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Showing posts sorted by date for query Burge. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Buried Ledes and The 'Wrongful' Conviction Industry

Steve Mandell leaves Dirksen Federal Building 2005 with his attorney JLoevy.  |  Sun-Times Medifile photoOne cop that Jon Loevy likes
Steve Mandell leaves the Dirksen Federal Building in 2005 with his attorney Jon Loevy. | Sun-Times Media file photo
Unlike this crew, who have managed to completly avoid corporate and complicit media Inquiry altogether.

bury the lede
  1. (idiomatic) (news writing style) To begin a story with details of secondary importance to the reader while postponing more essential points or facts. 
Lede - means The Man in Old English, interesting to note.

For years, I have written about the willful ignorance of politicians and the media that helped create Chicago's "Wrongful" Conviction Industry.  

Chicago is a Thug Comfort Zone thanks in large part to this Industry that benefits journalists, Marxist academics and unprincipled lawyers.  This Industry benefits very few people and was founded on wishful doctrine - John Dewey's replacement of Inquiry for Truth.  Begin with a premise like 'all police officers are paid racists, Uncle Tom Go-longs, or sadistic fascists operating for Systemic Racism' and any conviction even for the most horrific and bloody of acts can and will be tried in the media and over-turned.

Generations of Chicagoans have been emotionally, intellectually and spiritually water-boarded with the drip-drip-dripping yarns of electric testicle burners, Houses of Screams that no one but John Conroy seemed to hear, and sequestered testimony by disappearing boy scouts and of course Vietnam chestnuts.  Kids unborn when Officers Fahey and O'Brien were, in fact, tortured and murdered by the Wilson Brothers at 80th & Morgan deeply believe that Jon Burge tortured more Black persons than Idi Amin.

The Peoples Law Office, G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy, David Protess, Locke Bowman and Aaron Patterson are the founding founding fathers of Systemic Police Brutality and Wrongful Convictions, Llc.

Today, we learned, thanks to a public heads-up from police blog The Second City Cop, of the co-operation the law firm of Loevy & Loevy provided to a man hired to murder for the mob. SCC was required to dig the lede up that was buried deeply down page.

Former Chicago cop Steve Mandell took the stand in federal court Thursday to defend himself against charges he plotted multiple murders.
The risky move — rarely taken by defendants, especially in such a high stakes case — comes at the end of a two week trial at which jurors have heard how Mandell built a torture chamber on the Northwest Side, where he planned to extort, then kill a wealthy suburban businessman, and how he allegedly planned to kill an owner of Polekatz strip club and his wife.
But then this happened:
Mandell said he did “a little bit” of the spying he was being paid for, but was conning Michael by claiming to be doing more work than he was being paid for.
He said he used the computer databases and other tools at the civil rights law firm Loevy & Loevy, where he was working as an unpaid process server, to research half a dozen targets Michael had asked him to keep tabs on.
That’s a potential embarrassment for the highly-regarded law firm, which represented Mandell in a 2005 wrongful conviction case against the FBI.

Really? Do tell. The Loevys helped him win a suit against the FBI that was later overturned. And the Loevys also have a habit of scoring large payouts in suits against the City. It certainly sounds like Mandell was hip deep in the shit that got him placed on Death Row once before.
Very interesting. (emphasis my own)
Credit Kim Jansenn of the Chicago Sun Times for providing the  Loevy & Loevy info. Perhaps some investigative jornalist might begin to dig deeper into the Industry and the complicity of academics, lawyers and elected officials in creating the Chicago Thug Comfort Zone.

More interestingly a young Chicago police officer, Martin Preib*, has book coming out this month that sheds light on the protected species of the Wrongful Conviction/Police Torture Industry.

New City Communications **offers a taste of Preib's painstaking research and sharp insights -

 . . . a disturbing vision of David Protess and the Innocence Project emerged, as well as of the wrongful conviction movement itself. In 2011, Protess was caught by Northwestern University “knowingly misrepresenting the facts” in a matter related to an unrelated wrongful conviction case. The attorney for Northwestern told a judge that Protess had altered emails subpoenaed by prosecutors. Protess brushed aside the assertion that he had altered evidence, saying it was just a misunderstanding, but it was enough for Northwestern to conduct its own internal investigation. After this internal investigation, Protess was fired from the university and the school issued a public statement acknowledging Protess’ wrongdoing. I exchanged many emails with Protess and some phone calls with Paul Ciolino when I first became interested in this story. But as my questions eventually revealed my skepticism about the Porter exoneration and the conviction of Simon, as well as the manner in which Protess ran the Innocence Project—which he continues to run to this day independent of Northwestern—Ciolino refused to respond to my inquiries. Eventually, Protess, too, stopped responding to me. How deep did Protess’ lying go? How badly were his cases tainted? Perhaps the best people to answer this question are detectives Salvatore and Gray, and Alstory Simon, who wastes away in prison to this day. “I got accused of a lot of things I didn’t do. There were lies said about me in this case. If they’re lying about me, who else are they lying about? What other detectives are they lying about?” Salvatore says. -
It may be a beginning.  Truth is much tougher to swallow than Inquiry.

*Martin Preib is a Chicago police officer and writer. His first book, “The Wagon and Other Stories from the City,” was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2010. His essays have been published in Playboy, Virginia Quarterly Review (winner of the 2005 Staige D. Blackford Award for Nonfiction) and Tin House.  His new book, “Crooked City,” will be available at this month. -

** is a Web site about Chicago. We start with the core coverage found each week in Newcity magazine, Chicago’s only locally owned and operated cultural weekly, where we’ve been covering the turf for more than 25 years, and extend it with your input on this site.  

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

The Medill Onions Get Dave Protess Peeled - It's A Start

No one wants an innocent person punished, unless one is nuts.  One can be nutty enough to play act the role of Atticus Finch and Che Guevara in one costume : The Ambulance Chaser Revolutionary Journalist.  That is the situation facing the Innocence Project's former Wildcat Fagin - Professor Dave Protess, of the Huffington Post.

David Protess is to journalist academician, as G. Flint Taylor is to altruist attorney, in my simple helot's opinion.

For almost thirty years, Protess and the Torture industry's ambulance chasers( Loevy & Loevy/ Locke Bowman/ G. Flint Taylor et al)  have done to the American justice system, what Jeffery Anderson attempted to do to the Roman Catholic Church complete;y undermine faith and confidence in its institutions.  Their labors could never have been accomplished without active complicity of the media - newspapers and television.  Knowing that a few bad apples can spoil the whole barrel,  these radical capitalists scattered fruit and burned the lathe and cooper's rings.

Chicago's epidemic homicide rate is given the same level of concern as the weather,  "Outlook Bloody for next few days with a storm murder expected over the weekend."  Everyone complains about the murderers, but no one seems willing to do anything about the tweedy creeps who spring them and make them Lawsuit Lotto winners.

