Monday, July 11, 2016

Dallas Tragedy and Obama's Father's Dream of a National Police Force

“Last year, we put together a task force that was comprised of civil rights activists and community leaders, but also law enforcement officials — police captains, sheriffs,”

President Obama will go to Dallas.  He will argue for the confiscation of guns, again.  Obama has been plain on this issue,  "I don’t believe people should be able to own guns."-- Barack Hussein Obama, speaking to economist and author John Lott Jr. as reported in The Daily Caller

He will not waste this opportunity to really hammer home his stated plans for a National Police force using the Dallas shootings to hammer home Hillary Clinton's "systemic racism" meme and his post-Ferguson foundation. As the President said, “Last year, we put together a task force that was comprised of civil rights activists and community leaders, but also law enforcement officials — police captains, sheriffs, . . .“And they came up with specific recommendations and steps that could ensure that the trust between communities and police departments were rebuilt and incidents like this would be less likely to occur.”

They will occur and occur and occur until an executive order creates a Civilian National Security Force; you know, just like AmericCorps, PeaceCorps and the Marine Corps. Gosh, will they be jackbooted thugs, kicking down doors?  No, but a very wise man once said that sole purpose of a national police was "executions." A National Police controlled by the Executive Branch and the fawning media would put an end to all reports of 'systemic racism.'

No more 'systemic racism.'  No more beefy, red-faced, or beefy black-faced Chicago cops.  No more NYPD Blues.  No more Mark Furmans of L.A. and no more Police Chief David Browns to speak and act professionally and ll too humanly.

President Obama will again call for a national dialog on race and echo the DNC/Hillary Clinton 2016 Post-Dallas cry of "Systemic Racism."

President Obama has announced his desire to see America transform completely and his work is no where near completed.  Barack H. Obama has told the nation exactly what he will do and this will be his legacy. As President Obama likes to say,  “interesting things happen in the fourth quarter.”

  • "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."-- Barack Hussein Obama speaking about forming a Civilian National Security Force, 02 July 2008

  • "Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05..." -- Barack Hussein Obama directive defining the mission of a newly formed the Civilian National Security Force, a.k.a. the "DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce" whose mission would be as a National Police Force. The new DOD 1404.10 directive cancels the prior directive of the same designation "Emergency-Essential (E-E) DoD U.S. Citizen Civilian Employees", which was issued in 1992 under President Clinton.

  • "It [the Constitution] didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and the Warren court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you, it says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf. And that hasn't shifted." -- Barack Hussein Obama, Chicago Public Radio interview at WBEZ-FM, September 2001
This is not new, Obama's Brave New World.

The Late Abner Mikva - The Architect of Chicago, Illinois and the Nation

Mikva and Obama

"God bless that man. Abner Mikva is a national treasure, one that has lived long enough with a front row seat to history to cut through the bull and identify what is most important in these hours of decision." Daily Kos
Chicago mayors. “I was never a fan of Richard J. Daley, he was never a fan of mine, and I thought the city didn’t work well under him. It worked well in the Loop, but out in the neighborhoods the city was in pretty bad shape. I didn’t think Jane Byrne did much to improve the situation. I was very impressed with the job Richard M. Daley did spreading out the goodies of Chicago to the entire city. A lot of the groundwork for that was laid in the Harold Washington campaign. Richie kept up with that and I think Rahm Emanuel has done a good job in that respect. It’s very hard — being mayor of a big city like Chicago is one of the hardest jobs in the country.” in Andy Shaw's BGA Watchdogs

The intial quotation is from Daily Koss,  shorty after President Elect Barack H. Obama, announced the appointment of Hillary R. Clinton for Secretary of State and there was some mild concern wafting among the Media about foreign dollars stuffing the Clinton Foundation.  Abner Mikva, who along with Newton "Vast Waste Land" Minow discovered young Barack Obama among the reeds in the Washington Park Lagoon and casting pond, wrapped in swaddling clothes and dreaming of his Dad  and Lo, beheld the consummation of their long lives.

The second quote is from  Abner Mikva wedged into a column by Andy Shaw, a local news nit-wit and public laughing stock. head of the Better Government (BGA), local gate-keepers for the corporatist Democratic and GOP oligarchs of Illinois and public laughing stock.

The quote is not only historically wrong, but oozes with an irony worthy of most self-absorbed sould-patched and knit-capped Wicker Park activist hispster born of hearty Kennilworth hedge-fund stock and really committed to Occupy Anything, Black Lives Matter and any group thought meme-stock found in Reasonable People Unite.  They make Trump wanna holler, Dude!

Actually, I believe in my heart of hearts that Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton in the White House more than Chuck Todd and the late Abner Mikva.

Abner Mikva was a mighty man and he built a political machine that made Richard J. Daley's Ward works seem like an NAACP bake sale in Kaskaskia, Illinois.

Black people flocked to Chicago (Second Migration) all through Richard J. Daley's terms as mayor and Black families began the great Black Flight out of Chicago with Richard M. Daley's advent.  That is because opportunities for employment, a home, an education and a path into the middle class was available, because policies Mikva's Hyde Park Mafia* converted Richie Daley to implement are designed to destroy the middle class.

Yes, siree Bob! The Mikva Challenge, the Shakman Empire, University of Chicago sanctioned City Hall, Lawsuit Lotteries, Garbage Grids, TIFFS, Single Narrative Media Voice ( WTTW,WGN, WBBM, ABC 7, NBC 5, Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Values, International Socialists Organization control of Chicago Teachers Union.

Abner Mikva birthed Toni Preckwinkle, Jan Schakowsky, Pat Quinn, Mike Quigley, Larry Suffredin, Proco Joe Moreno, Rahm Emanuel, the late Dawn Clark Netsch, Barabar Flynn Curry, Larry Bloom, Bill Singer, Rod Blagojevich, Bobby Rush, Danny Davis, Jesse Jackson, Jr., . . . name a daffy, mean-spirited, humorless, slow-witted, avaricious and capacity challenged elected official and you can bet the last pennies in your pension that Abner Mikva 'straightened them out' for the Hyde Park Mafia.

Yes, Abner Mikva made Chicago, Cook County and Illinois what they are today and wait until you see America in four more years,

* University of Chicago and Northwestern University schools of Business, Law, Social Sciences, IVI-IPO, CPUSA, ISO, 501(c)3 Foundation -MacArthur, Polk, Woods, & etc, People Law . . .Editorial Boards, Bill Ayers, Berardine Dorhn, Valerie Jarrett, Judson Miner. Allison Davis,  and so many more.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

From "Are YOU Ready for Hillary?" to " Get Used to It" Our Orwellian Media Magic

Me, I don't have a dog in this fight.  I will pick a mutt in November and it will not be named Hillary.

Maybe, it won't even be named Donald.

What I do know, or, rather believe, is that this process of electing the President of the United States was corrupted in 2008 and only got worse.

From the faux Presidential Seal of 2008 and the Doric columns of the Obama Campaign to the North Carolina Passing of The Crown by Obama to Hillary, less than a few hours after FBI Director James Comey granted non-penitent Hillary Clinton a plenary indulgence and signalled the inevitable Presidency of Hillary Clinton (Old #45) things have been rigged, fixed, a done deal.  The Justice Department sealed the deal and Supreme Court is cool with things as they are since January, 2009.

