"Every child deserves a childhood" Can't argue with that any more than that old saw " Every adult deserves an adulthood."
In time-honored tradition of slapping platitudes on rampant failure, Mayor Rahm Emanuel invokes " Values."
Chicago became a thug-comfort zone, because the platitude paper-hangers wanted power, dominion, votes and most importantly cash. It became very important to the platitudinarian politicians during the second term of Richard M. Daley to divorce law enforcement from City Hall. Cops were tossed to the wolves of media and the ambulance chasers. Wrongfully became the watchword for all aspects of policing and prosecution. It worked better than Henry Tudor's many honeymoons. Cops got their heads placed on pikes and Thugs got 2/3'd of the millions paid to G. Flint Taylor, Locke Bowman and the Loevy Boys. Chicago Values!
Those are the values that Alderman Proco Joe Moreno spoke of when he blasted Chick Fil A for opening in Chicago. Mayor Rahm agreed whole heartedly. Remember?
“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a statement to the Chicago Tribune. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents.”That was power and dominion at work. A cynical person, like me, might say that Proco Joe and Mayor Rahm are merely pandering to the wallets of Fred Eychaner and the votes of evolved Progressives, because that is what they do. Yet, they decried the values of the Cathy Family, owners of chicken franchise, the Catholic Church and millions of Chicagoans. Chicago values the silence of the lambs.
Emanuel was vowing his support for Alderman Proco Moreno’s announcement that he would block construction of a Chick-fil-A restaurant in his district.
“If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the First Ward,” he told the newspaper.Chick-fil-A is privately owned by the Cathy family. The company president, Dan Cathy, drew the wrath of gay rights advocates and supporters when he made recent statements that some have alleged are anti-gay.
"Man is wolf to man," or so a political animal might suggest. Wolves need prey and lambs are tasty prey.
Over the weekend another slaughter took place in all of the zip codes all too familiar with wolves, political and armed. In yet another, heart-tugging platitude post-up Rahm Emanuel called on all of Chicagoland to dig deeply for " Values."
Those values include the right of women to slaughter the unborn, redefine marriage, biology, spend us out of debt, over turn convictions of murderers and return them to the agonized zip-codes of Chicago, shut up and vote.
Devalue your values and value your Value-Makers.
Can't argue with that - not allowed.
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