 'His Ol' man was born in Galway . . .a Turkey-bird,'
Narrow-Back - An empirical observation that Americans born of Irish Descent do not work as hard as their bog-trotting parents - ' See Thim Narrabacks in the Aran Jumpers this time a summer, Declan? Jaysus they're a shower, so.'

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Senator Marque Kirque and Rep. Bobby Rush Share a Rest at Ogden Park

Despite different views on how to battle murderous gang violence in Chicago, Kirk, a Republican who lives near Highland Park and Rep. Bobby Rush, a Democrat from Calumet near 35th in the city, agreed Tuesday to work together after meeting for about an hour in Kirk’s suite in the Hart Senate Office Building. . . .Rush said Kirk “and I have agreed to not only work together, he said he will visit Englewood and other communities there. I am looking forward to him listening to young people.” Lynn Sweet

Weeks from now, when Chicago's roiling heat brings feet to the window sills for urban AC, after a stroll through Bobby Rush's 1st Congressional District, I see the pair stretching out on the cool grass at Ogden Park, over by Racine, for much needed rest.

MK - "Bobby. . . ?"

BR - "Yes, Marque Honey . . .you're tired, now, rest up."

MK-" Thank you ever so much for this stroll through the 1st District.  I now really get the African American Experience."

BR - "MmmmmHmmm. Maybe you can have me up in Highland Park"

MK  - " Uh, I'd like to, but I think you'd be uncomfortable . . .people can be so . . .harsh.  Even really comfortable and smug people who watch WTTW. Uh, .........Bobby . . . ?"

BR -" MmmmHmm."

MK- "That lady at Lloyd's Lounge said, 'what I needed was a good bag of Listeners.  What's Listeners, Bobby?  An Audience?"

BR- " No Honey, they's fried pigs ears."

MK-" Gross!  Bobby?"

BR - "MmmmHmmm"

MK - " That lady said I should suck on some Bumpy Face. Is that like Ghetto Kissing?"

BR - "'S'matter You Boy?  Bumpy Face ! Seagrams Gin, Son."

MK - " Should I suck on some Bumpy Face?"

BR - " Lookee here, you can go suck on anything you want, but I AM out of here;  Can't get no kind of sleep with your cryin' -ass white boy Sheeeeeet!  Man up, son!"

MK - "Oh, keep your Old Ghetto!

BR - " No boy!  Take it with you!  They's a bus stop right on Racine."

MK - "  You're nothing but black Redneck!. . . . .Are there GD's ?"

BR - " Ask for the BDKs, . . .better yet, Ask How to get out of The Angawoods . . .that should help."

MK - " Well, I am going! "

BR - " Make sure you got change . . .White Boy! Ain't no MastahCard on the CTA!"

Monday, June 03, 2013

Gay Marriage - Angry, Hostile and Vindictive is the Only Way to Gay?

Illinois Pan-pest Andy "Smashing knockers" Thayer.  If it's goofy, Andy is out in front.

Only hours after failing to sweep-up enough votes to Redefine Marriage and Make 'Em Pay's (SB # 10), sponsor and architect of both Civil Unions and the failed Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act is being treated with all of the civility and graciousness visited upon Francis Cardinal George by the LGBTQ leadership and men of Boystown.
In more than a dozen speeches Saturday night, activists who fought for months to pass the bill, blamed Democratic politicians for the loss.
"We were working under circumstances where there was a lack of communication from the House," said Anthony Martinez, executive director of The Civil Rights Agenda, who described himself as "incredibly pissed."
Taking much of the heat were House Speaker Michael Madigan and Harris.
"The truth is there is no one to blame except for the person who didn't call a vote," said Lambda Legal's Jim Bennett, chair of the Illinois Unites for Marriage Coalition, of Harris.
Bennett said that accusations that lack of support in the House Black Caucus doomed the bill were unfair.
He further commented on a Windy City Times editorial by Publisher Tracy Baim, which called on Harris to step down as the bill's sponsor and not run for re-election if the bill fails in the November's veto session.
"It's a conversation we should all have," said Bennett, who called the lack of a vote a "profound betrayal." But Bennett said that calls for resignation might be premature, noting Harris's history within the community.
Bennett's comments came alongside a media release from Equality Illinois the same night, stating that the call for Harris to resign was wrong. [The editorial does not call for Harris to resign.] The release condemned his decision not to vote on the bill.
"But Representative Harris has been our stalwart leader in the General Assembly, masterfully leading the way for civil unions, funding for AIDS/HIV services, and other important initiatives impacting seniors, women and children," Equality Illinois said in the statement. "Probably no one in that body ached more than he did in announcing his decision."
Equality Illinois leaders did not attend Saturday night's rally.
Several speakers urged action from grassroots community members, noting that LGBTs had placed undue trust in leadership on the bill.
But despite outrage from many speakers, a solemn and disappointed mood marked the rainy evening protest. LGBT couples stood arm-in-arm together, some of them crying. Others quietly held up homemade signs.
Scores of gay activists - some say 50, but Windy City Times says over 100 - vented in Boystown against Rep. Greg Harris.

