Impact of March 1st Cuts on Middle Class Families, Jobs and Economic Security: Illinois
Unless Congress acts by March 1st
, a series of automatic cuts—called the sequester—will take effect that threaten hundreds of thousands of middle class jobs, and cut vital services for children, seniors, people with mental illness and our men and women in uniform. Your Obama White House!
Once you learn the signals the paly is easy -Obama's Crowd shouts, "Middle Class!" And You get into a very wide stance and wait for it!
Boy, Our Barack Obama has really grown in the job. Remember the Great Flu Inoculation Panic of 2009? Seems like only yesterday. Wasn't That a Time?
Now, He's really grown! One week after his Man's Country Titleist assignation with Reggie White, some Fossil Fuel 1%ers and the America's Beer Goggles Champ and Senior Open Skank-Tiger in Florida, President Wet Britches has the skies pissing lava! Sequester Friday hits March 1, 20123
Think of the Children! The Air-Traffic Controllers! Rt 66! look what is awaiting Illinois Tax Czar and Pie-Chart Wiz Ralphie Martre:
Hyde Park!


The Paul Simon Institute!

Pat Quinn's Fans~!
I mean, what would Jesus do? Go golfing?

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