I saw Bruce Rauner's transition team for Rauner Illinois and thought that maybe Dave Axelrod drew the line-up, because it sure looked like Richie Daley's End of Days on Five. He's got Jim Edgar the butterless, humorless scone-eating doily crushing former Guv, who created the Secretary of State Payolla DMV before George Ryan sold a single stack of George Ryan & Friends golf-outing tickets; LGBT Big Government Calendar Boy Ron Huberman, All Star Little Brother Friendly FIRE (Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) go-to-guy Bill Daley. and a pair of high quality African American Reverends Meeks and Booker who will push Charter Schools, but demand real School Choice - vouchers.
I saw no one even remotely associated with the 19th Ward Regular Democrat Organization. As Bruce Rauner would say, " Whooooooooooooooooooooo? Or What are They?" They (19th) went Madigan.
Total Votes - 22383 or 100%
19the For Quinn-, 14302 or 63.90% for the vote
19th For Rauner -, 7566 or 33.80% of the vote
19th for The Stalking Horse -515 Unitarians, Quakers, Free Masons and Homeless Dudes getting some Walking Around Money, or 2.30%

The 19th Ward will find no cool pastures in the State of Illinois Building. In fact, Bruce Rauner has already modified the application process to match that of .Rahm for Chicago 2015
Here's how the test works.
Examiner - "The first question is, without using any numbers, represent
the number 9".
So Murphy says, "Dat's dead easy" and proceeds to draw three
The Examiner says, "What the hells that?"
Murphy says "Tree 'n tree n' tree makes nine".
Fair enough, says the Rahm vassal. "Second question, same rules as
before, but represent the number 99".
Murphy stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on
each tree. "Der ya go sir" he says.
The Quiz Master scratches his head and says, "How on earth do you
get that to represent 99?"
Murphy says "Each tree's dirty now! so it's dirty tree,
n' dirty tree n' dirty tree, dats 99".
Master Quid Nunc is getting worried he's going to have to hire the Spud eater,
so he says "All right, question three. Same rules again but
represent the number 100".
Murphy stares into space again, then he shouts "Got it!" He
makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says "There
ya go sir 100".
Magister Ludi looks at Murphy's attempt and thinks, 'Ha! got him
this time'. "Go on Mr. Murphy, you must be mad if you think that
represents a hundred".
Ginger Murphy, Mount Carmel '01 leans forward and points to the marks at the tree
bases, and says, "A little doggy comes along and craps by each
tree, so now you've got, dirty tree an' a turd, dirty tree
an' a turd, an' dirty tree an' a turd, which makes one hundred,
when do I start me job?"
When Winston products serve as drones.
...and a pair of high quality African American Reverends Meeks and Booker who will push Charter Schools, but demand real School Choice - vouchers.
A success on vouchers alone might make Rauner's election worthwhile.
PS Nary a Dutchman about either.
Shudda put Madigan hisself on the team. That wudda completed the circle.
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