Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sarah Palin is a Happy Person and that makes Goofs Crazy - Governor, Stay Happy -Only Suckers Beef.

Sarah Palin must be the biggest threat to the corporate Progressive Machine, as the news cycle and the later-Goebbels on MSNBC, CNN and on the Big ( ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have worked this woman and her family over like they were characters out of Aeschylus*.

You are only as big as the enemies you have and Sarah Palin must be enormous.

Palin's Old Man, the kids, and even the grand kids are targeted by sad people like Letterman, Olbermann, Maddow, Schultz, Matthews, Schuster, Brown, and Maher -insignificant and self-absorbed people one and all.

These sad human beings, who make a great deal of money and have the attention of many not very bright people, detest Sarah Palin, not because she is Pro Life/Pro Gun/Pro Family/ Pro Free Enterprise, Republican, or pretty, or wildly popular. They detest Sarah Palin, because the woman is happy.

Not DL Hughley/Joy Behar/Kanye West/Alec Baldwin/Bill Maher or Katie Couric happy, but fulfilled, meaningful, centered and significant - happy.

When the Jesuit priest and poet Gerard Manley Hopkins was on his death-bed he told his mother that he was never happier.

The Irish are generally a pretty happy people - I remember going to the wake of Man from County Clare; I asked 'what did he die of?' His young widow replied, 'Nothing serious.'

Happy people make other people happy, by giving us direction. Only suckers beef.

That dictum came from a wise bartender who refused to hear the drunken bile coming from louts who 'vented' about what bitches their wives were, or how disappointing their kids turned out.

Governor Palin, stay happy.

Mortimer Adler's lesson on Happiness Eudaimonia,a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous, as opposed to giddy, silly, aimless and vacuous, tells us that:

These matters, of relevance to the theory of happiness, are discussed in the chapters on ETERNITY and IMMORTALITY; and in the chapter on SIN we find another religious dogma, that of original sin, which has an obvious bearing on earthly happiness as well as on eternal salvation. Fallen human nature, according to Christian teaching, is incompetent to achieve even the natural end of imperfect temporal happiness without God's help. Milton expounds this doctrine of indispensable grace in Paradise Lost, in words which God the Father addresses to His Son:
Man shall not quite be lost, but sav'd who will,
Yet not of will in him, but grace in me
Freely voutsaft; once more I will renew
His lapsed powers, though forfeit and enthralled
By sin to foul exorbitant desires;
Upheld by me, yet once more he shall stand
On even ground against his mortal foe,
By me upheld, that he may know how frail
His fall'n condition is, and to me owe
All his deliv'rance, and to none but me.

God's grace is needed for men to lead a good life on earth as well as for eternal blessedness. On earth, man's efforts to be virtuous require the reinforcement of supernatural gifts - faith, hope, and charity, and the infused moral virtues. The beatific vision in Heaven totally exceeds the natural powers of the soul and comes with the gift of added supernatural light. It seems, in short, that there is no purely natural happiness according to the strict tenets of Christian doctrine.

Aquinas employs the conception of eternal beatitude not only to measure the imperfection of earthly life, but also to insist that temporal happiness is happiness at all only to the extent that it is a remote participation of true and perfect happiness. It cannot be said of temporal happiness that it "excludes every evil and fulfills every desire. In this life every evil cannot be excluded - For this present life is subject to many unavoidable evils: to ignorance on the part of the intellect; to inordinate affection on the part of the appetite-; and to many penalties on the part of the body ... . Likewise," Aquinas continues, "neither can the desire for good be satiated in this life. For man naturally desires the good which he has to be abiding . Now the goods of the present life pass away since life itself passes away ... . Wherefore it is impossible to have true happiness in this life."

If perfect happiness consists in "the vision of the Divine Essence, which men cannot obtain in this life," then, according to Aquinas, only the earthly life which somehow partakes of God has a measure of happiness in it. Earthly happiness, imperfect because of its temporal and bodily conditions, consists in a life devoted to God - a kind of inchoate participation here and now of the beatific vision hereafter. On earth there can be only a beginning "in respect of that operation whereby man is united to God. ... In the present life, in as far as we fall short of the unity and continuity of that operation, so do we fall short of perfect happiness. Nevertheless it is a participation of happiness; and so much the greater, as the operation can be more continuous and more one. Consequently the active life which is busy with many things, has less of happiness than the contemplative life, which is busied with one thing, i.e., the contemplation of truth."

When the theologians consider the modes of life on earth in terms of the fundamental distinction between the secular and the religious, or the active and the contemplative, they seem to admit the possibility of imperfect happiness in either mode. In either, a devout Christian dedicates every act to the glory of God, and through such dedication embraces the divine in the passing moments of his earthly pilgrimage.

Sarah Palin, like most happy people, suffers outrageous set-backs, endures insults, personal tragedies, stumbles and falls, but remains happy because she is centered and other directed.

That drives sad, but very successful people, crazy.

The crazy is on 24/7 on cable television.

Click my post title for one of my favorite sites belonging to a very smart Obama supporter.

Quigley and Claypool - Southern Illinois University - Early Eighties - with a Sears Catalog

An imaginative fictive turn* of the lives of the Self-absorbed:

Roosevelt University student Mike Quigley visited Forrest Claypool of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale for the summer where both worked as fry cooks for Dave's 'Every Picture Tells a Story -Donut!'

Both chaps were engaged in the study of Government and how government can best separate the wallets from citizens. They learned well. Nevertheless, the ardent Progressive scholars busied their days at Dave's dropping dough - the flour, egg and soda variety.

Their evenings were spent in mutual salvos of political tactics and strategies, and in the wistful exercises of jejune male fantasies.

The Sears Catlog arrived at the trailer Claypool.

FC- "Mike did you see how beautiful these models are in the Sears Catalog?"

MQ - " I did, Forrest, and they are not all that expensive!"

FC- "It says, 'Immediate Delivery' - Let's Order, today!"

The winsome youths pooled their coppers and silver and Rushed a Money Order to Sears Roebuck & Company Headquartered in Mike's hometown of Chicago - at the newly opened Sears Tower.

Days passed and quality Donuts were scooped from the bubbling cauldron in Dave's 'Every Picture Tells A Story -Donut' and nights melted in dreamy expectation.

Mike Quigley worked the late shift and received a Call from his buddy landlord -"Packages Here!"

After work Mike stumped his way to the Rolling Cloud Trailer Park outside of Carbondale on the road to Cobden.

Moist with anticipation, the future Cook County Board Pit Bull and U.S. Congressman shouted to his equally ambitious and horny pal, " Are the Girls Here, Yet?"

The tall and stylishly attired Progressive Cub Scout replied, " No Mike, but they should be here soon! Their clothes arrived!"

. . .and Illinois was the better for these earnest youths!

* Many thanks to Max Weissmann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas! Also, click my post title for other ripping yarns.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ron Gidwitz for Governor and Paul Vallas, Lt. Governor - That's The Ticket!

Gidwitz/Vallas Ticket Equals GOP Victory for Governor!

Paul Vallas should avoid the Cook County President Race like a drunken blind date with a festering cold sore. The Cook County mess needs to be cleaned up by the boys and girls who created the mess – if that means the power suits who foisted Todd Stroger upon us, then so be it Dudes – back Todd again! Let Buzz Saw Tony Peraica gut whomever he needs to win the big chair that Todd Stroger dangles his feet high over the carpet in the County Board Hearing Room.

Paul Vallas was long gone and away from the world created by Forrest Claypool, Mike Quigley, Bobbie Steele, and Tony Peraica. Stay clear of this one, Paul. Get your feet wet as a campaigner. You could use a little seasoning on that dish, as you have been in appointed positions for years. Sadly, you lost your first campaign and the Stigma of Loser is wrongly tagged on you. Illinois was the real loser when Blagojevich squeaked out a Primary win. The too cute by half Democrats in the positions of Ward power, with exception of the Joyces and the Sheehans, posted with Blago. So noted.

Do not go top ticket. You are young. You have plenty of time. Ron Gidwitz will make a fine Governor and so will you in a few years.

Do not allow yourself to be used by the race baiting clowns. Leave that to goofs who use that like a calling card and toss out the word ‘Bosses’ every other noun.