Accepting Burge as the next best thing to Heinrich Himmler is as common as acknowledging Jane Addams as the Father of Labor.  I belong to nether camp.  I am older than Burge Mytholgy acolytes and I personally know the family of the Wilson Brothers who seemed to have not only tortured and murdered Officers O'Brien and Fahey, but created, though uncredited of course, the Torture Industry and burnished the reputations of the Innocence Project dilettantes.

About two years ago, I received an e-mail from Pulitzer Prize winning Chicago Tribune reporter Bill Crawford (ret.), which praised my amateurish efforts to at least have some reporter, any media person, to question the narrative of 'the systemic racist police brutality culture and the electric testicle zapper.'  Bernardine Dohrn was the first person who opined that Commander Burge, a decorated Vietnam baby-killing military policeman, might . . .might mind you, have learned torture techniques including the hand cranked nut zapper, when she took her post at Northwestern.  Dorhn's compelling hypothetical was repeated,  reprinted and reified in Sasha Abramsky's Mother Jones article, as well as every syllble written by John Conroy and gradually artificially reconstructed and admitted in court.

Here's Bill Crawford:

(compiled by Martin Preib
HT-Second City Cop

This week, The Chicago Reader, which had an active hand in crafting not only the Burge mythology, but also the media apotheosis of Prof. Dave Protess, offered the first genuine scrutiny of Protess and his works.

Call me crazy, but the reactions of readers of Michael Miner's column seems to signal shifting of templates beneath the Florsheims of Protess and also the Torture Industry.

We can handle the truth. It would be nice to read some in the near future.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tio Hardiman for Governor in Democratic Primary

“Faced with the prospect of five or nine years to try to dig the state out of the mess that it’s in, Bill decided that’s not what he’s wanting to do at age 65,” campaign spokesman Pete Giangreco said.

Bill Daley bowed out of the Democratic Gubernatorial Primary Race, yesterday. Today, Tio Hardiman remains the only Democrat in the race to unseat Gov. Pat Quinn of Planned Parenthood Illinois.Tio Hardiman is the wife beating family man and former chief of the Illinois Gang-banger Pensioners - Ceasefire.

If Thundering Dick Simpson of Mikva Industries says he has NO chance . . ."Hardiman’s efforts at the grassroots level are undeniable, but with no legislative or policy experience, and a domestic violence controversy looming over his head, Washington and Dick Simpson, Political Science chair at the University of Illinois—Chicago say he has no chance of repeating the same statewide success that other black officials like now-President and former Illinois Senator Barack Obama or former Senator turned Mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun have.. . . And Laura Washington says that Tio Hardiman is "a true community advocate. He is a true grassroots man,”  I just might be on the side of the angels, for once.

No Policy experience, says Thundering Dick - that's a plus. Policy is what killed government and government works best when politics is based upon loyalty. 
What could go wrong?  Illinois.

Gov. Pat Quinn has all of the loyalty and commitment of an English Springer Spaniel; if you want to know where you stand with Pat Quinn, wait until Personal PAC Boss Terry Cosgrove lets him know. That said, I believe that recent revelations printed in the Chicago Sun Times concerning CTA and RTA transportation moguls with a little Breakfast Burge Mythology on the side for post-prandial snacking.were spoon fed to the always hapless BGA by the Quinn-ippiac Clown Posse,    You can call Bill Daley "Banker" six-ways to Sunday, but this other stuff?  Hold the phone.

Given these exciting trends in the race for our Palace of Versailles in Springfield, Tio Hardiman has my vote for the Democratic Primary for Governor.

I do not believe that Emily's List, Planned Parenthood or Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC will endorse Tio Hardiman.  I know how Tio will spend Illinois dollars and so do the Feds.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Only Steve Rhodes' Beachwood Reporter Studies the Thug Dictator Lobby of Illinois

The REV- "Shakedown . . . I mean Shake Mr. President"

Auld Bob -"Rev - You had me at Shakedown!"
The REV -" Is this the Lobby?"
Auld Bob " No . . .The Liberry!"
"They called themselves the 'Chicago connection' and appeared confident that their contacts with Illinois politicians would help persuade newly elected President Barack Obama to lift longtime economic sanctions against leaders in Zimbabwe, according to federal charges unsealed Tuesday," the Tribune reports.
"The two, Prince Asiel Ben Israel and C. Gregory Turner, were charged with violating federal law by lobbying on behalf Zimbabwe's longtime president, Robert Mugabe, whose violent and oppressive regime has been the target of U.S. economic sanctions since 2003." Chicago Tribune via Steve Rhodes' Beachwood Reporter: By Steve Rhodes / Posted on August 7, 2013
 Bob Mugabe . . .
Dadirai was at home alone when Mugabe's thugs arrived. They descended on the woman, hacking off one of her feet and one of her arms, before setting fire to the dying woman in front of her house. "That was not isolated case," the shocked head of the delegation Marwick Khumalo said after his return to Harare.
It is part of a new strategy on the part of Mugabe's henchmen. Instead of just hunting MDC party officials, many of whom have gone underground, they are going after their family members as well. Last Monday, for example, they caught Abigal Chiroto, the 27-year-old wife of the newly elected MDC mayor of Harare, Emmanuel Chiroto, along with her four-year-old son. They set the house on fire and disappeared with the woman and child, before releasing the boy at a police station.
Abigal's body was found a few days later not far from her house. She still wore a blindfold and her body was so terribly battered that her brother-in-law could only identify her by her clothes and hair. Aus Dem Spiegel -By Jan Puhl and Toby Selander 2008

That was in 2008, the advent of Hope & Change Worldwide. In 2013, Old Bob Mugabe, at last glance, had exactly $ 217.00 in National Treasury of Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia, named for Cecil Rhodes who was Diamond Digger who funded Rhodes Scholarships awarded to such luminaries as Rachel Maddow, Susan Rice and former Congressman Mel Reynolds. Old Bob Mugabe went from Jesuit seminarian to Black Liberation theologian to Marxist to Witchdoctor Thug Bandit Chief while amassing friendships with Rev. Jesse Jackson, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Brand Obama's Foreign Policy Wiz Susan Rice.

Here in Chicago, where Mikva's Hyde Park Mafia Embraces the West Side Vice Lords, the MacArthur Foundation, Billy Ayers and his odious Old Lady, Medill School of Journalism, the Center for Wrongful Convictions, South Shore Bank, WTTW, and both newspapers in one huge Global Hug of Progressive Coalition building, one might imagine that there might be some follow-thru on reports that Illinois Lobbyists for Old Bob Mugabe's Machete Coalition in Zimbabwe. . .  might, just might mind you. N.B. This terminal verbal,  dangling over the pavement was, for our friends of Welsh ancestry.

