Monday, December 08, 2014

CPD Hero Saved a Crowd of People in a Mount Greenwood Pub

Authorities responded to a police-involved shooting Sunday night in the Mount Greenwood neighborhood. | NVP News video

White, Black, Brown Red and Yellow people are not bullet proof. Bullet travels at thousands of feet per second when someone pulls a trigger.  A bad guy, a cop, or a child can pull a trigger. A gun is a formidable weapon; so is a pool cue, a pipe wrench, or a fist.

Behavior is the problem and not some Chimera - systemic racism.

Systemic is an adjective lifted from the hard sciences and employed by the agenda-driven social sciences to further the naturalistic notions that society is a body on a coroner's slab and tweedy goofs with grants and academic tenure dole out the word's application to lawyers, crumbs and dumb bunnies

Last evening, Bad Behavior from some unknown person with, what I would call a serious beef about something, added to more than a few ounces of Giant Killer

The Bad Behavior person shot someone in a neighborhood tavern and an alert and courageous off-duty Chicago Police Sergeant saved a crowd of citizens from harm.

 <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It is believed that this Bad Behavior shooter of guns is a white man . . .a deceased white man.

Friday, December 05, 2014

Breathless Solidarity Sans African American Chicagoans

Social Media?  Mayhaps.  Moreso, Socialist and CPUSA Strategists.  I see more Afriocan Americans 'Holding the Line' in CPD Blue than in the modest crowd of protexting White Boys.

Marching allows people to vent anger, frustrations and disappointments.  There have been hundreds of marches on the south and west sides of Chicago condemning, denouncing and damning faceless shooters, gutless public officials who also march-up-a-storm and inanimate objects drawn in a circle with a red bar through them - Guns.  Murders continue unabated.

Orwell, in 1984, called such venting "The Two Minute Hate,"  Which allowed the opporessed to direct their anger, frustrations and disappoinbtments at faceless enemies, caricatures of enemies and inanimate objects and away from the oppresive totalitarian regimes defining each person according to needs of government.

Today,  too many people, particularly young people,  who spend most of their waking hours 'thumbing' human contact via a Steve Jobs product, who largely ignore their family, friends and fellow citizens due to addictions to cellphones, smart-phones, tablets, and keyboards need an opportunity let the world know just how feeling and human they happen to be -in solidarity with strangers who trying to get home to their kids on west and south sides.

Know this - the crowds of earnest, breathless and obnoxious white suburban hipsters blocking traffic here and elsewhere are cattle and chattle of CPUSA.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Racial Healing - We Are a Nation of Scab Pickers

A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.
 Praxagora: I want all to have a share of everything and all property to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; [...] I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is private property, common to all. [...]
Blepyrus: But who will till the soil?
Praxagora: The slaves. (tr. O'Neill 1938, Perseus) Aristophanes -  Ecclesiazusae ( loosely translated by me as " A Congress of Skirts, Broads, or Chicks"
Someone will be disappointed. Someone will slave away.  Some people, more than others. Knowing that fact is good way to prepare for that eventuality.  In medicine, such activities are often called " Preventative."  In life, such forethought is tagged "common sense." Noble intentions are often directed into action by absolutely idiotic, villainous, or incompetent boobs.  Witness the Obamacare.

When someone disturbs the universe, gender-universal and olfactory discernment, following flesh-free luncheon of cabbage, beans and onions, there is rarely a wholesome and loud thumping of table and cheers of acclamation for that person's heart-healthy choices froms God's cornupopoeia.  A victim might even grab heavy object and shatter a pane of glass out of the nearest window in less of gesture of judgment, than an act of self-preservation.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Thus, an intermural resident Praxagora might declare martial law and pronounce Zero Tolerance for breakers of wind - Vegan or Carnivore . . .and that is too bad.  Individuals can only manifest an intrinsic virture by dint of  personal behavior - not legal obeisaance.

Zero tolerance only works for Praxagora-lke harpies like Bill Moyers, Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell. Such people are free of common sense, because they see themselves as "uncommon."

Common people get hurt, on a daily basis, physically, spiritually and emotionally.  Life happens dood and hard.

Nothing gets better, if you keep picking at it.  A scab always forms a cut.  The scab is good - the slice heals.  When scabs get picked at, hurts can become infected ( especially if the picker has filthy fingers) and make the damage much more severe.

I am not a doctor, but I played one in the 1969 high school production of Harvey.  Therefore, I have about as much medical knowledge as Leonardo DiCaprio, or Matt Damon.  I triumphed as Dr. Lyman Sanders, M.D. in the Little Flower High School production of Mary Chase's immortal comic look at schizophrenia -Harvey.

As Dr. Lyman Sanderson,M.D., I failed to bring Mr. Elwood P. Dowd to his senses.
Dr. Sanderson: Think carefully, Dowd. Didn't you know somebody, sometime, someplace by the name of Harvey? Didn't you ever know anybody by that name?
Elwood P. Dowd: No, no, not one, Doctor. Maybe that's why I always had such hopes for it.
 I did not order electro-shock therapy.  I refused to ice bathe, Mr. Dowd.  My level of tolerance was tested and eventually I came to realize that the very pleasant Elwaood P. Dowd did not require my butttering of his necktie.

Thinngs are different, now.

In 1969, I was starring in Harvey.  Dr. Martin Luther King had been with Christ for a year.   The embers of West and South Side fires had cooled. Black teens came to the Little Flower High School Community Center to do and boogaloo down funky, funky Broadway.  White families put up the modest homes for sale to predatory panic-peddling real estate moguls and Black families bought two-flats, bungalows and Georgians on both sides of Ashland Avenue.

