"Sixty million people died. . . .So, you've got to pay attention. And vote." former President Barak H. Obama.
Germans voted Mr. Nobel President. They voted for a dopey clown with powerful grassroots organization and a tightly controlled narrative dangled to a supine press.
The United States however did not lose a world war, nor did it undergo foreign occupation of its industrial heartland, nor look longingly for a return to the monarchy.
America only endured your Comedy Central Presidency.
That was more than enough to make Donald J. Trump preferable to you and Hilary Clinton.
Oh, and there is more.
Barak Obama spoke to the Economic Club of Chicago with Mrs. Star War Museum Melody Hobson-Lucas and compared Trump to Hitler, his Presidency to the Weimar Republic and praised America's bandwidth*:
American democracy is fragile, and unless care is taken it could follow the path of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Mixed in with many softer comments, that was the somewhat jaw-dropping bottom line of Barack Obama last night as, in a Q&A session before the Economic Club of Chicago, the Chicagoan who used to be president dropped a bit of red meat to a hometown crowd that likely is a lot closer to him than the man whose name never was mentioned: President Donald Trump. Obama's comments came after a series of playful questions from moderator and Ariel Investments President Mellody Hobson—in the great Batman vs. Superman debate, for instance, we learned Obama sides with Batman—before she eventually asked him what he's learned as a world citizen of sorts. One thing he's learned is that "things don't happen internationally if we don't put our shoulder to the wheel," Obama said, speaking of the U.S. "No other country has the experience and bandwidth and ideals. . . .If the U.S. doesn't do it, it's not going to happen."
OooooRah Yankee Bandwidth!!!!! That should lock up more Tech Geek bucks.
Now, go louse up Jackson Park the outer drive and other peoples' days
And you voted for this dope?
* In computing, bandwidth is the bit-rate of available or consumed information capacity expressed typically in metric multiples of bits per second. Variously, bandwidth may be characterized as network bandwidth, data bandwidth, or digital bandwidth.
Recognize anyone from your neighborhood here? Me neither. Grassroots, me broad manly arse.
This Fourth of July, I feel especially patriotic, because my faith in American values of commitment, courage and faith were strengthened by the victory of Friends of the Parks over oligarchs, bullies, grifters and smugly powerful people who have gotten their way, over and on everyone else, for the last eight years.
Money, media control and mass messaging have made our city, county, state and nation too much of a banana republic. Corporations count more than parishes and neighborhoods.
Have you noticed that in the past twenty years, the use of the word neighborhood has been almost entirely replaced by the preferred Progressive term" community?"
Neighbors know one another and interact; communities coalesce. Under the camouflage of the word 'diversity' people become a a congealed mass of votes, nor a threatening mobs for a cause.
Diversity ( not real, actual diversity) is a template for the boilerplate leftist playbook, which keeps people busy shouting, threatening and hating one another, while a small group of sanctioned snobs amass unlimited power and unimaginable wealth.
This past week was very satisfying. Neighbors won and the elites lost in the epic battle between Friends of the Parks and Mellody and George Lucas, Rahm Emanuel, Sanctioned real estate, bankers, construction, engineering, vendors and public relations players lost.
Neighbors raise families, work, pay taxes, watch out for one another, disagree on religion, politics, sports, lawn care methods, street lights time and alley bean bag. Neighbors go to wakes, benefits for sick kids, buy raffle tickets, drive and run errands for older neighbors, bitch about property taxes, garbage grid, recycling mandates and Chicago's parking desert landscape filled with massive and unused bike lanes.
Neighbors are busy. Some neighbors are financially better off than most of us and use their time, talents and treasure to make things better for their neighbors.
Friends of Parks were called gangsters by Chicago's most celebrated and unchallenged race baiting preachers, because some might live in Grant Park high rises. Shucks, I know a widow woman who lives at 300 E, Randolph in a big old high rise and she drops $25,000 minimum to help young black men at Leo High School, just down east of St, Sabina, every year with out fail. Community attached 501(c) 3 foundations like Woods Fund refused to toss us a nickle and that was when a young ambitious kid named Barack Obama was dining out on Check Please and wowing the tight-knit IVI Community. That widow and many others were better neighbors, than any community activist and more black males became successful men because of neighbors.
