Chuck Goudie makes a very good living off of smearing people. He works for ABC, the network that will feature a sit com developed by Dan Savage, (a violently hateful Anti-Catholic bigot who parlayed sexual preference into a sitcom) and operates what he calls the ABC 7 I-Team.
I began work at Leo High School in 1995, four years after the Irish Christian Brothers refused to send teachers to this school in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood. The Irish Christan Brothers taught and operated Leo High School from 1926, until 1991.
In the late 1990's, the priest-pedophile scandal knocked the Catholic Church to its knees, where it remains trying to undo the damage of homosexual and some heterosexual child stalkers who used the Church to prey on children. This scandal swelled to epic proportons because bishops listened to lawyers.
They still do. Problems do not go away, but the Irish Christian Brothers did - at least here at Leo. In the wake of the abuse scandals, Leo High School was asked to provide any and all information it might possess concerning the abuse of youngsters by members of the Congregation of Christian Brothers. I joined the President of Leo High School on two depositions concerning the class action lawsuit against the Congregation of Christian Brothers.
From what I gathered, there were more cases in the United States and Canada of physical abuse allegations, than sexual overtures and triumphs by Brothers to students in their keeping.
The Congregation of Christian Brothers is bankrupt.
That does not mean that lawyers can't find some coin. Hence, Chuck Goudie's I-Team smear. Chuck, who violated crime scenes in the past ( Miglin Murder), decided to smear Leo High School, even though Leo has no affiliation with the Congregation of Christian Brothers other than history and has helped lawyers bring claims against pedophile hiding behind hard collars.
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The ABC7 I-Team looked into claims by nearly 100 alleged victims of sexual abuse in metro Chicago that the archdiocese and some of its schools are keeping dangerous secrets.Leo High School is keeping dangerous secrets? Here they are Chuck !
- Educational experiences for Leo students include speakers of note and field trips.
- One-half of the individuals that work at Leo are Leo graduates.
- No student who wants a good education is turned away. Leo expects its students to succeed and to be the best they can be, as do parents who have a financial obligation.
- Leo’s tuition is $7,000 a year, but no one pays this amount. 50 hours of volunteer work by parents over the course of the school years will lower tuition down to $5,000. Alumni are also very generous, bringing the average tuition cost down to $4,000 per year. This is in contrast to $15,000 actual cost at Leo High School to educate one student. Based on 2014-15 published tuition rates, the average tuition of South Side Catholic Schools is $10,000.
- Leo does face competition from other charter schools. There are five in the 17th ward.
- Leo provides a rigorous college prep program. Although no direct subsidies are received from a religious institution (Leo does have a chapel), Leo benefit from the Big Shoulders Fund that supplies support to Catholic schools in the neediest areas of inner-city Chicago. Big Shoulders performs prep work free for Leo students.
- There is a very supportive and interested alumni, loyal and dedicated, who often show up at Leo unannounced. This year’s alumni banquet attracted 700 Leo grads and guests.
- Although the Leo high school building is structurally old and lacks the frills and attractiveness of school buildings located in more affluent areas, the structure is solid and was built to last. Upkeep and maintenance costs are therefore kept at a minimum.
Chuck Goudie is very well paid and he is not very truthful.
He says this to close Investigations, " The I-Team left numerous messages at , Leo and . . . Schools, but never heard back."
Not true, Chuck. One lovely young African American single mother of two answers, or takes down every phone message, every e-mail and every carrier pigeon missiive that come to Leo High School, where it has been since 1926 at 7901 S. Sangamon Street 60620, ph.(773) 224-9600 ex. 208 (for me) and fax at (773) 224-3856. E-mail come to admin@leohighschool.org. Also, every commnication with regard to Leo High School goes through a genuine journalist and newsman, Leo President Dan McGrath. This inquiry, Chuck, would not be Dan McGrath's first rodeo. We got nothing from ABC, Channel 7, or the I-Team.
Nothing from I-Team and nothing from Chuck. So, that is a smear - saying we do not return phone calls, much less keep "dangerous secrets."
Unless Chuck Goudie is prepared to call a lovely young African American single mother of two a liar, I'd say Chuck should crawfish on his report in a very public manner.
In a really nice world, a Leo Alumnus who has a very public record of going to court and righting public wrongs should give Chuck Goudie an old school legal ass-kicking.