So, La-La Land is runner up.
CVS is closing 11 stores in poor black neighborhoods. The Sun Times will not mention this.
Parkway Gardens is still O Block. However, Angela Caputo will never connect the dots back *to Habitat, HUD, Allison Davis and Valerie Jarrett.
14 Chicagoans were killed since last Friday.
City of Chicago employees have had their pensions looted by elected officials from RMD (Richie of Mass Destruction) to RIE (Rahm Ignores Everything)
I am a City of Chicago employee. I am not the enemy, I am not the problem. You, the Government, have been raiding my pension fund whenever you need money. You, the Government, mismanaged your money. I also pay into my retirement every paycheck. I follow the rules you set up and we agreed to. Now you want to blame me for our State's/City's money woes and steal from my retirement benefits? If you are a public employee/retiree please copy and paste as your status. Facebook:
And President Trump had absolutely nothing to do with any of the above.
Still, Chicago's two papers remain thick with Trump Toxicology teases. Even the epic-ly empty Michael Sneed is offering rhetoric lessons to President 45 and Rahm Emanuel, who stood with the owners of Parkway Gardens in 2013, the privatized real estate development of a former HUD housing project, a pet Valerie Jarrett project,** remains bullet proof in both papers.
The State of the Union will be whoopee cushion for the media.
Chicago will keep on keepin' on.
Wonder what March will bring?
Now, who lives in La-La Land?
*Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to Obama's presidential campaign and a member of his finance committee. Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza from 2001 until this winter and co-managed an even larger subsidized complex in Chicago that was seized by the federal government in 2006, after city inspectors found widespread problems."Government is just not as good at owning and managing as the private sector because the incentives are not there," said Jarrett, whose company manages more than 23,000 apartments. "I would argue that someone living in a poor neighborhood that isn't 100 percent public housing is by definition better off." Boston Globe 2008
**Valerie JarrettWho Am I?
Chicago Medical Center As Well.” (Jay Newton-Small, “Campaign Insider,” Time, 4/7/08)
“Chicago Is In The Running For The 2016 Olympics … One Of Obama’s Top Advisers, Valerie Jarrett, Is The Vice Chair Of Chicago’s Bid Committee.” (Lynn Sweet, “McCain, Obama, Clinton All Push Bush On China Games,” Chicago Sun-Times, 4/10/08)
Under A Plan Devised By The City Of Chicago And Habitat Co., “The City Has Lost More Than 13,000 Housing Units For The Poor.” (Jason Grotto and Laurie Cohen, “Obama Adviser Shapes City Housing Policy,” Chicago Tribune, 7/5/08)
•”Habitat Has Earned $6.8 Million In Fees And $10.8 Million In Administrative Expenses Since The Plan Started In 2000, According To The U.S. Department Of Housing And Urban Development.” (Jason Grotto and Laurie Cohen, “Obama Adviser Shapes City Housing Policy,” Chicago Tribune, 7/5/08)
“Jarrett Is The Chief Executive Of Habitat Co., Which Managed Grove Parc Plaza From 2001 Until This Winter And Co-Managed An Even Larger Subsidized Complex In Chicago That Was Seized By The Federal Government In 2006, After City Inspectors Found Widespread Problems.” (Binyamin Appelbaum, “Grim Proving Ground For Obama’s Housing Policy,” The Boston Globe, 6/27/08)
•”In 2006, Federal Inspectors Graded The Condition Of [Grove Parc] An 11 On A 100-Point Scale – A Score So Bad The Buildings Now Face Demolition.” (Binyamin Appelbaum, “Grim Proving Ground For Obama’s Housing Policy,” The Boston Globe, 6/27/08)
“[Jarrett] Has Also Served As Chair Of Both The Chicago Transit Board And The Chicago Stock Exchange.” (Jay Newton-Small, “Campaign Insider,” Time, 4/7/08)
“[M]ayor Richard Daley Thursday Announced The Merger Of The City’s Planning Department And Economic Development Department, To Be Headed By Valerie Jarrett, His Former Deputy Chief Of Staff.” (Robert Davis, “Daley Merges Planning, Economic Development Staffs,” Chicago Tribune, 10/11/91)