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Showing posts sorted by date for query quigley. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Obama Girl Busted - Reality7 Sara Winner Now Alpha Mike Foxtrot!

Image result for reality7 sara winner
 Reality7 Sara Winner - HBO series in the line-up?   Sorry, that was mean.
Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled as they have been during the Bush administration. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.  Obama & Biden 2008
On Monday, she ( Reality7 Sara Winner) was charged after the FBI arrested her Saturday at her home in Augusta, Georgia. She faces up to 10 years in prison for the classified leak, according to CNN. She's back in court on Thursday.
Winner was accused of leaking a report that showed Russian intelligence tried to hack U.S. voting systems before the election in November. The Intercept shared printed pages of the report, and the folds and creases in the documents gave away that they had been "printed and hand-carried out of a secured space." From that, the agency saw six people had printed the report and then tracked down the one person from the group who had emailed the news outlet.
Her motivations for leaking are not yet known. But she left a lot information about herself online. She was active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for years and shared her anti-Trump and other political sentiments on the platforms.
Sara Winners @Reezlie@JZarif There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!

 @JZarif "There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran." Name two.

Oh, that's right.  Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett.

Reality7 Sara Winner too. . . . and Baby Makes Three! But, what about Vlad the Bad and the Muscovite Deplorables?

Reality7 Sara Winners is Federal Employee, an NSA contractor, and she and people like her are the reason Barack Obama became President and remained President. She looks like a character created by HBO - quirky, smirky and no fan of the man with Orange tan and mane in the White House.

This is odd.  Image result for spaulding smailsOne might, might mind you, suppose, that having consumed the memes pumped out by the minute at CNN and New York Times that the Russian colluder would be some Spaulding-like cousin of President Trump, or an Obama fired ex-military snake eater.

Rather, we have a Lena Dunham look-alike with a real metaphorical stiffy for President Trump and a Federal Employee covered by Obama's Whistle Blower Deep State Spakle.

Four neat guys, called the Intercept, received classified documents from Reality Sara Winner and the Russians got a back door to the NSA firewall. The Intercept is owned by Pierre Omidyar and has a dubious record of achievement,

NSA info is as easy to get as one of them Walgreens Red Noses.  Everyone has it.  Wee Little Mike Quigley of Congress wildly waved his crocidile arms to all one and sundry about Russkies tweaking the Illinois Board of Elections, "If you had read what I had read and heard and so forth, and you watch this president and how he's acted under certain situations, if there's ever a president who would defy the Supreme Court, this is the one," Image result for tiny mike quigleyQuigley said..

Little Mike is on the House Intelligence Committee and is gabbier than Col. McCormick about Midway Codes. 

Reality7 is one of Barack Obama's heroic patriots playing at whistleblower.

Boy, that Trump is sure dangerous.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Rahm's Water World: Flood the Attention Way From His Culture of Corruption

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Chicago Media watch dogs are all over . . .whatever Rahm tells them to be all over.

“The pervasive culture of racism at the Water Department has been an open secret for years,” said Black Caucus Chairman Ald. Roderick Sawyer (6th Ward). “We hope that this moment can serve as a wake-up call for all those in the department and in other departments where this behavior is still tolerated or even encouraged.” Sun Times

Let's see here. True reform begins and ends with three important Progressive catch-phrases

  • Pervasive Culture of Racism ( the lingua franca of Progressive Oligarchs)
  • Open Secret 
  • Wake-up Call
Yep, young Alderman Roderick Sawyer has all three and appears to be rocking Rahm's world. He is not; he is helping Rahm deflect attention from Rahm and real big money-making ventures (Textalyzer)  for Chicago oligarchs.  Problem: Yep, attention was on Rahm.  Solution:Turn the Water Department *into the Chicago Police Department! Now, it is gone. Swept away in the flood. 

Yet only few days and weeks ago some of the newshounds wanted to know more about Rahm's private e-mails - 
"Mayor Rahm Emanuel is still receiving e-mails with ideas on city matters from "campaign contributors and others with clout" on his private account, according to the Sun-Times. The newspaper obtained Emanuel's private e-mails from January and February 2017 through a Freedom of Information Act request. The people who have been e-mailing the mayor include: "mayoral pal Peter Cunningham, JAM Productions honcho Jerry Mickelson, developer Robert Judelson and the mega-donor Abrams family, which owns Medline Industries." [Sun-Times] Chicago Reader

It seems it was time to toss his purse puppies of the Chicago media a few of  Beautiful Joe’s Ethical Dog Treats - they can not chase their tails everyday.

What better way to drown bad news than a flood of biblical proportions!
Image result for Chicago Water Department ScandalImage result for Chicago Water Department Deputy Joseph Bresnahan
Last Friday, the see-through Irish pelts of Barrett Murphy and William Bresnahan were tossed to the snarling ShihTzu's of WTTW, the Sun Times and the always dependable Chicago Tribune.

Whenever Daley got in Dutch with the press, like his kid's bat-party in Grand Beach, Michigan, a couple of cops on the detail took the heat.

In 2004, during the Hired Truck scandal Carol Marin changed the subject to young Andy Ryan and again, in 2006, right about the time everyone was getting sick of Richie Daley, another building inspector scandal allowed Chicagoans to micro-analyze clout once again, yet never stay focused on real problems.

A poor slob, or his kids become the focus of rage and outrage!  Slap in the Face!

Same problem today, same solution. Toss the room temperature I.Q.s at the Tower or the Merchandise Mart some pink meat.

Even one of Progressive Rep. Mike Quigley's pals,Paul Hansen,  was fed to the tiny-toothed terriers.
Wee Mike was Alderman Bernie Hansen's rat-catcher and shaker-down of Gay bars like Christopher Street back in the day.
Image result for paul hansen water department scandal
This could never have been possible without the ofay nodders of the City Council, like Independent go-along Scott Waguespeck and the pink and jowly flesh of dean Ed Burke ,“Every citizen should be appalled by it, especially that they were allowed to keep working there,” said Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward).  “We need to make sure that the human resources department is actually doing their job and rooting this activity out and firing people.”  Can I get a Harrumph!!!!!!!!

Harrumph, Harrumph, Harrumph!

