Poll Watcher - "Make sure you fill in the whole circle where you vote, Mr. Hickey."
This will be the most contrarian vote of my citizenship in these USes of A. I have voted in every election since I cast my first vote for Tricky Dick in 1972 - thanks so muckinfuch Michael Shakman, Jesse Jackson, Abner Mikva and Billy Singer.
I voted Democrat in every Presidential Election from Carter up to Obama '08.
We have evolved, we are told and my evolution as a voting citizen requires that I choose many fatuous blowhards over more complete blowhards, feebs and dummies.
This is the La Brea Tar pits of Electoral Evolution!

How I will cast my ballot in th early voting follows - my votes are underscored.
General Election Candidate List, November 4, 2014
Punch No. Party Status Candidate
United States Senator
1 Democratic Richard J. Durbin Candidate
2 Republican James D. "Jim" Oberweis Candidate
3 Libertarian Sharon Hansen Candidate
Illinois Governor
Governor & Lieutenant
Democratic Candidate
Pat Quinn &
Paul Vallas
Republican Candidate
Bruce Rauner &
Evelyn Sanguinetti
Libertarian Candidate
Chad Grimm &
Alexander Cummings
Attorney General
Democratic Lisa Madigan Candidate
Republican Paul M. Schimpf Candidate
Libertarian Ben Koyl Candidate
"What is taking him so long?"
Secretary of State
Democratic Jesse White Candidate
Republican Michael Webster Candidate
Libertarian Christopher Michel Candidate
Democratic Sheila Simon Candidate
Republican Judy Baar Topinka Candidate
Libertarian Julie Fox Candidate
Democratic Michael W. Frerichs Candidate
Republican Tom Cross Candidate
31 Libertarian
U.S. Representative, 3rd District
Democratic Daniel William Lipinski Candidate
Republican Sharon M. Brannigan Candidate
State Senator, 18th District
Democratic Bill Cunningham Candidate
Republican Shaun Colin Murphy Candidate
State Representative, 35th District
Democratic Frances Ann Hurley Candidate
Republican Victor C. Horne Candidate
Unopposed Candidates to County Board -I'll do a write-in where needed; same to judges
General Election Referenda and Local Options
"Shall the minimum wage in Illinois for adults over the age of 18 be raised to $10 per
hour by January 1, 2015?"
To the Voters of the State of Illinois:
"Shall any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides prescription drug coverage
be required to include prescription birth control as part of that coverage?"
To the Voters of the State of Illinois:
"Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to require that each school district
receive additional revenue, based on their number of students, from an additional 3%
tax on income greater than one million dollars?"
To the Voters of the State of Illinois:
"Shall the General Assembly of the State of Illinois appropriate additional funds to
provide necessary mental health services for the people of the State of Illinois?"
To the Voters of Cook County:
Friday, September 05, 2014 Page 23 of 25
"Shall the Illinois General Assembly enact the Illinois Public Safety Act (Senate Bill
3659) which would require universal background checks for firearm transfers and
prohibit the sale and transfer of assault weapons, assault weapon attachments and
high capacity ammunition magazines?"
To the Voters of Cook County:
"Should the Illinois General Assembly amend the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program
Act to give local municipalities a role in the siting of medical cannabis dispensing
organizations and cultivation centers in its neighborhoods?"
To the Voters of the City of Chicago:
"Should the State of Illinois account for concentrations of at-risk students living in
poverty or who speak English as a second language when determining how state
resources for education are allocated?"

There! I am so happy I could spit.