Today, because this cannot go on, we are endorsing Kim Foxx, a former chief of staff to Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, over incumbent State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez. In a contentious race, Foxx has made clear she understands what this election is all about: Restoring faith in the state’s attorney’s office. Chicago Sun Times
COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE — The Chicago police officer who fatally shot Laquan McDonald in 2014 was indicted this month on 16 counts of aggravated battery — one for each bullet fired at the 17-year-old.
Officer Jason Van Dyke, 38, was indicted in 2015 on six counts of first-degree murder and one count of official misconduct. Those charges still stand.
That should give one pause at the outset.
Kim Foxx was elected because Laquan McDonald ingested PCP and decided to go on a knife-wielding stroll on the night of October 20, 2014 and several folks decide to call 911.
Shortly before 10:00 p.m., police were called to investigate McDonald at 4100 South Pulaski Road responding to reports that he was carrying a knife[9][13] and breaking into vehicles in a trucking yard at 41st Street and Kildare Avenue.[23][24] When officers confronted McDonald, he used a knife with a 3-inch blade to slice the tire on a patrol vehicle and damage its windshield.[24][25] McDonald walked away from police after numerous verbal instructions from officers to drop the knife,[26] at which point responding officers requested Taser backup, according to radio recordings released December 30, 2015, to Politico and NBC Chicago in response to Freedom of Information Act requests.[27]
Video of the shooting shows that Van Dyke was advancing on McDonald, while McDonald was walking astride from Van Dyke when the first shot was fired. The first shot hit McDonald, who spun and fell to the ground.[28] As McDonald lay on the ground, still holding the knife, Van Dyke fired more shots into him.[29] In total, Van Dyke shot MacDonald 16 times in 14–15 seconds, expending the maximum capacity of his 9mm semi-automatic firearm.[30] [26] Van Dyke was on the scene for less than 30 seconds before opening fire and began shooting approximately six seconds after exiting his car.[26] The first responding officer said that he did not see the need to use force, and none of the at least eight other officers on the scene fired their weapons.[30]
Laquan McDonald was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 10:42 p.m.[31] Wikipedidia
The Burger King video of this shooting was really ugly. I mean really ugly.
Here is where Law & Order hits the sound effects button for the Dun,Duh!
Rahm Emanuel buries the tape. I mean, Rahm's got an election in the spring!
The story is just another blotter case in ChiRaq. No Chicago news hounds get their ears back about it and Rahm's CPD exempts are only to glad to help a Mayor out.
The story goes dark, but manages to get in the hands of an activist from Hyde Park who has made a career out of slum property, like so many Progressive Democrats ( Allison Davis/Valerie Jarrett et al) , Jamie Kalven!
In the Experimental Station, Nate Roth (left), Leo Gertner, and journalist Jamie Kalven discuss a potential article examining police-contract negotiations.
That was back in 2008, around the time that young Barack Obama graduated from 15' of real estate to 1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue.
Jamie Kalvan used to call himself a real estate novelist, because he was; that has been pretty well scrubbed in recent Google history.
Well, Jamie Kalven went on to become a police bully, 'knowing Chicago and knowing (his) way around."
From Altgeld Gardens to Laquan McDonald, Kalven dug for race based gold nuggets all over his Invisible Empire - none bigger than the Laquan McDonald bonanza.
Kalven sued for police records of beefs and Kalven helped train street activists for the wars to come.
Kalven has run the national, as well as, Chicago media on police matters since the death of McDonald.
Kim Foxx listens to Jamie Kalven, because Toni Preckwinkle listens to Jamie Kalven.
Well, Kim Foxx was groomed to run against States Attorney Anita Alvarez, by the time that the missing video surfaced.
Kim easily took down Ms, Alvarez and at Toni Preckwinkle behest flung open the doors of County for miscreants, scamps and ne'er-do-wells who were on shorts. That's a Cook County huzzah!
BUT - Kim inherited the shabby murder charge against the cop who killed McDonald. That is supposed to be a WTTW slam dunk, Girl-Friend!
Well, Kim Foxx and Toni Preckwinkle have no truck with Justice, much less the law and decided to turn Justice into a pinta!
Kim gets sixteen (swings) to break a man.
Cool. . . .And they say people are leaving Chicago, Cook County and Illinois in droves.