Showing posts with label Billy Ayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billy Ayers. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2008

John McCain: Barack Obama - Toastmaster General of the United States

Without doubt, Senator Barack Obama delivers a nice speech - lots of them. With individuals or even a few persons - not so hot. In front of masses of people, he is Ciceronian. Answering an individual's question he is Porky Pig.

John McCain, face-to-face, on the phone ( I have had the honor of both such exchanges with Senator McCain)or before hundreds of Americans in a townhall meeting, or a grocery aisle, or with a hostile media shill, sounds the same.

Obama is elegant and mannered. McCain is direct and at-ease.

When John McCain won the New Hampshire Primary, the morons at MSNBC interrupted his speech with hoots and cat calls.

When Obama dodged the need to explain his twenty years in the pews of Crazy Uncle Jeremiah with a few paragraphs in Philadelphia, MSNC's Chris Matthews thighs went all a tingle.

Not much said about the Phildelphia Dodge these days.

A President serves. George Washington was a career soldier, plantation owner, member of the Continental Congress, Commander of the Continental Army and a solid organizer. Abraham Lincoln was a cagey lawyer for Illinois Central Railroads, Whig politician, militia captain, abolitionist Republican Congressman, defeated Senate candidate and duelist ( with James Shields). Teddy Roosevelt was a rancher, naturalist, author, Medal of Honor recipient, regimental commander, Police Commissioner, Civil Service Commissioner, Governor and Vice President. John McCain was a naval aviator, POW, Silver Star % etc. recipient, Squadron Commander, Congressman, Senator, Presidential Candidate ( 2000), author, architect of the Surge in Iraq & etc.

Barack Obama - community activist, appointed William Ayers as Chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, appointed to Board of Woods Fund, Illinois State Senator ( 1997-2004), U.S. Senator ( 2004-Present)DNC Keynote Speaker, and autobiographer.

Obama reads a great speech.* McCain delivers service, like the Presidents before him.

* Click my post title for Toastmasters.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

John McCain: Jerry Garcia Endorses Obama: "I don't think that Slaughterhouse-Five was successful movie material. "

The Grateful Dead has endorsed Senator Barack Obama. From today's Chicago Sun Times, a newspaper as Dead as Jerry Garcia!

‘‘We’re not making plans, but I think we stand at the ready to be of service,’’ Hart says. ‘‘We’re all deeply into this, into Barack Obama and the thought of taking this country back in some shape or form, what’s left of it — it’s probably one thing we can all agree on! So, you bet, I would spend a night with my brothers for that any time, any place.’’

Hart says that he and the other Dead alumni have exchanged ‘‘a few friendly e-mails’’ about doing something more for the campaign, but no firm details have been set. ‘‘That’s all there really needs to be until the moment really comes,’’ he notes.

Weir says the Dead men like Obama ‘‘for different reasons.’’ Mostly, he explains, ‘‘I think it may be the last chance in our lifetimes to get money out of politics, to show special interests the door. It’s also a chance to get younger people involved in politics for the first time in many years; once they’re involved, I think they’ll stay and that’s important because it’s their future being decided now.’’

Weir, who initially supported John Edwards’ presidential bid, adds that he liked what he’s read about Obama’s position on the environment, which is his primary interest. Weir is putting together an ‘‘environmental project’’ that he hopes to announce ‘‘in the next few weeks. I have to get on the phone and see if I can bring some folks on board, and if I can do that then it’ll be time for a roll-out.’’

Hart, meanwhile, is in the midst of a busy summer debuting his new Mickey Hart Band, which includes longtime associate Steve Kimock on guitar, former Meters bassist George Porter, Jr., drummer Walfredo Reyes, Jr., talking drum virtuoso Sikiru, singer Jen Durkin and String Cheese Incident keyboardist Kyle Hollingsworth.

‘‘It’s a sizzling band,’’ Hart gushes, ‘‘very powerful. It’s not like a regular rock’n’roll band; it does rock, but it’s very fierce in its rhythmic dexterity.’’

The group has been on the road since early June and plays the inaugural Rothbury Festival on Thursday in Rothbury, Mich., then the Lake View Music Fest on Saturday in Chicago and Sunday at theMilwaukee Summerfest.

Its repertoire includes several new songs written by Hart and Kimock with lyricist Robert Hunter, which Hart says he’s been accumulating in recent years.

‘‘I would say there’s about 16 of them,’’ he says. ‘‘I’ve been saving them up over the years. We’ve been writing — I just didn’t have the band to play ’em. This band was actually constructed specifically to play these songs.’’

Hart — who recently released the ‘‘Rhythm Devils Concert Experience’’ DVD and ‘‘The Mickey Hart Collection,’’ a boxed set of his solo work — hopes to get his new band in the studio some time this year to record the new material.

Founding guitarist and icon the Late Jerry Garcia added these thoughts, 'So we are pretty convinced we don't want to play huge stadiums unless we can play them well.'

Which seems to all but bar the drug happy band from playing for Obama, as the Illinois One Term U.S. Senator plays only to Leni Riefenstahl-like Houses. Undismayed the ever poignant Garcia added:'America is still mostly xenophobic and racist. That's the nature of America, I think.' Which melds nicely with Obama's consistent efforts.

Garcia also noted that' And as far as I'm concerned, it's like I say, drugs are not the problem. Other stuff is the problem. But hey, when you live in Watts, you need a little smack to get by, you know what I mean? You need something soft and comfortable in your life, 'cause you're not going to get it from what's around you. And society isn't going to give it to you.For me, the lame part of the Sixties was the political part, the social part. The real part was the spiritual part. I have all the patience in the world about Sirens. For me it's not a Grateful Dead project, it's a Me project. I mean, just because you're a musician doesn't mean all your ideas are about music. So every once in a while I get an idea about plumbing, I get an idea about city government, and they come the way they come.'

Share the load Brother.

John McCain: Obama wrong on Colombia, FARC, Ayers, Dohrn, and American Interests in General

John McCain returned from Colombia and three Americans and a Colombian Presidential candidate held by Marxist FARC terrorists fro six years were freed by Columbia's military with American assistance.

Senator Obama is wrong on America's Free Trade Agreement with Colombia, which is fighting Venezuela's dictator Hugo Chavez for the liberty of South American democracies - Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil are all in danger from Chavez's ambitions for a Marxist Continent.

William Ayers has been and continues to be an influence on Obama. Ayers has a long history with Chavez.

From American Thinker:

Obama may already be working with Hugo Chavez and the narco-war against Colombia. Colombian troops March 1 nailed narco-guerilla leader Raul Reyes just across the border in Ecuador. In response, Chavez threatened to invade Columbia. Information on a laptop computer found with Reyes' corpse detailed the FARC guerillas'relations with both Venezuela and Ecuador and included a February 28 letter from Reyes to the FARC Secretariat. The letter details extensive FARC relations with the governments of Colombia and Ecuador and includes this item:

"The gringos called for a meeting with the minister to ask him to tell us they are interested in talking about several topics. They claim they new president in their country will be Obama and that these people are interested in their fellow citizens. Obama will support neither Plan Colombia nor the signature of the Free Trade Agreement. In this regard, we replied we are interested in relations with the governments that are on equal grounds and that in the case of the United States, a public statement voicing their interest in talking to the FARC is needed, given their eternal war against us."

As Reyes predicted, on April 10 Democrats in Congress blocked enactment of a free trade treaty with Colombia -- in spite of the fact that Colombian exports are already allowed into the US without tariffs. Obama opposed the treaty, winning denunciation by Colombian president Uribe.

Obama is wrong - he is a Progressive Windsock. Obama is wrong on the Surge; he is wrong on Colombian Free Trade; Obama is dead wrong on Chavez and Senator Obama is wrong for the Office of President of the United States.

Barack Obama has had the wrong tutors ( Tony Rezko, Allison Davis, whose son Cullen is being sued for the wrongful death of three year old Curtis Cooper, Fr. Mike Pfleger, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the dious couple of unrepentant terrorists Bernadine Dorhn and William Ayers) and he listened to them with rapt attention.

