Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SLA Vet, Convicted Murderer, Illini Applicant Jim Kilgore - Wasn't He on Seinfeld?

The Guy above is a murderer. The guy below was on Seinfeld
University of Illinois attracts some real beauts - our latest Nutbag ( e.g. Billy Ayers) is Jim Kilgore who murdered a woman in California during his hitch with the Symbionese Liberation Army.

He's getting out -Never Forget Hire the Vet - and wants to spend his final probationary days here in Illinois.

Hat Tip to the Lovely Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative for picking this Hot grounder - that went through the mitts and legs of SEIU's Mickey Mouse Club - The Around the Horn Dweebs at Progress Illinois. The Sun was in their eyes. while bending over, I guess.


How Does Such a Dip-Wad Get Such a Great Lawyer? Terry Gillespie The Real Deal

I wouldn't cross the street to even 'notice' let alone talk with, meet, engage, experience or stand in proximity to Rod Blagojevich. In fact, I found the now . . .well, he is shameless and on WLS tomorrow and so I guess that rules out Disgraced. . .out of Office Rod Blagojevich, to be completely repellent years ago.

He reminds me of the bust-out drunks who 'happen' while you have been enjoying a polite and thoughtful symposium among better people at Keegan's Pub - a pest who can not stop talking while saying absolutely nothing.

Blagojevich has always had the reputation among political pros in the 19th Ward as a 'Gate-Crasher.' In fact I witnessed one his more obnoxious apparitions about ten or twelve years ago. Que Payaso! N.B. Good word used it twice today - H/T J.C. Gutierrez.

Blago has just scored one of my favorite Criminal Defense Attorneys in Chicagoland Terry Gillespie. I always felt that Blago was right at home with Ed Genson, who oozes all the charm of G. Flint Taylor.

Terry Gillespie, like Joe Powers, Tom Durkin, Bob Clifford, and the great Mike Monico, is a legal genius and a genuinely likable guy. Funny as hell as well!

Blago is going to shoot manure like a broken Kohler toilet and much of what hits the fan will stick to many Illinois Political Players.

With Terry Gillespie around at least I will not need to listen to Milorod.

Chicago Tribune's Dan McGrath Pillories Societal Balderdash in One Report on the Problem in Sports

Dan McGrath, Chicago Tribune Sports Editor's matchlees prose says it all:

Teacher's call reversed, putting teen athlete back in the game
Dan McGrath
March 23, 2009
The closest Chris Wolf got to watching his students at North Lawndale College Prep compete in this weekend's Class 3A state basketball tournament was a television set. And it was probably for the best.

Wolf, a 35-year-old math teacher, is not at all comfortable being in the center of a storm, but that's where he has found himself the last three weeks after turning in a star player whom he suspected of cheating on a makeup exam. Jonathan Mills was suspended from the team and sidelined for the state playoffs.

But his mother hired an attorney who sued school officials and got a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of the penalty, on the grounds it would do Mills irreparable harm.

A 6-foot-5 senior with Division I college talent, Mills was in the lineup when the Phoenix lost to Champaign Centennial in Friday's 3A semifinal, then beat Leo in Saturday's third-place game.

Wolf was back in Chicago, his safety a concern. North Lawndale's team is the pride of its struggling West Side community, and some eyes view Wolf as a traitor, even though he is a basketball fan of the first order and the team's unofficial academic adviser, having spent many hours helping players (and non-players) do the work to stay eligible and qualify for college.

"I know Chris to be a teacher who goes above and beyond the call of duty in helping students," North Lawndale Principal Rob Karpinsky said.

Karpinsky, a former Catholic priest, has seen his faith tested by recent events. In November, three of North Lawndale's best and brightest students drowned in the Fox River when they took paddle boats out after hours during a leadership retreat at Camp Algonquin. The boats had been taken out of service for the winter and capsized shortly after being put in the frigid water. Adrian Alexander, Melvin Choice and Jimmy Avant died in the accident.

"You can say it's been a difficult year," Karpinsky said.

Mills' class was scheduled to take the Algebra II exam on Feb. 23, but he asked for an extension. North Lawndale had won the Public League championship the night before and the team enjoyed a postgame get-together at the ESPN Zone.

After Mills missed one makeup date, Wolf agreed to meet him at school at 6:45 a.m. on Feb. 24 to administer the test, and the player scored a 96. After Mills left the room, Wolf said, he came across evidence that he'd had help. He won't discuss particulars, because of the litigation, but he was certain, and he immediately began agonizing over what to do next.

"So much of what the school community prides itself on is athletic performance," Wolf said. "I knew it wouldn't be pretty."

He called his dad in Wisconsin, "the ultimate moral majority in the family. He told me to pretend I didn't see anything. If he says that ... ."

But Wolf couldn't let the matter slide. North Lawndale is a charter school, with more control over its curriculum than a typical public school, and a "do-the-right-thing" imperative is essential to its mission and to the life lessons it tries to teach.

"I try to be fair, and there's no way I could look at the other kids, the kids who work their butts off, if I hadn't followed through on this," Wolf said. "You want kids to get the grades, but they have to earn them."

Karpinsky and school President John Horan say they had no reason to doubt Wolf's version of events.

"Sports is a major factor that attracts kids, and we're very proud of our sports teams," Horan said. "There's a real balancing act between athletics and our academic mission, which is to prepare kids from an underserved community to graduate from college. Part of the challenge is to never see athletics as more important than that."

Mills has steadfastly denied cheating, telling the Tribune he didn't have to, that he was passing the course. Wolf acknowledges that he was. But the teacher believes he did the right thing, and he's gratified by the school's support.

"This isn't about squeaking by, about turning an 'F' into a 'C.' It's about performing in the classroom as well as on the basketball court," Horan said. "We want to create a situation in which our kids succeed academically, and we try to be flexible, but you can't be an enabler. There are bottom-line standards, IHSA standards and our own standards.

"And our standards are pretty high."

Basketball ends, for even the most talented kids. Life goes on, and for the kids of North Lawndale it's a daily challenge. Wolf and his colleagues want students to be prepared. Doing the right thing is part of the deal.


High School Coaching Anew! 'Play Up, Chaps! Oh, Play Up, Do!'

The Chicago public school system is proposing new rules for high school coaches that would explicitly ban them from pushing, pinching or paddling athletes or engaging in "displays of temper,"' the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

The proposal follows allegations that at least four Chicago coaches had paddled or hit athletes. The new policy could including banning coaches for life for a single rule violation.

"We're trying to send a message. We're trying to make it crystal clear that this is not acceptable behavior,"' CPS counsel Patrick Rocks tells the paper.
USA Today 3/24/2009

As a Result -

2010 Chicago Public School Soccer Match Percy Julian College Prep versus Calumet High School

“Hold the punt-about!” “To the goals!” are the cries, and all stray balls are impounded by the authorities; and the whole mass of boys moves up towards the two goals, dividing as they go into three bodies. That little band on the left, consisting of from fifteen to twenty boys, Dewann amongst them, who are making for the goal under the Calumet wall, are the Calumet High boys who are not to play-up, and have to stay in goal. The larger body moving to the island goal are the School boys in a like predicament. The great mass in the middle are the players-up, both sides mingled together; they are hanging their jackets, and all who mean real work, their hats, waistcoats, neck-handkerchiefs, and braces, on the railings round the small trees; and there they go by twos and threes up to their respective grounds. There is none of the colour and tastiness of get-up, you will perceive, which lends such a life to the present game at Calumet, making the dullest and worst-fought match a pretty sight. Now each house has its own uniform of cap and jersey, of some lively colour: but at the time we are speaking of plush caps have not yet come in, or uniforms of any sort, except the Calumet white trousers, which are abominably cold to-day: let us get to work, bare-headed, and girded with our plain leather straps—but we mean business, gentlemen.