Mel Brooks could not have scripted this better.

Then of course there is that corps of cagey crusaders of the City Council Black Caucus led by the Son of Mayor Mumbles,
The City Council Black Caucus on Monday said they were deeply disturbed by the alleged culture at the department.

“The pervasive culture of racism at the Water Department has been an open secret for years,” said Black Caucus Chairman Ald. Roderick Sawyer (6th Ward). “We hope that this moment can serve as a wake-up call for all those in the department and in other departments where this behavior is still tolerated or even encouraged.”
I kind of flipped the order from that swell WTTW screed.

Water our most precious planetary  provision contaminated by racist, sexist, homophobic troglodytes with decades of experience in the ways of Chicago's political swamp!!!!!!  This pervasive culture of racism!  Rahm has been mayor twice now.

Image result for paul hansen Chicago water department scandal Rahm thanks "The pervasive culture of racism at the Water Department (that) has been an open secret for years,” just before the runoff election in 2015

This pervasive culture of racism was the tip of Rahm's spear against Chuy Garcia ( read Mike Houlihan's new book on the campaign -Nothing Is On the Level) and "legitimized" the anti-labor actions of Mayor Emanuel with a gift of $ 53,000 from the Chicagoland Pipe Trades and the first massive bill board located on the east side of the south bound  Dan Ryan at 79th Street.  Funny.  All photos of that sign have been scrubbed on Google.

Yep the Water Guys and Rahm are cultured up!

Yet, Rahm has people looking into his e-mails.  Let the flood, Brothers and Sisters, wash away Rahm's iniquities.  It shall. Now, get you bile up about the clouted racist, homophobic cultural Irish Catholics.  Why not?

Everyone hates the Irish, including the Irish and for some very good reasons.

The two clouted but temporarily disgraced Micks will be fine.  With time and a supine media they will find six-figure salaries on the public teat!

* City of Chicago Water Department workers are heroes who fix busted water-mains at 3AM in sub-zero temperatures and then get beefed in a Chuck Goudie sham show about how much money an hour a caulker makes.  God bless Chicago workers taken for granted and treated like dogs in the media. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Trump's Troubles Will Never Go Away - The Obama Purge of the Military Was Their Beginnings

Image result for Trump With Soldiers and Marines

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States and he was voted in because our founding fathers understood the danger of an oligarchy. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton fiercely protected the minority soul of the colonies. This minority soul still floats, for now. 

Growing up in an America where schools taught civics, we were often treated to films that warned us of the dangers of Military coup.

Seven Days in May stuff.   A group of hard-core Curtis Le May, or Chesty Puller type of brass hats, decide to save America from democracy, but there is always a lower ranked career hard-charger who foils the oily admirals and generals.

The fact that our love of Harry S. Truman, who saved the world from nuclear war, after saving millions of our Dads by using atom bombs, by firing Gen. MacArthur, pumps up the inflation of military scorn among us stay at home patriots works against us. The military is never going to launch a coup - the politicians and their handlers will and without bullets.  Tribunals later, of course.

In fact, it was President Barack S. Obama who fired, cashiered, disgraced and insulted more career military leaders than the old Rail Splitter himself. These drips and drops of deceitful discharges crystallized in the shabby and psychedelic treatment of General Stanley McChystal.  The real coup went after the military -the guardian of the Constitution.

The Obama White House ( Valerie Jarrett) steamrolled toward Iranian rapproachment and the American military leadership turned to rubble.  The more pliable 'dog-robbers' became Pentagon and later State Department spokesmen.

Americans voted for Donald Trump, because they have witnessed the rise of American Oligarchy. Before people who voted "Never Trump" get hysterical, allow me to clarify - the people who voted for Trump were not from  Vladivostok.

In 2014, a study of American Policy conducted by Princeton and Northwestern Universities concluded - Yes, we are a Banana Republic

 We report on an effort to do so, using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues.
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism. Testing Theories of American Politics, elites, special interests and average Americans.
The entire fabric of Obama's broadcloth coalition is woven by elites, special interest groups who curry favor from the elites and scorn those beneath them. Here they are -

That's Senator Dick Durbin  Mau-mouing with Champagne Wolf Blitzer of CNN - the first is the Senator Pat Geary from the Land of Lincoln and the other a news reader the equal of Herb Fuller.  One is a hapless dope who will do and say what ever the string pullers ( Big Agra, Strategic Advisers, Hennessy Gas Utility, Planned Parenthood) tell him to say and the other a self-celebrated Scud Stud who popped the bubbly preemptively on November 8, 2017.   These are the quality faces of the Resistance , along with Rep. Mike Quigley, Rep, Jan " The Turk" Schakowky, Rep. Bobby Rush, Rep. Danny " Rev. Moon" Davis and the balance of the Illinois Democratic Caucus of the Challenged. Trump wants to Drain The Swamp and creatures Senators Dick Durbin, John McCain (R.), Richie Blumenthal( D.), Chuck Schummer (D.) and Lindsey Graham (R.) want to keep their habitat.

These swamp creatures are no slouches, neighbors, these are practiced creeps. We are afflicted with consciences and become prone to shame whenever the urge to listen to our bad angels. These folks kill angels in the womb and they are supported by the media Leviathan eats our dollars and spits ink.  These swamp critters are free to roam and range like gators at a Disney Resort. Free!  Free of media scrutiny, criticism, or concern. The Leviathan is worried about Trump.

I am not.  My Civil Liberties are in better shape now, than they were back in February,  2015, right around the time that Obama  ordered NSA Boss James Clapper to twerk like Desiree Rogers at a job interview -
In national security-related cases, the F.B.I. uses the letters to obtain information from companies, including telephone records or the names of subscribers. Unlike a subpoena, no judge is involved; the F.B.I. issues the letters by itself, usually requiring that the recipients never disclose the letters’ existence.
In the new rules, “the F.B.I. will now presumptively terminate National Security Letter nondisclosure orders at the earlier of three years” after the opening of an investigation, the administration will announce, or at the close of the investigations. But an exception can be made if a midlevel F.B.I. official offers a written justification for continued secrecy.
How about that, Sparky?