The American Media rigged the 2008 and 2012 Elections for Barack Obama and also his third term to completed by Hillary Clinton. A very few, Like Chicago Tribune's John Kass, a man who only respects his readers, but actually likes most of us, are exceptions. Kass knows what it means to do real work, live with real consequences and for other people.  Most people in print, or on screens seem to detest all of us.

John Kass writes, . "The arc of the moral universe is long," shouted the freshly unindicted Hillary Clinton at a Democratic rally in North Carolina, with President Barack Obama at her side and the FBI behind her in her dust, "but it bends toward justice."
She nodded in triumphant agreement with herself, her head moving up and down, chin stabbing the air, a righteous bobblehead Hillary reaching for the presidency of the United States.
Clinton attributed the phrase to Obama, but he'd taken it from Martin Luther King Jr., who years before had taken it from the abolitionist Theodore Parker, who didn't live to see justice bend, dying before the Civil War.
Morality is just a word to some, a word for politicians at rallies to rationalize the grabbing of power. And if there's one thing the Clintons are about, besides lies, it is power.. . . So if this truly were a moral universe, those words would have turned to wasps in Hillary's mouth.

I have almost no regard for Donald Trump, whom I have despised as a lout, huckster and charlatan for decades.

I have less for Mrs. Clinton.

I have no regard for the cheer leading Goebels-clones - the Journolists, the Ted Turner circus animals, the MSNBC clown car and the editorial boards that have gulped the Progressive Soup, destroyed the American two-party system, divided neighbors and families, fanned the flames for a Race War if not a Class War, created an American Banana Republic and murdered history.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Ms. Kennedy Townsend Asks,"What Should A Powerful Woman Look Like?" Golda Meir

I just finished reading an essay by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend in the New York Times and boy are my arms tired.

There is always room for another thought piece by a Kennedy.  Ms. Kennedy-Townsend, or her DNC approved ghost, writes about her aunt Eunice Kennedy Shriver, herself, gives Sarah Palin a sexist jab,  and beggers logic as she relates a taxi drivers' wish for Hillary's White House gambit, because " she's hot"

Into this mish-mosh of "remember your Kennedys"  Kennedy Townsend lards out the paragraphs with Progessive playbook memes like America is intrinsically as sexist as it is nasty in all ways, because we burn women as witches, because of Christianity and only Christians put women onthe Kingsford and pastes a few sexist quotes from Aquinas and Tertullian, as well as John Adams, ending with the suggestion that Hillary will show American Girls how to be a powerful world leader.

That was an exhausting ten minutes.

Angela Merkel is not much of a world leader.  Hillary Clinton much less so.

Margaret Thatcher was adequate to her times.

Golda Meir is the Gold Standard - a substantial human being of heart, talent and experience.

She beat the Arab world still under the Nazified paw of the Palestinian madman the Grand Mufti.

She was as homely as Ben Gurion and as witty as Churchill.  Golda Meir was wonder woman long before the hoity-toity skanks of Manhattan began burning the 32 Z Playtex-es holding up their knee knockers and can't wait to see more babies aborted.

Golda Meir was no lightweight like too many Template Women in Politics (think Pelosi, Clinton, Palin, Wasserman Schultz, Boxer, Kennedy Townsend).  Mrs, Meir knew manure from mascara and once said, " We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown and when strawberries bloom in Israel."

That is a powerful woman. 

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Bruce Dold - Does The Chicago Tribune Want The World To Believe That Rahm's CPD is Not Diverse?

Saturday - Police roll call

It must have pained Bruce Dold not to photo shop this photo by Chris Sweda with the officers gowned in Klan Robes, but that might have spoiled the narrative.

I wondered if the demographics in the Mayor's CPD HR might be misleading the public, as much as the narrative framed by editorial bosses of Chicago's big metropolitan newspapers that Chicago's disgraceful homicides are in every due to Chicago Police Officers wearing blue shirts.

The Department and the swell folks of the Police Accountability Review Board insist that Chicago Police Department is comprised of  more white personnel (6,832) than Black (4,010) and Hispanic (2,576) combined.   I was led to believe that numbers somehow matched the City's demographic.

What about Japanese, Chinese, Sikh, Indian, Montenegrin, Kiowa, Parthian and Pacific Islander Americans?

Anyway.  Bruce Dold, the Chicago Tribune Editor Boss-in-Chief signs off on the copy ( texts and Photos) that some Chicago readers swallow whole - others choke on the lard.

Bruce Dold is the Boss Editor and Rahm Emanuel is Jefe of Chicago: the Banana Republic - if you are unclear what exactly a banana republic is watch some old black and white movies from the 1930's -the 1950's, where tough and great hearted guys wearing white panama suits and guns to oppressed people in the tropics - Black and Hispanic, or both as in Hispaniola.

One disturbing image struck me early this 4th of July Weekend.  That is the one posted above that indicates via a two dimensional narrative art display that robust and hefty white ethnic Law Enforcement Officers armed with assault rifles are ready, willing and able to inflict 5.56x45 Ammo Social Injustice on minority populations.
Friday - Fulton Street

I know there are almost as many proud Black men and woman on the job, as there are Murphys, Fassanos, Balauskases and Stankiewiczes, and I know that they are not on vacation given the " I am sick of this!" violence form African American Super and his Hispalnic Deputy.  Are they all working the phones?  No sir, Mr. Bruce.  They are on the street putting their lives in hazzard for their neighbors. To suggest otherwise, is racist.  That could keep you off the list at City Club and WTTW.

In fact, the entire photo spread seems to indicate the same narrative worthy of George Lucas's White Storm Troopers from Star Wars - lighter shades of pale, G!
Saturday - California Avenue

In fact, only less than literal handful of African American, or Hispanic police officers are in any way visible.

Bruce Dold.  The picture tells the story, don't it?

You seem to be telling the world a huge fib, Bruce.  Rahm Emanuel would not promote a notion that the systemic racism, crafted by Peoples Law Office Commisar G. Flint Taylor and force fed to social justice engineers in packing the pumps at the Sun Times and Chicago Tribune, is still out there boosting death by gun violence.

Or, would he and you?

Race Hate is everyone else's problem in the compelling narratives that boost the elites of the Chicago Oligarchy.  The oligarchs must divide the diversity in order to hold power.

That is some compelling narrative, Bruce.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

This 4th of July, I'd Like to Add Chicago Friends of the Parks To Veterans and All 1st Responders as Heroes of Liberty!

       Recognize anyone from your neighborhood here?  Me neither. Grassroots, me broad manly arse.

This Fourth of July, I feel especially patriotic, because my faith in American values of commitment, courage and faith were strengthened by the victory of Friends of the Parks over oligarchs, bullies, grifters and smugly powerful people who have gotten their way, over and on everyone else,  for the last eight years.

Money, media control and mass messaging have made our city, county, state and nation too much of a banana republic.  Corporations count more than parishes and neighborhoods.

Have you noticed that in the past twenty years, the use of the word neighborhood has been almost entirely replaced by the preferred  Progressive term" community?"

Neighbors know one another and interact; communities coalesce.  Under the camouflage of the word 'diversity'  people become a a congealed mass of votes, nor a threatening mobs for a cause.

