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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query water boy. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

I am Not A Jew, But I Played With One, As a Kid. Obama's Shinola is Ticking: God Bless Israel!

 Obama wears a Shinola watch; of course he does. "While the main reason for President Obama's visit to Detroit on Wednesday was to shine a light on the recuperating auto industry, he also made a point of stopping by the city's finest watchmaker. Since 2011, Shinola has been crafting American-made timepieces in the Motor City, helping transform its image and neighborhoods along the way. "Esquire.  President Obama is waiting to help destroy Israel and burnish his progressive legacy.

"Does Mr. Obama want to be remembered as the President who criminalized Israeli citizenship," asks the Wall Street Journal

Yeah, I think that he would be perfectly fine with that.  He and Israel's Prime Minister have not been two for a four-some.
Israeli diplomats gird for the possibility that President Obama may try to force a diplomatic resolution for Israel and the Palestinians at the United Nations. The White House has been unusually tight-lipped about what, if anything, it might have in mind. But our sources say the White House has asked the State Department to develop an options menu for the President’s final weeks.
One possibility would be to sponsor, or at least allow, a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction, perhaps alongside new IRS regulations revoking the tax-exempt status of people or entities involved in settlement building. The Administration vetoed such a resolution in 2011 on grounds that it “risks hardening the position of both sides,” which remains true.
But condemning the settlements has always been a popular way of scoring points against the Jewish state, not least at the State Department, and an antisettlement resolution might burnish Mr. Obama’s progressive brand for his post presidency. Wall Street Journal

Have I mentioned that I am of Irish Catholic descent?

No Shinola, Sherlock. I am as Catholic as Tim Kaine, maybe more so.  I know American Catholics who hate Jews and really hate Israel.  I never understood that?   These days, the salt-water Irish I chat with who have come to America from Kerry, Clare, Mayo. Galway and Derry, really seem to hate Israel.  To a person they are very well educated, hard working, fair-minded and generous, but they all seem tained with the Noam Chomsky contrarian mindset, so fashionably sophisticated and European.

That I follow, but can not for the life of me understand.

The Irish and the Jews have had a long and firm grip on one another's suffering, history and contribution to Western Civilization.  The Israeli Defense Forces, fighting for the nation's existence, was formed on the tactics and strategies of the Irish Republican Army of 1921.

Not only were many of the Zionist military tactics in 1940’s Britain and Palestine drawn from pre-war IRA bombing campaigns in Britain but the Irgun was re-organized “on IRA lines”, according to Walton, by Robert Briscoe, father of Fianna Fail TD and Mayor of Dublin Ben Briscoe, who travelled secretly to Britain in the pre-war years to meet and advise Irgun representatives.
Briscoe Senior, himself a Fianna Fail TD for many years, had impeccable IRA credentials. He accompanied Eamonn de Valera to the USA on a lengthy fund-raising trip during the Anglo-Irish war and also was sent by Michael Collins to Germany in 1919 to procure arms for the IRA. A former Chief of Staff of the IRA’s boy scouts, na Fianna Eireann, Eamonn Martin was Briscoe’s best man at his wedding and he hated the British, describing himself in a memoir as a self-appointed professor holding “the chair of subversive activities against England”.
Another Irish Jew who strongly supported both Irish Republican and Zionist terrorism was Isaac Herzog, the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland who emigrated to Palestine in 1936 where he was appointed to the chief rabbinate, the most powerful clerical position in the Jewish world. MI5 kept him under close surveillance and asked the Irish police to keep tabs on Briscoe.
He wrote in his memoirs that he elected himself “to a full Professorship with the Chair of Subversive Activities against England,”
 (See more at: )

These facts have been Progressively white-out-ed and erased from historical considerations. Note well, British MI-5 after WWII was run by the Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five's Marxist affections and the Soviets were no friend of Israel.

Over the years, younger Irish people ( under 75) came to believe that Palestinians never slaughtered Jews in 1920s, that the Grand Mufti was a Quaker and that the survivors of Holocaust were everything Hitler said they were in the Nuremberg Laws. They forgot that Sean MacStiophan and Menachim Begin were pals.  This was the result of the Irish Government's BBC culture that sprouted post-DeValera.

However, even after Kim Philby was proven to be a Soviet mole, the Old Boy OxBridge affections for Animal Farm rooted in academia and the BBC nestled in Old Blighty and Old Erin's bogs.