Old Bob is a color-blind thug and master of diversity in butchery, if not a wiz at accounting -

Children as young as eight are being beaten by Robert Mugabe's henchmen as he hunts down opposition supporters, it emerged yesterday.
White farmer Roy Bennet, an MP for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, told how three youngsters, aged eight to 12, were beaten by police trying to find out the whereabouts of their MDC-supporting parents.
In another incident, a magistrate was dragged from court, beaten and paraded through the streets.
Mr Bennet said: 'What is happening in Zimbabwe is not a white and black issue. It is an orchestrated attempt by the president to destroy the opposition. It is not land reform - it is the suppression of another view.'
Mr Bennet, who faces arrest for speaking out, said Zimbabwe was experiencing a level of ethnic cleansing 'not seen since Kosovo'. Opposition to Mugabe's ruling Zanu-PF party was being crushed by any means - from mutilation to starvation, he added.
Hundreds of Mugabe supporters ran riot yesterday in the eastern town of Chipinge, evicting white businessmen and looting their premises.
The violence came as it emerged that Mugabe's wife Grace had chosen the farm she wanted to take over.
She apparently marched on to the Iron Mask estate 30 miles from Harare last week and told the owners John and Eva Matthews, who are both in their 70s, to quit.
More than 90 white farmers, all charged with failing to leave their land, had their cases heard in courts. Among those given 24 hours to vacate their farms was Dennis Streak, father of Zimbabwe's cricket captain Heath Streak.
Here in Chicago, only Steve Rhodes ( no relation to Cecil) and his wonderful Beachwood Reporter has bothered to connect the Race-Grifters/Political Hypocrites/Feebs and Dummies  Coalition-

But here's the interesting part:
"According to the charges, Ben Israel and Turner attempted to persuade undisclosed federal and state government officials - including an Illinois state senator and two U.S. representatives from Chicago - to push for the lifting of the sanctions. The two reached a consulting agreement with Zimbabwe officials to be paid $3.4 million, authorities charged, but it was unclear whether they received any money."
So who was the state senator and who were the U.S. representatives?
"The 56-page criminal complaint described in detail how Ben Israel and Turner allegedly enlisted the support of a 'State Senator A,' who hoped that the election of Obama would cause the U.S. to take a fresh look at Zimbabwe.
"That same state senator wrote in a 2009 letter that he had made a 'commitment' to Mugabe and could use his leadership position with the National Black Caucus of State Legislators to organize a delegation to travel to Zimbabwe and fight for the removal of the sanctions, according to the complaint.
"Records show that state Sen. Donne Trotter, D-Chicago, chairs the international committee of that caucus. Efforts to reach Trotter were unsuccessful Tuesday. His attorney, Thomas Anthony Durkin, said he had not seen the complaint and had no comment.
"Ben Israel and Turner were successful in arranging for State Senator A and several other lawmakers to meet with Mugabe and other top Zimbabwean officials during several trips there in 2008 and 2009, according to the charges."
And the reps?
At least Steve Rhodes bothers to ask*.

Treat Yourself to the Best! - as the old Mail Pouch Chawin' Baccy Ads once boasted -Read Beachwood Reporter and support it with a modest but significant donation or One Big-Assed Grant!

* Steve Rhodes and I loudly disagree with one another on many issues (Burge Mythology & etc.); however, Steve Rhodes has more integrity than the combined editorial boards of NBC, The Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chicago Media Ignore the Butchery of Babies But Boost Burge Mythology

In the 1980's two Chicago Police Officers were tortured and murdered by the Wilson Brothers.  The Wilson Brothers were arrested, charged and convicted of the torture and murder of Officers Fahey and O'Brien.

Ten years earlier,Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell, MD began charging impoverished women $1,600 a snip to murder their unborn children. This murderer is described by the Associated Press as 'serene and elegant' as he stands trial.  That AP story line is the only one carried here in Illinois.

The Peoples Law Office's G. Flint Taylor with a powerful assist from ex-con Northwestern Professor Bernadine Dohrn, Mother Jones writer Sasha Abramsky and later The Chicago Reader began crafting the Mythology of Jon Burge and His Midnight Crew. The Chicago Media lapped it up.

Meanwhile Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell, MD of Philadelphia amassed  millions of dollars - dare I say millions of dollars?  Sure, I dare - butchering the unborn, partially born and alive children of mothers who were lured to his Lancaster Avenue abattoir. That is until 2010.

G. Flint Taylor had many opportunities and millions of dollars to this end - prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Police Commander John Burge systemically tortured hundreds of black men.  G. Flint Taylor  failed to do that, but managed to create a compelling narrative that time, repetition and legal legerdemain managed to lay a perjury trap that sent Jon Burge to Federal Prison.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, MD slaughtered thousands children; Burge might have 'tuned-up' a few thugs and possibly a couple of innocents as well.

Both Chicago newspapers keep the Burge fires burning, while Kermit Barron Gosnell* goes ignored.

You see Gosnell is on the right side of history and Burge looks like a guy who might give one a slap. Therefore, he must have tortured black men 24/7 with his systemically racist Midnight Crew in the House of Screams that no one seemed to hear.  After all, why else would John Conroy write so many compelling narratives for the Chicago Reader and go on to work for, a not a news agency, but that soul integrity and good humor Andy Shaw of BGA?  Judges, urban translators, commissions, blue ribbon panels, university faculties and every person with press pass in Chicago demands that Burge face the music. Ergo, a Burge Reminder appears every two weeks, or so.

However, nothing about the butchery of children gets any sweat equity from the Chicago Media Mavens.

Abortion is woman's health care wedded to Gay Marriage. Can't sully that.

Burge Beefing, and a mighty thin beef it be, undermines any and all confidence in law and law enforcement and that is a good thing.  You see the same folks involved in crafting the Burge narrative also helped destroy Chicago public education and that is a good thing - tragically bad schools, lousy public transporation, dangerous neighborhoods, bigger taxes, and soul-sucking repetition of nonsense will cause more people to flee Chicago, create greater real estate bonanzas for the Judson Miner, Allison Davis and Val Jarrett,

If you happen to be a Buzz-cut Bolshevik, or a Cadillac Commie with membership in an Ivy League, Northwestern, or University of Chicago Alumni Association, you have ears of Tom McNamee, Carol Marin and Bruce Dold and the other editorial and news ninnies. Exemplum Gratia!

After court, Locke Bowman, director of the Northwestern University's MacArthur Justice Center, called Biebel's decision sensible given the "abysmal" track record of the state's attorney's office on Burge-related cases.
"They've never acknowledged that Jon Burge injured anyone," he said. "They've never taken any steps to address any of the flawed prosecutions on which his actions turned, and as a result they are tainted." (emphases my own) 
They would be the States Attorneys Office and most juries before whom Flint and Locke laid on the mythopoeic rhetoric.  Once Bernardine Dorhn suggested an electric shock box in the Mother Jones article by Sasha Abramsky that mythical torture device became doctrine, but never made an appearance . . .with the exception of the one G. Flint Taylor parted with a few nickels to have built for him.