Paul Vallas, come home. Come home to Illinois and work with Ron Gidwitz as Lieutenant Governor of Illinois. Talk about a dream team.

Both gentlemen would give the GOP a genuine opportunity to actually win the Governorship. Both gentlemen would provide Illinois tax-payers with career waste-cutters from the private and the public sectors.

Neither man is a back-slapping lout, like the two term former Governor of Illinois who sent his poor bride and mother of his children to Costa Rica to eat tarantulas and hang out with an unwashed Baldwin.

Neither man is a pay-to-play Alumnus.

Neither man is self-serving Machiavellian stooge for any interest.

Ron Gidwitz and Paul Vallas would not only be a dream team for the GOP but for Illinois. The trick will be getting the Illinois GOP interested in actually winning something.

Joel Kotkin's 'Gentry Liberalism' - Defined and Indentifiable Among the Yanks

Gentry -

In more modern American society, gentry is often used to refer loosely to the highly educated professional upper-middle class, this use of the terminology is inconsistent with the British use of the same term as the American use would include those without confirmed aristocratic roots (as is required under the British definition). This sense of the term is often pejoratively used in the term "gentrification", a term that could alternatively be called "bourgeois-ification". Attitudes stemming from the phenomenon of the historic American gentry help clarify the current use of the term in U.S. society, and it is still loosely applied to people from old-monied and landed families in the United States, though the term "gentry" is very rarely used in America for cultural and historical reasons.
- Read Yuppies, Trust-fund babies, like Billy Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Ted Kennedy, Friends of the Parks, Schakowsky Voters, most members of the Chicago Media, and people who never ever look at the balances in their checking accounts.

Gentry Liberals (Progressives) want Mass Transportation, because they rarely if ever need it; they want Public School Funding, because Catholic/Lutheran-Dutch,Baptist & Protestant/Jewish/Muslim schools are values based educations; they want SEIU/ACORN to do whatever the hell they please, because they promote whatever agenda the Gentry embrace.

America is involved in a Class War. Gentry ( anyone who plays ball with them) and the Helots.

I'm a Helot - a worker bee/blue collar value/pro-Real Labor/anti-abortion/Mom and Dad Marriage and Gays can have a happy life with each other/tax-paying American.

I go to the ATM, not to draw out cash, but to make sure that I have enough Buckos to cover bills and obligations. I used to have more nickels at the end of the pay cycle. Gas costs a lung; groceries a kidney; tuition . . . enough with the internal organs. My neighbors are getting laid off.

The Gentry are loud. They get attention. They are not cops, firefighters, nurses, school teachers, pipe fitters, electricians, accontants, clerks, plumbers, and carpenters. They sure as hell are not housewives - housewives do not lunch or join Friends of the Parks, or PETA, much less Planned Parenthood.

The Gentry join gyms, don't smoke, attend theatre, opera, the best restaurants, and the Progressive Political Grassroots - working stiffs go the above when they have two nickels to rub together. Helots do not hold Subscriptions to any of the above; they buy tickets. Helots are not subscribers; they do not have enough disposable income. The Gentry are Public Television and Radio.

Helots work, provide for their families, pay too many taxes and die.

Joel Kotkin has been writing about the American Gentry ( Liberal Progressive) for decades, but his recent Forbes article warning President Obama about America's swing to Socialism, while Europe is returning to grassroots capitalism, hit a nerve*.

Kotkin illustrates Gentry Liberalism:

You have to wonder what average Brits must make of the likes of Jonathon Porritt, the head of the government's Sustainable Development Commission--a member of the gentry in both attitude and lineage. The Eton-educated Porritt's recent pronouncements include such gems as a call to restrict the number of children per family to two to reduce Britain's population from 60 to 30 million. He also has scolded overweight people for causing climate change.

These do not seem like sure electoral winners. Today extreme green policies that were once merely odd or eccentric are becoming increasingly oppressive, leading to even more actions that disadvantage suburban lifestyles. Environmental activists' solution for the country's severe housing shortage--particularly in the London region--is to cram the working and middle classes into dense urban units resembling sardine cans and force even more suburbanites off the road.

Even so, large-scale house production over the past decade has lagged behind demand and, as a result, the tidy single-family home with a nice back garden so beloved by the British public may soon be attainable only by the highly affluent--and, ironically, that includes much of the gentry. What an odd posture for a party supposedly built around working-class aspirations.

"New Labour has brought in 'New Urbanism,' and the results are not pretty," suggests University of Westminster social historian Mark Clapson, as he showed me some particularly tiny, surprisingly expensive new houses outside of London

Familiar? Vote accordingly.

* Click my post title for many articles on Gentry Liberalism

Revolt Against 'Gentry Liberalism' ( Progressives) Hits Illinois - Gov. Quinn is Its First Victim

Last week it became evident that Europe had had enough of the Left. America always seems to be a few years, if not decades behind Europe - fashion, food and funding programs. 'Socialism seems so Cool so Let's Get Us Some!'

Our Later-day Trotskyites and Malraux Guevara's soak the Obama Administration with their earnest presence. They should earnestly stay away from government at any level, but they Grassrooted out Government Truffles.

Illinois has SEIU funding these pie-dish deep thinkers at Progress Illinois and have succeeded in co-opting the Illinois Media. Taxes Mean Big Hearts! Mean People Hate Taxes!

Americans, as I mentioned last week continue to be Rubes. Innocents Abroad.

Its the Economy, Rubes! The wallet's empty!

Government is not meant to be a Cash Pantry for every 'community based' program.

The middle class is running out of money and SEIU/ACORN and State and Federal government is crying for more.

Urban Studies expert, Joel Kotkin has warned of this trend toward giving the store away in the name of politics.

Great Britain's Labor Party under Gordon Brown is a mess. President Obama's Administration is only weeks away from a similar situation.

However, Illinois seems to have taken the lead in the revolt against what Joel Kotkin calls Gentry Liberalism, another name for the Progressives.

Gentry liberalism--which reached its height in Britain earlier this decade and is currently peaking in the U.S.--melded traditional left-of-center constituencies, such as organized labor and ethnic minorities, with an expanding class of upper-class professionals from field like media, finance and technology.
. . .But today, this broad coalition lies in ruins. An urban expert at the London School of Economics, Tony Travers, suggests that New Labour's biggest loss is due to the erosion of middle-class suburban support. The party also appears to be shedding significant parts of its historic working-class base, particularly those constituents who aren't members of the public employee unions.

Even some longstanding ethnic minorities, most notably the highly entrepreneurial South Asians, also show signs of drifting away from Labour. The only Labour supporters left, then, are the liberal gentry, the government apparatus and the most aggrieved minorities.
. . .The shift reveals the weakening hold of gentry liberalism. At its core, gentry liberalism depends on massive profits in key sectors--largely finance and real estate--to maintain its affluence while servicing both its environmentally friendly priorities and redistributing wealth to the long-term poor.

This has also allowed for a massive expansion of both the scope and size of government. . . . This kind of approach has gained some proponents among the Obama crowd. Recent administration pronouncements endorse such things as "coercing" Americans from their cars, fighting suburban "sprawl" and even imposing restrictions on how much they can drive. It makes you wonder what future they have in mind for our recently bailed-out auto companies.

It's possible that America's middle-income voters will eventually be turned off by such policies, as is the case in Britain. President Obama's remarkable genius for political theater may insulate him now, but it won't for eternity. Over time, some of the Democrats' hard-won, suburban middle-class support could erode.

Yep. Here in Illinois our Gentry Liberalism Governor Pat Quinn is crying for more:

Rookie Gov. Pat Quinn, who supported both failed tax plans, said he would call legislative leaders together Monday to work on putting together a better budget than one that is "hopelessly out of balance."

Quinn said he was "a little disappointed" in the legislature but undaunted. Asked why Illinoisans shouldn't consider this a new embarrassment for Democrats, Quinn said, "Give us a couple more days."

House Democrats were able to send Quinn a measure backed by the governor that would impose first-ever campaign donation limits on politicians. But the plan was blasted by a variety of self-styled reform advocates, including Quinn's own Reform Commission, as loophole-ridden and designed to ensure that those now in power stay in power. Lawmakers also sent Quinn a bill to eliminate their cost-of-living increases, abolish a controversial board that recommended salary raises and required themselves to take four furlough days.