And now that the two sides have fairly sundered, and each occupies its own ground, and we get a good look at them, what absurdity is this? You don’t mean to say that those fifty or sixty boys in white trousers, many of them quite small, are going to play that huge mass opposite? Indeed I do, gentlemen; they’re going to try at any rate, and won’t make such a bad fight of it either, mark my word; for hasn’t old Brooke won the toss, with his lucky halfpenny, and got choice of goals and kick-off? The new ball you may see lie there quite by itself, in the middle, pointing towards the School or island goal; in another minute it will be well on its way there. Use that minute in remarking how the Calumet side is drilled. You will see in the first place, that the sixth-form boy, who has the charge of goal, has spread his force (the goal-keepers) so as to occupy the whole space behind the goal-posts, at distances of about five yards apart; a safe and well-kept goal is the foundation of all good play. Old Marcus Pureheart is talking to the captain of quarters; and now he moves away. See how that youngster spreads his men (the light brigade) carefully over the ground, half-way between their own goal and the body of their own players-up (the heavy brigade). These again play in several bodies; there is young Jamal and the bull-dogs—mark them well—they are the “fighting brigade,” the “die-hards,” larking about at leap-frog to keep themselves warm, and playing tricks on one another. And on each side of old Leander, who is now standing in the middle of the ground and just going to kick-off, you see a separate wing of players-up, each with a boy of acknowledged prowess to look to—here Warner, and there Hedge; but over all is old Leander, absolute as he of Cuba, but wisely and bravely ruling over willing and worshipping subjects, a true football king. His face is earnest and careful as he glances a last time over his array, but full of pluck and hope, the sort of look I hope to see in my general when I go out to fight.

The Percy Julian side is not organized in the same way. The goal-keepers are all in lumps, any-how and no- how; you can’t distinguish between the players-up and the boys in quarters, and there is divided leadership; butwith such odds in strength and weight it must take more than that to hinder them from winning; and so their leaders seem to think, for they let the players-up manage themselves.

But now look, there is a slight move forward of the Calumet-house wings; a shout of “Are you ready?” and loud affirmative reply. Old Marcus takes half-a-dozen quick steps, and away goes the ball spinning towards the School goal,—seventy yards before it touches ground, and at no point above twelve or fifteen feet high, a model kick-off; and the School-house cheer and rush on; the ball is returned, and they meet it and drive it back amongst the masses of the School already in motion. Then the two sides close, and you can see nothing for minutes but a swaying crowd of boys, at one point violently agitated. That is where the ball is, and there are the keen players to be met, and the glory and the hard knocks to be got: you hear the dull thud thud of the ball, and the shouts of “Off your side,” “Down with him,” “Put him over,” “Bravo.” This is what we call “a scrummage,” gentlemen, and the first scrummage in a School- house match was no joke in the consulship of Plancus.

But see! it has broken; the ball is driven out on the Calumet High side, and a rush of the Calumet Injuns carries it past the Calumet players-up. “Look out in quarters,” Marcus’s and twenty other voices ring out; no need to call though: the School-house captain of quarters has caught it on the bound, dodges the foremost School boys, who are heading the rush, and sends it back with a good drop-kick well into the enemy’s country. And then follows rush upon rush, and scrummage upon scrummage, the ball now driven through into the School-house quarters, and now into the Calumet goal; for the Injuns have not lost the advantage which the kick-off and a slight wind gave them at the outset, and are slightly “penning” their adversaries. You say, you don’t see much in it all; nothing but a struggling mass of boys, and a leather ball which seems to excite them all to great fury, as a red rag does a bull. My dear sir, a battle would look much the same to you, except that the boys would be men, and the balls iron; but a battle would be worth your looking at for all that, and so is a football match. You can’t be expected to appreciate the delicate strokes of play, the turns by which a game is lost and won,—it takes an old player to do that, but the broad philosophy of football you can understand if you will. Come along with me a little nearer, and let us consider it together.are the colour of mother earth from shoulder to ankle, except young Brooke, who has a marvellous knack of keeping his legs. The School-house are being penned in their turn, and now the ball is behind their goal, under the Doctor’s wall. The Doctor and some of his family are there looking on, and seem as anxious as any boy for the success of the School-house. We get a minute’s breathing time before old Brooke kicks out, and he gives the word to play strongly for touch, by the three trees. A way goes the ball, and the bull-dogs after it, and in another minute there is shout of “In touch!” “Our ball!” Now’s your time, old Marcus, while your men are still fresh. He stands with the ball in his hand, while the two sides form in deep lines opposite one another: he must strike it straight out between them. The lines are thickest close to him, but young Brooke and two or three of his men are shifting up further, where the opposite line is weak. Old Brooke strikes it out straight and strong, and it falls opposite his brother. Hurra! that rush has taken it right through the School line, and away past the three trees, far into their quarters, and young Marcus and the bull-dogs are close upon it. The School leaders rush back, shouting “Look out in goal,” and strain every nerve to catch him, but they are after the fleetest foot in Rugby. There they go straight for the School goal-posts, quarters scattering before them. One after another the bull-dogs go down, but young Marcus holds on. “He is down.” No! a long stagger, but the danger is past; that was the shock of Crew, the most dangerous of dodgers. And now he is close to the School goal, the ball not three yards before him. There is a hurried rush of the School fags to the spot, but no one throws himself on the ball, the only chance, and young Brooke has touched it right under the School goal-posts.

The School leaders come up furious, and administer toco to the wretched fags nearest at hand; they may well be angry, for it is all Lombard-street to a china orange that the School-house kick a goal with the ball touched in such a good place. Old Brooke of course will kick it out, but who shall catch and place it? Call Crab Jones. Here he comes, sauntering along with a straw in his mouth, the queerest, coolest fish in Rugby: if he were tumbled into the moon this minute, he would just pick himself up without taking his hands out of his pockets or turning a hair. But it is a moment when the boldest charger’s heart beats quick. Old Marcus stands with the ball under his arm motioning the School back; he will not kick-out till they are all in goal, behind the posts; they are all edging forwards, inch by inch, to get nearer for the rush at Crab Jones, who stands there in front of old Marcus to catch the ball. If they can reach and destroy him before he catches, the danger is over; and with one and the same rush they will carry it right away to the Calumet High goal. Fond hope! it is kicked out and caught beautifully. Crab strikes his heel into the ground, to mark the spot where the ball was caught, beyond which the School line may not advance; but there they stand, five deep, ready to rush the moment the ball touches the ground. Take plenty of room! don’t give the rush a chance of reaching you! place it true and steady! Trust Crab Jones—he has made a small hole with his heel for the ball to lie on, by which he is resting on one knee, with his eye on old Marcus. “Now!” Crab places the ball at the word, old Marcus kicks, and it rises slowly and truly as the School rush forward.

Then a moment’s pause, while both sides look up at the spinning ball. There it flies, straight between the two posts, some five feet above the cross-bar, an unquestioned goal; and a shout of real genuine joy rings out from the Calumet players-up, and a faint echo of it comes over the close from the goal- keepers under the Doctor’s wall. A goal in the first hour—such a thing hasn’t been done in the School- house match these five years.

“Over!” is the cry: the two sides change goals, and the Calumet goal-keepers come threading their way across through the masses of the School; the most openly triumphant of them, amongst whom is Akim, a Calumet man of two hours’ standing, getting their ears boxed in the transit. Akim indeed is excited beyond measure, and it is all the sixth-form boy, kindest and safest of goal-keepers, has been able to do, to keep him from rushing out whenever the ball has been near their goal. So he holds him by his side, and instructs him in the science of touching.

“Are you ready?” “Yes.” And away comes the ball kicked high in the air, to give the School time to rush on and catch it as it falls. And here they are amongst us. Meet them like GDS, you Calumet boys, and charge them home. Now is the time to show what mettle is in you—and there shall be a warm seat by the hall fire, and honour, and lots of bottled beer to-night,(like them Playas at Whitey Young!) for him who does his duty in the next half-hour. And they are well met. Again and again the cloud of their players-up gathers before our goal, and comes threatening on, and Warner or Hedge, with young Brooke and the relics of the bull-dogs, break through and carry the ball back; and old Brooke ranges the field like Job’s war-horse: the thickest scrummage parts asunder before his rush, like the waves before a clipper’s bows; his cheery voice rings over the field, and his eye is everywhere. And if these miss the ball, and it rolls dangerously in front of our goal, Crab Jones and his men have seized it and sent it away towards the sides with the unerring drop-kick. This is worth living for; the whole sum of school-boy existence gathered up into one straining, struggling half-hour, a half-hour worth a year of common life.