That was my Selma moments.

I do ot remember the burnng out of any Back families, nor masscre of any Swedes, or Italians by 'Coloreds' -I remember getting my ass-kicked by Polish greasers at a dance in St. John of God for being a spud-eating Duper and yet only this past Sunday I treated myself and a female girl to several platefuls of pierogi,Gołąbki,Polskie naleśniki,Bigos and the heart-stopping joy of Placki ziemniaczane at Sawa's Old Warsaw in Broadview, IL.

Polska Sto Lat, I say! No, discriminating human being, especially one familiar with glorious history of Polish cuisine, could banish Sowa's Old Warsaw.  To paraphrase Falstaff,  "No, my good lord; banish McDonald's, banish Burger King, banish Wendy's: but for sweet Sawa, kind Old Warsaw, true Polish buffet, valiant butter-swimming pierogi Haven, and therefore more valiant, being, as it is, old Warsaw on Ogden Avenue, banish not it thy Hickey's company, banish not it thy Hickeys's pie-hole: banish plump potato pancakes, and banish all the world." He'p me, Jesus!

Were I to bring up the pummeling my 145 lb. 2ndGeneration Harp frame took at the hands and Stacy Adams'd  Rat Stabber shod feet of the six Brylcreamed Polacks at every occasion of disappouintment, or set back, I might have joined the Bill Moyers PBS United Church of Christ-faux Unitarians,  when Karol Józef Wojtyła ascended the throne of Peter. Likewise, I might have organized mass protests at Orchestra Hall when Chopin got tickled on the eighty-eights.  Moreso,  I'd escape the gustatory raptures steaming on the heaping bord of Sawa's Old Warsaw!

We are not a Nation of Cowards - not in 1919, 1969, or 2014.  We have become a Nation of Scab Yankers.

We constantly pester and piss and moan for 'dialogs'  that are monologs and 'conversations' that are monotone.assets/Uploads/_resampled/CroppedImage200200-Screen-shot-2010-09-21-at-11.12.22-AM.png(John Bachtell is National Chairman of the CPUSA. He is active in labor, peace and justice struggles. He grew up in Ohio and currently lives in Chicago with his family.)

White people are doing this pissing and moaning and they are same White people who worked with and for Saul Alinsky in 1969 and some even much worse.  These White people have managed in convincing America's culture vultures that the United States of America is some Kafka-esque Death Camp run by AnteBellum crackers with bullwhips.

Ferguson and now Staten Island protests are thick with these White folks- devout scab yankers making sure that our Racial, Gender, Class and Behavior wound never heal.

The White folks are Red.  CPUSA and all of its allies the Politicians,  the Media, Academics, the Ambulance Chasers, and people too lazy to read.

I am with Black folks more hours in the day than people of my pinkish coloring.  Guess what.   They are too busy working for this collective nonsense - like that wonderful cop in the video.

I did not have the answers for poor old Elwood P. Dowd and he ended his days in the looney bin.  My prescription for our wounds, stop picking at the scabs and don't listen to scab yankers.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Rahm's "Neighborhood Shout-Out" Line-Up

UNREAL: Idiot Chicago Libs Gather in SUPPORT of ISIS and Christian Genocide

Michael Sneed (not a guy) Rahm's 'em like no other with her desultory report on Rahm's desire to go Carthart Rauner Regular Guy in his Cinemascope Camapign 2015.
Sneed hears that Mayor Rahm Emanuelis going to kick off his campaign at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Near West Side’s Cinespace soundstage, where “Chicago Fire” is being filmed.
“It will be a neighborhood style shoutout; no out-of-town firepower [like PresidentBarack Obama] or celebs [represented by Rahm’s uber-agent brother, Ari Emanuel] driving a Hollywood-style narrative,” a top Sneed source said.
Sounds swell! 
Magister Ludi for this home-spun fun-o-Rahma will be Chicago's utility idiot and pan-protest pest Andy Thayer with BGA honcho and ABC 7 microphone challenged Andy Shaw doping the lick-spittle.

Rahm's Just folks to include:

  • Real Estate Comic and Prankster - Zeus Preckwinkle
  • Uber-Commie and Legal Eagle - G. Flint Taylor
  • Weight-Watchers Dodger and Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner -Abner Mikva
  • Pat Quinn Campaign Wiz and Laugh a Minute  CPUSA Medico - Dr. Quentin Young
  • PR Maven and Weatherman Raven - Marylyn Katz
  • FARC General and Professor Emeritus - Bill Ayers
  • FARC Field Marshal and Non-Practicing Law Prof - Bernardine Dorhn
  • Blue Man Group Re-Enactors - The Wrongful Conviction Players
  • The Man in the Iron Mask ( Video from the Federal Correction Center on Van Buren) - Tony Rezko
  • Mr. Chicago Values - Billy Dec
  • Uncle Fester - Billy Corgin
  • Cows on Parade - Lois Weisberg
  • Dancing with Mormons - Terry Cosgrove, Fred Eychaner, Deb Mell, Deb Shore and The Circuit City Dancers
  • Celebrity Roast Rumpers - former Governor Pat Quinn, former Redhead Judy Baar Topinka, Forrest Claypool, Jim Oberweiss
  • Secular Archbishop of Chicago - David Orr
  • Oliver Twist Urchins - De Paul University and Unified Choir of Illinois SEIU

Monday, December 01, 2014

My Latest Fund Raising Letter from a Close Pal - Mr. Spam

Hi, Mr. Pat Hickey,

How are you doing. I hope all is well with you and family.  I'm very sorry for involving you in my present issue but I was left with no choice but to contact you. I had a trip out of the country to Portugal for a Conference. I travelled with little money due to the short time i had to prepare for this trip and never expected things to be the way it is right now, also my debit and credit card can't work here. I need a loan of €1100 from you and I'll refund you at my return. I will really appreciate whatever amount you can come up with, if not all get back to me. I'll advise on how to transfer it.
Old Moochie Spam
I don't know how the Hell I managed to get the Euro icon from computer, but Hey this is wallet lifting.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Thanksgiving Address To Boys Ten* and Under from Mr. Dark Meat Hickey

Men,  this is what we have waited for all this past year - through Christmas, Easter,both Parents Days, National Holidays, Religious Oberservances, Birthdays and etc. - Thanksgiving.