The reform votes on the final day of the legislature's spring session capped a frenetic week dominated by a debate over whether Springfield had done enough to clean up state government in the wake of Blagojevich's arrest, ouster and indictment on charges he sold government favors for personal and political gain.

House Speaker Michael Madigan had repeatedly said that lawmakers must prove to taxpayers the government could do a better job before asking for more money. But while he declared victory on high-profile ethics plans, he found that Democrats in his tightly controlled chamber were not fully on board with any plan to raise income taxes amid a sagging economy.

Even without the income-tax and sales-tax increases, lawmakers have already approved a host of fee and tax hikes, including higher license plate and driver's license fees and a boost in taxes on liquor, candy, tea-infused drinks at retail, and beauty aids and medicated retail products. Those increases, coupled with legalized video gambling and a proposal to sell lottery tickets on the Internet, would fund a massive public works program.

Facing an estimated $12 billion two-year deficit, lawmakers scrambled to find ways to help fund government operations. With no major revenue sources in sight and amid Republican demands for cuts before higher taxes, House lawmakers approved a short-term spending plan that would fund government for about six months. The Senate was expected to follow suit late Sunday.

Just a day after Senate Democrats approved a 67 percent increase in personal income taxes that also broadened the sales tax to some services, House Democrats said they lacked the votes to send it to Quinn. At the same time, the House overwhelmingly rejected a smaller two-year, 50 percent income-tax increase.

The failure of Democrats to adjourn the legislature on time would be considered the latest political embarrassment for their one-party rule of Springfield after Blagojevich became the first governor impeached and removed from office in state history. His successor, Quinn, watched as tensions increased among House members under Madigan and senators under President John Cullerton.

Quinn attempted to reinsert himself as his tax-raising efforts he had pushed collapsed. He warned that his signature on a $29 billion public works program was predicated on lawmakers enacting a balanced full-year budget and that investors would not purchase the bonds needed to finance the plan while uncertainty reigned over the state's fiscal problems.

But it was Cullerton's assertion of his power in a legislature long dominated by Madigan that prompted the collision of House and Senate Democrats.

Cullerton's decision to advance an income-tax plan from the Senate marked his independence from Madigan, his longtime friend, at a time when some Senate Democrats grumbled that Cullerton was little more than a political appendage of the House speaker. It also solidified Cullerton's standing among African-American Senate Democrats who had pushed him to call an increase in higher taxes in the chamber and not wait for Madigan.

"I think it's time we step up," Cullerton said as his Senate Democrats approved the larger tax-increase late Saturday.

But Sunday, House Democrats said they didn't have the votes for the tax-increase plan advanced by Cullerton. Then they rejected a smaller temporary two-year plan to increase income taxes by 50 percent to raise more than $4 billion. It would have boosted the 3 percent personal income-tax rate to 4.5 percent and increased the corporate-tax rate from 4.8 percent to 7.2 percent.

"If we don't raise taxes, we are looking at very deep problems in the state's human services and education programs," Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago), Madigan's chief deputy, said in urging passage of the smaller tax increase.

Currie later led House passage of the makeshift budget bill. With all 118 House seats up for election next year, that would allow House Democrats fearful of casting a tax-increase vote before the election year to see if any opponents have filed against them.

With the need to fix the budget hole, Republicans in the House now have a seat at the bargaining table in the coming weeks and months.

"We don't want to run from the problem, but we are going to insist on fundamental change in the way state government operates budget-wise in the state of Illinois," said House Republican leader Tom Cross of Oswego.

The Revolt against Gentry Liberalism (Progressive) is on!,0,2960790.story

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Hickey's Gitmo Gutter Guests! -A Modest Proposal

After cleaning gutters, Gitmo Gutter Snipes, enjoy a hearty al fresco breakfast on the deck of the Hickey Facility in St, Cajetan's Parish of the Morgan Park neighborhood.
My tired old ass ( having cleaned the gutters) was treated to a boost from Chicago Attorney Tamara Holder.

This lovely, elegant and tough almost thirty-something Law Dog sent me a link to her column on the Guantanamo ( Gitmo) Terror Prison dilemma invented by President Obama who seems to have inherited every malady known to man from GW Bush.

The President, it seems to me, pandered to the Progressives and pulled the trigger way too soon on Gitmo. He is drawing dead on this issue.

Now, he is bringing an American-born terrorist home from Gitmo and can't find the lad a home. The lovely Ms. Holder writes,"President Obama has not resolved the issue of where these detainees will serve their sentences, if convicted, even though he promised to close Gitmo down by January 2010. But how can he close the doors on Gitmo before having new doors open? What a premature promise!"

Yep. Perhaps I can be of some service to my country. I'll take one or two.

I might even develop a business, whereby the terrorists can learn the glories of free market capitalism. Gitmo Gutter Snipes, Inc.!

Headquartered in my Morgan Park raised ranch, these Fruits of Islam can bunk in with Conor - he puts in a lot of hours at Di Cola's Fish Market on Western Ave. when he is not at Morraine Valley CC. His room is probably not as fresh-air sweet as what the boys from Cuba Non Libre might have been used to, but Conor might learn some valuable folding and put away techniques from the Gitmo Gents and become more Eco-Friendly.

As to the more Bad-ass Patriots worried that these enemies of America might be too comfortable here - Au contraire!

As any one of my three children will attest, 'Dad's a Psycho!'

I could have used Ahmed up on the damn roof. Mr. President, Send me a gitmo Guest, or two and they'd rue the day they ever went all street and drew down on Uncle Sam!

" Get up here! and turn that Goddam TV off! Now! Look, Ahmed, when I say I want the garage cleaned I don't want to hear about 'Celebrity Survivor' - yeah, she's the Guv's wife BFD! and all, but you ain't eating bugs with the Hickey's and you get to watch 'The Hills' with Nora and Clare -Now, get your ass back out there and sweep the damn garage floor. And Bub! Those cases of beer cans are counted,Bub! Two imports and three cheapos. Get busy, lunch is soon. You get Italian beef when it's ready; you want potato salad or cole slaw or both? You get Apple Valley juice - the Leinies are mine!"

Now, not only will the Gitmo Guest(s) on Rockwell get three hots and a cot, Ms. Holder reminded me of Prison Industry!

Our prison system is currently extremely overcrowded. Keep in mind, there are only 240 detainees; it's not like we are talking about thousands of beds here. But, these men will be housed in the maximum security facilities. It will cost taxpayers millions of dollars per year, per Gitmo convict, to house these men.

This issue of "WHERE" gives states a tremendous bargaining chip in this time of financial crisis. States that decide to house these men are in a position to receive an additional hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Overcrowding may become a secondary issue...give the states enough money and they'll surely find a way to put these dudes somewhere. Money talks!

Prison Industry Allows for Private Companies to Profit Too

Modern day slavery still occurs in the prisons. Corporations pay prisoners pennies on the dollar for work. Be on the lookout fo lobbyists supporting the states bringing the detainees to the state pen. They can make some cash off of them too.

I will provide a home and a living wage! Honest Injun!

Mr. President, toss me some Stimulus Shekels and you and me'll get a GITMO GUTTER SNIPES, INC. prospectus up and running.

Your foreign policy was determined by 'Dignity Promotion*!'

Gitmo Gutters? Nice sound to that Penal Venture Enterprise? Sean Keane of Keane Sweep, Inc. would probably be delighted to learn that my tires got slashed . . . by some unknown party with a gutter cleaning business in the neighborhood . . .in the event that Gitmo Gutter Snipes came to pass.

* "It's time to reject the counsel that says the American people would rather have someone who is strong and wrong than someone who is weak and right," Obama said in a January (200speech. "It's time to say that we are the party that is going to be strong and right."

Let's all give it up for that fine 'Dignity Promotion' Foreign Policy!

Cleaning the Gutters - Our Trees and the Things They Deposit

Two weeks ago a poor guy in my Morgan Park neighborhood, Willie Whitaker, had the media crawling up his back, because he removed trees on his property.

