Bill 'Willie' Cunningham - All about Number One!

John McCain cleaned up after Elephant Man Bill 'Willie' Cunningham's Carnie Barker Act in Cincinatti yesterday. Click my post title for the story in today's Chicago Tribune.
This goof is a template for the wholesale ruin of talk radio. While a brilliant and thoughtful man like Milton Rosenberg continues to occupy a chair in front of the microphone and at WGN 720 in Chicago at the hours between 9-11 PM - snarling mopes like Billy 'The Geek - Watch Him Eat the Head off a Sparrow, Folks!' Cunningham gets buzz time for all the folks who like train wrecks in their personalities.
Yesterday, Bill Willie decided to not do what he had been asked to do, introduce John McCain, a dignified and courageous man who campaigns like the level-headed Americans who will vote for him, and play the 'edgy' goofball, Willie's Schtick, instead.
Repeating Senator Obama's middle name with a scornful tone, Billy thought that he was just the oyster's ice-skates!
Without meeting the Radio Rube and dignifying his remarks with a disdainful look or word, John McCain cleaned up after the would-be Goebbels.
Immediately, the hurt Harlequin whinned to his 'fans' -
Cunningham said later that he stood by his comments at the rally. He told his listeners: ‘”I’ve had it with McCain. I’m going to throw my support to Hillary Rodham Clinton.”
Swell news for some Dame who's fixin' to go 0-13.
Now there is some rock-solid conviction! Cunningham unmasks the ugly face of talk radio - Left and Right.
Folks, listen to Milt Rosenberg and give your brain a workout. The flabby lobes will continue to stay glued to Bill 'Willie' Cunningham.
Cunningham says his show will be less political than Drudge. "I try to be an entertainer, to make people laugh," he says. Sports reporter Bill "Seg" Dennison, his long-time sidekick, will appear on the national show to do NFL scores at 10:40 p.m. and 11:40 p.m., Cunningham says.
This From About.Com
Profiles of Popular and Extraordinary Radio Personalities
Bill Cunningham
Personal: Born in Covington, Kentucky on December 11, 1947, Cunningham is a Republican and is also a practicing attorney.
Radio: Cunningham has been heard on WLW-AM/Cincinnati since 1983. He currently does a weekday, early afternoon program. His daily show is also heard on XM Satellite Radio, channel 173.
Cunningham is syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks and does a weekly program called "Live on Sunday Night with Bill Cunningham" which airs 10 p.m. to 1 a.m., nationally. (Launched October 7, 2007)
Claim to Fame: "Voice of the common man"
Awards: 2001 Marconi Award winner for best large-market radio personality
Website: Cunningham's page at WLW's website.