Diversity ( not real, actual diversity) is a template for the boilerplate leftist playbook, which keeps people busy shouting, threatening and hating one another, while a small group of sanctioned snobs amass unlimited power and unimaginable wealth.

This past week was very satisfying.  Neighbors won and the elites lost in the epic battle between Friends of the Parks and Mellody and George Lucas, Rahm Emanuel, Sanctioned real estate, bankers, construction, engineering, vendors and public relations players lost.

Neighbors raise families, work, pay taxes, watch out for one another, disagree on religion, politics, sports, lawn care methods, street lights time and alley bean bag.  Neighbors go to wakes, benefits for sick kids, buy raffle tickets, drive and run errands for older neighbors, bitch about property taxes, garbage grid, recycling mandates and Chicago's parking desert landscape filled with massive and unused bike lanes.

Neighbors are busy.  Some neighbors are financially better off than most of us and use their time, talents and treasure to make things better for their neighbors.

Friends of Parks were called gangsters by Chicago's most celebrated and unchallenged race baiting preachers, because some might live in Grant Park high rises.  Shucks, I know a widow woman who lives at 300 E, Randolph in a big old high rise and she drops $25,000 minimum to help young black men at Leo High School, just down east of St, Sabina, every year with out fail.  Community attached 501(c) 3 foundations like Woods Fund refused to toss us a nickle and that was when a young ambitious kid named Barack Obama was dining out on Check Please and wowing the tight-knit IVI Community.  That widow and many others were better neighbors, than any community activist and more black males became successful men because of neighbors.

Friends of Parks are neighbors and they went to bat for all of us, who have limited time, use or talents to put bread on the tables and watch our treasures disappear with increased utility bills, water, property, parking, consumer taxes levied upon us by Community People.

The Lucas Museum was supposed to be some kind of Narrative Arts Cornucopia - really a big ass digital junk closet for all of Star Wars cast-off stuff, like unused scripts, or snappy PC characters of the future.  The power couple with pals on the fifth floor of City Hall and the White House demanded that this site be stuck on the lakefront - imagine if George and Mellody were forced to allow me to store all of my old gym shoes, Leo High School sports wear, fishing gear, grade books going back to 1975, articles on Thackeray, James Shields Charles Chinquy , Bishop Shiel, and Packey McFarland, baseball caps from Bishop McNamara, La Lumiere School and Leo High School on their front lawn as a tribute to high school teachers.  The old gym shoes might give one a huge pause once the scent hit the old smeller.

Friends of Parks gave this gaggle of spoiled geese ( anyone like geese?  Biggest pains in the ass of all feathered friends and no friends of any park, or parking lot) a huge 'time out!'

Friends of the Park became Community Enemy Number One, after that cops, firemen and skilled tradesmen. The two minutes hate was extended.

Irizarry and Moltz, as they said repeatedly during the nearly two-year debate over the museum's location, reiterated the group was never opposed to Lucas' idea of a housing a collection of his digital and traditional art in Chicago. The issue, they said, was that the "Star Wars" creator insisted on selecting sites along the lakefront, public trust land they argued should be open and clear space.
"We feel it's really unfortunate," Moltz said. "Our issue was just that he wanted to put it on the lakefront. We're sorry he made the decision to leave rather than look at any of the other viable sites that would have been a win-win for the city."
So how will the Lucas Museum fight shape Friends' fortunes going forward? 

I hope Friend of the Parks signal victory over the oligarchs willget neighbors to appreciate one another and return to calling neighborhoods by the correct name. Neighbors live in high rises too.

Friends of the Park reminded me that Liberty is more than just a compelling narrative, a Sun Times hate campaign and boondoggle for grifters.

Happy Fourth of July! Thank you, Friends of the Park!  I mean neighbors!

Friday, July 01, 2016

End All of the Conspiracy Theories, Please. Just Grill Valerie Jarrett

If the Obama Administration did anything for the last eight years, and it did plenty and it ain't done, neighbors, it did so only with the sign off of Valerie Jarrett.

Valerie Jarrett is a shadow government and a slum lord millionaire who made piles of greenbacks, including some with Andy Jackson's soon to disappear portrait, when the Hyde Park Mafia goaded Richie Daley and the Feds to tear down the CHA high rises all over Chicagoland.

Allied with Progressive Poobahs and IVI consecrated real estate attorneys Judson Minor and Allison Davis, Valerie Jarrett constructed not only a bank vault stuffed with spondulices, but huge political power for herself.  Valerie Jarrett took young Barack Obama to church at Trinity United Church of Christ run by a daffy race hustler -Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  There he learned how Church and State operate real estate, banking, 501(c)3 boarded and looted by Leftist boards, the Chicago news media and politicians who can not look past their palms.

Valerie Jarrett was born into the whirlpool of cash, rhetorical and political back-stabbing that is the Progressive cookbook.  Hyde Park and the University of Chicago Social Justice crowd of educators and lawyers have been in close quarters combat with U of C's School of Economics, ever since Milton Friedman explained the difference between free market capitalism and pure stupidity.

Valerie Jarrett* operates the White House for President Barack H. Obama, freeing him to smirk, read group thought morsels from a teleprompter, wave, sing old Motown to fawning bootlickers, wow single digit I.Q.'s world wide, never have to exhaust himself with thought.

Not a single American journalist has asked, much less raised any question about Jarrett, much less the Office of Public Engagement Created for her, probably by David Axelrod, so she could make sure that President Obama remained in threatening distance to her.

Valerie Jarrett is frightening and has chase away

If there is a troubling matter -

  • Obama's Biography and college grades
  • Fast and Furious
  • Benghazi
  • Desiree Rogers
  • Beer Summit
  • Throwing Granny Under the Bus
  • Bill Ayers and the Annenbrg records at University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Black Lives Mattter fealty
  • ObamaCare
  • Planned Parenthood fealty
  • Magic Unemployment (numbers and jobs)
  • Decimation of Military Leadership
  • IRS
  • VA
  • Border Security
  • Islamists getting a pass
  • Illegal Immigration is hate speech
  • War on Christians
  • ERA
  • NLRB
  • Race Baiter in Chief
  • Divider in Chief
  • Fealty to Iran
  • Office of Public Engagement
Most every detail, decision and deconstruction of the Constitution can be explained by asking for every document in the White House to and from Valerie Jarrett.

Frankly, Barack Obama has not a clue about what has happened from the Choom Gang to the present and could care less.

Forget Bubba and Hillary.  Forget Lorretta Lynch and Eric "Nation of Cowards" Holder.

Ask Valerie Jarrett.

Start with this - " What in the hell business does a privileged slum lord have occupying space and breathing air in the White House on our dime, anyway?

*Valerie B. Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama, overseeing the White House Offices of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, and chairing the White House Council on Women and Girls.
Ms. Jarrett has worked throughout her tenure at the White House to mobilize elected officials, business and community leaders, and diverse groups of advocates behind efforts to strengthen and improve access to the middle class, to boost American businesses and our economy, and to champion equality and opportunity for all Americans. From ongoing campaigns to end sexual assault, raise the minimum wage, advocate workplace policies that empower working families, and promote entrepreneurship and early childhood education, Ms. Jarrett has helped the President develop a broad coalition of partners to execute a robust agenda.
Ms. Jarrett came to the White House with a background in both the public and private sectors, having served as the Chief Executive Officer of The Habitat Company in Chicago, Chairman of the Chicago Transit Board, Commissioner of Planning and Development, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley.
She also served as Co-Chair of the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team, and the director of corporate and not-for-profit boards including Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Stock Exchange, Chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board of Trustees, and Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Jarrett received her B.A. from Stanford University in 1978 and her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981.

