Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain/Palin: McCain Is Leading and Obama is . . .Posturing. Should Be a Great Debate!

For all of Obama's 'thigh-tingling and soaring words,' he does not get it. Country over self; service over self-interest; sacrifice over personal interest.

McCain understands and lives those tenets. Obama is the deer in the head-lights. The moving vehicle rolling at him is Service, Leadership and Command Presence. He called for a limo and finds a forty foot Peterbilt hauling Commitment roaring at him.
Jump to the curb, Senator!

McCain was begged to help bailout Reid, Dodd,Schmer, and Barney Franks. He came. He saw the disaster and now he is helping fix the boondoggle created by the redistribution of wealth nutbags. The Genii is out of the bottle and Obama is running to Old Miss!

You know what, Senator? McCain will be in Old Miss, even if he stays in D.C. - this call to service can not be called back.

"When you start injecting presidential politics into delicate negotiations, you can actually create more problems, rather than less," Obama said on CNN.

Aides from both camps were moving ahead with preparations at the University of Mississippi, where officials expressed confidence that the debate would take place on time this evening at 9 o'clock.

Some leading strategists in both parties have said the first debate could be the most decisive moment in the campaign, no matter when it happens.

Karl Rove, who guided George W. Bush's rise to the White House, has said "it may be the fall's most critical event."

But many other strategists, including some deeply involved in the presidential campaign, say the cumulative effect will be more important than any single encounter.

"It's not until you get through all three of them that you see the ultimate impact," said Bill Carrick, a Democratic campaign veteran.

John McCain's chief pollster, Bill McInturff, said much the same thing this week. The Republican strategist described the period of the presidential and vice presidential debates - from today until Oct. 15 - as "a two-and-a-half-week black hole" in the flow of the campaign.

"Something's going to happen," the McCain adviser told reporters. Including next week's vice presidential face-off, "we'll have four debates. We'll wait three or four days after those last debates are over, and we'll know where we're at."

Those with experience in national campaigns agree these events have the potential to sway the outcome of a presidential contest that remains highly competitive.

McCain seemed to have scored a tactical victory in the lead-up to his first meeting with Obama, once again shaking up the race and perhaps providing himself with new talking points tonight.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain/Palin: Barney Hisses 'Republicans Winces, But WE HAVE OUR GIGI!"

Wince? Wince, Barney?

Get this. Barney Franks who was instrumental in over-catering the mortgage give away affair that collapsed American Credit is hissing mad about John McCain's Leadership and wants none of it!

Here's the Scoop, Dears! Barney whispered to The Crypt's deliciously available Ryan Grim ( dear me - The Crypt? Grim?)

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said that "nobody mentioned McCain" during the several-hour-long meeting on the $700 billion market rescue plan, other than Frank and that his Republican colleagues "winced" when he did.

"He’s been irrelevant to the process. He remains to be," said Frank. "I was afraid that his dropping in here, like Andy Kaufman’s Mighty Mouse—'here I am to save the day'—I thought that would slow things down. I didn’t see any sign of our Republican colleagues paying any attention to him whatsoever."

Franks went on. "Nobody mentioned him. The man’s irrelevant to the whole process. No Republican mentioned his name. I’m the only one who raised his name. They winced when I did," he said.

"I don’t think anyone takes that seriously," said Frank of McCain's suggestion that Friday's debate be delayed. "Sen. McCain trying to use the necessity for his presence to reach a deal that we’ve already reached as a reason to duck the debate is unworthy of him. There is absolutely no reason not to go to the debate."

Frank was equally cool about today's meeting with the White House. "The White House isn’t show and tell. We’re going to the White House because the president asked us to go. Nobody thinks at this point that anything useful’s going to happen. But we now have to get things drafted and worked on. The White House meeting is just an interruption in our schedule," he said.

Though he said McCain's presence would be unhelpful, he did say, getting a dig in at McCain's running mate, that there "were times when I was ready to suggest that, when we got to some of the more complicated issues about how do you price these sophisticated instruments, that we ask him to make Sarah Palin available to give us her expertise."

They winced - positively winced! Which originally, Dears, meant 'to dodge!' Adorable!

Barney Franks and many more than one member of his Committee will be dodging 'more' than a few inquiries with regard to the collapse of American Banking and the near collapse of the American Economy. Barney Franks sounds like a marble salesman with a mouthful of samples to begin with and his answers to the American People had better be more than hissing at John McCain's Leadership.

Pretty slipshod and quick work on the legislation there, Barney. It had better pass McCain's muster.

Main Entry: wince
Pronunciation: \ˈwin(t)s\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): winced; winc·ing
Etymology: Middle English wynsen to kick out, start, from Anglo-French *wincer, *guincer to shift direction, dodge, by-form of guenchir, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wenken, wankōn to totter — more at wench
Date: circa 1748
: to shrink back involuntarily (as from pain) : flinch
synonyms see recoil
— wince noun

McCain/Palin: McCain Acts - Obama Waffles Present Again, Time and Time Again

'Time and Time Again' is one of Senator Obama's throw-away lines when he paints himself into a tight corner, like the Surge; whether he heard Rev. Wright 'God Damn American in twenty years; when, how and to what extent Senator Obama worked under domestic terrorist William Ayers; how much he depended on the money and influence of Tony Rezko; or how strongly Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson helped direct his run for the White House.

Time and again Senator Obama has sat pat and allowed events and Media propaganda to sweep away his problems. Not so this dire financial bail-out crisis gripping America.

Obama wants to have his waffles and eat them too.

McCain puts Country before his own Hopes and wants:

Democrats had dared Sen. John McCain to show leadership on the Wall Street crisis and he stepped up. He put his campaign on hold Wednesday and challenged Sen. Barack Obama to postpone Friday's debate, which Democrats had hoped to turn into a forum on failed Republican economic policies.

Less than a month after he canceled the first night of the Republican National Convention, Mr. McCain again flashed his signature maverick style, declaring President Bush's proposed $700 billion bailout dead and, as he's done so often in the past, said he could help broker a bipartisan deal to cut through the political clutter.

Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama refused to cancel the debate, but Wednesday night accepted an invitation from President Bush to a bipartisan summit on the economic bailout package that also will include Mr. McCain and other top members of Congress and the administration.

In rejecting Mr. McCain's debate postponement, Mr. Obama said the Republican showed his own limits rather than real leadership.

"It is going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once," Mr. Obama told reporters in Florida. "If it turns out that we need to be in Washington, we've both got big planes - we've painted our slogans on the side of them - they can get us from Washington, D.C., to Mississippi fairly quickly."

Mr. Obama's campaign said he called Mr. McCain at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, proposing a joint statement on the economic situation. The two men again spoke privately at 2:30 p.m., but minutes later, Mr. McCain then went much further and told reporters that he wanted to postpone all politicking.

The McCain campaign said last night that Mr. Obama's refusal would not affect their plans. The Arizona senator announced that he was canceling his political commercials and would return to Washington after a final nonpartisan speech Thursday to the Clinton Global Initiative. He also said he was suspending fundraising, though the link on his Web site for contributions to his campaign compliance fund still worked Wednesday night.

Mr. McCain said top leaders from both parties should meet and hammer out details of a bill that that they would then present to their colleagues as the best solution possible - exactly the way he has crafted deals on other major issues, such as judicial nominees and immigration.

Just as he did more than forty years when offered the chance to leave the Hanoi Hilton, McCain has acted in the interest of his country.

"I am confident that before the markets open on Monday, we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners, and earn the confidence of the American people," he said. "All we must do to achieve this is temporarily set politics aside, and I am committed to doing so."

It's the second time in less than a month that he's tried to show leadership by canceling a political event. Just weeks ago, he pulled commercials and scrapped most of the first day of the Republican National Convention, saying he didn't want to distract from the relief efforts surrounding Hurricane Ike.

Americans see that. Obama does not understand that. The Media ignores that and worse . . . they mock that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain Palin: Obama is Dull, But He is Really Shrill

There's Atheists and then there's atheists. The other day I read a piece in Newsweek, an organ of Camp Obama, by Sam Harris. Sam Harris is the leader of the Reason Project dedicated 'to encourage critical thinking and wise public policy. It will convene conferences, produce films, sponsor scientific research and opinion polls, award grants to other non-profit organizations, and offer material support to religious dissidents and public intellectuals — with the purpose of eroding the influence of dogmatism, superstition and bigotry in the world.'

