Frannie Spielman of Sun Times reports on Mayor Rahm's vow to tussle with scofflaws - the Worker Bee, Helot, Breeders on the City teat! Call Andy Shaw! Naw, let Andy snooze.
Fran Spielman is a fine reporter on City Hall, but today seems to have copied the notes given by Rahm - in his order of importance. Has to do with numbers. City Workers who have not paid parking, speeding, moving violation tickets, or water bills, or assessments, or something. The breakdown of bad guys is a tad troubling, but consistent.
Let's do math on this fine Sun Times piece.
Now, Lookee here!
Of the 33,237 city employees, 2,380 of them, or 7.2 percent, collectively owe $882,366. Of the 67,864 employees at five sister agencies — the CTA, CHA, Park District, City Colleges and Board of Education — 5,883 or 8.7 percent together owe nearly $2.1 million.
The worst sister agency offender is the CTA, with a $714,544 debt shared by more than 20 percent of the mass transit agency’s employees.
The Chicago Police Department has 13,973 employees and 988 deadbeats who together owe $326,646. Of the Fire Department’s 4,983 employees, 285 scofflaws share $126,184 in debt. The Department of Streets and Sanitation’s 2,127 workforce includes 247 scofflaws who owe the city $104,816.
The City Council has 420 employees and 40 deadbeats who together owe $12,530.
This last one is a head scratcher.
If the CTA is the worst at 20%, why is it that the City Council does not follow CTA with almost 10% Deadbeats?
Cops have 13,973 employees with 988 owing revenue. So, that's 988 X 100 =98800 Divided by 13, 973 = 7.07 and change.
Firefighters have 4,983 and only 247 'scofflaws. So, that's 247 X 100 =24700; Divided by 4,983 = 4.95685 and change
City Council ( that's the Aldermen) with 40 scofflaws X 100 = 4000;Divided by 420 = 9.5283 and change
CTA owes the most at 20%
Cops owe 7.07 and change
Firemen owe 4.95 and change
ALDERPEOPLE owe 9.5 and change
I am confused. Why would the ranking be last? Should it not be
CTA -20%
Cops - 7.07
Firemen - 4.9
Now, I might have err'd. I am human I err. I err all the time. But I ain't wrong.
This is all tied to Rahmalamadangdong's Grid Policy Initiative. He has a Case Book that he will toss to the City Council ( Alderpeople) and order them to vote the middle class out of Chicago.
The Chicago Media tosses us City Dogs and Worker Bees a bone in the form of some poor slob gaming the system. The banquet can be found in the policies that benefit the Forrest Claypools appointed to a big spot at the CTA, or a Gay Israeli Utility Player for the Chicago Police/Office of Emergency Management/Mayoral Chief of Staff/Chicago Public Schools/ and Chicago Transit Authroity.
The poor slob caught sleeping in a garbage truck goes to the guillotine. Claypools and Hubermans go up the food chain of the very systems they manage screw up by millions of wasted or policied tax-dollars.
Now, having read that bone to us mutts intended to get us to snarling and snapping, let's take a peek at yesterday's Second Installment of the Property Tax Bill from Maria Pappas.
Lookee h'yar
Why, the property value went down and the taxes went up!
Progressive! I wrote about the Progressive Plan to shrink Chicago's Worker Bee population and it is a plan.
A pal wrote to me in response to that post. He wrote, "A progressive passes a street person while en route to a commuter station (this happens in less than a minute) and boasts that he or she lives in a diverse neighborhood. In truth, they have no real interaction with such persons.
In order to facilitate that trendy neighborhood, Daley cleared out the subsidized CHA projects to speed up the pace of gentrification and handed the displaced residents Section 8 vouchers and sent them North, South and West (sometimes, including various suburbs under the auspices of the Cook County Housing Authority rather than the Chicago Housing Authority). Now, we are witnessing once stable, middle class enclaves beginning to decline on account of the new unassimilated Section 8 tenants. This is not fiction. It is a reality that I can testify to.
Adding insult to injury, the property tax bills arrived today. Property values have fallen, but the tax rates are much higher. The taxing bodies simply raised the rates to offset the decreased valuations."
You may say.
Yep. Here's the deal Ron Huberman, like our President was plucked and placed into our government a very long time ago. Why, because Soros said too.
Regular Democrats were told by their various Chinamen that the 'plucked' were really and truly great - Secret Formula Z-28 with Chrome! Why This Fiiiiiinnnnne Young Man is a Behemoth of Future Greatness and Was Found in the Weeds by a Beneficent Pharoh named of George Something' and they jumped into the game.
We waste our time on Tony Rezko and Bill Cellini and their misdoings, because they are the bones, like the poor Streets and San slob caught napping by BGA Mensa Man Andy Shaw.
Ron Huberman*, the son of poor Israeli immigrants, had his schooling paid for by Paul and Daisy Soros, kin to George who owns the DNC, the White House and the American Corporate Media. Patiently, and over the last decades the plucked and placeed have steered the likes of Daley, Quinn, and Rahm to the Progressive Policy Path.
Huberman, like Forrest 'Can't Catch a Vote' Claypool is a protected species of Policy. The genuine Boondoggles are not the victims tossed to the public in print by the players. The genuine Boondoggle begins and ends with same cast of charcters running 501(c) 3's stuffed with cash by Soros and his lesser lights. Public Policy has brought us our tax bills and the politicians who engineered them. The Progressive Public Policy that hides under the bones.
* Ron Huberman
Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1971, Huberman is the son of Holocaust survivors. Huberman and his family moved to Oak Ridge, Tennessee when his father, a cancer researcher, began working at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He moved to the Chicago area for his high school years, where he came out as gay at age 15. Huberman later attended the University of Wisconsin, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and English. While working as a Chicago police officer, Huberman attended night classes at the University of Chicago and finished with master’s degrees in both Business Administration and Social Service Administration. Huberman was a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow and an Albert Schweitzer Fellow while at the University of Chicago.
Forrest Claypool
Forrest Claypool is an American politician and political operative. A former Democratic member of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, Claypool serves as president of the Chicago Transit Authority. In 2007-2008, Claypool served as a key member of Barack Obama campaign's media team, in his capacity as a longtime partner of David Axelrod. . . .On Tuesday, 19 April 2011, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel -- a longtime political ally of Claypool -- appointed him president of the Chicago Transit Authority
Wikipedia - it ain't the OED, but, for Progressives, it is washable.