That is because not one of these later-day Clarence Darrows could prove that Jon Burge enjoyed boating, let alone tortured people 24/7.

There will be no end to Burge Myth, because that is the point.

We need to demand some time, certainly no equal time for the monstrous murdering medicine man in Philadelphia, because you can bet the same thing is happening here.

* Grand Jury XXII -

Section I: Overview
 This case is about a doctor who killed babies and endangered women. What we
mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester
of pregnancy – and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with
scissors. The medical practice by which he carried out this business was a filthy fraud in
which he overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among
them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels – and, on at least two
occasions, caused their deaths. Over the years, many people came to know that 

something was going on here. But no one put a stop to it.
 Let us say right up front that we realize this case will be used by those on both
sides of the abortion debate. We ourselves cover a spectrum of personal beliefs about the
morality of abortion. For us as a criminal grand jury, however, the case is not about that
controversy; it is about disregard of the law and disdain for the lives and health of
mothers and infants. We find common ground in exposing what happened here, and in
recommending measures to prevent anything like this from ever happening again.
The “Women’s Medical Society”
 That was the impressive-sounding name of the clinic operated in West
Philadelphia, at 38th and Lancaster, by Kermit B. Gosnell, M.D. Gosnell seemed
impressive as well. A child of the neighborhood, Gosnell spent almost four decades
running this clinic, giving back – so it appeared – to the community in which he
continued to live and work.
 But the truth was something very different, and evident to anyone who stepped . . .

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Will CPS Rahm Go All Edwin Starr? And How Far?

Come on, Feet! Start Movin'!    Uh huh huh huh huh , Uh huh huh huh huh huh yeah It's twenty five miles from home Girl, my feet are hurting mighty bad/Now I've been walking three day, 'n two lonely night/You know that I'm mighty mad

With Saturday as the deadline for parents of CPS children to be ignored on the upcoming school closings, some CPS parents want Mayor Rahm Emanuel to diminish some leather from the sole-bottoms of his Florsheims:

CITY HALL —  Parents and community activists have formally invited Mayor Rahm Emanuel to "walk the walk" when it comes to the controversial plans to shutter 54 public schools in Chicago.
And they say they literally mean "walk the walk."
Parents and members of organizations, including Blocks Together and the Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education, rallied on the fifth floor of City Hall, just outside Emanuel's office Tuesday morning to protest the proposed closures. 
The protesters invited Emanuel to join planned weekly walks from schools slated to close to the schools that would receive the displaced students.

 Ain't that something.  CPS and the educational geniuses they always tap with Progressive ideas on small schools* do studies aplenty but can not read gang graffitti, or bother to understand what constitutes a neighborhood demographic - it ain't all income disparities juxtaposed to more affluent communities.  It has to do with what three or four blocks are GD's, Stones, Vice Lords, Mikey Cobras, Four Corner Hustlers, or Latin Kings.

Fenger was 'smart sized' at this time. because Carver was turned into a military academy and kids that did not deire to, or could not possibly go all GI Joe were required to travel west from Altgeld Gardens/ Pullman to Roseland. Guess what? Different Stokes Hit Different Folks, or Peoples.

Fenger made national news when several lads went to the lumber. Even PBS saw the turn-around plan as the catalyst for violence:

An inner city kid can not walk Chicago streets - not because of Burge, or systemic racism, but because he, or she might cross a street that two days before had been the site of a murder.  If the kid is not known to be from those streets ('He stays with his uncle on Euclid') and happens to be walking to school, that child is a victim to be confronted, beaten, or murdered in response to the previous homicide.

School closings will happen.  It is planned and decided upon.

Parents should be worried about how their kids will get to school -damn worried.

Rahm and CPS and CTU have all the charts and figures and studies that ask if "students feel they are getting the Context of Support?"

If Rahm goes on a Mayoral perambulation, he should spund track the stroll -

The very simple to  solution to all of this nonsense - Send Your Kids To Catholic Schools!
*Chicago High School Redesign Initiative (CHSRI). In partnership with CPS, the effort was launched by the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation and local funders. It began
in September 2001 with a $12 million grant from the
Gates Foundation, matched by $6 million from foundations in Chicago, and ultimately will develop andsupport approximately 25 new small high schools. . . .

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Carol Marin's Controlled Damage on Anita Alvarez' 'Damage Control'

Anita Alvarez’s efforts at damage control keep generating more damage than control.. . . And I’m not referring to what sometimes appears to be her office’s excessive zeal in prosecutions of would-be critics of the criminal justice system. Like Northwestern students probing wrongful prosecutions. Or citizen watchdogs who attempt to audio-record police or public officials.  Carol Marin Goes Full-Medill on Anita Alvarez

Then of course, I must add probing wrongful prosecutions?????  Bribing is probing?
After the student paid the cabbie, the driver recorded the transaction in his log, today's filing states. Apparently suspicious that it was a drug deal or a sting, he wrote: "detective gave me 60, told me to give him 40, gave me 60... gave him change." The "him" refers to Drakes.
Seems like Professor Dave Protess and the Kids of the Innocence Project - in the zeal to free Mr. McKinney of course - engaged in a little Pay-to-Play, " "You be a Witness to Justice , Mr. Drakes, and You Keep the Change! Change You Can Believe In!". Hickey -11/10 2009: Shell Games Catches up to Professor Dave Protess - Innocence?
What to think!  Carol Marin gives Cook County States Attorney, who was punk'd by 60 Minutes and refused to lie down again with flea-bitten newsies, one of her patented 'You Go, Carol!' haymakers right in the old snot-locker! . . . Well, near her schnoz . . .within a few feet . . .nearby. . . . same Zipcode. Anyway. Carol Marin tried to drag the WLS socko-tag team of Danny Proft and Bruce Wolf into the range of her air-punches with a Marinade of scorn for this 'Alvarez Damage Control.'
What I am talking about is Alvarez’s amazing — not in a good way — interview last Wednesday on WLS-AM in which radio hosts Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft asked about the 2004 death of David Koschman, who was struck, according to police, by Richard “R.J.” Vanecko, the nephew and grandson of two mayors named Daley.
Anyone who has followed this story knows neither the Chicago Police nor the Cook County state’s attorney’s office (where, at the time, Alvarez was third in command) displayed what could be described as zeal investigating this 2004 “heater” case.
Wolf and Proft asked why it had to take 8½ years and the appointment of Special Prosecutor Dan Webb to finally charge Vanecko? . . .Police and prosecutors are not known for their politeness when it comes to charging a case. Prosecutors can override the cops and charge anyway. And police top brass can go over the head of reluctant prosecutors. . . . Any other reason there were no charges back in 2004? Alvarez’s answer to this question is much, much worse.David Koschman’s mother, she said, didn’t ask.“I feel horrible for Mrs. Koschman that she lost her only child,” said Alvarez. “It’s a tragedy. It’s horrific that she has to go through that.”
“But there was no contact with her and our office demanding this be charged,” said Alvarez.
         I can only imagine an incredulous radio audience.

