Friday, January 24, 2014

A Wistful Few Moments With Marge - The First Girl in My Parish to Read The Female Eunuch

Men are the enemy in much the same way that some crazed boy in uniform was the enemy of another like him in most respects except the uniform. One possible tactic is to try to get the uniforms off.
― Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch

In October of 1970, I was a freshman at Loyola University ( Lewis Towers) in Chicago.  I had had a great summer due to a great paying job as a second year janitor ( $ 2.75 per + T and 1/2 for OT)  and the brief but spicy company of Marge. That month a book came out that rocked our world - Germain Greer's The Female Eunuch/  Feminism.  You can't beat it.  You can nod to it, grant that it is there, see it for what it should be and what it is most certainly not and live your life.

Though not a woman, I can deeply appreciate the feelings of being objectified, patronized and fitted into clothing and undergarments that might be alluring, not never comfortable. I was forced to wear a turtle-neck sweater once, because the girl who purchased it for me thought I'd look like one of The Monkees - just a pathetic male adolescent wearing something he hated.

The girl's name was Marge.  She lived at 77th & Wolcott in Little Flower Parish. Her Dad was a lockesmith with shop between Hermitage and Wood streets.

Marge was a girl who blossomed early and adopted the dress and attitude of the greaser chicks who latched onto the 69th Street Loafers north of the tracks from us.  The Loafers were mostly Italian kids and we were largely Micks.  We got along, unless we were complete assholes.  The Loafer guys wore cabrettas, rat-stabbers ( Stacy Adams shoes) and greased their back like Elvis.  The greaser girls wore tight black slacks jeans, or skirts, tighter sweaters and their hair all cotton-candied up and large and supported by Alberto Culver hairspray.

We Micks tended to sport more of a Joe College Karol's Red Hanger look and buzz-cuts.  The girls wore attire straight out of Trouble With Angels Haley Mills/Mary Tyler Moore modest allure. The Greasers called us Doopers, or Wood Street.

We Doopers imagined Greaser girls to be a little bit slutty - they'd put out a little bit anyway. Not so.Some of our Meghan Mickleberry Haley Mills babes were positively Russ Meyers in attitude and deportment, while Shirley and Flo, though bedecked in Faster Pussy Cat, Kill,Kill,  fashion and accessories were as virginal as St. Agnes.  Never assume.

I flirted with my afore mentioned Marge, the locksmith's daughter, because I assumed that I might have my wicked way . . .within reason . . .with her.  She looked the part and by the 6th Commandment filled the part.
I was stunned!  You asked for it Bub and you got it.  Marge accompanied yours truly on several trips to Rainbow Beach and we smooched - à la manière de la sale français - up a storm.

Marge was positively black Irish gorgeous and built like a muscle car at Santa Fe Speedway.  Every impulse to explore the horizon of human copulation was aroused, only to be quieted by ethics and Catholic moral instruction.  As  St. Thomas Aquinas once said, " You knock-her up and you marry her."

I was bullied by better angels, while Errol Flynn whispered in my ear . . .not forgetting Marge was the whole package. She was nice.  I was and remain . . . complicated.

I determined that discretion was the better part of satisfaction and that bookish me was destined for Loyola University in few months time and the burdens of parenting were complimentary to four years of the Jesuits. I did what any male 17 year old goof equipped with a robust and operational set of nuts could do - I avoided Marge.  You know.  Disappear in plain sight.  Never call.  Never acknowledge.  Guy stuff. Birth control on the cheap.

I dreamed of Marge and went on my way.  So did Marge.

Years later, I ran into Marge at a party near DePaul University. Marge had moved up to the north side and was taking classes while working at  Earl Pionke's Earl of Old Town.  Marge still looked great, but had adopted the more exotic looks of a flamenco dancer and not a Hot Rod Mama.  This suited the radical cool guys and faux Hippies who lived in the hipper quarters of Chicago, or frequented its environs.  I still dressed and groomed like Dooper -close-cropped hair, crew neck sweaters and penny loafers. Dweeb chic.  Marge remarked that I had not changed and that was not a compliment.

The verbal punch out was taken it in cowardly good humor, because I had acted the cad.  No, Marge said it was not my Catholic school boy creepiness about love and passion but my insular and puritanical cowardice.  I was not liberated.  Marge said that she was liberated.  She had been given The Female Eunuch, by one of her older sisters and that book became her bible.

 Marge explained that men hated women and treated them horribly and women went along with it pretending that love and family really meant something.  Woman was better. Kids raise themselves. Mother is Man Word.  Sex is liberating only if one is liberated.


I still wanted to see if maybe Marge . . . not a chance.  Marge was dating a guy from Canada named Guy - Geeeeeee -no kidding.  I mean she was shacking up with Guy, while she further evolved.

We parted ways. Decades of life vanished like ice cubes in a dog's mouth.