Harris and HBO bigot Bill Maher a key player in the Reason Project smear and assault any and all religion. Harris attacked Sarah Palin as an icon of all Harris and Maher consider to betoo stupid to live. We are breathing their rarefied air it seems.

Harris is a punk philosopher, born in the age of 'don't hit him, he's weak.'

“Let me confess that I was genuinely unnerved by Sarah Palin's performance at the Republican convention. Given her audience and the needs of the moment, I believe Governor Palin's speech was the most effective political communication I have ever witnessed. Here, finally, was a performer who—being maternal, wounded, righteous and sexy—could stride past the frontal cortex of every American and plant a three-inch heel directly on that limbic circuit that ceaselessly intones "God and country." If anyone could make Christian theocracy smell like apple pie, Sarah Palin could.

Theocracy? What manner of coinage does Brother Harris Use? Still says 'In God We Trust' behind George Washington's neck on all the U.S. Minted quarters that I toss into theparking meters. Sam Harris and Bill Maher hate religion like the Inquisistion hated heresy. 'Bastinado, for you Mrs. Murphy!'

Well Sam Harris is an atheist. Thene there's Chris Hitchens, the British wit and critic of religion. Christopher Hitchens has no truck for Church-going, Psalm-singing Rubes, but he genuinely loves them.

Where Harris and Maher have entered the lists as God Mocking Knights of the Woeful Countenance, Christopher Hitchens observes the battle from the grandstands of intellectual inquiry.

He is not 'unnerved' by Governor Palin, but he is bored by Barack Obama, who is not a Muslim, but a devout Christian without a Church, until after the election.

Why is Obama so vapid and hesitant and gutless? Why, to put it another way, does he risk going into political history as a dusky Dukakis? Well, after the self-imposed Jeremiah Wright nightmare, he can't afford any more militancy, or militant-sounding stuff, even if it might be justified. His other problems are self-inflicted or party-inflicted as well. He couldn't have picked a gifted Democratic woman as his running mate, because he couldn't have chosen a female who wasn't the ever-present Sen. Clinton, and so he handed the free gift of doing so to his Republican opponent (whose own choice has set up a screech from the liberals like nothing I have heard since the nomination of Clarence Thomas). So the unquantifiable yet important "atmospherics" of politics, with all their little X factors, belong at present to the other team.

The Dukakis comparison is, of course, a cruel one, but it raises a couple more questions that must be faced. We are told by outraged Democrats that many voters still believe, thanks to some smear job, that Sen. Obama is a Muslim. Yet who is the most famous source of this supposedly appalling libel (as if an American candidate cannot be of any religion or none)? Absent any anonymous whispering campaign, the person who did most to insinuate the idea in public—"There is nothing to base that on. As far as I know"—was Obama's fellow Democrat and the junior senator from New York. It was much the same in 1988, when Al Gore brought up the Dukakis furlough program, later to be made infamous by the name Willie Horton, against the hapless governor of Massachusetts who was then his rival for the nomination.

By the end of that grueling campaign season, a lot of us had got the idea that Dukakis actually wanted to lose—or was at the very least scared of winning. Why do I sometimes get the same idea about Obama? To put it a touch more precisely, what I suspect in his case is that he had no idea of winning this time around. He was running in Iowa and New Hampshire to seed the ground for 2012, not 2008, and then the enthusiasm of his supporters (and the weird coincidence of a strong John Edwards showing in Iowa) put him at the front of the pack. Yet, having suddenly got the leadership position, he hadn't the faintest idea what to do with it or what to do about it.

Look at the record, and at Obama's replies to essential and pressing questions. The surge in Iraq? I'll answer that only if you insist. The credit crunch? Please may I be photographed with Bill Clinton's economic team? Georgia? After you, please, Sen. McCain. A vice-presidential nominee? What about a guy who, despite his various qualities, is picked because he has almost no enemies among Democratic interest groups?

Yep, Barack Obama is dull, but he is also shrill. Obama is negative - The Surge Can't Work! The Economy is Doomed! Americans Cling! Americans are Bitter! Americans Are Racist! Americans Are Not Elite!

Dull, but Shrill. There's Atheists and then ther's atheists.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

McCain/Palin; Media Leading McCain to a Landslide Over Obama

MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post and every paper in Chicago wants Obama to President so badly that they making every effort to enusre that John McCain wins by a landslide. You see - most news readers and keypunchers in the Media have absolutely no idea about Americans - you and me. Most keypunchers with bylines are fed their stories by political stooges - let's say a dwarfish Cook County Commissioner wants Abner Nimblefinger to write an edgy expose on systemic corruption. Abner is treated to university think-tankers and professors who printout pages of gobble-dee-gook which Abner pees his britches to print. That is the state of news papers.

The TV readers skwak out whatever is put in front of them and then participate in political round-tables redacting exactly what they had read.

Obama has it made. Example, Steve Hayes writes,

According to the press, in recent weeks, the McCain campaign has so distorted Obama's record and campaign proposals that the young senator has had no choice but to fight back with old-school tactics. "McCain's tactics are drawing the scorn of many in the media and organizations tasked with fact-checking the truthfulness of campaigns," wrote Politico's Jonathan Martin. "In recent weeks, Team McCain has been described as dishonorable, disingenuous and downright cynical."

And so while McCain's every utterance is factchecked and factchecked again in an attempt to shame him from challenging Obama too aggressively, Obama gets a pass.

Consider two examples.

On August 16, Pastor Rick Warren asked John McCain how much money someone would have to make to be considered rich. McCain didn't answer directly. "I think that rich should be defined by a home, a good job, an education and the ability to hand to our children a more prosperous and safer world than the one that we inherited," he said.

Then he made a joke: "So, I think if you are just talking about income, how about $5 million?"

The audience laughed, immediately understanding that McCain was being facetious. Just in case there were any doubts McCain started his next comment by saying "seriously," to underscore the joke. Then he made a prediction.

"I'm sure that comment will be distorted," he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
And it has been. "It should come as no surprise that John McCain believes the cutoff for the rich begins at $5 million," Barack Obama's campaign said in a statement. "It may explain why his tax plan gives a $600,000 tax cut to the richest 0.1 percent of earners." At a campaign appearance two days after McCain made the comments, Obama himself mocked McCain. "I guess if you're making $3 million a year, you're middle class," Obama said.

Some news accounts noted that McCain was joking and others even reported that McCain predicted his words would be twisted and used against him. In an August 18 article in the Los Angeles Times, Greg Miller actually did both and noted that McCain aides had made clear their boss was joking. "Even so," Miller wrote, "the remark highlighted the candidates' disparate outlooks. Analysts who study income distribution said the answers appeared to reflect shifting political calculations more than economic reality."

So Miller, writing under the headline, "Who's Rich? McCain and Obama have very different definitions," used McCain's facetious answer as if he had meant it. (Miller also speculated that Cindy McCain's family money may have shaped McCain's views of what constitutes rich.) Not only was Obama not called on his misuse of McCain's comment, reporters piled on. Is it any wonder that the line has made regular appearances in Obama speeches over the past month?

"Now, I don't believe that Senator McCain doesn't care what's going on in the lives of Americans," Obama said in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. "I just think he doesn't know. Why else would he define middle-class as someone making under $5 million a year?"

Then there are the absurd lengths to which some reporters are willing to go to protect Obama and attack McCain. Last week, the McCain campaign released an ad accusing Obama of being too close to Fannie Mae executives. In particular, it claims Obama took advice on housing and finance issues from former Fannie Mae chairman Franklin Raines. The Obama campaign protested, saying that Raines was not an adviser and had not given Obama counsel in any capacity. The McCain campaign defended the claim by citing an article that ran in the Washington Post on July 16, 2008. That article noted that Raines had "taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters."

Last Friday, the Washington Post "factchecked" the McCain ad and concluded that the campaign had been "clearly exaggerating wildly" in order to link Obama to Raines and that the "latest McCain attack is particularly dubious."

Factchecker Michael Dobbs wrote that McCain's evidence that Raines had advised Obama was "pretty flimsy"--not a description that probably endeared him to Anita Huslin, the reporter who wrote the story this summer. But Dobbs did talk to Huslin. Here is his account of their conversation:

Since this has now become a campaign issue, I asked Huslin to provide the exact circumstances of the quote. She explained that she was chatting with Raines during the photo shoot, and asked "if he was engaged at all with the Democrats' quest for the White House. He said that he had gotten a couple of calls from the Obama campaign. I asked him about what, and he said 'oh, general housing, economy issues.' ('Not mortgage/foreclosure meltdown or Fannie-specific,' I asked, and he said 'no.')"

