So, I had planned to watch the Cubs Celebrations at McNally's Saloon on Western Ave., notorious these days as a last bastion of White Sox partisanship. I am a Sox fan, but I don't get my shorts in a knot, if the Cubs succeed - neither does anyone at McNally's - truth be told.

McNally's is a great place to kill and afternoon.

Dim bulbs get outraged, offended and mount social media campaigns in response to people who just do not shive a git about leaping onto bandwagons, wearing buttons, sports wear, or 'showing solidarity.'
On Tuesday, one of the most obnoxious and embarrassing displays of American stupidity will come to something like an end. Enough said, about that.
Instead of covering a bar stool and soaking in the authentic atmosphere at McNally's yesterday. I did my baby a solid. I drove to and walked around Riverside, a suburb of Berwyn, up around 31st & Harlem and hung up flyers for her up-coming Jazz Concert at Sts. Peter & Paul Lutheran Church on Sunday November 20th, featuring the exquisite Miss Terry Sullivan (vocals), Bobby Schiff (piano), Stewart Miller (Bass) and special guest - the great Art Davis (trumpet and horns). More details on this opportunity to soak real jazz in the coming days.
Yep, I hung paper all over the great village of Riverside.

Riverside is what an ideal town looks like.
The men who planned Riverside were Calvert Vaux and Fredrick Law Olmstead. The streets of Riverside wind and caress the banks of the Desplaines River.

The homes are beautiful and shout out affluent. I live west of tony Beverly with homes on the majestic Longwood Drive rivaling Tara from Gone with Wind and next to Riverside looks like 'Hootin' Holler.'
The town center has a an old world look to it with an almost uniform architecture reflective of some Sigmund Romberg operetta.
Even the Metra Station is something else

Cubs fans were returning from the big day downtown and the universal word about their adventures was "Epic."
I decided to search out and Epic eatery.
Found it less than three hundred yards from the Metra.
Little Bohemian Restaurant sits on a side street near the Chew-Chew tavern and a great little empanadas shop , where I bought Miss Sullivan four of the best (2 beef, 2 spinach) for her evening meal.

Little Bohemian is a place that needs to hugged repeatedly like a sweet, plump Slovak aunt who makes everything from scratch and with love.
One of my psychological triggers is the trend of American sheep to flock to cookie cutter eateries from Coopers Hawk, to Olive Garden, to PJ McSwill's, to the nadir of gormandizing McDonald's and pass up great family owned restaurants like the Golden Steer in Forest Park, Klas in Cicero, Kens in Beverly, Schallers in Bridgport and Club 81 in Hegewisch. Nothing makes me more postal than this trend - that and our two choices for President.
Little Bohemia serves up great simple family fare - stuffed cabbage, pot roast, meat loaf, duck, chicken and fish with a Bohemian grace and boats of the proper gravy. . .and home made kolaches!

We walked off the lunch again taking the river walks and soaked in sunshine, autumnal colors and very nice people.
Get over to Riverside and chill.
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