An imaginative fictive turn* of the lives of the Self-absorbed:
Roosevelt University student Mike Quigley visited Forrest Claypool of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale for the summer where both worked as fry cooks for Dave's 'Every Picture Tells a Story -Donut!'
Both chaps were engaged in the study of Government and how government can best separate the wallets from citizens. They learned well. Nevertheless, the ardent Progressive scholars busied their days at Dave's dropping dough - the flour, egg and soda variety.
Their evenings were spent in mutual salvos of political tactics and strategies, and in the wistful exercises of jejune male fantasies.
The Sears Catlog arrived at the trailer Claypool.
FC- "Mike did you see how beautiful these models are in the Sears Catalog?"
MQ - " I did, Forrest, and they are not all that expensive!"
FC- "It says, 'Immediate Delivery' - Let's Order, today!"
The winsome youths pooled their coppers and silver and Rushed a Money Order to Sears Roebuck & Company Headquartered in Mike's hometown of Chicago - at the newly opened Sears Tower.
Days passed and quality Donuts were scooped from the bubbling cauldron in Dave's 'Every Picture Tells A Story -Donut' and nights melted in dreamy expectation.
Mike Quigley worked the late shift and received a Call from his buddy landlord -"Packages Here!"
After work Mike stumped his way to the Rolling Cloud Trailer Park outside of Carbondale on the road to Cobden.
Moist with anticipation, the future Cook County Board Pit Bull and U.S. Congressman shouted to his equally ambitious and horny pal, " Are the Girls Here, Yet?"
The tall and stylishly attired Progressive Cub Scout replied, " No Mike, but they should be here soon! Their clothes arrived!"
. . .and Illinois was the better for these earnest youths!
* Many thanks to Max Weissmann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas! Also, click my post title for other ripping yarns.
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