Israel morphed from a harbor from the Holocaust to Nazi Germany in the memes of the elites.

Irish politicians are seem unanimously anti-Israel: Michale Higgins, Enda Kenny, Mary Robinson & etc. Yanks are as bad.

America apes every Etonian fashion from Carnaby Street and Beatlemania to a World Without Borders and the Garden of Gaza. aways a few years behind.  The Brit anarchists were burning tires under viaducts, while Kurt Cobain was learning to string his own Silvertone. Long before Occupy and the Battle of Seattle,  Sophisticates, love Occupy and Black Lives Matter.

I am not that sophisticated.

I know Jews, love Jews, admire Jews and hung around with Jews.  From Danny Levy, Little Flower High School Class of 1970 to Phil Scharf, second violin Chicago Symphony Orchestra, to Si and Shirley Blitzstein who hired Catholic kids from Leo, Brother Rice and Little Flower at Mr. Lee's in the old Evergreen Plaza, I have known only honesty, humor, talent and American patriotism from my Jewish friends and neighbors.

President Obama is sophisticated,

His cabinet is full of sophisticates, like Valerie Jarrett who has done more for Persian hegemony in the world than Cyrus and his Celtic United Nations Ambassador Samantha Powers, who only recently took the side of Israel against the emerging nations dictators and sheiks.

That was in February, and Powers told Israel:

“When we see bias, injustice or the continuation of strife within the United Nations, it is not because the UN created all of this, it is because the UN gathers governments and gathers problems, and being in the UN doesn’t change the biases of those governments,” she said.
Power, whose visit was seen by some analysts as a sign of renewed US interest in jump-starting peace talks, admitted that the situation was not ripe for new negotiations, though the US would continue to pursue a two-state solution.
“I would expect that pursuit to continue, and right now we hope the parties will take steps to move them closer again to restart negotiations, which is not a position they are in now,” she said. “We will dedicate ourselves to that as long as we are in office.”
Power also expressed hope that students participating in the Model UN would soon be able to sit behind a “Palestine placard,” backing the importance of a two-state solution.
“You must strive to wade side by side into the toughest issues, because it is you and your children and the generations following them who will reap the benefits of the peace you’ve built, or else endure the suffering of ongoing strife,” she urged the students.

Things change.  Putin is about to shell Aleppo into dust, the Presidential election is seven days away, Iran and Valerie Jarrett want to make sure President Obama rolls up the carpet on Israel before he leaves office.

The worst option would be an effort to introduce a resolution at the U.N. Security Council setting “parameters” for a final settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. The French have been eager to do this for some time, and one option for the Administration would be to let the resolution pass simply by refusing to veto it. Or the U.S. could introduce the resolution itself, all the better to take credit for it.
As the old line has it, this would be worse than a crime—it would be a blunder. U.S. policy has long and wisely been that only Israelis and Palestinians can work out a peace agreement between themselves, and that efforts to impose one would be counterproductive. Whatever parameters the U.N. established would be unacceptable to any Israeli government, left or right, thereby destroying whatever is left of a peace camp in Israel.
The Palestinians would seize on those parameters as their birthright, making it impossible for any future Palestinian leader to bargain part of them away in a serious negotiation. Arab states would find their diplomatic hands tied, making it impossible to serve as useful intermediaries between Jerusalem and Ramallah. It could refreeze relations with Israel even as they finally seem to have thawed.
President Obama may be the last man on earth to get the memo, but after decades of fruitless efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict it might be wiser for the U.S. to step back until the Palestinians recognize that peace cannot be imposed from the outside. If Mr. Obama is still seeking a Middle East legacy at this late stage in his presidency, his best move is do nothing to make it worse.
Samantha Powers is an accomplished person who actually wrote her own books and President Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.  Powers has been in the United Nations since August 2013.  Perhaps she has learned to see the world differently.  President Obama is the same man who took the Oath of Office in 2009 - the exact same man.  Valerie Jarrett never leaves his ears.

