Wednesday, June 04, 2008

John McCain: Harold Ford Got It Right - McCain Set the Bar Too High for Obama Last Night

The entire Soros Information Industry is trying to gut former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford. The Democratic Leadership Committee Chair, Ford warned the Obama campaign to study McCain's speech and learn something. The MSNBC Tool Shed giggled and Oafed.

Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares the political train set for coked out movie and TV has-beens, convicted check kiter Progressive theorists and all manner of trendy goofball has its collective panties in a twist because only Harold Ford realizes the power of John McCain's speech.

Atlantic fop-journalist Matt Yglesias - no relation to the singer - spits out this:

I thought it was strange that Harold Ford's on MSNBC right now deliberately sabotaging the Democratic Party, lavishly praising John McCain and McCain's speech. Then I remembered that Ford took over as head of the DLC so boosting the GOP is part of his job.

Well, Cupcake, here is what is very clear to most Americans and Harold Ford tried to wise you dummies up a bit:

Both Senator Obama and I promise we will end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. But one of us has a record of working to do that and one of us doesn't. Americans have seen me put aside partisan and personal interests to move this country forward. They haven't seen Senator Obama do the same. For all his fine words and all his promise, he has never taken the hard but right course of risking his own interests for yours; of standing against the partisan rancor on his side to stand up for our country. He is an impressive man, who makes a great first impression. But he hasn't been willing to make the tough calls; to challenge his party; to risk criticism from his supporters to bring real change to Washington. I have.

When members of my party refused to compromise not on principle but for partisanship, I have sought to do so. When I fought corruption it didn't matter to me if the culprits were Democrats or Republicans. I exposed it and let the chips fall where they may. When I worked on campaign finance and ethics reform, I did so with Democrats and Republicans, even though we were criticized by other members of our parties, who preferred to keep things as they were. I have never refused to work with Democrats simply for the sake of partisanship. I've always known we belong to different parties, not different countries. We are Americans before we are anything else.

I don't seek the presidency on the presumption I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need. I seek the office with the humility of a man who cannot forget my country saved me. I'll reach out my hand to anyone, Republican or Democrat, who will help me change what needs to be changed; fix what needs to be fixed; and give this country a government as capable and good as the people it is supposed to serve. There is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. If I'm elected President, the era of the permanent campaign of the last sixteen years will end. The era of reform and problem solving will begin. From my first day in office, I'll work with anyone to make America safe, prosperous and proud. And I won't care who gets the credit as long as America gets the benefit.

I have seen Republicans and Democrats achieve great things together. When the stakes were high and it mattered most, I've seen them work together in common purpose, as we did in the weeks after September 11th. This kind of cooperation has made all the difference at crucial turns in our history. It has given us hope in difficult times. It has moved America forward. And that, my friends, is the kind of change we need right now.

Thank you.

Harold Ford would be a powerful candidate in 2012. John McCain will have a tough time keeping such a smart and tough man out of the White House.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sorry, Father Pfleger. You'd Like Us to Hate You, But We Can Not Oblige. Ignore, Yes!

Father Pfleger has the Chicago Sun Times, which helped create the character screaming all over You Tube, going flat-out to help save his Public Life.

Instead of going to the Catholic Parishes that Pfleger routinely smears as racist and offering a true apology, The Real Pfleger sniffled to his flock that he has received 3,000 hateful e-mails ( Is that All?) over his disgracefully racist rant at Trinity. He said he has received 'Death Threats,' which he should have reported to the Chicago Police Department - that group of brave men and women that he calls a 'systemically racist' army of occupation.

The Chicago Sun Times, a dying fool itself. offers this from Pastor Pfleger's Apology.

Hate me if you will. Hate my imperfect presentation. Hate my imperfect dramatization. Hate my imperfect articulation. I have never presumed to be anything but imperfect, but I pray I can still beat the drum of justice, even if sometimes I am off beat.

Thank you.

No Thank You, Father. You are finally out in the Public Eye, as the Man in Full.

We have always understood. You have made a career of scooping everyone that I love and respect in your convenient net. No Fisher of Men - Just a Poacher.

To make your life simple, your ministry, your enterprise, your agenda, your celebrity, your hubris, you have made me and my children, my parents, my brothers and sister, my extended family, my neighbors, my heritage, my moral foundation, my history, my identity and my Church as racist and two dimensional monsters.

I know other priests who have worked as hard as you for poor black people and with as much success in meeting their spiritual and temporal needs, but without the snap and fizz you demand in the Public Eye. They minister and that is tough and unsexy work.

You spit and vilify, get the media and attention necessary and run away for awhile. Works for you, until now.

Now, your sad and divisive methods are out in full. Endgame.

You ask us to Hate You. Sorry, I can not oblige. I ignore you.

Monday, June 02, 2008

John McCain: Electoral Map Looks Shaky, But Good for Mac! Senator, Don't Let The DNC Define the Campaign.

Senator McCain will get Democratic voters to support him - a great many Democratic Voters. According to Bob Novak's Electoral Map, it appears that McCain could scratch out a win -at this time. His problem is with Conservatives.

It seems to me that allowing the DNC to define the Campaign has made the McCain campaign team skittish with regard to Lobbyists.

From Novak:

Sen. John McCain, however, still does not appear organized to take advantage of Democratic disarray. His biggest problem may be failure to realize that the Republican coalition is not fully united behind him. The most recent defectors are lobbyists expelled from his campaign who are not happy about their treatment. We continue to hear complaints from evangelicals, economic conservatives, and other critics of McCain. The refrain continues from conservatives that maybe the country and the GOP need four years of Obama.

John McCain defined the Presidential Campaign last summer with his bold defense of the Surge in Iraq and No Surrender in the Global War on Terror.

Senator, that knocked Dean and DNC back on its heels - keep them there. The Surge has worked. Here is what DNC surrogates have to offer America.

"If the greatest command is to love, than the sin against love must be the greatest sin against God who IS love and who calls us to love one another. So that this greatest sin against God, racism, it's as natural as the air we breath." Father Michale Pfleger

Father Pfleger has a full color front page in Chicago Sun Times, which devotes itself to Obama's interests and America's most hated suspect Drew Peterson.

Father Pfleger, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Billy Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn are stars in Obama's crown.

