“I don’t understand how every good cop would not want a very harsh, strong police board,” Pfleger August 2016
The Fraternal Order of Police and its City Council allies opposed Emanuel’s plan to replace IPRA with COPA because they were afraid the new agency would be stacked against rank-and-file officers. But the extensive training in police organization, general orders and techniques could help ease those fears.Fran Spielman and Frank MainI don't know a Cop who is afraid of anything - including the creeps that will crawl up his/her rump 'after weeks of COPA training on “vision and culture” of the new agency for all 140 of COPA’s full-time employees.
But, I interrupt Fran and Frank -
Advocates have complained that the $8.4 million IPRA budget virtually guarantees that investigations of police wrongdoing will drag on for months or even years.More money for Advocates! One could build an empire being an advocate in Chicago. One do! Michael Shakman! Shakman
COPA’s budget will now be “closer to $17 million,” Fairley has said. The influx of resources is particularly important, considering the fact that COPA will inherit an expanded annual caseload tied to its broader powers to investigate false arrests, illegal searches, denials of counsel and other constitutional complaints. Sun Times
Advocates? You mean Jamie Kalvan and Pastor Pfleger? Why unnamed 'Advocates,' Dear Read?
You know. Progressive Transparency means that everything is coming Sub Rosa! The Old Chatham House Rules,* doncha new?
To all of us helots that means, Move on.
Last week, I noted that my hometown is the only place in the Fifty States completely unaffected by President Elect 45's landslide. As well as voting in a fake judge - Cook County - Chicago presents more!

- Rahm Refuses to abide by Sanctuary City Laws
- Toni Preckwinkle Raises Taxes Again
- CPS Grifter-in-Chief Claypool offers kids Trump Trauma
- Cook Count Sheriff Tom Dart refuses to abide by Immigration Laws
- Chicago Media Refuses to Connect the Dots on Protestors and Source Funding
- Bishop Cupich adds a Red Hat to his Pallium after demanding that Marist deal with texting girls and "take the necessary steps to deal with this situation swiftly." What would Pope Francis Do?
- CPD remains demoralized, understaffed and gripped by corrupt politics
- COPA will make sure Jamie Kalvan's Invisible Institute makes Progressive transparency the key to the treasure chest - just like Shakman Industries
Gee, why is everyone crying? Nothing has changed.
The Shakman Decrees are idiotic but lucrative for Michael Shakman.
Police Officers will know operate under the yoke of Jamie Kalvan, Mike Pfleger, and the columnists still giving cover to half-truths and out and out lies.
Good morning, Chicago! Chatham House Rules Everywhere! It is another Boondoggle of a Day!
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