Many American Catholics who buy into the Social Justice Warrior facade detest Israel and support the Obama Palestinian gambit.  Catholic Activists like Kevin Clark, a member of International Solidarity Movement went Israel and encourage American students to throw themselves in front of IDF bulldozers in Gaza.  The blood of Rachel Corrie, for whom the Irish OXFAM Gaza Flotilla flagship was named, is not on the hands of Israel, but on Clark the Social Justice Warrior.  This guy is bad and he has the ear of Catholic social justice sheep. 

I grew up believing that deeds and not words marked the character of people.

We all can be fooled, tricked, gulled, anesthetized, or  made oblivious.  A few of us don't mind any of the afore mentioned conditions.

My Irish cousins forgot that Israel is not Nazi Germany.  My Catholic coreligionists need to leave moral equivalency to the Unitarians and too many of the other Mainline faiths.

I know that Shinola can be a watch and a swell shoe polish.  I know that Israel is our best friend on the planet.  President Obama?  Not so much.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Eric Zorn Cheers for a Pelvic Papacy

Teaching is tough.  It requires patience, good listening skills and most of all should, anyway, require that the teacher knows something about his subject.  There can be, and should be, some diversity of opinion, but that usually is rooted in an individual teacher's preferences and predilections with regard to focus of study - in the teaching of English, let's say, one might prefer Thoreau, over Henry James. or Alice Walker over Margaret Mitchell.

A history teacher might suggest to his students that Truman's decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan was not based on a desire to save hundreds of thousand of Japanese lives should an invasion of home islands be necessary. but rather one based on the cynical desire to keep Progressive former Vice President Henry Wallace from ever posing a threat to the burgeoning military industrial complex.

That teacher would be an opinionated ninny parroting what he recently watched on Showtime's moronic revision of American history with Oliver Stone. Stone teaches that his vision is no theory, but history.  It is not anywhere close to history. It is a Stalinist fabrication.

You see, with the passing of the greatest generation, hypocritical louses are free to re-write the history written in blood by the vanishing old guys who lost all of their buddies at Saipan, Guam, Iwo Jima and Okinawa and would have joined those said buddies, had President Harry not give the go-ahead to drop the bombs that ended Japan's world genocide. 

Those few 87,88,89 and God Bless 90 year old heroes die at a rate of 1,500 men a day.  Ten years ago they would collectively kicked Oliver's ass. Safe now, Oliver Stone goes full Chomsky.

In matters theological, I know very little.  I know more than Eric Zorn, who knows only what he cares to hear from lisping lordlings like Chris Hayes of MSNBC.  Chicago's own nitwit and hack Andy Shaw's son-in-law, (Boy, talk about the nepotism in journalism), Chris Hayes hissed the Catholic Church by digging up the comments of a disgraced professor of ethics Daniel C. Maguire.

Maguire, like Noam Chomsky,  is a political player noted for his pamphleteer-ing in favor of abortion, sexual permissiveness and gay lifetstyle everything being meanly smashed upon the Rock of St. Peter.  Maguire worked with DNC in parsing Geraldine Ferraro's position on 'choice.'

In 2007, just in time for the 2008 Presidential Election, Professor Maguire mailed out some of his pamphlets to 200 plus American bishops.  Daniel went into the lions den wearing a pork chop suit.

The theologian, Daniel C. Maguire, teaches religious ethics at Marquette University, a Jesuit institution in Milwaukee. He is a 75-year-old former priest and a prolific writer, educated at the prestigious Gregorian University in Rome, who has been challenging Catholic teaching on sexuality for years.
Last summer, Mr. Maguire mailed two of his pamphlets, “The Moderate Roman Catholic Position on Contraception and Abortion” and “A Catholic Defense of Same-Sex Marriage” to 270 Catholic bishops. In them, he argued that the Catholic position on these issues was “pluralistic,” and that Catholic theologians through history had taken a variety of acceptable stances on these issues.
The bishops’ Committee on Doctrine denounced the pamphlets as “irresponsible.” The bishops said that it was a “serious error” to claim “that the teaching of the pope and the bishops represents merely one voice among many legitimate voices within the Catholic Church.”
The Catholic Church is unyielding on abortion and marriage.  Professor Maguire, is an ex-priest who happens to have a job at a Catholic University and under sanctuary of academic freedom micturates out of the protective tent. Even after the bishops said that he was full of . . .pith, Daniel Maguire could not howling in the desert - 
“They’re simply uninformed,” Mr. Maguire said of the bishops. “There is no one Catholic view on contraception, abortion or same-sex marriage. There’s a diversity of views. And it’s not just Dan Maguire versus the bishops. There’s a large school of thought that agrees with everything I’ve said in these pamphlets.”