Then of course Obama counted on Hillary not to screw the poodle at the polling booth - she did - and once the cast of Hamilton went full Carmen Ghia and Roger De Bris after the election , Obama tweaked the already twerking James Clapper

And in his final days in office, Obama created the largest ever expansion of access to non-minimized NSA intercepts, creating a path for all U.S. intelligence to gain access to unmasked reports by changes encoded in a Reagan-era Executive Order 12333.
The government officials who could request or approve an exception to unmask a U.S. citizen’s identity has grown substantially. The NSA now has 20 executives who can approve the unmasking of American information inside intercepts, and the FBI has similar numbers. And executives in 16 agencies -- not just the FBI, CIA and NSA -- have the right to request unmasked information. 

All of these tools are now in the chubby fingers of Dick Durbin, Wold Blitzer and nodding elements American populace. The nodders easily become shouters.

Trump could say, "Good Morning" and CNN's Dana Bash would snark, " Is it, Mr. President?  Is it really? Must be sunny in Moscow."

As America is already a Banana Report, I seriously doubt if we will notice a coup when it happens.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

The Problem of the Chicago Voter Outside of the Ensorcelled Circle

Imagine if a Mayor of Chicago, had at one time been a civil engineer and actually read Mary Wisniewski's fine piece of reporting in the editorially awful Chicago Tribune - all crap that Rahm approves.  Too bad a Mayor is not a civil engineer by trade . . . Oh, that's right . . .one (Ed Kelly) was but that was long before Ms.Wiszniewski wrote about crumbling bridges.

Instead, we live in a politics and policy driven Progressive, global, Banana Republic. This is a malicious make-believe palace, a fairy tale world where magical things can happen for an Oh, so very few, including an eight year stay in the White House for a very special lad, or where a little guy can sit on another little guy's lap and tell him that he too dreams of being Mayor.

It is a place where big dreams count as nothing and fortunes trump virtue.

It is a tight ensorcelled circle that welcomes only the approved - the businesses, the banks, the law firms, the real estate wizards, the University and 501(c)3 public policy tax vacuums and the very few people enchanted for windfalls.

Outside of the ensorcelled circle only those with an immediate connection to the source of gold some few benefit with multiple pensions, Shakman exempt appointments, or sinecures beyond  of the vision of  everyone else.

That leaves out millions of Chicagoans and many more Cook County residents.

Outside of the ensorcelled circle people make due, beef about water bills, tax increases, burgeoning crimes against person and property, horrific public schools and worse public servants.

Yet, these same put-upon people vote the ticket every election and every time.

Gun Violence and Police Misconduct keep every eye on flaccid media writers like Eric Zorn, Neil Steinberg, Stephen Chapman and Mary Schmich, or smarmy echo-chamber Orwellians on WBEZ, or WTTW.

Chicagoans nod, sigh and wait for the Cubbies. Sadly band wagon south siders feel a tingle in the thighs over the baby bear and forget 2005 as a time past. Same goes with political villainy.  Chicagoans are too nice by half.

They scratch their heads about

  • Forrest Claypool's latest six figure job and pension package
  • Suzanne Mendoza's leap from Herbie Pulgar to the Comptoller's chair
  • Pat Quinn
  • Proco Joe
  • Toni Preckwinkle
  • Mike Quigley
  • Jan Schakowsky
And think nothing about putting an " I'm With Rahm" sign on the their lawns

Chicagoans will always do a neighbor a solid; even if the neighbor works against every fundmental core value you have, makes a ton of money and pension for following orders.

The only thing necessary for the perpetuation of evil in Cook County is for good people to do a solid for Frannie, Billy, Tommy, or any other knucklehead with a government gig.

It is one thing to break wind in the bath tub; it is another thing altogether to bite the bubbles.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Cardinal Combine? Strange Smoke from Pope City

Image result for KilroyImage result for cardinal cupich

Crain's Chicago Business February 1998 :Chicago's Archbishop Francis George, 61, was elevated to cardinal by Pope John Paul II during ceremonies in Rome. The new cardinal led a special mass in Vilnius, Lithuania, in honor of Valdas Adamkus, 71, the Chicago-area resident who was sworn in last week as Lithuania's new president. . . 
So I'm wondering, rhetorically for the purposes of a Sunday column, what do we call this relationship, again? This Illinois custom of quiet sharing of power across party lines for the benefit of a fat connected few? . . .What is it? What is it, again? John Kass, Chicago Tribune

The Combine!  The Illinois Combine!  That Illinois peace in the valley when the 'two parties can be as one when there's money on the table,' Brother Kass! Praise Mammon and bless his name.

Now, it appears that the once secular band of boodlers opened its arms to Holy Mother Church via our media darling Archbishop.

I do not recall a caravan of Illinois politicians, grifters, hangers-on and venture capitalists going to Rome for the elevation of Archbishop Francis Eugene George, O.M. I. to Prince of the Church , a kid from Portage Park and St. Paschal's Parish.

I recall members of his family and childhood pals making the pilgrimage.  Cardinal George returned to Chicago as 'Francis our Neighbor' and was treated to having his house and person egged, T-p'd and porch poop-bagged at least twice a month by theological room temperature I.Q.s of the Chicago Tribune, Sun Times, WTTW and the likes of  Manya Brachear, Cathleen Falsani, Michael Sneed, Elizabeth Brackin and Carol Marin, as well as all the political creeps at City Hall and the County Building.

Agenda and Grievance politics played out in the media against a real priest, who took it all with grace, patience and good humor. Chicago Values conflicted regularly with traditional - some might say ultramontane - values.

Francis Cardinal George was a Lion of the Church and simple parish priest, who could have cared less what Jay Levine, Chuck Gowdy, Windy City Times or Toni Preckwinkle thought of him. But touch his flock, or mock his faith and Cardinal George would throw down, like a Canaryville tough guy on St. Paddy's Day.

The media detest straight froward people.