You and your cousins park your rumps on cast-off kitchen chairs that molded in the basement, since last year, or those rusty folding chairs that your Dad, or uncle promised to take a sand belt to, repaint and oil the joints, but 364 days of Wheel of Fortune got in the way. You and your male cousins will get the dark meat.

Respect the dark meat.  Be the dark meat.- legs, wings, thighs, the back meat. Men, we are dark meat; girls are white meat. We are necessary to the fate of Church, the neighborhood and America.  Dark meat gives us the necessary grease to keep the lugs and seers that operate our arms and legs.  White meat, like the Ladies, is refined - it is clean and delicate. You gotta pour a quart of gravy on it to make it taste anywhere near as good as dark meat. Here's how to get at it - Paty Attention!

Now, here's why eating dark meat is important.
Dark meat is eat with your hands meat!  Dark meat is vital fuel for men of action and patriots. Dark meat  is what the guys at Valley Forge, Bougainville and the Chosin Reservoir in Korea had to make them refuse to lose.

White meat just wont cut it - too flakey - falls apart.

Dark meat ?  Hold the phone!  Man, You got work to do! Chewing and tasting the sweet grease!  There are no WHITE MEAT turkey legs, Gentlemen.  It just does not happen.

Get to it!  Now, don;t load up on chips and candy and crap before dinner.  Lay off the egg-nog until the pies and cookies come out.  Take it easy on the spuds - sweet, mashed or otherwise. Give the stuffing to the little guys with pieces of dark meat - have Uncle Johnny cut it up for them.  Eat the cranberry sauce.  Now, nail that dark meat.

If you get a leg you had better do it justice. Have that bone picked as clean as a bald bowling ball.

Happy Thanksgiving!  Eat like a Champion!

* Boys Eleven and Older never listen to anyone and will generally take whatever the Hell they want from any plate, bowl, dish or table top - savages.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

End White Privilege - Immediately. I mean it. Right now. With All Due Haste

Chicago protesters
In the wake of the expected tantrums, hissy-fights, looting, burning, Twittering and cable anchor vamping over the non-indictment of our Dreyfus du jour, ( That Ferguson cop Wilson) Chicago's own utility out-in-Left-fielders cadre of White Privileged Honkies hit the streets in full solidarity with the Black men and women ( except the Ferguson witness pool, black intellectuals, Supreme Court jurist and working folks) of Plantation Pander America. 

I wish White Privilege would just go away, like Leonard Bernstein did in the Summer of 1971, when Art Frye of Local 25 ( the Orchestra Hall superintendent) told him to go have carnal relations with himself, for snapping his fingers in full fury at me and two Polish janitors,  because we did not immediately snap to attention, during our lunch break and  immediately recognize the wants and desires of  the sexual identity challenged Maestro.  Yep, white privilege vamoosed up command in them halcyon days of yore.

Not now.

Privileged Whites armed with faux concern and Guy Fawkes masks went to war with cops last night and were marshaling tens of warriors this morning, as I picked up the Leo Dozen from Englewood, Grand Crossing ( O Street) ,Bronzeville and points west of the Dan Ryan.

I was my privilege to drive these energetic, engaged and fiery African American teenagers.  They are none too worried about their condition and position in society, or history.  They are ass-kickers and heart-breakers.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Political Analysis From Some Guy Whose Got A City Job

The Chicago Sun Times is the worst paper with some of the best writers in Chicago - Tim Novak, Chris Fusco, Natasha Korecki and Dan Mihalppoulos.  Today, Chris Fusco and Dan Mihalopoulos report on the tacit support of Speaker Mike Madigan for Rahm Emanuel's next run for Mayor, " After staying neutral in the last race for Chicago mayor, Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan has provided major support to Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s re-election campaign, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis of election records shows."

This analysis took place while Quinn was still Governor in Springfield.

The epiphany brought on by city workers armed with clipboards over stuffed with nominating petitions for the upcoming aldermanic and mayoral contests is hardly the Star of Bethleham signing, " Oh, Come! Oh Come, EeeeeeeeeeMaHahan You All! To run some crap games NEAR EAR Da EL."

Sorry.I have been trapped in 6th Grade at Little Flower Grammar School since 1964.  I got me some kind of Rod Serling brain disorder.

Anyway, Fusco and Mihalopoulos are on target.  Though it is hard to tell what a universally silent man is saying.  The troops are out.  I have barely finished hefting multiple Fran Hurley and Bill Cunningham panic fliers into the Blue Recycle Bins when new glossy political promissory notes appear in my mail chute.

I decided to talk to one of disappearing legionnaires of Chicago City Work Force - Clay Calhoun, or CC, to neighbors and friends.