Democratic voters do not read Huffington Post, watch MSNBC, Dana Milbanks, or listen to Air America - those are DNC Progressives. Democrats have kids in Iraq and Afghanistan; Democrats drive back-hoes; Democrats pay double the tuition - taxes for failed Public Schools and Catholic/Private School tuitions; Democrats understand Straight Talk.

Senator McCain, Define Your Campaign - we will be with you! Unite America.

Democrats will support you.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

John McCain: It's Crowded Under Obama's Bus! Get on the Straight Talk Express!

It is very, very crowded under Senator Obama's Bus!

1. Bitter Clinging Working Class & Gramma

2. Rev. Jeremiah Wright

3. Father Mike Pfleger

4. Trinty United Church of Christ

5. Billy Ayers

6. Tony Rezko

7. Bernardine Dohrn

8. Hillary Clinton

9. More to Come - Click my Post Title for more from Larry Johnson

10. Most Americans

11. Alice Palmer - added at 9:56 AM 6/1/08: H/t- Mr. John Rubery - Hawkeyed Reader, Thinker, Marathon Runner, Drinker of Imported and Specialty Domestic Malted Grain Beverages, and Patriot.

Calm Down, Folks. All is OK

The Straight Talk Express driven by Senator John McCain is driving the speed limit in all States -Con No Problemos!

John McCain: Bud Day Speaks of Service to a Cause Creater Than Oneself & Barack Obama Distances Himself from Friends and Quits His Church

ABARDEEN, S.D. (AP) Barack Obama is resigning a 20 year membership in Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. It comes in the wake of inflammatory remarks by former Reverend Jeremiah Wright and a flap over derisive remarks by a visiting pastor last week targeting Hillary CLinton.

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.
Seantor Barack Obama 2008

Throughout his life, John has fought for what he believes is right for the United States. He lives to serve causes greater than himself. He is running for president not to be somebody, but to do something.

That is courage. That is leadership.

John McCain is battle tested — in combat and in Washington. We served with John and know the truth: There is no better man to lead us through the challenging times our nation faces today and on to our best days that lie ahead.
Col. Bud Day 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

John McCain: Chicago My Daily Observer Report & I got . . . got Boo-zed in Greendale, WI

I attended John McCain's Town Hall Meeting in Greendale, WI and asked a question about school choice to which Senator McCain articulated his Education agenda for his Presidency that embraces school choice,including vouchers and home schooling.

Click my post title for my report to Chicago Daily Observer - Chicago's Best Source for News and Commentary.

Strange. I mentioned that I was a Chicago Democrat and folks in the audience boo-ed me. It was noted today in the report by GREG J. BOROWSKI of Milwaukee Journal Sentinal

While the event was billed as an open forum, with no questions barred, the crowd Thursday was clearly in McCain's corner.

The only boos came when Pat Hickey stood up and identified himself as a Chicago resident and a Democrat. He quickly noted to applause: "There are a lot of us supporting Senator McCain."

Hickey, a teacher at a private school in Chicago, asked McCain about school choice, which McCain supports.

Other questions ranged from college affordability to the appointment of Supreme Court justices. All brought familiar responses.

One woman questioned McCain on the war and its cost to the economy.

"It's succeeding," McCain said of the war. "I can look you in the eye and tell you it's succeeding

When I sat down I said, 'Hey, I'm for McCain.' The lady next to me offered with pitying eyes, 'It's not that you are a Democrat, Honey, but never wear a plaid sport coat when you're wearing striped britches.'

Duly noted, Ma'am.

McCain Photo by Marie T. Sullivan: Chicago Daily Observer Arts and Culture Editor

Thursday, May 29, 2008

John McCain: Hugo Will Bully Lugo - Paraguay a Keystone in Democracy

While Americans ( Norte Americanos) up here in the Great Forty-Eight, with Alaska and Hawaii of course, parse gotcha phrases, gerundives and sentences,Rezko, Ayers, Wright, & etc., there is some serious history taking shape in South America.

Paraguay elected a Marxist Liberation Theology ( dish watered by Rev. Wright) and former Catholic Bishop Fernando Lugo as its President. Paraguay holds the energy keys to Brazil in the form of Hydro-Electric Power. Brazil has resisted the ministrations of Hugo Chavez who nationalized Venezuelan natural resources. Brazil and Paraguay are eye-ball to eye-ball over surplus electric power. Fernando Lugo seems close to Chavez.

Paraguay is the tipping point in the South American 'Pink Tide' that has swept Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina and other South American nations and seriously threatens Columbia.

The candidates for President need to address this coming flash point in the struggle for Democracy - Paraguay will be huge.

Here is a Wikpedia Sketch of President Lugo:

Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez is a Paraguayan politician who won the April 2008 presidential election and is therefore president-elect of Paraguay.

A Roman Catholic bishop, he is associated with the Socialist International through the APC-coalition's Revolutionary Febrerista Party. He had requested laicization in order to run for office. However, the Holy See refused the request on the grounds that Bishops could not undergo laicization, and also denied him the requested canonical permission to run for civil elected office.[2] Subsequently following his declaration of candidacy, the Holy See imposed on him the penalty of suspension from the discharge of the ordained ministry, but did not dismiss him from the clerical state.[3]

John McCain is the only candidate with a clear policy on Latin America and directly points to the impact Paraguay will have on stability and peace in our Western Hemisphere.

Click my post title for some good background on this issue.

John McCain: Barack Obama - Post Turtle

This tale from Texas lore comes from Chicago Law Dog Michael Brennan, Esq.!

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, who‘s
hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a
conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to
Obama and his bid to be our President.

The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'.'

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post
turtle' was.

The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you
come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he
continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he
doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up
there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there.'

Mel, over at Larry Johnson's No Quarter explains - click my post title!

Off to see Senator John McCain at Martin Luther High School in Greendale, WI - get some Straight Talking to there.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

John McCain: Welcome Democrats! Back McCain; Fix the DNC and Party Later.

Dean has had his way with Democrats. Now, Democrats can fight back.

Larry Johnson's No Quarter has acted as a government-in-exile for Democrats scorned by the Obama Myth, but expected to cast happy ballots for the Junior Senator from Illinois. Hillary ran a vigorous campaign with the help of patriots like Larry Johnson. Now Dean and Barack Obama want them to shut-up, get in line and vote in November. They will Laddie Bucks!