Follow Valerie Jarrett on Twitter at @VJ44.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chicago the Disneyland of the Midwest - Where Dreams Come True, But not for You!

If Mellody Hobson Lucas wanted to ride a CTA bus bike rack, well she could, by God ride a CTA bus Rack. Her boss John Rogers*, formerly Mr. Desiree Rogers **and CEO of the incubator that created Barack Obama and Arne Duncan - Ariel Capital Management, knows how heart-breaking shattered dreams can be, when gangbangers of Friends of the Parks shattered the dreams of a aging bearded gnome with billions of spending loots and his White House wired wife to build a temple to themselves on Chicago's lakefront

John W. Rogers Jr., chairman and CEO of Ariel Investments, where Hobson is president, said this week that Hobson is "just heartbroken by this — she loves the city so much."

Some Dream of having a Temple Museum of Narrative Arts and Snappy Yarns and some just want to be a bicycle,

Chicago is owned not only by America's Dream Cult: Disney, but also the Cycle Fascists who have closed traffic lanes used on city streets from the time that teamsters drove wagons hitched to oat blowers, neighbors.

Friends of the Parks must have gotten to the CTA bus driver.

Rogers served for six years under Mayor Richard M. Daley as the board president of the Chicago Park District, where he enjoyed what he said was a good relationship with Friends of the Parks. He declared himself mystified as to why it fought so hard to block Lucas from building on the lakefront.

**Desirée Glapion Rogers (born June 16, 1959, in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American business executive who is the Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Publishing Company. In November 2008 she was selected by Barack Obama's office as the White House Social Secretary for the incoming administration, the first person of African-American descent to serve in this function. On February 26, 2010, the Chicago Sun-Times′ Lynn Sweet reported that she planned to step down. Rogers was replaced by Julianna Smoot, former chief of staff to the U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk. Smoot was the Obama presidential campaign chief fund-raiser. On August 10, 2010, Rogers was named CEO of Johnson Publishing Company.

The Public Relations Built Governments of North America!

Oh, Canada, Oh Say Can You See, Y Mexicanos, al grito de guerra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three stunning mediocrites created in an advertising studio, unchallenged by our media and follwed by masses of people who actually belive that they are talented

Trois superbes mediocrites créés dans un studio de publicité , non contestée par nos médias et follwed par des masses de personnes qui ont effectivement belive qu'ils ont du talent

Tres mediocrites impresionantes creados en un estudio de publicidad, sin respuesta por nuestros medios y follwed por las masas de personas que realmente creer que tienen talento

Mother of God!

Mère de Dieu!

¡Madre de Dios!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Today is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and Abortion is Still With Us

"We must use every means to instill in the population the idea that it is harmful to have several children, the expenses that they cause and the dangerous effect on woman's health… " Adolph Hitler, 1942

I did not know that the Old Paper Hanger wrote compelling narratives for the Dowagers of Death . . .pardon my French . . .Planned Parenthood. How 'bout that?

Hitler brought about a globalized, science validated world order called the Turd Reich , , ,pardon my French, again . . .The Third Reich.

America destroyed the . . .Third Reich in 1945 and ushered in the greatest period of prosperity in human history. The only people clamoring to for abortion on demand were Ivory Tower, Main Line WASPs, Reds, atheists and GOP milksops like Illinois Senator Chuck Percy. Then in 1963, Supreme Court passed Roe v. Wade,  which made the killing of unwanted human beings the law of the land.  America has not been a great nation from that moment.

This past week the United States Supreme Court once again bowed to political will and backed away from the defense of the Constitution.  In fact, one of the most oily and opportunistic of all Federal Judges announced from his robes for life, “I see absolutely no value to a judge of spending decades, years, months, weeks, day, hours, minutes, or seconds studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation (across the centuries — well, just a little more than two centuries, and of course less for many of the amendments),” he wrote. “Eighteenth-century guys, however smart, could not foresee the culture, technology, etc., of the 21st century.

This statement should earn the judge more than few lucrative speaking junkets doped to look like scholarly sortilege and guest spots with Chris Hayes and the other lisping lightweights on MSNBC and CNN.

I expect no less.  And always with less, Chicagoans can count on myna birds like Eric Zorn, the darling of the pencil neck Progressive Chicago Tribune to echo the crows -

"It is beyond rational belief that (the Texas law) could genuinely protect the health of women," wrote Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a sharp concurring opinion. To the contrary, "When a State severely limits access to safe and legal procedures, women in desperate circumstances may resort to unlicensed rogue practitioners, faute de mieux, at great risk to their health and safety."
Pardon her French. The foreign phrase translates to "for lack of a better option."

Pardon my French,  Zorn, and Hop et embrasser mon cul , farceur

The crowing from the fetid mountain built on tiny corpses, by the ambulatory tissues the Left demands women be considered to be, as their aborted children are deemed terminated tissues, is loud and proud.

America will never be a great nation, again, until abortion is no longer called anything but premeditated murder.

Today, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.  One really dumb fisherman who somehow recognized Christ as the Son of God and later denied knowing him and whip smart scholar who liked to punish none believers with energy and smarmy nastiness of MSNBC host.

These two wildly flawed gents created the religion I believe in - flawed, human, but Graced by God.  Both sinners, St. Peter in the lead and St. Paul batting clean-up, dug a foundation that is rock solid on life.

People make mistakes.  Planned Parenthood makes millions of dollars on the mistakes of men and women and compounds the misery. Kermit Gosnell slaughtered children.  Planned Parenthood was caught selling harvested organs of murdered babies.  The Old Third Reich got nothing on Planned Parenthood for lucrative butchery.

Justice Kennedy who tipped the voting has his legacy and it is a sad one.  Kennedy is the new Blackmun.   Some legacy, crowing on rotting pile of terminated infants.

Monday, June 27, 2016

My Neighbors Will School Ag School Vandals

I was publicly shamed when I was about eight years old.  My buddies and I recently watched Jerry Lewis in The Bell Boy at the old Highland Theatre on 79th & Ashland.

We were delighted by Jerry Lewis' antics and  mimiced his facial contortions and spasmodic contortions on our walk home to 75th Place and Wood Street, where we sat on a horseshoe of painted boulders under the street sign and continued to pantomime spastic reactions to everything.  Mrs. McGuinness and her five year old boy Robbie walked behind us on their way home from the Hamilton Dairy store at 75th & Paulina. Robbie had Downs Syndrome.

We began to mock Robbie in the manner of the comic genius so beloved by France.

We followed Mrs,McGuiness who was openly crying, but we could care less - Hell, Jerry Lewis is a movie star. What's her problem.

Mr. Balllina and Mrs. Ballina yelled from their porch, " You little bastards, stop that! Who do you think you are scaring the poor little guy and making his Momma cry."  The Ballinas were older than our parents and childless.  Mr. Ballina worked for the Bell Phone Company and his green truck was often parked in front of our house.  He was a short wiry little guy with arms like Popeye.  He was no where near finished with me and my pals.