At one of the Little Flower summer reunions out at a south Cook County Forrest Preserve, I asked one of my balding compeers if he had any word about Marge. " Yeah!!!!!!!!  You tried to crack her britches; didn't you?"

Actually no . . .up to and including that possibility to be sure, but no.

The former football star and Mayor of Palos Hills said, " Marge.  She was all over the place. Married a bunch.  Screwed everyone and anyone.  Nutty.  Billy Fleming called her Million Man Marge."

Well, what happened to her?

" She's a feminist. Writes a blog or something."

Imagine that.

Labor Videte -The Attack on Bob Kelly ATU 308 Will Happen to All Skilled Trades


                         Labor Advovates Videte - Labor Leaders, be watchful.

Again, the Chicago Tribune lines up with the political power class and makes war on a genuine labor leader who has confronted the insular Claypool's CTA whenever Claypool attempted to afflict people who actually work for a living. The Tribune and the Sun Times Editorial Boards are protecting 'pay-to-play' grifters like Emanuel and Claypool, perhaps to maintain friendly access at the CTA and City Hall or perhaps to benefit from the venture capitalism rooted in Progressive deal making. The hypocrisy behind the 'death by a thousand cuts' ordered and organized by Claypool and his protected cronies and the willing participation in the public and personal attacks on Mr. Robert Kelly of ATU Local 308 is worthy of Saul Alinsky. If the skilled trades unions think that they will not also become targets of these pompous asses, they should give close attention to the stories.  All of skilled trades unions will get the same treatment, as that meted out to Robert Kelly.

The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board continues its punitive war on Amalgamated Transit Union Local 308's President Robert Kelly.  This is another exercise in the Saul Alinsky tactic perfected here in Chicago by David Axelrod known as the death by a thousand cuts. It is a Progressive thing.  It works.

Forrest Claypool, Rahm Emanuel's appointee to the CTA, is off limits to the bovine media who graze only with the approval of the Progressive Elites. The bovine media ( editorial boards, some columnists, activists lawyers, foundations controlled by Progressives, academics and their patrons) work in concert with a limited number of voices all rooted in the ideals, goals and tactics of the Hyde Park Mafia.  The Democratic Party, once called the Machine has not existed since Harold Washington won the 5th Floor. Forrest Claypool has flourished in these times.

Forrest Claypool, like every Progressive political animal I could name, is not a people person.  He is a some people person - people who can protect him, enrich him, do favors for him and advance him.  People who can not do for him need to stay put. stay quiet, or stay dead.

Robert Kelly is skilled tradesman who earned his advancement by dint of study and careful attention to the job at hand.  So competent is Mr. Kelly, that his fellow workers asked Kelly to represent them and lead them.   Kelly is life-long member of a skilled trades union and skilled tradesman.  Unlike other public sector unions, the skilled trades are led by one of their own - someone who went through the apprenticeship and certified each step up the pay scales with studies and practices paid for our of his own pocket.  The monster public sector unions, especially SEIU, are led by degree-waving social science majors from big universities.

The Progressive political class and the bovine media changed the meaning of Labor away from the skilled and industrial trades to the massive Political Action Corporations of SEIU, AFSCME which provide cash and T-shirted mobs to political aspirants.

The Skilled Trades ( Carpenters, Engineers, Plumbers, Pipe Fitters, Machinists & etc.) are open targets for smears, ridicule and death by a thousand cuts from the bovine media.  The Skilled Trades are and at the moment remain autonomous.  They control the qualifications for and admission to the apprenticeship programs they run.  Progressives have long wanted all apprenticeship programs controlled by the State of Illinois, where they would intensify the power of people in control -Rahm Emanuel, Toni Preckwinkle and Pat Quinn.

Robert Kelly became the target of bovine media only because he refused to sell-out the membership of Local 308.  Forrest Claypool only plays with people who do for Forrest Claypool.  Kelly will not scratch Claypool's  confortable belly.

The last straw was over Kelly's refusal to play ball with Claypool, Rahm and Pfleger over the ex-con CTA job hop.  Since December, Citizen Mike Pfleger issued a Fatwah on Kelly, led a protest that included Bobby Rush at the Local 308; the Sun Times accused Kelly of snitching a scholarship for his child, even though Kelly has been a life-long dues paying member of Local 308; Sneed smeared Kelly, BGA Andy Shaw, no stranger to pay-to-play himself and Crain's Chicago Business answered Claypools whine that Bob Kelly would not roll-over,

What is happening to Bob Kelly in media and in the flatulent out-cries at CTA and City Hall is a towering hypocrisy and gross injustice.

I hope the leaders of the skilled trades unions of greater Chicago and Illinois are noticing what is happening to one their own, because as sure as Forrest Claypool will resign his post at CTA and land another big salary and government appointment, Progressives are going to end skilled trade union autonomy.