Listen to me!!!!!!!!!!  You mitre'd bullies and Bush Bishops!!!!!!!!!  I am a tenured Professor!!!!!!!  Thank gods for Chris Hayes and Eric Zorn!

Professor Maguire wrote a couple of books that challenged the Vatican; the Vatican took up the challenge.  Professor Maguire was not teaching Catholic doctrine, though he argued that he was.  This is a progressive flaw similar to the fat boy who tells the  Illinois DMV Maiden that his weight is 190 lbs, when in fact that morning he registered 265 lbs.  With an arched eye-brow, the DMV Maid good-natured-ly records, " Five feet; 5" and . . .One hundred and Ninety pounds? You go, Playah!"  

Last week, the Illinois State Senate overwhelming approved the Heather Steans Religious Freedom and Gay Marriage legislation 31-24-2; now, the impetus to stuff this legislation down the throats of Illini is going full bore.

To that end, journalism water boys like Eric Zorn and the editorial boards of most papers will lobby the Illinois House of Representatives in the newspapers, which will be handed off to iconic yaps of Carol Marin's WTTW cheerleaders.  Not only is Gay Marriage a Civil Rights-Social Justice Crisis Issue That Can't Wait, but great way to say I LOVE EVERYONE! and tea-bag the Bishops and Catholic.

"What Right Wing Catholics piously desire is a Pelvic Zone Papacy, one that will rail against contraception, abortion and same-sex marriage, and, would you believe it, even masturbation, will leave the greedy to their grasping ways. They studiously ignore a whole tradition of left-wing Catholic social doctrine, espoused by popes and general councils of the church which is well-grounded in the Bible. They run from all that just as they ran from “Blessed” Pope John Paul II when he presciently sent a cardinal to tell George W. Bush that an invasion of Iraq would be a “defeat for humanity.” Daniel Maguire
Kind of excited there, huh, Prof? 

You see, Maguire's latest bacchatur stultus littera, contorts an economic statement by the Vatican into a collating of Catholics are the Tea Party  in need of Pelvic Papacy's Purge.

Read it, it is joyful noise!

Teaching is tough. The Greek word ethics translates to mean " ought" - what ought to be.  Theology and ethics are lug-nuts and oranges.  What "ought" does not translate to "want." that would erasthai, which means intense desire.  I have an intense desire to see better journalism before I die.  As if.

That intense desire is not sexual.  That would be erotikos - all that sex stuff.  Heterosexual males are said to erotic thoughts once every 4. 275 seconds.  There is no way that my erotic thoughts will include Eric Zorn, epistemologically speaking.

I just can't bat from that side of the plate.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Death Penalty Ban - It Happened and No Surprise :Same Old Same Old Solipsism.

Pat Quinn signed the death penalty ban yesterday. He was going to do it. Like Civil Unions for same sex couples the corporate media pushed for the GLBTQ Activists is cause to celebrate - The Tribune, The Sun Times, NPR, told you to celebrate no get to celebrating.

You have been told what is Justice. Celebrate.

I was used to think that the death penalty was a bad a thing. I used to argue with people much smarter than me that God did not put Cain to death after the murder of Abel,. How's that for a head scratcher? I really had 'em on the run. The very same manner solipsism appears on editorial pages, columns, and heart-tugging shout-outs on NPR. On all issues.

This is vacuum packed thought - group thought. Here is Justice, We say so; deal with it.

Solipsism comes from the Latin for Self (solus) Alone (ipse) - or in Irish Sinn Fein.
Solipsism gives the individual or the group the full reign of the universe - that is why the young love it. Begin at point A and end at point A - short journey. Mumia is innocent, Burge is a monster, Same Sex Sex is Human Right, Death Penalty is Wrong, only people who listen to NPR are smart, religion causes all of the world's woes, Catholics need to disappear with Israel, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, Michael Moore is not obese - believe it.

Ourselves alone! Yep, and that is what God left old Gramps Cain - alone after his murder of Brother Abel. Solipsism worked fine for the old vegetable grower, now that he busted a cap in the shepherd's ass. Cain begot aplenty and the fine family of man pumped out the blood of Cain's mom and pop - the apple eaters Adam and Eve.