I was gobsmacked by the embrace of the Catholic Church by the very people who made Cardinal George's life a bed of nails, even during his final days. Here are the members of the Chicago entourage for Blase Cupich:
The mayor and first lady of Chicago Amy Rule will lead the delgation (sic) at which Cupich will be elevated by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica on Nov. 19, a dinner in support of Catholic Extension in Rome that evening and a celebratory Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Nov. 20.
Among those joining Emanuel’s entourage: Father Tom Hurley of Old St. Patrick’s Church; Reverend Stan Davis, co-Executive Director of the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago; Bishop Wayne Miller, President of the Council of Religious Leaders; Jo Ann Rooney, President of Loyola University; Dennis Holtschneider, President of DePaul University; Gov. Bruce Rauner; Senator Dick Durbin; State Senate President John Cullerton; State Comptroller-elect and current City Clerk Susana Mendoza; Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke; Congressman Mike Quigley; Aldermen Ed Burke, Pat O’Connor, Danny Solis, Michelle Harris and Marge Laurino; Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer; Anne Pramaggiore, president and CEO of ComEd; Stefano Pessina, executive vice chairman and CEO of Walgreen Boots Alliance; Desiree Rogers of Choose Chicago; Don Edwards, CEO of Flexpoint Ford; Daniel McCaffrey, CEO and Chairman, McCaffery Interests; Margaret Houlihan Smith of United Airlines; Wynona Redmond, of Wyn-Win Communications; Cherryl Thomas of Ardmore Associates; Senator Renato Turano of Turano Bakery; former NBA star Isiah Thomas;  Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson; Chicago Fire Commissioner Jose Santiago; Rocco Claps, director of the Illinois Department of Human Rights; a Cristo Rey Jesuit High School student and a Christ the King High School student–both of whom work in the mayor’s office. Shia Kapos in Chicago Sun Times 11/ 15/2016

The only name I read above without having the feeling that I was wearing spun-glass underwear is Father Tom Hurley.

I was surprised Pat Quinn didn't make the trip.

Perhaps, this is signals a new spirit of cooperation between Church and State, a cismontane rapprochement.  Maybe it is just all Civic Spirited, good fellowship.  Maybe.  Maybe, I should lace up my Converse Chuck Taylors and pound the boards against Dwayne Wade.
Image result for Kilroy
Or, maybe, . . . . perhaps the sleaze of the Illinois  Combine will be now sanctified. That would be dispiriting.

Cardinal Kilroy has some funny pals.

Mass will be interesting all this week.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Pensions Looted for Profit is Re(a)d Meat - Tim Novak Rides Again!

9-12-09 Three City of Chicago Water trucks sit outside of a a warehouse at 3348 s Pulaski. Brian Jackson/Chicago Sun-Times

“Valerie Jarrett served as a board member for several organizations that provided funding and support for Chicago housing projects operated by real estate developers and Obama financial backers Rezko and Allison Davis. (Davis is also Obama’s former boss.)…

"The old social actionists are largely men of action, doers, not talkers. The new social actionists are intellectuals...They are masters at manipulating words and sometimes ideas...They are fervent crusaders." Andrew Greeley - "Catholic Social Action"

I rarely agreed with Fr. Andy Greeley.  Social change is brought about by people who actually, not virtually, do good. Real people, like Father George Clements and  Fr. Dan Mallette actually Marched for Civil Rights with Dr. King, because they followed clerics like Bishop Bernard Shiel who founded CYO - he did not advocate for it.  People in the action have little to do with "do-gooders' who never seem to leave the plush Oak Park and Hyde Park dens. It is easier to get behind masters at manipulating words and sometimes ideas. 
Image result for allison davis and valerie jarrett
Newspapers rarely talk about people in the action, other than snag a quote that justifies the words of an Advocate, Activist, or Office Holder.  Most columnists go to the pap of preachy, pontificating poltroon's who give good prose, like Claypool, Quigley, Schakowsky, Durbin, Quinn and Mell in Chicago because they are policy people and do-gooders. Pap is easy to read and nod-with-ruminent conviction and chew the cud of vegan issues.  A few, like John Kass of the Chicago Tribune, go to people in the action and presents their lives and struggles mired in the bog created by policy wonks.

Investigative journalists, the best anyway, go where facts have ignited a prairie fire.  The worst are jigsaw puzzle masters of making facts fit a narrative.

Reporters, investigative reporters, connect the dots hidden from the public.  Even those of us who read and remember quite a bit have not the time, nor the opportunity to often go 'beyond' the story.  People must do their jobs, raise their kids and the millions of dollars of taxes Progressive thinking political insiders loot from the commonwealth.

I am a pathological reader, I read everything from Cosmo to Commonweal, from Pepsodent tubes to the runic script on top of light bulbs.  Love to read.

I also love to read works that have something to do with the truth.  Editorial boards tend to present only a prefabricated package of political proselytism - Vote for Kim Foxx, or Mark Kirk is not really Dick Durbin's purse puppy.

The Chicago Sun Times, in my opinion, has the wackiest Editorial policy mandate that seems to have been crafted by retired and bonged-up Weather Underground and Catholic Call to Action cranks.  That's just me.

However, I believe that the Sun Times has the best investigative reporters Dan Mihiapoulos, Chris Fusco and Tim Novak, when they are not saddled with editorial constraints, or Andy Shaw and Carol Marin.

Tim Novak is a terrier.  He is the only reporter in Chicago to maintain a jeweler's eye on the connections between the political grifters and the Progressive machine emanating from Hyde Park and Kenwood.Image result for allison davis and valerie jarrett

The Fifth Floor, Real Estate, TIFs,  Big banking, the CHA, Slum Lording, Chicago's Department of Planning and Development and the White House are all players with the peoples pensions.
Image result for allison davis and valerie jarrett
Sewer deals for Daley cousins seem as nothing compared to Valerie Jarrett.

Today, Tim Novak keeps the heat on the most powerful people plaguing Chicago.

Over the past nine years, two nephews of former Mayor Richard M. Daley have been involved in separate plans to redevelop a rundown warehouse on 15 acres of polluted land in Little Village just north of the Stevenson Expressway.
It hasn’t turned out well for Chicago taxpayers.
First, taxpayers have to make up for $4.2 million in city pension money invested on behalf of teachers, police officers and other city workers that ended up squandered on failed development plans involving Daley’s oldest nephew, Robert G. Vanecko.
Now, taxpayers stand to lose another $4.1 million on the same property at 3348 S. Pulaski Rd. That’s the amount of a property-tax break given to a second redevelopment deal for the site.
This one involves Vanecko’s first cousin, Patrick Daley Thompson, an attorney who helped the developers get the tax cut last year shortly before he was elected alderman of the 11th ward — the family’s power base for six decades.

