Showing posts with label Chicago Thug Comfort Zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago Thug Comfort Zone. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

My Neighbors Will School Ag School Vandals

I was publicly shamed when I was about eight years old.  My buddies and I recently watched Jerry Lewis in The Bell Boy at the old Highland Theatre on 79th & Ashland.

We were delighted by Jerry Lewis' antics and  mimiced his facial contortions and spasmodic contortions on our walk home to 75th Place and Wood Street, where we sat on a horseshoe of painted boulders under the street sign and continued to pantomime spastic reactions to everything.  Mrs. McGuinness and her five year old boy Robbie walked behind us on their way home from the Hamilton Dairy store at 75th & Paulina. Robbie had Downs Syndrome.

We began to mock Robbie in the manner of the comic genius so beloved by France.

We followed Mrs,McGuiness who was openly crying, but we could care less - Hell, Jerry Lewis is a movie star. What's her problem.

Mr. Balllina and Mrs. Ballina yelled from their porch, " You little bastards, stop that! Who do you think you are scaring the poor little guy and making his Momma cry."  The Ballinas were older than our parents and childless.  Mr. Ballina worked for the Bell Phone Company and his green truck was often parked in front of our house.  He was a short wiry little guy with arms like Popeye.  He was no where near finished with me and my pals.

Phil and Marie Ballina's corrections had alerted all of our Mom's and we were now about to sail up Shit Creek.

Slaps attendant and exile to our rooms, basements or porches, depending up the level of disgust our mothers had for us, were as nothing to the ticking of seven kitchen clocks up Wood Street and across 75th Place signaled the impending arrivals of Dads.

When Dads came home from shifts, we were properly re-beaten, belted, slapped and vilified according to sizes and ages, but that was not all - No, not by a jug full.

Each Dad shoved each son to McGuiness home up tyhe porch stairs and we each apologized to Robbie, who hugged each of us and said, "Thas Oh Ride Pad, Yus My Bes Frens!"

I learned shame.  The shame of this act of my is still very much with me. I learned not to do cruel things to people at a very early age, or at least I learned what cruelty really means.

We pulled weeds and did sic and fetch for Mrs. McGuinesses for a few days after and not one of us could look one another in the face again without a sense of group shame.

Boys will be boys, until they learn to be gentle men.  Girls can be even more brutal, but they not generally thoughtless.

As we got older we learned and believed that toughness had more to do with be able to take punishment, than dishing it out.

A few days ago some teens in my neighborhood broke into the Chicago Ag High School.  A wonderful woman shared the news of this on Facebook

This was shared with me today. It happened yesterday 6/23/16.
At the Ag School last night someone broke in and harassed all of the animals, tied the mother goat up with a rope, threw eggs at the baby goats, and tied all the chickens legs together. A Police report has been filed. Empty egg cartons were found on the scene. If anyone knows anything about this please contact the 22nd district. Might be a good time to have a conversation with kids about harming animals as local kids are usually seen drinking out in the field behind the school.

The reaction to this universal neighborhood shame and the comments ranged from " arrest the bastards' to " Boys will be Boys,"

On my walks to morning services, last week which takes from 107th & Rockwell, across the CSX rails to Talman Steet, which is a beautiful walk with no two homes alike and varied in design and size.  Last week I saw egg shells all over the sidewalks between 106th Street and 103rd Street on the west side of Talman.

I have had my raised ranch egged by teens in passing cars.  It is a pain to clean dripping yolks and whites off of bricks and windows, but what the hell.

Damage to property is a step toward thuggery.  The next step is cruelty to living things - small animals. Then, it is human beings.

We get our moral shorts in knot when we read about cats being napalmed and dogs used for target practise.

Then we really get to marching and vigil-ing when people get murdered.  Cruelty is easy.

I grew up at time when consequences were important thanks be to God.  The parents today not only must teach their children well, even within a culture that ignores consequences universal.

My neighbors arrested our development into nasty, vicious little bastards, for the most part, back in 1960.

I am angry that kids in my neighborhood would pelt baby goats with eggs and tie up the poor mother, but understand their acting out needs a swift address, by parents and neighbors.

Tying the chickens together?  Awesome!  No. that is wrong too, but I could still get behind that. Chickens are nasty critters. Better angels, you recalcitrant nave!

Seriously, I know my neighbors will get to these kids.

Once we understand cruelty - we will never watch, much less laugh about another Jerry Lewis movie.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Rahm's Chicago is Richie Daley's Monument - No Havoc Here.

"Let's face it: we have a problem in Chicago. The name-calling and politics at City Hall are keeping us from tackling the real issues ... I may not be the best speaker in town, but I know how to run a government and how to bring people together."
Rahm Emanuel worked for the Daley campaign as a fundraiser,[42] David Axelrod as campaign strategist, William Daley as chief strategist, and Forrest Claypool as a campaign aide. Wikipedia on Richard M. Daley

"The more killing and homicides you have, the more havoc it prevents." Richard M. Daley(RMD)

To be fair, Rahm's Chicago began at that time in Richie Daley's Mayorship when the University of Chicago Hyde Park Mafia sunk its hooks in his tiny heart.  That was when kitchen cabinet Progressive types encouraged RMD to Move out of Bridgeport

  • Ax people like Pat Huels, Terry Teele and Oscar De Angelo pronto
  • Use Marilyn Katz PR and watch the Feds takeover  CHA* and send problems to neighborhoods
  • Trust U of C and Northwestern to beat up on the solid but Progressively disdained people who got you elected ( Sheahan, Joyce and Degnan) via university trained Hegelian activists, lawyers and media types: G. Flint Taylor/Locke Bowman/Jeanne Snyder/Bernardin Dorhn et al 
  • Snuggle up to the University of Chicago policy artistes
  • Use hard-ball tactics against old school Ward bosses - embrace Shakman
  • Close neighborhood taverns, where people talk politics ( RMD) closed scores of family saloons in Bridgeport, Canaryville, Back of the Yards, McKinley Park, Brighton Park and in the southwest Mick Wards. 
  • Embrace Progressive platitudes and play act regular old schoolisms to fool the helots.
  • Place Progressive icons in City Departments as Heads and hug  Shakman tighter
  • Have Regular Democratic Organizations ( 10th, 14th, 19th Wards e.g.)  send field troops into Lakeview, Uptown, Rogers Park and Hyde Park to shoo out the votes for our Mike Quigleys, Joe Mooores and Toni Preckwinkles.
  • Turn the keys of the City over to Ameritech, Nortyh Michigan Ave Business Association and Disney.
  • Don't Worry about Torture or Burge, or whatever - Our judges like Judge Robert Gettleman got your back.
All of those moves put Valerie Jarrett in the White House and helped build Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone.