Now, the old death penalty issue did not come on the screen until Moses trotted out the tablets with Old Number 6 - Thou Shall Not Kill Murdering a human being is a capital sin. Jews and Christians had a problem with murder.

Like I said, your humble correspondent had a problem with society putting a murderer to death, until Danny Edwards and Nancy Rish plotted for months to cold-bloodily kidnap, bury and murder Stephan Small - a wealthy Kankakee businessman. Small's neighbor Governor George Ryan was involved and so was I.

A few month before the murder, my wife Mary and I sat on a picnic table with Danny Edwards, who happened to be a cousin of the people throwing a fourth of July picnic in the Kankakee Riverside neighborhood. Danny was celebrated pot-head and loser, whose parents happened to be very nice and good people. Danny imagined himself and projected the image of a drug-kingpin. He was a snotty, simpering and obnoxious jerk. I thought two of his cousins were going to pound him into atoms. Danny departed the party to which he had brought nothing but his stoned to the bone asininities.He had an electricians card, but his real game was dope or so he proclaimed.
Mary and I had met the weasel on a few occasions. Every family seems to have one.

Kankakee is a small town and it is wonderful place to live. People look out for one another. Steve Small was the grandson of an Illinois Governor and heir to a media empire that covered Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. Kankakee had recently become headquarters for the new national tabloid - USA Today. Steve Small was in real estate.

One morning, Mary Jo Warmoth, a wonderful Math teacher at Bishop McNamara, where Mary and I taught appeared shaken to her marrow - Steve Small is missing. Mary Jo and Ray Warmoth were neighbors of Steve Small. Over the next few days the mystery of the cold-blooded and calculated murder unfolded.
Here it is in summary:

Around 12:30 a.m. on September 2, 1987, someone claiming to be a Kankakee police officer called the Small home and told Stephen Small that a burglary had occurred at the Bradly House. Small got dressed and left his home. Around 3:30 that morning someone called the Small residence and told Stephen's wife, Nancy, "We have your husband." Nancy then heard her husband say that he had been handcuffed inside a box underground. Small told his wife to obtain $1 million in cash. The caller directed Mrs. Small not to report the matter to the police. The matter was reported to the authorities, however, and devices were connected to the Smalls' telephone line to record incoming calls and to determine their origins. At 5:03 that afternoon, the same person called again, asking Mrs. Small how much money had been collected. This call was placed from a telephone located at a Phillips 66 gas station in Aroma Park. Edwards was seen there at that time, in the company of a blonde-haired woman. At 5:40 p.m., Jean Alice Small, Stephen Small's aunt, telephoned the Small residence to tell them of a call she had just received. Jean said that the caller had told her that he knew that Nancy Small's telephone was tapped. After telling Jean that the victim was buried, the caller threatened to kill Jean's husband. Nancy Small received another telephone call from the kidnapper at 11:28 that night. This call originated from a telephone at a Sunoco station in Aroma Park, where an FBI agent saw a white male at a telephone, and a blonde-haired woman in a car that was later identified as belonging to Nancy Rish, Edwards’ girlfriend; Rish had blonde hair. The caller played a tape recording of Stephen Small's voice. On the tape, Stephen provided instructions for delivering the ransom. After audio enhancement, a voice in the background could be heard threatening Small.

Tracking and Arrest of Edwards and Rish
Nancy Small received one more telephone call from the kidnapper, at 11:46 that night. The call was placed from a Marathon service station in Kankakee. The caller accused Nancy of having notified the police and refused her offer of the ransom. Minutes later, at 11:50 p.m., an Illinois state police officer saw Rish's car, with its trunk partly open, driving from Kankakee toward Aroma Park. Law enforcement officers then placed Edwards’ home under surveillance. They saw a dark-colored Buick, with its trunk partly open, arrive at the house in Bourbonnais where Edwards and Rish lived. Edwards and a white woman with blonde hair left the car and went inside. Officers carried out a search of the residence later that morning, on September 3, Rish and Edwards were arrested at that time. Later that day, Edwards led law enforcement officers to the site where the victim was buried. There, officers dug up a wooden box and found the victim's body inside. The box measured about six feet long and three feet wide, and was constructed of plywood. It contained a light connected to an automobile battery, a one gallon jug of water, candy bars, gum, and a flashlight. A medical examiner later determined that the victim died of asphyxiation caused by suffocation. The medical examiner believed that the victim would not have survived more than three or four hours inside the enclosed box. The medical examiner noted that the pipe extending from the box into the open air was too long for its diameter to serve as an adequate air-exchange system.

