Chuck violated a crime scene during the investigation of Lee Miglin's 1997 murder.
Over the years, Goudie and some other aggressive reporters have come under criticism at times for perhaps going too far to get a story.
Goudie found himself squarely in the national media spotlight in 1997, when he covered the hunt for Andrew Cunanan, who was accused of killing Chicago developer Lee Miglin and designer Gianni Versace.
In Miami Beach, Goudie was let into a hotel room where Cunanan apparently had stayed, but that the police and FBI had overlooked. Goudie filed a report that showed him holding some items in the room.
Law enforcement officials were outraged and accused Goudie of crossing an ethical line in his reporting and possibly tampering with evidence. Some colleagues, including the news director for the ABC affiliate in Miami, which ran video of the report, were harsh in their criticism.
He says he had been told that police and the FBI had already been through the room, and that the room was ready for someone else to use.
"I was surprised some people in my business turned on it so quickly," Goudie says.
Gee, sounds like Chuck all but invented alternative facts.
Then, Chuck went on to smear Leo High School.
Tuesday, June 02, 2015
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The ABC7 I-Team looked into claims by nearly 100 alleged victims of sexual abuse in metro Chicago that the archdiocese and some of its schools are keeping dangerous secrets.
The case involves claims of sexual and physical abuse by priests and teachers at three local Catholic high schools. The three high schools have been a part of a Roman Catholic order called the Irish Christian Brothers. Hundreds of men and women accused members of the North American order of sexual abuse. . . . He says this to close Investigations, ” The I-Team left numerous messages at , Leo and . . . , but never heard back.”
Well, in 2015 I was working at Leo High School; I replied to Chuck and his I-Team in the Chicago Daily Observer:
Not true, Chuck. One lovely young African American single mother of two answers, or takes down every phone message, every e-mail and every carrier pigeon missive that come to Leo High School, where it has been since 1926 at 7901 S. Sangamon Street 60620, ph.(773) 224-9600 ex. 208 (for me) and fax at (773) 224-3856. E-mail come to admin@leohighschool.org. Also, every communication with regard to Leo High School goes through a genuine journalist and newsman, Leo President Dan McGrath. This inquiry, Chuck, would not be Dan McGrath’s first rodeo. We got nothing from ABC, Channel 7, or the I-Team.
Nothing from I-Team and nothing from Chuck. So, that is a smear – saying we do not return phone calls, much less keep “dangerous secrets.”
Unless Chuck Goudie is prepared to call a lovely young African American single mother of two a liar, I’d say Chuck should crawfish on his report in a very public manner.
In a really nice world, a Leo Alumnus who has a very public record of going to court and righting public wrongs should give Chuck Goudie an old school legal ass-kicking.
Leo never heard from Chuck Goudie, before, during and certainly never after Chuck's investigation went nowhere.
By Chuck Goudie and Ross Weidner, Christine Tressel, Barb Markoff
Thursday, February 16, 2017 10:34PM
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The ABC 7 I-Team uncovered a stunning number of domestic violence complaints against Chicago police officers and an overwhelming lack of disciplinary action resulting from those complaints.
If you are a Chicago police officer accused of domestic violence, Code 600 will be the likely outcome. That is the police jargon for no disciplinary action.
In nine of every 10 domestic violence allegations made against officers by their spouse or children, no disciplinary action is ever taken. And there are a lot of allegations.
Chicago police respond to nearly 500 domestic related calls a day, according to the latest department data; calls for help at home from across the city.
But the I-Team uncovered surprising domestic violence complaints about police officers themselves.
"It kind of shakes people to the core to have to deal with that reality that this may be the person who's answering your call for help," Diane Wetendorf, police domestic violence expert, said.
Wetendorf is a police domestic violence expert and advocate based in the northern suburbs. For years she said she helped victims who were abused at the hands of Chicago police.