I am a Democrat. I vote for my interests - Real Labor ( not SEIU Marxist PACs or ACORN friendly boondogglers), Anti-Abortion, School Choice for Reform, Lower Taxes - I would go for flat tax, Law and Order, Strong National Defense, genuine immigration reform.
The Democratic National Party is held captive by Progressives, Hollywood Arm-Chair Loudmouths, Academic Policy Frauds, and Abortionists. They have the money, Honey, and they have the Time.
Democratic voters are ensnared by the obligation that National Democratic operatives have made for local and State officials - if local folks want the Dough Ray Me, they must sing loudly for it.
I vote for my neighbors - Maureen Kelly for Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and therefore I draw a Democratic Ballot. My neighborhood is festooned with Hynes for Illinois Governor. Fair enough.
Dan Hynes is great guy, really terrific, couldn't be better.
I voted for Pat Quinn. Pat Quinn is a wonderful man. He is loyal and honest. He believes in the Easter Bunny, Progressives, Danny Davis, Planned Parenthood, Ralphie Martire, and that Thomson, Illinois is a great place for Gitmo Terrorists. I voted for Pat Quinn in the Illinois Democratic Primary. Parse that, Muriel.
I wanted to vote for Dan Proft, because I believe that he would be the best Governor Illinois could have had since Dick Ogilvie - who gave Illinois its first Income Tax and created the Illinois boost in social services - ironic ain't it? Different Times, Sally. Dan Walker, a Progressive Goo-goo phony to beat the band defeated Ogilvie and embarked on building the long serpentine Illinois Government give-away machine - indebted to tax salaried Labor ( Teachers/AFSME/SEIU), Abortionist Planned Parenthood, Eco-Fascists, Tax the Middle Class Policy Gurus like Ralphie Martire.
The Progressive Doctrinaires own Illinois, not just in-the-bag crooks in elected office representing both Parties.
Dan Proft is a tough, smart, moral and honest guy. Dan is almost as smart as Mike Madigan.
Dillard and McKenna? As if. Jim Ryan is a champion human being, but got in the race too late and has the media against him.
Dan Proft is the real deal. I had an obligation to vote for a very close friend and the primary rules trumped my desire to see Dan Proft become Illinois Governor.
I voted early. To those who might glance at my blog. Vote for Dan Proft. I hope to see Dan Proft become Illinois Governor - it worked in Massachusetts.
Proft Campaign Schedule
Sunday, January 31, 2010
10:00 am — America’s Outdoor Show
Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, IL
11:30 — Kane County GOP Chairman Brunch
Riverside Receptions, 35 N. River Lane, Geneva, IL
1:30 pm — Boone County GOP Lincoln Day Luncheon
Community Center, 111 W. 1st Street, Belvidere, IL
4:00 pm — Meet and Greet at Supporter’s House
Long Grove, IL
9:00 pm — 560 WIND-AM: Tony Peraica Show (In Studio)
25 NW Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Monday, February 1, 2010
7:30 am — 890 WLS-AM: Don Wade and Roma Show (In Studio)
190 N. State Street, Chicago, IL
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
7:30 am — Candidate Voting
Lake Point Tower, 505 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL
6:00 pm — Election Night Celebration
Ditka’s, 100 E. Chestnut, Chicago, IL