CC came to Chicago in 1978 from Rapid City, SD as a campaign worker for Senator Frank Church's bid for the Presidential nomination. CC was quickly  dragoon'd to the Ted Kennedy Campaign and when Jimmy Carter got the nod was left here to dangle.  He worked for various Ward organizations, until he found a home here in 19th Ward which in the 1980's was run by giants - Jeremiah Joyce and Mike Sheahan. Giants speak truth - 'you have a job.'  Giants do not understand Passive Aggressive. That is the language of the Progressive - " I AM working for you. I AM hearing you. You Catholics are SO needed. The Republicans control everything and now is not a good time.  You are the Best!  Vote!"

Mike Madigan and the Giants got along.  Madigan speaks no words, but deeds up a storm.  Giants match deeds with words.

CC has worked steadily.  I decided to ask Clay Calhoun about the word about Emanuel as political currency;met him for coffee at Horse Thief Hollow.

"CC,"  I said, "  how will the 19th break the news to voters that it is Okay to vote for Mayor Coon Eyes?:"

CC looked up from his recent edition of the Beverly Review, took a sip of coffee, rub his South Dakota hawk-like beak and managed, " Rahm's not too bad."

Thereby hangs the tale and each every one of us.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mayor Coon-eyes Now Old King Coal

                                 Old King Cole was Merry Old Soul;
                                 He had Buckskin Belly/
                                 And a Rubber @##hole - Popular Children's Nursery Rhyme

"The Emanuel campaign will begin airing a new television ad featuring a Pilsen community activist who was among the leaders of a longtime fight to close two coal plants believed to cause asthma," said Emanuel campaign spokesman Steve Mayberry. "This is one of a series of ads where Chicagoans will share their stories on a range of important city issues." Sun Times

Rahm is a Chicago guy.  He's done more for the little guy and the middle guy than any human being this side of San Pedro Street, what's in Los Angeles. Rahm is all about hard choices. Coal or Bike Lane?  Bike Lanes.  Coal don't vote.

Coal is a petro chemical and it is used cause asthma in little Mexican kids and cook Hipster pizza on west Grand, like Lombardo's does in NYC.  Is that a problem for you?

Not for Rahm.  Pizza can be gas cooked, even though it too is a petrochemical, but it is not coal.  You want lights with your pizza?  Ride a bike.

If Com Ed burns coal to light up Daley Plaza. Rahm will have something to say about and Com Ed will not like the words coming out of his mouth.

Coal is bad and cheaper than bike lanes.

Rahm Emanuel is all about the little guy and middle guy. He's a Chicago guy - born bred in Highland Park of Lake County.  His brother Zeke is doctor and will drop dead the minute he turns 75.  He's for bike lanes choking traffic to death like a city-wide Hillside Strangler and he's the cure for Mexican Asthma.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I - Chicago's Worker Archbishop

Juravit Dominus et non paenitebit eum/
Tu es sacerdos in aeternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech./
Dominus a dextris tuis,/
confregit in die irae suae reges.

(The Lord swore, and will not repent:Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedech.The Lord upon thy right hand,shall wound even kings in the day of his wrath.)
Those are some tough words for hymn. The lyrics come form Pslam 110 and the tune from George Fredrick Handel ( Mr. Messiah). This Baroque hymn is sung at the ordination of priests.  I sang with with my pals Mike Kelly, Willie Bigane, Bobby Ryan, Kevin McEldowney, Phil Panatera, Tommy Walsh and other scapegraces from Little Flower Grammar School following weeks of training from Miss Alice Doney and beat downs from high school age choirmasters, like Terry McEldowney.  We got it right for a young guy's First Mass - I think his name was Corrigan.  I remember the beauty of hymn and sense of the sacred that got through to 7th & Grade miscreants aborbed with growing hormones, scatological humor and physically violent pranks.  We were told by Sister Mary Doralese and Sister Mary Gertrudis (RSM) that we were destined to 'die on the gallows. or worse.'  Well, you can't kill a man born to hang.

Nevertheless, our choir carried off the First Mass of a young priest from the neighborhood . . .splendidly. I recall that we were treated to a five spot ($5) each by the father of the priest and that was in 1965 dollars.

I though about the Handel hymn all weekend - every time the Chicago media announced that Francis Cardinal George will end his leadership of Archdiocese of Chicago on Tuesday, November 18th.

I though about the lyrics of Juravit Dominus and how real the words of the Psalm match the tenure of Cardinal George's stewardship of the Church in Chicago.

Cardinal George caught a bum rap from the newspapers, activist priests who play to the OP ed pontiffs from Oak Park to Englewood, gutless elected officials pandereing for more LGBTQ hozanahs and Planned Parenthood lucre and the blow-dried ninnies on Chicago television  I can think of no churchman who withstood more ambush activism and journalism than Francis Cardinal George for speaking the truth.  The truth runs counter to desires and impulses - always.

Cardinal George cleaned up the clergy abuse mess tolerated by his two predecessors, the racial animus inherited from Cardinal Cody's singular role in making Chicago a genuinely 'segregated' city and Cardinal Bernadin's enegetic closing of schools, churches and social institutions.

Even institutions run by the Church follow idiotic policies of goo-goo of State, County and City progressive one-size-fits-all procrustean policy.  Policy is for . . . .persons without the will to good for others.  Sometimes, it is necessary to work things like Catholic Chicagoans - outside of preening policy.

Cardinal George found time to counsel Leo students who came from horrible situations (abusive parents, crime addicted families, drug addled parent with legal custody & etc.)  and to call about their progress.  I have yet to pick up the phone to report back to Neil Steinberg, Carol Marin, Mike Flannery and Dane Placko of Fox News 32 on the condistions of an apartment at 40th & Wallace and how a kid manages to maintain a C+ average with running water and a diet of Cheetos.  The kid refused to abandon his little brother and suffered dysfunction, squallor, rats and loneliness.  Cardinal George partnered with Leo and helped - Old School Chicago.   Cardinal George calls about hurting kids all of the time.