By Raines's own account, he took a couple of calls from someone on the Obama campaign, and they had some general discussions about economic issues.

Got that? Huslin stands by her reporting--that Raines had given advice to the Obama campaign about mortgage and housing policy matters--and yet the McCain campaign is faulted by the Washington Post for relying on information that comes from the Washington Post.

More amusing, though, is that in the rush to accuse the McCain campaign of lying, Dobbs glosses over a major discrepancy between the story that appeared in his paper and that of the Obama campaign. Obama spokesman Bill Burton claims that the campaign "neither sought nor received" advice from Raines "on any matter." It is possible, of course, that Raines simply made up the conversations he described to the Post reporter. But it seems more likely, given the toxicity of Raines, that the Obama campaign would simply prefer that those conversations had never taken place.

Dobbs concludes: "I have asked both Raines and the Obama people for more details on these calls and will let you know if I receive a reply."

That's reassuring, since Dobbs has already decided that the McCain campaign has been dishonest. Two things are clear with six weeks left in the presidential race. Barack Obama will practice the old-style politics that he lamented throughout the Democratic primary. And the media will give him a pass.

Now, Americans read, remember and react. We remember that Obama was our State Senator and was a nice unaffected empty suit. Now he bills himself as the Rail-Splitter? Nope. That Don't Sell. Hoss.

Then along comes a genuine person - not a War Hero or Maverick, but a Hockey Mom with five kids and genuine talent. The Media recoils at authenticity.


The media, though, has done more than simply subject Palin to questions not given to the other candidates. More importantly, it has been running interference for the Obama campaign, questioning McCain’s attacks on Obama while frequently reinforcing Obama’s on McCain.

Take a couple of examples from last week. McCain ran an ad criticizing Obama’s support for sex education for kindergartners. Seventy percent of the 2,774 news stories on McCain’s ad mentioned that the ad was a “lie” or “inaccurate.” The stories’ headlines indicate that if other ways of disparaging the McCain ad were included, this percentage would probably be much higher.

Obama’s supporter defend the legislation, saying that its purpose was to protect children from sexual abuse. True, the bill proposed teaching children not to talk to strangers, but one wonders if reporters actually read the entire bill. For example, the legislation also included this: “Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV.” How can you teach how to prevent these different sexually transmitted diseases without getting into some details about sex?

By the way, a grand total of 22 out of 2,774 stories that mention the bill include this discussion of HIV transmission, and many of those stories were still negative about McCain.

For a more direct comparison regarding Palin, look at how the media discussed the whole lipstick-on-a-pig story. The majority of media coverage again questioned the accuracy of the ad that the McCain campaign used to strike back at Obama (using words such as “inaccurate,” “false,” “misleading,” “untrue,” and “lie”). Obama says that he was surprised that anyone could think he was referring to Palin when he said: “you can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig," that the direct reference was to Bush’s policies.

But there are a few problems with Obama’s response. First, his audience thought he was referring to Palin. They started laughing and shouting after he said, "You can put lipstick on a pig," before he even got to the punch line. The AP wrote: Obama's "audience, clearly drawing a connection to Palin's joke." ABC’s Jake Tapper wrote that audience members told “reporters that they thought Obama had been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s” lipstick line. Politico noted: "Though on a day when Obama's surrogates were joking that Palin's record can't be concealed with lipstick, it was hard for those following the campaign not to hear the echo." The crowd also started chanting “No more pit bull,” indicating that the crowd got the reference to Palin’s quip at the Republican convention.

A Google news search found only 20 stories out of 6,074 mentioned the crowding laughing or shouting, and only two of those mentioned that they laughed or shouted before the punch line was given. Another search found only one single news story by US News & World Report that even mentioned both Obama’s lipstick joke and the crowd chanting “no more pit bull!”

Whatever Obama’s original intent, it would have been hard for him to claim that he was surprised that the McCain campaign would also draw the connection between his joke and Palin. Nor is it clear why he didn’t make a statement given the crowd’s reaction.

In Palin’s case, far from trying to protect her, the press frequently doesn’t even acknowledge that there might be arguments to be made in her favor.

-- The Bridge to Nowhere. The Alaska Democratic Party posted a Web page in which it declared that “State of Alaska killed bridge” -- that is the “Bridge to Nowhere.” However, after Palin’s vice presidential nomination the party took down the Web page. Yet, out of 7,556 news stories on the Bridge to Nowhere this month, a Google news search produces no hits on the phrase “State of Alaska killed bridge.”

Similarly, Sen. Ted Stevens, who was the king of the earmarks for Alaska and who had a “frosty” relationship with Palin because of her opposition to those earmarks, noted that “I don’t remember her ever campaigning for it. She was very critical of it at the time.” With all the news stories on this question, one would think that Stevens’ comment would be newsworthy, since it was his pork-barrel project. But there were only three news stories that mention his statements.

-- Cutting Earmarks. The media on this question has definitely been a bunch of “the glass is half empty” types. Instead of noting what Palin had accomplished, the game was identifying any earmarks that Alaska still received. Palin “cut nearly 10% of Alaska’s budget this year” and reduced the number of federal grants from 54 in 2007 to 31 in 2008 -- a $350 million, 64 percent cut in requests. Among the cuts in Alaska budget were a $30,000 van for Campfire USA and $200,000 for a tennis court irrigation system. Further cuts in future years were also promised.

But those changes weren’t the standard by which the media wanted to judge Palin. For example, Charles Gibson thought that he had gotten Palin in his interview when he noted that Alaska still got “$3.2 million for researching the genetics of harbor seals, money to study the mating habits of crabs” from the federal government.

Again, a simple Google news search shows how incredibly lopsided this coverage has gotten. From September 1 to September 15 there were 9,222 news stories that discuss Palin and earmarks. By contrast, a search that looked at Palin and her attempts to cut earmarks (using the terms "cut earmarks," "reduce earmarks," "trim earmarks," "slash earmarks" or "eliminate earmarks") produced incredibly only 50 news stories -- about 0.5 percent of the total stories. Even many of those 50 stories were critical and claimed that McCain had overstated Palin’s opposition to earmarks.

I spent some time looking at questions of whether Palin was properly vetted or the taxes that she imposed on oil companies, but the results were similar. Palin just doesn’t seem to get an even break, let alone the extremely protective news coverage offered Obama.

Groups such as have helped put down many false rumors on everything from Palin supposedly cutting funds for special needs children to banning books, but the coverage that corrects these false claims never seems to be as heavy as the coverage making the claims to begin with.

Possibly there is a good explanation for why the media so selectively covers the two campaigns so differently. But whatever the reasons, Sarah Palin continues to receive significantly less positive coverage than the Democrats.

The Media is making sure that McCain/Palin wins the largest landslide victory in American Presdential History. With rehab and has-been Hollywood persons and the media against you, how can you fail?

E.G. Steve Hayes writes,

Stephen F. Hayes, a senior writer at THE WEEKLY STANDARD, is the author of Cheney: The Untold Story of America's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President (HarperCollins).,2933,423443,00.html

Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain/Palin: Obama Votes 'Present' on Economy; McCain Acts & Stocks Surge

John McCain took the bold step to push for RCT-2.0 - Resolution Trust Corp. and things happened to actually do something - The DOW jumped 400+ Points.He also called for the immediate 'firing' of SEC Chair Cox.

Senator Obama asked voters to do his job for him 'You can fire them all' or some such
Fighting Bob La Follette nonsense. Joe Biden called for Patriotic Taxes.

Steve Huntley of Chicago Sun Times put things into clear perspective:

Bad economic news favors the Democrats, and this week's news took some steam out of the GOP campaign. But it was McCain, not Obama, who seized the initiative in proposing a long-term solution. He called for creation of an agency like the Resolution Trust Corporation that resolved the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s by assuming and later selling the bad loans. McCain's Mortgage and Financial Institutions Trust would take a similar approach to today's debt.

McCain will flesh out his idea today. When word reached Wall Street that the Bush administration was considering a similar idea, stocks surged 400 points.