Democrats who want to see America succeed in Iraq and in world approval, Democrats who tire of hearing abortion termed Choice, Democrats who want lower taxes, Democrats who see School Choice as a real opprtunity to right the listing American Public school systems, Democrats who pay the lion-share in taxes and are sickened by pork-barrel spending have a champion in John McCain.

John McCain will give Democrats a genuine opporrunity to take back the Party of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Moynihan and Scoop Jackson with an Administration wedded to their principles. A John McCain Presidency will unite Americans and give Democrats the time to take back their Party from the elites and radicals and Hollywood PACs that have held the DNC in captivity for decades.

Here's what Obama's leaders offer:

( from No Quarter - click my post title for the full monty)

For starters Super Delegates should take a look at the terrific analysis presented by Peniel Cronin. Cronin uses cold hard facts to demonstrate that Hillary, not Barack, is most deserving of the support of the Super Delegates. She has won more votes and won more in states that will count for Democrats come the fall. I challenge any Obamaton to refute these facts. Please download and read: 2008caucusreport.pdf

But the Obama fantasy train wants passengers to believe that Hillary is behind. That Hillary cannot win. It is a damn lie. Having decisively won the most votes and crushed Obama in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky–as well as racking up victories in Florida, Texas, and California–the notion that Barack is most competitive for the fall campaign is laughable.

Unlike the Barack bulllies, Hillary and her followers are not threatening to set the streets of Denver on fire. They are not threatening to beat the crap out of police. Nope, we will argue facts. And thanks to folks like Peniel Cronin, there is hope that reason may prevail.

John McCain offers Democrats genuine Choice - not more Abortions.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

John McCain" Arianna Huffington Endorses McCain's Reproductive Record!

The Grecian Formula for GOP Success, Arianna Huffington gave Senator John McCain a resoundingly powerful endorsement in today's Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares

Noted most for its panoply of low-budget Movie and TV lightweights as columnists and pundits, HUFFPO outdoes the satirical gem The Onion for laughs and giggles.

Arianna Huffington, her own bad self, gave Senator John McCain a huge boost with most American Voters, touting his long championship of Human Dignity. Thanks, Arianna!

Since 1983, in votes in the House and the Senate (where he has served since 1987), McCain has cast 130 votes on abortion and other reproductive-rights issues. 125 of those votes were anti-choice [pdf]. Among his voting lowlights:

He has repeatedly voted to deny low-income women access to abortion care except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother's life (although McCain is now wavering on trying to put these exceptions into the party platform).

He voted to shut down the Title X family-planning program, which provides millions of women with health care services ranging from birth control to breast cancer screenings.

He voted against legislation that established criminal and civil penalties for those who use threats and violence to keep women from gaining access to reproductive health clinics.

He voted to uphold the policy that bans overseas health clinics from receiving aid from America if they use their own funds to provide legal abortion services or even adopt a pro-choice position.

Of his anti-choice voting record, McCain has said, "I have many, many votes and it's been consistent," proudly adding: "And I've got a consistent zero from NARAL" through the years. And last month he told Chris Matthews: "The rights of the unborn is one of my most important values."

What's more, McCain has made it very clear that if he becomes president he will appoint judges in the Scalia, Roberts, Alito mold. His big judicial speech earlier this month was filled with coded buzz words that make it clear that, if given the chance, he'd replace 88-year-old Justice John Paul Stevens with an anti-choice Justice who would tip the scales against Roe v Wade. Throw in an additional anti-choice replacement for the 75-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and you can kiss the right to choose good-bye for a long, long time.

That's why the unmasking of John McCain is job Number One between now and November.

The only way John McCain can win is if his reactionary views on choice and women's health issues remain obscured by his faux maverick reputation and the blinding disappointment of Clinton die-hards.

There is too much at stake to let that happen.

You Da Man-a, Arianna!

John McCain: The Road to Baghdad: 'Now, That's What I Call a Surge, Junior!'

Over the weekend, Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of McCain’s top surrogates, laid the groundwork for McCain’s criticism in a television interview in which he noted Obama’s absence from Iraq and floated the idea that Obama and McCain should go together to be briefed by Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Asked whether he’d be willing to take such a trip, McCain told the AP: ‘‘Sure. It would be fine.’’ ‘‘I go back every few months because things are changing in Iraq,’’ he said. McCain questioned whether Obama has ever been briefed by Petraeus. ‘‘I would also seize that opportunity to educate Senator Obama along the way.’’ Obama spokesman Bill Burton declined to respond directly to McCain. ‘‘Senator Obama thinks Memorial Day is a day to honor our nation’s veterans, not a day for political posturing,’’ Burton said.

Both McCain and Obama spent part of Memorial Day in New Mexico, a general election battleground that was decided by razor-thin margins in 2000, for Democrat Al Gore, and in 2004, for Republican President Bush. McCain used a speech at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial in Albuquerque to press his case against withdrawing troops from Iraq.

Coming Anytime Soon? The Road To Baghdad - Two Senators; One America

John Sidney McCain: 'You seem to think the world is just some sort of a three-ring circus, and all you've got to do is to run around and have fun.'

Barack Obama: 'I just want you to stand there and admire me for a while. I just got an idea that's gonna make us a fortune. I don't know how I do it. Hey, Mac! (Seeing the desert for the first time]
This must be the place where they empty all the old hourglasses.I can't go on! No food, no water. It's all my fault. We're done for! It's got me. I can't stand it! No food, nothing! No food, no water! No food!

John McCain: What's the matter with you, anyway? There's New York. We'll be picked up in a few minutes.

Barack Obama: You had to open your big mouth and ruin the only good scene I got in the picture. I might have won the Academy Award just like Al Gore! '

John McCain: Barry, from now on you are sacred, you just became a full-blooded American idiot. You've got red blood, ain't you?

(Barack is startledSeeing Terrorists for the first time)

Barack Obama: Yeah, but I don't want to get it all over a stranger.

John McCain: Go ahead, eat up son.

Barack Obama: Those guys don't monkey around, they've got knives, they're liable to try and get the food back the hard way.

CNN Reporter: Do you know him?
[pointing at McCain]

Barack Obama: Well I used to but I kinda outgrew him, I don't dally with riff-raff these days and he's a pretty riffy kind of raff.

John McCain, 'Let's leg it, Junior! Plenty more to see and do.'