You are next, Fitters, Carpenters, Plumbers, Machinists and Engineers.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tribune Editorial Board Boosts the Progressive Fatwah Against Labor Issued by Imam Pfleger

Man, if you had the juice of the droopy-eyed mope and career grifter of the CTA - Forrest Claypool - you could wake up any morning with a dead Mormon family in bed with you, start the morning off with a big bowl of Jello shots swimming in Maker's Mark, drive to work like Danny Davis, do as little as Governor Quinn for a straight six hours and draw a pay check and change with no less than six zeros behind the arabic numeral of your choice.

However, you are not Forrest Claypool, Sheila Simon, Pat Quinn, Toni Preckwinkle, or Deb Mell;  you needs to work and be accountable.

Robert Kelly is the President of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 308.  I have never met Bob Kelly.  I have read about the man in the newspapers and find him to be a genuine man of labor.  I have met Forrest Claypool and read about his. I can't say deeds, jobs in government going back to Mayor Harold Washington.  The guy, in my opinion, is a dope, but the luckiest dope in the world, to paraphrase Babs Streisand   Forrest Claypool is job-hopping grifter.

Bob Kelly has had a job with Chicago Transit Authority in nearly every capacity concering rail cars and has earned the trust of his co-workers who made Kelly their agent and finally union President. They elected Bob Kelly.   I can not remember the last time Forrest Claypool earned the votes of anyone for anything.  He is a career appointee. Wait!  Claypooly narrowly beat Ted Leschowisz for a County Board seat, but had his patrician rump handed to him by Todd Stoger in the county Board President race and most recently Joe Berrios for Cook County Assessor. Todd Stoger???

Well, Rahm got elected Mayor and appointed Forrest Claypool to the presidency of the Chicago Transit Authority, because that post is a Non-Shakman patronage haven.

In the spring of last year, following a series of bumps on the rails caused by Claypool, Rahm, Pfleger and Claypool announced a Progressive feel-good dodge that gave 65 ex-felons jobs cleaning CTA rail cars. That trio of grifters never bothered to chat with Local 308 about this Studs Terkel of an initiative.

When it came time to renew those hand-outs, it was discovered that Kelly and Local 308 wanted to pay these ex-cons a better salary than Clayppol's coffers could stand. Rahm tossed Claypool the Progressive Playbook.

So beginning in late November, Claypool had smooched the proper Progressive fannies and had Citizen Michael Phleger, Robby Rush, Danny Davis and the Later-Day Marats of both city editorial boards geared up to go Full Axelrod on White Boy Kelly!

Citizen Pfleger decided to issue a Fatwah on Robert Kelly in January*.

Today, Bruce Dold and the Tribne Editorial Board joined that Imam Pfeger's fatwah and used a stale Sun Times smear from December impyling that Robert Kelly fixed a scholarship and shook down companies doing business with Claypool's CTA.

This editorial  is a political hack-job done only to smear a genuine labor leader of a skilled trades local. Robert Kelly has stood up to Mayor Rahm and his hapless. job-hopping appointee CTA President Forrest Claypool. The charge against Robert Kelly crawled from under the stove in December hours after Claypool allies ( Bobby Rush and Michael Pfleger) protested at Local 308 over the placement of ex-felons in union jobs without the consultation of Local 308. The Sun Times did that story which Bruce Dold and Editorial Board uses today. Pfleger has issued a Fatwah on Robert Kelly, the media has taken the side Forrest Claypool whose tenure with CTA has been one screw-up after another -called out onl;y by Robert Kelly at each ( potty Breaks, Bombardier wheels, the Forset Park wreck of Old 98, Ventra & etc.). The Tribune editorial board loves Progressives and shugs when progress come to a screaming halt, when a proteceted species of Progressive Cook County pulls the brakes and not the throttle. This is character assasination worthy of Joseph Medill.

I f you really want to know why things are so screwed up, read the papers, watch the news and remember something, anything.

Robert Kelly, President of ATU Local 308 did not get his New Year wish to fire 65 Ex-Offenders from their jobs at CTA. Thankfully CTA moved them to another Union 241 so that they could continue to Work! This Second Chance Apprentice Program for Ex-Offenders has helped hundreds of Brothers and Sisters get a second Chance and sent a message to thousands that a Second Chance is possible, but Robert Kelly in his Arrogance and Power Play threw them UNDER THE BUS on Dec 31st. TO ALL 308 UNION MEMBERS, YOU NEED TO THROW MR. KELLY UNDER THE BUS IN THE NEXT ELECTION!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's Colder Than a Mother-in-Law's Kiss - Let's Muddy Waters