Well them boys are "in the action."  Not for social good, but for profit in the name of Progress. There is so much more and Tim Novak delivers! He connects the dots of the contemporary ledger and double book accounting to the days of yore and actually gives us context that a Chicagoan can sink teeth into and gnaw healthy opinion into being - we are screwed not by the usual suspects, but by the do-gooders!

 The story of how the polluted Pulaski Road property became toxic for Chicago taxpayers begins in 2004, when Daley was still mayor. That’s when Vanecko — his sister’s oldest son — went into business with Allison S. Davis, the Chicago attorney who gave President Barack Obama his first job out of Harvard Law School, and Davis’ son Jared Davis.
Operating under the name DV Urban Realty Partners, their idea was to redevelop properties in some of Chicago’s most downtrodden neighborhoods. And they were aiming to get government pension funds to invest $100 million to bankroll their plans.
They had a hard time securing investments from pension funds, though, until the Chicago Teachers Retirement System agreed in early 2005 to put in $25 million of the money it held toward teachers’ retirement pay.

Then, the pension funds for police officers, municipal employees, city laborers and the Chicago Transit Authority also agreed to invest.
Altogether, the Davises and Vanecko wound up with $68 million from five public pension funds.
Man, if the editorial will of Chicago newspapers matched the grit of some of it's reporters, maybe a couple of dollars might be left in the kitty at the end of a Moody's evaluation.

This is meaty wholesome goodness in font!  It will put off the vegan offal digestions of 'edgy,whip-smart and Progressive voices in our city.

Eat more Chicago! Thanks for the red meat, Mr. Novak!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ceasefire: Throwing Money on a Blood Soaked Street

Ceasefire was ceased back in March of 2015.   That means simply that Ceasefire received no more State Money from us to them.

Ceasefire's web page commands, Cure Violence.  Well, Ceasefire is smoked, salted, honeyed and cured like any great piece of pork and it is done.

Now, the Illinois voices that depend upon Illinois Alzheiner's (IA) are calling for the return of cash to Ceasefire $$$$$$. Illinois Alzheimer's- voters forget everything, every screwing, every promise, every election.  IA is the only explanation for the continued public life of Dick Durbin, Jan Schakowsky, Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Toni Preckwinkle, 90% of the Chicago City Council and the guy from over by Midway, what runs the State. IA allows Ralph Martire to continue to pie-chart Illinois into the poor house.  IA allows Lisa Madigan to shine the light on workers and not the real gonifs - SEE Above.

Illinois Alzeheimers is chronic, progressive and fatal.

IA comes from being a person of normal intelligence, generous sentiments and modest income being too afraid to tell his neighbors, that 'No, I do not think that Andy Shaw is not a goof, I do believe that WBEZ is as lame as Derrick Rose, I am not with Hillary, Abortion is always killing a baby and the Sun Times is the Tribune with more wasted space.'

This fear being termed a Tea Party Palin-ite, Earth Hating, Meat Eating, Cretinous Downton Abbey Ignorant, Trumper Bumper Sticker, Racist Homophobe is all too real and has made all of us afraid to speak our minds and our expeinces, for fear that Bill Moyers will pop out the bushes and DEFINE US!  Being defined by other people who need social reassurances verfied by WTTW, only hurts once.  You get over it. It gets better and that is the Savage Truth.

Now, Ceasefire is back on the tongues of people taking the Metra to the Merc, looking for great seats to Hamilton and finding just the right candelabra for the last picnics of the summer at Ravinia.

Only last night I heard a jazz fan at the Serbian Village, a Chicago Police Officer say, " Ceasefire will get funded, but cops will get railroaded out of existence."  I agreed and we listened to the music, Waiting for the Train to Come In.

Rich Miller's Capitol Fax Blog - the Illinois Clearing House of Budget Scams and Legislation lashing, is all in for Ceasefire. Miller offers a hand-wringing lament over the numbers of Chicago's fallen citizens,
Today’s number: 425
Monday, Aug 22, 2016
* Tribune…
Through Sunday, 425 people were slain in Chicago, up 50 percent from 283 in a year-earlier period, according to official police statistics. During the same period, shooting incidents rose by 48 percent to 2,136, up from 1,443, the data show.
Other violent crimes such as sexual assaults, robberies and aggravated batteries also have spiked by double digits.
- Posted by Rich Miller      
and opens the door for commentary by lobbyists and Democratic operatives around Illinois

 - uptown progressive - Monday, Aug 22, 16 @ 11:11 am:
There is no magic bullet - but in my community we lost CeaseFire funding (violence interrupters) and the CCBYS funding (crisis intervention with at-risk youth) was greatly reduced. No expansion in youth employment opportunities or for fully funded afterschool programing. These programs do make a difference.

Examples, please?  No?

 - Earnest - Monday, Aug 22, 16 @ 11:31 am:
>These programs do make a difference.
If only Rauner worried that his intentional destruction of the social service system could result in him appearing “soft on crime.”

Examples, please,  of Ceasefire bringing thug violence to a $hit-screaming halt? One deep thinker lamented the fact that blood is not spilled in Switzerland Chicago -

- cassandra - Monday, Aug 22, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
Let’s not forget that some parts of Chicago are said to be a safe as Switzerland, and those of us who live in or near Chicago know which these (predominantly white, upper-middle-class) areas are.
Chicago is deeply segregated, by race and economic status. More police and social services and persuading more folks to get married may help around the edges, but it is persistent segregation which must be addressed–and isn’t being addressed adequately at any level of goverment. Too risky for our political masters, I guess.

Well, Ride the Nine Down on my Broad Manly White Ass!   I live in Geneva!  Morgan Park!