Today, Chicago is America's largest illegal gun range.  The guns used in Chicago's daily bloodbaths are not Commie AK-47s in the hands of Aryan Nation Pro-Lifeers; they are street steel.

We have no havoc and we have tons of homicides.  

Here is today's Butcher Bill 

Year to DateShot - Killed: 271
Shot - Wounded: 1490
Total Shot: 1761
Total Homicides: 302

No Havoc!  Enjoy The Pride Parade, Buy some great Disney Products on the Mag Mile and in City Kiosks Everywhere, but Engelwood, Taste of Chicago and Ride the Giant Ferris wheel!

Disney had one  horrific week with the slaughter of people in a nightclub, the stalker murder of a young singer and the corporate controlled death of a toddler at a Disney Resort.

We have the same corporately controlled environment here in Chicago  - hey, deaths happen, people.

Alligators go where they wants to go and urban thugs get chillin' with killin' G!

Today we "learn" that Disney was very aware of threats posed by alligators even when their nature habitat is 'controlled' by the suits who erased Walt Disney's Vision.

Here is a solid Disney employee shooing away Wally Gator (Chicago has one as well) from guests on Splash Mountain.

More interesting is the comment section from the Daily Mail article that broke this story. where gent from Birmingham, Michigan notes,

@#$$%%%^^, Birmingham MI, United States, about 5 hours ago
Safer here than walking on streets of Chicago
That is quite true, There has yet to be another alligator attack since the horror of last week, but Chicago killings and homices continue to keep Old Man Havoc away!

Disney and Daley and Rahm's Chicago Both Are No-Fly Zones: "“I think just the whole debate about the flight restriction–temporary flight restriction. How difficult that was, how hard it was to get as compared to Mickey and Minnie getting it.”

Hard, Richie, way hard.  Harder than arithmetic.

*Joseph Shuldiner, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, will be HUD's point man in Chicago. The former head of New York City's housing authority, Mr. Shuldiner will oversee much of the transition from local to Federal control.
He will arrive in Chicago either Monday or Tuesday to brief Mayor Daley and to talk with residents and the staff of the authority. Mr. Daley is out of the city on a trip to England, paid for by American Airlines, and he could not be reached for comment.

Monday, June 01, 2015

A Savage Murdered Brian O'Malley's Son

Kristopher Pitts / Photo from Chicago PoliceKevin O'Malley / Photo from Facebook

Savage Mr. Pitts - Savage :Middle English: from Old French sauvage 'wild', from Latin silvaticus 'of the woods', from silva 'a wood'. - and the boy he slaughtered Kevin O'Malley

Kevin O'Malley was murdered by a savage in Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago, this past weekend.  Kevin is the son of Brian O'Malley, Leo Class of 1972.

Leo High School has had more than its share of blood spilled by the hands of savages - shot, stabbed, or  bludgeoned.

This is not a delicate subject whatsoever. Savages murdered Leo freshman Antonio Davis and put Leo Man Miles Turner in Illinois Rehab for the better part of a year and a wheelchair.  Savages murdered Officers Eric Lee and William Fahey.  Savages murdered Leo Valedictorian and Golden Gloves Champion Jason Riley.  Savages murdered a Leo student from Canaryville's brother in a gangway at 45th & Wallace.  Savages come in every race, creed and of course color.

To say, this is not the case is unjust.

Kevin O'Malley's mother and father, like the thousands of anguished parents and relatives who cry out over the loss of victims of savagery on the evening news, are going to bury their child.  Kevin O'Malley is the same age as my son.

The savage who shot Kevin O'Malley will be considered for  comfort by the people who do not want us to use the noun that describes base, animal humans who only understand impulses.

Our culture makes victims of savagery privileged characters, or, at best, people to be forgotten and turns savages into cult heroes - give the media forty-eight hours and Mr. Pitts will become Mr. Chips, without an opportunity.

That is wrong in every color of the rainbow.

May Christ comfort the O'Malley family and welcome home Kevin OMalley. 

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Burge Mythology Victory -Chicago City Council Set to Approve - It Will Be Unanimousn

G. Flint Taylor* and arsonist/murderer Madison Hobley**

Very good people are appalled by the idea of torture. The idea of torture in Chicago by homicide detectives committed to systemtic racism has been carefully crafted and marketed over the last thirty years.

Some very bad people created the Burge Mythology and will make hundreds of thousands of more dollars, when Chicago's aldermen vote for the Burge Reparations ordinance.  It will be unanimous. Not one Alderman has the guts to ask for a true analysis of the Burge Myth.

Academics, Activists and Advocacy Agendanistas have parlayed the idea of torture into a mythology that permeates what passes for Chicago's corporate news media.

Carol Marin, Mark Brown, Eric Zorn and other iconic columnists have not tucked their snouts into the story of Area 2, but have relied completely on the work of John Conroy and the propaganda machine of G. Flint Taylor. Code of Silence, Black Box, House of Screams, Vietnam 101 Torture are part of the Burge Industries glossary developed by Sasha Abramsky, Bernardine Dohrn, G. Flint Taylor, Northwestern Law, and especially John Conroy, who can not seem to be given the contract by the corporate media that laps up his every nuanced participle. Why is he not the editor of some great metropolitan newspaper? They all redact his texts and themes.

Twelve citizens should decide for or against Jon Burge, who has been fabricated into the face of torture, by G. Flint Taylor, The MacArthur Center for Justice, Jon Loevy, Locke Bowman, Jean McLean Snyder, Berardine Dohrn, WTTW, WBEZ, NPR, and the lazy and compliant editorial boards. As it is, Jon Burge has been tripped up, convicted of perjury, sent to prison, released and now waits for the next bundle of legal barbed wire.

I have followed this story as a citizen and as an educator who spends seven days a week in Area 2 - I live here and live with the fall-out that has evolved as the result of the erosion in faith for Law Enforcement at the hands of lawyers, louts and loudmouths. A rainforest of crime has rooted up in Chicago- not in Lakeview, Highland Park, Winnteka, or Wilmette, but in Gresham, Englewood, Brainerd, Morgan Park, Beverly and Roseland.

I have witnessed the savagery of street thuggery and attended the funerals of too many sweet and hard working young black men slaughtered in the Thug Comfort Zone created by Burge Industries - Eric Ersery, Jason Riley, Steven Lyons,Antonio Collins, Eric and Steve Lee to name but a few. I have witnessed the police officers and detectives of Gresham District (6th) and Area 2.

I don't buy the systemic racist torture at all. Am I intellectually dishonest? I don't think so.