Phil and Marie Ballina's corrections had alerted all of our Mom's and we were now about to sail up Shit Creek.

Slaps attendant and exile to our rooms, basements or porches, depending up the level of disgust our mothers had for us, were as nothing to the ticking of seven kitchen clocks up Wood Street and across 75th Place signaled the impending arrivals of Dads.

When Dads came home from shifts, we were properly re-beaten, belted, slapped and vilified according to sizes and ages, but that was not all - No, not by a jug full.

Each Dad shoved each son to McGuiness home up tyhe porch stairs and we each apologized to Robbie, who hugged each of us and said, "Thas Oh Ride Pad, Yus My Bes Frens!"

I learned shame.  The shame of this act of my is still very much with me. I learned not to do cruel things to people at a very early age, or at least I learned what cruelty really means.

We pulled weeds and did sic and fetch for Mrs. McGuinesses for a few days after and not one of us could look one another in the face again without a sense of group shame.

Boys will be boys, until they learn to be gentle men.  Girls can be even more brutal, but they not generally thoughtless.

As we got older we learned and believed that toughness had more to do with be able to take punishment, than dishing it out.

A few days ago some teens in my neighborhood broke into the Chicago Ag High School.  A wonderful woman shared the news of this on Facebook

This was shared with me today. It happened yesterday 6/23/16.
At the Ag School last night someone broke in and harassed all of the animals, tied the mother goat up with a rope, threw eggs at the baby goats, and tied all the chickens legs together. A Police report has been filed. Empty egg cartons were found on the scene. If anyone knows anything about this please contact the 22nd district. Might be a good time to have a conversation with kids about harming animals as local kids are usually seen drinking out in the field behind the school.

The reaction to this universal neighborhood shame and the comments ranged from " arrest the bastards' to " Boys will be Boys,"

On my walks to morning services, last week which takes from 107th & Rockwell, across the CSX rails to Talman Steet, which is a beautiful walk with no two homes alike and varied in design and size.  Last week I saw egg shells all over the sidewalks between 106th Street and 103rd Street on the west side of Talman.

I have had my raised ranch egged by teens in passing cars.  It is a pain to clean dripping yolks and whites off of bricks and windows, but what the hell.

Damage to property is a step toward thuggery.  The next step is cruelty to living things - small animals. Then, it is human beings.

We get our moral shorts in knot when we read about cats being napalmed and dogs used for target practise.

Then we really get to marching and vigil-ing when people get murdered.  Cruelty is easy.

I grew up at time when consequences were important thanks be to God.  The parents today not only must teach their children well, even within a culture that ignores consequences universal.

My neighbors arrested our development into nasty, vicious little bastards, for the most part, back in 1960.

I am angry that kids in my neighborhood would pelt baby goats with eggs and tie up the poor mother, but understand their acting out needs a swift address, by parents and neighbors.

Tying the chickens together?  Awesome!  No. that is wrong too, but I could still get behind that. Chickens are nasty critters. Better angels, you recalcitrant nave!

Seriously, I know my neighbors will get to these kids.

Once we understand cruelty - we will never watch, much less laugh about another Jerry Lewis movie.

ABC Disney's Meat Puppet George Gives Hip Hop Slip Mahoney and Hillary " The Last Word" - And Some Folks Say the Media "Fix is In." No. Really?

DYSON: I'm with her ( Hillary Clinton). My money's on her.
STEPHANOPOULOS: That is the last word for today. Thank you all very much.
Gee, a  media sanctioned and self-styled public intellectual is hoping hardway for Mrs. Clinton and the first rat off of President Bubba's sinking ship, George Stephanopolous fades America!  That is some craps, G!

The Media ( ABC,CBS, NBC, Disney, GE, Sumner Redstone, MSNBC, CNN) want Hillary Clinton to replace Barack Obama. Fair enough, but let us not pretend that things are fair.

This Sunday on ABC we were treated to a tubby loudmouth talking over the other guests and the in-the-tank for Clinton host encouraged incivility.

One of the dumbest of the many puffed-up jerks who write for Big Media is Eric Michael Dyson.  Dr. Mike worked on the  Chicago Sun Times at a time when real journalists worked there -notably the late great Ray Coffey - Dyson had a teaching gig at De Paul which was in its early stages of being Chicago's vraiment bizarre Catholic University and invited the Hip-Hop Slip Mahoney (remember the Late Leo Gorcey) to draw salary and hand out inflated grades.

When not talking over someone else, Dyson murders communication like no one since Terence  Aloysius Mahoney

His column was nothing more than series of beefs about parking tickets and speeding violations accrued by Dr. Eric Michael and his friends, all attributed to systemic white supremacy and the fact that no one knows that Ptolemy was a proud black man.  Was Ptolemy his slave name?

This goof has a home in academics, as goofs universal always seem to spread the old bed roll among the ivy and moved on to Georgetown and other faux-Catholic warren of clowns in gowns.

You see, Eric Michael Dyson is an Afrocentrist motormouth jive talking  sesquipedalian Sportin' Life and Washington D.C. is no stranger to weirdos, cretins, goofs, perverts and grifters, * as Fox News has Busty, Leggy and Oh, My God She IS Gorgeous Women of Talent.  MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS try to have as many such Potomac hobos giving voice to elitist desires daily and heavy on Sunday.  Here's only a few of such weirdos, cretins, goofs, perverts and grifters known as Contributors -

  • Anthony Weiner
  • Rep. Chaka Fattah
  • Rep. Jan Schakowsky
  • Dan Savage
  • Van Jones
  • Rep. Allan Grayson
  • Sen. Dick Durbin
  • Ed Schultz
  • Don Lemon
  • Melissa Harris Perry
  • Chris Hayes
  • Ronan Farrow
  • Katrina Vanden Heuvel
George Stephanopoulos was pioneer goof on Cable TV - kind of a Bolshevik beefcake for the Jacobin elites. 

Well have an election coming up in November that will be a choice between horseshit and manure.

The choices are obvious.

I am going with manure, because it has a purpose - a wicked self-interest, yet will make something grow.

Horseshit could be manure with a little time, patience and direction, but generally requires a diaper. or an army of Streets and Sanitation workers to clean it off of the streets and her husband left a hell a mess anyway. 

Disney, a corporatist monster that hijacked the dream of a wonderful man to sell sweat shop manufactured goods, while undermining American values and erasing its history, owns ABC and, along with the Saudi Royal Family a huge bankroll in the Clinton kick, wants horseshit.

Eric Michael Dyson is fine dispenser of horseshit.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Thank You Friends of the Park for Saving our Lakefront and Outing Chicago's Bullies

The Friends of Park have saved Chicago's lakefront, for now.  This is Chicago, neighbors, and you can set your watch by the next public looting boondoggle.

I wonder how Rahm's profanity crusade is going.  Of course NBC Chicago forgives Rahm everything as does WTTW. I Imagine the Rahm swear jar is topped off and ready for a trip to the cash changer at any of Chicago's fine Fifth Third Banks.

That is a Progressive Thinking and Acting Bank

The Progressives ( former Liberals, Goo-goos and Hand-wringers) are in control of every branch of Government - yep, I include Governor Rauner who is merely buying time for his Corporatist Progressive Pals and Oligarchs.

