Scratch the back of any swine who roots up gold for me?
Tickle the horns of Mammon with my left hand, while my right, too proud to know his partner's business, takes in the fee? No thank you! Cyrano De Bergerac
Congressman Jesse Jackson, Junior resigned and the world did not end. Illinois was ranked last in the nation 'on so many levels' and the world did not end. I used one cup each Onion and Garlic and I thought my world would end. It was a mistake of gargantuan gastronomical grief.
I love onions. I love garlic. They are wonderful together, No matter how much I try, the two flavor staples do not come out equal. Imagine, I prepare a big boiling pot of pasta and I chop/mince/dice equal parts and marry a blend of 1Cup- Onion and 1Cup -Garlic in a sizzling skillet of unsalted butter.
Onions, Garlic what's the difference? They don't work.
People are not food stuffs! I know and outside of certain districts of Papua New Guinea, or marooned Rugby teams in Andes, people are not food stuffs. People are people who need people!
Needing something does not change the definition of something else. That is poetry, metaphysics, or Springfield, Illinois. Politicians have been paid to vote that Gay Marriage can't wait. Gay Marriage - which is civil unions with greater clout to bring lawsuits against individuals, corporations and churches -is declared a human right.
Human Rights, previously argued according to the preamble of the American Constitution are granted by God, are now created by Greg Harris, Heather Steans, Mike Madigan, Dan Burke, Billy Cunningham & etc. and signed by Gov. Pat ( 25%) Quinn.
Marriage is a sacrament and the only one of the Seven Sacraments that is shared by two persons - a man and woman. The sacramental intent is to bring about a family - have kids. Guys are onions - they bring tears to one's eyes and more onion is required to be effective. Girls are garlic- flavorful, aromatic and delightful and less is often so much more. They work well together according to their individual natures.
When we pretend that an onion, or a clove of garlic are the same, we have people running to nearest receptacle.
My guess is that Gay Marriage will pass in House, just as it did in the Illinois Senate. My Representative has already tickled the horn of Mammon*.
The marriage of equal parts garlic and onion Illinois!
Next up - playing football in hockey gear.
*Mamona; the spelling Mammona is contrary to the textual evidence and seems not to occur in printedBibles till the edition of Elzevir. The derivation of the word is uncertain, perhaps from mmn as seen inmtmwn, though the Targums, which use the word frequently, never regard it as the equivalent ofmtmwn, which the Greek always renders thesauroi, cf. Job 3:4; Proverbs 2:4. But cf. also HebrewSirach 42:9, bth l'b mtmnt sqr where the margin reads mtmwn, "to the father his daughter is as ill-gotten treasure." In the New Testament only Matthew 6:24, and Luke 16:9-13, the latter verse repeating Matthew 6:24. In Luke 16:9 and 11 Mammon is personified, hence the prevalent notion, emphasized by Milton, that Mammon was a deity. Nothing definite can be adduced from the Fathers in support of this; most of their expressions which seem to favour it may be easily explained by the personification in Luke; e.g. "Didascalia", "Do solo Mammona cogitant, quorum Deus est sacculus"; similarly St. Augustine, "Lucrum Punice Mammon dicitur" (Serm. on Mt., ii); St. Jerome in one place goes near to such an identification when (Dialogue Against the Luciferians 5 ) he quotes the words: "No man can serve two masters", and then adds, "What concord hath Christ with Belial?" But in his "Commentary on Matt," and in Epistle 22.31, he lends no countenance to it: "'Ye cannot serve Godand Mammon.' Riches, that is; for in the heathen tongue of the Syrians riches are called Mammon." But Mammon was commonly regarded as a deity in the Middle Ages; thus Peter Lombard (II, dist. 6) says, "Riches are called by the name of a devil, namely Mammon, for Mammon is the name of a devil, by which name riches are called according to the Syrian tongue." Piers Plowman also regards Mammon as a deity.The expression "Mammon of iniquity" has been diversely explained, it can hardly mean riches ill-gotten, for they should of course be restored. If we accept the derivation from 'mn we may render it "riches in which men trust", and it is remarkable that the Septuagint of Psalm 37:3, renders 'mwgh by plouto, or "riches", as though hinting at such a derivation. The expression is common in the Targums, wheremmwn is often followed by sqr corresponding to the adikias of Luke, thus see on Proverbs 15:27; but it is noteworthy that Sirach 5:8 "goods unjustly gotten" chremasin adikois, reads in Hebrew nks-sqrand not mtmwn. For the various explanations given by the Fathers see St. Thomas, II-II.32.7 ad 3um.