Quote redacted, like the DNC's pretzle of McCain's 100 years Comment, from Old Hope & Crosby Movies

Monday, May 26, 2008

John McCain: Dana Milbank, Me Bucko, Rezko, Ayers and Other Questions about Obama's Pals Still Standing!

Happy Memorial Day! God Bless all who served and continue to keep our Nation safe!

Dana Milbank, a talented and thoughtful Obama apologist for the Washington Post who gets plenty of face-time on MSNBC and other cable poll & opinion markets (there's bugger all news on them), rose to object to any and all bloggers and Internet journalists raising questions to goad the mainstream media into doing its job with regard to Sen. Obama's links to dangerous radicals. Dana Milbank waved the 'bloody-shirt' of McCarthyism and guilt by association fallacies in the face of any of these questions posed and he stated that he would undo the fabric of the charges.

Here's what he's got:

The smoking gun? Obama's "mentor" during his teens, according to Kincaid, was "a key member of a Soviet-controlled network that was sponsored by Moscow and active in Hawaii."

These accusations fall somewhere between guilt by association and guilt by invention, but the accusers were just getting started.

In college, Obama "admits selecting Marxist professors among his friends and attending socialist conferences," Kincaid went on. In Chicago, he said, "Obama launched his political career back in 1995 at the home of communist-terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn," the two Weather Underground figures who have already made a cameo in the campaign. Kincaid then made the unilateral decision to accuse Dohrn of the 1970 killing of a policeman, a charge no prosecutor has made.

"The Weather Underground terrorists," Romerstein added, "were instrumental in getting him to office in the first place."

Those charges were relatively benign compared with the questions. One inquired about the link between "the American left and Islamofascists." Another asked about nefarious influences on Michelle Obama, the senator's wife. A third raised the possibility that Obama's "change" slogan is based on the 1961 communist "Movement for Change."

It was beginning to sound like a UFO convention. But the panelists took it seriously, firing questions back at the audience. "Was Barack Obama working for Bill Ayers?" Kincaid wondered aloud. Romerstein demanded: "How come for 20 years he sat in the pews and listened to a raving anti-American racist? How did he bring his two young children to this church to hear (the Rev. Jeremiah) Wright rave on?"

The evidence was compelling enough for participant Friedman. For him, the Rosetta Stone was Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, who Friedman alleged was the protege of a man with "a Communist Party-front record" in Chicago. "The more I look at this, I'm seeing there are a lot of red-diaper babies around here," he deduced. "By putting these pieces of the puzzle together, I'm beginning to see something much bigger."

Dana, the questions remain.

1. Obama was appointed to Chairmanship of the Annenberg Challenge by Billy Ayers. What were his duties and obligations? Why has Obama not explained, in any fashion whatever, the path to that position and how it lead to the subsequent 'drop party' for Obama's campaign at Ayers/Dohrn's home in 1995?

2. How did the Woods Fund directorship with Ayers affect your view of American relations with Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez?

3. Explain the Obama Educational Platform and highlight any and all influence Ayers has or might have in laying out this Platform. Is Ayers a kitchen cabinet member to the Obama Educational Imperative?

4. What is Rezko's relationship to Ayers? Hyde Park is a very 'close-knit' community - one would say elite. Entree to those associations are akin to a Mount Carmel Graduate and son of a 19th Ward Streets and Sanitation Driver getting into Skull & Bones at Yale.

Dana these questions need answers. Actually, I have a pretty good idea how they will be considered. Pretty much in the same manner as Chicago Magazine handled Ayers a couple of years ago.

Click my post title for Dana's "McCarthyism" charge - Charlie McCarthy? Gene McCarthy? Certainly not 'Northeye' McCarthy from Canaryville!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

John McCain: Ayers' Jefe, Hugo Chavez, Goes Joe Stalin on Opposition

Barack Obama's Radical Rabbi and Commie Chinaman, that Old Timey Chicago Clout Comrade Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers pledged this to Jefe Chavez:

President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests, comrades. I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning. I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout North America. Welcome to the World Education Forum! Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!

This is my fourth visit to Venezuela, each time at the invitation of my comrade and friend Luis Bonilla, a brilliant educator and inspiring fighter for justice. Luis has taught me a great deal about the Bolivarian Revolution and about the profound educational reforms underway here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution, and I’ve come to appreciate Luis as a major asset in both the Venezuelan and the international struggle—I look forward to seeing how he and all of you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane. Thank you, Luis, for everything you’ve done.

Well, Billy, Old Hugo is doing just a bang-up job of getting a Joe Stalin Style Revolucion right here in the Western Hemisphere. Today's Washington Post reports of Chavez going all Joe Stalin on political opposition.

BTW- Washington Post Obama apologist Dana Milbanks stated that he was going to expose the falsehoods behind postings, like my own, that point out the serious nature of Barack Obama's long and unexamined relationship and association with domestic terrorist Billy Ayers:

Dana Milbank: Okay, folks, thanks for paying attention to this technology-shortened chat. I'm off to expose the Obama/Hawaii/Communist story. Speak to you again when I return to planet earth.
Let's see what you have, Dana. I'll link and print it here.

Click my post title for Obama's Minister of Peoples Education, Ayers, and his great pal Hugo.

John McCain: If You Thought Obama's Foreign Policy Was Appeasement - Get A Load of Obama's Education Plans!

Larry Johnson, a rock-ribbed Hillary Clinton supporter, has pulled together some of the finest and most reasoned critics of Obama's radical kitchen cabinet: Ayers/Rezko/Wright/Dohrn & etc.

Click my post title and carefully read Santa Clara University School of Law Professor Steve Diamond's study of the operatives at work on Billy Ayers' Education Agenda for Barack Obama.

Ayers is the Skunk in Obama's Trunk.

Domestic Terrorist Billy Ayers 'walked out of jail' and into Academic circles by dint of his Daddy's ComEd power circle that embraced University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the Woods Fund, Sidley and Austin Law Firm, and any number of left-sensitive political animals. Ayers' insulated life allowed him to leap from 'Underground' to Hyde Park influence without so much as time out for his decades of crimes against America.

More significantly, Ayers was placed in a position to wield influence on Education policy through Chicago's Public School Reform scams which created Local School Councils to serve as wedge between Public School Administration and the Teachers Unions.