From the White House to Hyde Park, the New Machine controls Chicago and Cook County. The New Machine is not about building legions of Democratic Party workers ready, willing and able to get out the vote as a way of saying 'Thank You" for a job on the trucks, a seat in a Patrol car, a place in an Emergency van, a pick and shovel filling pot holes and reconfiguring curbs.  No this new machine is a faceless blob of bank accounts, 501(c)3 foundations, blue-stocking law firms, real estate monte grifters, Commnity Activists and the News Media.  The poor get a taste of quick cash and lunch boxes and T-shirts, the Armani clad pink cheeks who write small checks not exceeding the the Federal Election Law limits reap huge returns and the middle class, once served so well by the Democrat Party of Cook County pay the bills and get contempt from both the poor and the oligarchs.

This week was a Wow!  The middle guys, who really are the little guys, won one here in Chicago.  The middle/little guys in the UK won the same.

The same ugly and unfair narratives heaped upon Brexit backers, were meted out to the Friends of the Park here in Chicago.

Friends of the Park were villified by every Friend of Rahm/I'm With Her/Hope and Change voice in Cook County.  These forces were marshalled on a huge scale that reminded me of Rahm Emanuel, Forrest Claypool and Pastor Pfleger's smear campaign against the President of Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 308 all through 2013-2014. This was the age of the CTA scandals regarding the Bombardier Rail Car boondoggles and the Ventra Card foul-ups.

Like President Robert Kelly, Friends of the Parks were treated to the attentions of the starving hounds in Rahm Emanuel's kennels.  Pastor Pfleger calls Friends of the Parks Gangsters - you know like the GDs. The Rev says, "Tell me the difference between Friends of the Parks and the Gangster Disciples?"

Well, the GDs shot at me, killed a good number of students that I love, shake down local business people, terrorize everyone, Vote Straight Party on Demand ( call on Elder Hal Baskin GD Emeritus) , launder drug money, sling drugs, possess firearms of every variety and caliber, sport snappy gray, blue and black attire on more formal occasions, can not seem to paly well with the Stones and say 7-4 Til the World Blow and Trust by the old six-pointed star . . .yep, just like Friends of the Park.

  • Pastor Pfleger the political preacher who is probably With Her in 2016   
  • Newton Minnow - The Man who Discovered Barack Obama and Called Television A Vast Waste Land predicted that Rahm would prevail in this dual to death and warned the helots who still read Chicago Editorials without wetting their britches that Friend sof the Park were 'small group setting an agenda' and the might be setting a 'dangerous precedent' - like keeping the public trust. Shucks, can't have that around this burg, Newton.
  • The Sun Times Editorial Board always on the right side of fixed polls and fixed pols
  • The Chicago Reader, the script for the hip, chimed in with the Friends of the Parking Lot Meme - the hip don't tailgate, unless it is for an ironic goof on the squares
The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board surprised me on this one.  They did not swallow the Rahm Bait and to this I attribute the sound voices of John Kass and Kristen McQueary.

The people who really do not like people in the neighborhoods are the people who really hate Friends of Parks.

Friends of Parks, like the Sons of Liberty long ago and forgotten in public education, could be the spark for  Cook County Revolution!  Friends of the Parks proved to be friends of Chicago's Neighborhoods. 

I am making a modest gift to Friends of the Park . today.  

Friday, June 24, 2016

How a Blue Collar Yank Sees Brexit - Punters Pummel Polls, Pols and Plutocrat

Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
"The folks who live on the hill"

So the Common Market, gussied up in OXFam/BBC GlobeSpeak to EU, got a bit lighter at 5AM London time.

Brexit forces won the national referendum to - Leave, or Remain in the European Union, formerly known as the Common Market.

The United Kingdom joined the EU in 1975, the year I began teaching in American Catholic secondary schools.

Since that time, I have married the woman of my dreams, fathered three splendid children, purchased two homes, been widowed, taught English at three secondary schools and raised millions of dollars as a Director of Development, met and court yet another woman of my dreams and watched the world get meaner.

I use the more archaic form of 'mean' which is anything but golden.  My County Kerry grandparents used the term to describe actions and people that were unnecessarily cruel, stingy, loutish, short-sighted and vain. Inconsiderate and selfish wags the world.

Not always and everywhere, mind you, just the self-described 'big dogs' doing the geopolitical rump wiggles - Politicians, plutocrats and their pet mandarins - pollsters.

Pollsters take orders from politicians and  plutocrats and tell us what is morally objectionable. Us are we. The Darby and Joans.  Regular folks.

They tell us what is the right side of history.

Well Darby and Joans, all over the UK, just confounded the smart and huge money. I watched one flustered chap on the BBC explain that the banks and markets followed William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power
Bookies have drastically revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union.
Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six-month highs before dropping off a cliff.
As voting closed about 7am Australian time, betting agency William Hill was offering odds of 1/9 for a remain victory - indicating a 90 per cent probability the UK would stay in the EU.
The Punters beat the house.  Punter is a British term for 'the people in the shoppe'  -fingering goods and merchandise - searching for a bargain.  Yew Knaooow!  The Commoners.

The oily Hungarian Bond Villain who funds every creepy political astro-turf organization, put his man in the White House with Vakerie Jarrett to yank his voice box in 2008, screwed up Venezuela and Central America more than Jefe Hugo and backed the REMAIN Global UK initiative and even ordered the White House to phone it in hours before the polls opened.

With the date of the Brexit referendum approaching and “Leave” leading in the polls, Soros published an article in the UK Guardian claiming that a vote to leave the EU would trigger an economic disaster.
“It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%,” Soros wrote.
Soros coupled his comments with references to a wildly questionable British Treasury economic “model” that estimated a Brexit would reduce UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per household by $6,321 in 2030.
The scare tactics seemed to work over the next few days. The polls indicated that the chances of a “Leave” vote fell dramatically and global stock markets rallied back.
Matthew Tyrmand believes that this is typical of a Soros’ orchestrated “reflexivity” campaign to overload the consciousness of most UK middle- and lower-class voters that against their own self-interest, they will vote to remain in the EU. 

Well, Darby and Joan launched a UK Bourgeois revolution. Like our British cousins, American workers are fed daily yards of tripe from the Soros funded thought mills and have the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Jan Schakowsky and Barack Obama pound our ears about what they are doing for the middle class.  Seems to me that they are doing economic genocide on the American Middle Class.

Another son of blue collar south side Chicago, political journalist, John Patrick Feehry, writes,
The global economy has been remarkable efficient in bringing more products to more customers at better prices.  It has been the principle reason that more people have been lifted out of abject poverty in global history. 
But for the middle class, those who do the bulk of the voting, globalization has come at a tremendous cost.  The poor have done markedly better, the rich have done amazingly better, but those stuck in the middle have seen their wages stagnate if they have jobs at all.
Brexit was vote to stick it to the globalizers.  It was a vote to reestablish national identity.  It was a vote reclaim control of their little piece of the world. 

Well, Shucks!  The Politicians, Polls and the Plutocrat had it handed to them in Old Blighty. Europe faces what one paper called an 'existential crisis' - Sartre would call that ironic.

The UK is out of the EU.  I think that is good thing.  If Polls, Politicians and Plutocrats can look stupid, I call that a very good day.

Now, let's see what America will do - stay on the leash, or break the chains.

This is for you, Darby and Joan!