I have followed this story very religiously since Officers Fahey and O'Brien were tortured and murdered. I know that I have found the endless chorus of charges and the endless failures to make the case for torture a compelling case for doubt. What happened? I do not know, but I do not buy for one second the charges howled by G. Flint Taylor and the murdering savages that he represents. I suspect that G. Flint Taylor and others in his cottage industry including Chicago's news media want the Burge Saga to continue.

The perjury case against Jon Burge,it seems to me, was merely another legal sop paid to G.Flint Taylor, by judges and attorneys general. The City of Chicago and Cook County tried tossing millions of dollars at this public pest. They would have done well to stand in court and demanded a battle royal against the charges. They did not. Today, the City Council will 5.5 million more dollars to G. Flint Taylor and The Peoples Law Office.

A jury should decide one way or the other, but do not think for a minute that Burge Industries will ever be satisfied. If Jon Burge is ever convicted of the torture the mythology demands we accept, or is acquitted, G. Flint Taylor and his disciples will howl for more, more, more court time and greater fees.

Taylor is record for more legal battles no matter how much the City of Chicago gives away.  Not only legal battles, but political battles,” said Flint Taylor, who represents several men who accused Mr. Burge and others of torturing them while at Area 2 violent-crimes unit of the police department on the Far South Side in the 1970s and ’80s. “This is just one phase in the long struggle against police torture.”

Police officer and author Martin Preib has pulled apart the author of the Burge Mythology -John Conroy.

Conroy made The Chicago Reader the Norton Anthology of Burge Myths; however, John Conroy was discharged from the Chicago Reader, never found work on any news paper, magazine, or electronic media server, but landed a post at DePaul University after a very brief time with Andy Shaw's BGA.

Mr. Conroy never responded to Martin Preib's critique of his methodology.  Why is that?

Nevertheless, John Conroy will be kept busy and his story line will continue as Carol Marin and others play the Polyanna do-gooders.

Perhaps, William Crawford's new book on this cottage industry tied to police brutality mythology and duplicitous Wrongful Conviction Complex of journalists, criminals, lawyers and activists will wake some people up.  I hope so.

More kids will be slaughtered. If it bleeds it leads. If it gets in a column, G. Flint Taylor makes money.

The scent of easy money, like the taste for blood can not be sated.

* “…Former FBI agents have told Village Voice Media the basis for their belief that the Weather Underground was behind McDonnell's murder. The agents have revealed that two credible eyewitnesses — both former left-wing radicals tied to the Weathermen — gave detailed statements to investigators in the 1970s alleging that Dohrn and Howard Machtinger, another member of the group, were personally involved in organizing the deadly attack. Both witnesses claimed to have participated in meetings where the bombing was planned, and one confessed to having cased the police station for the Weathermen prior to the explosion,” wrote the River Front Times.  Martin Preib

**The centerpiece of the Conroy article are the claims of Hobley’s attorneys that a gas can found by detectives at the crime scene the day after the murders vindicated Hobley. This gas can was evidence of a police frame-up, according to the attorneys. The controversy over the gas can eventually led to a long evidentiary review. A judge eventually ruled that there was nothing about the gas can sufficient to overturn Hobley’s conviction. Martin Preib

Monday, December 15, 2014

Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone Kills Kids and Christmas

Chicago is a thug comfort zone.  It became so, because of anti-police mythologies, a complete undermining of any and all confidence in the American Justice system and the racial grievance industry.

A thug can kill with impunity and murder witnesses..  This weekend,  a 15 year old boy was murdered because a 17 year old thug wanted his jacket. No police officer has been charged with killing a kid for his Ipod, Timberlines, Jordans, jewelry, or inability to answer the fundamental GD, Stones, or Mickey Cobra catechism questions.  Nevertheless, police officers are public enemy number one, because of flannel-mouthed morons like Michale Eric Dyson, Al Sharpton, Joan Walsh, Chris Hayes and Chicago's editorial boards,

Thugs kill and rob with impunity.

Did you know that in Gresham, Englewood, Grand Crossing, Chatham and Bronzville neighborhoods Black families refrain from putting up Christmas decorations in order to signal the thugs that there is nothing under tree.

Only this morning, one of the young guys whom I drive to Leo High School every morning had his home broken into on Saturday and his family's Christmas presents redistributed to the thugs.

The family took down the Christmas tree, the lights and any other notification of shared values.  If your home or apartment in the 'Hood displays Christmas, the thugs find cause to rob you.

This war on Christmas goes way beyond the Bill O'Reilly-variety; this war on Christmas is personal.

The news media gooses the numbers of idealistic dopes who Metra into the Loop from our suburban Napervilles, Wilmettes and Winnetkas who need to march in solidarity against "police violence," purchase an "I Can't Breathe" T-shirt, beat a few drums and disrupt traffic when called into Action by race fakirs like Sharpton and pasty-faced clowns like MBC's Brian Williams.

We live in a thug comfort zone, because we are OK with it.  We feel good about it. It is cathartic to blame the cops, march in solidarity and assuage white guilt, or black frustration.  It sure beats actually doing something about it - like facing our own demons, defending the sanctity of life, working for institutions and people who are not a huge part of problem and actually being accountable, for something.

The Christ Child is naked, cold and about to take a 9mm if Joe and Mary don't give up the  gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

I'm Hearing 'Gun Violence' is Bad . . .Everything Else is Just Dandy!

I heard the Chicago Police boss say that 17 deaths and 82 bullet mutilations is just unacceptable. He immediately shifted blame from shooters holding hand guns to his people with a John Deweyesque lab lesson, “We're square-rooting* nine ways from Sunday what is it that happened. Was it a fatigue factor? Did we give (too many) people (time) off? Because the fireworks were Friday and Saturday. That's where we had a lot of folks deployed during those time frames.” He admitted the numbers of bodies taking rounds was unacceptable,

I wonder, what exactly would be an acceptable rate of ballistic intrusions on carbon foot-prints over a few hours in Chicago?  A real headstratcher that one.

Mayor Chicagoland was equally huffed and puffed about the numbers, the optics and the growth of ballistic corporeal intrusions over Independence Day Weekend.These guys are almost mildy concerned enough to actually give voice to what everyone else in Chicago knows?

Not a chance.
In April when the temperatures spiked after the long Arctic Chicago winter, so do did bullet gusts and Rahm said,
"Every child deserves a childhood, regardless of where they live. But to do that, our city and community, the neighborhoods that make up this city, cannot live by a code of silence," Emanuel said at a news conference at an Edgewater school to announce more international baccalaureate programs. "They have to live by a moral code."
"Now I've read some of this, and I just want to say this, when some people go 'Well, it's the weather.' It's whether you have values," the mayor said. "Yes, weather's an impact. Where you put police is an impact. Whether you have summer jobs, after school programs, camps, summer reading programs. We have to do that and more."