Willie Whitaker must have his reasons for cutting down the 100-year-old oaks on his property in the Morgan Park neighborhood, but so far he's not letting on.

And his neighbors are pissed.

"This is insane," Carla Winterbottom told the SouthtownStar. "It took 100 years for some of these trees to grow, and now they're gone in 10 minutes."

Winterbottom is the head of Keeping Beverly Green. Unfortunately, there is no Keeping Willie Whitaker Green branch.

"They're my trees. They didn't pay for the trees. My trees are going to be cut," Whitaker told a SouthtownStar reporter before refusing to comment further.

Even the work crew - which counted 175 rings on one stump - was perplexed; the trees were healthy.

Theodore Richardson, who has lived on Longwood Drive across from Whitaker's yard since 1974, said, "He's another Mr. T."

Citing allergies, Mr. T., the Rush Street bouncer-turned-actor, cut down about 100 oak trees from his seven-acre estate in 1987, angering his neighbors in Lake Forest, the SouthtownStar reported.

Mr. Whitaker owns the property.

Wells Fargo Mortgage and I own mine.

The parkway on 108th Street runs along my property on which three mighty Maples were planted decades ago. The Parkway on my property was planted with these Green Giants. The City no longer cares for these mighty gifts of Nature, that toss roots into my foundation and sewer pipes -clog gutters with whirly-bird seeds creating a Planter of the Gutters! - break up the sidewalks & etc. Only God Can Make a Tree! Unless the former City Dept. of Forestry (RIP) planted the woody SOBs back when Kelly was Mayor. I have three such gifts of Nature and long dead City Largess! Thanks So Mucking Fuch! ...

I do not have the steel of spine of Mr. Whitaker and I do enjoy the shade; thus, it falls to my lot - and on my LOT - that I must get in the gutter.

I have an extension ladder ( 24' Aluminum) however the rope that pulls the extension section fouled and broke immediately upon inspection. Therefore, I set the ladder on the deck over back-door ( locked and note attached that Dad is up on the roof in OSHA compliance) and wearing my True Value faux leather working man's gloves, set my gnarled and horny fingers to the rungs and pushed my stumpy haunches up onto the stairway to heaven.

Eight steps up, I carefully eased my blubber up over the gutters and onto the roof, jackknifed my knees in safe balance, pulled the sturdy black bags from my pocket and began the hour long removal of gutter-clutter -whirly-bird plants, grown in honor of the recent wettings by nature, empty Marlboro Lights packs tossed up in celebratory good humor by passing young Americans, Wiffle Balls and the odd dead bird.

This is Nature's bounty and reminders of the Great Chain of Being. The whirly-birds are the seedlings that God in His Wisdom returns to Earth with Hope of Rising. Had I not gotten my lazy ass up there and removed them, I would have the Greenest Roof in Morgan Park - Full Maples on my Roof!

The Wiffle Balls are the cheap toys that we buy little kids, when they are getting the balance that will one day lead them up onto roofs of their own. The Wiffle Balls got smacked and little Jimmy McKenna came home with only his over-sized red plastic bat to the question from the Old Man, recently laid off by the City, 'Hey, where's the ball, Kiddo? Those things don't grow on trees.'

To which the buzz cut red-headed six year old replies, 'Hickey's Roof, Dad.'

'Jesus, Bucko, that gizmo's up there for Good!'

Not so, Brother McKenna, not so. It is now on my kitchen floor and my black cat is chasing it, like Tim Novak* on a corruption story.

It is my property, after all.

Trees remind us that God is found in the details.

Tim Novak - Sun Times Investigative Newsman - the last of dying breed.,CST-NWS-mayor09.article

Monday, June 08, 2009

Jan, Nancy and Barney Announce - 'Schakowsky Stays Put!'

Boiled Beet Progressive Democrats of the House Hissed a Huge Huzzah as Jan Schakowsky, Nancy Pelosi and Barney Franks announced that the Evanston Elitist will stay safely snug!

Huge and Elegant Hat Tip to Steve Rhodes!

Clique my Post Title for the Real Dope!

Elias Crim - Historian and Humanist & Network Provider for International Capitalism!

"Another damned, thick, square, book! Always scribble, scribble, scribble! Eh! Mr. Gibbon?" (William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, upon receiving the second volume from the author, 1781)

Duke Billy is like too many of the powerful, smug, lazy and oafish. Gibbon wrote a work to stand beside, the Bible, Paradise Lost and Shakespeare's Canon. Historians and men of genius continue to be treated with such smug and stupid disdain.

Last night, I had the pleasure of reading a couple of offerings from The Armchair Historian. This wonderful twenty-four page History magazine is now out of print. I read Terry Sullivan's copies of the Armchair Historian last night and nearly cried myself to sleep knowing that I had missed this venture and with the personal spite and envy of a twisted maniac out of a Poe Tale. UBI SUNT? Where are they ( the volume of Armchair Historian )now?

We live in a cultural swamp that flourishes on freak-shows and foul-ups. People Magazine and Celebrity Survivor do well and Armchair Historian vanishes.

While Elias Crim's Armchair Historian lived, quality thinkers and writers got together.

Here was Civil War Historian Sheby Foote commenting on Ted Turner's movie Gettysburg, Navy Secretary John Lehman reviewing Conor Cruise O'Brien's seminal biography of Edmund Burke, and NY Governor Mario Cuomo offering historical perspective on Elias Crim's magazine. I was blown away - that such a necessary gem is no longer breathing and that the industrious and brilliant Elias Crim single-handedly brought together this arsenal of talent!

What was amazing about the Armchair Historian was the talent contributing to the work -Mario Cuomo and Shelby Foote to name two and that one man had the pluck and patience to rake them to his work. I wanted Crim's heart under my floor boards! Just kidding really, I love Elias and I also keep my Skittles and Sour Laffy-Taffies under the floor boards.

Elias Crim is a friend of mine. Mr. Crim has established a Network for American and International Capitalists ( CEOs, CFOs, CIOs % etc.) and this is a remarkable venture in the true American Spirit.

This network provides talent and treasure to meet. Elias Crim is what the American Spirit is all about - the man is a doer and he is bringing energetic and talented people together. Click my post title and find the link to Elias Crims Interim CEO Network. This is a work of genius.

America will be fine.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Why is America Behind Europe? We're Left Turn Yankee Rubes, I Reckon.

Parisian couture; Londoner Pukka Charm; Berliner Hegelian Weltqeist; Madrid Garbo; Roman Sprezztura and American Dog-Patch Day Late and Trillions of Dollars Short!

Them's Old Buildin's Ya Got Thar. Pope!

When a system or trend fails, give American Rubes a few decades and they'll follow them off the cliff.

The Rube-in-Chief, having underwhelmed President and Mrs. Sarkozy once again, will arrive back here in DogPatch to continue the steering of American life far away from the values that were honored on the Beaches of Normandy over the weekend.

Yep, time to get all Thorstein Veblen and John Dewey on the economy! Programs and Guv'mint Give-Aways, Neighbors!

While Europe moves away from Socialism, Yankee Rubes 'Folley The Prez'dint over the Cliff!

Lookee H'yar!

In some European countries, left-wing parties have failed to maintain a broad electoral base and ended up fractured and battling with one another. In Germany, the Social Democrats have suffered from a long-term decline that's linked to the decline in their unionized, working-class base, says Manfred Göllner, head of opinion-polling institute Forsa in Berlin.

Under former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder from 1998 to 2005, the party tried to win new, middle-class voters by marrying social justice with economic efficiency. But that fell apart when Mr. Schröder was forced to cut social spending to bring budget deficits under control at a time of record unemployment. The result: The party split, with dissidents defecting to help form a new, anti-capitalist party called "The Left" in 2007.

In some countries, the left has disintegrated into a myriad of groups. There have been so many defections from France's Socialist Party that the country now has half-a-dozen left-leaning movements. They include the New Anti-Capitalist Party, a Trotskyite movement, and the Left Front, an alliance of Communists and Communist-leaning politicians. The Socialist Party is divided over whether it should tie up with the Greens or with the MoDem, a center-right movement.

