Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood Abortions Best Pals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood Abortions Best Pals. Show all posts

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Small Person Bart Stupak - Congress's Little King Hypocrite

One of the stand-out hypocrites of this politcial year is Michigan ( UP) Representative Bart Stupak.

This oily little gent played abortion - the death of babies -to parlay his honor for something coming down the pike, I believe. Bart Stupak announced that we does not care to be trounced. Once out of office, watch Bart get a Federal Gig.

Today with every balloon head and phony in Congress lining up to take a pimp slap at BP's Tony Heyword - MSNBC even had resigned Commie Czar Van Jones doing-the-play-by-play with nepotism's Wee Russert -appointed when Dad Tim cashed in this summer.

The King of the Small People is Bart Stupak -

"We are not small people, but we wish to get our lives back," Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich.
Like the aborted babies, Bart pretended to care so much about that he was compelled to vote for Planned Parenthood Approved ObamaCare.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kill the Bill and Save America! Dan Lipinksi, it might just be on you.

Congressman Lipinski - this is your moment - act accordingly! Vote No!

"With deep regret, but clear in our moral judgment, we are compelled to continue to urge House members to oppose the Senate bill unless these fundamental flaws are remedied. At this critical moment, we urge Representatives to take the steps necessary to ensure that health care reform respects the life and dignity of all, from conception to natural death," U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on Obama Care.

Let's see what happens. Some Democratic Congressmen might restore the faith of the American People in our government by holding to the Faith that they profess.

The Obama Care Bill is bad. If it were in any way good it would have passed long ago - it's not and if by some legerdemain of Progressive Hegelian magic Obama Care passes in the the most mistrusted Congress in American History, it will be a very long and very expensive process to unscrew this hideous pooch. The America People will unscrew the Obama Care Bill, make no mistake.

The Bill is packed with Planned Parenthood set-asides and Abortion Happy language.

Dan Lipinski of Illinois has said that he will vote 'No.' Okay, let's see.

In today's gospel, Jesus quietly stooped down and wrote in the sand all the sins and transgressions of the folks who wanted to stone a woman caught in adultery to death - they "deemed" her guilty. The woman was saved. Let's see over the next few 'narrative' choked hours, if some law makers look into the sand.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Powerful Story of Abortion Horrors and Planned Parenthooding Out of Philadelphia

Lawyer and writer Christine Flowers penned a powerful and disturbing story about the Abortion Industyry in America and the Planned Parenthooding of the Media. Well done Ms. Flowers! Read this.

The legalization of abortion was supposed to have protected not only "a woman's right to choose," but women's health in general. Unfortunately, the advocates hadn't yet heard of Dr. Kermit B. Gosnell and his abortion house of horrors.

In the wake of revelations about the unethical practices, unlicensed practitioners and grisly conditions at the West Philadelphia family planning clinic (are mummified fetuses in jars a form of birth control?), I expected the pro-choice activists to circle the wagons and attack a much greater enemy than the doctor himself: pro-lifers.

They didn't disappoint me.

Abortion is still legal and widely available in Pennsylvania. Which means legalization hasn't entirely eliminated the questionable medical practitioners who plied their trade in the dingy pre-Roe alleys. It just moved them into the light of day on Lancaster Avenue.

But the pro-choice crowd simply can't admit that. They'll acknowledge that licensing requirements must be made stricter. They'll applaud the fact that Pennsylvania suspended Gosnell's license, and that he agreed to a suspension in Delaware. They'll say that this doctor wasn't typical of the average abortion provider.

And they'll do what our sister paper did in its editorial on the topic, conjuring up the images of Barnett Slepian and George Tiller, abortionists killed by radical anti-abortion activists:

"Sadly, threats, protests, and even the murder of doctors who perform abortions have forced many good physicians out of the abortion business, leaving others to fill the void."

Like I said, I saw it coming.

You can't risk undermining the whole decades-long charade that legalized abortion is a medical necessity and that only by removing virtually all restrictions on availability can you promote "reproductive health." The women who died at Gosnell's clinic might differ, if they still could.

Still, I'm willing to concede that the vast majority of abortion clinics don't resemble the hellhole on Lancaster Avenue.

I'm also willing to admit that most of the people who perform abortions believe they are providing a necessary service.

But what I refuse to accept is the spin that many pro-choice advocates apply to this and similar issues, trying to make it seem as if they are the only ones who care about women's health.
Click my post title for more.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jan Schakowsky Insists Dead Babies Mean a Healthy America!