How a Blue Collar Yank Sees Brexit - Punters Pummel Polls, Pols and Plutocrat

Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
"The folks who live on the hill"

So the Common Market, gussied up in OXFam/BBC GlobeSpeak to EU, got a bit lighter at 5AM London time.

Brexit forces won the national referendum to - Leave, or Remain in the European Union, formerly known as the Common Market.

The United Kingdom joined the EU in 1975, the year I began teaching in American Catholic secondary schools.

Since that time, I have married the woman of my dreams, fathered three splendid children, purchased two homes, been widowed, taught English at three secondary schools and raised millions of dollars as a Director of Development, met and court yet another woman of my dreams and watched the world get meaner.

I use the more archaic form of 'mean' which is anything but golden.  My County Kerry grandparents used the term to describe actions and people that were unnecessarily cruel, stingy, loutish, short-sighted and vain. Inconsiderate and selfish wags the world.

Not always and everywhere, mind you, just the self-described 'big dogs' doing the geopolitical rump wiggles - Politicians, plutocrats and their pet mandarins - pollsters.

Pollsters take orders from politicians and  plutocrats and tell us what is morally objectionable. Us are we. The Darby and Joans.  Regular folks.

They tell us what is the right side of history.

Well Darby and Joans, all over the UK, just confounded the smart and huge money. I watched one flustered chap on the BBC explain that the banks and markets followed William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power
Bookies have drastically revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union.
Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six-month highs before dropping off a cliff.
As voting closed about 7am Australian time, betting agency William Hill was offering odds of 1/9 for a remain victory - indicating a 90 per cent probability the UK would stay in the EU.
The Punters beat the house.  Punter is a British term for 'the people in the shoppe'  -fingering goods and merchandise - searching for a bargain.  Yew Knaooow!  The Commoners.

The oily Hungarian Bond Villain who funds every creepy political astro-turf organization, put his man in the White House with Vakerie Jarrett to yank his voice box in 2008, screwed up Venezuela and Central America more than Jefe Hugo and backed the REMAIN Global UK initiative and even ordered the White House to phone it in hours before the polls opened.

With the date of the Brexit referendum approaching and “Leave” leading in the polls, Soros published an article in the UK Guardian claiming that a vote to leave the EU would trigger an economic disaster.
“It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%,” Soros wrote.
Soros coupled his comments with references to a wildly questionable British Treasury economic “model” that estimated a Brexit would reduce UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per household by $6,321 in 2030.
The scare tactics seemed to work over the next few days. The polls indicated that the chances of a “Leave” vote fell dramatically and global stock markets rallied back.
Matthew Tyrmand believes that this is typical of a Soros’ orchestrated “reflexivity” campaign to overload the consciousness of most UK middle- and lower-class voters that against their own self-interest, they will vote to remain in the EU. 

Well, Darby and Joan launched a UK Bourgeois revolution. Like our British cousins, American workers are fed daily yards of tripe from the Soros funded thought mills and have the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Jan Schakowsky and Barack Obama pound our ears about what they are doing for the middle class.  Seems to me that they are doing economic genocide on the American Middle Class.

Another son of blue collar south side Chicago, political journalist, John Patrick Feehry, writes,
The global economy has been remarkable efficient in bringing more products to more customers at better prices.  It has been the principle reason that more people have been lifted out of abject poverty in global history. 
But for the middle class, those who do the bulk of the voting, globalization has come at a tremendous cost.  The poor have done markedly better, the rich have done amazingly better, but those stuck in the middle have seen their wages stagnate if they have jobs at all.
Brexit was vote to stick it to the globalizers.  It was a vote to reestablish national identity.  It was a vote reclaim control of their little piece of the world. 

Well, Shucks!  The Politicians, Polls and the Plutocrat had it handed to them in Old Blighty. Europe faces what one paper called an 'existential crisis' - Sartre would call that ironic.

The UK is out of the EU.  I think that is good thing.  If Polls, Politicians and Plutocrats can look stupid, I call that a very good day.

Now, let's see what America will do - stay on the leash, or break the chains.

This is for you, Darby and Joan!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How a Blue Collar Yank Sees Brexit - Punters Pummel Polls, Pols and Plutocrat

Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
"The folks who live on the hill"

So the Common Market, gussied up in OXFam/BBC GlobeSpeak to EU, got a bit lighter at 5AM London time.

Brexit forces won the national referendum to - Leave, or Remain in the European Union, formerly known as the Common Market.

The United Kingdom joined the EU in 1975, the year I began teaching in American Catholic secondary schools.

Since that time, I have married the woman of my dreams, fathered three splendid children, purchased two homes, been widowed, taught English at three secondary schools and raised millions of dollars as a Director of Development, met and court yet another woman of my dreams and watched the world get meaner.

I use the more archaic form of 'mean' which is anything but golden.  My County Kerry grandparents used the term to describe actions and people that were unnecessarily cruel, stingy, loutish, short-sighted and vain. Inconsiderate and selfish wags the world.

Not always and everywhere, mind you, just the self-described 'big dogs' doing the geopolitical rump wiggles - Politicians, plutocrats and their pet mandarins - pollsters.

Pollsters take orders from politicians and  plutocrats and tell us what is morally objectionable. Us are we. The Darby and Joans.  Regular folks.

They tell us what is the right side of history.

Well Darby and Joans, all over the UK, just confounded the smart and huge money. I watched one flustered chap on the BBC explain that the banks and markets followed William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power
Bookies have drastically revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union.
Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six-month highs before dropping off a cliff.
As voting closed about 7am Australian time, betting agency William Hill was offering odds of 1/9 for a remain victory - indicating a 90 per cent probability the UK would stay in the EU.
The Punters beat the house.  Punter is a British term for 'the people in the shoppe'  -fingering goods and merchandise - searching for a bargain.  Yew Knaooow!  The Commoners.

The oily Hungarian Bond Villain who funds every creepy political astro-turf organization, put his man in the White House with Vakerie Jarrett to yank his voice box in 2008, screwed up Venezuela and Central America more than Jefe Hugo and backed the REMAIN Global UK initiative and even ordered the White House to phone it in hours before the polls opened.

With the date of the Brexit referendum approaching and “Leave” leading in the polls, Soros published an article in the UK Guardian claiming that a vote to leave the EU would trigger an economic disaster.
“It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%,” Soros wrote.
Soros coupled his comments with references to a wildly questionable British Treasury economic “model” that estimated a Brexit would reduce UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per household by $6,321 in 2030.
The scare tactics seemed to work over the next few days. The polls indicated that the chances of a “Leave” vote fell dramatically and global stock markets rallied back.
Matthew Tyrmand believes that this is typical of a Soros’ orchestrated “reflexivity” campaign to overload the consciousness of most UK middle- and lower-class voters that against their own self-interest, they will vote to remain in the EU. 

Well, Darby and Joan launched a UK Bourgeois revolution. Like our British cousins, American workers are fed daily yards of tripe from the Soros funded thought mills and have the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Jan Schakowsky and Barack Obama pound our ears about what they are doing for the middle class.  Seems to me that they are doing economic genocide on the American Middle Class.