"Deep Down In Florida"
Yes, I'm goin' down in Florida,
Where the sun shines damn near every day
Well, well I'm goin' down in Florida,
Where the sun shines damn near every day
Yeah, I'll take my woman out on the beach fellas 'n,
And sit down on the sand and play
Yeah, well I think I'll go down in Gainesville,
Just to see an old friend of mine
Well, I believe I'll cut down in Gainesville,
Oh, just to see an' old buddy of mine
Well, you know if we're not too busy,
I believe that I'm gonna drop over in Uberry sometime
Let's go back to Florida
Let's go back down to Florida,
Where the sun shines
Yeah, I believe I'm gonna leave tomorrow,
Well, I'm gonna be on my way
Yes, I'm gonna have a plenty of time,
Well, I don't wanna make myself late
Well, you know I believe I'll go back down in Gainesville,
And this time I'm goin' to stay
Let's rise, let's rise
Yeah, deep down in Florida,
Well, well that's the place I long to be
Well, oh deep down in Florida,
Well that's the place I long to be
Well, oh let me take my baby out in the backyard in the, backyard people,
And sit down under the old orange tree

U.S. Senator Marque Kirque (D.(urbin), IL) Thinks Sean Connery Makes a Nice Field of Dreams as Jim Garrison in JFK

Senator Marque Kirque had a stroke; Senator Dick Durbin is one.  Together, the Archie and Jughead of Our Federal Patrician House would not have the intellectual breath between them to rotate the blades of carnival pinwheel more than three times.

As I said, Marque Kirque had a debilitating stroke and might be forgiven this -

Story by 89 WLS Reporter Bill Cameron(CHICAGO) The flap continues between Alderman Ed Burke and Senators Mark Kirk and Dick Durbin over the senators’ desire to name the ATF building after Eliott Ness.
Burke claims the legend of Ness is a myth. “Eliot Ness never laid eyes on Al Capone. The case against Al Capone was developed by a federal agent in the Department of the Treasury by the name of Frank Wilson. Now if the federal government is looking for a role model to use for a building name, why not Frank Wilson?”
But Kirk is sticking with Ness. “Did you see the movie “The Untouchables?” I think he did pretty well in that movie. As Sean Connery, I thought he was pretty good. I’m going with the Eliott Ness that was in the movie.”
Trouble is, Connery didn’t play Ness, Kevin Costner did.
© Content Copyright 2014 WLS Radio 890AM and This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

- were not for the fact that Marque Kirque had career in the House of Representatives equal to the above claim.   Pretty easy to mistake a G-Man for a Turkeybird Flatfoot, post stroke I reckon; but a septuagenarian Scottish Actor for Field of Dreams Guy?  J. Edgar Hoover's Nightie, Senator! 

Senator Dick Durbin has not had a stroke but he remains a giant one. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Susie Watts Stood Up to the Purple Gang -Gov. Quinn and the Purple Reds of SEIU

SEIU Homecare Quality in Size XXXXL - a mother caring for a disabled child has a slim chance against these Marxist heavyweights . . ., or does she?

Today's Supreme Court Ruling on Labor could be a game changer.  The Supreme Court over ruled the opinion of US Court of Appeals -7th District ( Judge Richard Posner).   SEIU  did the hat dance.  Then in a political payback to robust SEIU support for Blagogevich and Quinn, mothers caring for seriously diasabled children in their own homes were compelled, bullied and brow beaten into pay SEIU dues which always are used to pay for friendly legislation and gubernatorial cowardice.  SEIU has never been disappointed in these 'investments.'

Quinn(L) allowed Keith Kelleher(R), the wizard of SEIU Illinois, to send purple-shirted goons to pay a visit to the working Moms.  Some Moms had enough of Governor Blow-Hard and the Purple Reds of SEIU.
Susie Watts, a Chicago-area mother who cares for a disabled 27-year-old daughter at home, is glad to have the support but sees no need for a union.
"Nothing could be more meaningful for me than caring for her at home," she said. "But I didn't have any choice about this union. I don't need it, and there is no opting out."
However, Keith Kelleher, president of the SEIU Healthcare Illinois and Indiana, said the union had helped improve the lives of employees as well as those who are cared for at home. "This saves the government billions of dollars over institutions," he said. "We don't want to go back to the old days."
The union contract with the state raised wages for in-home care providers from $7 an hour to $11.65 an hour this year. They also won benefits, including health insurance.
Disability rights advocates hailed the change. "We needed a stable workforce, with good wages and benefits," said Amber Smock, director of advocacy for Access Living in Chicago. "And we did it with the SEIU."

The Supreme Court may very well rule in favor of Keith Kelleher, the corn-fed Andy Stern of Midwest, and the purple people eaters of SEIU.  That would not surprsie me in the least.

However, I feel that Governor Quinn and SEIU violated the Book of Amos* on this one, put a cast iron skilet full of metal filings in the microwave and set the dial on high, with Mrs. Susie Watts.

*Read Isaiah 1-1-17 you fautous blow-hard, Quinn- Quinn picked the shortest Book in the bible, however - "...we know about the bible. and we know about the book in the bible , one of  the shortest books, the book of amos. it's only eight pages long. i commend it to everyone to read. because amos said, and i know Doctor King knew this when he was on this earth, amos said , 'woe to those who affect the poor. woe to those who afflict the poor.' 