Cardinal George is a working man's priest, bishop and Cardinal. An intellectual giant and ecclesiastical scholar of international reputation, Cardinal George never lost tough with the carpenters, electricians, cops, school teachers, firemen, or skilled tradesmen who remain in the Catholic pews of Chicago and who also shooulder the abuse from prentencious asses like Carol Marin, Eric Zorn, Michael Sneed, or Dane Placko with modest good humor.

Cardinal George is a great shepherd and a great guy -Order of Melchisedech notwithstanding.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Baby Got Back! Leo High School Ads on CTA Bus Fleet

Leo High School has once again purchased signage for the back end of the CTA Bus Fleet.  You can get a generous eyeful of Leo High School information while cruising your way through Chicago traffic on smartly targeted routes - 79th Street; Western Avenue; Dr. Martin Luther King Drive; Hyde Park Routes; 111th and 115th Street Routes.

Leo High School is a school of opportunity.  Since 1926, Leo High School has been the choice of working families for sons who want to succeed beyond imaginary and genuine social and economic barriers.

Leo Men are in front ranks of business, religious, legal, civic, military, skilled trades and public service professionals, because their common core Catholic value education challenged them exceed expectations.

Read up, Chicago and drive with couretsy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Putin the Moves on Peng - Randy Ruskie Hits on Red Chinee First Babe

While Obama distracts Xi with yarns about his days as a community activists, Vlad goes all-in for some International Dim Sum Yum, Yum.

Ride a Bear, Check
Kill a Tiger,Check
Take Crimea, Check
Yank Down Obama's Britches Repeatedly, Check
Hit on Xi's Old Lady, Check and Mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old Vlad is Bad! That borscht slurping, poisoned umbrella swordsman got it goin' on!  Oriental chicks swear that Occidental horn-dogs are obsessed with them and Vlad Putin is not about to put that notion to bed, Sisters!

It seems that Vlad Without Borders went after the Head Red's toothsome wife, Peng.

"While Xi was distracted talking to U.S. President Barack Obama, who was sitting on his right, Russia's tiger-shooting, horseback-riding president made his move. After a brief exchange -- you can almost imagine Peng making appropriately cliché small talk like "my, isn't it chilly in here" -- Putin abruptly stood up, grasped a tan coat in both hands, and wrapped it chivalrously around the first lady's shoulders. She smiled gracefully, thanked him, and sat down -- only to surreptitiously slip the coat from her shoulders moments later into the waiting arms of an attendant."

Here is Boris Badinoff being Bad enough at the China Meet-Up.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"Chicago's Own" Medal of Honor Firefighter Hero - Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy

Heroes are people who have worked at it all of their lives. Leo High School celebrated heroes on Friday November 7th.  The Marines of 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines participate in our Veterans Observances each year. 2/24 are Chicago's Own - A Marine Reserve Unit founded in WWII.  A pioneer of that hallowed unit was Col. Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy ( Englewood High School Alumnus).  It is safe to say that very few Chicagoans know his name. Equivalency has killed our honor of valor.  

Teachers, community activists, academics and even certain sanctioned criminals and murderers are called 'heroes,'  but they are merely doing what they want to do.  Heroes do the very opposite.  Fools are fearless; heroes know fear and act according to the values they have practiced all of their lives that are rooted in doing the extreme to help other people.

Real heroes have vanished from the classroom, the textbook and public conscience.  We live in a culture that demands 'equality,' gives universal trophies, ribbons and atta boys.  Inflated praise is empty and meaningless; life must have value.

Heroes are born, to be sure, but every action and inclination taken in a hero's  life must be rooted in a pious recognition of valor and faith in the value of service to others. Capt. Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy earned the Medal of Honor for actions on Iwo Jima in 1945, his herosim began much earlier as a student athlete, Chicago Fire Fighter and serving U.S. Marine enlisted man. His life should be text book lessons for our young people. 

Pat Hickey

Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy was born in Chicago Illinois on April 10, 1911. An excellent athlete, he was an all-state guard in football and hit the game winning home run to capture the city’s baseball championship for his high school. McCarthy joined the Chicago Fire Department and was assigned to the city’s Truck Company 11 before enlisting in the Marines on February 20, 1937. McCarthy served for four years and had been discharged, but was recalled to service as a Gunnery Sergeant just prior to the attack at Pearl Harbor. McCarthy was soon noted for his leadership ability and experience, and was selected for an Officer’s commission.

The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR to
for service as set forth in the following
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Commanding Officer of Company G, Second Battalion, Twenty-Fourth Marines, Fourth Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces during the seizure of Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, on 21 February 1945. Determined to break through the enemy's cross-island defenses, Captain McCarthy acted on his own initiative when his company advance was held up by uninterrupted Japanese rifle, machine-gun and high velocity 47-mm. fire during the approach to Motoyama Airfield Number two. Quickly organizing a demolitions and flamethrower team to accompany his picked rifle squad, he fearlessly led the way across seventy-five yards of fire-swept ground, charged a heavily fortified pillbox on the ridge to the front and, personally hurling hand grenades into the emplacement as he directed the combined operations of his small assault group, completely destroyed the hostile installation. Spotting two Japanese soldiers attempting an escape from the shattered pillbox, he boldly stood upright in full view of the enemy and dispatched both troops before advancing to a second emplacement under greatly intensified fire and blasted the strong fortifications with a well- planned demolitions attack. Subsequently entering the ruins, he found a Japanese taking aim at one of his men and with alert presence of mind jumped the enemy, disarmed and shot him with his own weapon. Then, intent on smashing through the narrow breach, he rallied the remainder of his company and pressed a full attack with furious aggressiveness until he had neutralized all resistance and captured the ridge. An inspiring leader and indomitable fighter, Captain McCarthy consistently disregarded all personal danger during the fierce conflict and by his brilliant professional skill, daring tactics and tenacious perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds, contributed materially to the success of his division's operations against this savagely defended outpost of the Japanese Empire. His cool decision and outstanding valor reflect the highest credit upon Captain McCarthy and enhance the finest traditions of the United States Naval Service.