Shoot, Carol, I remain credulous to that answer because Ms. Alvarez answered both Bruce and Dan (@ 14;23 on the broadcast) that from 2004 until Tim Novak ran a story on the Koschman/Vanecko Incident and Death of David Koschman in 2011there was no outrage and demands for inquiry let alone justice.  Sadness, loss, personal grief to be sure for a mother whose only child died in a senseless brawl, but from 2004-2011 there was no public outrage.  

Now, that is incredible. And so is this- Carol Marin seems to believe that it was she and not Chicago Sun Times Investigative Newsman Tim Novak exhumed the the sad story of the late David Koschman. The fact is the city's most tenacious and honest investigative pit bull Tim Novak, unearthed the saga while investigating extended and immediate Daley Family connections to sewer contracts and other things - I believe that in law that is called discover.

The booze-fueled incident, subsequent death and burial of young Mr. Koschman took place in 2004.  Tim Novak dug up the details with a request for a police report, which he received from Chicago Police Department records in 2010 - that was six years after the death and burial.

The year before, Anita Alvarez requested information of the Medill School Journalism pertaining to e-mails and notes of the students of David Protess in the McKinney wrongful conviction drama.  This caused no end of outrage from CNN who hired several of Protess' students from the very case, the Huffington Post and the connected ink-slinging hair-pins local, state and national.  They even trotted out a retired Federal Judge with a very odd CV -to accuse Cook County States Attorney Alvarez of using Gestapo tactics on poor old Dave Protess and his minions. The Headline Club of Chicago issued a scathing rebuke of Alvarez and thundered and woe-be-tied ed up a storm.

However, even Northwestern University which harbors the Medill School of Journalism and docked David Protess's dinghy for years, was forced to axe that cable and cut Professor Dave adrift.

Dave buoyed up as Chicago Innocence Project of the big NYC based Innocence Project International! Medill connects people to good paying gigs - CNN, NYT, & 60 Minutes etc. Talk about a code of silence!  They can silence Gabby Hayes and get Marcel Marceau to canary-up with that power of the media.

Carol Marin is no Medill-ian  herself- she is a U of I grad.  However, following her rather silly Jerry Springer wilderness years landed Carol a gig with 60 Minutes to hitch up with her WTTW and Sun Times and back to NBC 24/7 visibility.  Solid. (these are some cut-outs in my Anita Alvarez scrapbook). Here's a peach, from December 2, 2010 - 
One of the cottage industries that has eroded any and all faith in our Justice System is the Lawsuit Lottery. The Lawsuit Lottery was invented by radical lawyers and assaults police officers, prosecutors, judges and city, county and municipal governments in defense of convicted murderers and career criminals by tugging at the heartstrings attached to our American sense of fair play.The gambit is always the same -
         A. A murderer was convicted of a horrific crime because,
                   B. A prosecutor hid evidence in defense of Systemic Racism
C. A Corrections Official tortured, abused and denied basic civil rights to whole bunch of copyrighted Minorities -usually many black men- while they awaited trial.
D. A convicted murdered can only be freed and given Justice by kids taught by Professor Dave Protess of the Medill School of Journalism as part of the Innocence Project.
Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvarez smelled the same stink that many newspaper readers found wafting through their senses as the endless parade of G. Flint Taylor Burge Bonanzas and Professor Dave Protess Atticus Finch Productions blared from the front pages and spilled into the evening news shows. Now, we learn, via the e-mails that the Cook County Prosecutor Anita Alvarez has stoically demanded that Professor Dave turn over, that Professor Dave Protess, the too much lionized leader of the Medill Innocence Project, tosses "Treats" to obtain the intended outcome of Innocence, where the Justice System had declared Guilt.No American wants an innocent man to suffer an injustice and the Hegelian Progressives use that sentiment to make millions of dollars and careers for future Katie Courics. Triple figure cab fare, a few few Iron Hotel visits by NIU college cuties . . .nothing seems too costly in the purchase of the intended outcome. That is pure John Dewey flavored Hegelianism.It seems the wheels are off of Professor Dave Protess's Snake-oil Wagon -
It sure seems to me, as one who reads the papers, listens to the news and generally remembers things, that Anita Alvarez as Cook County States Attorney incurred the Medill Media rath-universal when she dared to demand the notes and e-mails that exposed Professor Dave Protess as a hypocrite publicity hound and tweedy Fagin who trained phalanxes of journalist who embrace his ethics.

It also seems to me that a herd of practiced jackals who bound after wounded gazelle's only hardly seem worthy of emulation.   Let's try and remember that Tim Novak broke this sad saga when he was digging after connections in a family sewer scam and blood is always sexier than sewage.

Cook County States Attorney is getting hammered because she out-ed a hypocrite.  Carol Marin is only doing what Medill Industries requires and this applying Controlled Damage upon one who crossed them -Anita Alvarez.

2011 -Jan. 4: Sun-Times reporter Tim Novak requests the Chicago police reports from the Koschman investigation through the Freedom of Information Act. Source:  

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Alvarez Agonistes: "60 Minutes" Had No Time for the Root of Its Interest in Anita Alvarez - David Protess

Under the spreading chestnut tree/I sold you and you sold me/.There lie they, and here lie we/ Under the spreading chestnut tree. Orwell's 1984
The Two-Minute Hate Drill was crafted by George Orwell in his novel 1984 - George was off by twenty-eight years.  These days the we get a heaping helping of the Two-Minute Hate Drill every day and no time off for Sunday. We have Hate Week cycles: We got Burge; we got Palin: We got Ryan; We got Blago; We got Charlie Sheen; We got Lindsays -Lohan and Graham; We got Joe Walsh: We got Chick Fil A; We got 1%-ers: We got Catholics and We always got Israel!  We have Vanecko and we now have the Random Judge!

My favorite Chicago reporter and one of the best in the business, Natasha Korecki reported this in today's Sun Times about the "60 Minutes" tune-up:
“We are appalled, absolutely, unequivocally appalled by the lack of information [in the ‘60 Minutes’ report],” Alvarez’s spokeswoman, Sally Daly, said. “They did not include information that is critical to this case. Anita spent an hour doing this interview. We were ensured that we were going to get a fair shake ... I didn’t expect that from ‘60 Minutes.’ She could have easily not done the interview. She stood up and explained the cases publicly.”
Daly said the piece failed to report key facts in the cases — the so-called Engelwood Four case and one in which a group of Dixmoor men’s cases were dismissed after they spent years in prison. That included some suspects pleading guilty and testifying against others before judges and juries.
“These cases were presented multiple times to judges and juries,” Daly said. “Our office did a very, very thorough, careful review of these cases. She found that there was not enough evidence.”