It seems like a moderate, reasoned approach. Interestingly enough, a Rasmussen poll finds more Americans worried that the government will do too much tinkering with the economy rather than not enough. That shows support for the GOP philosophy of a lighter hand on the economy.

Unfortunately for Obama, while McCain pushed a new idea, Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden was talking about tax increases. A struggling economy is the wrong time to raise taxes, as Obama seemed to acknowledge in an ABC interview Sunday. But if that's his new thinking, Biden apparently didn't get the message.

Change is Coming!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain/Palin: McCain Econo Whiz - RTC 2.0 - Dow Jumps 400 pts.

CNN News Gnomes and Wooded Glade Creature Paul Begala mocked John McCain on the night of Sepetmber 16. 'Oh a Commission! What's Next a blue Ribbon Panel,!' the jerque chirped!

Yep, a Commission mocked by Kid Hope, the bloated Bathtub Boy Olbermann, Butch Maddow and sylphlike Paul Begala.

Here's a note from National Review's Jim Geraghty:

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The Markets Overrule My Skepticism on RTC 2.0

The markets disagree with my assessment of RTC 2.0, to the tune of more than 400 points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

All of this comes from a CNBC report that Treasury Secretary Paulson is going to sign off on a proposal for an RTC-like entity, one that John McCain was calling for a few hours ago. All of this conspires to make the GOP nominee look pretty smart.Two days ago, Obama said the proposal was "premature." Smart guy that I am, I was urging the candidates to say, "no."
( Emphasis my own)

Woodland Glade Paul! Yoo-Hoo! Paul, back under the Mushroom!

Click my post title for the AP report.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain/Palin: My Progressive Poster Seth Pie-Gallon: 'Tom Hayden Cares, People!'

Hickey is taking the day off - he should take his life off. I'm Seth Pie-Gallon*.

Today I want to explain - let me be as clear as possible and go as slow as I can for you grass cutters, who do not seem to be bothered that Iraq is an occupation by European Crusaders who believe that God wants them to kill Muslims, or that millions of obese Americans go to bed hungry in food deserts created by the same CIA/Halliburton Gang of Cheney that blew the levees in Katrina,Louisiana and Twin Towers, New York. Sarah Palin is evil, Man! The issues are clear and all Grampa McSame and his Eskimo Pie offer is Bush 44.

Read this from Tom Hayden - he really cares. This is why:

1.Sarah Palin is a mortal threat to the possibility of Obama winning. The reason is simple: if she can add a couple of points to McCain from defecting white women and the newly-energized right wing religious base without losing more independent votes, McCain pulls ahead in some key states.

The dangerous tendency of the Obama campaign and its Democratic surrogates is to not fight back, but treat Palin as a “distraction” from McCain, the economy, the issues they feel familiar with, etc.

If they assume that the Palin bubble will return to earth naturally, or that the mainstream media and Saturday Night Live will do the job for them, the Obama campaign is mistaken.

There needs to be a controlled message that treats Palin as an extension of McCain, not a bobble-head to be laughed at.

The message has to cut off independent and women’s support for McCain-Palin and, if possible, divide some of the right-wingers. Not an easy task.

Perhaps the point is that we’ve already suffered eight years under a president Bush and vice-president Cheney who were, in Palin’s words, so “wired in a way to be committed to the mission” that they could neither blink nor think.

An excellent editorial in Sunday’s NY Times makes the connection from McCain to Palin in terms that will reach independent and moderate voters. It should be quoted and widely circulated. The choice of an unqualified candidate to be a heartbeat from the presidency of a 72 year old man with four melanomas “was shockingly irresponsible”, the Times said.

I think we can see in McCain-Palin a kind of faith-based extremism that reminds us of Bush and, even more, the persona of Gen. Custer.

We have seen where righteous faith-based politics goes in the Supreme Court decisions, corruption scandals, the official lies, and the unnecessary wars of the past eight years, all carried out in the name of what both McCain and Palin now call “God’s plan.”

We should say, In the name of God, stop them!

2. The McCain-Palin foreign policy is a mortal threat from the same neoconservatives who brought us Iraq wrapped in lies. We cannot give the Republicans an advantage with their false clams of “victory in sight.” We have to emphasize the three-trillion dollar cost of the war, and we have to connect the war to the price of oil. Democratic consultants should stop compartmentalizing the economy like it was 1992 all over again.

This is apparently not the advice of the biggest Democratic heavyweights like Bill Clinton and James Carville who tend to revert to “it’s the economy, stupid.” But it’s not 1992. It’s the 9/11 era, the Iraq War era, the War on Terrorism era – and also the middle of the worse economic and energy crisis in memory. The issues are tied together. Not enough people will vote on “lunch bucket” issues if they think McCain-Palin will protect them from terrorists, but they might vote against McCain-Palin if they think they are being lied to again.

The war is not being won. That’s why Petraeus wants to keep 140,000 troops in Iraq. We are paying 100,000 Iraqis not to shoot and bomb us – for now. Iraq is a time bomb with a timer set to go off next year after the November election. It costs $324 million a day, three trillion in the long run, that could be spent on public works, health care and education now. It deepens our dependency on oil when we should be spending the money to weatherize our buildings, conserve our energy and throw ourselves into a new clean energy economy with the same focus it took to get to the moon. That’s the mission we need to be wired into…

Under McCain-Palin, the same neo-conservatives who fabricated the pretext for invading Iraq will only take us into more quagmires – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Georgia, maybe Iran - that will bleed our troops and our economy without an end in sight.

Palin's brazen neocon advisers repeated the original Iraq lie – that Saddam was behind 9/11 - in the scripted speech she gave to her son’s troops as they departed for the war zone: “You’ll be there to defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the deaths of thousands of Americans.” [NYT, Sept. 14]

Bush-Cheney obviously are trying to scare enough voters into supporting McCain-Palin amidst a rising national security crisis. The Democrats and the media are helping them by accepting Georgia’s triggering attack on Russia as legitimate, which surely was orchestrated with the knowledge of McCain’s top foreign policy adviser, the same neo-con who directed the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq from Washington lobby to actual invasion force. They further hope to bring back bin Ladin’s head from Pakistan before November. Bush-McCain may get the scalp of bin Ladin but they are on Custer’s path to Little Big Horn.

So the clear promise of McCain-Palin is there will be blood. The fact that they scoff at Obama at the mere mention of diplomacy [despite their own talking to Russia, Iran, etc] presents an opening to describe them as what they are: extremists in the tradition of Bush-Cheney for whom war seems to be a first option. McCain was there on an aircraft carrier screaming “Next stop, Baghdad!” in 2002 as if it was Vietnam in 1967. Palin says she’s wired to win the war without blinking. That’s also why McCain on two occasions this year has spoken favorably of resuming the compulsory military draft. Independents and young first-time voters should pay attention to these issues.

The peace movement which provided the platform that made Obama’s candidacy possible in 2002 cannot afford to let that advantage be squandered by Democrats this fall. The upcoming September 20 Million Doors for Peace campaign is a good way to begin spreading the word.

[ See ]

* Seth Pie-Gallon Bio:

Seth Pie-Gallon is a film & television writer/producer living in America's Heartland -- Peotone, IL. He's the founder of The Department of Homeland Narcissism, a grassroots initiative demanding an apology from President George W. Bush for the offenses of his two terms. He's also founder of the groups: Democrats for Levi Strauss, Progressives Against Parsnips, and Please Don't Hit His new book is Pardon My Algorithms: Ready-to-Mail Apologies for Eight Years of Undergraduate. Seth Pie-Gallon is a member of Ward Churchill Study Group and the Michael Moore Subway Sandwich Fellowship.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain/Palin: Eric Zorn's EZ Guide to Why Progressives Are Such Pencil Neck Geeks! - Palin Talks Funny!

Hot on the heals of Joan Walsh's Salon piece that attempts to imply that Governor Sarah Palin pronounced 'Nuclear' as 'Nucular' Chicago Tribune's Size 7 1/2" Collar and Original Thinker Eric Zorn* gets hot under his tiny suburban collar!

In her first tough TV interview, GOP veepee nominee Sarah Palin several times referred to "nucular" weapons instead of "nuclear" weapons.