Italy's left has never quite recovered from the fall, in early 2008, of a government supported by a tenuous coalition of nine separate left-leaning movements ranging from Catholics to hard-core communists. Now, most don't believe the left will be a credible alternative to scandal-plagued Silvio Berlusconi's center-right coalition for years to come.

Yep. Georgie Soros is one -a -them You're A Pee-ins and he's bank-rolled the Rube-in-Chief!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Mr. President - Lecture Them Swedish Grannies on DuSable Gun Violence! Soaring Thigh Tingling Rhetoric Needed a Few Blocks West of Hyde Park

The president is scheduled to return to the U.S. tomorrow while his family will stay on in Paris, according to the White House.

On his fourth trip abroad as president, Obama visited Saudi Arabia, where he spent more than three hours meeting with King Abdullah; Cairo, where he conferred with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak; and Dresden, where he held talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The midday gunfire drew a sharp reaction from Police Supt. Jody Weis.

The shooter "engages two targets, runs down the street, almost at high noon, shooting at them," Weis said. "He gets in a car and drives away. This is not the wild, wild West. This is Chicago. ... We've got to get some sort of peace back to the streets here."

Shucks, Jody, 'The Shooter' is quite comfortable zinging out the 9s and 4/5s! Chicago is a Thug Comfort Zone.

Maybe the President can offer a lecture. CPD Superintendent Jody Weis is only saying what every one knows.

However, the Media Morons will call for Marches and American Flag Desecration's and More Gun Laws!!!!

Perhaps, a Presidential soaring, thigh tingling rhetoric, stern yet Pragmatic Lecture directed at 90 year old Swedish women about their complicity in America's Gun Violence will help. After all, what have Swedish Grannies actually done to curb the gun violence in America's inner cities? Zippo!

Comb-Over Dave Axelrod can get this Whirly-Gig a-Going! Have Senators Burris and Dithering Dick Durbin flank you and the trusty teleprompter.

Let's see - January 20, 2009 and President Shovel Ready, or is that Shuttle Ready. Four trips outside the USA and America's economy is rapidly becoming a branch of Government, takes fistful trips to Asia, Central America & Mexico, the Middle East and Europe ( not to mention cheap date night). One Hundred Days and Change. Seems longer.

Candidate Obama lectured America on Race, in order to explain twenty years of soaking up Pastor Wright's message.

President Obama lectured Catholics on their inability to understand his career of service to Planned Parenthood at the PR Driven School in Indiana.

President Obama lectured Corporate America on using the company motor pool for fun.

President Obama lectured North Korea on . . . what was it again?

President Obama lectured Islam on Our Founding Imams and America's Muslim roots.

How about a lecture to 90 year Old Swedish Grandma's on the Thug Comfort Zones in America's cities?

President Obama might want to stay home for a few days. Bring MSNBC whole cavalcade of goof-balls; bring the White House Press Corps for burgers and Leinies at Jimmy's Woodlawn Tap, prior to the Lecture on the Steps of DuSable. The President could lecture and soar some rhetoric a few blocks west of Hyde Park and keep Air Force One running at O'Hare.

DuSable High School was the scene of another CPS-Proximity Homicide. Remember, Chicago, the 19 year old victim was 'NOT a CPS student.' Heavens, do remember that!

Perhaps a Media Junket to Chicago's Homicide & Thug Comfort Zones ( Englewood, Gresham & etc.) might be just the ticket for President Obama to make a dramatic impact and change the hearts here at home.

Mr. President, turn that soaring and thigh-tingling rhetoric on them Swedish Grannies - they might respond better than Catholics and Kim Jong Il.

Friday, June 05, 2009

David Brooks - LapDog for a New Millenium

"What in the hell is Dave Brooks doing in there, for Crissakes? The Kid's gotta be soft." Cautious, Clever, Machiavellian Neighborhood Guy opines.

Chicagoans like to see themselves as pragmatists, not ideologues.
that means they contain both sides of The Great Tension. In Chicago, there is a tension between the lakefront and the neighborhoods inland. The lakefront tends to be idealistic, earnest and liberal. The neighborhoods are clever, cautious and Machiavellian. In all great endeavors, the Obama administration weaves together both of these tendencies.
David Brook NY Times: Dweeb and Victim*

Click my Post title for Lap-dog little Dave Brooks' Hosanna for President Obama! Little Dave, feels the Friendship Train is pulling out without his chubby little fingers gripping the boarding handle. Run, Dave, Run! Atta boy.

Really, Dave? So you're gonna lecture us on Pragmatism, while planting a wet one on the President's Permanent Vertical Smile? That's nice. All you really need to do is smooch, Cupcake; no need to parse.

Dave, You Sweet boy! I mean that, in the Cook County sense! Listen up, you smarmy little dweeb.

Aw, Jesus, now he's crying. Come on, Dave, this is not how a Chicago Big Boy behaves!

Dave, that's how clever, cautious, Machiavellians address doofi from beyond the Pale of clever, cautious Machiavellian neighborhood limits. Dave you ain't from Canaryville; that's no sh%t! Hell, even a starving Hyde Park dwarf with rickets would stuff you in an ash-can.

Nice Dichotomy, Dave, get that in school?

I was up in the idealistic, earnest and liberal Lakefront last night for an event hosted by a Ward that takes in both Idealistic, Earnest and Liberal people, as well as Clever, Cautious and Machiavellian folks. It was a hoot. They Pragmatically took up plates and scooped up Cream Cheese Dip, Italian Sausage and Peppers, Mashed Spuds and Gravy ( non-Italian variety), and broasted chickens and then balanced the plates with great Pragamatism while nailing back long-neck beers.

It was a celebration of Diversity! That has been going on since the cow kicked the lantern, you Dope.

While smooching the President's elegant ass, Dave, you do not need to pretend that you actually understand Chicago. It is out of your Ivy League, Cupcake.

Focus on Georgetown and the bow-tie wearing sissies, four-eyes. Just kidding. You know, like the Pansies on MSNBC do all the time.

*Out in the Cautious, Clever and Machivellian Chicago neighborhoods, where Moms are married to Dads and breed kids, young fellows like Dave Brooks get encouraged not to wear capes, crowns and Indian headdresses to high school ( at least); thus avoiding Victimhood.

Here in Chicago's neighborhoods, we can spot a potential victim from a city block away. 'Oh, that poor kid in the Paris Hilton is Hot! T-shirt really should not intrude upon that group of Gangster Disciples (GD's) and ask them WHAT TIME'S IT?'

Tamara Holder on Patti Blagojevich - Diary of a Housewife Married to the Mad-Hatter

Chicago attorney Tamara Holder has an interesting take on Patti Blagojevich:

A good wife sticks by her man's side. Shoot, many women bounce after their husband's arrest! (In fact, I think she got pretty lucky by not being slapped with some handcuffs herself.) Not that I'm suggesting she's a criminal, but, she was in the home all those hours that Blags was doing "business" on the bugged family phone while sitting on the couch in his jogging suit.

Go ahead, call Blags a scumbag criminal. As you know, I disagree. Gov. Blagojevich is not a Gov. Spitzer nor is he a member of the Gambino crime family. He does not have offshore accounts and he does not have cash tied up in real estate. Follow the paper, it doesn't exist! Blago is a wannabe criminal at best.
Like her or not, Patti is taking one for the Blags team by doing this silly show. Blago's defense attorneys need to be paid and her kids need to go to school. And, Patti needs to create an image separate from that of Mrs. Rod Blagojevich because, no matter how much Rod wants to be compared to Ghandi, it ain't happenin'.

Click my poist title for more from Ms. Holder!

Rod is, was, and continues to be a goof. However, Patti Mell fell in love with him, went halves on children with Rod, and is stepping into jungle for him. More tragically, the poor girl must hang around the jungle with A-List Mopes like the Baldwin kid. Que Mujer!
God bless women!

Richard C. Lindberg Tonight -on Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg

Milt Rosenberg invites Chicago Historian - Richard C. Lindberg on to Extension 720.

The brilliant and genial host and Richard Lindberg will discuss the Gambler King of Clark Street - Rich's full-length biography of the Man Who Invented the Chicago Democratic Machine.

Click my post title for more on this great author and subject at Chicago Daily Observer - Chicago's best source for what is happening!