And By Jingo, he did!  In fact he said so in the wake of 4th July fussilades, "While [Chicago is] providing record summer educational job opportunities and summer jobs, where is the federal [government] with assistance to expand that?"

Rahm knows that After School Programs do more to stop bullets* travelling between 770 -840 feet per second than decking out an entire neighborhood in T-shirts and marching behind Reverends at Gun Shops, or posting STOP GUN VIOLENCE signage hither and yon in ballistic afflicted neighborhoods.

Certainly, After School Programs do much, much more than having a well-led, well-manned and well-backed Police Department unencumbered by showers of pissy lawsuits and pissier media smears of cops doing their jobs bolstered by the pissiest of academic frauds with pie charts and mythopoeic yarns of systemic racism, brutality and working class contempt in bringing bad guys, cut-purses and sundry ne'er-do-wells to book for actual crimes.

After School Programs, especially when school is out for the summer, will end the bloodbath and bring Robert Redford's documentary crews back for another clear-eyed look at this Shooting Gallery on the Lake.

Boy, and all this time, silly me, I believed it was due to the fact that vicious, self-absorbed, bone-stupid and well armed thugs feel that they can get away with murder in Chicago, because Rahm, Daley, the Alderpersons, Toni Preckwinkle, Northwestern's Wrongful Industry, G. Flint Taylor, Locke Bowman,  Loevy & Loevy, both newspapers' editorial boards and icon columnists, WTTW, Pat Quinn, University of Chicago, CPS and too many grant-making philanthropies have made Chicago A Thug Comfort Zone.Police booking photo of Richard L. Magnan, 35, of Evergreen Park, IL. Thugs of all ethnic origins are surely welcome like this Evergreen Park native, sporting the fine old Irish/Viking name of Magnan.  Perhaps, when he came home from the Tattoo parlor sporting the Message at the center of what passes for his forehead might have indicated the road less travelled but certainly most bloody.

Science, my boy, science!

* Square Rooting -"Last year saw dramatic improvements after a particularly violent 2012 when Chicago topped 500 homicides for only the third time in a decade. But the momentum has appeared to slow so far this year. Through Sunday, homicides have dropped 5.6 percent, to 185, 11 fewer than the year earlier, police statistics show. But shooting incidents have risen to 953, up 5.3 percent from 905."

** Bullets in metric conversion -
Bullet Mass = 10.2 grams
Velocity = 230 meters per second
Energy = 282 Joules 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rahm says, "Back to Chicago Values?"

"Every child deserves a childhood"  Can't argue with that any more than that old saw " Every adult deserves an adulthood."

In time-honored tradition of slapping platitudes on rampant failure, Mayor Rahm Emanuel invokes " Values."

Chicago became a thug-comfort zone, because the platitude paper-hangers wanted power, dominion, votes and most importantly cash.  It became very important to the platitudinarian politicians during the second term of Richard M. Daley to divorce law enforcement from City Hall.  Cops were tossed to the wolves of media and the ambulance chasers.  Wrongfully became the watchword for all aspects of policing and prosecution.  It worked better than Henry Tudor's many honeymoons. Cops got their heads placed on pikes and Thugs got 2/3'd of the millions paid to G. Flint Taylor, Locke Bowman and the Loevy Boys.  Chicago Values!

Those are the values that Alderman Proco Joe Moreno spoke of when he blasted Chick Fil A for opening in Chicago. Mayor Rahm agreed whole heartedly. Remember?

“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a statement to the Chicago Tribune. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents.”
Emanuel was vowing his support for Alderman Proco Moreno’s announcement that he would block construction of a Chick-fil-A restaurant in his district.
“If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the First Ward,” he told the newspaper.Chick-fil-A is privately owned by the Cathy family. The company president, Dan Cathy, drew the wrath of gay rights advocates and supporters when he made recent statements that some have alleged are anti-gay.
That was power and dominion at work.  A cynical person, like me, might say that Proco Joe and Mayor Rahm are merely pandering to the wallets of Fred Eychaner and the votes of evolved Progressives, because that is what they do.  Yet, they decried the values of the Cathy Family, owners of chicken franchise, the Catholic Church and millions of Chicagoans.  Chicago values the silence of the lambs.

"Man is wolf to man," or so a political animal might suggest. Wolves need prey and lambs are tasty prey.

Over the weekend another slaughter took place in all of the zip codes all too familiar with wolves, political and armed.  In yet another, heart-tugging platitude post-up Rahm Emanuel called on all of Chicagoland to dig deeply for " Values."

Those values include the right of women to slaughter the unborn, redefine marriage, biology, spend us out of debt, over turn convictions of murderers and return them to the agonized zip-codes of Chicago, shut up and vote.

Devalue your values and value your Value-Makers.

Can't argue with that - not allowed.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Buried Ledes and The 'Wrongful' Conviction Industry

Steve Mandell leaves Dirksen Federal Building 2005 with his attorney JLoevy.  |  Sun-Times Medifile photoOne cop that Jon Loevy likes
Steve Mandell leaves the Dirksen Federal Building in 2005 with his attorney Jon Loevy. | Sun-Times Media file photo
Unlike this crew, who have managed to completly avoid corporate and complicit media Inquiry altogether.

bury the lede
  1. (idiomatic) (news writing style) To begin a story with details of secondary importance to the reader while postponing more essential points or facts. 
Lede - means The Man in Old English, interesting to note.

For years, I have written about the willful ignorance of politicians and the media that helped create Chicago's "Wrongful" Conviction Industry.  

Chicago is a Thug Comfort Zone thanks in large part to this Industry that benefits journalists, Marxist academics and unprincipled lawyers.  This Industry benefits very few people and was founded on wishful doctrine - John Dewey's replacement of Inquiry for Truth.  Begin with a premise like 'all police officers are paid racists, Uncle Tom Go-longs, or sadistic fascists operating for Systemic Racism' and any conviction even for the most horrific and bloody of acts can and will be tried in the media and over-turned.

Generations of Chicagoans have been emotionally, intellectually and spiritually water-boarded with the drip-drip-dripping yarns of electric testicle burners, Houses of Screams that no one but John Conroy seemed to hear, and sequestered testimony by disappearing boy scouts and of course Vietnam chestnuts.  Kids unborn when Officers Fahey and O'Brien were, in fact, tortured and murdered by the Wilson Brothers at 80th & Morgan deeply believe that Jon Burge tortured more Black persons than Idi Amin.