The quarter to five has struck, and the play slackens for a minute before goal; but there is Crew, the artful dodger, driving the ball in behind our goal, on the island side, where our quarters are weakest. Is there no one to meet him? Yes! look at little East! the ball is just at equal distances between the two, and they rush together, the young man of seventeen and the boy of twelve, and kick it at the same moment. Crew passes on without a stagger; East is hurled forward by the shock, and plunges on his shoulder, as if he would bury himself in the ground; but the ball rises straight into the air, and falls behind Crew’s back, while the “bravos” of the School-house attest the pluckiest charge of all that hard-fought day. Warner picks East up lame and half stunned, and he hobbles back into goal, conscious of having played the man.

And now the last minutes are come, and the School gather for their last rush, every boy of the hundred and twenty who has a run left in him. Reckless of the defence of their own goal, on they come across the level big-side ground, the ball well down amongst them, straight for our goal, like the column of the Old Guard up the slope at Waterloo. All former charges have been child’s play to this. Will-kill and 'Tang have met them, but still on they come. The bull-dogs rush in for the last time; they are hurled over or carried back, striving hand, foot, and eyelids. Old Brooke comes sweeping round the skirts of the play, and turning short round picks out the very heart of the scrummage, and plunges in. It wavers for a moment—he has the ball! No, it has passed him, and his voice rings out clear over the advancing tide, “Look out in goal.” Crab Jones catches it for a moment; but before he can kick, the rush is upon him and passes over him; and he picks himself up behind them with his straw in his mouth, a little dirtier, but as cool as ever.

The ball rolls slowly in behind the Calumet goal not three yards in front of a dozen of the biggest Calumet players-up.

Next week ! Will Akim, Old Marcus and Crab Jones bring Honor to Old Calumet or will Percy Julian College Prep roundly sully these young hearts of oak?

Scum Dog Millionaires, or Loudmouth Yuppie Victims of Their Own Personal Entitlement to Live La Vida Payaso?

Cops were an easy gambit for PI/Brutality Beef attorneys after the lard-ass with a badge beat up a tiny Polish bartender,while three Blackberry and Cell Phone armed Metrosexuals watched the brutality.

Close on the heels of that, our Jefferson Tap Billiards Champs shot their mouths off after getting bullet-proof following a big day of trading or some such half-slick tedium that now passes for honest labor. They got all Ashton Kutcher Funny with a young cop who had recently lost his Policeman Father and the Cue Chalkers got a handsome tune-up from some persons and they are pretty sure that it was the cops who put some grrrrr in their Grrr-animals.

The prosecution yesterday informed all of us citizens that the Billiard boys were unarmed, but it appears that they had pool cues in their velvet mitts - which seemed to disappear, like magical fairy dust.


This case will roll out in favor of the 'victims' in the media despite testimony like this:

The star witness against three off-duty Chicago police officers accused of attacking him and his brother at a West Loop bar said that moments after the officers interrupted their game of pool, he found himself hunched over a curb outside as blows rained down on him.

"I'm sort of crouched down by the curb with my jacket over my head," Barry Gilfand testified in the bench trial before Cook County Circuit Judge Thomas Gainer Jr. "I could just tell that I was being hit by more than one person ... if someone's holding on to your shirt and you're being hit on the opposite side of your body."

Though he couldn't see the men who were hitting him, Gilfand said the only ones near him were Sgt. Jeffrey Planey, 35, and Officer Paul Powers, 27.
( emphasis my own)

Boy this goof should argue in favor of an Illinois Tax Increase - he makes almost as much of compelling case in his favor over the tune-up he got, as Pat Quinn and Motormouth Ralph Martire.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cops Face Grenades - Real and Fake - Journalists are Not Worried. Part II - Kill Radius of Hand Grenades

From the Comments at Second City Cop!

Kill Radius: 5 meters or 15-18 feet

Causality Radius: 15 meters or 45-50 feet.

Thrown inside a room: these numbers can intensify.


Be Safe

God and Your Partners Keep You Safe!

Why Pat Hickey is not Fictional - But My Photo Would Sicken a Billy Goat Raised on Rancid Butt Maggot & Peanut Butter Ice Cream

In a very recent exchange of blog posts between myself and perfectly fetching young woman attorney, my opponent complained that Pat Hickey is an anonymous fiction, crafted by some deft imaginative conceits by a literary genius.

Not so.

I am as genuine as the many Bills and Payment Notices thickening my mail box. They ( all of them)mean to be paid ( and they will!) and I mean to be as honest as is humanly possible.

Cant rules and I am numbered among the servile class. Would that I could elegantly dissemble, parse, and beguile with nuanced energy, some politician would be throwing spondulix into my pockets and money vaults. Alas, I remain an impecunious servant of God and true Son of the Republic.

My Biography would certainly not compel others to propel me into the White House - Plenty of Audacity ( 'Hey, you done eatin' them ribs?') and Hope ( 'Two Pick Fours and a Mega Millions, Dawna'), but not really all that inspirational or thigh tingling -

Call me Ishmael! Nope, been done . . . Okay -I was born with a Caul . . . Nope. let's see. I was born in a CrossFire Hurricane - no . . .Now when I was a young boy, at the age of five My mother said I was,gonna be the greatest man alive But now I'm a man, way past 21 Want you to believe me baby,I had lot's of fun I'm a man I spell mmm, aaa child, nnn That represents man No B, O child, Y That mean mannish boy I'm a man I'm a full grown man.My family is American, and has been for generations, in all its branches, direct and collateral. After the death of the great King, beautiful Versailles, fatal for France, lay empty seven years while fresh air blew through its golden rooms, blowing away the sorcery and bigotry which hung about the walls like a miasma, blowing away the old century and blowing in the new.I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly considered how much depended upon what they were then doing;—that not only the production of a rational Being was concerned in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;—and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost:—Had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly,—I am verily persuaded I should have made a quite different figure in the world, from that, in which the reader is likely to see me.The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up.

or some such nonsense . . . I like the way this stuff is going - I should look pretty good in a few inspiring chapters -on paper anyway.

'Told you about that photo.

"A Little Gallows Humor To Get You Through the Day!"

“You're sitting here. And you're— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he's sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain. . .” Kroft asked at one point.

“Are you punch-drunk*?” Kroft said.

“No, no. There's gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Obama said, with a laugh.

* Main Entry: punch-drunk
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: dazed
Synonyms: agog, baffled, befuddled, confused, dazzled, dizzy, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, flustered, lost, muddled, perplexed, punchy*, puzzled, rattled, slap-happy, staggered

* = informal/non-formal usage
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition
Copyright © 2009 by the Philip Lief Group.
Cite This Source

Max Weisman Warns! - Don't Allow Dangerous-Breed Dogs and Small Children Alone!

Please read!!!If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed' category and you also have a small child please take this as a warning. Don't leave your dog with the child unattended under any circumstances.Only a little moment was enough for the following to happen.

This warning comes from Max Weisman - Philosopher, Architect, Free Market Venture Capitalist and Patriot.

ExPungement Attorney Tamara Holder Responds to My Blog

I am Tamara Holder and while I respect your opinion of me, your blog is misleading.

Let me correct you in saying that an expungement does NOT clear criminal records of convicted felons. An expungement is for someone who has no convictions whatsoever. This person has arrests or non-convictions.

Also, let me correct you in saying that I have fought for answers from Chicago Police & Jody Weis for the family of slain Chicago Police officer Jose Vazquez who was gunned down outside of his home just over 2 years ago. We are all waiting for some answers on who killed this wonderful husband/brother/son.

So, as we are all entitled to our own opinions, I appreciate the opportunity to clarify your blog.

And I welcome a meeting with you at any time. It's not polite to judge people who you do not know.