The purpose rooted in Billy Ayers' activities is to undermine the root values that American Education has inculcated through curriculum development and instruction in the sheep's clothing of 'social justice.'

Larry Johnson's No Quarter site offers important and thoughtful analysis of Obama's 'go-along-to-get-elected' agenda: Appeasement in Foreign Policy and Surrender in Education.

Ayers bombed and robbed in a simpler time. Back then, mobbed up guys broke appendages and took blow-torches to dead-beats. Now, criminals engage in wire fraud and identity theft. Billy Boy Ayers is nothing if not craven sophisticate.

Ayers and his gang use 501(c)3's, State Legislatures, daffy elected officials, a gutless if not completely corrupt Chicago Media and artfully duplicitous academics to 'bomb' the pillars of American Education:

Ayers himself wrote on his website in a January 19, 2008 essay on school reform:

“The dominant narrative in contemporary school reform is once again focused on exclusion and disadvantage, race and class, black and white. ‘Across the US,’ the National Governor’s Association declared in 2005, ‘a gap in academic achievement persists between minority and disadvantaged students and their white counterparts.’ This is the commonly referenced and popularly understood ‘racial achievement gap,’ and it drives education policy at every level. Interestingly, whether heartfelt or self-satisfied, the narrative never mentions the monster in the room: white supremacy….Gloria Ladson-Billings upends all of this with an elegant reversal: there is no achievement gap, she argues, but actually a glancing reflection of something deeper and more profound—America has a profound education debt. The educational inequities that began with the annihilation of native peoples and the enslavement of Africans, the conquest of the continent and the importation of both free labor and serfs, transformed into apartheid education, something anemic, inferior, inadequate, and oppressive. Over decades and centuries the debt has accumulated and is passed from generation to generation, and it continues to grow and pile up.” (Emphasis added.)

At a certain stage in American history it might have made some kind of desperate sense to make this kind of argument, perhaps prior to 1865 or 1965, but in 2008? Even then it was possible and there were examples of multi-racial efforts to fight for justice and equality for all Americans.

Of course, today when millions of white workers suffer conditions little different from those of inner city blacks it borders on the absurd to make such an argument. Nor is it clear that throwing more money at our public schools is the real solution. Yet it seems to be the kind of argument that is behind the new race-based approach argued by those in favor of paying off centuries of “educational debt.” The unanswered question today is whether or not Barack Obama subscribes to such a narrow and potentially destructive social perspective.

As Ayers will be linked to the terrorism afflicting Columbia, undermining the Columbia Free-Trade Agreement, helping Hugo Chavez build a Terror Empire in South America, so will he be witnessed setting charges at the foundation of American Education Policy.

Folks like Larry Johnson, Anne Leary, John Rubery, Bill Baar have done us all great service in keeping the lights shined on Ayers and Dohrn.

Let's start demanding some answers from Chicago's Media to these questions:

1. What and Who is the root cause of William Ayers involvement with the Chicago Education Reform Movement?

2. Who insisted upon Ayers's involvement? Who clouted AYERS?

3. What exactly were Barack Obama's marching orders from Ayers as Chairman of the Annenberg Challenge? No one in Chicago's media has asked that question - yet.

4. What exactly is Sen. Obama's Education Plan for America? McCain's is right out in front on his Website - School Choice and Vouchers

Friday, May 23, 2008

John McCain: McCain Bumps Barack in National Poll

That Audacity is wearing thin and Americans seem to be tiring of the Obama Campaign's thin rhetorical gruel trickling through the mass meetings in staged halls for Senator John McCain's steak and potato, rib-sticking banquet of straight talk.

Ayers/Chavez/Appeasement/Bitter/Wright/Rezko wrongs deconstruct Obama's rhetorical tinsel, while McCain's steel re-bar foundation of hard-work, pork-cutting, abortion-free, school choice and free-trade mission is resonating. The Audacity of Hope is an empty vessel that requires no effort - just hope and wish upon a star. That star is falling.

This from today's headlines:

Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Tracking Poll has John McCain leading Barack Obama 46% to 42% nationally, the first time in weeks that either candidate has had a lead of four points or more.

McCain leads Hillary Clinton 47%-44% in the poll; Rasmussen’s daily tracking results are reported on a four-day rolling average based on interviews with 1,600 likely voters. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Pollsters say McCain’s lead “can be traced directly to the fact that just 66% of Democrats say they will vote for Obama at this time” and 23% of Democrats say if the election were held now, they’d vote for McCain. Another 11% say they’d go for some other candidate or remain undecided.

Click my Post title for the full story.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

John McCain: McCain Will Define This Campaign - Not MSNBC's Gnome Du Jour

Cartoon Artist and Huffington Post Intellectual Roy Sekoff on Dan Abrams The Verdict Must viewing for Laundry Dads and kids not scared by gnomes.

I gotta stop doing the laundry, at least at night anyway. I generally take the stuff out of the dryer around 7PM and start sorting and folding and basketing: Towels - One for me; Eight for the girls; 27 for Conor.

I usually turn on MSNBC for giggles as I get a kick out of the uffish-gas-bag Keith Olbermann and his twin Rachel Maddow. I like to watch over-paid dweebs get all up in GWB's Bidness about populist issues that they could care less about than I do about Chicago's Olympic Bid - and that is lower than my interest in NASCAR, which is lower than my interest in Ellen Degeneris, or the Chicago Cubs.

Last night I started late, as Clare had softball practice up at Kennedy Park and wanted to stay and watch Danny Volman, Anthony Reya, Nick Murray, Pete Capagna, Jake LePrete, and my man Ray Hodorowitz dominate the 7th Grade baseball league at Kennedy.

Laundry got attention late and I was forced to watch Dan 'Nepotism' Abrams' The Verdict Comic Book News. This show is an abortion with mustard. At least, Maddow and Olbermann shout English.

Dan Abrams trotted out some Star Wars Bar character named Roy Sekoff - some cartoon artist for Huffington Post. This poor critter is strictly out of Lord of the Rings. ' my PRESSHIS!' Jesus! He's got a set of buckers on him that could bite a pig's ass through a picket fence. He pumps his gnome-like, bug eyed mug straight into the camera lens unzippers his teeth in shout about 'McCain's Pastor Hagee!!!!!! Where's Mainstream Media Huh? Huh?' Good point there Jasper.