Edwards Trial
The State presented other evidence connecting Edwards to these offenses. On the night of the victim's disappearance, around midnight, a neighbor of Edwards heard Edwards say, "Let's go, let's hit it," get into his car, and drive off. Also, two neighbors of the Small family saw Edwards’ van, or one similar to it, parked in their neighborhood after midnight on September 2. One neighbor also noticed a mid-sized car at that time, heard two car doors slam, and saw the car and Edwards’ van drive away with their lights off. Several witnesses saw Edwards constructing a wooden box in his garage during summer 1987, preceding the offenses here. Edwards gave various explanations for the project, saying that it would be used for a lemonade stand, or by his brother for transporting things, or at his brother's pool in Florida. A neighbor of the Smalls had seen a white van similar to Edwards’ van driving through an alley next to the Small's home about 10 times that summer. While Edwards and Rish were visiting a boat store that summer, Edwards saw Stephen Small leaving the store in a sports car; Edwards was heard to say, "Boy, it sure would be nice to afford stuff like that." The search of Edwards's residence at the time of his arrest turned up a Kankakee telephone book with the name "Small" circled. Edwards' boots were found behind a washer and dryer at the residence, and soil on the boots matched a sample from the location where the box was buried. Soil in Edwards’ van also matched the sample. White caulking material on gloves found in Edwards’ trash had the same chemical composition as the caulking material used to fill in the seams of the wooden box in which the victim had been buried. Edwards' fingerprints were found on PVC pipe and duct tape recovered from the box. A person who owed Edwards money had had a pair of handcuffs stolen from him, and the same pair was later discovered on the victim. Another person who owed Edwards money had had a gun stolen, and it was found by investigators in the countryside near Aroma Park. Edwards purchased a battery that was found in the wooden box. Bolt cutters belonging to a company owned by Edwards’ brother were found at a point between where the box was uncovered and where the victim's car was found, and they could have been the implement used to cut the chain connecting the handcuffs on the victim's wrists.

Edwards Sentence
At the close of evidence, the jury found Edwards guilty of first degree murder and aggravated kidnapping. A capital sentencing hearing was then conducted. At the first stage of the hearing, the jury found Edwards eligible for the death penalty because of his commission of murder during the course of another felony, aggravated kidnapping. [2]

Nancy Rish
On September 2, 1987, during the kidnapping and murder of Kankakee business man Stephen B. Small, the investigation focused on Danny Edwards and Nancy Rish, who lived together in a townhouse in Bourbonnais. On September 4, a search warrant was executed for the townhouse. That evening, Edwards led the police to a rural area where Small's body was recovered. It appeared that Small had been placed in a wooden box which had been fitted with a PVC pipe designed to give him air for 24 to 48 hours. Small's wrists were handcuffed and the box was buried. The coroner later determined that his death was caused by "asphyxia due to suffocation." That same night, the police arrested Rish and held her at the station for questioning. Rish requested a specific attorney, J. Scott Swaim, who had previously represented her, and she was given an opportunity to obtain his counsel. Rish did not know that Swaim was friends with the victim. For the next four days, between September 4 and September 8, the police questioned Rish with counsel present. Eight statements were elicited concerning her knowledge and actions in the early days of September. None of the statements was totally consistent with any other.

Rish Trial
On October 1, Rish was charged by indictment with first-degree murder and aggravated kidnaping for her alleged role in Small's death. On November 2, 1988, Rish was tried by a jury. No direct evidence was presented linking her to the kidnaping or death of Small. However, the State was able to enter Rish's eight inconsistent statements into evidence. Witnesses were also presented who testified that they had seen her at various times with Edwards when he was purchasing some of items that were ultimately found with Small's body. Other witnesses reported that they had observed her at various related locations during the course of the kidnaping and ransom calls. Lastly, the State submitted evidence that Edwards had used their garage to build the box in which Small's body was found. The jury found Rish guilty on both counts, and the trial court sentenced her to a term of natural life imprisonment and a concurrent 30-year term. [3]