11:24 PM

Thanks for the clarification Ms. Holder. As I am just a layman and certainly no Captain of the Bar, my opinions are developed through experience and study. Your activism and notoriety helped gave shape and dimension to my simple point of view. Thus:( http://www.wethepeoplemedia.org/Archive/2008_Fall/Articles/HaroldIckes_Fall08.html)

The Progress Illinois piece and the subsequent Mary Mitchell rant against the Illinois State Police seemed to indicate that 'expungement' in fact was for criminally convicted felons and miscreants who had been good for a couple of years:

Mary Mitchell:

Expungements and the sealing of criminal records of people with low-level felony or misdemeanor arrests or convictions were viewed as critical to urban communities where unemployment figures were double-digits long before the country sank into a steep recession.
Chicago Sun Times

State Rep. Constance Howard (D-Chicago) and Sen. Kimberly Lightford (D-Westchester) have introduced HB 3961, which seeks to clarify the expungement process laid out in the Criminal Identification Act. The bill sets a 60-day timetable for filing a response to relevant court-orders. It would also heighten oversight of the ISP decisions by requiring the agency to generate additional reports for the Governor, General Assembly, Attorney General’s office, and the Illinois State Appellate Defender’s office to review.

Meanwhile, Judge Paul Biebel, head of the Criminal Division of the Cook County Circuit Court -- whose orders were ignored by ISP roughly 13 percent of the time in 2007 alone -- has taken on the job of sorting this mess out. Madigan is also working with a team of pro-bono attorneys -- from the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, the Chicago Legal Clinic-Austin Circle Law Center, and the Cabrini Green Legal Aid Clinic -- to make sure the situation is rectified.
Angela Caputo Progress Illinois

An interview by Jaqueline Thompson)
I received an opportunity to interview Tamara Holder, the lawyer provided by Jackson and the Rainbow Push Coalition for residents who were caught in the web of new police tactics for people control.

Residents' Journal: Has there been a Class Action Suit filed on behalf of the residents of Harold Ickes concerning police harassment with contact cards and trespassing?

Tamara Holder: Yes. The suit was filed for many based on the contact cards, only after the trespass cases had been solved and thrown out of court. About five more people have trespassing cases pending in court and once they are done, there will be a separate class action suit filed for them. ( emphasis my own)

RJ: Can you tell from your experience in court with the residents whether or not the City is sympathetic or apathetic about the residents’ complaints?

TH: I think they are disinterested in the issue because the CPD is part of the City of Chicago and an extension of it. If they were sympathetic, they would make the officers cease and dismiss these practices.
RJ: It is a known fact that there are a lot of homeless people in and around Ickes and sometimes at night they are raided whilst sleeping in the halls and are arrested for it. What are your feelings about the City’s role in servicing the homeless population? Do you know if the City addresses the situation in any way?

TH: The city’s condo housing has protection from illegal entry by guards at the front doors. You can’t get in without a key or a key card. The residents of public housing should be protected from strangers or non-residents too. They have just as much right as others. Homeless people need homes. Chicago has made no provisions for them. Public housing is sort of a back door shelter. Anybody can come in, defecate, urinate, vomit and trash the place.

RJ: Are you in touch with clients of other developments for the same or similar incidents of harassment, trespassing or arrests?

TH: No. I only know that the Cabrini Green development has a community activist group that is addressing resident treatment from CPD.

For more on Tamara Holder and Expungements:


Cops Face Grenades - Real and Fake - Journalists are Not Worried.

Police officers face mortal danger every day. They signed up for that.

They must also deal with a Media, law suit lawyers and elected officials.

Now they are facing hand grenades. This moring it was reported that a fake grenade was tossed at police officers in Roseland.

CHICAGO - Chicago police say they have been questioning a man who reportedly tossed a fake grenade during a foot chase in the Roseland neighborhood on the city's far South Side.

The incident occurred late Sunday morning when officers responded to a call of a person with a gun near East 107th Street and South Wentworth Avenue. Police say the officers located the suspect, who attempted to flee on foot.

During the chase, the suspect reportedly tossed what appeared to be a grenade. Officers notified the Chicago Fire Department and the police Bomb & Arson Section and then captured the suspect, police said. No gun was ever found on the man.

Bomb & Arson investigators determined the thrown object was a fake and was not a threat

What then, Mr. NewsHound, is a Threat? The threat of a grenade is real Agenda Stooge Reporters are Unreal

Sunday, March 22, 2009

California Gunman Kills Four Cops While Violating Parole - Save All the Expungement Hypocrisy!

Dear God - more cops killed. The idiots in Illinois are getting all Progressive to put money in Expungment Attorney Tamara Holder's purse. She is a rising star in the scum-bag legal community - watch out G. Flint Taylor and Jon Loevy! Holder trolls for Criminals in violence racked housing projects and in the Sun Times. Holder was part of Jesse Jackson's Sleepover resulting from the drug-pinch riots at the Harold Ickes Homes a while back.

Now Tamara has Lefty journalists and Chicago's leading race-baiter at the Sun Times panning for gold on her Expungement Claim.

In California three cops were murdered by a parole violater and another officer clings to life.

Man violates parole, kills three cops in California

Monday, Mar 23, 2009, Page 7
A man wanted for violating his parole killed three police officers and gravely wounded another in two shootings on Saturday, the first after a routine traffic stop and the second after a massive manhunt ended in gunfire, authorities said.

The gunman was also killed.

The violence began on Saturday afternoon when two officers stopped a Buick sedan in Oakland, California, police spokesman Jeff Thomason said. The driver opened fire, killing one officer and seriously wounding the second.

The gunman then fled on foot, police said, leading to an intense manhunt by dozens of Oakland police, California Highway Patrol officers and Alameda County sheriff deputies. Streets were roped off and an entire area of east Oakland closed to traffic.

About two-and-a-half hours later, officers, acting on an anonymous tip, found the suspect barricaded inside an apartment building, police said.

Police said the gunman fired an assault rifle at officers who came into the building to arrest him. Two members of the SWAT team were killed and a third was grazed by a bullet, police said.

Acting Oakland police chief Howard Jordan said police returned fire, killing a man they identified as 26-year-old Lovelle Mixon of Oakland.

The slain officers were identified as Sergeant Mark Dunakin, 40, who was killed at the first shooting, and sergeants Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, who were killed at the second location.

Officer John Hege, 41, was in serious condition.

Somber officers at the police station consoled each other.

“This is probably one of the worst incidents that has ever taken place in this history of the Oakland police department,” Thomason said.

“[Mixon] was on parole and he had a warrant out for his arrest for violating that parole. And he was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon,” Oakland police Deputy Chief Jeffery Israel said.

People lingered at the scene of the first shooting. About 20 bystanders taunted police.

Tension between police and the community has risen since the fatal shooting of unarmed 22-year-old Oscar Grant by a transit police officer at an Oakland train station on Jan. 1.

This past week Pop Eyed Racist and unoriginal thinker, Mary Mitchell reacting to other persons' journalism and reports and Leftist STNG Barista Angela Caputo) shouted out this:

Because African Americans account for about 61 percent of Illinois parolees, it is the group most impacted by the arrogance of this state agency.

So, it is quite ironic that it was black community leaders who publicly supported Blagojevich during the corruption scandal that jettisoned him from office.

The failure of the Illinois State Police to expunge and seal criminal records when ordered to do so by a judge also has likely resulted in people who honestly thought they had complied with the law losing their jobs after a background check.

Also, since applying for an expungement costs $60 -- a fee that many applicants are hard-pressed to come by -- the state agency has effectively scammed these applicants when it refused to obey the judge's orders to seal or expunge the records.

Like I said, this is a mess.

One way to start unraveling it is to bring Trent before the legislative body to explain himself.

Maybe his department has been too tainted by Blagojevich's disdain for ex-offenders.

Or maybe, given an environment where no one seemed to have been in charge, Trent mistakenly thought he could play by his own rules.

Whatever the case, the agency is guilty of abusing its vast power to determine what is right from what is wrong.

The rush to expunge Criminal Records puts money in Expungment Tamara Holder's pockets, but it gets cops killed and endangers society. Tamara Holder pops up wherever Criminals in our community need more camouflage and cover. Expungment is a big help to career criminals.