Pay attention to Senator Obama.

Pay attention to John McCain. In the days to come the man who roughed up a Sandinista jefe back in the 1980's* will prove to be more than right on Colombia - just as he has been on the Surge.

The two senators have made peace since the remarks. Cochran said McCain included him on a recent campaign visit to Meridian. He told the Sun Herald on Monday that McCain, whose ancestors lived in north Mississippi, is the best man for the job.

But Cochran said he observed McCain engage in a physical confrontation with a Sandinista while participating in a diplomatic mission led by Sen. Bob Dole and others in the fall of 1987. Cochran, McCain - who had won election to the Senate that year - and other members of a bipartisan committee of lawmakers called the Central American Negotiations Observer Group - met with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, head of the left-wing political party known as Sandinistas, about tensions in the region.

The atmosphere was tense, as the U.S. was pressing "pretty hard." Cochran noticed a disturbance at the meeting table in a room lined with armed personnel.

"McCain was down at the end of the table and we were talking to the head of the guerilla group here at this end of the table and I don't know what attracted my attention," Cochran said. "But I saw some kind of quick movement at the bottom of the table and I looked down there and John had reached over and grabbed this guy by the shirt collar and had snatched him up like he was throwing him up out of the chair to tell him what he thought about him or whatever. I don't know what he was telling him but I thought, good grief, everybody around here has got guns and we were there on a diplomatic mission. I don't know what had happened to provoke John but he obviously got mad at the guy and he just reached over there and snatched him."

No punches were thrown and the two sat back down, Cochran said. The man, who appeared ruffled after the confrontation with McCain, was an Ortega associate, but Cochran said he was unsure of his identity.

Flash-forward 21 years. Tuesday, McCain was traveling in Central America and he stopped in Colombia. In 2006 Ortega won his office back after losing a 1990 election.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

John McCain: Take Obama 'Downtown' for a Ride

Obama's oily use of Gen. Wes Clark on Meet the Press was the latest example of the Jackassing of a President - the, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, MSNBC script to slip a one term, unvetted, storyboarded. character into the White House.

Muscrat Barack got some yardage from Wes Clark's disparaging and sadly self-serving interview with Bob Schieffer who took Clark to task for his obvious willingness to dance on his own chest of ribbons, like a military Bill Ayers, for a shot at the Vice Presidency. Obama took what he could and characteristically ducked under the pond scum:

Clark's remarks set off a familiar pattern from earlier tussles over criticism: the candidates, Obama and McCain, took the high road while the harsh language was left to surrogates.

Obama, without mentioning Clark by name, said that patriotism "must, if it is to mean anything, involve the willingness to sacrifice."

Obama tossed Wes under the bus with his Grannie, his Real Estate agent Tony Rezko, his Crazy Uncle Jere, and even the unctious Father Mike - It is strange that Obama has not tossed Billy Ayers under the Greyhound, too much money and Lefty Influence I imagine.

It is time for John McCain to open up on Barack Obama. He is a soft target. Drop the ordnance on this cupcake. Tell the Truth on Obama, Senator McCain - He can't handle the Truth!

Obama deserves to be a footnote in history -The Audacity of Hubris.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

John McCain" Huffington Post - Buzz Obama's 527 24/7

Senator Buzz Obama, like Sinclair Lewis's character Buzz Windrip, won't engage John McCain without a Leni Riefenstahl Pageant format - The Audacity of Hype.

There will be no Townhall exchange with Senator John McCain.

Obama's mass of Soros funded Daily Kos, MSNBC, Movon.Org allow the inexperienced and shadowy Illinois Senator to keep his distance from the American People.

Buzz Obama fronts some dangerous and well-heeled people: Soros/DNC/ACLU/Ayers/Rezko/Pfleger/Dohrn/Wright/Farrakhan/SEIU/ACORN/AFCSME/Hollywood/CAIR/Chavez & etc.

That is the Grassroots support. Seems to me like Obama Campaign is Bundling and laundering millions via the Internet and passing it off as Grassroots.

When Obama trotted out his Great Seal of Self-Absorption - he tipped his hand.

Sinclair Lewis's cautionary tale It Can't Happen Here is must reading for all patriots. It is a great read.

Click my post title for the free Gutenberg Edition.

Huffington Post is an attack 527 100% in the Obama Campaign. Give it a look. It is packed with bad writing from third tier talents. More people look at celebrity magazines than they do the The Atlantic. Some goofs actually believe that Keith Olbermann has something to say. Go figure. Rachel Madddow is no Dorothy Parker.

Friday, June 20, 2008

McCain: Obama Myth Rooted in Ayers/Annenberg Gangster Gore! Schools, Blood, Booze, and Ink!

The Anneneberg Challenge not only allowed an unrepentant domestic terrorist to launder his crimes and ooze his way into Progressive respectablility, but also provided Billy Ayers the cap and fuse to blow up American Education - one school at a time. The Annenberg Challenge is dynamite! Dynamite paid for by two old timey Jewish tough guys: Moses and Max Annenberg.

But, first some context! Progressives whine for context! Here's context. Law Professor Steve Diamond is on to Billy Ayers and his odious Old Lady Bernadine. Prof. Diamond is also raising questions about Senator Obama's debts and obligations to Ayers - Obama's Chinaman - or Rabbi - or Mentor.

As my readers are aware I have pointed to the joint participation of Senator Obama and Professor Bill Ayers in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an education reform project, as evidence of an older and deeper relationship between Ayers and Obama than the Senator has acknowledged. Because the political views, as well as the past criminal behavior, of Professor Ayers represent, in my view, an authoritarian approach to education and society as a whole, I believe that it is important for the public to have as complete an understanding of the Ayers-Obama relationship as possible
Law Prof. Diamond UCSJ - Click Post Title for Full Article.

This Professor of Law at University of California at San Jose is well up on Billy Ayers and the radical leftist academics who work very closely with him. Ayers has addressed Hugo Chavez's Revolutionary Educators in Caracas on a number of occasions - most recently 2006.Ayers states that education is the key to revolution.

Most troubling is the long and covert association between Senator Barack Obama and this dangerous louse Ayers. Ayers is a bomber and publicly stated enemy of America, but lives snuggly in the protection of its laws and morals. Senator Obama and the Chicago media brush off Ayers as 'a guy from my (Obama's) neighborhood.'

Click my post title for Professor Diamond's warning to all American voters concerning the Ayers Agenda that Senator Obama wants to pass off as support for schools and children.

Obama was hired by Billy Ayers when The Bomber directed the Annenberg Challenge in the 1990's. Billy Ayers Daddy, Thomas Ayers, CEO of ComEd and Pan-Philanthropy Big Shot, had bleached his terrorist lad's resume. Not only that, Billy Ayers plucked the plum from Annenberg's loot - Ayers was Chairman and Director.

Annenberg Challenge rose out of the Annenberg Foundation amassed by Walter Annenberg's genius at taking magazines away from other people - TV Guide, Seventeen & etc. - and building a monstrous fortune. Walter learned from his Pop - Moses ( AKA -Moe) Annenberg and his uncle Max. Moe and Max were tough Jews who hung with the Harps - most notably Dean O'Banion who became the pioneering bootleg hoodlum of the Prohibition Era. The Irish/Jewish coalition of Annenberg/O'Bannion beat, shot, stabbed and bombed newsboys, newstand operators, reporters, and circulation managers for and against the Hearst News Group and The Chicago Tribune's Bertie McCormick - who hired Moe and Max away from William Randolph Hearst.

Moe and Max are respectable thugs. They worked hard to squeeze nickles out of the pools of blood from their victims. Unlike, Ayers and his odious wife Bernadine Dorhn, Max and Moe were capitalists and patriots. Ayers and his old lady set bombs and robberies in order to turn their country over to Communism.

Walter Annenberg was no cupcake, but a little more polished than Dad and Uncle Max. Here is Brendan McGarvey account of the founder of Bill Ayers's C-4 for American Schools: The Chicago Annenberg Challenge. This is the root of Barack Obama's myth.