Ryan Commutation
On January 11, 2003, Illinois Governor George Ryan, a native of Kankakee, commuted all death row sentences in Illinois to life imprisonment. This act commuted the sentence of Danny Edwards who had murdered Ryan’s next-door-neighbor Stephen Small. This is what Ryan had to say about the Small case at the time of the commutation. “I grew up in Kankakee which even today is still a small midwestern town, a place where people tend to know each other. Steve Small was a neighbor. I watched him grow up. He would babysit my young children – which was not for the faint of heart since Lura Lynn and I had six children, five of them under the age of 3. He was a bright young man who helped run the family business. He got married and he and his wife had three children of their own. Lura Lynn was especially close to him and his family. We took comfort in knowing he was there for us and we for him. One September midnight he received a call at his home. There had been a break-in at the nearby house he was renovating. But as he left his house, he was seized at gunpoint by kidnappers. His captors buried him alive in a shallow hole. He suffocated to death before police could find him. His killer led investigators to where Steve’s body was buried. The killer, Danny Edwards, was also from my hometown. He now sits on death row. I also know his family. I share this story with you so that you know I do not come to this as a neophyte without having experienced a small bit of the bitter pill the survivors of murder must swallow. My responsibilities and obligations are more than my neighbors and my family. I represent all the people of Illinois – like it or not. The decision I make about our criminal justice system is felt not only here, but the world over.” [

Danny Edwards and Nancy Rish willingly murdered a good man, because they could then have more money to expand Danny's drug business. They were not impoverished minority persons. Rish and Edwards did not kill Steve Small in a bar fight. They planned stalked, kidnaped and murdered a man for money without regard for consequences or justice.

Solipsism works great with group thinkers. One world and one answer. Solipsism works great in politics and law - lawsuits. Beat drums loud and long.

There is a reason for human society to execute, not murder, people who slaughter.

I'll celebrate Justice 24/7 - I will not play solipsism anymore. Steve Small smothered to death. Solipsism buries thought.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

'Don't Taze Me, Bro!' - Faustus 2008

David Bowie from The Prestige (Click my post title for the news link.)

O God!
If thou wilt not have mercy on my soul, 60
Yet for Christ’s sake whose blood hath ransom’d me,
Impose some end to my incessant pain;
Let Faustus live in hell a thousand years—
A hundred thousand, and—at last—be sav’d!
O, no end is limited to damned souls! 65
Why wert thou not a creature wanting soul?
Or why is this immortal that thou hast?
Ah, Pythogoras’ metempsychosis! were that true,
This soul should fly from me, and I be chang’d
Unto some brutish beast! All beasts are happy, 70
For when they die,
Their souls are soon dissolv’d in elements;
But mine must live, still to be plagu’d in hell.
Curst be the parents that engend’red me!
No, Faustus: curse thyself: curse Lucifer 75
That hath depriv’d thee of the joys of Heaven. The clock striketh twelve.
O, it strikes, it strikes! Now, body, turn to air,
Or Lucifer will bear thee quick to hell. Thunder and lightning.
O soul, be chang’d into little water-drops,
And fall into the ocean—ne’er be found. 80
My God! my God! look not so fierce on me! Enter DEVILS.
Adders and serpents, let me breathe awhile!
Ugly hell, gape not! come not, Lucifer!
I’ll burn my books!—Ah Mephistophilis!

The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus Scene XIV

Christopher Marlowe had a way of looking at bad judgment: Faustus a Student - really smart guy and an active member of's Wittenburg Unversity Chapter, made a compact with Mephistophilis - Lucifer's ( The Devil) lawyer.

The Faustus kid was given all the powers of his Alchemist ( Rocket Scientist) Art - he could conjure up hot Babes ( Helen of Troy) and the power to Punk the Pope - 'You Been Punk'd Dude!' Until time was up. Then, in the speech above, like our young scapegrace in Florida, Herr Meyer, Faustus got Tazed - dragged to Hell by, Lucifer's Jon Loevy-like lawyer - Satan sued the cops after getting his Fork-tailed butt kicked by Michael the Archangel - The Patron Saint of Cops. Lawyers and devils - you gotta hand it to them.