Read More at:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

CTU Pres.Karen Lewis Surrogate Goes "On the Record with Greta" as a Complete Dope

(L-R) Dude with Hat, Kristine Mayle, Karen Lewis, Little bald white guy,Big bald Black guy, and CTU/CORE Commisar Jesse Sharkey -CORE values Marxism

CTU Financial Secretary Kristine Mayle stood in for CTU President Karen Lewis and CTU's Socialist Mastermind Jesse Sharkey in defence of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's recent howlings during CTU's Dr. King Breakfast.  

Kristine Mayle is a young white woman who looks like your niece who took a job as an elementary school teacher, after being disappointed in the corporate world.  Karen Lewis already said what needed to be said to the Sun Times ( The Sun-Times spoke with CTU President Karen Lewis who defended Wright, saying, "The issue is, how do we put those things in context so we can get to the point where we can have a world that’s healed and perfected, where we don’t have war?”

Uh, huh.  A World that is healed and perfected by the context laid out by Crazy Jerry ( Rev. Wright), who was ditched by Obama like fat girl at Homecoming for being crazy.
Jeri Wright at the Regal Theater on East 79th Street in Chicago in 2007 to announce a chapter of the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network would open in Chicago. Jeri Wright was to be the president of the Chicago chapter.
Well, Jeremiah Wright is a crazy hustler/hater stuck with bum property in Tinley Park and daughter under Federal indictment for embezzling funds ear-marked to help poor African Americans. However, the Chicago Teachers Union is run by CORE which is run by ISO, which is run by CPUSA and crazy people can always help make change. So, trot out the liitle white girl.

In the video from On The Record with Greta, Kristine Mayle says exactly what Jesse Sharkey told  Karen Lewis to say,  when  reporters asked "Why CTU would invite Crazy Reverand Jerry to deconstruct Dr. Martin Luther King at a breakfast in his name."  Here's poor dopey Kristine Mayle doing her master's bidding.

Here is what we are meant to 'take away' from Kristine ( Sharkey's)'s remarks

  • Dr. King is a committed Communist, whose legacy has been hijacked by racist, war-mongering capitalists and sanitized by running dog rich white racists 
  • Dr. King is not the man America celebrates this coming Monday, but an Uncle Remus even Racist Abe would love to call His Darkie
  • Obama is a Class/Race Traitor who has outlived his useful idiotness
  • Context is whatever CTU deems it to be
  • Jesse Sharkey will continue to live under the radar
  • Karen Lewis can be replaced
The Chicago Teachers need wake up.  Maybe, teaching a gym class or two will help.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Let's Remember Prohibtion - The Dawn of the Nanny State

If I remember correctly, yesterday January 16th is the Anniversary of Prohibition - the 18th Amendment, the Great Experiment, a Ken Burns PBS Masterpiece and the Dawn of the American Nanny State.

Americans used to remember.  To Remember is to honor.  Americans are too busy with celebrities, Twitter, IPads, and Echo Chamber thought patterns.

  • Remember the Alamo?            'That was a car rental '
  • Remember the Maine?            'The main what?'
  • Remember Pearl Harbor?       'We dropped the Bomb there?'
  • Remember Your Manners?      'Who are YOU to say? @#$% Off, Dude!
Progressives erase historical facts, persons, attitudes, words and thoughts in order to build The Right Side of History - always have and always will.  The need to forget is essential to transforming America from a capitalist, racist war-mongering land of 1%ers to a Harrison Bergeron ( Read the whole story) dystopia ruled by the less-than- 1%-ers: Color not character/Party Not/Worth.

Let's try and remember Prohibition - the 18th Amendment ratified by Utah on January 16th, 1919.

Prohibition was a disaster developed and promulgated by Progressives in the 19th Century - a broad coalition that included Frances Willard's WCTU, Jane Addams, Roger Baldwins ACLU, Methodists, United Church of Christ, Baptists, Congregationalists, the Ku Klux Klan and Planned Parenthood.   The movement to Prohibit the sale and possession of strong drink morphed from a fundamentalist evangelical religious attitude to power politics phenomenon so evident today.

The 18th Amendment was ratified by 36 States and became the law of the land and it was repealed because of the Depression in 1934.  It was a colossal exercise in human misery.  The Progressives no longer use the ballot box.  They employ legislation at the local, state and federal level and they also shop for judges.

One thing they learned from The Great Experiment was - never allow individuals to have a say about anything.

Remember something. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can You Stomach Wright's Content and Context

Jeremiah Wright is no crazier than fellow UCC member and Public Television Ninny Bill Moyers.  They are cut from the very same context - here its is:

The Foundation of Western Civilization is the three-headed demon of Racism. Militarism and Capitalism.

