Chicago Media watch dogs are all over . . .whatever Rahm tells them to be all over.
“The pervasive culture of racism at the Water Department has been an open secret for years,” said Black Caucus Chairman Ald. Roderick Sawyer (6th Ward). “We hope that this moment can serve as a wake-up call for all those in the department and in other departments where this behavior is still tolerated or even encouraged.” Sun Times
Let's see here. True reform begins and ends with three important Progressive catch-phrases
- Pervasive Culture of Racism ( the lingua franca of Progressive Oligarchs)
- Open Secret
- Wake-up Call
Yep, young Alderman Roderick Sawyer has all three and
appears to be rocking Rahm's world. He
is not; he is helping Rahm deflect attention from Rahm and real big money-making ventures (
Textalyzer) for Chicago oligarchs. Problem: Yep,
attention was on Rahm. Solution:Turn the Water Department *into the Chicago Police Department!
Now, it is gone. Swept away in the flood.
Yet only few days and weeks ago some of the newshounds wanted to know more about Rahm's private e-mails -
"Mayor Rahm Emanuel is still receiving e-mails with ideas on city matters from "campaign contributors and others with clout" on his private account, according to the Sun-Times. The newspaper obtained Emanuel's private e-mails from January and February 2017 through a Freedom of Information Act request. The people who have been e-mailing the mayor include: "mayoral pal Peter Cunningham, JAM Productions honcho Jerry Mickelson, developer Robert Judelson and the mega-donor Abrams family, which owns Medline Industries." [Sun-Times] Chicago Reader
It seems it was time to toss his purse puppies of the Chicago media a few of
Beautiful Joe’s Ethical Dog Treats - they can not chase their tails everyday.
What better way to drown bad news than a flood of biblical proportions!

Last Friday, the see-through Irish pelts of Barrett Murphy and William Bresnahan were tossed to the snarling ShihTzu's of
WTTW, the
Sun Times and the always dependable
Chicago Tribune.
Whenever Daley got in Dutch with the press, like his kid's bat-party in Grand Beach, Michigan, a couple of cops on the
detail took the heat.
In 2004, during the Hired Truck scandal Carol Marin changed the subject to
young Andy Ryan and again, in 2006, right about the time everyone was getting sick of Richie Daley, another building inspector scandal allowed Chicagoans to
micro-analyze clout once again, yet never stay focused on real problems.
A poor slob, or his kids become the focus of rage and outrage!
Slap in the Face!
Same problem today, same solution. Toss the room temperature I.Q.s at the Tower or the Merchandise Mart some pink meat.
Even one of Progressive Rep. Mike Quigley's pals,Paul Hansen, was fed to the tiny-toothed terriers.
Wee Mike was Alderman Bernie Hansen's rat-catcher and shaker-down of Gay bars like Christopher Street back in the day.

This could never have been possible without the ofay nodders of the City Council, like Independent go-along Scott Waguespeck and the pink and jowly flesh of dean Ed Burke ,“
Every citizen should be appalled by it, especially that they were allowed to keep working there,” said Ald. Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward). “We need to make sure that the human resources department is actually doing their job and rooting this activity out and firing people.” Can I get a Harrumph!!!!!!!!
Harrumph, Harrumph, Harrumph!
Mel Brooks could not have scripted this better.
Then of course there is that corps of cagey crusaders of the City Council Black Caucus led by the Son of Mayor Mumbles,
The City Council Black Caucus on Monday said they were deeply disturbed by the alleged culture at the department.
“The pervasive culture of racism at the Water Department has been an open secret for years,” said Black Caucus Chairman Ald. Roderick Sawyer (6th Ward). “We hope that this moment can serve as a wake-up call for all those in the department and in other departments where this behavior is still tolerated or even encouraged.”
I kind of flipped the order from that swell
WTTW screed.
Water our most precious planetary provision contaminated by racist, sexist, homophobic troglodytes with decades of experience in the ways of Chicago's political swamp!!!!!! This pervasive culture of racism! Rahm has been mayor twice now.
Rahm thanks "The pervasive culture of racism at the Water Department (that) has been an open secret for years,” just before the runoff election in 2015
This pervasive culture of racism was the tip of Rahm's spear against Chuy Garcia ( read Mike Houlihan's new book on the campaign -
Nothing Is On the Level) and "legitimized" the anti-labor actions of Mayor Emanuel with a gift of $ 53,000 from the Chicagoland Pipe Trades and the first massive bill board located on the east side of the south bound Dan Ryan at 79th Street. Funny. All photos of that sign have been scrubbed on Google.
Yep the Water Guys and Rahm are cultured up!
Yet, Rahm has people looking into his e-mails. Let the flood, Brothers and Sisters, wash away Rahm's iniquities. It shall. Now, get you bile up about the clouted racist, homophobic cultural Irish Catholics. Why not?
Everyone hates the Irish, including the Irish and for some very good reasons.
The two clouted but temporarily disgraced Micks will be fine. With time and a supine media they will find six-figure salaries on the public teat!
* City of Chicago Water Department
workers are heroes who fix busted water-mains at 3AM in sub-zero temperatures and then get beefed in a Chuck Goudie sham show about how much money an hour a caulker makes. God bless Chicago workers taken for granted and treated like dogs in the media.