Lt. Col. Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy, “A hero at every campaign and everything he did”

The recent HBO Mini-Series The Pacific has brought a long overdue recognition to the sacrifices and hardships endured by the U.S. Marines in the Second World War. These battles were fought on isolated islands that one would struggle to locate on a map: Guadalcanal, Roi-Namur, Saipan-Tinian, Peleliu, Okinawa. Combat was often at point blank range; not only did the men involved battle the enemy, but poisonous snakes, insects, disease and the climate. Nowhere was the fighting harder than the Battle of Iwo Jima, a battle where Admiral Nimitz later observed “Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue.” No one typified that valor more than Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy.
Joseph Jeremiah McCarthy was born in Chicago Illinois on April 10, 1911. An excellent athlete, he was an all-state guard in football and hit the game winning home run to capture the city’s baseball championship for his high school. McCarthy joined the Chicago Fire Department and was assigned to the city’s Truck Company 11 before enlisting in the Marines on February 20, 1937. McCarthy served for four years and had been discharged, but was recalled to service as a Gunnery Sergeant just prior to the attack at Pearl Harbor. McCarthy was soon noted for his leadership ability and experience, and was selected for an Officer’s commission.
As a member of the 4th Marine Division, McCarthy was deployed overseas in January 1944. At Saipan while leading a rifle company, he earned the Silver Star and Purple Heart for carrying two wounded Marines to safety while under enemy fire. In his book Iwo Jima: Legacy of Valor, Historian Bill D. Ross Described McCarthy as “… Irish and he looked it: husky, red complexioned, pug nose. Superior officers sometimes found his manner abrasive… (while) his men called him “the best damned officer in the Marine Corps.”
It was at the battle of Iwo Jima that McCarthy’s courage and leadership really came to the fore. If there is an entrance to Hell from Earth, then it would be Iwo Jima. The volcanic island constantly emitting brimstone fumes, the surface lifeless, waterless and covered in black choking ash. Even such basic protections as a foxhole were denied, for under the ash was impenetrable obsidian. What nature had created the Japanese General Kuribayashi and his command perfected: they had created a labyrinth of interlocking defense including concealed pillboxes which could be accessed by a maze of tunnels blasted into the Island and all but impervious to bombing and bombardment. Finally, there was the resolve of the Japanese themselves. They knew that it was impossible to defeat the Americans. Their goal was to sacrifice themselves to inflict as many American casualties as possible in hopes of gaining an advantage in peace negotiations. General Kuribayashi forbade the suicidal Banzai charges that had marked early Japanese defensive tactics; he gave orders that each man was to hold his position and kill at least 10 US Marines before dying himself. When the invasion began, he had his men hold their fire until the beach was crowded with US Marines who mistakenly believed that the pre-landing naval bombardment had silenced all opposition. Then General Kuribayashi unleashed hell.
It was in this maelstrom that now Captain McCarthy and his men found themselves. On the third day of the battle, 21 February 1945, McCarthy and his company were pinned by uninterrupted Japanese rifle, machine gun, and artillery fire. McCarthy quickly organizing an assault team which he then proceeded to lead across 75 yards of open ground under constant enemy fire. McCarthy personally charged a heavily fortified bunker, hurling hand grenades into the emplacement completely destroying the enemy position. McCarthy then led his team in an assault on a second pillbox which was similarly destroyed. Entering the ruins, McCarthy found a Japanese soldier taking aim at one of his men whom McCarthy disarmed and shot him with his own weapon. McCarthy then rallied his men and proceeded to capture the entire ridge. Of the assault, McCarthy in his characteristic no nonsense style stated “I was scared all the time”… “Any man tells you he wasn’t scared was an imbecile. But you dealt with it.” McCarthy and his men would continue to fight on Iwo Jima for another 33 days. Of 347 who served in McCarthy’s company during the battle, only 35 were able to walk off the Island when the battle was over.
For his heroic actions at Iwo Jima, Joseph J. McCarthy was awarded the Medal of Honor in addition to a second purple heart.. When presenting the Medal, President Truman told McCarthy, “I’d rather have one of these than be President.” McCarthy viewed the award unromantically, saying in later years “I would hope and pray there never be another Medal of Honor issued, I hope and pray there’s never any more wars. But we’ve got to remain strong.” McCarthy was discharged with the rank of Lt. Colonel.   After the war McCarthy visited many of the families of his Marines who had been killed in action on Iwo Jima. Each one of them, he told the families, had been just as brave as he was, just not as lucky.
Joseph McCarty returned to the Chicago Fire Department where he became the Superintendent of Ambulances in the Chicago Fire Department, a position he held till his retirement in 1973.  In 1959 McCarthy was honored by the Chicago Irish community by being named the Grand Marshal of their Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.   Joseph McCarthy passed away on June 15, 1996.  As one of his fellow Marines stated, (McCarthy) was not a one-shot hero, he was a hero at every campaign and everything he did.”

