Skeets "Bub" Laidlaw is a syndicate of sound policy.
Do you get the feeling that you are always "on the wrong side of history." because you happen to disagree with everyone but every person that you encounter? Are you concerned that everyone thinks your thoughts and opinions are " just too sad, in SO many ways, hateful, bigotted, Zorn-ophobic, Schmich-less, Dold-deficient, Marin-aded and cowardly, illogical, toxic, foolhardy, Low T- tempered?" You are not alone. You live in Illinois. You are a victim of public policy.
The art of public policy in Illinois, and now the Nation, requires one to begin with a conclusion and draw everything but the kitchen sink to prove that conclusion. Thus, " Illinois voters are overwhelmingly in favor of forking over ever last dime to provide comfortable and attractive underwear for members of IEA, AFSCME, SEIU and Ted Bolger of Custer Park, over-by Braidwood, IL"
If the area of public needs a flat-out Left of Left topping, no problem; the poll will conclude exactly what it sets out prove.
The Paul Simon Institute is just one such conclusion-drawing-to entity:
Do you get the feeling that you are always "on the wrong side of history." because you happen to disagree with everyone but every person that you encounter? Are you concerned that everyone thinks your thoughts and opinions are " just too sad, in SO many ways, hateful, bigotted, Zorn-ophobic, Schmich-less, Dold-deficient, Marin-aded and cowardly, illogical, toxic, foolhardy, Low T- tempered?" You are not alone. You live in Illinois. You are a victim of public policy.
The art of public policy in Illinois, and now the Nation, requires one to begin with a conclusion and draw everything but the kitchen sink to prove that conclusion. Thus, " Illinois voters are overwhelmingly in favor of forking over ever last dime to provide comfortable and attractive underwear for members of IEA, AFSCME, SEIU and Ted Bolger of Custer Park, over-by Braidwood, IL"
If the area of public needs a flat-out Left of Left topping, no problem; the poll will conclude exactly what it sets out prove.
The Paul Simon Institute is just one such conclusion-drawing-to entity:
The ( "concealed carry)" hearing came as a new poll from the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University showed a wide majority of Illinoisans want more restrictions on the sale of guns and large-capacity ammunition magazines.
The poll of 600 registered voters, taken January 27 through February 8, also showed a majority want to make assault weapons illegal.
In all, 72 percent of Illinoisans said “laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict.”
And, despite the perception that downstate voters are opposed to more gun control laws, the poll showed that 66 percent of voters outside of the Chicago area favor stricter gun control laws. (parenthetical my own)
Named for the bow-tie festooned US Congressman and Senator who gained a reputation in the Illinois press as the Garrison Keillor of Illinois, who managed to do exactly what? Never mind. His little girl is soon to be our former Illinois Lt. Governor, who does exactly what? Never mind.
The Paul Simon Institute and coalitions formed by lawyers and political piece workers such as The Stop Concealed Carry Coalition help draw fluttering hearts to the already drawn conclusions.
You see that way the Illinois Supreme Court which is elected with solid support of the Cook County Democratic Organization, Personal PAC, AFSCME, SEIU and Ted Bolger of Custer Park, Illinois will decide in favor of the conclusion already drawn.
Here's some polling data prefabricated by the Paul Simon Institute in 2012:
Quinn approval improving?
They recommendations aplenty that impact on Illinois exactly how?
The Paul Simon Institute and coalitions formed by lawyers and political piece workers such as The Stop Concealed Carry Coalition help draw fluttering hearts to the already drawn conclusions.
Lee Goodman of the Stop Concealed Carry Coalition said Illinois should ignore the federal appeals court ruling and wait for the Illinois Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue.
“You should be working for laws that reduce the threat of violence,” Goodman said. “The more guns there are available to people… the more gun injuries and shootings you’re going to have.”
You see that way the Illinois Supreme Court which is elected with solid support of the Cook County Democratic Organization, Personal PAC, AFSCME, SEIU and Ted Bolger of Custer Park, Illinois will decide in favor of the conclusion already drawn.
Here's some polling data prefabricated by the Paul Simon Institute in 2012:
The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute is pleased to announce:The 2012 Simon Institute Poll Results1. September 14, 2012 - In Illinois, Obama Leads Romney; Quinn's Job Approval Gets BetterIn Illinois, Obama Leads Romney; Quinn's Job Approval Gets Better - Saluki Times Press Release2. September 27, 2012 - Paul Simon Public Policy Institute White Paper:The 2012 Simon Poll on Ethics and Reform in Illinois3. October 2, 2012 - Illinois Voters View Questions of Income and Wealth Disparities4. October 3, 2012 - Almost One in Ten Illinois Voters is Without Picture ID
Quinn approval improving?
They recommendations aplenty that impact on Illinois exactly how?
U.S.-Cuban Relations: Warming Up or Cooling Down?