God Bless all the families of the slain officers in California and here in Illinois as well.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

'Sleek and Tres Chic' Catch Andrew Distel and Guitarist Daniel Bruce at Viands

Catch Jazz as it was meant to be performed by Vocal genius and horn man Andrew Distel and guitarist Daniel Bruce- Tonight at Viand Chicago:

Saturday March 21
Viand Restaurant
155 E. Ontario
no cover

Andrew Distel-vocals/trumpet
Daniel Bruce-guitar


Click my post title for Andrew singing 'The Rest of Your Life'

Proposed IllInois ReProductive Rights Bill (HB 2354) Should Be Aborted !

Executive Chef and Aged Greek Pastry Arianna Huffington's Chicago Greasy Forceps ( spoons are too small) Diner - HuffPo-Chicago - serves up a huge plateful of abortion to hungry Progressives. Sous Chef Jesse Greenberg plates up gravy saturated helpings of aborted joints and innards to please the most discerning palates of folks who can not get enough of dead kids!

This is your destination for infanticide gustation! Get your tongues and choppers over and into a mouthful of Jesse Greenberg's plated L'Enfant ratatouille -

The bill does not require health care professionals who oppose abortion to perform abortion procedures. The bill states that health care facilities should "accommodate" their employees who object to women's reproductive health procedures and for health care facilities to "assist the patient" in obtaining the health care they desire in a "timely fashion." ( Notice the delicate and enchanting flavorings and garnishes that make this aborted mess a feast for the eyes and a savory Progressive Plateful!) . . .
This bill is completely consistent with both ensuring women get good reproductive health care access and making sure health care professionals are not put in a situation that violates their religious or moral beliefs. ( Tasty, Chef Jesse, Tasty!)
Furthermore, for opponents of the bill that dislike teaching sex education in public schools, this bill does not remove a parent's right to pull their kids from sex education classes whenever they want.
( Jesse! Remove and Pull! That Ankle Biter's Plate Ready and I'm Bear-Hungry! Abort! Abort!)

Jesse makes a roue-roux with the gallons of baby-blood that is sensational! It covers every dish! He adds this Lagniappe, "Ironically, Cardinal George calls HB 2354 supporters "enemies of religion." How dare he violate others' personal health care choices by attempting to make those views state law? That's immoral and unjust.

This is a good bill. Make sure you let your legislators know you support it. Click on the Illinois Reproductive Health website to make it happen."

Jesse!!! Do I smell Placenta Polenta????? Laddle it up, there, Lad!

This will be great bill of fare, Chef Jesse! Eat them Critters! 'Suck the H'aids off!' - as my Tante says down on the Bayou Teche! Oooooooo - as Progressives fancy themselves as smart and desire eeveryone to perceive them as such - Jesse scoop out some of this - Cerveau L'Enfants!*

Arianna Huffington's skull popping and limb-rendering magic is at work here in Moss-back Chicago! With Sous Chef's Like Jesse Greenberg, Aborted Kids can be souped, stewed, smoked, roasted and plated 24/7 at this Greasy Forceps ( a spoon just won't cut it!) and eaten by Nuanced Eaters of Children!

My Review-Five Forceps for this Bloody Spot!

* Cerveau 'Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!' L'enfant's - Kid's Brains for Tiny Brained Progressives

Ingredients :

2 x Childs' brains
1 tsp Salt
1 x Onion studded with
1 x Clove
1 x Bay leaf
1 pch Thyme
4 x Peppercorns
1/8 cup Flour
1/4 cup Butter
6 slc Lemon thin slices
1 tbl Chopped parsley

Method :
Soak brains in cold water for 2 hours. Remove thin outer skin. Soak again in cold water for 3 hours.
Place brains in large saucepan. Cover with cold water. Add salt, onion studded with a clove, bay leaf, thyme, and peppercorns. Bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove brains and drain them.
Scallop brains. Dredge with flour. In large skillet, heat 1/8 cup butter. Add brains and cook for 10 minutes, or until well browned on all sides. Remove brains to heated serving dish and keep warm.
Meanwhile, in small skillet, heat remaining butter and cook for 5 minutes, or until butter is hazel brown. Pour over brains. Garnish with slices of lemon and sprinkle with parsley. Serve hot.
Serve with boiled potatoes.
Suggested Wine: A chilled dry white wine: Bordeaux Graves; etc.

Sheriff Tom Dart Ahead of Curve on Craigslist Child Prostitution and Exploitation

Photo of Tom Dart by Spencer Green

Following Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's lead folks in New York and New Jersey are going after pimps and pornographers in Craigslist - the hip scratch sheet for Nuanced Perverts and Losers.

Police told CBS 2 HD on Friday that the couple used Craigslist to find clients for their bordello in the 'burbs.

Richard Salvatore and Rachel Grome are husband and wife -- now accused as pimp and prostitute.

They are a team that allegedly used the popular Web site to market services that involved illegal sex.

Cops said they hosted "Johns" at their townhouse in a quiet Rye Brook neighborhood.

"I feel like Craigslist has really brought 42nd Street and Times Square right into people's home," Rye Brook Police Chief Gregory Austin told CBS 2 HD.

Beyond the idiots at San Francisco Citizen and Illinois Political Rivals and Do-Nothings, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has landed a solid punch to Kiddie Pornographers and Pimps at Craigslist. The San Francisco prostitution industry is second only to Gay Lesbian Advocacy terrorism in getting out its message that 'Who's To Say What is Moral?'

Comes now career politician Tom Dart, who is using his elected position as Sheriff of Cook County to file a ridiculous lawsuit against craigslist over prostitution advertising. Did Chicago prostitutes use other kinds of media before the creation of craigslist? Why yes. And as a matter of fact, the Chicago Reader newspaper (a free weekly like the Bay Guardian and SF Weekly) is making money right now today with erotic services ads (as are the aforementioned Bay Guardian and SF Weekly, of course). Let’s take a look at a few of today’s ads sitting in newsboxes right outside the Sheriff’s office: Is Thomas Dart still promoting his craigslist boycott? Good luck with that and all. I mean, that stands a better chance of working than this lawsuit. I mean really, is Craig’s list “a source” of prostitution?

But why would this elected sheriff/lawyer want to go out of town to pick on cragslist? Perhaps he wins even if/when his lawsuit fails? Anyway, his press conference is starting now, noon Central Standard Time. Let’s give him a chance to make his case and pretend it has a ghost of a chance of succeeding.


Marl Konkol, one of the good guys at Chicago Sun Times wrote accurately on Tom Dart's assault on the Prostitution and Porn Propaganda Press at Craigslist:

"I am fed up. I am tired and this is going to stop," Dart said.

Dart filed a federal lawsuit Thursday asking a judge to force San Francisco-based Craigslist to eliminate the "erotic services" section of its Web site, where he said most prostitution ads are posted. The lawsuit also asks that Craigslist reimburse Cook County for the salaries of officers who investigate prostitution and human trafficking through the Web site -- a bill of more than $100,000.

"We're asking them to do what frankly they should have been doing all along -- stop facilitating prostitution. Stop being the largest source of prostitution in America," Dart said.

Since January 2007, sheriff's police have arrested 200 people on prostitution charges, juvenile pimping and human trafficking directly connected to Craigslist advertisements. Arrests have ranged from suburban soccer moms to heroin addicts to juveniles, some as young as 14.

A Craigslist spokeswoman said she has not seen Dart's complaint, but the company does cooperate with law enforcement. "Misuse of Craigslist to facilitate criminal activity is unacceptable, and we continue to work diligently to prevent it. Misuse of the site is exceptionally rare compared to how much the site is used for legal purposes," Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster said in a written statement.

Craigslist had reached an agreement in November with attorneys general in Connecticut, Illinois and other states that called for the company to crack down on prostitution ads.

Buckmaster said at the time that it would allow legitimate escort services to continue advertising, while discouraging illegal activity by requiring anyone posting "erotic services" ads to provide a working phone number and pay a fee with a valid credit card.