Historian – Neil F. Cosgrove
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Did You Know That

  • Concurring in the assessment that Lt. Col. McCarthy was “one of the best damned officers in the Marines” is Division III’s own Iwo Jima Veteran Frank Duffy, who knew McCarthy personally.  Frank was also decorated for bravely at Iwo Jima.
  • Of the 82 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines in the entirety of World War II, 23 were for actions in the Iwo Jima campaign
  • When the US Marines stormed “the shores of Tripoli” it was under Irish American Presley O’Bannon
  • The pivotal amphibious invasions of WW II, both in Europe and the Pacific, were made possible by the Higgins Boat landing craft developed by Irish American Andrew Higgins
  • The Marine Corps Pipes and Drums Band traces its traditions to the 1st Provisional Marine Battalion that landed in Derry Northern Ireland on May 12, 1942 to help secure naval bases that were vital to the battle of the north Atlantic.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Leo High School Veterans Observance 2014

Jim Furlong and Jim Farrell immediate left to right served heroically in Vietnam.  
 Young Talen Goodwin (9) met four Marines who fought in Korea and Vietna,
 Alumnu President Dan Stecich explained the dedication of Leo Men
 Leo Men are dedicated at the gate.
 They never drop that dedication
 They Honor God and Country
 They Give - Alumni President Rich Furlong reminded us of those who gave all John Fardy (CMOH:pos) and Joe Auman ( Navy Cross post) WWII Marines and Leo Class of 1940.

 Mr5. Cleveland Holden served in Vietnam and honors all who serve with his bugle

 Leo Freshma Vidal sang the National Anthem

 Honor.  When an old man dies, a library burns down - African Proverb

Leo High School thanks the following wonderful people

  • Chicago's Own - The Marines of 2nd Batallion, 24th Marines whose battle ribbons are rooted at Iwo Jima.
  • Bugler and Vietnam Hero Mr.Cleveland Holden
  • The Officers of the Sixth Police District
  • The Montford Point Marines
  • Windy City Veterans
  • Purple Heart Veterans
  • Mr. Pat Roberto of Calabria Italian Imports who has treated our Veterans with refreshments for 12 years running.
  • The Great Steuber Family and staff of Steuber Florists who have donated memorial wreaths for years.
  • The Leo Alumni Association

Friday, November 07, 2014

Putin's "Dreamers" Crossed the Border Declaring Armored Amnesty - God Save the Ukraine

Vlad's Dreamers!

Putin understands that elections of consequences.

He just invaded the Ukraine.

KIEV (Reuters) - A column of 32 tanks, 16 howitzer artillery systems and trucks carrying ammunition and fighters has crossed into eastern Ukraine from Russia, the Kiev military said on Friday.
"The deployment continues of military equipment and Russian mercenaries to the front lines," spokesman Andriy Lysenko said in a televised briefing referring to Thursday's cross-border incursion.
The report of a new Russian movement of armor across the border follows a charge on Thursday by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine that Kiev government forces had launched a new offensive - which Kiev immediately denied.

Planned Parenthood's President Barack H. Obama is a planning a similar border bridge in the post election near future.

Congressman Luis Gutierrez could nort be reached for comment -yet. 

Bruce Rauner's Illinois - No Irish Need Apply

Rauner transition team

 I saw Bruce Rauner's transition team for Rauner Illinois and thought that maybe Dave Axelrod drew the line-up, because it sure looked like Richie Daley's End of Days on Five.  He's got Jim Edgar the butterless, humorless scone-eating doily crushing former Guv, who created the Secretary of State Payolla DMV before George Ryan sold a single stack of George Ryan & Friends golf-outing tickets; LGBT Big Government Calendar Boy Ron Huberman, All Star Little Brother Friendly FIRE (Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) go-to-guy Bill Daley.  and a pair of  high quality African American Reverends Meeks and Booker who will push Charter Schools, but demand real School Choice - vouchers.

I saw no one even remotely associated with the 19th Ward Regular Democrat Organization. As Bruce Rauner would say, " Whooooooooooooooooooooo?  Or What are They?"  They (19th) went Madigan.
Total Votes - 22383 or 100%

19the For Quinn-, 14302 or 63.90% for the vote

19th For Rauner -,  7566 or  33.80% of the vote

19th for The Stalking Horse -515 Unitarians, Quakers, Free Masons and Homeless Dudes getting some Walking Around Money, or 2.30%

The 19th Ward will find no cool pastures in the State of Illinois Building.  In fact, Bruce Rauner has already modified the application process to match that of .Rahm for Chicago 2015

Here's how the test works.

Examiner -   "The first question is, without using any numbers, represent
the number 9".

  So Murphy says, "Dat's dead easy" and proceeds to draw three
  The Examiner says, "What the hells that?"

  Murphy says "Tree 'n tree n' tree makes nine".

  Fair enough, says the Rahm vassal. "Second question, same rules as
before, but represent the number 99".

  Murphy stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on
each tree. "Der ya go sir" he says.

  The Quiz Master scratches his head and says, "How on earth do you
get that to represent 99?"

  Murphy says "Each tree's dirty now! so it's dirty tree,
n' dirty tree n' dirty tree, dats 99".

 Master Quid Nunc is getting worried he's going to have to hire the Spud eater,
so he says "All right, question three. Same rules again but
represent the number 100".

  Murphy stares into space again, then he shouts "Got it!" He
makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says "There
ya go sir 100".

 Magister Ludi  looks at Murphy's attempt and thinks, 'Ha! got him
this time'. "Go on  Mr. Murphy, you must be mad if you think that
represents a hundred".