Friends of Parks are neighbors and they went to bat for all of us, who have limited time, use or talents to put bread on the tables and watch our treasures disappear with increased utility bills, water, property, parking, consumer taxes levied upon us by Community People.
The Lucas Museum was supposed to be some kind of Narrative Arts Cornucopia - really a big ass digital junk closet for all of Star Wars cast-off stuff, like unused scripts, or snappy PC characters of the future. The power couple with pals on the fifth floor of City Hall and the White House demanded that this site be stuck on the lakefront - imagine if George and Mellody were forced to allow me to store all of my old gym shoes, Leo High School sports wear, fishing gear, grade books going back to 1975, articles on Thackeray, James Shields Charles Chinquy , Bishop Shiel, and Packey McFarland, baseball caps from Bishop McNamara, La Lumiere School and Leo High School on their front lawn as a tribute to high school teachers. The old gym shoes might give one a huge pause once the scent hit the old smeller.
Friends of Parks gave this gaggle of spoiled geese ( anyone like geese? Biggest pains in the ass of all feathered friends and no friends of any park, or parking lot) a huge 'time out!'
Friends of the Park became Community Enemy Number One, after that cops, firemen and skilled tradesmen. The two minutes hate was extended.
Irizarry and Moltz, as they said repeatedly during the nearly two-year debate over the museum's location, reiterated the group was never opposed to Lucas' idea of a housing a collection of his digital and traditional art in Chicago. The issue, they said, was that the "Star Wars" creator insisted on selecting sites along the lakefront, public trust land they argued should be open and clear space.
"We feel it's really unfortunate," Moltz said. "Our issue was just that he wanted to put it on the lakefront. We're sorry he made the decision to leave rather than look at any of the other viable sites that would have been a win-win for the city."
So how will the Lucas Museum fight shape Friends' fortunes going forward?
I hope Friend of the Parks signal victory over the oligarchs willget neighbors to appreciate one another and return to calling neighborhoods by the correct name. Neighbors live in high rises too.
Friends of the Park reminded me that Liberty is more than just a compelling narrative, a Sun Times hate campaign and boondoggle for grifters.
Happy Fourth of July! Thank you, Friends of the Park! I mean neighbors!
If Mellody Hobson Lucas wanted to ride a CTA bus bike rack, well she could, by God ride a CTA bus Rack. Her boss John Rogers*, formerly Mr. Desiree Rogers **and CEO of the incubator that created Barack Obama and Arne Duncan - Ariel Capital Management, knows how heart-breaking shattered dreams can be, when gangbangers of Friends of the Parks shattered the dreams of a aging bearded gnome with billions of spending loots and his White House wired wife to build a temple to themselves on Chicago's lakefront
John W. Rogers Jr., chairman and CEO of Ariel Investments, where Hobson is president, said this week that Hobson is "just heartbroken by this — she loves the city so much."
Some Dream of having a Temple Museum of Narrative Arts and Snappy Yarns and some just want to be a bicycle,
Chicago is owned not only by America's Dream Cult: Disney, but also the Cycle Fascists who have closed traffic lanes used on city streets from the time that teamsters drove wagons hitched to oat blowers, neighbors.
Friends of the Parks must have gotten to the CTA bus driver.
* Rogers served for six years under Mayor Richard M. Daley as the board president of the Chicago Park District, where he enjoyed what he said was a good relationship with Friends of the Parks. He declared himself mystified as to why it fought so hard to block Lucas from building on the lakefront. **Desirée Glapion Rogers (born June 16, 1959, in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American business executive who is the Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Publishing Company. In November 2008 she was selected by Barack Obama's office as the White House Social Secretary for the incoming administration, the first person of African-American descent to serve in this function. On February 26, 2010, the Chicago Sun-Times′ Lynn Sweet reported that she planned to step down. Rogers was replaced by Julianna Smoot, former chief of staff to the U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk. Smoot was the Obama presidential campaign chief fund-raiser. On August 10, 2010, Rogers was named CEO of Johnson Publishing Company.