We fussy people cringe at this the way we cringe when we hear people say "ek-setera" and "liberry."
( Intrusive Narrator Hickey" Kick 'em in the Nuts! Gouge out their Eyes! Harrumph!) . . .
But at least three former U.S. Presidents -- Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton -- said "nucular" from time to time, and, of course, "nucular" has become virtually a trademark for George W. Bush. ( Intrusive Narrator - Note Eric's uses of The Progressive Smarm or the Ass Kicking Insurance)

Language experts tell us the reason "nucular" seems right to many speakers (and has even become an accepted pronunciation due to how common it's become) is that hundreds of English words end in "yoo-lar" --vascular, molecular, jocular and so on -- while very few end in the "lee-ar" -- cochlear and nuclear may be about it.

Is this a big deal? Obviously not. But Sarah Palin's handlers seemed to have thought so: In the script of her speech to the Republican convention, they spelled out the word phonetically for her: ( Instrusive Narrator: Did Michael Sneed write this last? Hmmmm? Lift 'Em? Print 'Em! Cash 'Em)

We're going to lay more pipelines {and] build more new-clear plants...Terrorist states are seeking new-clear weapons
Oh, Mercies Abounding! Did she Rah-lley Say That? Kewl - She So Whit Trosh! Murial Clair! That's So Not Kewl!'
Yep, and Progressives wonder why they can not get a like-minded fuss-budget elected anywhere more than 300 yards West of Lake Michigan.

Eric, my pencil necked pal, Governor Palin also pronounces herself to be a HAWKEY MAWM!

Eric, no one of the thousands of people in my neighborhood( Morgan Park/Beverly/Mt. Greenwood,TN) own a 'living room' - they all invite one another into THE FrunChroom. ' Tess, where's your Old Man?'
'In The Frunchroom layin' on the floor in his shorts watching the Sox at Comiskey ( Joan Cusack notwithstanding!).

Kids leave their bikes in the Gangway. A greenscape is a PRAYER-EE. Baptist, Jewish, Muslim and Atheist kids from Sutherland or Clissold Public schools will tell auslanders and reporters that they live in St. Barnabas, Caj-Uh Tens ( St. Cajetan) er Fisher ( St. John Fisher).

Eric we embrace diversity. Why is it that Progressives mock the richness and cultural rainbow that is our Global Village? Really. Eric Zorn and your sock-puppets really nail Governor Palin on the Issues!

Sarah Palin talks funny and has a Downs Syndrome Baby that she did not Abort. Sic her, Cupcake!

Hey, give Joanie Walsh of Salon her props. She called out Sarah Palin for all of you Original Thinkers!

* Ballad of the Progressive ( by Fred Blassie)
Till something happened, blew every thing to hell.
That night my daddy stumbled in, all pale and weak,
Said, "A woman up the block just gave birth to a geek."

Mom said, "Sell it to the circus, what the heck."
Dad said, "Nope, this one's a pencil neck.
And if there's one thing lower than a side show freak,
It's a grit eatin', scum suckin', pencil neck geek."

You see if you take a pencil that won't hold lead,
Looks like a pipe cleaner attached to a head,
Add a buggy whip body with a brain that leaks,
You got yourself a grit eatin', pencil neck geek.

Pencil neck geek, grit eatin' freak,
scum suckin', pea head with a lousy physique.
He's a one man, no gut, losing streak.
Nothin' but a pencil neck geek.

Soon the geeks were poppin' up all over town.
You couldn't hardly sneeze without knockin' one down.
After a nice juicy steak, if you need a toothpick,
Just reach for a geek, they'll do the trick.

One day we cut one up for fish bait.
Learned our lesson just a little bit late.
Soon as the geek hit the drink, the water turned red.
Next day, sure enough, all the fish were dead.


Most any night you know where I can be found.
Yeah, stomping some geek's head into the ground.
So keep the faith, 'cause in Blassie you can trust,
I won't give up 'til the last geek bites the dust.


They say these geeks come a dime a dozen.
I'm lookin' for the guy who's supplyin' the dimes.
Its gonna be real hard times for all of these
grit eatin',
scum suckin',
boot lickin',
drop kickin',
gut grindin',
nail bitin',
glue sniffin',
scab pickin',
butt scratchin',
egg hatchin',
pepper bellied,
dirty, lousy, rotten, stinkin', freaks.
Nothing but a pencil neck geek.

Pencil neck geek.
Pencil neck geek.
Pencil neck geek.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain/Palin: Trump the Race Card - Jesus was a Cajun!

Got this from Bull Dog Pundit at Ankle Biting Pundits. The Race Card is Flashed!

To avoid the Mary Mitchells and Hermene Hartman and Donna Brazile and Governor Dave Patersons (D. NY' Paterson sees the repeated use of the words "community organizer" as Republican code for "black". Uh-huh.) of America who might turn Obama's Race Cards before they're needed. Too early to play the Race Card. Wait until just before Halloween! Really get the Kids Scared!

Allow me to trump the Race Card with a theological turn on Rev. James Cones' Black Liberation Theology that he plagiarized from South American Catholic Lberation Theology. This trick is called Cajun Liberation Theology which has a much creedance as the arguement that Jesus is Black. He's Ragin Cajun! 'EYE -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Suck da Heads off Dat Crawdad!'

Jesus was a Cajun! Jesus was a Ragin’ Cajun! ( Missa Solmenis - Charlie Daniels and the CDB)

From a town in Louisiana on the wrong side of the tracks,
came a rowdy Ragin Cajun by the name of Jeezah Criy,
He was harder than a hickory long and thinner than a rail,
He was faster than a Copperhead and he werent afraid of hell,
He turned 18 in the Parish courthouse facin 10 to life,
about some altercation in a beer joint with a knife,
He said judge I mean your honor I hope you’ll understand,
but if it happened here today I think I’d do it all again,
cause you don’t get up in my face, you don’t call my mama names,
you don’t whistle in my kitchen, you dont pull my big dogs chain,
I don’t mean no disrespect but I been stubborn, all my life

He’d been two years in prison when his cousin Jay came down,
said his sister was in trouble in some far off Northern town,
He broke out of jail that night and left a note behind,
I’ll see ya’ll in a week or so, till then I’m hard to find,
He found her in a tavern up in westside Buffalo,
Gave her a one way ticket home and pushed her out the door,
Said I’m lookin for the man who done my little sister harm,
he’s a soul destroying punk that stuck a needle in her arm,
and some pimp back in the corner, started makin himself small,
but he grabbed him by the collar and he pushed him to the wall,
He said you try to run away, you gone regret it, all your life,

The Cajun started laughin when the pimp pulled out a knife,
He said I oughtta kill ya, but I’m gonna spare your life,
With one sledgehammer fist he knocked him sprawlin on the floor,
and then he kicked him in his forked end, and he headed for the door,
He walked on down the sidewalk and hit the Southern trail,
He went back to Louisiana and he walked into the jail,
He said I had some business up above the bunkie line,
but my debts have all been settled and I’ve come to do my time,
and I hope I didnt cause no trouble, I wasnt tryin to run away,
But a feller owed me somethin and I had to make him pay,
Besides I’m kind of proud I been a coonass, all my life

Rev. Pat Hickey - Archbishop of the Cajun Liberation Theology Church of Crawdad Pies and Etoufe!

GAWD DAMN . . . this is Fine Pie!

Gawd Damn Ameriquest!

Nah,nah,nah, nah, nah Gawd Damn Dem Dere Gater Totz is Hot!!!!!!!!

McCain/Palin: Obama Bats Third - Behind Dodd and Kerry on the Fannie Mae All-Stars!

Obama Plays Ball and Bats Third for The Fannie Mae All Stars! That's More than Change! That's Folding Money!

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008


1. Dodd, Christopher J

2. Kerry, John

3. Obama, Barack

4. Clinton, Hillary

5. Kanjorski, Paul E

6. Bennett, Robert F

7. Johnson, Tim

8. Conrad, Kent

9. Davis, Tom

10. Bond, Christopher S 'Kit'

11. Bachus, Spencer

12. Shelby, Richard C

13. Emanuel, Rahm

14. Reed, Jack

15. Carper, Tom

16. Frank, Barney

17. Maloney, Carolyn B

18. Bean, Melissa

19. Blunt, Roy

20. Pryce, Deborah

21. Miller, Gary

22. Pelosi, Nancy

23. Reynolds, Tom

24. Hoyer, Steny H

25. Hooley, Darlene

John McCain did not make the cut!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain/Palin: School Choice is Chanel # 5 - Obama Hoses a Sea of Cheap Perfume on a Pig

Hope Floats like a Butterfly! Straight-Talk Stings Like Bee!