Dart said that didn't change a thing.

A 19-year-old woman recently arrested during a Craigslist prostitution sting told reporters she wound up in a hotel room soliciting sex from an undercover officer after trying to break into modeling in response to an Internet ad. The woman, whose pimp named her "Honey," was being sold for sex on Craigslist for $300 an hour. When the undercover officer met her at a south suburban hotel, he could tell she was a victim, Lt. Michael Anton said. "She was very nervous. You could tell she hadn't done that before," he said.

"Honey," who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that was her first time and she felt lucky police arrested her.

Kiddie Porn, Child Prostitution, and White Slavery are only three of the glaring crimes against humanity related to 'the victimless crime of Prostitution. The 'Who's To Say?' Progressive Doctrine that leeches to every aspect of popular culture leavens the bread that Craigslist tosses on the scum of its pond.

Tom Dart has taken the lead and other communities have followed.

Tom Dart was a huge help to President Barack Obama when they were in the Illinois Senate together. President Obama was placed on the Magic Carpet by many of Craigslist defenders - those 'Who's To Say' Boiled Beet Progressives.

Tom Dart has taken the slow gradus up the political summit. President Obama talks to Jay Leno. Tom Dart speaks to Americans.

Friday, March 20, 2009

April 1st - Send a Tea Bag to D.C. Hey, I'm Getting All Coalition and Mobilitzation Activist, Here! Whoa! Hey! Good Gawd!

I Can't Go on Leno. So, I'll write to both of my readers . . . Ma and the kid that wears the Big Helmet all day.

I have more month at the end of my money. Pat Quinn wants to increase Illinois taxes - won't happen. However, President Obama and his Our Gang Comedy Congress ( Harry, Nancy, Barney, and Chris) and the Agit-Prop News Media ( MSBC, ABC,CBS,HuffPo,NYT) will spin more burden on to the American taxpayer than at any time since your ancestors got their feet and backs wet coming ashore in America.

They came here naked and the crew in D.C. want to make sure that we go out Buck Nekid!

Time to send a bag of tea to D.C. - I'm sending Irish Imported Barry's Breakfast Tea, purchased at Greek American owned ( The Baffes Family) County Fair Store here in Morgan Park neighborhood Chicago. It's Named Like the President!
Here's what to do -

There's a storm abrewin'. What happens when good, responsible people keep quiet? Washington has forgotten they work for us. We don't work for them. Throwing good money after bad is NOT the answer. Sick of the midnight, closed door sessions to come up with a plan? Sick of Congress raking CEO's over the coals while they, themselves, have defaulted on their taxes? Sick of the bailed out companies having lavish vacations and retreats on our tax dollar? Sick of being told it is OUR responsibility to rescue people that, knowingly, bought more house than they could afford? I am sick of being made to feel it is my patriotic duty to pay MORE taxes. I, like all of you, am a responsible citizen. I pay my taxes. I live on a budget and I don't ask someone else to carry the burden for poor decisions I may make. I have emailed my congressmen and senators asking them to NOT vote for the stimulus package as it was written without reading it first. No one listened. They voted for it, pork and all.

O.K. folks, here it is. You may think you are just one voice and what you think won't make a difference. Well, yes it will and YES, WE CAN!! If you are disgusted and angry with the way Washington is handling our taxes. If you are fearful of the fallout from the wreckless spending of BILLIONS to bailout and "stimulate" without accountability and responsibility then we need to become ONE, LOUD VOICE THAT CAN BE HEARD FROM EVERY CITY, TOWN, SUBURB AND HOME IN AMERICA. There is a growing protest to demand that Congress, the President and his cabinet LISTEN to us, the American Citizens. What is being done in Washington is NOT the way to handle the economic free fall.

So, here's the plan. On April 1, 2009, all Americans are asked to send a TEABAG to Washington , D.C. You do not have to enclose a note or any other information unless you so desire. Just a TEABAG. Many cities are organizing protests. If you simply search, "New American Tea Party", several sites will come up. If you aren't the 'protester' type, simply make your one voice heard with a TEABAG. Your one voice will become a roar when joined with millions of others that feel the same way. Yes, something needs to be done but the lack of confidence as shown by the steady decline in the stock market speaks volumes.

This was not my idea. I visited the sites of the 'New American Tea Party' and an online survey showed over 90% of thousands said they would send the teabag on April 1. Why, April 1?? We want them to reach Washington by April 15. Will you do it? I will.. Send it to; 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington , D.C. 20500 ...

Forward this to everyone in your address book. Visit the website for more information about the 'New American Tea Party'. I would encourage everyone to go ahead and get the envelope ready to mail, then just drop it in the mail April 1. Can't guarantee what the postage will be by then, it is going up as we speak, but have your envelope ready. What will this cost you? A little time and a 40 something cent stamp.

What could you receive in benefits? Maybe, just maybe, our elected officials will start to listen to the people. ; Take out the Pork. Tell us how the money is being spent. We want TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. Remember, the money will be spent over the next 4-5 years. It is not too late.

Tea Time Mr. President! You want it iced, or steaming hot?

Rent-A-Cops : The End Game of Illinois Leftists After All

"It gives the community more control over illegal activity,'' Beale said. "Police are there to serve and protect. If we can give them some extra help to serve and protect, that's a win-win for everybody."

Soon, GDs, Mikey Cobras, Four Corner Hustlers, Latin Kings and Vice Lords will face Rent-A-Cop and give up all inclination to 'act the fool!' They will own the streets legally. Systemic Racism and Police Brutality will evaporate. The Community will sing and dance - no longer shall they march! Soul-Patched poet manques will quaff arabica bean brewed by baristas and read Charles Bukowski and Graphic Novels ( Comic Books) without snickering at the tough guys and gals who went from college athletics into the Chicago Police Department.

When all of the Horse-manure created and manufactured by bad people and promoted in Chicago's Media Community is weighed and added up -

1. Systemic Racism Get Out of Jail Free Card

2. Police Brutality 24/7

3. Community Control of Everything - thus no Consequences for Anything Crime or Vice

4. Constant Vilification of Police Officers

5. Bleeding Revenue to Lawsuit Lefty Lawyer League ( G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy)

6. Advocacy Politcs

7. Laughingstock Command

the Total Comes to a Privatized Corporate Police Force.

Since Fahey and O'Brien were murdered by the Wilson Brothers, Leftist Academics, Lawyers, Journalists and Americans who swallow anything have orchestrated a complete undermining of any and all confidence in Law Enforcement. When Daley pulled Tisa Morris, an African American attorney, off of responsibility of tracking CR beefs and handed the list of police officers targeted by the Lawsuit Lawyers and created a rubber stamp Board that is comprised of Police Haters, he tipped his hand.

The State Police are the next target from the Lefties like Sun times New Group reporter Angela Caputo, working at the behest of Expungement Attorney Tamara Holder.

“You can have all the legislation in the world, but if you’re going to have an agency like the police that’s going to second guess the court, I don’t know how you’re going to stop it and I don’t know how you’re going to guard against it,” he said. “If you can’t get the king to follow the court, that’s a problem.”

Pop-eyed racist Mary Mitchell will write anything that sets racially sensitive teeth on edge.



Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Taoiseach( P.M. Chief in Irish) and the Teleprompter- BIFFO Meets Barry

"I was reared in a pub – as a young fellow, serving in the pub I learnt far more there about human nature than I learnt in any university or school. I think it gave me a great insight into people." Taoiseach Brian Cowen

"Mr Obama joked about the free-flowing bar and warned his guests not to wear lampshades on their heads in front of the cameras." Sky News

Mr. President - The Irish Do Not Have a Tradition of Wearing Lampshades -sober or inebriated, but you'll get a pass from Tingle Thighs, OlberBloat and Butchie Maddow.

This Distraction . . . never mind.

One of the Irish 'Lampshade' Profiled by President TelePrompter is Irish Taoiseach Brian Cowen.

Mr. Brian Cowen has a wonderful singing voice and has no need of a teleprompter. He is a great guy - glib and welcoming.