Tonight we welcome a favorite guest on Extension 720, Chicago historian Richard Lindberg. Lindberg is a prolific author with many books on Chicago history including his latest The Gambler King of Clark Street. The book is a biography of Michael McDonald, a 19th century political power broker, among other distinctions. We'll talk with Lindberg about this book and more after the early Cubs game. We should be on the air by around 9:30pm.,0,596976.story

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Muslim World of St. Cajetan's Parish, er . . .Whadda We Call it, Now?

Now, the flip side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam.

"And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.
President Barack H. Obama 6/2/2009 or is that AH 1430*

In the Name of Father . . .Alla Akabar! This meeting of the St. Cajetan . . .Caliph Umr . . . Knights of the Blessed Sacra. .. Seljuk Turks is called to order this day June . . .something er other AH 1430.

I'm Marty O'Hara, Grand Moujik of this Lodge and stuff. Okay to business

Imam Terry O'Donovan will be up in the minaret if any of you guys want to to go to Confession . . Salah, its ritual prayer, Hickey, like a novena only different - look the Sin Box is out. . . but you guys ain't exactly wearing the carpet out going in there anyway.

The Zakat, was off last week and Father Te. . . Imam Terry is beefing to me so tell the family to dig.

Sawm is like Lent, only we're moving things up to September, because Easter is out and some of you guys can stand some Sawm and then some. Half you clowns got Dunlap's Disease**- terminal.

Gaffney and O'Connell Travel has booked Ryan Air Flights -Chicago to Shannon to Mecca for this year's The Hajj,

The Tarrif ain't too bad. Nice gambling junket in the United Arab Emirates too . . .eats are nice.

Look, all this Change is what President Obama told the world we gotta do and we're gonna do it or MSNBC be will peeing all over the place 24/7.

The beer concession is cancelled 'officially' but chilled 'milk of Islam' is in the coolers so grab a couple and let's get Submissive!

This concludes the business.

Gambling, smokes and water-pipes may be lit. Imam Terry said that we gotta go easy on the noise. Cash for chips.

* Islamic Calendar

** Dunlap's Disease - an affliction brought on by an excess of empty calories and an absence of exercise - 'where the belly done lops over the belt' in helot argot.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

NLRB on Charters -'Bump in the Road' for SEIU Should Mean Smooth Sailing for Charter Education U.S.A.

H/T to Progress Illinois ( SEIU's Intranet Comic Book, or is it Graphic Novel?)

Looks like the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)put a knot in SEIU's undies. The NLRB accepted the Civitas (Education Management Organization) for Interntional Charter Schools position that as a for-profit, private entity Public School Rules do not necessarily fit. Right here, in Illinois, there's trouble for the feebs in sheep-skin clothing, attempting to snare Charter Education Reform away from the tax payers of Illinois. Well, Lord save us from all harm and phonies!

SEIU and Marilyn Stewart's attempt to sneak one past the people who actually want Education Reform has hit a 'bump in the road.' Let's hope that it is a very long trip back to the pavement . . .about eighty years or so.

Thus,"The national board determined that the teachers are employees of a private firm, the Civitas educational management company, not public employees who would be governed by the state labor board.

As a practical matter, the ruling means that the teachers will have to vote in a secret ballot on whether they want to unionize."

Therefore, The SEIU/Chicago Teachers Union(CTU) may not pave over Reform in Education -just this yet.


Tough week tootsies! Taxpayers have had enough of the whining and NL(that's Labor, girls)RB ruled for real people. AND!!!!! They(Illinois Legislature)created double the number of Charters Available! That's gotta hurt the Halt, Lame and Lazy!

Back to the Barricades, Baristas!

Clare Hickey -Now a St. Cajetan Graduate!

Nora, Clare and Conor Hickey at St. Cajetan Parish 8th Grade Graduation Last Night

Memorare*! Clare, one thing to take from your 9(pre-school & eight years) years at St. Cajetan, besides the thick cohort of friends and the wings of happy memories, is this prayer.

Your Mom said this every day. Your Dad only seems to remember it when he is in trouble. Be like Mom.

Your Mother, Mary, both of them, watch over you. Mom only had the earthly joy of you for a little while. Mary the Mother of God has had you much longer. Both have you eternally.

You are in an elite club, St. Cajetan Alumni. St. Cajetan always won the Southtown Economist Bell in Football - that was a trophy. St. Cajetan always educated great people - the Joyces, the Schumachers, the Wards, The Reyas, The Hodorowicz's, the Miers, the Cullens, the Sheehans, the Millers, and Hopkins.

You, Clare, will bring much to our world that is needed. Say the Memorare and get help in all you need to do. Be like Mom.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


* Here's a link to Patriot, Wit, Author, Playwright and Film Maker,Mike Houlihan's take on the Memorare! Click my post title for Mike's piece

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Mark Brown Decries His Own Column - We're Way Ahead of You, Mark! Cops Are Not Judged by Columinists

I'm Mark Brown. I do what I do! That's me. This is how I look. Pretty Good?

I'll probably catch hell for linking these two events together -- the cowardly Abbate with the heroic Valadez -- but I don't really see how we can separate them entirely. . . . The importance of an Anthony Abbate is that his case shows how easy it is for one policeman to bring discredit to his fellow officers, even detracting from the ultimate sacrifice of an Alejandro Valadez.

Mark Brown 'must' link the death of Officer Valadez to the thug Anthony Abbate. He Must!

There is only one reason columnists like Mark Brown take pimp slaps at Police Officers, they know that they will not face any criticism or suffer any consequences in so doing. Mark Brown and too many others helped build the Thug Comfort Zone here in Chicago.

Like the old adage, that questions why Fido gratifies himself - 'because he can.'

The Media, as opposed to newspaper reporters, like Ray Coffey and John Drummond, use police misconduct to undermine any and all confidence in Law Enforcement. They play Identity Politics and Advocacy Journalism. The Sun Times is wheezing its way into oblivion, hoping against hope to become a Government Agency, like Chrysler, GM, and the American Banking Industry. It may happen.

Then, would be Zolas could become Later Day Goebbels Lites.

It is typical, but still sickening that when a Police Officer is murdered in the line of Duty, a hack like Brown would push the agenda.

Mark obeys his highers and betters. He stays supine when told to lay down. Like when there is another CPS News embargo on 'bad situations.' Like this one -

A riot took place at Simeon High School during a ComEd power grid failure two weeks ago. Gangbangers rioted in the school and out into the community form 83rd Street to 79th Street. Police Officers quieted the riot without a death or serious injury to the 'the children.' Mark Brown had his head somewhere else, when Police Oficers were doing exactly what they do every day here in Auburn/Gresham/Brainerd/Englewood and Chatham.

Ask a cop from the 6th, 7th, 8th, or 22nd District - they responded to the riot. I don't need to; I saw it. We got the kids of Leo High School home and safe without incident because of Chicago Police standard operating procedures. When the lights went out at Simeon, however . . .hold the phone.

Mark Brown's head is firmly stuck where he wants it to be - nice view I guess.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Ron Gidwitz - GOP Best and Only Hope for Governor

Governor Pat Quinn is a decent guy. He is an Oak Park Democrat with, for my tastes anyway, a much too close working relationship with Boiled Beet Progressives.

Governor Quinn just had his butt handed to him by the tax payers of Illinois, through their elected Representatives in Springfield.,0,2960790.story
Programs ( code for tax dollars to Progressive groups, lawyers and individuals wasted) have sucked the life out of Illinois. The well is bone dry.

For the last few months, Illinois Teachers Unions have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on sophomoric and childishly whiny radio ads about saving 'good teachers' because pensions are 'the fair share.' Nope. Pensions are a benny.

Great teachers continue to teach in Catholic Schools, Independent Schools, Christian Schools, Muslim Schools, Jewish Schools and Charter Schools. SEIU and the Chicago Teachers Unions want to kill Charters. Every time public school test score drill deeper into the Illinois soil, a march is televised to ask why the children in Illinois Schools are not filling up on State funded energy drinks, snacks or pills.

District School Superintendents with just the right 'credentials' to get them safely out of the classrooms that they could never control continue to make salaries that European Monarchs would envy. Then, they get caught on camera diddling the help as well as the tax-payers.

