Note the sign in the middle of this Sun Times photo by Ashlee Rezin, the one that says GET ORGANIZED FOR AN ACTUAL REVOLUTION www.revcom.us. Note that it is professionally printed, but I do not see the stand Union bug. I never the see the old union bug on the palm cards of Progressive Democrats. Look at Forrest Claypool's, or Toni Preckwinkle's. Reds never worked with labor.
That is because revcom.us is the website of the Revolutionary Communists.
Working with Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle? Rainbow Push and Jesse Jackson?
Black Lives Matter? International Workers of the World (IWW)? Subcribers of public television and viewers like you?
Yep. The article, by Sam Charles, accompanying the dramatic photo of diverse peoples crying and pleading for Justice for Laquan McDonald and ACTUAL REVOLUTION never once ( yet again) mentions the active role of Revolutionary Communists in every bit of race-baiting street theatre in the country.
We had the REVCOMS in my neighborhood for the past month and only once were they mentioned by Howard Ludwig of DNAinfo Chicago and only in passing.
Today, in the Tribune Birkenstock Partisan and professional lefty, Ron Grossman worries that Trump's election might, just might, mind you, signal an age of 'air-brushed' history. You know, American history without gnawing racial, gender and class guilt. Ron likes the scab yanking yarns of the fatuous John Hope Franklin and the mythopoeic Howard Zinn. Ron has been napping for the last eight years. His trade has been doing the work of ten Dmitri Shepilovs keeping the truth out of the way of the news on a daily basis. Eight years of 'white-out history.' It continues in Cook County, with every edition of every paper and every blab from the yap of Carol Marin.
This Black Friday, please think of the Reds. They deserve some credit - after all every Cook County slated candidate won on Trump Tuesday and that is something.
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