The object of the Two Minutes Hate Drill, or a Hate Cycle are determined by the needs of the agreed upon tautologists of the academic, legal, political  and journalistic interest complex: Progressive academic, clerics (UCC, Unitarian, atheist and secularists), elected officials, funding sources (Eychaner, Van Amerigen & etc.), and the cadres of lawyers and law professors in symbiotic solidarity with Medill fashioned editors and columnists. Their reach is national but most effective when pounded out locally.  E.G. David Protess' Innocence Project, rock-rooted on the campus of Evanston, Illinois' Northwestern University and buttresses by the MacArthur and Blum Centers for Law, has trained and sent forth the hundreds of journalists to CNN, Newsweek

Dave Protess no longer operates within the ivy of Northwestern, because Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvares out-ed Professor Dave as a phony and the university booted the Tweedy Fagin - The Chicago Tribune Company's Chicago magazine tried to parse Protess back into a good light: 

“That the university had seen fit to issue a one-sided, nasty, vituperative broadside against him in the form of that press release seemed to be a violation of trust, not only of the university’s relationship with David Protess as a faculty member but a breach of trust with us.”
Cubbage responds by saying that Protess forced the university’s hand. “Northwestern University generally does not discuss publicly actions regarding its faculty and staff,” he says in an e-mail. “However, statements in the media by Professor Protess and our desire to be as forthcoming as possible on an issue of great importance to the University, its faculty, our students, alumni and our community prompted us to make the statement.” . . .A few weeks later, an article by a Medill senior, Brian Rosenthal, appeared in The Daily Northwestern, questioning the reporting methods of Protess and his students. On the same day, a lengthy piece in the Chicago Tribune raised similar questions. Both articles cited two identical episodes (neither of them denied by Protess): that one of his students said she had misrepresented herself as a U.S. Census Bureau employee to learn the whereabouts of a potential source and that another had posed as a ComEd worker to help track down a witness.
Both incidents were contained in the Ferkenhoff report, according to sources. And Protess says Jenner & Block questioned him about both. When I asked Cubbage whether the report had been leaked, he responded, “The University has no knowledge as to whether the report was shared, other than it was not shared by the University’s Office of General Counsel or its outside counsel.” Rosenthal told me that he “had no direct contact with the so-called report.” The Tribune reporter, Matthew Walberg, declined to comment.
The stories could merely have been the result of increased scrutiny brought on by the controversy over Protess and the nature of the accusations against him. Whatever the case, the effect was palpable. Protess’s reputation, as well as his 30-year legacy, suffered a staggering blow. More than that, media attention had shifted away from outrage over Protess’s ouster and onto his and his students’ professional ethics.
Protess offered his defense: There’s a long tradition of reporters going undercover, including for a Pulitzer Prize–winning series in the Tribune in which the reporter William Gaines posed as a janitor to detail hospital abuses.
And several practitioners back him up. “As a longtime investigative reporter who also holds a doctorate and specializes in the history of investigative journalism, I can tell you this,” says the University of Maryland’s Feldstein: “Exposing wrongdoing is not easy. Powerful interests do everything they can to block such challenges to their authority. I can tell you that flirting with a source or paying a source’s cab fare is a routine practice among journalistic professionals, not even a misdemeanor compared to the literal felonies that Protess exposed.”
Others disagree with the practice of journalists misrepresenting themselves. “I don’t say I condone that, and it’s not what I do as a journalist,” says American University’s Lewis. “I always disclose who I am, and that’s how I conduct myself. [But] I also understand that this is a slightly gray area.” In the end, the point was moot. Protess was out. The damage was done—both to him and to the school. “It has a long-term effect that will take a long time for the institution to get over,” says Foster. “It’s one of those moments in the 90-year history of Medill, one of those chapters in the [university’s] history, that I think will remain heartbreaking.

”Not just heartbreaking, adds Leff. Ironic. “From the minute I heard about the Anita Alvarez subpoena, I felt that she set out to ruin David’s reputation and to derail the concept of the [Medill Innocence] Project. And I think she did a damn good job. And I think that, wittingly or unwittingly, the university played right into her hands.”
At the bottom of it all, the question still remains: Why would the university go to such great lengths to not simply reprimand Protess—or even push him out—but to publicly attack him, his work, and his integrity, to virtually excommunicate a man who had brought such renown to the school? (emphasis my own)

And that, boys and girls, was how Anita Alvarez was bumped to front of the line for Two Minute Hate and now in the Hate Cycle.

"60 Minutes" sent their hard hitting team to do a job on Cook County States Attorney Alvarez and they chatted up an Innocence Project talker from a its New York affiliate, Peter Neufield to dig up necrophilia in order to smear Alvarez, but not the hometown cabbie briber and Fagin Dave Protess.  Alvarez was set up and she is now a subject for the scorn of Zorn, the malice of Marin, and eggs of the editorial boards of both papers.

Alavarez was Bush-whacked. Given the editing, the snide and syrupy slurs of CBS 'Byron Pitts, Anita Alvarez did a commendable job with the 60 Minutes advocate. She held her ground and stated the case.
Ms. Alvarez fell afoul of the Medill/NorthwesternLaw/Lawsuit-Lotto Lawyer complex when she out-ed Chicago’s Fagin – David Protess – for the hypocrite-corner cutting phony that he is; causing Northwestern to deep-six him after years allowing The Wrongful Everything Gang to burnish the university’s reputation as Progressive Dreamworks and Hogwarts Illinois

Thursday, September 13, 2012

John Dewey and When G. Flint Taylor Met Jon Burge

Outcomes are the beginning and end of what John Dewey calls inquiry. Inquiry is what John Dewey replaced truth with, in not only his philosophy of education being played out so dramatically in the Chicago Teachers Strike, but also his very evolving nature of a Dewey civil society. Truth had always been more evident in mathematics, one philosopher, Descartes,  held that the closest one might come to a perfect concept of Truth was the multiplication table.

John Dewey was influenced by Darwin and the Radical Socialists who followed in the wake of Malthus and Jeremy Bentham, but I am getting deep in the weeds here.

Suffice it say, John Dewey replaced the multiplication table with the new study of biology.  Things morph, evolve and bend to the will.  Social Justice issues and control of the minds of the young are plastic.  Math is static.  