Yesterday Jeremiah Wright made the Dr. Martin Luther King Address at Karen Lewis's MLK Birthday Breakfast.  Wright went all Wright on Obama, who has been an inane drone ever since he tucked a clipboard tightly in his armpit as a comminity organizer, Woods Fund robot, book signer, Dem Back Bencher and Little Miss punching bag for Bobby Rush and Laura Washington.  However. Daffy Wright invoke Dr. King, - Dr King said, "I Have a Dream,“I have a dream,” Obama says, “I have a drone.”

Na, NA,NAHHHH, Go' Dayem!

There's more -
Wright, Obama’s former pastor, called for King’s “revolution of values” and a rejection of the “three-headed demon” of “racism, militarism and capitalism” — the foundations of Western society, he said.
You know:

  • Hook Nosed Jews like Spinosa, Maimomedes, Einstein
  • Garlic Eatin Eyetalians like Dante Da Vinci and Columbus!
  •  Kraut gulping Germans like Beethoven, Schiller, Goethe
  • Beer Guzzling BoHunks like Gregor Mendel
  • Frenchie Down-lows like Montaigne, Rabelais
  • All them Irish Niggahs!
  • Crackers like Lincoln, Twain,
  • More of them Jews!!!!
He's not crazy and CTU President Karen Lewis is not . . .corpulent.

Lewis defended Wright’s remarks, including the Obama references, saying the pastor’s words need to be seen in a broad context.  “The issue is, how do we put those things in context so we can get to the point where we can have a world that’s healed and perfected, where we don’t have war?” Lewis said.
Have another stack of flap-jacks, Karen.

Dr. King would have loved that gathering of intellectual titans.

Karen, if my would, to use your phrase 'Pisses You Off,' look at the broad context . . . and do have some biscuis and gravy, a couple of Parkerhouse sausage patties, a dozen rashers of crispy bacon and some sticky buns. 

Puppy Love Hates Family: Chicago's Progressive War on Families

         Dog Food Has to Be People Food Now

       Chicago - Home of the Dogs and the People Who Hate Children in their Eateries!

Rahm Emanuel, Deb Mell, Ameya Pawar, Proco Joe Moreno hate families and will do anything in their power to make sure that Breeders (Unevolved Non-Homosexual Couples with Kids) exit the city limits.

Everyone loves dogs. President Obama not only loves pups; he ate one!  My neighbors have dogs and walk them along the tracks on Rockwell Street, armed with ethanol based plastic bags from County Fair and sporting Zip-Lock plastic bags on the mitts to remove the leavings of Seamus, Preckwinkle, or Riddick the Rottweiler.  One guy takes his dumber-than-Arne Duncan Irish Setter to Kennedy Park and hits nine iron shots for the happy goof to chase and retrieve.  I could watch that for hours.  I have.

In Rahm Emanuel's Chicago, Dogs are loved; crying babies are not.

The Chicago Park District was urged Tuesday to create more dog parks for the city’s 600,000 canines — and to lower the fundraising bar for dog owners — after aldermen authorized financing for Chicago’s 21st dog park.
The City Council’s Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation agreed to contribute $195,081 in “open-space impact fees” collected from local developers to build the nearly half-acre park on a city-owned lot at 1358 W. Monroe. 
The total budget for the park is $910,081, in part because the Park District demands that dog parks be built with artificial turf. That’s in addition to a requirement that local groups of dog owners maintain dog parks.
The evolved people ( local groups of dog owners maintain dog parks) demand grass, but dogs love to romp and roll and recycle their consumed Dog Yummies and Gluten Free Yuppie Dog meals. Yes, Stosh and Stella, there is Yuppie Dog for the 600,000 alleged canine partners in Family Chicago.  Tucker, Jasmine and Ms. Vaginette are just not comfortable romping, rolling and recycling their comestibles on Chicago Park District Astro-Carpets.

The grassroots Puppy-Love Yuppies want natural for their puppies paws, but grass gets torn-up and nitrated when Tucker, Jasmine and Ms. Vaginette Go three leg (male), or dumpster dipped (female).
“The grass — we’ve discovered that it just gets destroyed,” she( CPD bureaucrat Doreen O'Donnell) said.
(Deb) Mell then turned to the maintenance requirement, asking “What happens if the people who signed up to maintain [a dog park] move away or get too busy?”
O’Donnell replied, “Either another group takes on that responsibility or the Park District may revert it back to another park use.”

The City Council that apes Rahm's " The Children" Coverall Screed is hell-bent for leather chaps on turning Chicago's Parks envisioned by Danny Burnham as a people's urban haven into Mutt Manhattan.  It took a great group of committed Moms (breeders and wives of cops, firefighters and City workers) from Mount Greenwood to form a private 501(c)3 in order to upgrade playround equipment for human pups.

