From Jordan - not the NBA icon, cigar aficionado, and Undies magnate - The Arab Country near Israel:
From the Washington Post Click my post title for more:
OBAMA: Well, let me — let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under a McCain government — administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel’s under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change.
. . .
With that, we'd be happy to start taking questions.
OBAMA: And identify if you want to pose a question either to Senator Hagel or Senator Reed?
OBAMA: Right.
QUESTION: There are reports that (OFF-MIKE)
OBAMA: How many questions (inaudible)
OBAMA: OK. That's a bunch.
OBAMA: So let me tick these off.
I added some more of my own - why not they are just as soul-searchingly honest and straight foward as Obama's Cork-Screw Express!
Question: (OFF-MIKE)
OBAMA: Lights.
Question: ( OFF-Mike)
OBAMA: Clearly there were Post Toasties and orange juice.
Question (OFF-MIKE)
OBAMA: It is fairly easy to see a spectrum produced by white light when it passes through a prism, the bevelled edge of a mirror or a tapered pane of glass, or through drops of rain to form a rainbow. When samples which are composed purely of one single chemical element, e.g. hydrogen, are caused to emit light, they may emit light at several characteristic frequencies. The frequency profile produced is characteristic of that element. (GREAT GALES OF LAUGHTER FROM MEDIA)Instead of there being a wide band filled with colours from violet to red, there will be isolated bands of single colours separated by darkness. Such a display is called a line spectrum. Some lines go beyond the visible frequencies and can only be detected by special photographic film or other such devices. Scientists hypothesized that an atom could radiate light the way the string on a fine violin radiates sound – not only with a fundamental frequency (in which the entire string moves the same way at once) but with several higher harmonics (formed when the string divides itself into halves and other divisions that vibrate in coordination with each other as when one half of the string is going one way as the other half of the string is going the opposite way). For a long time nobody could find a mathematical way to relate the frequencies of the line spectrum of any element.
Question: (OFF-MIKE)
OBAMA: That's clear . . . tell Chris Matthews this for me, Andrea; Meralgia parenthetica causes tingling, numbness or other sensations on the upper thigh. It is a type of paresthesia caused by nerve damage to one of the nerves coming from the spine to the thigh region. Most commonly it arises from nerve compression or nerve entrapment, such as exertion of the thigh, pelvis, or hip area. In such cases, it usually gradually resolves over time, with appropriate rest, taking between a few weeks to months to cure. ( INAUDIBLE - BUT IF SO HOW TO BEST REPORT ITS INAUDIBLITY?)
Question: ( OFF-MIKE)
OBAMA: Look,I am not an agent for American Express - I am an agent for Change; however to answer your question there is a kiosk near the tarmac.
Question: ( OFF-MIKE)
OBAMA: Uh, now you know that is hateful . . .How did . . . Ryan Lizza? Look,Now, Mr. Ayres [Ayers] is a 60 plus year old individual who lives in my neighborhood, who did something that I deplore 40 years ago when I was six or seven years old. By the time I met him, he was a professor of education at the University of Illinois.
We served on a board together that had Republicans, bankers, lawyers, focused on education, who worked for Mayor Daley. Mayor Daley, the same Mayor Daley probably who when he was a state attorney prosecuted Mr. Ayres’s wife for those activities, I (INAUDIBLE) the point is that to somehow suggest that in any way I endorse his deplorable acts 40 years ago, because I serve on a board with him.
Now stop doing these hateful things to my wife!
Question: ( OFF-MIKE)
Obama: Waffles . . .Now, can I just eat my Waffles?