Outcomes/Inquiry/Instrumentalism are themselves outcomes of the Hegelian Will!  John Dewey dismisses Belief, because God has too many manifestations -One God, Three Persons in One God, No God.  Belief is a crap shoot.  Too much math.  With Dewey, Truth became anything.

Inquiry depends upon future outcomes that satisfy the inquiry itself.

Western thought holds that truth can be known by causes. What caused the accident?  Who, or what caused Man?  Dewey understood that children needed to "child-centered" and constantly at play - The teacher is not in the school to impose ( Like old time Catholic nuns) certain ideas or to form certain ( like Catholic Schools) habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences - John Dewey ( parentheticals my own)

As both a child and a teacher allow me this playful inquiry.  G. Flint Taylor has made millions of dollars by bringing suit against the police, especially his vilification of the now notorious and convicted perjure Jon Burge.  Through Burge, G. Flint selectively influenced generations of young Americans into the truth that he and most police officers tortured black men twenty-four hours a day and all without a shred of proof or a court sanctioned conviction of torture. G. Flint Taylor has done John Dewey proud. Everyone, but me and a couple of cops, believes that Jon Burge is race-torture's eponym.

e.g. - Inquiry and Proof Positive -G. Flint and Aaron Patterson

Now, let's suppose that G. Flint Taylor was caused to inquire because of this -

A lawyer ran a stop sign in 1972 and subsequently was  pulled over by a young red-haired, beefy Chicago cop.G. Flint Taylor went to Brown University and had a degree from Northwestern Law thinks that he is smarter than the Vietnam Vet because he is a lawyer  and is certain that he has a better education than any cop from Chicago. G. Flint decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the deputy's expense.
Officer Jon Burge says, "License and registration, please."
G. Flint Taylor challenges the simple cop, "If you can show me the legal difference between               slow down and stop, I'll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket."
 Burge shrugs, "Sounds fair. Exit your vehicle, sir."
Taylor says, "What for?"
Burge says, " You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign."
G. Flint argues, "I slowed down, and no one was coming."
Officer Burge undeterred  stands fast, "You still didn't come to a complete stop. License and registration, please."
G. Flint goes Sophist, "What's the difference?"
The empirical Burge  answers, "The difference is, you have to come to complete stop, that's the law. License and registration, please!"
At this point, Officer Burge takes out his nightstick and starts beating the ever-loving crap out of the lawyer and says, "Do you want me to stop or just slow down?
 As Jack Dewey said, "Till the Great Society is converted in to a Great Community, the Public will remain in eclipse. Communication can alone create a great community" 

Control communication and you eclipse everything.

Wonder how the CPS strike will outcome? It will outcome fine. We will all win, because inquiry made it so. Do not believe and certainly do not do the math. It's a Dewey thing.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Racism of Sleep - I got Mine!

" Now, what in the wide world of sports were you doing asleep?"

Mayor Richard M. Daley will not depose, descant, opine, chat, gab, wax-eloquent, posit, or spill-it in matters Burge, thanks to another in the endless City of Chicago payoffs to G. Flint Taylor Industries (AKA -  Some Peoples Law Office).  Did we expect anything less than millions more dollars tossed to Herr Flint? Hmmm?  Not this Hairpin, anyway. Thus,

The city on Monday moved to settle the latest round of lawsuits involving former police Cmdr. Jon Burge, bringing the total cost to taxpayers for alleged victims and lawyers in the torture probe to an eye-popping $40 million.
But under the settlement, former Mayor and State's Attorney Richard M. Daley will avoid having to give sworn testimony.
The city's action came when the City Council Committee on Finance accepted the recommendation of Corporation Counsel Steve Patton to settle for $7.2 million two cases that had been headed to court. . . . Flint Taylor, an attorney for Mr. Tillman, had a slightly higher figure for taxpayer costs to date: roughly $45 millionHe released a statement from Mr. Tillman saying that while "no amount of money can fix" what happened to him, "I am pleased that the city . . . (has) finally recognized that their people did me wrong." ( emphasis my own)

G. Flint Taylor will be sucking up tax-dollars so long that he asks and that they last in celebration of Jon Burge and the mythical Midnight Crew.  Don't waste a minute's sleep with worry on that score.

Systemic Racism leads to the arrest, torture,  confession, indictment, conviction, sentencing, incarceration, media scrutiny and re-evaluation of the process, subsequent pardon, or re-trial, release, hefty-pay-off and public celebration of any African American career-criminal. There, but Fortune . . . & etc.

I imagine that G. Flint Taylor sleeps like a champ. Why?  One could, were one cynical helot like myself,  imagine that G. Flint is a dedicated Cadillac Commie and devouted Marxist intent upon destroying not only the local government budgets, but eroding any and all faith in Law and Law Enforcement.  Or, one might say that G. Flint Taylor is a sho'nuff Atticus Finch-like advocate of the damned and self-less hero of the Peoples.
However, there just meigh* be another reason - the Dude's a White Boy!

The average amount of time people sleep each night varies from race to race, according to a study of 500 Chicago-area adults by Northwestern Medicine in Chicago.
Whites sleep the most, followed by Asians and Hispanics. Blacks sleep the least.
The study also said that blacks have the worst quality of sleep, while Asians have the highest amount of daytime sleepiness.

How about that for Systemic Racism taxonomy!

White Folks - Counting Dollars  

Asians = Too much Study?
Hispanics =Well . . . 

African Americans = Five Minutes are Up! Break Time's Over! 

This study was concluded by Northwestern University School of Medicine - Northwestern University, where the Center for Wrongful Convictions, Berardine Dorhn's  Two Decades of Children and Family Justice Center, the Bluhm Legal Clinic, Roderick MacArthur Center for Justice ( formerly at University of Chicago)

In no time at all - The Systemic Racism Sleep Disorders Institute of Northwestern Law and Meds and Some Peoples Law Office will trot out the Post-Burge Conviction for Only Perjury Disorders  and really level the old agenda playing fields.

Them White Folks can sleep in court!

*Meigh (from IrishMaigh/an Mhaigh, meaning "the plain")[1] is a small village and townlandnear Slieve Gullion in County ArmaghNorthern Ireland. It had a population of 444 people in the 2001 Census. It lies within the Newry and Mourne District Council area.,0,6095844.story
 Read more:,0,6095844.story

Monday, June 25, 2012

Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone Claims Incoming Leo Student

A Genuine Shower of Bastards - G. Flint Taylor and the Architects of Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone

Ceasefire ( Gangbanger Pensioners),  Marches, T-Shirts, and Gun Turn-Ins are band-aids on cancer.  Chicago is and has been a Thug Comfort Zone where murdering thugs without any moral compass are allowed to kill with impunity and often immunity.

The lawyers and the media and gutless elected officials have helped every gang and independent sociopath feel free to murder in the knowledge that G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy and Locke Bowman as well as the Innocense Project and other massively funded university based 'feel-good' coalitions of the comfortable have their backs.