 Ginger Murphy, Mount Carmel '01 leans forward and points to the marks at the tree
bases, and says, "A little doggy comes along and craps by each
tree, so now you've got, dirty tree an' a turd, dirty tree
an' a turd, an' dirty tree an' a turd, which makes one hundred,
when do I start me job?"

When Winston products serve as drones.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Ristéard Cul Renifleur - Analysis of Tuesday's National Progressive Democrat Victory

"Worst Election Map since Ike and the best year ever for Progressives since 1929"

Ristéard Cul Renifleur is a very frequent voice in all media  that really count - Salon, New Republic, Hollywood Update, Frock Magazine, Mother Jones, MSNBC, CNN and . . .well, it is endless. Few could forget his barbs and banter and back and forth with Mother Theresa and Lech Walensa.on PBS when the twin saints of NeoCons argued that Planned Parenthood is Eichman in Pearl Izumi smartwear. " Get over yourselves, my dears, I know that I have,"  wagged the Prog watchdog.

Cul Renifleur predicted the rise of Ronan Farrow, Jan Schakowsky and the  Guardians, . . . who ever.  Cul Renifleur is cutting edge - he hourly tweets Cul-ing the Herd

I managed to take down a few bonmots from  Ristéard Cul Renifleur, or a composite of him,  and his reaction to the signal disasters that fell upon the Republicans, the Tea Party and Old Timey Democrats like me. We lost HUGE, says, Cul Renfleur.
Some foolish Fannies have bleated that the Romneybots swept a wave over Dear Barack, and L'il Debbie's DNC - Pooh.  Pooh, I say and again. This was a priceless victory of heart over head and spike through the black pumping heart of Wall Street.  Remember, Edward Snowden is slurping borsht because Bush wanted to avenge his Papa's name. No disaster befalls a people that had not been formed in the serpent's egg of American exceptionalsim. The only exceptional American is Katrina vanden Hueval - that bitch makes leather jackets works.
So, the American people went to the polls punched the pad on the nuclear launch codes that will spring Hillary into the White House, grant millions of darling undocumenteds amnesty and finally bring some wholesome threesomes to prime time television. Here's my $250,000 worth -
                             Tuesday's Five Biggest Losers?
  • Number One!!!!!!!! Sarah Palin . . .because she's Sarah Palin
  • Number Two - Scott Walker of Wisconsin . . .love the tom-toms.
  • Number Three - That Texan in the Wheelchair 
  • Number Four - Custer Park, Illinois My God!  Have you ever been there?
  •  Number Five - Red China and Putin's New USSR President Obama stared them down
                                            My Five Winners!
  • Number One - Illinois Governor Pat Quinn
  • Number Two - President Barack 'Redline' Obama - watch his poll numbers sky rocket! 
  • Number Three -Selena Gomez and Hillary Clinton - Say Amnesty and Keys to the White House
  • Number Four - Netflix and Planned Parenthood the momentum is palpable
  • Number Five - Ronan Farrow, Chris Hayes and that South African who runs on steel bands. Watch for him to host Dancing With the Stars.
 Ristéard Cul Renifleur, Ladies and Gents!  From the same Zipcode as Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Former Governor Pat Quinn: Total War on Class

Little man, you've had a busy . . .time's up;  say good-bye; exit stage Left; take it on the heel and toe; Vamoose . . . Blow! . . . 

.“This is a historic time in Illinois,” Rauner told cheering supporters. “The voters have spoken. The voters have asked for divided government for the first time in many years.”
But a defiant Quinn declared, “I don’t believe in throwing in the towel” with votes uncounted.
“We will never, ever yield to a result until all the votes are in,” Quinn said, suggesting a complete count could take days

Ladies an gentlemen, the former Governor of Illinois Pat Quinn . . .there's the exit, Pat . . .take some of the left-overs . . .now, how about some of that lawn work? . . .  this your top coat? . . .  we'll cklean up.. . . . . .

Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Time to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Car's out in front!  Let them clean up.  Call security!  

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Election Day: SOS -It's What's For Dinner, Voila!

1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/2 lb dried Carl Buddig Beef about six packages. Use Buddig only!  Do Not use any substitute.
1 cup all-purpose flour
3-1/2 cups whole milk or half-and-half
Freshly ground black pepper
Fresh flat-leaf parsley, choppedMelt the butter in a pre- heatedcast-iron skillet.

Using the kitchen scissors,( having boiled same for an hour, because your twenty three year old son recently cut his toe nails with it) shred the chipped beef  , and add it to the melted butter. Cook over medium-high heat just until the edges of the meat curl, about 10 minutes.

Stir in flour and mix thoroughly. Then add the milk, reduce the heat to medium-low, and stir constantly until the mixture is thick, smooth, and bubbly. (Depending on your desired consistency, this could take 20 minutes or up to 1 hour.) My kids love it thick, I like thick, thin, soupy, or steamy and poured over toast, roasted spuds, or pasta.

When the sauce has thickened, turn up the heat and boil it, whisking constantly, for 1 minute. Use the whisk - really.  You may be tempted to use a fork, or wodden spoon, but use the whisk.

Remove from heat, season to taste with black pepper, and serve over toast or baked potatoes with parsley sprinkled over top. Also, serve with fresh peas cooked in a non-stick skillet mixed with cooked diced pancetta and fresh mint.

Forget about politicians.  Bastards!  SOS will never treat you like a slutty ATM Machine

Saints Preserve Us and Don't Go Rockin' the Boat!

"A boat's gonna rock; it needs no further assistance from the likes of you saintly sinners. Did you all vote before we left port?"