Now, I am as ugly as a bald dog with sun spots, but this poor creature's intellectual powers and social skills are very reminiscent of that gnome in Lord of the Rings. You half expect the little guy to start eating Kankakee River Mud Puppies by the handful.

As far as I recall McCain don't go to Hagee's Church. Machs Nicht! Danny and Roy let loose on Ralph Reed and some other evangelical apologist who looked like he was asked to be on the show at the last minute. The whole show was this Roy going all Chipmunk endlessly. It is a great thing that Dan Abrams had his old man get him a spot on MSNBC, because the poor thing would starve to death given his talents and powers of thought. Nepotism has its benefits to society as Dan does not need to forage or beg, thanks be to God. The Vedict is tailor made to Dan's powers.

The fact of the matter, Losers, John McCain will define the Campaign. Obama is gassing rhetoric and papering the house at the Munich Spectacles in Florida and generally stepping on his Johnson once a week. McCain is speaking to Americans.

Today, Chicago Sun Times veteran political journalist Bob Novak ( proud Joliet Native and eater of steaks at Syl's in Rockdale) treats us all to common sense - not to be found when folding undies, towels, and three million T-shirts. Give my post title a click for some Novak.

Here's a taste:

McCain is not about to disarm. His campaign has no intention of fighting this battle on Democratic turf. In the five months ahead, Republicans will explore the mind-set of this young man who is a stranger to most Americans. That includes his association with the Chicago leftist William Ayers, who has remained unrepentant about his violent role as a 1960s radical. This will not be popular with McCain's erstwhile admirers in the mainstream news media, but America has not heard the last of Ayers in this campaign.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

John McCain:The Kite Runner Checks In - Again!

Look at that! Bob can't even follow his own advice!

This mope has more nerve than a bum tooth. Bob Creamer the convicted check kiter stooging for Barack Obama and oozing Progressive oil from Arianna Huffington's Geek Restaurant - The Huffington Post continues to pretend that he is somebody.

Get this nugget of Orwellian thought from this drip:

In general, people are more likely to "act themselves" into a belief or commitment than to be convinced by argument. The 80,000 people who attended the Portland rally for Obama would never have gone had there not been a long primary to necessitate it. The act of attending that rally will do more than dozens of commercials will do to guarantee their commitment and their passion for the Democratic candidate this fall.

The same is true for the tens of thousands who banged on doors or picked up the phone - or argued with a neighbor about the campaign.

Clique My Poste Title for all of The Check Kiter in Today's HUFFPO - Hollywood Squares!
Black is White and White is Black and Terra Haute is not a Prison!

If you want a a real head scratcher check out Camp Obama Director and Convicted Check Kiter Bob Creamer's latest attempt at . . . Jesus, he got me.

Strunk and White could sit over that one for days.

'I say it's Finnish E.B.'

'Nope. Bill, it's Gotta be Lower Slobovian. English? Not even close.'

This mope deserves to be treated to Jan Schakowsky on a very regular basis. She'd make Gandhi take out a gun owners permit. Hell, She'd get him Mahatma eating beefy jerky.

Father Undie O'Gobhar's Column- Obama Heals Ward's Church;Hill Don't

Image of Obama the pol misses the point

May 21, 2008

BY Father Undie O'Gobhar
Rev. Wright said it: "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."

I am not a politician. I work for God and get very well paid from the Good Man's Publishing Companies, with Royalties Abounding,much good they do me the poor man, I be. Many Americans, perhaps, would accept that contrast with a school teacher and wife with a mortgage and three kids in Catholic schools, but that after all is butter in my mouth that melts just fine, don't you know, or perhaps that Belgian Priesteen, Damian, who went to Molokai and worked with the Wogs whose skin come off like a chapter in my latest summer blanket weight, published by Gobshite Press and soon to be featured on Oprah's Show. It's the story of a saintly but roguish Parish Bishop who helps solve Mysteries of the Rosary, while spending boodles of grant money at the University of Chicago to help them APA good souls prove that All Catholics are always racists and thugs, unless they, of course, happen to be God's Anointed who raffishly turn their black coat collars up and wear Greek Fisherman Caps on the dust cover of best sellering bodice rippers!

Well, it's after talkin' to ye, of Barack Obama, the finest young goat in the herd with the University of Chicago Themselves stamp of good approval. Now, I am a trained social scientist and a natty sacerdotal Gadabout and, thus, will caper and gambol some lifeless lines on politics and be handsomely compensated as well.

From the point of view of the Catholic social theory to which I subscribe, of which the renewal is very dear and the delivery often misses the thin slot on my Hancock Center Mail Box, and being a likely lad form Chicago's West Side is not valid. Both of them -- the politician and the cleric -- the two of them mind you, work for God, though in very different ways. One needs votes and the other - or t'other, as the impish rouges we Irish like to keen - requires millions of dollars to buy retirement homes far away from the nasty creatures - or CRAYTTHURS - to whom we minister in this vale of tears.

The cleric presides over the community meal and all of the meals that he can tuck away at no small expense to parishioners at restaurants, or at the very least their homes, and preaches the good news, which he makes as disturbingly incoherent and irrelevant as he can. He must strain to keep a balanced check book between comforting the frightened and frightening the comfortable bastards that he calls up and invites himself to dinner and Waterford Crystal tumblers of Old Bushmills Black. His most serious temptation may be the inclination to frighten everyone and everyone he chooses, to stand for the wrath of God, and pay little attention to God's Laws. Challenge is easier than comfort and Comfort has everything else in God's good Jacuzzi.

While the cleric must extort his people to generosity and forgiveness for his slights of hand and heart and hold up the example of the saints as an ideal to be largely ignored through his own clerical scorn and contempt for the people padding his wallet, the politician must create compromises and coalitions. His goal is to persuade people that he is not as big an oafish turd as a cleric, like me, and good luck to him. The cleric urges the maximum contributions from one and all - What is in It for Me, My Children - Pecunia Non Olet as Saint Jimmy Swaggert said, the politician settles for the minimum and good luck to him. The former holds up the Faithful, the latter works to preserve some votes. Both are essential for the good of society.