That same Monday morning, The Better Government Association's Andy Shaw thundered loudly for all of us to "Think Ouside the Box" on thug violence ( often referred to as gun, or police violence in the Media), including opening the coffers to Tio Hardiman's Ceasefire Interrupters and Gang-banger Alumni Association
Are there any solutions?  While we’re waiting for City Hall and CPD to implement reforms spelled out several months ago in a task force report, including a new agency to replace the ineffectual Independent Police Review Authority, other well- intentioned suggestions are surfacing:
Veteran Chicago journalist Jim O’Shea, writing in the Sun-Times, encourages CPD to resurrect the Cease Fire program that enlists former gang members and ex-convicts to work with police to curb violence.
O’Shea points to the program’s impact over the July 4th weekend in Englewood last year—no homicides or shootings—compared with 11 shootings this year, after the program was sidelined by insufficient funding and CPD’s reluctance to work with the group.
“City officials and the Chicago Police Department,” O’Shea writes, “seem willing to try anything to stop the violence…except something that actually works.”
Los Angeles police chief Charlie Beck and civil rights lawyer Connie Rice, writing in the New York Times, argue for the kind of sophisticated community policing that’s reduced violence in some of LA’s toughest sections.
Success, they write, depends on communities cooperating with “humane, compassionate, culturally fluent cops who have a mind set of respect, do not fear black men, and serve long enough to know residents’ names, speak their language and help improve their neighborhoods.”

Ceasefire has done . . .nothing to stop, curb. or hinder thug violence.

LA is not Chicago, Andy. Chicago is more like Philly, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, or Baton Rouge, because the Media, the political oligarchs. academics and Marxist lawyers have destroyed policing.

The answer to the problem is radical.  Stop listening to morons, grifters and Reds.  Even more radical - start voting out the morons, grifters and Reds.  That is how one avoids Illinois Alzheimers.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Meet Ald. Brian Hopkins The Gentry Liberal of the Liberal Gentry

"It (softball fields) really ties up the park for hours a day all summer long," Hopkins said. "You don't even want to be on the running track because you'll be hit by a fly ball."

Gentry Liberalism - "Gentry liberalism combines four basic elements: faith in postindustrial “creative” financial capitalism, cultural liberalism, Gore-ite environmentalism and the backing of the nation’s arguably best-organized political force, public employee unions. Obama rose to power on the back of all these forces and, until now, has governed as their tribune."

To the doctrines of Gentry Liberalism I would add the concept of the smart city - that high-density living in the core, rather than suburban sprawl, is the optimal design for the modern urbanopolis.

Chicago was a city of villages, called neighborhoods occupied by African Americans, Lithuanians, Croatians, Serbs, Poles, Italians, Irish and Germans.  The city center, the Loop, was where you might go to work, take the bus, or L home to your neighborhood - West Lawn, Clearing, Englewood, or Hegewisch.

Real estate, banks, TIFs, University of Chicago social scientists, Northwestern journalists and Shakman exempted public grifters, as well operators of gyms, bike fascists and empty nesters bought into city center living.  The south Loop, west of the Loop and Goose Island became choice real estate, once Richie Daley was convinced to knock down the Jets.  HUD sprinkled FHA tenants out into Englewood, Gresham, Lawndale, Austin and the immediate suburbs to cut off white flight.

This Progressive, affluent and self-concerned coalition changed the Chicago landscape, language and lifestyle.  Neighborhoods became communities.  The Fort Dearborn Massacre became a battle and the verbal "shootings" were padded with the modifiers gang-related and police - to ensure media purity of language and litigation surety.  Fried boneless chicken breast is not a Chicago Value. Bike lanes replaced everything, Divvy stations took up parking spaces and fruit flavored IPAs replaced beer.

A few weeks ago two of the more idiotic members of City government put their dainty toes in the waters to see how a private army of real estate cops would fly.  One of these worthies is Alderman Brian Hopkins!  Along with Proco Joe Moreno, Hopkins shares the Wicker Park community, as hipster-doofi barons.  Proco Joe, at the prodding of Rahm Emanuel, made a national joke of himself ( always a good litmus test for a Progressive - see Jan Schakowsky and Mike Quigley) when he thundered against fried boneless chicken.

Well, Brian Hopkins is plunging into similar notoriety with his indictment of 16" Chicago, Clincher softball ( God, I hope it is that and not the dweeb-happy 'play with gloves' variety) being played in Chicago Parks.

Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) told the Chicago Park District board last week that he would prefer a "grassy meadow" over the ball fields at Lake Shore Park, 808 N. Lake Shore Drive, citing concerns from neighbors who say its adult softball league has outgrown the quaint park surrounded by luxury high-rises.

I would prefer a greasy cheeseburger smothered in grilled onions basket with cheesefries over a new bike lane any day, but that ain't about to happen.

Parks are for people not some hipster doofus with a sinecure. The mission of the Chicago Park District is to:

  • Enhance the quality of life in Chicago by becoming the leading provider of recreation and leisure opportunities
  • Provide safe, inviting and beautifully maintained parks and facilities
  • Create a customer-focused and responsive park system that prioritizes the needs of children and families 
Looks like Brian fails the sniff test on all three infinitives; undaunted the Progressive crank is undeterred:

"It ( people playing a team sport) really ties up the park for hours a day all summer long," Hopkins said. "You don't even want to be on the running track because you'll be hit by a fly ball." HIKE THAT SKIRT!
The park has two diamonds that are primarily used by an adult coed league run by Chicago Sport & Social Club. Hopkins said the diamonds "are not really in an ideal place" for the league, which has some "pretty good players" who often hit the ball out of the park.
"One ball hit the side of a CTA bus not too long ago," he said. "It's an accident waiting to happen." ( emphases, sarcasm, sexist irony and parenthetical notes my own)

Think of the Buses, People!!!!!!!!!

Hopkins ends his appeal with that grand old Progressive chestnut -The Children, "If you want to use the field to teach your kid to kick a soccer ball, throw a Frisbee, lay a blanket down for a picnic, you can’t,"

Send your kid with other kids to the prairie like normal people. You picnic in a Chicago mini-park?  Vote this clown down.