The Peoples Law Office, G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy, David Protess, Locke Bowman and Aaron Patterson are the founding founding fathers of Systemic Police Brutality and Wrongful Convictions, Llc.

Today, we learned, thanks to a public heads-up from police blog The Second City Cop, of the co-operation the law firm of Loevy & Loevy provided to a man hired to murder for the mob. SCC was required to dig the lede up that was buried deeply down page.

Former Chicago cop Steve Mandell took the stand in federal court Thursday to defend himself against charges he plotted multiple murders.
The risky move — rarely taken by defendants, especially in such a high stakes case — comes at the end of a two week trial at which jurors have heard how Mandell built a torture chamber on the Northwest Side, where he planned to extort, then kill a wealthy suburban businessman, and how he allegedly planned to kill an owner of Polekatz strip club and his wife.
But then this happened:
Mandell said he did “a little bit” of the spying he was being paid for, but was conning Michael by claiming to be doing more work than he was being paid for.
He said he used the computer databases and other tools at the civil rights law firm Loevy & Loevy, where he was working as an unpaid process server, to research half a dozen targets Michael had asked him to keep tabs on.
That’s a potential embarrassment for the highly-regarded law firm, which represented Mandell in a 2005 wrongful conviction case against the FBI.

Really? Do tell. The Loevys helped him win a suit against the FBI that was later overturned. And the Loevys also have a habit of scoring large payouts in suits against the City. It certainly sounds like Mandell was hip deep in the shit that got him placed on Death Row once before.
Very interesting. (emphasis my own)
Credit Kim Jansenn of the Chicago Sun Times for providing the  Loevy & Loevy info. Perhaps some investigative jornalist might begin to dig deeper into the Industry and the complicity of academics, lawyers and elected officials in creating the Chicago Thug Comfort Zone.

More interestingly a young Chicago police officer, Martin Preib*, has book coming out this month that sheds light on the protected species of the Wrongful Conviction/Police Torture Industry.

New City Communications **offers a taste of Preib's painstaking research and sharp insights -

 . . . a disturbing vision of David Protess and the Innocence Project emerged, as well as of the wrongful conviction movement itself. In 2011, Protess was caught by Northwestern University “knowingly misrepresenting the facts” in a matter related to an unrelated wrongful conviction case. The attorney for Northwestern told a judge that Protess had altered emails subpoenaed by prosecutors. Protess brushed aside the assertion that he had altered evidence, saying it was just a misunderstanding, but it was enough for Northwestern to conduct its own internal investigation. After this internal investigation, Protess was fired from the university and the school issued a public statement acknowledging Protess’ wrongdoing. I exchanged many emails with Protess and some phone calls with Paul Ciolino when I first became interested in this story. But as my questions eventually revealed my skepticism about the Porter exoneration and the conviction of Simon, as well as the manner in which Protess ran the Innocence Project—which he continues to run to this day independent of Northwestern—Ciolino refused to respond to my inquiries. Eventually, Protess, too, stopped responding to me. How deep did Protess’ lying go? How badly were his cases tainted? Perhaps the best people to answer this question are detectives Salvatore and Gray, and Alstory Simon, who wastes away in prison to this day. “I got accused of a lot of things I didn’t do. There were lies said about me in this case. If they’re lying about me, who else are they lying about? What other detectives are they lying about?” Salvatore says. -
It may be a beginning.  Truth is much tougher to swallow than Inquiry.

*Martin Preib is a Chicago police officer and writer. His first book, “The Wagon and Other Stories from the City,” was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2010. His essays have been published in Playboy, Virginia Quarterly Review (winner of the 2005 Staige D. Blackford Award for Nonfiction) and Tin House.  His new book, “Crooked City,” will be available at this month. -

** is a Web site about Chicago. We start with the core coverage found each week in Newcity magazine, Chicago’s only locally owned and operated cultural weekly, where we’ve been covering the turf for more than 25 years, and extend it with your input on this site.  

Friday, June 07, 2013

Ah, Sure and It's Only a Wee Gun

A 14-year-old boy is accused of dropping a gun in the middle of North Michigan Avenue in the Gold Coast yesterday afternoon, causing a disturbance, police said today. . . .
His mother, who was reached by telephone Thursday evening, said authorities were “wrong” for having cited him and implied they were not going to listen to her son’s side of the story anyway.
“My son’s side of the story doesn’t count,’’ she said. “They’re going to make it whatever they want.’’
After being asked if her son had a gun, she said: “I’m not at liberty to say, you’ll have to discuss that with his lawyer,’’ and hung up on a reporter.

Went something like this, you think?

Talk a laugh! And sure the wee man thought concealed carry had passed. All the other kids got one . . .at least.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Gotta Go Along with Congressman Bobby Rush -Sen. Marque Kirque is an “upper-middle-class, elitist white boy"

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) is highly critical of a proposal by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) for mass arrests of 18,000 Gangster Disciples, telling the Sun-Times on Wednesday that Kirk’s approach is “headline grabbing” and an “upper-middle-class, elitist white boy solution to a problem he knows nothing about.”
One of Kirk’s top priorities is targeting gangs; he has been meeting with law enforcement officials to devise a plan to execute the mass arrests.

Bobby Rush kicked Barack Obama's delicate rump in the race for the Congressional seat still warmed by the Old Black Panther. In the 2000 Democratic primary called out the aspirational and future transcendental mythopoeic Chief Executive who throws a football like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz enunciates, "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool. Barack is a person who read about the civil-rights protests and thinks he knows all about it."

Bobby all but called the then Woods Fund Executive emeritus and Illinois State Senator Barack Obama a 'white boy.'   Black columnists of the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times did as much arguing that the jejune Fresh Princeling was no where near 'black enough' to serve the 1st Congressional District. Obama carried the white vote.

I attended the Snow Flake Ball at the Evergreen Plaza prior to the primary and watched Congressman Bobby Rush work the crowd with cheers and beers that would have made Paddy Bauler spring for back-ups. If IL Sen. Obama was present, he must have had a permanent perch behind a balcony pillar down by Carson's.  I voted for Barack Obama to slim avail.

Bobby Rush is established in black Chicago.   He did not get the pencil-neck white vote out of Hyde Park, nor the ham-sized fists of Morgan Park, Mount Greenwood, nor the political elites of Beverly.  Barack Obama has had those votes since 2000 - largely. 

