Who Runs with Bulls? Hemingway reported on the running of the bulls in Pamplona, as did James A. Michner, but neither ink-slinger put on their Keds in a race with Mr. Bull and the lads. Who runs with Bulls?
These guys -
As if the desultory violence in Chicago was not enough,
we will soon have an opportunity to watch Tick Heads, Stoners, Posers, Occupy Chicago Veterans, Coked-Up Venture Capitalists and other cases of arrested development get their Sun Also Rises On.
The Great Bull Run, modeled after the festival that takes place each year in Pamplona, Spain, will hold its inaugural run next month in Richmond, Va., and will hit at least eight other cities before arriving at Hawthorne Race Course in Stickney on July 12.
Organizer Bradford Scudder decided to create the U.S.-based event to give thrill-seekers a chance to run with bulls without having to spend the time and money to fly to Spain.
For a fee starting at $35 , participants can enjoy a bull run followed by a rotten tomato fight, another Spanish tradition.
The Great Bull Run website warns participants that the race is "the real deal" and that participants "accept the risk that you might be trampled, gored, rammed or tossed in the air by a bull." Participants must pay an insurance fee, and medical staff will be at the site.
To minimize risk, organizers said they will use less aggressive bulls than the ones that run in Spain.
I read Hemingway's canon of Bull-fighting tomes ( Death in Afternoon & etc.) and taught the Sun Also Rises. Even my Breathing for Credit sections understood, as well as the Honors and AP English sections, that running with the bulls or jumping into the corrida with Old Toro was not a great idea . . ., but that was before we Elected President Obama and now two guys can have children and American exceptionalism means closing shop world wide.
I still believe in Rufus Thomas.
Rufus Thomas would have made a splendid Commander in Chief.
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