These clowns really are too much, but not nearly as "too much" as the voting Chicagoan who goes along with our protected morons.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Chicago Tribune's Series Porky Agonistes Snouts Out The Facts That Do not Fit Its Narrative

Porky made Captive, Gelded, and now in the Prison at Gaza Farms outside of Kankakee, there to labour as in a common work-house, on a Festival day, in the general cessation from labour, comes forth into the open Air, to a place nigh, somewhat retir'd there to sit a while and bemoan his condition Bbbgweeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppp! (snuffle-snort) Bbbgweeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppp!.   Porky Agonistes
Apologies to old Jack Milton.

Retired Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan, the only Cook County Sheriff to retire without a vault full of cash, had been a target of the Chicago Tribune "investigative reporters" and their editorial overlord for the better part of two years.

Fueled by a narrative provided by the MacArthur Center for Justice (formerly of at U of C) and its buzz-cut-Bolshevik attorney Locke Bowman and the now faded from view Jean Maclean Snyder.

Only a very few years ago, the Medill Empire went to war on Sheriff Mike Sheahan. When the MacArthur Center for Justice teamed with the Medill Empire ( Tribune journalists/Chicago Magazine Medill School of Journalism/Bernardine Dohrn & etc.) to prove that Sheriff Michael Sheahan brutalized prisoners at Cook County Jail,  it took a jury less than twenty minutes to toss all charges. Sheriff Sheahan quipped “Tribune Investigative Journalism is BS.” Quite right, Mr. Sheahan.

The Chicago Tribune depends on manufactured thought and leans on University "Centers" for Social Engineering at all levels.   They provide the narrative, the talking points and most of all the conclusions.

Michael Sheahan was plagued a bit by the Combination ( John Kass Owns Combine) of Ink and Agit-Prop and pettifogging Marxist lawyers, but at a time when common sense still had some currency.  The MacArthur Center, like Progressives Universal, went judge shopping to bring down the Sheriff, but Sheahan, unlike most Democrats did not cave-in to political onanists.

The Chicago Tribune would like everyone breathing and in the future to know nothing about this episode. As Mike Sheahan so aptly and succinctly put it, “Tribune Investigative Journalism is BS.

BS is what too many people gobble down but ladle-full.  It is what creates elected officials like Toni Preckwinkle, Mike Quigley, Pat Quinn and Rahm Emanuel.  It is what fuels Tribune Investigative Journalism.

The Illinois Pork Producers, people at the meat counter and people who eschew BS for a healthy diet in all things have been victimized by the Chicago Tribune once again.

Pork is cheap, people buy pork, pork is meat and the UN wants a global Vegan diet by 2050, so the Chicago Tribune decides to one up the Guardian in matters porcine and grab a Pulitzer with a series on the High Cost of Cheap Pork, pork waste is a pollutant, pigs get hurt -mortally so, and family farms are successful:  Gaea weeps, pigs squeal and people are happy and one can not have that.

For a week the articles of Mr. Jackson and Mr. Marx accompanied by photos of pigs in harm's way have treated the sensitivities of NPR/WTTW devotees to Porky Agonistes!

However, the Illinois Pork Producers (IPPA) have responded.

Several months ago, the Illinois Pork Producers Association stood at just such a crossroads when investigative reporters with the Chicago Tribune, David Jackson and Gary Marx, began contacting producers about an upcoming series of articles focusing on the Illinois pork industry. At that time, the association, along with support from National Pork Board and the National Pork Producers Council, made the conscious decision to work with the reporters in order to provide a balanced and educated voice to their story.

Since that time, many of our producers and industry stakeholders have graciously opened their farms to these reporters, spent hours on the phone answering detailed questions and put their reputations and livelihoods on the line for the greater good of the pork industry.

Our efforts were to provide the writers from the Chicago Tribune accurate information about what is happening in Illinois’ pork industry and the dedication and passion our producers demonstrate every day on their farms. We are disappointed that our voice was not heard and that the promised balance was not conveyed to their readers.

I want to personally take a moment to thank those individuals who took the time from their busy schedules to share their life experiences and knowledge about our industry in a positive thought-provoking manner.
IPPA President Bob Frase is in the unhappy position shared by millions of people, who live outside of the editorial though bubble of rarefied academic, legal and journalistic soma - Huxley's master dope that is "Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant!"

NPR/WTTW nodders dig soma, as do the residents of certain Chicago areas like Hyde Park, Evanstson and Oak Park.

Bob Frase writes in the knowledge that his message will be buried by Tribune Editors and that Carol Marin, or the sunshiny chirppers of All Things Considered will ignore every phrase, clause and punctuation mark.

Mr. Bob Frase and Illinois Pork Producer Executive Director Jennifer Tirey have a frustrating job in getting some voice in the big media to to say, " Hold on a minute!  I know Illinois Farmers and they are not about pollute the very waters they drink, much less put out a bad product.  They are not "factory Farms," they are family farms.

Porky Agonistes gets plenty of shout.  It may even get a Pulitzer.  They come cheap these days.

Click the link bellow and read the facts.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Chris Matthews Convinced Me to Vote For Trump

MSNBC's Chris Matthews was asked for his reaction to the speech during the network's convention coverage and didn't hold anything back.
"I don't understand why the Republicans would choose to put this on prime-time television when they have such wonderful stories of American heroism to speak to the American people," an emotional Matthews said. "I think it was wrong.
"I don't care what that woman up there, the mother, has felt. Her emotions are her own. But for the country in choosing a leader, it's wrong to have someone get up there and tell a lie about Hillary Clinton. It's not true. It's logically not true. I think it's wrong that they ruined their evening with this."
The first night of the Republican National Convention is only an hour old in prime time. 

I first became aware of MSNBC when the Ken Starr hearings were taking place and President Bill Clinton, a man I worked to get nominated and elected and voted for twice, became the first President to impeached after the Radical Republicans went mad-dog on President Andrew Johnson.

Republicans were always the party of the abortion lovers, the labor haters, the bank-rollers of the KKK ( yep, the blue stocking crowd were GOP bigots and the cross- burning bullwhippers were Cracker-Democrats) closed-country clubs to Catholics, Jews and African Americans.

As the Progressives like to say, things evolve.  The Progressive Wasp fleas jumped from the GOP, for the most part ( clowns like Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois excluded) and swarmed over the Democratic Party.  Progressives boarded and looted city, county and state governments with great speed after the Democratic Convention in Chicago 1996.  The individual was erased by the monopoly serving the few, but paying lip-service to the many: i.e. labor.