Walter Annenberg is dead. Long live Walter Annenberg’s billions. One of the richest men in the United States, Walter Annenberg was a generous philanthropist who gave millions to universities, art museums, charities and PBS. He was a friend to kings and presidents. Annenberg was the U.S. Ambassador to the Court of Saint James, London, for Richard Nixon. A media magnate who once owned local institutions like the Philadelphia Inquirer, TV Guide, the Daily News and Channel 6, Annenberg split his time between his estate in Wynnewood and a second one in Palm Springs, Calif.

And, oh yeah, Walter Annenberg was indicted in one of the largest tax evasion cases in the history of the United States. Annenberg was indicted with his father, Moses Annenberg, and two other business associates in 1939.

They were charged with evading more than $2 million in taxes and another $3 million in penalties and interest.

On Aug. 18, 1939, Walter Annenberg, his father and two other business associates surrendered to the U.S. Marshal. They posted bond, and were released to await trial.

Later that same month, Moses Annenberg, Philadelphia nightclub owner Jack Lynch and two others were indicted for conspiring to bribe a Philadelphia detective. Lynch allegedly wanted to influence the detective if and when he was called before a grand jury investigating four corporations owned by Moses Annenberg.

In April 1940, Moses Annenberg agreed to plead guilty to one count -- "willfully" evading $1,217,296 -- and to pay almost $9 million in fines and penalties. In exchange for his plea the government agreed to drop all charges against his son, Walter Annenberg.

Moses was sentenced to three years in prison. He was sent to Lewisburg federal pen, but released early because of poor health, and he died a month later.

Walter parlayed the family fortune into billions and spent the rest of his life making people forget how Moses Annenberg had acquired this great American fortune in the first place.

The story of Walter Annenberg's father is a tale of a hardworking immigrant and financial genius who got his start working alongside violent Chicago gangsters while employed by newspaper titan William Randolph Hearst at the turn of the last century. It was a time when "circulation wars" literally meant gunmen and sluggers beating and killing rival news dealers to gain a monopoly for their newspaper.

Both Moses and his older brother, Max Annenberg, were involved in the brutal Chicago newspaper wars in the first decade of the 20th century in which 14 news dealers were murdered.

Max and Moses Annenberg were hired by William Randolph Hearst as circulation managers for his newspapers. Their job was to hire and dispatch gangs of plug-uglies to intimidate anyone selling The Chicago Tribune.

One member of the Annenberg crew was the exceptionally notorious and bloodthirsty Dion O'Banion. O'Banion captained his own gang of neighborhood toughs. A decade after working for the Annenbergs, O'Banion headed his own mob, but was rubbed out by gangland rival Al Capone in 1925.*

Bleeding -- literally -- people and money, the owner of the Tribune, Bertie McCormick, decided to hire Moses Annenberg away from Hearst. For a while, the Annenberg brothers were sending out thugs to battle each other. Fifteen years later, Max Annenberg was alleged to be an associate and friend of Chicago crime boss Al Capone.

In 1938, the Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, traveled from Washington D.C. to give a speech in Philadelphia condemning Moses Annenberg, who, at that time, was backing the Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania.

Ickes charged it was Annenberg's violent tactics during the Chicago newspaper wars that inspired gangsters like Al Capone. Ickes said that "the hiring of Moses Annenberg by Hearst was the beginning of the subsequent flood of lawlessness that almost engulfed law enforcement in the United States."

But Moses Annenberg didn't just rely on gangsters to improve newspaper circulation. He also came up with the idea of giving away free silver teaspoons to each new subscriber and made so much money he branched out on his own, buying newspapers in Milwaukee and New York.

But it was Moses Annenberg's involvement in the shady world of illegal gambling that put him in touch, and in business, with mobsters all across the nation.

In 1924, Annenberg got involved with a racing news service in Chicago and Milwaukee. The service provided horse race information to gambling parlors -- also known in those days as "pool rooms." With that information, bookies could set odds and collect from gamblers or pay out winnings. It was called the General News Bureau and it was owned by Chicago's largest gambler/bookie, Mont Tennes. Tennes agreed to sell out to Annenberg after his house was firebombed.

Annenberg took on a partner named Jack Lynch. But Lynch sued Moses, alleging that more than a million dollars had vanished from their business.

Annenberg's lawyers argued that "the General News Bureau is aiding and abetting an illegal enterprise," and the Illinois Supreme Court agreed, ruling that it was an illegal business; therefore, the dispute between Lynch and Annenberg was outside the scope of the law.

Lynch turned to Al Capone's number-one guy, Frank Nitti, to back him against Annenberg. Moses reputedly enlisted the trigger-happy organizer for the Chicago Motion Picture Operators' Union, Ralph O'Hara, to watch his back. But when O'Hara's boss was murdered gangland-style, the Chicago mafia took control of the union.

Before the disagreement between Lynch and Annenberg was settled, George Downs, an Annenberg lieutenant operating in Miami, Fla., was found shot to death, execution-style, in the Everglades. At the time Downs was killed, Moses Annenberg was running newspapers in Florida, the Midwest, New York and Philadelphia.

Critics charged Annenberg was using his newspapers to back local politicians who would close down rival bookmaking services and allow his illegal racing wire to operate without competition. Within a few years Annenberg had a nationwide monopoly. Annenberg's Nationwide News Service and subsidiaries were servicing bookies in 223 cities, 39 states and three Canadian provinces.

Gamblers, bookies and underworld syndicates were Annenberg's customers.

Ironically, there were reports that those who didn't take the Annenberg race wire service were themselves the victims of beatings, fire bombings and, on occasion, murder. The crime syndicates had come to be dependent on Moses Annenberg. Without his service they couldn't operate their illegal gambling rackets.

Moses Annenberg made millions and millions of dollars until the federal government indicted him for not paying taxes on his illegal businesses. This underworld money was the source of the great Annenberg fortune and helped to finance Walter Annenberg's own generous philanthropy.

The more one asks, the more one gets to learn. The Chicago Media ain't asking. Obama's Myth and Ayers cocooned life is safe with the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times: Max and Moe would be proud!

* Historical note, Johnny Torio gave the order to 'rub-out' O'Banion, as Capone was merely a Lieutenant in Torrio's Booze Empire. According to Rose Keefe, O'Bannion had cheated Torrio and caused his arrest as a two-time loser to the Volstead Act.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

John McCain: Vouchers and School Choice Getting Aborted by DNC and Obama: Chicago Media Obama Combine

Here in Chicago, both Chicago daily newspapers are solidly in the tank for Barack Obama. Chicago Daily Observer the only balanced news and opinion reporting in our city, noted that new Chicago Tribune subscribers get a FREE Obama T-Shirt with each purchase. Progressives soil their Victoria's Secrets if a Regular Democratic politician were to pop for a round of beers during an election cycle.

Here in Chicago, Alderman Paddy Bauler ( 'Chicago Ain't Ready for Reform') has been usurped by Billy Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn; Barack Obama; 501 (c) 3 radical University Think Tanks and lap-dog journalists. National Review's Jim Gereghty gave Chicago Media a an overdue kick in the slats today:

In fact, when Obama’s connection to Ayers received real scrutiny from the national press, local columnists offered “so what?” reactions, insisting the relationship was “no big deal.” The Chicago Tribune’s editorial board insisted that Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (his wife and fellow former Weatherman) “have done good work in Chicago.”

Former Tribune reporter David Mendell offers an interesting overview of Obama’s career-long relationship with the press in Obama: From Promise To Power. There are prickly moments, occasional stories that aren’t flattering to the senator, and (once in a great while) mountainous controversies made out of molehill-level misdeeds on Obama’s part. But for the most part the Chicago media were charmed by Obama’s considerable charisma, and acted more like Obama Girl than like Woodward and Bernstein

John Kass and Brenda Killanski, a Chicago Tribune Researcher, alone have been independent in their coverage of Obama.