It's Children First! . . .and then the looting frenzy!

Illinois needs a good governor. Governor Quinn is a good man, but he has played ball with the Program Gluttons. It is time Illinois put the old feather down the throat and tickled up the tummies of the Progressives.

The Illinois GOP has shot its toes off backing Topinka and the Milkman and others.

It is time to get smart with a smart guy. Ron Gidwitz is just that man.

Here's what the Tribune ( believe it or not) said about Ron Gidwitz in 2006, when Illinois allowed Blago another kick at the Program Cat.

Ron Gidwitz is the Republican best equipped to earn that trust, and to empty that dark, fetid moat. The Tribune endorses Gidwitz in the Republican primary for governor and his running mate, state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger, for lieutenant governor.

This primary is about plans and positions, but it’s also about nominating a candidate who will break eggs and make omelets.

That’s Gidwitz. As CEO of Helene Curtis, he built a cosmetics business into an empire. As chairman of the State Board of Education, he ordered bureaucrats to visit Illinois classrooms to see how state policies affected schoolchildren. As chairman of the City Colleges of Chicago, he demanded that students’ curriculum meet the needs of the modern workplace. His mantra to board members (after he scuttled their pricey limo service): Look, folks, this is the last degree many of our students will ever earn. We need to make sure they’re employable.

Gidwitz will choose his advisers wisely, as a chief executive must. The evidence: His decision to team with Rauschenberger, one of the most independent, creative members of the legislature.

Gidwitz’s detractors say he’s abrasive. Yes, he’s all-business. He doesn’t suffer fools. Yes, he’s been a political insider, a contributor to politicos in both parties. But the GOP hierarchy isn’t backing him in this race, all the more reason to believe him when he says he’ll commandeer the bully pulpit, murmur “Brace yourselves,” and roust clubby lobbyists, lawyers and legislators from the rotunda and into the sunlight.

I usually vote Democrat. However, I am sticking very close to home with my Democratic Votes - Ed Maloney and Kevin Joyce will always have my vote. They vote the will of my neighbors.

I have met Mr. Gidwitz on a couple of occasions. Mr. Gidwitz is courtly and soft-spoken. I do not believe that he would toss a handful of Jacksons on the bar at Keegan's Pub and yuck it up with the lads. Hell, neither do Joyce or Maloney. Kevin Joyce has seven kids and Ed Maloney has his First Communion money. However, Mr. Gidwitz is a serious business gent. He does not suffer fools gladly. Hence, the abrasive canard that gets tossed his way. Ron Gidwitz don't polka.

Judy Topinka polkas . . .when it suits her.

Nope, Ron Gidwitz might have the personality of a dial tone, but the man can manage.

Illinois needs a Chief Executive. He'd work great with Speaker Mike Madigan. Imagine the giggles and gab when these two serious gents got together!

Ron Gidwitz is just what Illinois needs. Pat Quinn is a nice guy - there's millions of them.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pentecost Trumps Pravda - America Will be Fine

The American Penteost

Pravda the MSNBC of collapsed Soviet Russia, giggles that America is Kaput-Nik!

Sorry, Vlad, we'll be fine. Our schools are a train-wreck, but Americans can fix them. Churches have become unitarian Sesame Street skits, but people vote with their feet. President Obama has four years.

Here's the Commie Scratch sheet's Parlay Card:

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

The Feast of the Pentecost reminds Christians of their obligations as Soldiers of Christ. Jewish Americans remember,no sweat, unlike us daffy Christian Thoreau gushers and ACLU suck-ups. Americans can read a bank statement, a scale in the bathroom, and the eyes of the children and know that change begins with the individual. Americans do not need the State to tell them how to conduct their lives - remember the Teabag's? There will be plenty more such demonstrations.

America is a religious nation. America is a democratic -republic and not a village. We are very tolerant of morons, like goofs that wanted to PC the photo of the 9/11 Firemen and make it more Diverse. Goofs get on TV with great ease. Americans know who the morons happen to be - don't mistake good grace for weakness.

Remember, it was Americans like those firemen in New York on 9/11 who helped create a Pentecost of of the American Spirit.

Take care of your Kleptocracy, Pravda, we'll manage nicely.

Pravda, read up on the Pentecost and the Great Depression and the first few years of World War II. America will be fine.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Real Housewives, Moms, Lovers, Best Pals, Body Guards of the Faith of Morgan Park

I never saw one episode of Desperate Housewives, Sex in the City, or any . . .any Reality TV Show.

I was dragged to see first wave feminist movies back when I was a student at Loyola, right after Dewey took Manila from Spain. I went along to those strident 'woman must liberate herself!' soft core porn films - where some babe skanks around with pipe smoking professors from whom they learn secrets of sex and Blake's Poetry and then toss off the Jugs Harness and run through New York with other mini-skirted Feminists.

I dated a 'Dip-stick in Lip-stick' who thought Abortion was the signature of real Feminism . . .once.

Hell, I am a sucker for babies and detest the thought of murdering an innocent. I'm a Caveman.

The family is mocked in the film arts as well as plucked brow literature.

Women are never happy in these films unless they are slapping the mattress with a young Che Guevara wannabee and ditching their kids and their Old Man. Romantic Forbidden Love That ALWAYS ends tragically is the ideal.

I'm a hand-holder. I come from the very same place where I happen to live right now.

Last Night, my Daughter Nora and I ( Conor was frying fish at DiCola's) watched Clare receive the St. Cajetan's Computer Science Award at the 8th Grade Honors Ceremony. All the girls, text-message-ing little women who play basketball, volleyball, softball and work service hours at the two nursing homes in Morgan Park looked like run-way models and the fourteen something young men, looked like their Dads . . . sad to say.

I looked around at all the Moms, because Clare's Mom, my Bride, is an angel. Mary died when Clare was two and a half. However, Mary would have fit in nicely with Anne, Collette, Darleen, Sheila, Peggy, Kerry, Jennifer, Linda and all the rest.

Happy women. Not Cosmo guzzlers. Real women and not poor confused victims. Knockouts and most of them could care less. They are married to 'older versions' of the boys who struggled into an actual tie that you need to tie for the first time: Pete, Desmond, Declan, Jake, Jack ( about four by my count), Sean, Danny, Ray and Nick!

Their Moms are married to their Dads, their best pals. Their Moms don't need Botox. These are Real Women and they do not buy obscene numbers and qualities of shoes, read How to Be Happy Manuals by Skank Head-Cases, pop pills, 'take time for themselves,' wallow in self-pity. They are Happy Women. They have no tolerance, let alone capacity for Bitching. They are the Women that Feminists hate to the very marrow of their beings!

They are women of Faith, who do not seek some stupid alternative life-style, pierce their beautiful bodies, or Tattoo their limbs, or sculpt their personal destinies with Dr. Gaddam Gupta. They have it all. They have borne the pains of child birth and nurtured babies to a point where these babies too can become Real Men and Women.

They are the Breeders. They are the Real Family Core. The makers of tortilla roll-ups with lime and jalapenos! They know how to 'Work a Beer Glass' and a Mikita Power Drill. I love each and every one of these women.

The love of my life, lives in Chicago's Gold Coast and my Morgan Park neighborhood is familiar to this elegant and beautiful woman who sings at the Pump Room, because she grew up among Real Women in Chagrin Falls, Ohio as well.

I am a thrice blessed man. My love Mary went home to Christ. Not my call. I had a huge hole in my heart that Christ allowed me to patch up with my mistakes and stupidities, but allowed me to realize the majesty that is Woman. For better or worse I too am a Mom. A homely, lumpy, Mom, but a Mom nevertheless. I buy the Feminine Hygiene products in this house! Yet, I am blessed with the love and affection of another Real woman.

Whenever, I see the vapid, self-absorbed, shallow, and indulgent clothes horses portrayed in film and on TV, I click on Paula Deen on the food Channel. That is a Woman! Women make the home and in so doing create the world where kids do not need to take Zoloft, or fill their hours on the internet. The daughters of the Housewives of Morgan Park are women.

These Real Little Women play sports, play with make-up, but they also have learned to be friends and best pals with Ray, Pete, Jake, Jack (our by my count), Sean and Danny.