Bobby Rush knows an upper class, suburban elitist white boy when he sees one, as do the ham-fisted cops, firemen, skilled tradesmen and tough committed white teachers and nurses of Morgan Park, Mount Greenwood and Evergreen Park. Sometime after the 2000 primary can of whup-ass was opened on IL Sen. Obama, the Congressional maps were re-drawn and Blue Collar Morgan Park, Mount Greenwood, Evergreen Park, Oak Lawn and etc. were represented in the 3rd Congressional District by Congressman Dan Lipinski.  Beverly west of and north of 97th & Prospect, well.  The political elites are in Dan Lipinski's Congressional District. 

Senator Marque Kirque* is a Republican from the mos def-elite suburb of Highland Park.  He is a U.S. Senate creation of the Roland Burris/Rod Blagojevich Balls Up and the kvetrching and compromise of Federal G-Man Paddy Fitzgerald,  Senator Dick Durbin, former Lt. Gov. Quinn, the old Tom Hynes machine against poor old Alexi Giannoulis - the Greek Obama.

In short, Marque Kirque is more of a Progressive Democrat than  Bobby Rush, because Bobby Rush is actually a working man and I respect that.

That should be enough context and geneology.

Here's the deal, Marque Kirque and Dithering Dick Durbin are senatorial Siamese twins - both fatuous and oily.  Together they came up with a plan for Fitzy's replacement to swoop into the Hood, in its many manifestations with armed ( Homeland Security Mall Cops n'cest pas?) forces and snatch the GDs, The Stones ( aren't they allied to Operation Push?), the Four Corner Hustlers, Mikey Cobras, Vice Lords, Latin Kings and the Hostess Twinkies from our mean streets . . . and do exactly what with them? Send them to Gitmo?  Maybe Dick Durbin and Pat Quinn's Thompson Illinois Pet Farm?  Remember? That was where Dithering Dick wanted to send the Gitmo Guests of the Nation.  Still vacant. Just like Dick.

Bobby Rush knows that this plan is just, well, . . .bone stupid.  Consider the source, Congressman.

Marque Kirque has a great resume and the moral compass of a Hollywood agent. Moreso, Marque Kirque would not know a greasy bag of listeners from a flat jug of bumpy-face, leta lone a porch full of GDs from a Lake Forest LGBTQ Cub Scout Troop.

Congressman Rush will want to have Federal Programs pump millions into the 1st Congressional District to Save the Children, pay Ceasefire, wet the beak of Hal Baskin and other GD retirees.

I say, save our money.

The way to have a safe Chicago streets is easy.

  • Have a universal moratorium on any and all Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer ( Peoples Law, MacArthur Center for Making Thugs Rich and Destroy Criminal Justice) or G. Flint Taylor Jon Loevy grifts and gambits
  • Return the authority to police Chicago to the Chicago Police Department
  • Make thugs pay and not pay the thugs
  • Hold judges accountable for multiple felony thugs getting 'benefit of the doubt.'
  • Require the Chicago print media to balance heart tugging Yummy Sandifer Sagas with the little Prique's rap-sheet
  • Call bullshit on Stats, Studies and Programs that only handcuff the cops and hand felons ammunition
But that's just me.

I can't stand upper-class, elitist white boys either, Congressmen - be they white, black, brown or pink.  I respect the fact that Congressman Bobby Rush (D-1st District) works to not only hold his congressional seat, but actually bring home Federal bacon to the District.  Bobby Rush is a working man.

Marque Kirque is an upper-class, elitist white boy.


Tenure [edit]

Kirk was sworn-in on November 29, 2010 as the junior Senator from Illinois.[38] On December 18, 2010, Kirk voted in favor of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010.[39] He was one of only two Republicans to oppose legislation to detain American citizens indefinitely.[40] Kirk sits at the Senate's coveted Candy Desk.[41]

Infrastructure advocacy [edit]

In his first year in the Senate, Kirk worked along with U.S. Sen Dick Durbin (D-IL) to help mediate a dispute between airlines servingO'Hare International Airport and the City of Chicago in order to Keep the O'Hare Modernization project on Schedule.[42] It is estimated the project would create 200,000 jobs and add $18 billion to the regional economy when completed.[43]
Kirk and Durbin also worked together to bring $186 million in federal funds to support improved rail service from Chicago to St. Louis. The money was originally rejected by the state of Florida but reallocated to Illinois.[44]
Kirk authored legislation, entitled the Lincoln Legacy Infrastructure Development Act, that sought to eliminate barriers and encourage private investment in roads, transit, airport and rail.[45] Several of the provisions in the legislation would later become law under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-114), including provisions to eliminate barriers to public-private partnerships for public transportation projects and a boost for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFA) program.[46]

Illinois debt crisis [edit]

Kirk appointed a sovereign debt advisory board to help research the unfunded obligations and unpaid bills contributing to Illinois' debt crisis. He later produced a Report on Illinois Debt highlighting the unsustainable debt the state continued to hold and the need for pension reform.[47] Kirk introduced legislation entitled No State Bailouts, S. Res. 188, along with 14 other US Senators, which would ban federal bailouts of financially struggling states. Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford endorsed the legislation.[48]

Anti-corruption work [edit]

Kirk and Representative Robert Dold (R-IL-10) introduced bipartisan legislation to expand qualifications for ending federal pension payouts to elected officials convicted of corruption. The bicameral provision expanded current law to include an additional 22 crimes, and the bill was included in the STOCK Act signed by the President in April 2012.[49]

Same-sex marriage [edit]

On April 2, 2013, Kirk became the second sitting Republican senator to support same-sex marriage.[50]

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Will CPS Rahm Go All Edwin Starr? And How Far?

Come on, Feet! Start Movin'!    Uh huh huh huh huh , Uh huh huh huh huh huh yeah It's twenty five miles from home Girl, my feet are hurting mighty bad/Now I've been walking three day, 'n two lonely night/You know that I'm mighty mad

With Saturday as the deadline for parents of CPS children to be ignored on the upcoming school closings, some CPS parents want Mayor Rahm Emanuel to diminish some leather from the sole-bottoms of his Florsheims:

CITY HALL —  Parents and community activists have formally invited Mayor Rahm Emanuel to "walk the walk" when it comes to the controversial plans to shutter 54 public schools in Chicago.
And they say they literally mean "walk the walk."
Parents and members of organizations, including Blocks Together and the Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education, rallied on the fifth floor of City Hall, just outside Emanuel's office Tuesday morning to protest the proposed closures. 
The protesters invited Emanuel to join planned weekly walks from schools slated to close to the schools that would receive the displaced students.

 Ain't that something.  CPS and the educational geniuses they always tap with Progressive ideas on small schools* do studies aplenty but can not read gang graffitti, or bother to understand what constitutes a neighborhood demographic - it ain't all income disparities juxtaposed to more affluent communities.  It has to do with what three or four blocks are GD's, Stones, Vice Lords, Mikey Cobras, Four Corner Hustlers, or Latin Kings.