Chicago's media is solidly a part of the Obama Combine - to use John Kass' term: a confederation of redistribution of wealth radicals ( Ayers/Dohrn/Peoples Law Office/Cease Fire/Acorn); media corporations ( Chicago Tribune Company/Sun Times News Group); political opportunists ( Schakowsky/Moore/Preckwinkle/Solis/Daley); convicted felon(s) (Rezko & those whom Rezko happens to be Trading up).

School Choice/Vouchers is a breakout issue. Real school Reform begins and ends with Choice.

Obama is as chained to the Public School Lobby as he is to Planned Parenthood.

The Obama Combine agrees completely - School Choice must ne Aborted!

Click my post title for the DNC's strangling in the cradle of School Choice in Washington D.D. - John McCain is against Abortion and John McCain is solidly for School Choice.

Voters are not locked into the Obama Combine.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

John McCain: Cammy Paglia is Bullish for Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Obama VP Gal Pal!

But I've come to feel that Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's best bet. She is a polished public presence who epitomizes that cordial, smoothly reassuring, and blandly generic WASPiness that has persistently defined the American power structure in business and government and that has weirdly resisted wave after wave of immigration since the mid-19th century. An Obama-Sebelius pairing would be visually vibrant and radiant, like a new day dawning.
Camille Paglia

That old bull dyke can write! When an in-your-face lesbian feminist with the brains of Tolstoy and the ability to make John Donne something more than a dead old white guy speaks, the trendy elites perk up their ears. Joe Biden my Aunt Bridgey! That tired speech lifter will always be a back bencher. I was huge Joe Biden fan until I learned that he was even lazier and more ambitious than the plungers in my Honors English Class back in 1988. Joe, they were grade hungry, but fought the inclination to lift passages without citing them according to MLA standards.

Paglia gives Biden and Jim Webb the brush off and really lays into Senator Clinton - according to the same script followed at MSNBC,, Daily Kos and teh Obama Campaign. Stayed tuned to U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald - Obama might be turning in his elegant wardrobe for the same orange jump-suit that Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer of Huffington Post wore in Terra Haut, Indiana. From what I hear Tony Rezko is singing like a canary - or that Brazilian babe that you write about at the close of your essay.

Do, clique my post title for Camille's fine piece ( too sexist?) on Barack's VP choice.

Camille, like the weasely little Stanly Fish who was OH, SO! collegial with Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers and his odious old lady Bernadine Dohrn while looting the State of Illinois as titular smart guy for University of Illinois at Cement City ( Chicago. Campus), wears Obama's pledge pin.

John McCain, thank God, has no such BOHOs hanging around his Campaign. McCain does not need parsers to explain talking points to his supporters.

We are the working stiffs who read the news and make judgments about some candidate on merits of his/her words and deeds.

I know firemen who read Salon, Back Hoe Local 150 Operators who have season tickets to the Chicago Lyric Opera and CSO, school teachers who summer in the Illinois National Guard, Chicago Cops who teach boxing to black kids in Englewood, when they are not ignoring daily slanders in the Chicago Sun Times, and Pulitzer Prize winners who are voting for John McCain.

Camille, I Loved - Break Blow Burn, but remember Sweetie, what Wallace Stevens said,

People are not going
To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
Only, here and there, an old sailor,
Drunk and asleep in his boots,
Catches Tigers
In red weather.

Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock: Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John McCain: Chavez, Castro & Morales - Ayers' Pep Boys of Revolution

We have backyard problems that Senator Barack Obama seems incapable of handling. In South America, Fidel Castro's pup, Jefe Hugo Chavez has made a path to Communism in South and Central America unparalleled since the 1950's when the Soviet Union brokered World Revolution.

Yesterday, Reuters reported on an assault of the U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia by 'protesters' orchestrated by Bolivian President Evo Morales - the Amerindian Strongman.

Morales is a charismatic leftist who has managed to Balkanize Bolivia by 'championing' Diversity!

Evo Morales has declared himself the first Amerindian president, a controversial claim due to the Amerindian heritages of such prior Bolivian presidents as Mariano Melgarejo (1864), Carlos Quintanilla (1939), René Barrientos (1964), Juan José Torres (1976), Luis García Meza (1980), and Celso Torrelio Villa (1981).[citation needed] While the claim is a potent symbol to many people who have seen themselves as disenfranchised and oppressed by a European minority, this claim has been challenged publicly by the novelist Mario Vargas Llosa,[65] who accuses Evo of fomenting racial divisions in an increasingly mestizo Latin America.

The Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano responded to Vargas Llosa saying: "I see what is happening in Bolivia as a very significant act of affirmation of diversity [which is opposite to] racism, elitism and militarism, which leave us blind to our marvellous existence, to that rainbow that we are".[66]

However, on June 3rd, Morales sought to defeat a vote giving indidvidual states in Bolivia autonomy - Celebrating Autonomy is one thing but Democarcy quite another to Jefe Morales:

LA PAZ, Bolivia - The fractious outcome of a vote on autonomy for Bolivia's states and the government's apparent failure to win enough backing to rewrite the constitution could dampened the leftist agenda of President Evo Morales.

Voters in Bolivia casts ballots on both issues Sunday. The wealthier eastern half overwhelmingly endorsed autonomy while those in the poorer and heavily indigenous western highlands, Morales power base, vigorously rejected it.

The results make it likely that Morales will face stiffer opposition as he seeks to improve the lot of Bolivia's Indian majority by more evenly distributing wealth and exerting greater state control over the economy.

An Aymara Indian and coca-growers leader elected in December with a strong populist mandate, Morales campaigned against autonomy, saying it would benefit the traditional elite.

He and his Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party were able to persuade most voters - 55 percent nationwide according to unofficial results - to reject autonomy by portraying it as a catastrophic harbinger of dissolution for South America's poorest country.

Morales said that he would respect the outcome of the autonomy vote, but that no state would be permitted to gain control of natural resources such as natural gas.

But the endorsement of greater political and fiscal autonomy by voters in Bolivia's wealthiest states could slow Morales' political crusade, particularly if those states succeed in keeping a greater portion of their tax revenues at the central government's expense.

Morales has articulated the driving force behind MAS ( (Movimiento al Socialismo - Move Toward Socialism) in the following terms:

“ The worst enemy of humanity is U.S. capitalism. That is what provokes uprisings like our own, a rebellion against a system, against a neoliberal model, which is the representation of a savage capitalism. If the entire world doesn't acknowledge this reality, that nation states are not providing even minimally for health, education and nourishment, then each day the most fundamental human rights are being violated. ”

He has also stated:

“ … the ideological principles of the organization, anti-imperialist and contrary to neoliberalism, are clear and firm but its members have yet to turn them into a programmatic reality.[21]

Protesters shot fireworks at a U.S. flag flying just beyond the compound's concrete wall, as helmeted Marines looked on from the embassy's roof. When crowds tried to push through a police line, officers cleared the street with tear gas.

Bolivia's government called the use of tear gas excessive. "Security is one thing, repression is another," Government Minister Alfredo Rada told reporters.

La Paz state's police commander was fired Monday night along with top policemen in Bolivia's eight other states. But government officials said the change had been planned since a new national police chief was named last month.

The 2003 "Black October" protests were initially sparked by a government plan to sell Bolivian natural gas to the United States by building a pipeline through neighboring rival Chile. The idea angered El Alto's poor, who often struggle to obtain their own gas for cooking and heating.

The protests quickly snowballed as the city's largely Aymara Indian population vented centuries of anger over bitter poverty and political marginalization.

The uprising eventually drove then-President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada from office, fortifying a growing indigenous political movement that brought President Evo Morales to power two years later.

Sanchez Berzain's lawyer, Howard Gutman, declined Monday to confirm whether his client has been granted political asylum. But he and other lawyers acknowledge and cite Sanchez Berzain's asylum status in a motion filed last month in a Miami federal court to dismiss a U.S. civil case against him.

Accusations of deadly force
Plaintiffs, including families of the 2003 victims, accuse the former defense minister and the ex-president of authorizing the use of deadly force against protesters and say they are liable for the deaths.