The Women of Morgan Park make a happy world. Thanks Be to God.

Today in Chicago Tribune, the sun dial for the changing times, there is another stupid couple of paragraphs about some stupid reality show that wants to further insult Women and the Family.

A show revealing the lives of upper-echelon housewives -- Botox parties, tennis matches and all the drama in between -- is coming to Chicago.

Towers Productions is casting for the Midwestern premiere of a housewives show similar to Bravo's "Real Housewives," which has focused on Orange County, New York, Atlanta and New Jersey.

The producers are searching for "a dynamic group of women" who have a unique connection to one another, whether through their lifestyles or social network, casting director Becky Cattie said.

Interested women can e-mail (a date for auditions has not been set yet). Include your name, age, the area where you live, contact information, a photo and some personal background information.

Reality my Broad Manly Ass!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Guam Honors Two More Heroes Killed Defending America and North Korea Fires Another Missile

In the black and white photos above - Two Woman display an American Flag kept safe from the Japanese from 1941 until July 21, 1944 and another shows a memorial by Chamorros of Guam for their families and neighbors murdered by the Japanese during the Occupation of Guam. The People of Guam remain the most loyal Americans.

Ceremony Held In Honor Of Two Fallen Guam Soldiers
Written by Nick Delgado, Pacific News Center - Guam, Saipan, CNMI, Asia-Pacific

Friday, 29 May 2009 17:04

Guam - The Guam national guard held a formal banner unfurling ceremony this morning at the Guam international airport to honor two of its fallen soldiers.

Sergeant Brian Leon Guerrero and sergeant Samson Mora were killed while deployed to Afghanistan in support of operation enduring freedom in July of last year. The banners were added to the recently displaced-but restored memorial in the airport's east ticket lobby.

Earlier this year, the banners were removed and replaced with painted sea turtles. The displacement of the banners raised concerns from many of Guam's veterans. In response, the airport put the memorial back up.

Meanwhile, the airport continues to work with the national guard in creating a permanent brass memorial plaque in honor of the fallen.

The Obama Administration sees no 'imminent threat' to the American People. Guam is America's foreward base in Harm's Way. Guam has lost more of its sons and daughters defending America per capita than any Territory or State. Guam is being targeted by North Korea.

North Korea in complete mad-dog unwillingness to 'listen' fired another missile.

North Korea has fired another short-range missile off its east coast, the sixth such launch since it tested a nuclear weapon on Monday, South Korea's Yonhap news agency has reported.

Friday's reported test-fire followed a statement from North Korea's foreign ministry pledging to respond if the UN Security Council agreed any fresh sanctions over the tests.

"If the UN Security Council provokes us, our additional self-defence measures will be inevitable," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"Any hostile acts by the UN Security Council will be tantamount to the demolition of the armistice," it said in a reference to the truce that ended the Korean War in 1953.

The North has previously test-fired short-range missiles into the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, often during periods of tension in the region.

North Korea conducted its second nuclear test on Monday and followed it up with a series of short-range missile launches, all in violation of a UN resolution.

No reinforcements

But despite the growing tensions, the US defence secretary has said that Washington is not planning to add to the 28,000 US troops already stationed on the Korean peninsula. . . .

Robert Gates said that the situation had not yet reached crisis levels and there had been no unusual moves by the North Korean military since its carried out the nuclear test.

"I don't think there is a need for us

Pakistan is going Taliban. Iran is doing as it pleases. North Korea is dominating the world stage and threatening Peace on the Planet. I am getting reports that warn of this threat from Al Jazeera, while MSNBC worries about Gay Marriage, CNN milks Roland Burris, and the news papers cover Susan Boyle.

President Obama is making Jimmy Carter look like Chesty Puller.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Guam Targeted by North Korea - from our friends at Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera - the Islamic News Agency notes that North Korea targets Guam.

Guam is America.

Guam voted for President Obama.

Guam has a United States Congresswoman, Madeleine Z. Bordallo .

Guam is America's strategic front-door to Asia,

Get this:

North Korea missile 'can hit Guam'

Inter-Korean relations have deteriorated as both countries warn of military action [AFP]

A South Korean report claims that North Korea has deployed a new type of ballistic missile capable of reaching the US Pacific territory of Guam.

The defense ministry report, released on Monday, said the new missile has a range of at least 3,000km and has been deployed "recently".

The reported striking range of the missle would reach Guam, the northern tip of Australia, much of Russia and India.

The ministry report also said the North began developing the missile in the late 1990s, but did not offer further details, including how many have been deployed.

The report comes as the North is believed to be preparing to test-fire its most advanced missile, the Taepodong-2, which is allegedly capable of reaching Alaska.

South Korea also claims the North is "presumed" to have secured about 40kg of atom bomb-making plutonium from reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods from its Yongbyon reactor.

Pyongyang carried out its first atomic test in October 2006, but it is not known whether it could manufacture a nuclear warhead.

Army size 'increase'

The report also claims that the size of the North Korean military had grown to 1.19 million, an increase of 20,000 from 2006, while the number of its lightly-equipped special forces trained to infiltrate South Korea had increased 50 per cent to 180,000.

Monday's published assessment came amid mounting tensions between the two countries, which are still technically at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended only in an armistice.

The North is angry with the government of Lee Myung-Bak, South Korea's president, who has scrapped a policy of largely unconditional aid and engagement.

It has cancelled all military and political agreements with Seoul, including one recognising their disputed sea border as an interim frontier.

Click my post title for the Al Jazeera story.

Guam Needs the Bush Proliferation Security Initiative- Guam is America

Apra Harbor - Guam
With North Korea's mad-dog missile moves, America's strategic home territory, Guam, again sits under the threat of attack.

Before World War Two, America decided to stake Guam's loyal people out as bait. America refused to develop Guam's harbors, build airstrips, strengthen the troop presence beyond a ship's guard of Marines and leave the fortunes of the Chamorros to fate and Japan's designs. We did this in order to 'talk to' our enemies.

Guam was taken in hours and its people were subjected to years of murder, rape, and forced labor by the Japanese. Guam was retaken at a great cost in American lives - servicemen and Chamorros.

Guam will become the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet Marine Force when Okinawa closes its bases completely by 2014.

Guam is within easy striking distance of North Korean missiles.

The Bush Administration and UN Ambassador John Bolton crafted the Proliferation Security Initiative in order to protect our planet from rogue nations like Iran and North Korea.

The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) is a global effort that aims to stop trafficking of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their delivery systems, and related materials to and from states and non-state actors of proliferation concern. Launched by President Bush on May 31, 2003, U.S. involvement in the PSI stems from the U.S. National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction issued in December 2002. That strategy recognizes the need for more robust tools to stop proliferation of WMD around the world, and specifically identifies interdiction as an area where greater focus will be placed. Today, more than 90 countries around the world support the PSI.

The PSI is an innovative and proactive approach to preventing proliferation that relies on voluntary actions by states that are consistent with national legal authorities and relevant international law and frameworks. PSI participants use existing authorities -- national and international -- to put an end to WMD-related trafficking and take steps to strengthen those authorities as necessary. UN Security Council Resolution 1540, adopted unanimously by the Security Council, called on all states to take cooperative action to prevent trafficking in WMD. The PSI is a positive way to take such cooperative action.
President Obama inherited this initiative and seems to want to undo it. He wants a Nuke Free World.

You can not talk to North Korea, that much is eminently clear.

Guam is America. Guam is staked out once again.

Proliferation Security Initiative
MISSION - To stop trafficking of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems and related materials to and from states and non-state actors of proliferation concern through voluntary actions by states consistent with national and international laws and legal frameworks.

HISTORY - Launched by U.S. President George W. Bush on May 31, 2003, based on U.S. National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction issued in December 2002 as part of a U.S. response to threats highlighted by the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.

EXERCISES - More than 30 exercises were held between September 2003 and January 2008. Some were led by the United States but most were directed by other PSI participating nations.

PROMINENT MEMBERS - Argentina, Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mongolia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Yemen. (Sources: U.S. State Department, Pentagon) (Reporting by David Morgan and Paul Eckert; Editing by John O'Callaghan)