On St. Paddy's Day the Taoiseach or Prime Minister Brian Cowen, a great fellow from County Offaly was horsed around by a Teleprompter.. In Ireland, Counties take on the very nature of PC humor so forbidden by tiny-brained and thin-hearted people - Polish Jokes translate to Kerryman Jokes and people from Offaly seem to attract the same affection from neighboring Counties as Illinois residents manage to do from Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan. Missouri, and Iowa populations where we are known as F.I.P.s ( F#$%^ing Illinois P#$%ks) - Offaly folks are known as BIFFO - Big Ignorant F#$%^ers from Offaly.

The BIFFO and the FIP in Chief made the news because of President Obama's addiction to the teleprompter. Taoiseach Cowen read the remarks read by President Obama only moments before - Yuck, Yuck, Yuck! BIFFO!

The Media are going apey on Brian Cowen because The Teleprompter-In-Chief Barack Obama can not and will not communicate without his Plexi-glass/Tri-Pane Fort Apache set.

I sang with Taoiseach Brian Cowen at the Beverly Art Center, following the 2006 South Side Irish Parade. Cousin Willie was the Grand Marshall in his final role as Director of Beverly Area Planning Association and Brian Cowen was serving as Ireland's Minister of Finance. In 2006, Ireland was the marvel of the world of economics and known as the Celtic Tiger - due in no small part to Brian Cowen.

Willie got me to sing with him at the party and we covered Rocky Road to Dublin, Beggarman, Follow Me Up to Carlow and the Minstrel Boy. Years ago Willie and I played with Terry McEldowney as the Sons of Reilly's Daughter: I played 5-string banjo and Willie guitar and Terry played the crowd.

Brian Cowen then stood up and sang the Fields of Athenry a song set in Famine Ireland. No Teleprompter; no hitch, slip or sour note - this Minister had a set of Pipes on Him!

By a lonely prison wall,
I heard a young girl call:
"Michael, they have taken you away,
For you stole Trevelyn's corn,
So the young might see the morn.
Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay."

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

By a lonely prison wall,
I heard a young man call
"Nothing matters, Mary, when you're free
Against the famine and the crown,
I rebelled, they cut me down.
Now you must raise our child with dignity."

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

By a lonely harbor wall,
She watched the last star fall
As the prison ship sailed out against the sky
For she lived to hope and pray
For her love in Botany Bay
It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

Brian Cowen is no empty suit.

Taoiseach Cowen, as a FIP, Chicagoan and American, I apologize for my President. He should have had more grace than he displayed. You were treated shabbily.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gov. Pat Quinn -Either ( Daley/Madigan Barbed Wire Mattress Guy) OR ( The Next Progressive Moses) - He Ain't Nuts.

"It's much better to level with the people in a straightforward manner," Quinn told reporters. "The citizens of Illinois want honest leadership, and they need straight talk." Illinois Governor Pat Quinn

Click my post title for more on the Quinn Budget from the News Gazette
1. Pat Quinn will tell Illinois that he is the guy who dives on the Barbed Wire for Speaker Madigan ( clearing the way for Lisa Madigan) and Mayor Daley in his bid for the Olympics -'Oh, Yeah, we can afford them . . .honest!'

2.Pat Quinn is the Fiesty Progressive Dingbat Warrior Who Will Program His Way into History Books and Lose Every Election in his Path. The Peoples Populist and Fighting Something Or Other! Jesus, I hope not. I like Pat Quinn.

The Quinn/Martire Budget will crash and burn and Illinois will face another long,long, long hot summer in Legislative Session - getting Meeks Threats/Coalition Protests/Purple T-Shirt Visitors/Media Keening and essentially nothing much else.

Speaker Madigan will be villifed by the Boiled Beets Progressives because he is smart, effective and professional.

Pat, as a decent man who was no doubt asked to take a dreary overly plumb, sour faced, neighbor girl to some dance by your Mom and Dad, you can not really believe what you said, "It's much better to level with the people in a straightforward manner," Quinn told reporters. "The citizens of Illinois want honest leadership, and they need straight talk."

Hey, didn't John McCain copyright that one?

Are you really going to tell Illinois that 'we don't sweat much for Fat Girls'?

Pope Kiril Quinn - The Shoes of the Ninian Edwards

Kiril Lakota: [the shadow of the cross is on the Pope's empty chair during this exchange of dialog] Leone, how does a man ever know if his actions are for himself or for God?
Cardinal Leone: You don't know. You have a duty to act. But you have no right to expect approval, or even a successful outcome.
Kiril Lakota: So, in the end, my friend, we are alone?
The Shoes of the Fisherman

I had a great chat with veteran banker Steve Jordan, who worked in Boston, Singapore, New York and San Francisco for some of the leading banks in America. Mr. Jordan is disgusted by the destruction of banking in this country and most especially by the idiotic and gutless trend to nationalize our banks and lending institutions.

Steve Jordan reminded me of the novel by Australian Morris L. West - The Shoes of the Fisherman in which the Pope sells off all of the Vatican's assets to stop a World War sparked by famine in China.Pope Kiril I had been confined to a Soviet Gulag until he was named to replace the Pope. Jordan pointed out that this fictional Pope needed to do What Jesus Would Do, which makes for fine and inspirationally uplifting fiction, but bad economics and worse management -'What about the next Famine? Who's the next Vicar of Christ and what's he got left? Think Red China will buck up?' Nope.

Bankers quit being bankers and made themselves pawns to politicians - politicians are pawns to Programs and Programs come from Taxes. Taxes come from the Wealthier citizens and primarily from the Middle Class and also largely from businesses that pay the wages that can be taxed.

Here in Illinois, political semi-exile recluse, Governor Pat Quinn is playing Pope Kiril Quinn the First - filling the Shoes of Ninian Edwards 1826-1830( 1st Il.Guv). Ninian did one term - a full one though.

Here is Pope Quinn's Encyclical:

Quinn's proposal would raise the individual income tax rate from 3 percent to 4.5 percent and boost the corporate rate from 4.8 percent to 7.2 percent. At the same time, Quinn would shield lower-income families from the tax bite by increasing the personal exemption from the current $2,000 to $6,000. In all, the higher income taxes would generate about $3.1 billion.

He contended 5 million lower wage-earning residents would pay no increase in income taxes or get a tax cut due to the higher exemption.

Quinn also is considering doubling the $10 cost of a four-year driver's license, adding $20 to the $79 cost of a basic license plate fee and increasing vehicle title fees as part of his "Illinois Jobs Now!" proposal—a $26 billion public works program that he said would create 340,000 jobs over several years. The higher fees on motorists would fund $18.6 billion in transportation projects, including road repair and mass transit, and 10 percent of the new income-tax revenue would pay for school construction and unspecified "economic development" projects.

Additionally, the governor is backing a plan that would boost the current 98-cent per pack cigarette tax by 50 cents in the next budget year to help pay down a backlog of long-overdue bills from health-care providers to the poor. The tax could go up another 50 cents a pack the following year.

Quinn outlined his plans in a meeting Tuesday with Democratic lawmakers, who praised the new spirit of openness in contrast to their contentious budget battles with Blagojevich. Still, many lawmakers were warning that several of Quinn's plans were non-starters—including one concept which would deny cities and towns a share of new income-tax revenue.

This is Class Warfare - corporations will leave the State; Programs will bloat; More Taxes without Cuts. The Middle Class will bear more burden. Pope Quinn is not selling off State Assets to pay bills, meet debts, and cover expenses - that, Pope Quinn leaves to the Taxpayer -Pope Quinn loots the citizens and businesses that will leave Illinois.

In Morris L. West's novel the Bells Tolled for Joy - at noon today, Governor Quinn, the bells toll for Thee. Fiction and this Tax Scam are cousins.

Leo Lions Old Teeth Bite the Way Downstate! Go Lions

Leo High School is proof that God works miracles. Leo High School offers a solid college prep education to young guys from the Englewood, Grand Crossing, Brainard, and our home neighborhoods of Auburn/Gresham. These, by the way are all African American neighborhoods. Leo men go on to Boston College, Marquette, Loyola, DePaul, Purdue, Notre Dame and West Point, because guys send in a great deal of money from Zipcodes -60643, 60655, 60611,60453, 60462 and beyond - heavy white population Zipcodes

Leo High School is God's miracle - goodness without the guilt. Leo is not a PC haven - it is the Real Deal.