Lawyers for the two exiled politicians say protesters instigated the violence and that their blockade of La Paz, which cut the capital off from food and fuel, justified a military response.

Their legal team includes Washington attorney Greg Craig, an adviser to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Asked for comment, Phillip Goldberg, the U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, said the legal proceeding is "not a political matter, it's a judicial matter, and we have to respect the independent judicial branch in the United States."

President Evo Morales repeated his demands that Washington send the two men home to face trial.

"We want the United States to help us to bring to justice those who have done so much harm to Bolivia," Morales said Sunday.

Obama is handled by Progressives; Progressives control the DNC; Progressives for Obama are in Solidarity with Castro, Chavez and Morales. Click my Post Title to Progressives for Obama and witness Obama's Foreign Policy for South America. It is a mini-course in political folly.

William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn are enthusiastic laborers in the Revolutionary Vineyards. This is not McCarthyism, kids. This is in hard copy. Billy Ayers lavishes his talents to Jefe Hugo.
John McCain has a clearly articulated Foreign Policy

Monday, June 09, 2008

John McCain: ImPerfect Storm & Brit Writer Sees McCain Victory - So do American Voters

Given the ecstasy of his own followers and the support he has had from the mainstream media in the United States, that event should have brought with it a sense of inevitability, an overwhelming tide of belief that he was now unstoppable: that the future belonged to him. It should, in short, have given him a real bounce in the polls. But it didn't. What he got was a very small spike.

The two polls taken immediately after Hillary's withdrawal speech (and her effusive expression of support for him) gave Obama leads so small as to be virtually within the margin of error.

Some of this could be put down to the disappointment of Clinton followers, which may be expected to dissipate over the coming months. But the other explanation is that Obama's support has peaked: that his coalition of the young, the urban liberal and the black community has already max-ed out at its highest point and is going nowhere from there.

We are having us some kind of storms here in the Midwest. Working men are fighting to put power back in the homes of working people. Many in Obama's camp are locked in with the Utility Giants here in Illinois. Billy Ayers' silver-haired Pappy was the CEO of ComEd. You say you wanna Revolution?

Every time a huge Public Utility (ComEd and Peoples Gas) gets its ears pinned back in Springfield by the State Legislature, corporate stooges like the over-paid fashionista ex-wife of Obama financial funder John Rogers - Desiree goes on TV and decries over paid Union Workers. ComEd has Illinois Senate President doing the boo-hooing for the profit devouring Utility and does not need Desiree - well, neither did John Rogers, but that is . . . another story. Desiree was a laugh riot a few years back when Peoples Gas was called on the carpet at City Council - she made the traditional blond look like a Phi Beta Kappan.

These 'over-paid Union stiffs,' like my pal Gino Ford, have not been home since Friday night. They are restoring power. They are skilled blue collar union tradesmen - And Women! They do not cause the rate-hikes, but they get blamed for them.

They earn their money, in the most exhausting and dangerous manner. They work with electricty - God's way of letting us know that you've gone too far: turn off the circuit before working with wire; don't commit murder in 1930's gangster movies; put the 9 iron down when the storm starts.

Electrical High Tower linesmen are not joined for beers after work by John Rogers, Emil Jones, Tony Rezko, or Desiree Rogers, let alone Senator Barack Obama. I have seen John McCain break bread and wind with blue collar men and women. John McCain, while a privileged son of an Admiral, has a deep and abiding respect for the trades and all working people.

Barack Obama gets along swell with academics and political players and that's nice.

A British Journalist, Janet Daley, records this fact and predicts a McCain Victory In November.

But it is also true that John McCain is not a market leader on economics. He, too, is from a privileged background. Interestingly, however, he seems more able to relate comfortably to ordinary working people than Obama.

This may well be a function of his background as a military officer who was conspicuously loyal to his men, having refused to abandon them when he was offered release from a Vietnamese POW camp.

And this brings me to what may still prove to be the most significant fact about McCain: he is a war hero. (Indeed, in this respect, he bears more of a resemblance to John Kennedy than does Obama.)

He has proved himself to be unflinching in danger and courageous under fire. When people (especially Americans, who still regard military bravery as an exemplar of virtue) come to choose the man to lead them through a crisis, that will count for a lot.

To European eyes (and to some American ones, too) this is an election to determine how America sees itself: can it elect its first black president? Can it present itself to the world in an entirely new guise - as a member of the modern European club of social democratic societies?

But to most Americans - the ones who are less beguiled by rhetoric and more concerned with financial survival, and those who need practical reassurance more than inspiration - this election will be about proven character and tested judgment.

Gino Ford is probably ass-dragging tired right about now, but certainly not bitter or clinging - he has a strong safety belt well-secured. At least the rain has put some gas money in his pocket. Gino Ford likes John McCain. Like me, Gino votes Democratic in almost all local races.

Janet Daley of the Telegraph ( U.K.) is sensitive to Gino Ford, unlike the loud-mouths on cable T.V. and radio - that's one good thing about a power outage.

Ms. Daley predicts a McCain Victory in November and so do I!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

John McCain: The Audacity of Truth - McCain Family Walks the Talk

I received an e-mail from Miss Vicki Hampton of Alabama which I post in Full.

My Parish, neighborhood - in largely Irish Catholic Democratic Chicagoese - st. Cajetan's has its former pastor and scores of its young men and women serving Iraq. There is hardly a tree on any block unadorned by Yellow Ribbons in support of the kids in harm's way: McGarry, Ford, Hayes, Burke, & etc. These are the folks our junior Senator, Barack Obama, snidely referred to as 'Bitter and clinging.' In 2001, Obama's pal Pastor Pfleger smeared our parish and all the others, St. Barnabas, Christ the King, St. John Fisher, St. Christina, St. Bede, Queen of Martyrs and Holy Redeemer with his broad race-baiting brush in a now forgotten bit of National Press coverage. None of my neighbors ever got so much as a smirk from Tony Rezko and more than enough contempt from Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn - most of cops around here remember them very well!

Here is why McCain will get many Democratic Voters.

This was an email message I got earlier from a friend of mine, so thought I would put it on here for all to read. I know for a fact that this is all true.

John McCain's Sons

Talk about putting your most valuable where your mouth is! Apparently this was not "newsworthy" Enough for the media to comment about. Can either of the other presidential candidates truthfully come close to this? .... Just a question for each of us to seek an answer, and not a statement.

You see...character is what's shown when the public is not looking. There were no cameras or press invited to what you are about to read about, and the story comes from one person in New Hampshire.


One evening last July, Senator John McCain of Arizona arrived at the New Hampshire home of Erin Flanagan for sandwiches, chocolate-chip cookies and a heartfelt talk about Iraq. They had met at a presidential debate, when she asked the candidates what they would do to bring home American soldiers - - Soldiers like her brother, who had been killed in action a few months earlier.

Mr. McCain did not bring cameras or press. Instead, he brought his youngest son, James McCain, 19, then a private first class in the Marine Corps about to leave for Iraq. Father and son sat down to hear more about Ms. Flanagan's brother Michael Cleary, a 24-year-old Army First Lieutenant killed by an ambush ... A roadside bomb.

No one mentioned the obvious: In just days, Jimmy McCain could face similar perils. 'I can't imagine what it must have been like for them as they were coming to meet with a family that ......' Ms. Flanagan recalled, choking up. 'We lost a dear one,' she finished.

Mr. McCain, now the presumptive Republican nominee, has staked his candidacy on the promise that American troops can bring stability to Iraq. What he almost never says is that one of them is his own son, who spent seven months patrolling Anbar Province and learned of his father's New Hampshire victory in January while he was digging a stuck military vehicle out of the mud.

Two of Jimmy's three older brothers went into the military. Doug McCain, 48, was a Navy pilot. Jack McCain, 21, is to graduate from the Naval Academy next year, raising the chances that his father, if elected, could become the first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower with a son at war.


