One of the great things about teaching is the joy of seeing former students enter the vocation and commit themselves to work. Leo is blessed to have many Alumni teaching our young Lions ( Dan McGrath '68, Peter Doyle Staff '66-Present, Mike Holmes '75, Noah Cannon '91 . . .& etc.

One young gent is Marcus " This Too Shall" Pass ( Class of 2006) who is the publisher and editor of the recently revived Oriole News, Asst. Track Coach/Cross Country and Admissions field agent. Marcus is graduate of Illinois Benedictine University and a great role model.
Marcus, for all of his gifts, is singularly limited in his knowledge of 'really important stuff.' President Dan McGrath and I, two old white guys from the 'Hood who, in the day, eschewed Madras Shirts and chinos for Gousters and low cut Chuck Taylors, as well as Beach Boy tunes.
If you grew up on the south side of Chicago, certain zipcodes embracing black Americans and ethnic Catholics were profoundly dedicated to Motown, WVON, Herb Kent - the Cool Gent, WBEE, Purvis Spann The Blues Man, the Checkerboard Lounge, and Mumbo Sauce. On these ebony and ivory agree, Irish confetti tossed notwithstanding, we all "stood Tall with the Butterball!"
Cultures were exchanged via 45-RPMs well before matriculation at Halls of Ivy.
Marcus popped in this morning with a "Wha's the Word?" to which we duetted -" Thunderbird!"
We were "Huh?'d by a graduate of not only Illinois Bendictine University, but the hoary halls of Leo High School. Huh?:
We schooled the boy. Thank Christ Mike Holmes was not here.
Listen up!
From the folds at BumWine.comThunderbird
17.5% alc. by vol.
As pictured to the left, look for the pigeon feces and you'll find this old bird. As soon as you taste this swill, it will be obvious that its makers cut every corner possible in its production to make it cheap. Self-proclaimed as "The American Classic," Thuderbird is Vinted and bottled by E&J Gallo Winery, in in Modesto, CA. Disguised like Night Train, the label says that it is made by "Thunderbird, Ltd." If your taste buds are shot, and you need to get trashed with a quickness, then "T-bird" is the drink for you. Or, if you like to smell your hand after pumping gas, look no further than Thunderbird. As you drink on, the bird soars higher while you sink lower. The undisputed leader of the five in foulness of flavor, we highly discourage driking this ghastly mixture of unknown chemicals unless you really are a bum. A convenience store clerk in Show Low, AZ once told me that only the oldest of stumbling indian drunks from the reservation buy Thunderbird. Avaliable in 750 mL and a devastating 50 oz jug.
The history of Thunderbird is as interesting as the drunken effects the one experiences from the wine. When Prohibition ended, Ernest Gallo and his brothers Julio and Joe wanted to corner the young wine market. Earnest wanted the company to become "the Campbell Soup company of the wine industry" so he started selling Thunderbird in the ghettos around the country. Their radio adds featured a song that sang, "What's the word? / Thunderbird / How's it sold? / Good and cold / What's the jive? / Bird's alive / What's the price? / Thirty twice." It is said that Ernest once drove through a tough, inner city neighborhood and pulled over when he saw a bum. When Gallo rolled down his window and called out, "What's the word?" the immediate answer from the bum was, "Thunderbird."
WARNING: This light yellow liquid turns your lips and mouth black! A mysterious chemical reaction similar to disappearing-reappearing ink makes you look like you've been chewing on hearty clumps of charcoal. Bumwine.com wrote Chapter 23 of this book:
Do Memorize this -
"What's the word/Thunderbird/what's price?/thirty twice/what's the flavor?/Ask your neighbor/what's the reaction?/Satisfaction/Who drinks the most?/Us colored folks!"
"What's the word/Thunderbird/what's price?/thirty twice/what's the flavor?/Ask your neighbor/what's the reaction?/Satisfaction/Who drinks the most?/Us colored folks!"
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