The Leo men pay back handsomely. Last night the Leo Basketball 3-A team took down CPS school Brooks 51-48 in well-fought battle pitting young guns against Old Lions at Chicago State University.

"They controlled the boards in the first half, but in the second half we let the sophomores know we were seniors," Gatewood said.

The Lions took their first lead (43-42) since the opening minutes on a bucket by Malcolm McFarland with 3:27 left and went ahead for good a minute later (46-45) on McFarland's putback.
. . .

Veteran composure trumped youthful exuberance in Leo's 51-48 win Tuesday night over upstart Brooks in the Class 3A supersectional at Chicago State.

The Lions, with three senior starters, rallied from nine points down late in the third quarter to overtake the Eagles, who featured five sophomores and a junior in their seven-man rotation.

The victory earns Leo the school's first trip Downstate since winning the 2004 Class A title and a matchup Friday in Peoria against Oswego.

"We weren't panicking; we just started off slow," said Leo senior guard James Pointer, who scored a game-high 16 points. "Coach (Noah Cannon) told us in practice this week it was our time. They (Brooks) can wait."

The Old White Guys in the stand went to Leo in the 1940's, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's and they have the Young Lions Backs - Always!

Go Lions

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Martyr Quinn for Ralph Martire'sSake? Blago Budget Bonehead Backs Bloat Boost!

Progress Illinois which hands me more laughs than The Onion ( without meaning to do so and that is even funnier) is all Progressive and Pouffe *over Ralph Martire's** imprimatur on the Illinois Tax Boost. Today's giggle is from Josh Kalven again and he wants Illinois to know that Mike Madigan is very, very smart and Lisa Madigan has ambition!

Josh, Honor Bright?

Progress is all Quinnish and Daisy Happy! More Taxes Mean more slots for low skilled and unskilled SEIU placements in the State Budget! PI Loves PQ! They want Speaker Mike Madigan to be the bad guy. They can not go after Lisa Madigan for the obvious PC reasons - she's a Female Girl Woman, but they can get all Boiled Beet Progressive on Daddo.

Pat Quinn, the Governor, wants to increase Illinois taxes - Pat Quinn wants a dramatic increase. Really Huge! Quinn has Ralph Martire in his corner - 'Cut Me Ralph. I can go the Distance! This is a Long Distance Race? Boxing? I thought it was Cross-Country, Ralph! Ralph? Ralph! where's the water bottle? Taxed? That Too? Sponge Me! This is supposed to be Long Distance Cross Country Running! No?'

No; it's Boxing Guv and this is Round One! You might get to Round Two. Oh, thats right, Ralph is in your corner. The canvass is not all that comfortable. You will be hitting it hard, by the way.

Ralph Martire is a career know-it-all-screw-up - a Progressive Professor with his snout plunged in the public trough. From Dawn Clark Netsch to Rod Blagojevich, Ralph Martire's slide rule reads 'Taxes.' State Government Spendathons! Lefty Agit-Prop and Meeks Shall Inherit the Works Coalition Building! Pat Quinn is toast.

This from Peoria!

"What should the state do to balance the budget? Cut spending or raise taxes and maintain spending," Martire said.

In fact, Quinn said last week, he plans to do both. When he delivers his budget speech Wednesday, Quinn plans to ask for an increase in the state income tax, something that hasn't happened in Illinois since 1993, when the current 3 percent personal rate was made permanent. Quinn also said he will announce more than $800 million in cuts to the budget.

Quinn hasn't said how large a tax increase he will seek, although some reports have said he will ask for a new rate of 4.5 percent, a 50 percent increase. An increase of that magnitude would raise more than $4 billion in new revenue.

However, Quinn also will ask for the state personal income tax exemption to increase from $2,000 to $6,000 to offset the impact of the tax hike.

Martire thinks the income tax increase should be even larger. What's more, he thinks Quinn also should adjust the state sales tax while lawmakers are debating revenue increases.

Ralph Martire, who helped Blago give away the Illinois General Store to tax salaried SEIU pals and allies,as well as the usual Pork Eating Capitalists, warns that trimming the Budget Bloat through . . .TAX Cuts !!!! Hopi Indians, Mildred, think of the Children! . . .might . . . might mind you lead to rising unemployment figures.

Yeah???!!!!!!!!!!! Tax-salaried employees put in the State Budget by you and Blago Ralph!

Martire will be a Huge help in Pat Quinn's Martyrdom! You can set your watch by dopes like Martire . . . I mean Distinguished Professors on the Public Teat like Ralph Martire.

* footstool - SEIU's footstool, ottoman, place to put feet on & etc.

** Ralph Martire:Ralph Martire is executive director of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability (“CTBA”). He also serves as a regular columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, the State Journal-Register and The Herald Newson issues involving government accountability, tax, fiscal and budget policies. Ralph served on the
budget advisory board to Governor Rod Blagojevich's transition team, where he acted as chairperson ofthe state revenue subcommittee. Ralph was the principal author of a study CTBA produced that identifiedrevenue enhancement proposals to address the 2002 fiscal crises in the state of Illinois. Five of the proposals identified in that study ultimately became law. Ralph also was a key member of the research
team that produced the groundbreaking "State of Working Illinois
" report, which detailed industry,employment, wage and benefit trends in Illinois over the last 15 years. A joint project of CTBA andNorthern Illinois University, the State of Working Illinois has been featured in over 150 media (print andbroadcast) placements nationwide. ( emphasis my own)


Monday, March 16, 2009

Chicago Cops - Heroes Every Day, but Especially on Parade Days

Outnumbered. Out- Idioted. Out-Lawyered. Out-Politicianed. Out There. Chicago Police Officers are the real heroes.

They helped me look for a lost 4 year old.

They were loudly abused by drunks from early Sunday morning and well into the night.

World Class Scum Bag - G. Flint Taylor appeared on a Cable TV show called the Professors ( I caught this at about 1PM yesterday) who said that systemic racism and brutality is what Chicago Police Officers are all about -'They wield nightsticks on the backs of blacks, shrilled G. Flint. They have not used nightsticks in YEARS! None of the 'Professors' picked up on that fact however and most talked liked they were using words they learned that morning -'The Conflagration of the community rubrics are Tantamounted to the Proliferation of Police Powers on the Community.'

Nope. Cops are heroes.

During the Parade which brought 325,000 people together on the pavement around Western Ave., Chicago Cops put down two good sized brawls - the biggest at 111th and Western in the CVS parking lot the home to the Coach/Bus tourist louts from the fern bars up North and from suburbs who got boiled on booze early in the day and stayed hard at it until dark and the Metra Mopes from down-town, lofting cases of cheap domestic ( CHI-RISH MILLERS primarily) beers and smoking Weed Dude! One at 105th and Talman was put down with less violence, from what I heard.

Most of the outside revellers were great and respectful people. However, the ones who got all geezed-up to get their Irish Freak On - the sloppy drunk girls were the most sad and obnoxious of this variety - should be ashamed. Shame comes from the recognition of consequences for actions. These mopes do not understand consequences - they file lawsuits when they fall on someone's driveway and bust out a few teeth that have just passed the contents of their stomachs. Nice. These are the clowns who Bus It Down to the Parade. The Cops deal with them.

Granted we have enough of our own home grown dummies, but the Exodus from Look Down On The South Side Land of Oafs is too much.

Chicago Police Officers handled the situation with good humor, common sense and, when that failed, muscular application of Professional Standards. G. Flint Taylor was no doubt skulking about the drunks and Weed Citizens trolling for a lawsuit.

Well done, Officers! Mary Beth Sheehan and The South Side Parade Committee did a wonderful job as always in organizing a magnificent parade.

However, it is to the credit of the Chicago Police Officers who stood good for the South Side neighborhoods of Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood in interdicting the imbeciles - Homegrown and Imported.

Thank you, Officers!