Fenger was 'smart sized' at this time. because Carver was turned into a military academy and kids that did not deire to, or could not possibly go all GI Joe were required to travel west from Altgeld Gardens/ Pullman to Roseland. Guess what? Different Stokes Hit Different Folks, or Peoples.

Fenger made national news when several lads went to the lumber. Even PBS saw the turn-around plan as the catalyst for violence:

An inner city kid can not walk Chicago streets - not because of Burge, or systemic racism, but because he, or she might cross a street that two days before had been the site of a murder.  If the kid is not known to be from those streets ('He stays with his uncle on Euclid') and happens to be walking to school, that child is a victim to be confronted, beaten, or murdered in response to the previous homicide.

School closings will happen.  It is planned and decided upon.

Parents should be worried about how their kids will get to school -damn worried.

Rahm and CPS and CTU have all the charts and figures and studies that ask if "students feel they are getting the Context of Support?"

If Rahm goes on a Mayoral perambulation, he should spund track the stroll -

The very simple to  solution to all of this nonsense - Send Your Kids To Catholic Schools!
*Chicago High School Redesign Initiative (CHSRI). In partnership with CPS, the effort was launched by the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation and local funders. It began
in September 2001 with a $12 million grant from the
Gates Foundation, matched by $6 million from foundations in Chicago, and ultimately will develop andsupport approximately 25 new small high schools. . . .

Monday, February 04, 2013

Rev. Jesse Jackson - Homeland Security for Chicago?

" ICU!!!!!! - Next!  I see You; ICU!!!!  . . . Next!"

“A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened.” 
― George OrwellCollected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell Volume 2 My Country Right or Left 1940 - 1943

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security forcethat's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (emphasis added) Barack Obama 2008

Chicago, IL (Friday, February 1, 2013) — Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and
Rainbow PUSH Coalition call for immediate Federal Intervention and Homeland
Security in Chicago as January homicide totals exceeded 45. This morning, in Chicago,
a woman’s van was riddled with bullets as she was executed on a major highway. Two
days ago, a 15-year-old Dr. Martin Luther King College Prep honor student, who had
recently performed as a majorette at the President’s inaugural ceremony, was killed
after trying to seek shelter from the rain less than a mile away from the President’s
home. Another student was shot but survived. The gunman is still at large. Days before
these tragedies, seven people were killed, 6 from gunshots, all in one day; most of
their murders have been unsolved. Reverend Jesse Jackson reaffirms that gun control reform is critical and the ban on assault weapons paramount. The REV.

With Junior set to attend Federal 'college,'  the 7th Ward up for grabs and unhappy fact that Rev. Al Sharpton is more cuddly to MSNBC, Rev. Jesse Jackson is thinking outside of the box again.
The same crowd of deep thinkers and civil libertarians who have destroyed any and all public support for Chicago Police officers will love this idea!  They also loved Rahm's gift to the Gang-banger pensioners of CeaseFire and Calypso Louis' March of the Bow-Tied Brothers all over Gresham and the Englewood.  Murders spiked, but that's Okay.

Now, the REV. doesn't draw an un-calculated breath on-camera or within range of audio reception and it makes perfect sense that he had cleared his latest "Stop the Madness" gambit following a call to Slum Dog Billionaire Real Estate Mogul and Presidential Ramrod Valerie Jarrett and the lads at the Obama Aeterna Stipendium eodemque Consule Vita  headquarters.

Imagine, DHS security forces in thick competition, not with Chicago Police Department professionals, but the Millions Dollar Ceasefire  Quartet ( Gary Slotkin, Tio Hardiman, Wesley Skogan and Dan'l Webster) and perhaps the contracted players of Rainbow Putsch Coalition's Community For State Security.

Anyway, the good REV tossed that trial balloon out there.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dispute at South Loop L

A man was shot on a South Loop “L” station platform Monday night after a dispute broke out between two groups of young people, police said.
Chicago Tribune
Dispute??? That ain't no dispute.

Circa August,1804: London -
"Who the duece is this Montrand?" asked the Duke of York.

"They say, sir," replied Upton, "that he is the most agreeable scoundrel and the greatest reprobate in France."

"Is he, by Jove!" said H.R.H.; "then let us ask him to dinner immediately."

" Sink me, Milord, my most Royal and round good fellow," Upton replied and ventured. "I've pen'd an altogether delightful poesy on Lady L'_________; sink me, if I have not."

York commands, "Out with it, man!"

Upton flourishes the fluttering bows of his silken cravat for greater effect, postures Attic and descants his verse -

To Cloe, a disagreaable Prude, Impertinent by boasting her Virginity

Say, Prudish Cloe, why this mighty rout
To prove what no-one who has eyes can doubt?
What need you tell us, you're a virgin still?
'Tis plain you're such, howe'er against your will.
What lustful wretch that e'er has seen you, would
Accept a maidenhead by you bestow'd
Cloe! Ne'er labour then to prove a case
That stands so well attested in your face.

"Guards! Take my Lord Upton to the tower until that time as my brother "Prinny, George Augustus Frederick of Hanover, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, and Baron of Renfrew - Prince Regent of England and sole galloping right to the amorous Lady L'________. er, . . .No. Simply won't, do! Won't do at all. Sink me, Upton, if your head isn't in the hazard and . . .Yet, damned nuisance the scandal and all. Roylaty you know. Alternative, Upton?"

"Pistols, Royalty? Sabers and broadswords altogether unsettling in this damnable heat. Pistols, I think. The time is now."

"Nonsense, Upton! The proprieties. Invitations, publishing of wrongs, catering . . .game hens and cold Rhenish, eh? What? Haw? Haw? Three days minimum."

"Your servant, Majesty and God Save George Augustus Frederick of Hanover, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, and Baron of Renfrew -

Now, that's a dispute, Bitches!

Compliments pass when the quality meet.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chatham's Edward Alexander Tunes-up Our Later Day Yummy Sandifer

“From his hospital bed Friday, the retired probation officer of 32 years says he has no regrets.

You’ve got to make a stand one way or the other in life,” he said from his room at Advocate Trinity Hospital. “And if you don’t you’ll be run over.”

It happened in a flash.

“This gentleman comes around 81st Street, he said, ‘Give it up,’ and put a gun to my stomach,” said Alexander, who took a swipe at the man’s gun-wielding hand.

The bullet went clean through Alexander’s left leg at around the same time he landed a blow square in the robber’s jaw.