Another son of blue collar south side Chicago and political journalist, John Patrick Feehry, writes,
The global economy has been remarkable efficient in bringing more products to more customers at better prices.  It has been the principle reason that more people have been lifted out of abject poverty in global history. 
But for the middle class, those who do the bulk of the voting, globalization has come at a tremendous cost.  The poor have done markedly better, the rich have done amazingly better, but those stuck in the middle have seen their wages stagnate if they have jobs at all.
Brexit was vote to stick it to the globalizers.  It was a vote to reestablish national identity.  It was a vote reclaim control of their little piece of the world. 

Well, Shucks!  The Politicians, Polls and the Plutocrat had it handed to them in Old Blighty. Europe faces what one paper called an 'existential crisis' - Sartre would call that ironic.

The UK is out of the EU.  I think that is good thing.  If Polls, Politicians and Plutocrats can look stupid, I call that a very good day.

Now, let's see what America will do - stay on the leash, or break the chains.

This is for you, Darby and Joan!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sit-in By Cynical Slobs - Sorry; Save for CSPAN Saps.

I am a Democrat.  Still vote that way - largely. I love my Alderman,Matt O'Shea of the 19th Ward, because he is a genuine representative of the people he represents.  I will not vote for a Congressman, State Senator,or State Rep who takes coin from the Abortion Industry, Planned Parenthood, or Personal PAC Illinois - sorry.  I am not a gun owner, never was and never will own one - not because I believe that guns kill people.  Guns can be used to kill people.  People kill with any means they find handy.

I do know that Planned Parenthood kills more people than the NRA.

I have buried far too many young African Americans ( 9 by my count) in the last twenty years.  Not one happened to be gang-banger.  Twice that number have been wounded and one splendid young man will be in a wheelchair for life.

I have had several close calls as well.  The first time in 1998, a bullet whispered past my left ear and then two more, before I hit the pavement at 79th Street and Sangamon.  I called my Dad, who was a WWII veteran of Bougainville, Guam and Iwo Jima and described the very distinct sound of the rounds. " Did fill your Union Suit?" was his response.  No, I answered.  " You will the next time."

He was right.  I learned to fall with my broad manly rump facing the shooter, so as not to take one in the head.  Strange things one learns in one's middle age.

I was not a target; I was in the way.  The students I mentioned above were targets, but they were no fortunate. Eric Ersery was murdered in 1998 at 79th & Laflin, trying to protect a young girl. Eric's mother had paid the last installment of his tuition that April day.  Eric went to classes and then on to work at Burlington Coat Factory at 81st & Cicero.  When he got off the 79th Street bus, Eric walked over to talk to the girl he knew.  Gangbangers mistook the girl for relative ( CPD Area 2 Detectives later explained) who had run afoul of them and they emerged from the gangway 9's a popping.  Eric covered the girl and his bullet peppered body was found over the girl, who also died.

I don't hate guns.  I don't hate inanimate objects.  I hate the acts of people too stupid and too thuggish to consider the consequences of their wants.

I hate bullying. I hate violence,  I hate stupidity.  Most of the mugs in the photo attached above from my experience with them (Schakowsky, Quigley, Duckworth, Davis) as people who impressed me to be very stupid bullies.  Violent? Beats me.

I do not like meaningless gestures, nicely phrased appeals to our better angels; especially from people who care only their position, power and pleasure - preachers, pundits and politicians, for example.

Aside from Robin Kelly (whom I have never met) , the people of the Illinois Congressional Delegation are some of the most obnoxious, smarmy, dim-witted, opportunistic and puffed up bullies, it has been my sad experience to suffocate some of my time earth in their company.

To say that this group of self-serving snobs and simpering bootlickers is in any way shape or fashion sincere, beggars logic and sentiment.

Their rumps kissing the floor of the Nation's Capitol insult the victims of thuggery world wide.

Guns do not kill people and more than pencils fail exams.

People who pretend otherwise are sitting on the floors of Congress.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sun Times, Yet Again, Sides With Corporatist Mayor Rahm Disney Star Wars

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Jiminy Cricket chirps them sentiments.  Chicago is populated with Jiminy Crickets - goofs and goo-goos who not only go along with the destruction of neighborhoods, but see the rainbow and a crock of gold.  Jiminy Cricket got Rahm re-elected, put Toni Preckwinkle in her President's chair, backed every single digit I.Q. in Springfield and will do it all over again.

Every Jiminy Cricket Chicagoan (Ready for Hillary/Thinks the BGA Works for People Other Than the People Screwing Our Lives/Still Read The Trib and Sun Times Without Laughing, or Tossing The Old Cookies/Votes Straight Ticket Like It Was 1963) will be only too delighted to know the Narrative Created for the Lucas Museum of Narrative Arts Continues.

The Friends have abandoned their loftiest argument, that a 1973 ordinance and the spirit of a “free and open” lakefront prohibit further private development east of Lake Shore Drive. Now they’re just trying to cut a deal on the particulars of the museum, like everybody else.
You mean like Becky and Stan across the street who can be sure to profit handsomely by Rahm's Public Land Yard Sale to the wee Lad with bags of gold doubloons and happens to be married to a Hyde Park Mafia Princess? Chomsky, Please! Those two are  'real' players and Becky and Stan are, like every non-in-the-mix Chicago citizen, abstractions - votes.

The Compelling narrative voices of the Sun Times Editorial Board, like the castrati on the Chicago Tribune's, are in full harmony here -

But in giving up the high ground of pure principle, the Friends have lost much of their authority in this debate. Why should anybody listen to them? They are a respected and valued group, undoubtedly, but elected by nobody. If it is not a violation of fundamental civic values to grant the Lucas Museum a lakefront location, as the Friends appear to have conceded, then they should step aside. They should drop their law suit and leave it to those who actually were elected by somebody — the mayor and the City Council — to cut the best deal for our city.
Maybe then this negotiation can move into the real world.

Really? Gee. So, the unelected must shut up?  Brave New World; Well, compel my britches!

  • The BGA has a niche right smack dab in the middle of the Sun Times Thought Cathedral seven days a week.  No one elected Andy Shaw and the laid off former Sun Times and Tribune ink-slingers who support the Rahm Disney Star Wars Magic Kingdom . . .I mean Chicago.
  • Jesse L. Jackson, Ist of His Name, and one of most practiced and accomplished stick up artist in Social Justice Mythology continues to prop up the power on Chicago's leading tabloid. - No One Elected the King of Beers
  • Madeleine Dubeck, came to the Sun Times at the Birth of ReBoot Illinois and no one elected this former editor of the Daily Herald to ReBoot the old Illinois Hard Drive, but she slings ink now and then for the Sun Times, whenever the billionaires ( Crown/Griffin et al) need to gin up some grassroots horseshit for some more Green.
The Sun Times sanctions columns for "advocates and activists" who help draw up compelling narratives to change the social, moral, culture and political landscape of America and heap profits upon the chosen few in league with the Progressive Corporatist Power at City Hall, in Cook County and even out in Springfield.

Jiminy Crickets! When I wish upon a star, I sure don't expect to see Forrest Claypool, Pat Quinn, Toni Preckwinkle, Bruce Rauner, Rahm Emanuel, or Valerie Jarrett to get sprinkled with Hollywood Star Wars Dust and an Obama Museum.  Jiminy Crickets all over Chicago do and the Sun Times is always there to make their Dreams Come True.

Next Mayoral Election - I'm Voting Straight Friends of the Park.