Oprah: Do you think we've lost the belief that we can succeed? I was talking with Skip Gates [Henry Louis Gates, scholar of African-American history and culture], and he was saying how ironic it is that our parents believed that their little nappy-headed boys and girls could grow up and be somebody if they worked twice as hard.
Barack: We no longer operate that way, but we should be working twice as hard, because we still have challenges and barriers other communities don't have. . . .like Hyannis Port, Martha's Vineyard, Hollywood, Maui,
"On the Gosnell trial, Steinem added: "It makes more clear why you need Planned Parenthood." -

President Obama will award the nation's highest civilian medal to his favorite Chicago White Sox player of all-time, Mr. Cub -Ernie Banks.
He will also toss the bling to the two women who defined what it means to be an Woman in the Age of Obama -
Gloria Steinem - who pioneered the gender specific lifestyles of women like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga and the Dowager of Hags Madonna. Without the pioneering efforts of Ms. Steinem, a former Playboy Bunny, women would be free to be as loudly foul-mouthed, empty, self-absorbed, blood-thirsty and soulless as any man. . . even a member of Saudi Royal Family. Ms. Steinem was completely unmoved by the Dr. Kermit Baron Gosnell Butcher Shop in Philly and continues to advocate the snipping of spinal chords babies all the way up Kindergarten.
Oprah Winfrey - like Ms. Steinem, Oprah created generations of pan-demographic binge-eating female couch potatoes who anxiously awaited her pronouncements on books that preach the glories of abortion and home economics and find vicarious comfort in the discovery prizes under the seats of studio audience, Oprah placed there after shaking down the sponsors of the Oprah Winfrey Show! and the Oprah Winfrey Channel and the Oprah Winfrey Productions and the Oprah Winfrey Cosmetics.
The President chooses the recipients. He is the President of Abortion.
What is the Value of the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Bill Clinton is getting pay-back for being the voice of 2012 Campaign and Anthony Weiner and his Bride are still in the news.
If you love abortion drug addiction, rehab, suicide attempts, binge eating and purging, liposuction, Botox, narcissism and graceless stupidity with no moral consequences are only the outlets that make perfect sense. Freedom demands choices after all.
In the words of President Obama's former Religion adviser and Secretary of State John Kerry's choice for the formation of the Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives Shaun Casey, “I, frankly, am glad American civil religion is dying,”
But, you gotta love the choice of good old # 14 Ernie Banks.

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