Sticky Johnson is doing time. He was a neighbor of Leo High School, who always had smile that could light up a room! "Hey, Coach! Hey, Leo Man! Big Win! Go Lions!. . . .got any change? I'm $.30 away from my 40!" Sticky was known to the kids, the coaches and the leadership of our school. Seemed to be a harmless bust-out on threshhold of turning his life around. Sticky could not catch a break. Sticky is doing hard time.
Sticky should not be left out of our latest national conversation about Race. Conversations about Race always seem to occur whenever President Obama has an especially bad week - like Bibi Netanyahu's Likud victory over the Obama K-Street Commandos ( Jerry Bird's One Voice) sent to Israel to gum up the elections. Enter Starbucks and Mrs. Star Wars!
Should have sent Sticky Johnson! In this latest wake of Israeli obstreperousness, the Starbucks CEO laid out Race Together . . .kind of like One Voice, except racing and not voicing. This gave Chicago's doyen of drivel, Michael Sneed, a great opportunity to pucker up for local monied-powerhouse's keister - Mellody Hobson - Mrs. Star Wars Lucas Museum and Landfill. Mellody Hobson? Is her given name pronouned in the Iberian fashion? MAYOD? Probably not.
Hey, Kids! TRY and find a Starbucks in an impoverished black neighborhood! T'aint any! A Starbucks is Chatham Heights home to septuagenarian Civil Rights activists, retire CPD Commanders and Bankers B Starbucks Hyde Park Lite just east of Clarence Darrow's ashes and C BUCKS in tony Hyde Park Peoples Republic of Obama
Starbucks, Mellody Hobson, David Axelrodian Grassroots and a Likud Victory in Israel can mean only one thing - It's Time for another National Conversation About Race.
As the Director of Development for an overwhelmingly African American place of learning, I take a back seat to no one when it comes to smooching the rumps of already generous folks - most of them are old white guys.
However, I have not been able to guilt people who came by their riches through political pay-to-play and strategic investment of capital in former slum property to send as much as a nickel over to the school on Sangamon. Much shame to me. Most of my failure is rooted in an inability to match flim-flam with faith and guff with gelt.
You see I am no Desiree Rogers, Mellody Honson. Elzie Higgenbottom, much less Robert Redford, a Michael Moore, or a Cullen Davis. White, or Black, my soul recoils from a huge of pile of . . .bunkum.Not so the media, especially butt-munchers like Chicago Sun Times gossip maven Michael Sneed
The talk of the Twitterverse Wednesday began with a cup of Starbucks that brewed up a storm on social media.
And it was Chicago’s own Mellody Hobson — a financial whiz who is president of Ariel Investments and an African-American member of the Starbucks board of directors — who may have started the coffee brewing.
Well, ShhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeIIIIDDDDDDDDD, Sneed, It might have been Me! I could have been Eddie Carroll of Carroll Roofing! You know people say that Eddie came up with the idea of the spitlless harmonica. The Harmonica Lewinsky! Really. Honor bright.
Race together?
Why, it just might have been Sticky Johnson, who is doing time for breaking into Leo's buses for the catalytic converters and pistol-whipped Mr. Haywood, our mechanic, when he came out and caught Sticky, a Section a Housing Alumnus who was staying with friends in an apartment on Sangamon. It just may have been Sticky who may have started the coffee brewing. Sticky! Speak on it, Son!
OB wans a libray and KaNobi Wans a Museum "Scrutiny? What else do you want? Do you want to take my shorts? Go scrutinize yourself. I get scrutined every day." -Mayor Richard M. Daley Colonel Lucas: Your mission is to proceed up the Nung River in a Navy patrol boat. Pick up Colonel Kurtz's path at Nu Mung Bha, follow it, learn what you can along the way. When you find the Colonel, infiltrate his team by whatever means available and terminate the Colonel's command. Willard:Terminate... the Colonel? General Corman: He's out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct. And he is still in the field commanding troops. Jerry:Terminate... with extreme prejudice.
A Library - " A library is an organized collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. "
A Museum- "A museum is an institution that cares for (conserves) a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary."