Dimbulb Democrat Jan Schakowsky, still under scrutiny as a Turkish Spy by the way, insisted to MSNBC's own Gay/Abortion Advocate Loudmouth Rachel Maddow that American Health Care requires dead babies:

While the Hyde Amendment initially banned public funding of abortions except in cases of rape, incest or the life or health of the mother, Stupak's amendment could end abortion coverage for people whose health insurance currently covers the service. His amendment would ban women who get government subsidized insurance to enter into a plan that covers abortion services--even if women wanted to pay for the plan themselves.

"[Stupak's amendment] went way past the current law," Schakowsky told Maddow--adding that Stupak talked several Democrats into thinking his plan was the status quo. "The pro-choice members [of Congress], 42 of us who signed a letter that said we want to maintain the status quo and will not vote for [the bill] if it has the Stupak language."

When Maddow asked Schakowsky whether the pro-choice members of Congress would vote down the health care bill if it included the Stupak language, Schakowsky said they "absolutely" would.

Planned Parenthood paid good money for Jan Schakowsky since she was a back-benching pain in the rump in Springfield and now GE giving this nitwit more air time.

Maddow and Schakowsky? Muy Simpatico! except to unborn children. These two odious harpies need to go.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

UK Man Delivers Baby Using Blackberry ! Google, We Have a Baby!

A gent in Britain helped bring a child into the world by Google-ing instructions from his Blackberry.

This Brave New World can be Child Friendly. Planned Parenthood will no doubt seek damages through an abortion friendly anti-trust litigating Federal Judge like Judge Posner.

Until then, Joy to and In The World!

When Emma Smith of Leytonstone, UK, went into labor, her husband Leroy realized that they wouldn’t be able to get to the hospital in time. He then used his BlackBerry to find instructions online on how to deliver a child:

So the 29-year-old grabbed hold of his BlackBerry, accessed the internet and sought help from search engine Google for step-by-step instructions.

And after following the detailed guide on the internet’s wikiHow Emma safely gave birth to daughter 6lb 11oz Mahalia Merita Angela Smith.

Five minutes after the delivery the midwife arrived to cut the umbilical cord of their fourth child.

Well done, Leroy!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Kathleen Kennedy Crows on Her Dungheap of Entitlement - Abortion Kills Children, Moron.

Why is it that the bishops are more concerned with restricting millions of American women from making health care decisions that are best for them and their families than they are with ensuring that millions of Americans — women, men, children, immigrants, the poor, the middle class — get much-needed health insurance?

As a Catholic, I dare say it’s because the Conference of Catholic Bishops has lost its way. For example, in Missouri, the Catholic Conference issued an e-mail alert urging “those who are opposed to health care reform but are also pro-life” to “stay focused on the abortion issue and get the Stupak-like amendment adopted in the Senate.”
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

The Public Kennedy Family Members are indebted to Planned Parenthood. They owe nothing to the Catholic Church and requite the Faith with Thick Dividends of Contempt.

One Kennedy, Patrick, whined that he was being taught by Bishop Tobin what exactly a public smear of Doctrine is all about and its consequence. Kennedy barked that the bishops were wrong on Abortion. Kennedy wants to go to Communion - receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. Bishop Tobin explained that Catholics who hold beliefs outside the Faith should not receive Communion.

Kennedy pissed himself over the thought that Catholic Rhode Island might agree with Bishop Tobin and took his whine National. He outsourced his complaint to the ever compliant Media. MSNBC, New York Times, you name it, all oiled Kennedy's complaint. Bishop Tobin remained tough.

Now, another Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend, a former Lt. Governor - akin to being named Kentucky Colonel - takes pen in hand to ensure that more babies get a surgical probe in the noggin. She sells books that smear Catholics.

Hey, it's Family Thing! Old Joe lobotomized a daughter whom he deemed not worthy to be a Kennedy due to mental challenges. The Kennedys seem to fully understand and embrace the Planned Parenthood disgust with Governor Sarah Palin's motherly caress of her Downs Syndrome child.

The Kennedy Brand is bloody. Abortion is the killing of a baby. Drop the Catholic bullshit and dance with WHO brung you. The Kennedy Family can embrace any imbecilic stand that they choose. They will make fine Christian Non-Sectarian leaders - or Non-Christian Secularists.

Choose. It's all about choice. I choose to be a Catholic American. I will not support Abortion, nor any parser who plays with Planned Parenthood.

The Public Kennedy Loudmouths can do with out communion - as they are not clearly in Communion with the rest of us. These morons believe it is all dress up - make-believe. Faith has no requirements.

John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy were the last Catholic Public Kennedys. Old Ted played at it, when convenient and bullied and bribed the cowarldy Catholic clergy.