Four-legged critters have evolved hacks watching their backs.  Here is the attitude of the Progressive writ large
Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th) accused the Park District of setting the bar too high in a city that’s home to more than 600,000 dogs.
“Demographics of the city are changing. People are having children later. Some people are choosing not to have children. People have more dogs. Parks in our city should reflect that. [But] it doesn’t seem like dog-friendly areas are fundamentally part of the Park District’s mission, which puts the cost of raising funds and maintaining dog-friendly areas onto our constituents,” Pawar said.

Who's rubbing Ameya's belly?  
  • "The demographics are changing! "SOME people are choosing not to have children -  I smell a huge campaign contribution from Illinois Personal PAC!) 
  • "Parks in our city should reflect that. " - Few people; fewer parks
  • "[But] it doesn’t seem like dog-friendly areas are fundamentally part of the Park District’s mission, which puts the cost of raising funds and maintaining dog-friendly areas onto our constituents,” - Well, Yeah! Dog's are owned by people, like fish, Pot-bellied pigs, cars, bikes, golf-clubs. Parks are for people, dumb ass; not their accessories. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First World Issues by a Third World Soul

  • I am so tired of seeing infants and toddlers and people who just seem not to care a whit about fashion in places where I choose to dine.
  • Why not replace CTA Boss Clayopool with a Ventra Card; thety work about the same
  • Arne Duncan can be bought for $ 250,000
  • Syndicated News Agregator Rich Miller for far less
  • E-Smokes are called a 'Gateway to Addiction and Weed is Medicinal
  • I dance for Skittles, or Sour Patch Kids
  • No one ever complains about Techno Pop
  • I hate White Whine
  • After Grenada, I have been losing the War on Women
  • Nurses should not wear scrubs anymore, but go back to wearing tight fitting Russ Myer whites and stilleto pumps - don't get me started on Flight Attendants

  • Hillary Clinton
  • There is only one James Bond in the same way that there is only one Maverick
  • Matt Dillon never drew first and never had to answer charges of police toture - neither did CPD Lt. Frank Ballinger
  • No television program has ever had a theme to match that of M -Squad

AG. Holder and Pres. Mr. Clean - The Gallagher and Shean of Post Racial, Post Political and Post Toasties America

When these two cronies meet
Why it surely is a treat
The things they say
And the things they do
And the funny way they greet...

"Mr. AG Holder!  I say Mr. AG Holder! No Legal Problems, Mr. AGHolder??"

 Criminal Charges Not Expected in IRS Probe:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn't plan to file criminal charges over the Internal Revenue Service's heightened scrutiny of conservative groups, law-enforcement officials said, a move that likely will only intensify debate over the politically charged scandal.
The officials said investigators didn't find the kind of political bias or "enemy hunting" that would amount to a violation of criminal law. Instead, what emerged during the probe was evidence of a mismanaged bureaucracy enforcing rules about tax-exemption applications it didn't understand, according to the law-enforcement officials.

"  Absotivley Mr. Clean!" 

"Mr. AG Holder!  I say, Mr. AG HOLDER!!!!  Benghazi?"

Attorney General Eric Holder, who is also linked to CCR, has brought in a raft of terrorist lawyers into the Justice Department, including in the No. 3 position and described them as “patriots”.
In Benghazi, some of Obama and Holder’s patriots helped cause the deaths of four Americans.

" Been Golfing, Mr. Clean?"

Cue the band.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

An Abortion Every 96 Seconds - Way to Go, America!!!!! You Esss AYYY!!!!

Planned Parenthood is celebrating 96 years leading the culture of death. Just how closely is our president tied to this abortion giant? President Obama and the one person he really cares about - Arch Hag and Planned Parenthood Corpse Wrangler Cecile Richards.  They had to give up Doc Gosnell - you gotta bust some eggs to make an omelet.

". . .never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power" -Eberhard Jäckel 1986
Well, up until 1986 maybe.

Every single room temperature I. Q.* that manages to get elected to and remain in public office has the support and financial muscle of Planned Parenthood - the Ad Hoc Fourth Branch of Government.

Planned Parenthood has helped script most of the movies coming out of Hollywood over the last four decades ( Roe v. Wade 1973) , placed its President in the White House and managed to convince otherwise kind-hearted souls who love puppied and old briefcases like Illinois Governor Pat Quinn that the slaughter of children is no biggie.

No organization has been so successful in managing and financing the slaughter of human beings with the general approval of the national population, since Albert Speer designed swell buildings and the politically correct managed to create Gemeinschaftsfremde (community aliens).  

We Yanks have only managed to make infants Gemeinschaftsfremde, the Obama White House, the DNC, gutless GOP milksops, Hollywood and the media are hard at work making sure that the disabled, the handicapped, the elderly and mentally vulnerable get their places in the metaphorical boxcars.