These self-puffing individuals and corporations have undermined any and all public confidence in the American judicial system and have gelded the authority of police officers to combat the killers.  Cadillac Commie lawyers like G. Flint Taylor has a seat at the head of the table for our Chicago bullshit buffet - Chicagoans have been schooled by the academics, columnists and the Peoples Law Office with the Burge Myth.

This Friday night, an incoming freshman to Leo High School was slain thanks to this collective handiwork by the Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers.  On Sunday G. Flint Taylor was given another editorial page perch in the Chicago Sun Times to pound out more Burge Mythology in order to gain him more clients and out of court settlement jackpots.
G. Flint Taylor has failed to prove that Chicago Police Officers tortured anyone; yet, Burge remains Chicago's Burge -ie Man and killings pile up higher than unclaimed corpses in Toni Preckwinkle's morgue.

   allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true" src="">

Chicago police said Antonio Davis, 14, was shot and killed Friday night near 69th and Union around 8:40 p.m.A day later, a 13-year-old boy was shot and killed in the 6200-block of South Rhodes. Neighbors said there was a large party at the home where the boy was shot that spilled into the street.
Also, a 14-year-old and 15-year-old are recovering from being shot while playing basketball near their home Saturday night. It happened around 8:43pm in the 2400-block of East 74th Street. The two victims were playing when a gunman approached on foot and opened fire, striking the two.
Davis' family said he was an A and B student at Leo High School and had dreams of becoming a basketball player.
"I just know that he was walking to the store to get my niece's baby water and a car pulled up and jumped out at him and shot him" said Davis' aunt, Latrice Strong

Until we recognize the source of Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone, more families will grieve. You can trace the building of Chicago's Thug Comfort from G. Flint Taylor's initial dabblings in the Burge Mythology - thirty years of construction for this societal destruction and millions of dollars in his pockets.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Carol Marin Shilling For a Daley Grilling with Flint Taylor

If you are confused by the conflicting stories and waves of faux outrage concerning the 17 year old shot and killed in Sanford, Florida, you are supposed to be.

Sadly, the attention span for too many, but certainly not most Americans, is smaller than a Chicago columnist's ethical capacity. Real reporters get the news to people.

Most people recall several of America's leading race baiters and the race-centric pooches they collectively screwed: Jesse " Cut His Nuts Off" Jackson's and Crown Heights Al " Punkass Faggot"Sharpton - the lads who taught our President how to Hot Mic it:

1. Decatur Seven
2. Tawana Brawley
3. Crown Heights arson and murder
4. Duke La Crosse
5. Jena Nooses
6. Beer Summit

Not to mention Calypso Louis Farrakahn 24/7/365.

Anytime these goofs show up you can be sure that any issue touted as Race Issue of Century will implode. They are as magical to nonsense as MSNBC.

The real danger to truth remains with those considered to be legitimate journalists.
Here in Chicago there is no shortage of litmus tested Progressive goofs with columns.
Carol Marin, it seems to me, is the most successful and shameless.

Today, she hops into G. Flint Taylor's warm and snuggy Burge pouch. G. Flint Taylor, a monstrously talented slug of human being, has enlisted Carol Marin to further the Peoples Law Office pursuit of more tax dollars. Here is a gem out of Carol's box of nuggets.

For those who remain unmoved by the injustice ( Me! I'm very sceptical and 'unmoved' by the narrative, for example), the shame and the stain of a rogue band of white police officers who from 1972 to 1991 suffocated, beat and electro-shocked black male suspects to “persuade” them to confess — a fact no longer debated — there is another reason to care.

A Fact No Longer Debated? By whom? Ms. Marin that is one hugely debatable statement that lacks . . . facts. Name one police officer charged, much less convicted of police torture. Can't. Never happened and never will, because the Burge Torture Mythology demands no closure. There is no money in closure; no articles from John Conroy, Sasha Abramsky; no more chilling narratives of the House of Screams no one seemed to hear within its walls (you know, custodians, station hangers-on, pests, criminals, reporters, ADAs, visitors, or cops - of every hue and p[oint of view).

Jon Burge was painted into a tight corner by the ever patient G. Flint Taylor - Reds are very patient. Jon Burge is in Federal Prison because of perjury.

G. Flint Taylor should call Daley and anyone else involved in the Burge case - how about

1. Bernardine Dorhn who crafted the Electronic Torture Tale. I credit the odious Ms. Dorhn, the smarter and far more dangerous half of Billy Ayers, with G. Flint Taylor's media stink bait to lure the press and mythopoeically create the Burge Torture Narrative - the electronic testicle zapper that G. Flint Taylor had built and was allowed to bring to court. Who built that goofy gizmo for G. Flint anyway - it was not Urban Translator Wally Gator Bradley. Shoot, he and G. Flint were last seen wrassling on the court house floor for nickels and dimes.

Call Ms. Dohrn to witness and back track on the journalistic break crumbs leading to Dohrn's early posit that torture was systemic.

decades ago with the help of . . .

2. Sasha Abramsky of Mother Jones magazine who helped

3. The Many, many, many paged reports of John Conroy and ABC 7's Team Coverage which dropped breadcrumbs away from the forest for the trees, like the Boy Scout who said he SAW Burge Torture . . . Frank Sirtoff:

Sirtoff’s scout leader, Martin W. Conroy, who retired as a detective in 1995, says he remembers Sirtoff and the other boy “frequently visited at the youth division”. By telephone from his home in Texas, Conroy said, “I believe them. Why would they make it up?”

On Burge being at 39th and California that day, Conroy said, “If outside detectives made an arrest in Area 3, they might come there for an interrogation or to take part in it.”

Attorney Flint Taylor has represented alleged victims in 10 torture-related lawsuits

Frank Sirtoff, now in his 40s, lives in La Salle County, IL when last noted in the crime notes of the Ottawa papers - the poor man has had more than few brushes with the law. However, I am sure that he would make a very compelling witness. He was all the rage a few years ago, when G. Flint Taylor and his pet columnists impugned the character of Judges Boyle and Egan, but no an inconvenient truth.

Like the Trayvon Martin imbroglio, the truth about the Burge saga lies buried under the collective works and words of sneaks and opportunists.

Iconic news personalities and columnists play all over the field and toss race cards in order to keep thick paydays a-coming. As long as G. Flint Taylor goes unchallenged by a credible journalist in this town, the Burge Mythology will make Cadillac Commies wealthier and race relations impassable.

The Jon Burge Mythology parallels the Martin, Decatur, Crown Heights, Jena, and Beer Summit screw-ups.

Carol Marin is shilling for G. Flint Taylor and the Burge Mythology.

There is no money to be made in basic fairness, much less the pursuit of truth.