The rest of them, the Public Kennedys ( who hold for Abortion and want things their own way) can just hop up and kiss my broad manly Irish ass!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

MSNBC Whited Sepulchre of Planned Parenthood, Part 2 -Chris Matthews & Lawrence O'Donnell Altar Boys of Abortion

Click my post title for Chris Matthews imbecilic, obnoxious and offensive disrespect of Bishop Thomas Tobin.

“This is a political act by a political bishop… Political bishops do the church absolutely no good. This guy’s—this bishop is a political hack.”

– Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC

“What law would you pass?” You’re coming down on Congressman Kennedy and other public officials. …Would you outlaw abortion?” Chris Matthews, MSNBC

That Chris Matthews and Lawrence O'Donnell are hacks and bad ones at that is no problem. That MSNBC is an Advocacy Propaganda Mill is no problem. They should not be fired, they should be invited to every Knights of Columbus Council in America for a chat with fellow Catholic Laymen. Father Perez Council on the south side of Chicago would be particularly warm in its recognition of each GE shill on MSNBC and their attack on Catholics and the Unborn.

That Catholic Doctrine and Catholic Bishops are under attack by MSNBC and its Stooge Line-up is a problem.

General Electric/NBC/MSNBC have made a collective decision to assault the largest single religious group in America, because there is money to be made from their perceived 70% balance of the American Demographic and counting on visceral Catholics, like the Kennedys, Matthews and O'Donnells. General Electric has invested millions of dollars in the Progressive Political market: Green Capitalism, Foreign Policy Obeisance, Debtor-based capitalism with Asia, Government Marketplace -Not a good bet. Conditions are proving that and all the propaganda organ can do is crank out assaults on the opposition - Catholics, Palin, Tea-Party, School Choice, Anti-Abortion Americans.

Catholics are not happy with politicians enthralled to Planned Parenthood. Catholics are happy with leaders like Bishop Thomas Tobin.

Catholics will scorn idiots like Matthews and O'Donnell who shill for their masters, but they will take action against the merchants who pay these shills.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Kennedy Gets the Bishop Tobin Tune-up on Abortion - About Time.

“If you freely choose to be a Catholic, it means you believe certain things, you do certain things,” Bishop Tobin said on WPRO, a Providence radio station. “If you cannot do all that in conscience, then you should perhaps feel free to go somewhere else.”

Patrick Kennedy is one of the countless Young Kennedy children and grandchildren of the Kennedy's of fifty years ago - Jack, Bobby and Teddy; as well, as Sarge.

Now, Joe Kennedy II* a former Congressman is selling gas for Hugo Chavez. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is writing books that trash the Catholic Church and helot Catholics.
Chris Kennedy plays Hamlet in Illinois politics until he gets a appointed to an unelected position of the University of Illinois Board. Young Patrick Kennedy has trouble negotiating parking spots and shoots his mouth off on why abortion is so important to wealthy Middle Aged Hags ( Cougars). Camelot -water under the bridge!

However, the Young (getting a tad long in the teeth though) Kennedys love to play at Bohemian politics and religion. That way they stay edgy and newsworthy.
Abortion advocacy is always edgy and de rigueur ! Planned Parenthood has invested heavily in the Kennedy Family since Bobby was killed. He was the last Catholic, it seems to me. Annulment? No sweat. Abortion? Choose it!

Young Kennedys flash the Catholic Gold Card when required - elections or to get out of some scandalous fly-paper.

However, Bishop Tom Tobin of Providence, RI is not enchanted with young Patrick's very unCatholic mouthings on Abortion - a Woman's Reproductive Health Issue - the choice to murder her child.

Bishop Tobin is giving young Patrick some lessons. Lessons are really tough to offer on the really arrogant or the really stupid. Now, if both deficiencies are afoot . . .Lord save us.

Bishop Tobin, in a letter publicly released Monday, called Mr. Kennedy’s support of abortion rights “a deliberate and obstinate act of the will” that was “unacceptable to the Church and scandalous to many of our members.”

“It’s not too late for you to repair your relationship with the Church,” he wrote, “redeem your public image, and emerge as an authentic ‘profile in courage,’ especially by defending the sanctity of human life for all people, including unborn children.”

Mr. Kennedy declined an interview request, and on Tuesday he told reporters in Providence that he would not comment on the bishop’s letter.

“I had initially agreed to a meeting with him,” Mr. Kennedy said, “provided we would not debate this in public in terms of my personal faith. But unfortunately he hasn’t kept to that agreement, and that’s very disconcerting to me.”

The battle is being waged nearly three months after Mr. Kennedy’s father died of brain cancer and received a Catholic funeral despite his longtime conflict with the church over abortion rights and other issues. After the senator’s death, his family made public a letter he had written to Pope Benedict XVI. “I have always tried to be a faithful Catholic,” he wrote.