As it is Planned Parenthood's Arch-Hag Cecile Richards proudly proclaimed, 

In its latest annual report, released in December, Planned Parenthood says it did 327,166 abortion procedures in the course of one year and 2,197 adoption referrals. That works out to approximately 149 abortions for each adoption referral.
The data comes from an accounting of “patient care” Planned Parenthood says its “affiliate health centers” did in the year that ran from Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept. 30, 2012.
Planned Parenthood says in it new annual report that it received a total of $540.6 million in government grants and reimbursements for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2013. That accounted for almost 45 percent of the organization’s total revenue of $1,210.4.
The 327,166 abortions Planned Parenthood did in the year from Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept, 30, 2012 was down 6,798 abortions from the 333,964 abortions the organization did in the year from Oct. 1, 2010 to Sept. 30 2011.
Still, the 327,166 abortions that Planned Parenthood did from October 2011-September 2012 works out to approximately one abortion every 96 seconds.
Those crying babies in 3 Star hash-houses will be a thing of the past!  Gummers in retirement villages will disappear.  Marriage will be as meaningful as the Magna Charta.  Everyone will have a Vagina!  Like a Polar Vortex can justify killing the nations energy sources, Barack Obama will executive order more dollars to help bring about a Final Solution to all the people that 'best people' just do not like.

Now, that's what some people call hope and change!

I don't.

* e.g. The Following Sex ( in good old Latin) are the mushrooms from Planned Parenthood's garden.

  1. Sen. Dick Durbin
  2. Gov. Pat Quinn
  3. Rep. Jan Schakowsky
  4. IL Rep/ Fran Hurley
  5. US Sen. Marque Kirque
  6. President Barack H. Obama

Monday, January 13, 2014

BBC - A Childless World is a Fullfilled, Happy, and Ever So Wonderful World!

Unevolved and unhappy family and so not cool.

Way evolved and brilliantly happy and ever so much splendid couple.

The BBC was at one time a voice of hope ecoing over the Channel to a Europe occupied by the Planned Parenthood Approved Nazi Germany.  Eugenics is meant to make the world a happier place for fewer people.  Abort defected children and people whom the 'best' people just don't like very much.
How responsible is it to have children in a world whose environmental health is already under stress? That's the question Joanna Benn poses this week in the Green Room. On the other hand, she wonders, will a couple more hungry mouths make much difference?
'I came out of my house last week and got caught up in a fleet of mothers and prams.'
Toss them pram pushing Breeders into an Open Auschwitz!  Damn their eyes!~

 The BBC controls the early morning hours of American Public Radio.  Some people really a enjoy a voice right out of Downton Abbey aping idiocies into the Progressive echo chamber.  The BBC and NPR tend churn out stories about the world epidemic of Christians eating Muslims, wondrous tales of emerging nations taking their baby steps toward totalitarianism and the big chairs at the United Nations, millions of  reports of Israeli bulldozing bullies knocking down the walls of Jericho, Gaza, the Golan Heights and Palestinian Hookah shops, while Irish millionaires rent out yachts and run rockets to Hamas.  All of these is made palatable via the pipes of OX Bridge schooled wanker.  Not only has NPR adopted the swanky wankers from perfidious Albion, but also the cable news hillbillies at CNN and MSNBC. Piers Morgan has down his level best to sink Ted Turner's cable full of Ron Burgundies, while Martin Bashir's anal-fixations went virally toxic at the clown opera called MSNBC.

BritVox Rocks!

Me? Puts me off my feed listening to the platter of manure served up by Jeeves of Airwaves.  I listen to NPR for absurdities.  This morning's offering was a bit much for this single Dad of three, who misses his bride who died in 1998. Open University released its finding that married couples with children are too often busy raising, providing for, feeding, housing clothing, educating and hugging their spawn find less time to knick down to the local for some pintsand Cosmos, take in a U-2 Benefit concert, or experiment in depraved acts of sexual intimacies so graphically re-enacted on BBCs1-2-3 and purchased by HBO.

Childless couples 'have the happiest marriages'... but mothers are happier overall than anyone else
Study finds people without children are more satisfied with their relationships and more likely to feel valued by their partner
Women with children are happiest, and those without are least happy
By contrast, men with children are slightly less happy than those without
Open University findings based on surveys with more than 5,000 people
Here is a link as I could not find the BBC -Brit Vox's interview with Dr.Jacqui Gibbs who also found, not surprisingly, that 'non-heterosexual couples' ( I guess that would be Randy&Andy, or Mac & Sappho) were happiest.

You see; the BBC, NPR, President Obama, George Soros, Gloria Steinem, Planned Parenthood and Dr. Kermit Gosnell know that our world and the 'best people in it' are evolving to the point where this study makes absolute . . .truth.

Me?  Shoot, I still admire Ward Bond and detest abortion and all of its manifestations.. How evolved can that be.

If only that  BavarianSanger paper-hanger had the sense to hire BBC BritVoxed chappies to announce train schedules to Bergen -Belsen maybe things might have worked for 'the best people'' - Nah.