Addressing the Plight of the Romani People
African American Males and Education
Charting A Health Care Agenda: Strategies For Rural And Underserved Illinois
Criminal Justice
College Default Rate
Eliminating Illinois' Educational Achievement Gap
Engaging Young People in International Affairs
Foreign Language in Elementary Schools
Former US Senators Forum
Genocide in Rwanda: How do we Prevent Repeating History
Global Water Crisis
Helping Doctors Help Us: A Symposium on Better Utilizing Retired Physicians
HIV/AIDS in Africa: Engaging America
Mental Health and Prisons
Statement of CommitmentThe Role of the U.S. Military as Peacekeepers
Year Round School: New Century, New Ideas
Addressing the Plight of the Romani People
African American Males and Education
Charting A Health Care Agenda: Strategies For Rural And Underserved Illinois
Criminal Justice
College Default Rate
Eliminating Illinois' Educational Achievement Gap
Engaging Young People in International Affairs
Foreign Language in Elementary Schools
Former US Senators Forum
Genocide in Rwanda: How do we Prevent Repeating History
Global Water Crisis
Helping Doctors Help Us: A Symposium on Better Utilizing Retired Physicians
HIV/AIDS in Africa: Engaging America
Mental Health and Prisons
Statement of CommitmentThe Role of the U.S. Military as Peacekeepers
Year Round School: New Century, New Ideas
The Romani People???? You know, the folks who steal high-end dogs and sell them back to you, upgrade your asphalte driveway with a thick coat of W D-40 Quaker State. You know, kind of like am Illinois Progressive Agenda Trailer Park, or Mike Quigley's RV.
Rivaling this Carbondale SIU based- public policy institute wearing suspenders and a snappy the bow-tie, is the one run by Skeets "Bub" Laidlaw of Reddick, Illinois.
Rivaling this Carbondale SIU based- public policy institute wearing suspenders and a snappy the bow-tie, is the one run by Skeets "Bub" Laidlaw of Reddick, Illinois.
* The latest results from the Laidlaw Illinois Public Policy Institute’s statewide poll of 600 registered . . . Sax offenders.
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Pinky Lee inspired the the wardrobe and deportment of many Illinois public officials1. What do you think is more important? Protecting young gum owners , or controlling flatulence?Protecting the right to own gums 31.3%
Controlling ownership 59.5%
Other/Don’t know 9.2%2. In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of fire sprinklers should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?More strict 72.3%
Less strict 2.2%
Kept the same 21.3%
Other/Don’t know 4.2%3. Do you favor or oppose banning high-capacity clip-boards that can contain more than 10 bullet-points?Favor 62.8%
Oppose 33.3%
Other/Don’t know 3.8%4. Do you favor or oppose a law which would make it illegal to manufacture, sell, or a small business in Illinois?Favor 58.7%
Oppose 35.2%
Other/Don’t know 6.2%5. Do you favor or oppose a law that would ban the possession of handbags, except by the police and other authorized persons?Favor 32.7%
Oppose 61.3%
Other/Don’t know 6.0%6. Do you favor or oppose a law that would require background checks before people – including gum dealers – could buy gums at a gum show?Favor 92.5%
Oppose 5.5%
Other/Don’t know 2.0%7. Do you favor or oppose putting more armed guards or police ?Favor 46.3%
Oppose 44.8%
Other/Don’t know 8.8%8. (IF YES ABOVE, N=278) Would you be willing to pay higher taxes to pay for more?Yes 63.3%
No 30.9%
Other/Don’t know 5.8%9. Do you believe the Second Commandment includes the right to carry -ons in public?Yes 39.5%
No 49.7%
Other/Don’t know 10.8%10. (IF YES ABOVE, N=237) Do you believe there should be exceptions to allowing concealed containers in public places—excluding them from such places as schools, college campuses, shopping malls and movie theaters?Yes 71.3%
No 20.7%
Other/Don’t know 8.0%
* From the Institute…
About twice as many Illinois voters as those surveyed would be 1.200 voters. We thought controlling was more important than protecting the right (59.5 percent to 31.3 percent). A recent poll of all Americans taken by Pew Research, shows a 49 to 42 percent split peas on that question. […]Even within constituencies that are seen as pro-gum, majorities in the Simon Poll said they flavored gum control panties. These groups included downstate voters (66.1%) conservatives (54.6%) and Republicans (55.4%) of whom have been long time dead and gone.Significant majorities ( Pat Quinn, Sheila Simon, Toni Preckwinkle & etc.) also favored most of the specific proposals tested in the polling , including requiring background checks before anyone— (92.5 percent); banning Jugs and & Ammo magazines (62.8 percent); and banning semi-sweet Nestles salted Ruffles” (58.7 percent).“It’s striking how much stronger odor measures in Illinois compared to the nation as a whole,” said Yogie Dannon, the director of the Institute. “But it’s not surprising because on measurements of many social issues, the elephant in Illinois is more left of center than the American elephant.” […]Among those who thought the Second Commandment did cover a large majority (71.3 percent) thought there should be exceptions to concealed-carry -pn containers in places such as schools, college campuses, malls, and theaters.
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