Barack Obama in a smarmy attempt to brush back the dandruff from his shoulders - all them flakes around him it is no wonder. His Armani left in the limo, Shirt -Sleeves Barry called the McCain/Palin Surge 'Lipstick on a Pig.'

Oh, No He didn't. Uh,Huh! He Did! Go,Barry! Go, Barry! . . .

and then the Junior Senator Without Resume tossed a gallon of Tassels LaTrune Old Useful Allure Au de cologne all over the pet pig of Public Education!

Obama offered new proposals Tuesday to double federal funding for charter schools and establish a federal fund to encourage better use of computers and technology in the classroom at a total cost of $1 billion annually.

Combined with education proposals he announced last year, Obama plans to expand federal aid to education by $19 billion per year. The bulk of Obama's proposed funding increases target making preschool education more affordable, providing better pay for high-performing teachers and improving math and science teaching

Twice as much more for Public Schools! Charter Schools, Senator, are Public Schools. Double the Funding to same group of geniuses who have all but killed education in America. Heck Obama and Billy Ayers* MADE Chicago Public Schools what they are today!

Thus, exit safety, teacher accountability, effective budgetary control, skilled management, serious curriculum development.

School Choice - Vouchers - is the only genuine path to school reform. That would mean Choice - not just so N.O.W. can ensure more Abortions - real choice - the civil rights issue of the post-racial 21st Century! Unless of course Senator Obama is bound to the same old same old racial politics.

Obama's historical nomination should signal the end to racial politics and all the concomitant cottage industries associated with racial politics and class warfare.

John McCain is for real Real Change - Real Choice - Education Reform.

Obama is dousing a smelly old hog with gallons of cheap perfume - didn't work in the 1970's and still not working.

Love Me, I'm a Liberal
by William Ayers
Upon returning from summer break, I found a surprising letter awaiting me written by three colleagues from another university, two of whom I'd known and worked with for decades. The letter simultaneously informed me about a conference my friends were organizing and explained -- with some anguish I think -- that I would not be welcome there.

They note that we're living in troubled times, that calculated appeals to fear rule the day, and that they hope to counter all of that. Ironically, fear is stamped all over the letter.

I'm reminded of when Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin were hauled before the fearsome House Committee on Un-American Activities, refused to bow, and helped to laugh it out of existence. Or when the universities were cowed by a bullying government into banning the DuBois Clubs -- a handful of students in the youth-wing of the CP who were attacked by Richard Nixon for intentionally creating a front group that would dupe people because it rhymed with the Boys Clubs -- and we members of Students for a Democratic Society signed up en masse and swelled their membership a hundredfold.

I find myself sitting here humming Phil Ochs' brilliant "Love Me, I'm a Liberal."

Different times demand different responses, of course, but to claim the mantle of "social justice" while practicing this kind of exclusion is unacceptable.

Their letter to me and my response to them are reproduced below. I've edited out identifiable references to my colleagues in order to protect the . . . well, you decide, let's just say their privacy. I can be reached at, or Onward

William Ayers
Distinguished Professor
University of Illinois at ChicagoDear Bill,

This is an unusual letter for us to be writing and for you to receive. We count you among the most noted progressive educators in the country with a deep commitment to teaching for social justice. Yet, after extended deliberation and discussion, we find ourselves in a real quandary. Because of current . . . times, we cannot invite you to an event we are planning for progressive educators. Because we know and deeply respect you and your commitment to teaching for social justice, we felt that an explanation was in order.

Next spring, we will host an event . . . to honor Bob Moses and progressive education. Bob is to receive the . . . John Dewey Prize for Progressive Education. This prize is . . . "to honor significant achievement in progressive education for the purpose of making society more just." In an era of increasing standardization and heightened inequities, we want to shine a bright light on the ideals of progressive education and remind the public that there is another model for education that attends well to the needs of every child. It is our intention to invite other progressive educators to this convening and to create a significant news and media event honoring the ideals of progressive education [and] the work of Bob Moses. . . .

It is because of our commitment to educate the public and to undertake what is primarily a symbolic project that we cannot risk a simplistic and dubious association between progressive education and the violent aspects of your past. We believe, of course, in your right to express your views, then and now. This is not about curtailing your expression. Rather, in this age when Google summarizes instantly, and often shallowly, who we are, it is about trying to say as clearly as possible what we are arguing for. If we, as educators, want to engage the learner, in this case the public, where they are, then we have to find ways for the public to see progressive education not as radical or threatening but as nurturing and familiar, connected to the very best aspects of their own learning experiences. For the last five years local and regional news organizations have taken the "liberal" . . . faculty . . . to task. It is an environment that we have challenged when key principles were involved, defending and maintaining our . . . commitment to social justice against the state bureaucracy. This event, however, is a celebration honoring two educators' accomplishments and positively promoting progressive education. We don't want a shallow press to prevail. We want to engage the public with as little interference as possible.

One major reason for presenting a prize at this time is that progressivism, and progressive education in particular, have been greatly weakened by a broad and calculated appeal to our fears in this changing world. We want to reinsert into the civil dialogue that progressive education stands upon its proven record and can be a viable alternative when our mood turns away from fears and towards hopes. First, we need to get ourselves back to the table, and then position ourselves as polite in our discourse before celebrating the breadth of expression within progressive education. Coming from behind may well demand such strategic thinking, whether is satisfies all of our passion or not.

We hope this letter finds you well and that you understand and possibly appreciate this decision.


"Lauren" and the organizers


August 29, 2006

Dear Lauren,

You have, of course, no obligation to include me in the progressive education conference you're organizing, certainly not in your deliberations about my suitability to attend. I'm tempted to say, with apologies to Groucho Marx, that I wouldn't want to attend any progressive education conference that would have me.

Chances are I'd have never heard of the conference had you not written, and in any case wouldn't have given a second thought to my presence on or absence from the guest list. But since you've opened this in the way you have, since you've outlined your thinking on the matter and invited me to understand and possibly appreciate your decision, I feel I must respond.

Your hope to position progressive education "not as radical or threatening but as nurturing and familiar" is in some ways a fool's errand. Of course, no one argues that the progressive movement should threaten students or teachers or citizens -- progressive education does indeed hold the hope of realizing a humane and decent education for all within a revitalized politics and a more authentically democratic society. But progressive education, if it means anything at all, must embody a profound threat to the status quo. It is a direct challenge, for example, to all the policy initiatives that deskill and hammer teachers into interchangeable cogs in a bureaucracy, all the pressure to reduce teaching to a set of manageable and easily monitored tasks, all the imposition of labels and all the simple-minded metrics employed to describe student learning and rank youngsters in a hierarchy of winners and losers. It's a threat to all that, and more.

But here we face a contradiction at the heart of our efforts: the humanistic ideal and the democratic injunction tell us that every person is an entire universe, that each can develop as a full and autonomous person engaged with others in a common polity and an equality of power; the capitalist imperative insists that profit is at the center of economic, political, and social progress, and develops, then, a culture of competition, elitism, and hierarchy. An education for democracy fails as an adjunct to capitalism just as an education for capitalism fails to build either a democratic ethos or a participatory practice. We must engage, then, in the arena of school and education reform as we struggle toward a world fit for all children -- a place of peace and justice, joy and balance. The two are inseparable.

And so I believe that progressive education must be part of a radical movement if it is to be worthy of the hopes and dreams of those who fight to bring humanistic alternatives to life. I mean radical in the sense that Ella Baker, one of the unsung mothers of the Civil Rights Movement, used the word. She called herself a radical, and she explained that radical meant "going to the root." Little reforms here and there never add up unless we get to the core of the problems we face, she argued, analyze our situations, connect the struggles as we work for more fundamental change.

Charlie Cobb, who co-wrote Radical Equations, was also the author of the original proposal for Freedom Schools in the South more than forty years ago. The brief he wrote claimed that while Black children were denied many things -- decent school facilities, honest and forward-looking curriculum, fully qualified teachers -- the fundamental injury was "a complete absence of academic freedom, and students are forced to live in an environment that is geared to squashing intellectual curiosity, and different thinking." Cobb called the classrooms of Mississippi "intellectual wastelands," and he challenged himself and others "to fill an intellectual and creative vacuum," and to encourage people "to articulate their own desires, demands and questions." He was urging students to confront the circumstances of their lives, to wonder about how they got to where they were, and to think of how they might change things. He was crossing hard lines of propriety and tradition, convention and common sense, of course, poised to break the law and overthrow a system. His proposal was designed to plow a deep and promising furrow toward the new -- more than radical, this was insurrection itself, progressive education linked to radical politics.