Libraries go back to the Sumerian dynasty when collections of cuneiform tablets were stored by the perky blonds in horn-rimmed glass of that time. That library was in Ninevah, which is near Mosul, in northern Iraq. ISIS, it will be recalled, holds human artifacts in same high regard it holds for human life.
The oldest museum is the Capitoline built with a grant from Pope Sixtus IV, back around 1471. To be sure, there were collections of artifacts looted and held in great care by rich guys going back to all ancient civilizations, but Pope 6-tus gets the props on this one.
Rich guys are not always bad guys - pirates, foot-pads, warlords, or creeps. I know many very rich people and they tend to eat M&Ms by the handful just like everyone else.
Some rich guys are creeps. Chicago greatest creep has a museum of natural history named for him - The Field Museum. He was the 19th century purveyor of 'nice things.' Marshall Field knew what nice was when he saw, but had much to do with 'nice.' He took credit for the work and words of others, especially his hard-working clerk Harry Selfridge, whom Field managed to run off to London. Everything that Marshal Field & Company means to a Chicagoan was created by Harry Selfridge.
Field was a been counter and shrewed claim jumper ( from Potter Palmer to Harry Selfridge) who always knew that just up the next street was a some hard-working slob to be courted, hustled and discarded.
Field's kids built a museum for old Dad.
Chicago is home to many libraries. Public libraries are in every neighborhood, but seem as empty as a Quaker Meeting house in Morgan Park on non-election days.There are the magnificent private libraries, University Club od Chicago Newberry and Ryerson & Burnham, where membership and access is a privilege.
Emanuel’s office is helping secure rights to 10 acres at two possible locations, in Washington Park and Jackson Park. Winning those rights would require votes by the Chicago Park District Board and the City Council. The Chicago Park District will hold two community hearings next week. The third possible site, the South Shore Cultural Center, has been taken off the table because it’s not big enough.
“I want to make sure that, if there’s any issues, that we resolve those so we’re competitive against New York and this becomes an easy decision for the president to pick his hometown for where his presidential library, in my view, belongs,” Emanuel said at a Monday news conference, Sweet reported. Emanuel promised to play an “active role” in getting the Chicago bids up to speed.
The land deal is far from certain: A local community group, Friends of the Parks, is already suing the city over another proposed museum, funded by filmmaker George Lucas, that would sit on 17 acres of parkland. The group has succeeded in slowing down the Lucas museum, and they could throw up additional roadblocks to the presidential museum, too.
George Lucas and President Obama want a museum and a library which will stands as testament to their fascinating and exclusive lives.
Barack Obama, when I first met him in 1995, is a rather full-of-himself man of limited abilities. He was led by the hand to the White House, without any scrutiny. He was never scrutined
Obama made his career in Chicago and some career it has been. Everything was just Jake, until Barack Obama became jumped into the driver seat of America's most important vehicle of change - The Presidency.
Everything is over his head, but not his pay grade. No one seems interested in helping President Obama carve-out brick and mortar pyramid to himself. Private funds? Barack Obama lifted every friendly wallet in the nation; so, he must turn, once again to our pockets as tax-payers and our public lands as Chicagoans.
George Lucas? Never met him; never will. He'd sic the Wookies on me, were I to ever ring the bell to his outer-gate and ask, " Wanna buy some World's Finest to help the poor kids at Leo High School?"
George Lucas became as much of Chicagoan as Rahm Emanuel. He married a gal with Chicago clout.
George thought, "Chicago deserves a museum dedicated to me! . . .well, Star War, Ewoks, Darths and Skywalkers!" George Lucas wants prime public land that Daniel Burnham and his guys actually re-created from the malarial swamps and sand dunes God created.
My feelings are these projects? Terminate is too weak a word - Scrutin (sic) both projects, in cold, ice-water-for-blood and with extreme prejudice.
Dad always said that I couldn't find my butt with both hands. I can. Allow me to add this imperative -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you." - Pope Francis to celebrate Pro-life Mass, Vatican
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
A peach of a guy with all the sweetness one could expect from a life well-spent and in good company: short on brains but a terrific dancer!
Every Heart and Hand: A Leo High School Story
The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War