I chose to share this with those who I believe will pass it on, to others who will pass it on. We hear so much inflated trash out there. How about a simple act of kindness .... And dedication to others placed above oneself?

Has anybody heard if Barack Hussein Obama has served in The American Armed Services?

This is for all you Barack voters.

From Barack's book, Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


Click my post title for more on McCain.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

John McCain: Choice: American Leadership, or 'Dreams of My Father Phleger'

The Chicago Tribune lays out the contrasts between the two Presidential Candidates: Republican John McCain an experienced independent American Leader and War Hero and Senator Barack Obama a Chicago Hyde Park political chameleon with a powerful gift for oratory. thus:

McCain, vowing to restrain government spending, wants to extend the Bush tax cuts. Obama, proposing new spending for health care, wants to boost taxes on wealthier Americans. McCain pledges to prosecute the war in Iraq to a conclusive victory. Obama promises to bring troops home in 16 months.

"These two individuals represent about as stark a choice as we've ever had in American politics," said Darrell West, professor of political science at Brown University. "Voters are going to get what Barry Goldwater long ago promised — 'a choice instead of an echo.' "

He added, "The biggest differences are age, race and philosophy ... Those are things that translate into different perspectives on public policy."

Even their campaign styles seem to come from different worlds. Obama electrifies large arenas, while McCain is far more comfortable in smaller gatherings. Possibly because of this, McCain on Wednesday challenged Obama to a series of 10 town hall-style campaign debates.

"What we haven't seen are these two candidates face-to-face with one another," said David Lanoue, chairman of the political science department at the University of Alabama and author of "From Camelot to the Teflon President." "Clearly, Obama is a very inspiring, eloquent speaker. … He is best behind a podium with a prepared speech. McCain is best in a person-to-person situation with no prepared remarks."

"I think there is another dimension, and that is whether Barack Obama is seen as an elitist candidate," said Herb Asher, professor of political science at Ohio State University. "McCain will try to wrap himself in the mantle of change and present Obama as the agent of the wrong kind of change. ... It's really going to be a chance for Barack Obama to fill in the rest of his biography."

Discontent unites
And the choice arrives at a time when Americans are unified in one thing: their discontent.

Seven in 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the nation, the latest Pew Center survey has found, and 27 percent of those surveyed in mid-May voiced disapproval of the job Bush is doing.

"The fundamentals are certainly going in a Democratic direction," Pew's Kohut said. "But there are rather sharp sets of really well-defined positives and negatives for each of these candidates, which makes it a much closer race.",0,3350838.story

The biggest differences are not age, race and experience - hardly. They are the people each man brings to his corner- for John McCain, Medal of Honor recipient Col. Bud Day and for Senator Obama, domestic terrorist Billy Ayers and Mike Pfleger.

More significantly, Barack Obama, whom I early tagged as a political chameleon, comfortably moved among any political opportunists who could also help him: Rezko, Billy Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Illinois Senator Emil Jones, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Alice Palmer, and Pastor Mike Pfleger.

Click my post title for more.

Monday, June 02, 2008

John McCain: Electoral Map Looks Shaky, But Good for Mac! Senator, Don't Let The DNC Define the Campaign.

Senator McCain will get Democratic voters to support him - a great many Democratic Voters. According to Bob Novak's Electoral Map, it appears that McCain could scratch out a win -at this time. His problem is with Conservatives.

It seems to me that allowing the DNC to define the Campaign has made the McCain campaign team skittish with regard to Lobbyists.

From Novak:

Sen. John McCain, however, still does not appear organized to take advantage of Democratic disarray. His biggest problem may be failure to realize that the Republican coalition is not fully united behind him. The most recent defectors are lobbyists expelled from his campaign who are not happy about their treatment. We continue to hear complaints from evangelicals, economic conservatives, and other critics of McCain. The refrain continues from conservatives that maybe the country and the GOP need four years of Obama.

John McCain defined the Presidential Campaign last summer with his bold defense of the Surge in Iraq and No Surrender in the Global War on Terror.

Senator, that knocked Dean and DNC back on its heels - keep them there. The Surge has worked. Here is what DNC surrogates have to offer America.

"If the greatest command is to love, than the sin against love must be the greatest sin against God who IS love and who calls us to love one another. So that this greatest sin against God, racism, it's as natural as the air we breath." Father Michale Pfleger

Father Pfleger has a full color front page in Chicago Sun Times, which devotes itself to Obama's interests and America's most hated suspect Drew Peterson.

Father Pfleger, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Billy Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn are stars in Obama's crown.

Democratic voters do not read Huffington Post, watch MSNBC, Dana Milbanks, or listen to Air America - those are DNC Progressives. Democrats have kids in Iraq and Afghanistan; Democrats drive back-hoes; Democrats pay double the tuition - taxes for failed Public Schools and Catholic/Private School tuitions; Democrats understand Straight Talk.

Senator McCain, Define Your Campaign - we will be with you! Unite America.

Democrats will support you.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

John McCain: Ayers' Jefe, Hugo Chavez, Goes Joe Stalin on Opposition

Barack Obama's Radical Rabbi and Commie Chinaman, that Old Timey Chicago Clout Comrade Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers pledged this to Jefe Chavez:

President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests, comrades. I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning. I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout North America. Welcome to the World Education Forum! Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!

This is my fourth visit to Venezuela, each time at the invitation of my comrade and friend Luis Bonilla, a brilliant educator and inspiring fighter for justice. Luis has taught me a great deal about the Bolivarian Revolution and about the profound educational reforms underway here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution, and I’ve come to appreciate Luis as a major asset in both the Venezuelan and the international struggle—I look forward to seeing how he and all of you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane. Thank you, Luis, for everything you’ve done.

Well, Billy, Old Hugo is doing just a bang-up job of getting a Joe Stalin Style Revolucion right here in the Western Hemisphere. Today's Washington Post reports of Chavez going all Joe Stalin on political opposition.

BTW- Washington Post Obama apologist Dana Milbanks stated that he was going to expose the falsehoods behind postings, like my own, that point out the serious nature of Barack Obama's long and unexamined relationship and association with domestic terrorist Billy Ayers:

Dana Milbank: Okay, folks, thanks for paying attention to this technology-shortened chat. I'm off to expose the Obama/Hawaii/Communist story. Speak to you again when I return to planet earth.
Let's see what you have, Dana. I'll link and print it here.

Click my post title for Obama's Minister of Peoples Education, Ayers, and his great pal Hugo.

John McCain: If You Thought Obama's Foreign Policy Was Appeasement - Get A Load of Obama's Education Plans!

Larry Johnson, a rock-ribbed Hillary Clinton supporter, has pulled together some of the finest and most reasoned critics of Obama's radical kitchen cabinet: Ayers/Rezko/Wright/Dohrn & etc.

Click my post title and carefully read Santa Clara University School of Law Professor Steve Diamond's study of the operatives at work on Billy Ayers' Education Agenda for Barack Obama.

Ayers is the Skunk in Obama's Trunk.

Domestic Terrorist Billy Ayers 'walked out of jail' and into Academic circles by dint of his Daddy's ComEd power circle that embraced University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the Woods Fund, Sidley and Austin Law Firm, and any number of left-sensitive political animals. Ayers' insulated life allowed him to leap from 'Underground' to Hyde Park influence without so much as time out for his decades of crimes against America.

More significantly, Ayers was placed in a position to wield influence on Education policy through Chicago's Public School Reform scams which created Local School Councils to serve as wedge between Public School Administration and the Teachers Unions.

The purpose rooted in Billy Ayers' activities is to undermine the root values that American Education has inculcated through curriculum development and instruction in the sheep's clothing of 'social justice.'

Larry Johnson's No Quarter site offers important and thoughtful analysis of Obama's 'go-along-to-get-elected' agenda: Appeasement in Foreign Policy and Surrender in Education.

Ayers bombed and robbed in a simpler time. Back then, mobbed up guys broke appendages and took blow-torches to dead-beats. Now, criminals engage in wire fraud and identity theft. Billy Boy Ayers is nothing if not craven sophisticate.