Labor no longer meant the Industrial and the Skilled Trades - Big Labor no longer meant the AFL-CIO - it meant AFSCME and SEIU.  Don't be confused. In order to survive organized labor allowed the mass numbers of unkilled people to reflect progress and power.  Real Power is in the hands of banks, law firms and agenda funded armies of people unleashed on foes, or imagined foes prior to during and well-after every election. Intimidation must be funded and it it,

In 2001, The Saban Group, Fred Eychaner and Steven Bing became the hard money of the DNC.

Democrats were no longer George Dunne, Richard J. Daley, John Stroger, Harold Washington,  Allen Dixon, Ed Howlett, Mike Sheahan, Jeremiah Joyce, or Kevin Joyce.  Democrats are led by people who were once, and should forever be, laughed out of the room - Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Jan Schakowsky, Mike Quigley, Toni Preckwinkle and Pat Quinn.  Illinois no longer has Senators like Allen Dixon, or the GOP's Curley Dirksen; rather Illinois is represented by mealy-mouthed, vacuous ninnies and rump smoochers like Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk. Clowns all and padded by a lazy media.

Planned Parenthood now owns my local State Senator and Representative who have voted consistently against the values of the people they are meant to serve.

I was on the fence on this horrible election offering the choice between two persons I detest.  I detest one far less than Mrs. Clinton.

I remained a Democrat.  Today, I believe that I can safely vote for one Democrat who retains the values and work ethic of the Party formed my life as much as my education, and religion - Matt O'Shea 19th Ward Organization.

This week, the Buck Laughlin of political commentary, Chris Matthews pushed me into the Trump Camp.

Matthews went off on the mother of one of the slaughtered Benghazi heroes, whom Hillary Clinton disgraced with her lies.


I was going to sit this election out.  Not now.  Matthews is a clown, but all of the clowns are backing a liar and a person who would walk over piles of dead children to get anything she wants at the moment and get more clowns to apologize for her.

I will vote against Hillary Clinton.  I will vote against what the Democrat Party has become.  I will hold my nose, gag up my gorge and vote for Trump.  That's one.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Late Abner Mikva - The Architect of Chicago, Illinois and the Nation

Mikva and Obama

"God bless that man. Abner Mikva is a national treasure, one that has lived long enough with a front row seat to history to cut through the bull and identify what is most important in these hours of decision." Daily Kos
Chicago mayors. “I was never a fan of Richard J. Daley, he was never a fan of mine, and I thought the city didn’t work well under him. It worked well in the Loop, but out in the neighborhoods the city was in pretty bad shape. I didn’t think Jane Byrne did much to improve the situation. I was very impressed with the job Richard M. Daley did spreading out the goodies of Chicago to the entire city. A lot of the groundwork for that was laid in the Harold Washington campaign. Richie kept up with that and I think Rahm Emanuel has done a good job in that respect. It’s very hard — being mayor of a big city like Chicago is one of the hardest jobs in the country.” in Andy Shaw's BGA Watchdogs

The intial quotation is from Daily Koss,  shorty after President Elect Barack H. Obama, announced the appointment of Hillary R. Clinton for Secretary of State and there was some mild concern wafting among the Media about foreign dollars stuffing the Clinton Foundation.  Abner Mikva, who along with Newton "Vast Waste Land" Minow discovered young Barack Obama among the reeds in the Washington Park Lagoon and casting pond, wrapped in swaddling clothes and dreaming of his Dad  and Lo, beheld the consummation of their long lives.

The second quote is from  Abner Mikva wedged into a column by Andy Shaw, a local news nit-wit and public laughing stock. head of the Better Government (BGA), local gate-keepers for the corporatist Democratic and GOP oligarchs of Illinois and public laughing stock.

The quote is not only historically wrong, but oozes with an irony worthy of most self-absorbed sould-patched and knit-capped Wicker Park activist hispster born of hearty Kennilworth hedge-fund stock and really committed to Occupy Anything, Black Lives Matter and any group thought meme-stock found in Reasonable People Unite.  They make Trump wanna holler, Dude!

Actually, I believe in my heart of hearts that Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton in the White House more than Chuck Todd and the late Abner Mikva.

Abner Mikva was a mighty man and he built a political machine that made Richard J. Daley's Ward works seem like an NAACP bake sale in Kaskaskia, Illinois.

Black people flocked to Chicago (Second Migration) all through Richard J. Daley's terms as mayor and Black families began the great Black Flight out of Chicago with Richard M. Daley's advent.  That is because opportunities for employment, a home, an education and a path into the middle class was available, because policies Mikva's Hyde Park Mafia* converted Richie Daley to implement are designed to destroy the middle class.

Yes, siree Bob! The Mikva Challenge, the Shakman Empire, University of Chicago sanctioned City Hall, Lawsuit Lotteries, Garbage Grids, TIFFS, Single Narrative Media Voice ( WTTW,WGN, WBBM, ABC 7, NBC 5, Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Values, International Socialists Organization control of Chicago Teachers Union.

Abner Mikva birthed Toni Preckwinkle, Jan Schakowsky, Pat Quinn, Mike Quigley, Larry Suffredin, Proco Joe Moreno, Rahm Emanuel, the late Dawn Clark Netsch, Barabar Flynn Curry, Larry Bloom, Bill Singer, Rod Blagojevich, Bobby Rush, Danny Davis, Jesse Jackson, Jr., . . . name a daffy, mean-spirited, humorless, slow-witted, avaricious and capacity challenged elected official and you can bet the last pennies in your pension that Abner Mikva 'straightened them out' for the Hyde Park Mafia.

Yes, Abner Mikva made Chicago, Cook County and Illinois what they are today and wait until you see America in four more years,

* University of Chicago and Northwestern University schools of Business, Law, Social Sciences, IVI-IPO, CPUSA, ISO, 501(c)3 Foundation -MacArthur, Polk, Woods, & etc, People Law . . .Editorial Boards, Bill Ayers, Berardine Dorhn, Valerie Jarrett, Judson Miner. Allison Davis,  and so many more.