Of course, we are required now to make our own contributions in our own time and place; the pathway, the content, and the curriculum must be of, by, and for this moment and this community. We might take inspiration and attitude, sustenance and stance from the Mississippi experience, but only as an orientation toward launch, toward imagining and trying to bring to life something entirely new.

Finally, you refer to "the violent aspects" of my past. As you know I've written extensively about politics and protest as well as my own involvements, about the dual responsibilities to act and to doubt, and about the impossibility of claiming a high moral stance while sitting on the sidelines. I've accounted for my actions during the US assaults on Vietnam and against the Black Freedom Movement -- which is what I assume you're referring to -- and paid the price asked of me by the legal system. And I've said often that our society ought to engage in a truth-and-reconciliation process concerning those terrible and wondrous times; in other words, I'm happy to stand up, tell my story, admit my mistakes, and take responsibility -- shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone else, including war criminals, politicians, soldiers, officers, frat boys, students, scholars, citizens. Absent that, you seem to say that I have some uniquely dreadful behavior to account for, and I politely disagree.

I worry that you're imagining a progressivism divorced from politics, the larger world, and any real hope of transformation -- a timid, tepid, soft and servile thing. And I worry that your attempt to cleanse your conference of the likes of me has no end: you'll have to cut out the Marxists and the socialists, of course, anyone who writes critically about capitalism and education, then the militants, the noisy anti-racists, the pushy feminists, the gays and lesbians, anyone who refers to "social justice" -- a term under steady attack from the powerful just now. I'm reminded of the last presidential election when several presumably well-meaning liberals asked, in effect, if women would please stop talking so loudly about (or getting) abortions, if gays would please get back in the closet, and if Black people and Mexicans might stay out of sight for a few months so that "we" can win this thing, and then everything will somehow be alright. It's not only unprincipled, deeply cynical and cowardly, it's suicidal, a slippery slope with lots of miserable historical precedent.So, while I think I understand what you've said, no, I don't appreciate it. I don't rationalize it. I don't endorse it. And I refuse to participate in portraying myself as a pariah. So invite me.



Double Down!

Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain/Palin: Catholics Seem to Give McCain/Palin the Zogby Boost

The Zogby Numbers seem to indicate Catholics to be the big demographic in the McCain/Palin Bounce over the flat Obama/Biden ticket. Makes Sense - Obama Loves Abortion and Hates School Choice and Joe Does What the DNC Tells Him.

They Are no Mavericks!

All they got is Hollywood - We got Altar and Rosary Societies and Knights of Columbus Councils everywhere!

Some Very Strange Numbers From Zogby

Fritz Wenzel, a spokesman for the Zogby polling organization, is on XM POTUS08 right now, and he says that according to their numbers, McCain's surge in the polls started during the Democratic convention... which strikes me as rather odd.

Then he says that Sarah Palin is helping McCain by "double digits" among Catholic voters, particularly in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Michigan. While I don't find that impossible, it's interesting that a non-Catholic political figure would move the dial for Catholic voters. (Having said that, it's easy to picture her "hockey mom" style playing with Catholic voters in those states...)

[UPDATE: Numerous readers argue this is the Trig Palin effect. Yeah, that would make sense. A couple readers are telling me Sarah Palin was baptized Catholic, but I am skeptical that that would be the reason that Catholic voters would be shifting to the McCain-Palin ticket; that fact just doesn't seem publicized enough, nor seem like the piece of data that would shift a voter from one ticket to another, as Biden is Catholic.]

Independent women voters, as a portion of the sample, shrunk from 15 percent to 7 percent, but they went to Obama-Biden, not McCain-Palin. Yet among independent voters overall, McCain-Palin leads Obama-Biden, 49 percent to 42 percent.

All of this is from a Zogby Interactive poll of likely voters. For what it's worth...

09/08 01:13 PM

McCain/Palin:McCain Crosses the T – on Obama Armada

Like Nelson at Trafalgar, Togo at Tsushima, Jellicoe at Jutland and Oldendorf at Surigao, John McCain brought all of the heavy guns in his fleet to bear upon the mighty Obama Armada lined up in rigid order of battle.

John McCain crossed the T with his patient and calculated choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on August 29th. It is all over. That move was the game changer. Dean of Chicago Journalism, Robert Novak wrote this:
. . . not only because Palin appears to be an outstanding candidate but also because McCain in his first test as party leader came through with a unique and responsible decision.
The party faithful had feared the worst, in view of McCain's long record as a maverick who enjoyed violating Republican dogma.
As recently as two weeks before Palin's selection, McCain's closest aides feared, in the words of one of them, "McCain would be McCain," by choosing liberal independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman, which would have deflated the convention and indeed the party on the eve of an uphill battle for the presidency.
But on this occasion, McCain made a politically ingenious selection. Whether the presence on the Republican ticket of a woman for the first time actually will attract disaffected supporters of Hillary Clinton is doubtful.
Gender politics aside, she is an ideal running mate. On the one hand, she shares McCain's loathing for earmarks, which are ingrained in the corruption-tainted politics of Alaska. She also has a good record in fighting off big oil, which plays a major role in the politics of Alaska.
Her election as governor broke the hold of the Republican "Alaska gang," whose senior members have been under criminal investigation.
On the other hand, she meets conservative requirements as an opponent of abortion and member of the National Rifle Association. That is much more than most people in St. Paul were hoping for.
Senator Obama, David Axelrod, Howard Dean, the DNC and their money machines are caught in the searchlights turned on by Media attempts at ‘night action’ on Governor Palin’s family and her character. Clown anchors like Olbermann, Madow and Matthews at MSNBC and Campbell Brown, Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty at CNN have exposed themselves as partisans and not journalists.

The McCain Campaign is on target and firing salvo after salvo and the impact is serious on Obama:

Monday, September 08
Race Poll Results Spread
USA Today/Gallup
McCain 54, Obama 44
McCain +10
Rasmussen Tracking
McCain 48, Obama 47
McCain +1

Obama is sunk, not for lack of brains, but lack of guts. He could have and should have asked – begged Hillary Rodham Clinton to shore up his well-heeled but doctrinaire campaign handled entirely by Progressives. Instead, his rarified soul demanded a lesser light in durable, affable, malleable Joe Biden (D-Delaware).

Obama is perceived, and rightly so, to be a snob and a disdainful prophet of redistribution of wealth. Obama’s Armada and all of its legions of tax-payer funded foot-soldiers (SEIU, Public School Lobby, Teachers Unions, AFSMCE, ACORN & etc.) is sunk.. Obama has been hoisted to Olympus on the hemp and pulleys of the Progressives – kind of a reverse deus ex machina and can only talk down to Americans. He uses nice carefully chosen words but he still talks down to us in litanies of imperative sentences.

McCain steamed right across Obama’s bow and his Armada lined up like baby ducks behind him and Joe Biden. The Armada is shattered.

Waxing biblical, as they did in Denver, I might add from Douay Rheims - Pharao's chariots and his army he hath cast into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in the Red Sea. Exodus 15:4

Friday, September 05, 2008

McCain/Palin: Barack, McCain Did Not Attack me or 'Ordinary People' - He attacked You! Me and the Neighbors are Cool With It! Man Up, Son!

Got this from Barack this morning - he seems genuinely hurt, like all those steel workers still waiting for jobs he did not get them back when Obama was Gamaliel Trained/ Radical community organizer! The stealth process.

Here's Barack's note to me as an Old Time DNC member.

Patrick --

Why would the Republicans spend a whole night of their convention attacking ordinary people?

With the nation watching, the Republicans mocked, dismissed, and actually laughed out loud at Americans who engage in community service and organizing.

Our convention was different. We gave the stage to everyday Americans who hunger for change and stepped up to make phone calls, knock on doors, and raise money in small amounts in their communities.

You may have missed it, but we also showed the country a video with the faces and voices of those organizers, volunteers, and donors from every corner of the country.

Watch the video and make a donation of $5 or more now to show that in this election, ordinary people will make their voices heard.

What you didn't hear from the Republicans at their convention is a single new idea about how to make the healthcare system work, get our economy moving for the middle class, or improve education.