The paradigmatic narrative for the politician is the story of the brave young idealist who eventually sells out for votes. For the cleric, it might be the fervent prophet who accepts the limitations of what's in your wallet. Both are stories of failure, of loss of nerve, of disillusion but mostly of coin of the realm. You can not have everything - Where would you put it? Both paradigms oversimplify the complexities of human behavior. Both the cleric and the politician must go beyond the constraints of disillusion and failure and lap up every nickel there is on the wet and sticky floor.

The paradigm of the idealist who becomes a crafty politician is being applied freely these days to Obama by both the New York Times and by Time magazine, but glossed over in my newest novel. The senator, it is said, became ambitious and damped down his liberalism. He learned to compromise in the harsh internecine world of Chicago politics. I learned that when I passed the Mission Can to my classmates.

Both the New York Times and Time articles were carefully researched and well written, but they miss a couple of points - they never mentioned the influence of this humble and soberly sexy priest. Obama learned in his community work, among the Catholic parishes on the Southeast Side when the mills were closing, that one when you are out of work - 'Good Luck, Son!'

His insistence on drawing people together because you can fleece them more easily when they are all cramped up one place -- the basic theme of his campaign -- is the heart of his style of politics. You try to draw to the bandwagon everyone you can possibly attract to it and then sell them all the snake oil that they can carry home with them. That's what Machine politics means to many idealistic people -- compromising to get the votes and more than few shillings.

Moreover, Obama's voting record surely suggests he is on the liberal side of the political spectrum, but you can't govern with just liberals on your side you need all the sheep. And, more dangerously, you must sympathize with both Jews and Palestinians and fleece both of Semitic Tribes.

Will Obama be able to put together such coalitions, should he be elected? Good Lord, I know that it has been the Cat's Tripes for this Boyo!

Will there be movement toward change, folding money, negotiable bonds, inheritance gifts, income redistribution from the poor and the middle class as well as the great wealth of the super-rich corporations and their CEOs? Their mites are as good as the Widow's. A consensus on appeasement will be a much easier task than one on service and patriotic obligation, where the level of hatred is still strong in our society.

I do not think that even Michael the Archangel and all his crowd could accomplish these changes. But I am sure that He'd give it the Divil's Own Try.

If Barack Obama should become President Obama, he won't achieve compromises on all issues, but he should be sure to reward the Shepherd who wrote gushing columns in his favor. The best one can expect is the least one should expect. Such is the lot of the politician in God's service -- and always that of the cleric, too.

For a parallel point of view click my post title.

John McCain: One of Us - Why McCain Gets Urban Catholic Votes.

I was chatting with several folks from around the country on Hugh Hewitt's Townhall Site, via this information high way, about John McCain and they were wondering about Barack Obama's influence among voters.

I responded that it seemed that he benefits from expensive and smart packaging, similar to the mythopoeic make-up Hollywood might apply to a budding movie star: Marion Michael Morrison becomes John Wayne; an Australian beachcomber becomes the dashing Irish rebel Errol Flynn.

Obama's a very lovely guy. I met him on many occasions, when he was in the Illinois Legislature and when he ran against Bobby Rush and the very same people who made him into some rock star vilified him during that failed run for Congress as 'Too much of a White Boy.'

I believe that his reception at the DNC in 2004 was as much as a surprise to him as any one. The rest is marketing, Soros money, the Progressive packaging.

Here in Chicago, Progressives can't get a pothole filled, not can they get elected more than 300 yards West of Lake Michigan. They own the Media and have all the Turtle-neck under tweed all year Academics, but pretty much everyone else laughs at them. They hate that. All of us 'bitter and clinging' close-knit ethnic blue collar regular folks irritate the hell out of them.
Obama distanced himself from solid Democrats who helped him in the Legislature and who were instrumental in getting elected to the US Senate, in favor of the absolute worst elements controlling the DNC.

There are millions of Progressive dollars at stake in his bid for the White House. Let's all help John McCain make them wasted dollars and disappoint the Hollywood Squares and the Brahmin Bolsheviks.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

John McCain: The Lobbyist Strawman is on Fire, Arianna! When You Strike that Match Make Sure Your Aramanis are not Soaked in $ 4.06 a Gallon Gas

Ever since President Ulysses S. Grant sat in the lobby with cigars and whiskey and tried to remember just why he felt that 'Old Pete' Longstreet and Mar'se Robert E. Lee had lured his Blue Bellies into the Wilderness, Presidents were swarmed by lobbyists. Lobbyists act to speak on behalf of 'grassroots' interests on particular issues. They are exercising American Free Speech.

Sometimes, dollars and temptations to all manner of vices do the parsing - especially to more larcenous inclinations of our elected public servants.

Here is what is allowed by law:

In support of the power of Congress it is argued that lobbying is within the regulatory power of Congress, that influence upon public opinion is indirect lobbying, since therefore attempts to influence public opinion are subject to regulation by the Congress. Lobbying, properly defined, is subject to control by Congress, . . . But the term cannot be expanded by mere definition so as to include forbidden subjects. Neither semantics nor syllogisms can break down the barrier which protects the freedom of people to attempt to influence other people by books and other public writings. . . . It is said that lobbying itself is an evil and a danger. We agree that lobbying by personal contact may be an evil and a potential danger to the best in legislative processes. It is said that indirect lobbying by the pressure of public opinion on the Congress is an evil and a danger. That is not an evil; it is a good, the healthy essence of the democratic process. . . .

— [Rumely v. United States, 197 F.2d 166, 173-174, 177 (D.C. Cir. 1952).]

The Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares has gone flat out to create a 'lobbyist' problem for Senator John McCain.

Like the General Betrayus Strawman and the gassy eructations of paid mouthpieces like MSNBC's Tool Shed ( Matthews, Maddow, Olbermann and Abrams) this issue matters not a wit to voters.

Today Arianna's Greek Fire is hitting the political waters but missing the McCain Boat.

They are tallying the number of individuals linked to the McCain Campaign as 'lobbyists.'

It's politics boneheads! Harry Reid, Al Gore and so many other Democratic silk shirts were at Jack Abramoff's trough for years! Indian Casino's and land speculation were the core of the doctrinal fruits.

We read newspapers. Heck Arianna's regular Democratic Grassroots Camp Master, Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer is only recently out of the joint: Bob Creamer, spouse of Congressional Harridan and Obama Seat Grabber Jan Schakowsky ( Jan - has been lobbying soon-to-be ( it seems) indicted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for the expected appointment to Senator Obama's Senate Seat in the Hope that he becomes President)has a regular HUFFPO column.

