That Audacity is wearing thin and Americans seem to be tiring of the Obama Campaign's thin rhetorical gruel trickling through the mass meetings in staged halls for Senator John McCain's steak and potato, rib-sticking banquet of straight talk.
Ayers/Chavez/Appeasement/Bitter/Wright/Rezko wrongs deconstruct Obama's rhetorical tinsel, while McCain's steel re-bar foundation of hard-work, pork-cutting, abortion-free, school choice and free-trade mission is resonating. The Audacity of Hope is an empty vessel that requires no effort - just hope and wish upon a star. That star is falling.
This from today's headlines:
Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Tracking Poll has John McCain leading Barack Obama 46% to 42% nationally, the first time in weeks that either candidate has had a lead of four points or more.
McCain leads Hillary Clinton 47%-44% in the poll; Rasmussen’s daily tracking results are reported on a four-day rolling average based on interviews with 1,600 likely voters. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Pollsters say McCain’s lead “can be traced directly to the fact that just 66% of Democrats say they will vote for Obama at this time” and 23% of Democrats say if the election were held now, they’d vote for McCain. Another 11% say they’d go for some other candidate or remain undecided.
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