Ayers and his gang use 501(c)3's, State Legislatures, daffy elected officials, a gutless if not completely corrupt Chicago Media and artfully duplicitous academics to 'bomb' the pillars of American Education:

Ayers himself wrote on his website in a January 19, 2008 essay on school reform:

“The dominant narrative in contemporary school reform is once again focused on exclusion and disadvantage, race and class, black and white. ‘Across the US,’ the National Governor’s Association declared in 2005, ‘a gap in academic achievement persists between minority and disadvantaged students and their white counterparts.’ This is the commonly referenced and popularly understood ‘racial achievement gap,’ and it drives education policy at every level. Interestingly, whether heartfelt or self-satisfied, the narrative never mentions the monster in the room: white supremacy….Gloria Ladson-Billings upends all of this with an elegant reversal: there is no achievement gap, she argues, but actually a glancing reflection of something deeper and more profound—America has a profound education debt. The educational inequities that began with the annihilation of native peoples and the enslavement of Africans, the conquest of the continent and the importation of both free labor and serfs, transformed into apartheid education, something anemic, inferior, inadequate, and oppressive. Over decades and centuries the debt has accumulated and is passed from generation to generation, and it continues to grow and pile up.” (Emphasis added.)

At a certain stage in American history it might have made some kind of desperate sense to make this kind of argument, perhaps prior to 1865 or 1965, but in 2008? Even then it was possible and there were examples of multi-racial efforts to fight for justice and equality for all Americans.

Of course, today when millions of white workers suffer conditions little different from those of inner city blacks it borders on the absurd to make such an argument. Nor is it clear that throwing more money at our public schools is the real solution. Yet it seems to be the kind of argument that is behind the new race-based approach argued by those in favor of paying off centuries of “educational debt.” The unanswered question today is whether or not Barack Obama subscribes to such a narrow and potentially destructive social perspective.

As Ayers will be linked to the terrorism afflicting Columbia, undermining the Columbia Free-Trade Agreement, helping Hugo Chavez build a Terror Empire in South America, so will he be witnessed setting charges at the foundation of American Education Policy.

Folks like Larry Johnson, Anne Leary, John Rubery, Bill Baar have done us all great service in keeping the lights shined on Ayers and Dohrn.

Let's start demanding some answers from Chicago's Media to these questions:

1. What and Who is the root cause of William Ayers involvement with the Chicago Education Reform Movement?

2. Who insisted upon Ayers's involvement? Who clouted AYERS?

3. What exactly were Barack Obama's marching orders from Ayers as Chairman of the Annenberg Challenge? No one in Chicago's media has asked that question - yet.

4. What exactly is Sen. Obama's Education Plan for America? McCain's is right out in front on his Website - School Choice and Vouchers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

John McCain: McCain Will Define This Campaign - Not MSNBC's Gnome Du Jour

Cartoon Artist and Huffington Post Intellectual Roy Sekoff on Dan Abrams The Verdict Must viewing for Laundry Dads and kids not scared by gnomes.

I gotta stop doing the laundry, at least at night anyway. I generally take the stuff out of the dryer around 7PM and start sorting and folding and basketing: Towels - One for me; Eight for the girls; 27 for Conor.

I usually turn on MSNBC for giggles as I get a kick out of the uffish-gas-bag Keith Olbermann and his twin Rachel Maddow. I like to watch over-paid dweebs get all up in GWB's Bidness about populist issues that they could care less about than I do about Chicago's Olympic Bid - and that is lower than my interest in NASCAR, which is lower than my interest in Ellen Degeneris, or the Chicago Cubs.

Last night I started late, as Clare had softball practice up at Kennedy Park and wanted to stay and watch Danny Volman, Anthony Reya, Nick Murray, Pete Capagna, Jake LePrete, and my man Ray Hodorowitz dominate the 7th Grade baseball league at Kennedy.

Laundry got attention late and I was forced to watch Dan 'Nepotism' Abrams' The Verdict Comic Book News. This show is an abortion with mustard. At least, Maddow and Olbermann shout English.

Dan Abrams trotted out some Star Wars Bar character named Roy Sekoff - some cartoon artist for Huffington Post. This poor critter is strictly out of Lord of the Rings. ' my PRESSHIS!' Jesus! He's got a set of buckers on him that could bite a pig's ass through a picket fence. He pumps his gnome-like, bug eyed mug straight into the camera lens unzippers his teeth in shout about 'McCain's Pastor Hagee!!!!!! Where's Mainstream Media Huh? Huh?' Good point there Jasper.

Now, I am as ugly as a bald dog with sun spots, but this poor creature's intellectual powers and social skills are very reminiscent of that gnome in Lord of the Rings. You half expect the little guy to start eating Kankakee River Mud Puppies by the handful.

As far as I recall McCain don't go to Hagee's Church. Machs Nicht! Danny and Roy let loose on Ralph Reed and some other evangelical apologist who looked like he was asked to be on the show at the last minute. The whole show was this Roy going all Chipmunk endlessly. It is a great thing that Dan Abrams had his old man get him a spot on MSNBC, because the poor thing would starve to death given his talents and powers of thought. Nepotism has its benefits to society as Dan does not need to forage or beg, thanks be to God. The Vedict is tailor made to Dan's powers.

The fact of the matter, Losers, John McCain will define the Campaign. Obama is gassing rhetoric and papering the house at the Munich Spectacles in Florida and generally stepping on his Johnson once a week. McCain is speaking to Americans.

Today, Chicago Sun Times veteran political journalist Bob Novak ( proud Joliet Native and eater of steaks at Syl's in Rockdale) treats us all to common sense - not to be found when folding undies, towels, and three million T-shirts. Give my post title a click for some Novak.

Here's a taste:

McCain is not about to disarm. His campaign has no intention of fighting this battle on Democratic turf. In the five months ahead, Republicans will explore the mind-set of this young man who is a stranger to most Americans. That includes his association with the Chicago leftist William Ayers, who has remained unrepentant about his violent role as a 1960s radical. This will not be popular with McCain's erstwhile admirers in the mainstream news media, but America has not heard the last of Ayers in this campaign.

Monday, May 19, 2008

John McCain: Ayers and Dohrn get more Chicago Tribune Scrutiny

The Chicago Daily Observer, Chicago's best news and source of solid opinion, linked this report.

Just as Senator Barack Obama has managed to divide the Democratic Party between the elites ( academics, Hollywood dilettantes, monies radicals,) and working Americans, Chicago Tribune's has deftly illustrated the moral dichotomy inherent to Progressive radical insulation in practice with his recent study of Obama's association with domestic terrorist Billy Ayers.

Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn attacked America through bombings and robberies in the 1960's and 1970's; went 'underground' with money from Mater and Pater; resurfaced; laundered their crimes through clout heavy Lawyers and morally bankrupt University Boards of Directors and now work their agenda within a politician's run at the White House:

Ayers' round trip—from a privileged childhood to the bomb-making wing of '60s radicalism and back up the social ladder—shows he got one thing right in his critique of America:

Whom you know is as important as what you know. Being to-the-manor born is all but a lifetime guarantee that doors will be opened.

Ayers' father, Thomas Ayers, was CEO of Commonwealth Edison as well as a trustee of Tribune Co. and chairman of the board of Northwestern University.

Ayers was raised in Glen Ellyn, played football at Lake Forest Academy and graduated from the University of Michigan. He joined the Weatherman faction of the Students for a Democratic Society movement, and in the 1970s went underground—"fleeing what the government winkingly calls justice," as he put it.

"My weapons were explosive words at first, slowly replaced by bombs," he wrote.

He broke Michigan Avenue shop windows during the Weathermen's 1969 "Days of Rage." He helped LSD guru Timothy Leary break out of prison, Ayers wrote in his memoir, and stockpiled stolen dynamite. Some exploded in a New York townhouse, killing members of what came to be known as the Weather Underground, including his girlfriend of that time. Other explosives were planted in government buildings, including the Defense Department's.