Fred Eychaner paid to get Greg Harris' looney bill passed and signed by Gov. Pat " Yes, Sire!" Quinn.  Catholics, evangelicals and African Americans strongly voiced opposition to the legislation that is using Civil Rights as its smoke screen, in order to exercise power over the people of Illinois and the religious faiths and institutions that object to re-defining marriage.  The politics of this demands that there be no such opposition - in thought word or deed - like voting.

Fred Eychaner's Windy City Times trotted out Tracy Baim's Stalinist denunciation of the leading gay activist in Springfield.

The biggest blame has to be placed on the chief sponsor of the marriage equality bill in the Illinois House, Rep. Greg Harris, an openly gay man. If you are out front for the credit when there is victory, you are also out front for the failure. The bill stops there.
Harris made promises he could not keep. In politics, that can be a reason to step down. Harris, who has dedicated his career to LGBT and AIDS issues, deserves the chance to prove his strategy right. If he wins, we all win, and that is all that matters. But if he does not succeed in passing this in the veto session this fall, he should not run for re-election in 2014. To be clear, this is not a call for Harris to resign, but he will have lost the trust of the people he made commitments to, and it is very difficult to lead once that trust is gone.
In addition, Harris should step down now as chief sponsor of this legislation. He has proven he is tone deaf to the wishes of both the grassroots and leadership of this community. They almost all called for a vote "no matter what." Instead, Harris chose to give cover to his political colleagues, rather than follow through on his own on-the-record promise to call for a vote by May 31.

Why did a vote matter now? Because for months, no hard count has been possible on who really was for or against this bill. This limbo caused confusion and depleted valuable resources lobbying dozens more representatives than necessary.
Harris said he has promises from certain reps they will vote for the bill this fall, but we have seen how political promises pan out.
What's not clear is if it would have failed if the legislators had been forced to be on record. Several legislators said they believe some of their colleagues would have changed to "yes"—and indeed in other cities and states this has been the case. With four openly gay and lesbian representatives in the Illinois House as their colleagues, they have a much greater understanding of this battle. ( emphases my own, HARRIS!)
Not Greg, Not Mr. Harris," not thanks . . .just try and get a reservation at Kit Kat, Harris. "

Anger, Hostility and Vindictiveness have been the theme and overall tone of the push for Gay Marriage - the issue, according to Gay Commissars, is not subject to debate.   What's next ?

More anger, hostility and vindictiveness.  Fred Eychaner will get more money from fro Henry Van Ameringen and other members of the American Gay Mafia.  There will be more Gay sit com idols trotted out wearing Paul Simon ties and Pat Quinn will talk about his bruised fists punching out homophobic cops at Stonewall.

Gay Pride Parade will be one angry, hostile and vindictive stroll.  Harris had best blow town.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Marriage Won a Close One in Illinois This Week.

illinois gay marriage house vote
Harris (left) is comforted by state Rep. Kelly Cassidy, a fellow Chicago Democrat, as he announces he would not call the marriage bill for a vote.Harris' speech was met with a standing ovation, as was another speech by state Rep. Deb Mell, who discussed her marriage to wife Christin Baker. Harris, Cassidy and Mell are three of four openly LGBT members of the Illinois House.

Do I want every person in Illinois to have a happy life?  Why, yes I do.  Do I expect every person in Illinois and points beyond to behave, thinks and aspire exactly as I do?  Good God, no.