In Wednesday’s radio interview, Bishop Tobin said he still hoped to have a private conversation with Representative Kennedy, who, he said, has a chance to win the church’s acceptance.

“It’s not too late for the congressman to redeem his image,” the bishop said, “and to embrace the church and the teachings of the church.”

Let's hope more Bishops, like Tobin and Dolan of New York, appear in our American Church. The Cupcakes with Mitres loused everything up over the last fifty years.

Good to see some tough guys.

And Kennedy, a former US representative, has relied almost exclusively on Chávez, a vociferous critic of the US government, for that growth.

Since 2005, Citizens’ 877-JOE-4-OIL campaign has been sustained by the oil fields of Venezuela. Chávez, who controls the industry there, has delivered crude oil at no charge to a Citizens affiliate, which has resold it and used the money to pay for oil deliveries to America’s poor. In the past two years, Citizens has been given 83 million gallons of crude by Chávez and sold it for $164 million - money used to fund almost its entire philanthropic mission.
Boston Globe

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kick Abortion to The Curb . . .For Christmas.

To him who has done the deed of secret murder.
We, the fearful daughters of Night,
Fasten ourselves upon his whole being.
Thinks he by flight to escape us?
We fly still faster in pursuit,
Twine our snakes around his feet,
And bring him to the ground,
Unwearied we pursue;
No pity checks our courage;
Still on and on, to the end of life
We give him no peace nor rest.

The Eumenides were the gentle furies and the Erinyes were 'the angry ones.'

Erinye Eleanor Smeal* one of the all time great Harpies of the Feminist Movement, which also happens to be a Moveable Feast on Unborn Children and or a Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/Bisexual Sock Hop depending on the DNC's immediate need, is going all megaron beefing about the Stupak Amendment ( a smoke screen that will work against unborn children in the long run) " bans abortion coverage not only in the public health-insurance option but in private plans participating in a new national health-insurance exchange."

Too bad Eleanor.

I am never disappointed in the cold-blooded hypocrisy of the Abortion Crowd. I caught Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards complaining that middle class women need abortions. Really.

Hell, any bored middle class skank can afford an abortion. Abortion is no different to Richards, HBO cast members, or other Abortion Champions than liposuction, botox shots or tummy tux. Abortion is a Woman's Cosmetic Choice!

Trouble is that a child is horribly and very painfully murdered. No Biggie! Love Your Kate Spade's Are to Die For Too! The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants . . . or is it Wants Heart?
Let's hope that the next few weeks leading to the Birth ( that is a woman's reproductive health event that is unencumbered by the slaughter of a child) of Christ and other genuine religious celebrations of human love, justice and kindness ( Hanukkah, Ramadan & etc.) might help more people of good will to want to kick Abortion to the curb for good.

*When the chair of the Feminist Majority Foundation board, Peg Yorkin, and I met Barack Obama, he immediately offered "I am a feminist." And better yet, he ran on the strongest platform for women's rights of any major party in American history. Feminist Karen Kornbluh, the platform's principle author, ensured women's rights, opportunities, advancement, and issues were addressed throughout the historic document.

Never has it been easy fighting for equality and social justice. The politics of Washington, our nation, and our world are tough. We have spent far too many years fighting to hold the ground we had already gained. Now is the time to move forward. We are in one of those rare transformational times in history.

But we are not giving President-Elect Obama a blank check. For our hopes to be achieved, we must speak out and organize, organize, organize to enable our new president's team to achieve our common goals. Ultimately, we must hold our leaders' feet to the fire or, to put it more positively, uplift them when they are caught in the crosscurrents of competing interests.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Planned Parenthood's President Presses Its President

Huge Ten Gallon Doff to American Papist -click my post title

"Don't let Catholic bishops and other anti-choice groups push Congress into passing anti-choice amendments to health care reform. Take action now to protect women's health."

Brassy Texas Gal Cecile Richards, whose man friend Kirk Adams is an SEIU Honcho, but Cecile can't cotton to takin' the Dude's Name, and Cecile is goin' "All-IN" with the chips she gave to President Obama. Let's see what you got in there Barry!

Yep, Texas Cecile Richards is goin' hard inside with elbows a flyin' on President One-on-One. The President must be playing round-ball with cupcakes who deflate the balls during rests so tough guys or a bunch of girls don't steal the Spauldings on them. Cecile Richards and Planned Parenthood carpeted the Obama Team with dollars during the Campaign and is now pushing the President to go Big Johnson on the American Catholic Bishops. Planned Parenthood is Big Oil to the Left. Gushers! Them girls and their man toys like to play hard.

We shall see. Will President Obama deflate the balls?