Here's The Kite Runner's HUFFPO BIO:

Robert Creamer has been a political organizer and strategist for almost four decades. He and his firm, the Strategic Consulting Group, work with many of the country’s most significant issue campaigns. He was one of the major architects and organizers of the successful campaign to defeat the privatization of Social Security. He is a consultant to the campaigns to end the war in Iraq, pass universal health care, change America’s budget priorities and enact comprehensive immigration reform. He has also worked on hundreds of electoral campaigns at the local, state and national level. Creamer is married to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky from Illinois. Arianna Huffington calls his recent book, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, a master’s class in electoral politics.

Now, Here's Bob Creamer that Illinois Knows thanks to Renaissance Man Thomas Roeser:
Robert Creamer.

Robert Creamer, the husband of U. S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill) who was sentenced to jail for running a community group and paying himself big bucks while banks held the bag, has been teaching a group of young (mostly) volunteers for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, I am exclusively revealing today.

Nothing wrong with Creamer earning a living. Indeed not long ago he surfaced as a registered lobbyist working against the Senate confirmation of UN ambassador John Bolton, paid by the George Soros-funded “Open Society Policy Center.” But the idea of a convicted felon who kited checks lecturing the supposedly idealistic Obama campaign on how to raise money and get elected is a bit much.

Creamer taught at “Camp Obama,” a week-long summer camp last month held at the presidential candidate’s office in Chicago for campaign interns and volunteers-just a few blocks away from the federal court where on August 31, 2005 he pleaded guilty to charges of bank fraud and failure to pay federal taxes…on charges brought by U. S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. He admitted in his 18-page signed plea agreement that he wrote checks on accounts that lacked funds and did so repeatedly as he moved money from one account to another in three banks. He had a multiple group of organizations that received money, the best known being the “Illinois Public Action Council” a left-wing group on which his wife, Jan Schakowsky, was a board member while the manipulating was going on. She was already in Congress when he pleaded guilty; she was not charged.

Creamer’s retention to instruct the Obama for President campaign is probably the most revelatory hint that the hopeful, idealistic, whimsical message floated by the candidate is mere vapor obscuring a cynical operation…unless, of course, the Obama people had no idea of Creamer or what his past represents.

Creamer’s being hired by the Obama campaign to instruct interns and volunteers in political organizing, abuses of which sent him to jail is ironic. Sen. Obama has been notable among the presidential candidates for crusading in an effort to “bring hope to our people.” He has been chairman of the Senate Ethics committee. How Creamer ended up instructing the Obama workers when his notoriety has been so prominent in Illinois is anyone’s guess. And whether he still continues to work on the Obama payroll is still speculative. One would imagine that David Axelrod, the top Obama strategist, should have seen Creamer’s hiring as a red flag.

Creamer, one of the more expansive radical lefties in Illinois, admitted he moved money from one account to another in three banks in 1997, playing what bankers describe as the “float” and thus making them believe that the accounts had more money in them than they actually did. In addition, Creamer admitted that he had opened two other check kiting schemes which took place in 1993 and 1996. His guilty plea also involved failing to collect $1,800 withholding tax from an employee of his political consulting firm. When he pleaded guilty, Creamer still flourished the rhetoric that led many well-intentioned volunteers to his multiple organizations. “The burning desire to create an organization that empowered ordinary people led me to make serious errors in that organization’s finances,” he said.

U. S. Attorney Fitzgerald wanted to send Creamer to jail for four years and three months. “This isn’t a one-time shot,” this is serial violation of the law in multiple respects,” said Fitzgerald’s office. Creamer’s attorney argued for probation because he spent a lifetime fighting “for social justice and broke the law so he could keep fighting for the causes he believed in.” Also being sure that he was adequately paid, with a six figure salary, while he crusaded for social justice. The prosecutor in Fitzgerald’s office, Joe Ferguson, said Creamer acted like he was above the law and continued his illegal activities even after a visit from the FBI, that he never took responsibility for his actions. Creamer’s attorney called him the most admirable client he ever represented-which stirred some comment about the nature of the other clients.

A breathless report of Camp Obama written by Mark Wiznitzer was posted yesterday, July 11 and appeared originally on /community/blog/markwiznitzer. It is the story of a 57-year-old man who by his own statement was surrounded by young people who were thrilled to be instructed by seasoned campaign strategists, one of whom was Creamer. He spoke on the subject of “Campaign Culture”-a topic on which by his imprisonment he could reasonably be called an authority.

“Our first substantive session on Campaign Culture was led by Bob Creamer of the Strategic Consulting Group,” wrote Wiznitzer. “He provided an information-packed presentation starting with a general theory of campaigns, getting a candidate elected, what makes a great campaign, the targeting of `persuadable’ and `mobilizable’ voters, application of quantitative approaches and different forms of messaging and research.”

After Creamer’s presentation, the group was instructed in campaign fundraising and subsequently heard presentations by several people. “John Kupper, partner with campaign consultant David Axelrod and campaign manager David Plouffe in AKP Media led off the morning of June 5 with a discussion of the Obama for America message. Subsequently, a campaign deputy director explained the role of Obama’s policy staff.” The presence of Axelrod would almost certify that the veteran strategist would know-or should have known-that Creamer was discussing his view of “Campaign Culture.”

Questions have been raised about the Creamer conviction as to how much Rep. Schakowsky knew about the check kiting and income tax fraud given that she is his wife, was his partner in political operations and served on his board of directors. The couple, experts in articulating a populism that is infectious to the left, sought to keep Creamer out of jail because of his supposedly idealistic mission. But the judge maintained that “ordinary people get caught for not paying taxes…and end up going to jail.”

Her husband’s conviction hasn’t crimped the style of Rep. Schakowsky who has regularly criticized the Bush administration’s supposed failing in ethics-and she often receives warm civic accolades as she did some years ago from the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

The Creamer guilty plea, conviction and sentencing was pushed on the far-back burner by the Chicago news media, giving it a cursory write-up but believing Rep. Schakowsky should not be blamed for the financial irregularities of her husband notwithstanding that she was on his board of directors.

Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer, like Domestic Terrorist Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers, is teaching children? The Children, Senator Obama? Think of the Children!

Progressives are better than water-slides and re-runs!

Voters will choose John McCain.