I am relieved that I have the right to step out of bed once again on what some people call the 'the wrong side of history.'  I am relieved and very surprised that Greg Harris could not come up with any where near the votes to redefine marriage in Illinois and set the table for lawsuits against my Church and many, many other faiths.  With scads of money and every editorial board in his vest pocket, Illinois Rep. Greg Harris, the LGBT Robespierre of the Illinois Religious Liberty and Marraige Equality Bill (SB 10).  Greg Harris catalogs the power political muscle and money behind this bill which failed to get the votes and turns to Lincoln as hammer.  Rep. Deb Mell catalogs her personal trail of tears and her great marriage as soccer moms, cooks and partners.

Greg Harris helped lead this effort through the Illinois Senate on Valentine's Day and it looked as if the House would fall to the narrative about happiness, civil rights, Stonewall is Selma, Catholics are haters and 'the right side of history'  - "a claim deployed in political debate to delegitimate one’s opponents." Custer told the Sioux that they were 'on the wrong side of history' at the Washita River in 1868.  The Sioux told Custer the same at the Little Big Horn River in 1876 with real gusto. This conversation continued until Wounded Knee in 1890.   History does not have a side, it has only sidelines packed with advocates who dress up in lab coats, take polls and random samplings of like-minded folks and pretend that science proves truth.

Political science is actually a form alchemy - scholars seeking to turn lead into gold or sex into love.  Sex, as I understand it, is a wonderfully pleasant after-effect of the inclination to perpetuate the species.  Sex is no more love than nails and wood are carpentry - Sandra Fluke notwithstanding.

In the case of Gay Marriage the alchemy demands that LGBT be thought of as 'strange fruit'

While African Americans swung in the breeze, Jane Addams accepted a Nobel Prize.  A black legislator mentioned this insulting simile of Gay is Black on So Many Levels and was immediately and wildly ridiculed on the Illinois Progressive lobbyists blog.

Love and happiness very often work in tandem, but not always.  Some people who love very, very, very deeply can be the most unhappy of God's creatures.  Happiness is happiness is hard to get. Ask Anna Karenina, or Jennifer Anniston, or Anthony Weiner.

Marriage is between a male and female and they different for very good reasons.  A male and male can have sex until Bill Moyers makes sense, but they will not procreate.  A male and female who marry may very well have sex once and produce a child of either gender inclined toward same (homo) sex and remain a very happy and loving family.  A male and female may breed outside of marriage and populate the earth with unloved and neglected males and females. A male and a male may bond in a civil union and adopt a child and love one another, but that is not a marriage any more than an abortion is a health initiative.

I do not know how my Representative (Fran Hurley) would have voted, but I do know that my State Senator (Billy Cunningham) voted for this law.  I will continue to send notes reminding Rep. Hurley that I strongly object to this artificial, dodgy and dangerous legislation.  Cunningham does not care about my vote. I object to SB 10 in the strongest possible terms and I refuse to defined by those who push its passage.

Greg Harris will continue lead the LGBT revolution in Illinois - he's paid to do that.  Let's see what history will eventually be written - a law in Illinois that makes war on marriage and religion, or not.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Speaker Mike Madigan Tried, But Goofs Outnumber People in Springfield

The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
Marcus Aurelius 
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/revenge.html#4IuCJtreUYlgdj4B.99 

Mike Madigan had the best plan to save Illinois from fiscal doom with Senate Bill 1.  It was defeated by the Illinois Senate. My State Senator Bill Cunnigham voted NO on this bill.  The Illinois Senate passed the Gay Marriage boondoggle.  My State Senator voted for Gay Marriage and the war on religious conviction.  Bill Cunningham is a goof.  The goofs outnumber serious people in Springfield.  Bill Cunningham again voted with the herd of goofs against his constituents. There are only  few hours left in this legislative session.

Gay Marriage is stalled by the House vote. My Rep. Fran Hurley has indicated that she will in fact for for Gay Marraige and the Illinois War on religious conviction.  It seems that Fran is a goof.  I always found Fran Hurley to be nice.  There are nice goofs. Goofs will do what others prod them to do - Like Billy Cunningham.

Speaker Madigan is anything but a goof.  He is the only adult in Springfield.

The Gay Marriage and Illinois War on Religious Conviction Bill is stalled in the Illinois House.

I wonder what Speaker Madigan* will do.

* From a Towering Goof- "If Mike Madigan doesn't get his house to pass this bill this session, we're going to lay it right at his doorstep," said Andy Thayer, Gay Liberation Network.