"We'd already bombed the Capitol, and we'd cased the White House," Ayers wrote. "The Pentagon was leg two of the trifecta."

In 1980, he resurfaced, accompanied by his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and two children born in their underground years. His life quickly returned to normal. Criminal charges were dropped because the government's evidence was tainted. He earned a doctorate in education at Columbia University and joined the faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

After the heroic report on the Brahmin Bolsheviks Dorhn and Ayers by Tribune Researcher Brenda Killanski and the solidly independent John Kass,this is a great begining for the Chicago Tribune.
Click my post title to read more of Ron Grossman's report.

Friday, May 16, 2008

It's A Small International Workers Paradise After All! ObamaInternationalistas Ayers/Jefe Chavez/FARC & Etc.

It Takes a Village of Idiots to help snakes this big!

Billy Ayers, the Trust Funded, Insulated, Media Pampered Hyde Park Domestic Terrorist, who still, mercy sakes alive, has a job at University of Illinois Chicago Campus is the tack on the chair of Senator Obama's Senate Seat.

Senator Obama is up and moving about the country weaving rhetorical flourishes to the people who think that Stanley Fish matters and that MSNBC provides information. While Senator Obama has been out of his seat, Illinois laughing-stock and Check Kiting Bob Creamer's Bonnie Parker, Congressperson Jan Schakwosky is trolling for the chair - which would be Jan's via appointment from Governor Rod Blagojevich.

The Guv has problems. Jan Schakowsky, like most self-absorbed posers, is unaware of her problems. Her husband, Bob Creamer recently got out of the Federal Pen in Terra Haute, Indiana for check kiting and immediately wrote a boffo book on Progressive Politics and ran Camp Obama for the Obama -Jugend. Jan Schakowsky wants Obama's Senate Seat and the Kite Runner knows that Jan couldn't get five votes beyond her district and so she needs to knead the Guv's temples while he is still semi-comatose.

Following me so far? Hey, this is what comes of talking to the well-read neighbors: Chicago Cops, Firefighters, teachers, tradesmen, housewives, housedads, lay-abouts and Twenty-Something Impecunious,Sponge off the Folks for a Few Years Obama Backers. People who read widely, listen and watch the news and filter out the nonsense with their Faith, Patriotism and Life Experiences. Shucks, us folks get on the porch and have us just a thunderous round of weighty assessments on the life public.

Very smart Internet journalists like Anne Leary the Backyard Conservative and John Rubery the Marathon Pundit have been studying up on the oafish Ayers and his odious wife Bernadine Dohrn for years. Not only that Dohrn has played a crucial role helping to orchestrate the undermining of confidence in the American Justice System from her insulated perch at Northwestern University Law. She has also traveled often to Columbia, which is undergoing assaults from Communists terrorists of FARC - which is a Spanish acronym for Revolutionary Army of Columbia and is supported by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez who fancies himself a later- Castro.

Another journalist by the name of Doug Ross has been keeping an eye on Chicago's Brahmin Bolsheviks (Dohrn and Ayers) and has noted Senator Obama's very tangible part in this international intrigue - I always wanted to say that, damn! Here's the executive summary of Doug Ross's exhaustive study.

Executive Summary: Barack Obama's relationship with former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers appears to go beyond their Woods Fund board membership. Even today, Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, sound utterly unrepentant over their attempts to overthrow the U.S. government in order to install a pro-communist regime.

Perhaps coincidentally, Obama's name was recently discovered on a captured FARC computer. In the documents, FARC -- Colombia's brand of pro-communist terrorists -- implied that it had met with Obama's representatives to secure his support after the election. Interestingly, Dohrn has traveled to Colombia in the recent past in order to organize against Colombia's pro-U.S. government. Is it possible that Dohrn served as a cutout between Obama and FARC? That much is not yet clear, but the question deserves to be asked.

As True as the numbers when I step on the scale, Doug! But those questions will go unasked by the Chicago Media, with the exception of John Kass. Barack Obama's Senate seat has a huge tack resting point up by the name of Billy Ayers. That point designates overt cooperation with radicals, communists and terrorists who seek to harm America. Senator Obama's name was found in a back-pack containing a computer with a treasure trove of damning evidence as to Hugo Chavez' active role violating Columbia's sovereignty. Interpol announced yesterday that computer files with this information are valid.

Senator Obama's association with Ayers and Dohrn is far more dangerous and of consequence than the goofiness of Reverend Wright. The Ayers tack on Senator Obama's seat will pierce right through the heart of his campaign.

Click my post title for the link to Doug Ross's full text along with several others, but for good solid home grown studies look to Anne Leary and John Rubery.

BTW- Chicago Tribune researcher Brenda Killanski wrote a wonderful piece on the Ayers/Obama link-up and she should be writing more on this story, but the Medill Mafia at the Tribune seems to prefer to further insulate Ayers and by extension Obama. Give them a jingle or drop them a note.

Hugo Chavez Calls Interpol Cops Clowns! Emmet Kelly Calls Edward R. Murrow ' Keith Olbermann' - Ubi Caritas, Populi?

El Jefe Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan Dictator, who controls all the Chevron gas pumps that I pass by, has his XXL Haines in a lumpy knot over yesterday's Interpol announcement that the lap-top computer found in a backpack belonging to a bumped off FARC terrorist in Columbia that contains references to Senator Barack Obama in its evil menu of dastardly tricks is valid and untouched. Hugo protested that files of computer were altered by some Gringo scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells.

Interpol - the International Police Agency - said the FARC info is accurate - certainly if not legit. Hugo Chavez called the Interpol report 'A Clown Show!' Now what would Simon Bolivar say, Jefe?

It seems that Ayers/Chavez/Dohrn/Chesa Boudin/FARC and Senator Barack Obama have some parsing to do.

Hat Tip to one of my favorite tree stands of boffo news items and ripping yarns torn from cyberspace IBD Editorials!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Billy Google Bomber Ayers Google Laugh Track

The insulated Cadillac Commie of Hyde Park, Billy Ayers who will be a huge part in Senator Obama's fast braking freight train of Hope and Audacity to Obscurity through November, has his own Google Best Of Billy Ayers page.

Here's some dandies -

Quotes by Bill Ayers
"I don't regret setting bombs," Bill Ayers said. "I feel we didn't do enough."

May 7, 2008 Intellectual Conservative (78 occurrences)

And when asked by the Times whether he would do it all again, Ayers said, "I don't want to discount the possibility."

Apr 26, 2008 Yahoo! News (9 occurrences)

In his book Mr. Ayers describes the Weathermen descending into a "whirlpool of violence."

May 7, 2008 Intellectual Conservative (6 occurrences)

"I'm sorry to disagree with you," Ayers told the agent, "but Bill's a fine young man. He has the highest principles."

Apr 17, 2008 Chicago Tribune (4 occurrences)

The photographer, Ayers says, brought the flag as a prop; "I don't carry one around myself."

Apr 17, 2008 Chicago Tribune (3 occurrences)

Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at," is today distinguished professor of...

May 7, 2008 Intellectual Conservative (16 occurrences)

"We can't protect all the innocent people in the world," Ayers replied. "Some will get killed. Some of us will get killed. We have to accept that fact."

May 9, 2008 (5 occurrences)

Staples, who is black, writes that Ayers described his early days as a time when he and his fellow Weathermen "sing Negro spirituals and eat chitterlings with the natives, whose intelligence and industry they find surprising."

Apr 26, 2008 Yahoo! News (8 occurrences)

"It's a cartoon" people are reacting to, Ayers, a professor of education, said at his University of Illinois at Chicago office Wednesday.

Apr 24, 2008 Chicago Tribune (3 occurrences)

"We wanted the people in the government waging the war to feel a sense of fear, a sense of consequences," Ayers says. "Not personal fear, but fear that they were unleashing something that could rise up and overwhelm them."

Apr 17, 2008 Chicago Tribune (3 occurrences

. . .And the year round tweed over turtle-neck crowd think this goof is a great fit in Academics?

Click my post title for the full magilla.