“He stumbled and went off running,” Alexander said, noting that he didn’t immediately realize he was shot. “That’s a thing you don’t have happen often. You can’t prepare for it.”

The suspect then ran to a car parked nearby, where he and a driver fled north on the Dan Ryan Expressway, police said.

The robber didn’t get away with any cash. But neighbors say what Alexander went through is part of a broader rise in Chatham crime that has picked up over the years.
God Bless You, Mr. Alexander!

Last week, an elderly gentlemen who works on the buses at Leo High School confronted a bust-out thug as the crumb rifled through one of the buses at the end of the working day. There was a scuffle and the mechanic, whom I will not name, had gotten the better of young Felonius Punk. The punk managed to get his cowardly mitts on a chunk of concrete and beat Leo's motor pool wrangler several times in the head. Leo's football coach and several varsity players burst out of the school and the thug beat it south on Sangamon.

The elderly working man is hospitalized at Christ Advocate in Oak Lawn and thanks to Mike Holmes and the Leo Men Gresham (6th District) police identified the thug.

Yesterday, Edward Alexander, 82 was watering his lawn when a bust-out thug stuck a gun in his belly and ordered Mr. Alexander to 'Give it Up!' Sounds good on Law and Order and bad movies, but it translated differently to Edward Alexander, 83 a home owner working man in the Chatham neighborhood. 'Give it up!' was prelude to a solid punch in the chops.

Sadly, our later-day Yummie Sandifer got off a stray round that hit Mr. Alexander in the leg. Mr. Edward Alexander, like Leo's Bus mechanic, is an elderly, proud working man with gallons of proud testosterone. Thugs are not born, they are made. They are made by excuses and entitled do any thing that they damn well please.

The punks are armed and the media has been doing their press and public relations in Chicago for decades. Remember Yummie Sandifer?

The late Yummie Sandifer was the template for players, bust-outs, thugs, dope-slingers, rapists, and thieves who all manage to have family albums filled with mug shots ( witness last weeks Chicago River Bridge Miracle Baby Boy who took one in the head from a member of his own fraternity. The News media featured only the hospitalized cranial marvel's mugshot from one of his more recent arrests).

The American media, following the journalistic dance steps of our geniuses of the Chicago Media, crafted a template equating a useless gene-pool to a social icon. In the 1930's Communist naturalist novelist created Bigger Thomas in Native Son and our lesser talented journalists gave us Yummie Sandifer with his very own posthumous Wikipedia entry.

Robert "Yummy" Sandifer (March 12, 1983 — September 1, 1994) garnered national attention in September 1994 after his murder by fellow gang members in Chicago, Illinois.[1][2][3][4] He appeared on the cover of TIME magazine in September 1994.[5]
Nicknamed Yummy because of his love of junk food, Sandifer was a young member of the street gang the Black Disciples. After committing murder, arson and armed robbery, he was executed by fellow gang members who feared he could be turned snitch. Coverage of Sandifer's death and retrospectives on his short, violent life were widely published in the American media, and Sandifer became a symbol of the gang problem in American inner cities, the failure of social safety netting, and the shortcomings of the juvenile justice system.

Early life

Yummy's mother was a prostitute and a crack cocaine addict who had her first son at age 15. Yummy was a victim of abuse from an early age, and was sent to live with his grandmother by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) after one of his brothers, Victor, went blind from a neglected eye infection. His grandmother's residence contained as many as 19 children on some occasions. Sandifer, at age 8, quit regularly attending school and took to the streets stealing cars and breaking into houses. The year before his death he was removed to a DCFS shelter on Chicago's north side, which he ran away from.
[edit]Criminal behavior

Yummy was known for bullying and extorting money from local children and the community in the Chicago neighborhood of Roseland. He liked luxury cars such as Lincolns and Cadillacs and, remarkably, was able to drive them despite his small stature (he was still beneath the height limit for many of the rides at nearby amusement park Six Flags Great America). Many of his 23 felonies and 5 misdemeanors were committed in the course of running errands for street gangs. The penal system had no way to keep him out of trouble and the courts were helpless to lock him away because he was too young for juvenile detention and too dangerous to be placed with children his age.[citation needed]

On August 28, 1994, Yummy walked up to 15-year-old Kianta Britten and asked him to which gang he belonged. Kianta responded that he did not belong to any gang, and Yummy opened fire on him with a semiautomatic pistol, hitting him in the stomach with one bullet and also catching a nerve with another bullet leaving Britten partially paralyzed. Later on that same day, Yummy shot at some rival gang members. One stray bullet hit Shavon Dean in the head and killed her as she walked home from a friend's house.
For the next three days, gang members from the Black Disciples kept Yummy on the move, evading the police investigation of the shootings. Yummy was last seen by a neighbor on August 31, waiting for his grandmother to pick him up, but instead two brothers (14 and 16 years of age [Derrick and Cragg Hardaway]) from his gang arrived. Telling him they were going to take him out of the city, he was brought to a viaduct underpass and executed. He was found later in a muddy pool of blood with two gunshot wounds in the head.

Yummy was on the cover of Time Magazine and has his own posthumous bibliography.

Kirby, Joseph A. "The Death of Dantrell Davis". Chicago Tribune. October 13, 1992.,0,6132262.story
^ Long, Elizabeth Valk (19 September 1994). "To Our Readers". TIME. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
^ Gibbs, Nancy R.; Grace, Julie; Hull, Jon D. (19 September 1994). "Murder in Miniature". TIME. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
^ Grace, Julie (12 September 1994). "There Are No Children Here". TIME. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
^ Hewitt, Bill (19 September 1994). "Death at an Early Age". People: pp. 52–54. Retrieved 30 March 2011.
^ "TIME Magazine Cover: Robert (Yummy) Sandifer". TIME. 19 September 1994. Retrieved 30 March 2011.

Yummy had a smile that could light up a room is the working media template and our racist society is the only reason this useless little monster was hogging oxygen from 1983-1994. In reality, all Yummy cared about was a Glock that could light up everyone in a room.

Commie Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer G.Flint Taylor continues to amass a fortune with his cadre of convicted Yummies. The media have helped lazy, shiftless, self-indulgent, careless alcohol and drug dependent entitlement Mommas become community activists when their Yummies pull a 9 on the cops. The police and the courts and working people like Mr. Edward Alexander become the targets of lawsuit lotto lawyers, for trying to defend themselves.

The media provides an endless buffet of bullshit and thugs have the freedom of the city.

Thank God for working men like Edward Alexander of Chatham. At least Mr. Alexander got in a good one. I sure hope that Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Jon Loevy has not taken up the cause of the louse that Mr. Alexander punched in the chops, because Mr. Alexander was, after all "a retired probation officer."