Just attacks -- on me, and on you.

But what the McCain attack squad doesn't understand is that people like you -- who devote part of their busy lives to organizing and building their communities -- have the power to change this country.

With your help, that's exactly what we're going to do.

Thank you,



No person ever good newsed me by leading off with 'Patrick!' It was usuallly prelude to an ass-kicking. Me and the neighbors are cool with McCain.

1. School Choice

2. Lower Taxes

3. Energy Independence

4. Combats Islamist Terror

5. Does not hang around with fruitcakes ( Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Pfleger & etc)

6. No Abortion

7. No Corruption

and have you given a real long look at your VP? I mean Sarah Palin or Pope Joe? really.

You'll be Ok. McCain will not really tune-you-up! It is metaphorical.

McCain/Palin: McCain -A Life of Duty & Service v. Obama - A Narrative Tailor-Made

In Sixty days I will vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. I have known and met Barack Obama over the last fifteen years. For fourteen of them Barack Obama was an up-and coming local Democratic politician of whom everyone said 'He's going places!'

He's there. Barack Obama and the people he chose over the last two years to build him up, primarily Dave Axelrod, have crafted a narrative built upon the familiar rhetoric of Progressive Democratic Doctrine and Obama has never drifted from that narrative. It worked and he is the Democratic nominee for President and significantly the first black American to be the Democratic nominee. That's it.

I watched as Obama distanced himself from the very people who helped bring him onto the gradus ( the political steps) and to Illinois prominence and embrace the people who wrote his resume - Community Organizer, State Senator and Prophet of Hope and Change. He had other friends of very dubious agenda and intentions ( Ayers, Wright, Rezko & etc. in politics one does meet snakes along with bunny rabbits; a good politician steps over the snakes). Had Obama ascended the political gradus, but that would have taken too long, he might have become the Governor of Illinois. Instead, he chose the Senate. That gave him national cache - kind of like using a Mastercard Gold Card, instead of paying with cash you've earned.

In contrast, John McCain did the work of his country. When I decided McCain was for me he was a pariah, because of his heroic decision to fight with Ted Kennedy fro Immigration Reform - Juan McNasty, Wet-back Juan. Rock-ribbed GOP stalwarts dismissed the Warrior as 'Toast'- 'Stick a Fork in McCain; He's Done!' Immigration Reform was soundly defeated. McCain soldiered on.

Last night, John McCain called America. He called on Americans to fight corruption in government; to right our Economy through tax-cuts and using American genius to free this country from foreign energy dependence; face down Islamic Terrorists and the Kleptocracy of Vlad Putin; to fight the hideous curse of Abortion, to fight for the civil rights issue of this century - School Choice.

Obama wants issues - says he does, but sings lyrics to the Rock Opera of Progressivism. I have not heard one thing that Obama offers to right the economy other than raise taxes. Obama says 'only the rich.' Well, things have a way of getting back to us - like the flimsy rhetoric of Mastercard Gold. Everybody pays. Progressive Doctrine demands that others pay and pay and pay - Demand Programs! Programs are funded by the taxes of carpenters, millwrights, electricians, teachers, cops and nurses. Programs mean that a bureaucracy is born and feeds at the trough of more taxes.

McCain acts. American are doers, inventors, builders, care-givers, fighters and custodians of the weak, the disabled, and should be - of the unborn.

Sixty Days. You have had my vote Senator and those of my son and daughter. That's three and that is a good start in Precinct 23 of 19th Ward in Chicago.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain/Palin: Sarah Palin Opens America's Dutch Door and Bids All Welcome Home

A Dutch door is rarely seen in Chicago anymore. There were still many homes that had them in rural Kankakee County where I was a baby teacher.

I liked them. They were welcoming, but also set a condition - belong here. They were at once a means of keeping out dangers to the home, and all the while a portal for bringing light and fresh air into the home.

Last night, while watching Sarah Palin make her acceptance speech at the RNC in St. Paul, I was reminded of the Dutch doors. Sarah Palin invited America to meet her family and strongly set the conditions of just who the Palin's are, where they come from and how they expect all of us to behave when with them. Sarah Palin explained her path onto the national stage. Palin presented the motives and methods that mark her career outside of her home. Governor Palin detailed the struggles in her State to make the best return on each voter's expectations for government and the means by which she was able to return those dividends on honest government to that voter.

More importantly, Gov. Sarah Palin set the rules for political engagement which allows her opponents to clearly understand that, when a Chicago politician brings a handgun to a political knife-fight, he can expect to be met with a round from a howitzer long before he pulls the trigger.

The Top half of the Dutch Door is open and the bottom half barred those who would do her family harm, or sully their lives for political gain. Last night, Sarah Palin made a powerful decision. God help the poor creature invited through the open door who violates that trust - man, beast or agenda.

Sarah Palin threw the bolt down from the top half of the Dutch door and tossed the full portal open and invited every American into her home. The fresh air and the warmth of the fire is welcome. You have been invited - behave accordingly.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

McCain/Palin: McCain-Undefeated -Palin-UnImpeachable & Barack Obama-Unvetted! Well Said, Fred!

Last night Fred Thompson tossed the GOP, disaffected Democrats like this Old Boyo, and Independents a slab of Red Meat.

a man who never quits is never defeated.

Because John McCain stood up our country is better off.

The respect he is given around the world is not because of a teleprompter speech designed to appeal to American critics abroad, but because of decades of clearly demonstrated character and statesmanship.

There has been no time in our nation’s history, since we first pledged allegiance to the American flag, when the character, judgment and leadership of our President was more important.

Terrorists, rogue nations developing nuclear weapons, an increasingly belligerent Russia.

Intensifying competition from China.

Spending at home that threatens to bankrupt future generations. For decades an expanding government ... increasingly wasteful and too often incompetent.

To deal with these challenges the Democrats present a history making nominee for president.

History making in that he is the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee to ever run for President. Apparently they believe that he would match up well with the history making, Democrat controlled Congress. History making because it’s the least accomplished and most unpopular Congress in our nation’s history.

Together, they would take on these urgent challenges with protectionism, higher taxes and an even bigger bureaucracy.

And a Supreme Court that could be lost to liberalism for a generation.

This is not reform.

And it’s certainly not change.

It is basically the same old stuff they’ve been peddling for years. America needs a President who understands the nature of the world we live in.

A President who feels no need to apologize for the United States of America.

We need a President who understands that you don’t make citizens prosperous by making Washington richer, and you don’t lift an economic downturn by imposing one of the largest tax increases in American history.

John McCain - enough said.

Sarah Palin - This tough, talented and tried woman has more experience in her clutch bag than the Junior Senator of Illinois has in the all the boxes of hidden documents at Un iveristy of Illinois -Chicago and then some.

Barack leaped over the gradus with the lines and pulleys fabricated by the Progressives who hold the DNC. The Media want Obama to be President- CNN rushed investigators to Moose Country, but never once sent anyone to visit the unemployed Steelworkers to whom Barack Obama said that he gave so much HOPE. Did they vet all that Hope in Hegewisch and Roseland and Pullman? Nope. No follow-up on Crazy Uncle Jere, now building a MacMansion in white Tinley Park. No interest in Billy Ayers who bombed buildings and worse and had his wired Daddy get him off the hook. No vetting. No nothing.

Bud White at No Quarter posed these nuggetsfor the Media to gnaw on.
1. Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama’s 20-year membership in an explicitly racist church, a church with rhetoric too hot for Oprah.
2. Rezko. Obama’s ties to Tony Rezko and the 2005 purchase of the Obamas’ home. Obama funnelling money to Rezko’s sleazy businesses.
3. Ayers. Obama’s extensive ties to unrepentant terroist Bill Ayers.
4. Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC). Obama and Ayers together dispensing tens of millions of dollars supposedly for educational organizations. Although now just being investigated, it’s known that money was funnelled to Ayers’ friend, radical Mike Klonsky, a founding member of the Maoist Party of the United States.
5. Minister Louis Farrakhan. Obama is surrounded by people like Rev. Willie Barrow, a friend and admirer of the anti-white, anti-Semitic Farrakhan.

The Obama Campaign and their Propaganda arm at MSNBC, CNN, Time-Warner, NBC, The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, and the Chicago Sun Times are chasing their tails like Lanigan's Dog on bennies. You would think that would be news. Shucks, I do.

Click my post title for more.