Our American universities really need to slow-down to 60MPH, open the door of the academic Volvo and kick more Finklesteins and Churchills out of teaching. Maybe then young Faustus 2008 may know when not to over-play his tiny hand, by reading what is magnificent in our Human Culture.

By the way, the Tazered Student is never heard, just like our boy Faustus, to say 'I am truly sorry for what I have done.' Marlowe knew. So, do most parents.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Take a Knee! The Media's SNAP Judgement and the War on American Catholics: Cardinal Dolan is No Rembert Weakland

Grab  a knee; listen up!

All of you men, and yes,  you fine women, on this team know all about the sex-abuse scandal in the American Catholic Church - priests, like boy scout leaders, doctors, rabbis, school teachers and TV anchors, are human beings blessed and plagued by impulses and the strongest just might be our sexual appetites.  Most people reign-in those inclinations with what we call ethics ( what 'ought' to be) or morals ( what you can and can not do).  Some people have no off button.

Now, as an example, I have an impulse to knock the living shit out of Carmody, here, every time his snot running mug comes into my peripheral vision.  I fight that impulse with the knowledge that all of you are children of loving parents, except Carmody, here, and are being influenced by my total behavior.

I am like a lawyer working for a client, I must do all in my power to meet your needs and Carmody, like all of you does not need me knocking the living shit out of him.  That said, let's get down to cases.

Today, all of the newspapers and TV haircuts will be tossing shots at Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and President  of Conference of Catholic Bishops.  He's the top bishop in America.  Before he was Archbishop of New York, Dolan was Archbishop of Milwaukee.  The beef du jour . . .Carmody!  Pay attention, for once, will you . . .the beef du jour is that while Dolan was bishop of Milwaukee, he put some dough for the Church aside, in order to keep Church looter Jeff Anderson's mitts off of it.  Anderson is ambulance chaser. 

Dolan took over that bankrupted and looted archdiocese from Rembert Weakland - the first openly homosexual bishop in America. 
Weakland was loved by the media, because he went counter to the teachings of the church on hot button issues - he was accommodating. Here, I got this old clipping from the New York Times 2009 article in my windbreaker here - Get a load of this - 

On the ABC program “Good Morning America,” the archbishop watched a man he had fallen in love with 23 years earlier say in an interview that the Milwaukee archdiocese had paid him $450,000 years before to keep quiet about his affair with the archbishop — an affair the man was now calling date rape.
The next day, the Vatican accepted Archbishop Weakland’s retirement.
Archbishop Weakland, who had been the intellectual touchstone for church reformers, has said little publicly since then. But now, in an interview and in a memoir scheduled for release next month, he is speaking out about how internal church politics affected his response to the fallout from his affair; how bishops and the Vatican cared more about the rights of abusive priests than about their victims; and why Catholic teaching on homosexuality is wrong.
“If we say our God is an all-loving god,” he said, “how do you explain that at any given time probably 400 million living on the planet at one time would be gay? Are the religions of the world, as does Catholicism, saying to those hundreds of millions of people, you have to pass your whole life without any physical, genital expression of that love?”
He said he had been aware of his homosexual orientation since he was a teenager and suppressed it until he became archbishop, when he had relationships with several men because of “loneliness that became very strong.”
Archbishop Weakland, 82, said he was probably the first bishop to come out of the closet voluntarily. He said he was doing so not to excuse his actions but to give an honest account of why it happened and to raise questions about the church’s teaching that homosexuality is “objectively disordered.”
“Those are bad words because they are pejorative,” he said.
Carmody, 'pejorative' means bad. Okay,  Weakland resigned as archbishop of Milwaukee, because it was learned that he had paid out almost a half million buckeens to former Marquette University student who accused Weakland of raping him.

Weakland was OK with homosexuality which he did feel God cared about and as archbishop of Milwaukee Weakland felt that it was OK to use church money to keep the kid quiet.  The American press was OK with Weakland and it still is OK with Weakland.  Weakland is a reformer.

While Weakland was the reformer Archbishop of Milwaukee ( 1977-2002)  priests with identical impulses of Weakland felt that it was OK to act on homosexual impulses - no different that a Cole Porter Mass, or liturgical dance.

Along comes Jeffery Anderson.St. Paul attorney Jeff Anderson speaks about the approximately 6,000 pages of documents the Archdiocese of Milwaukee released on Monday, July 1, 2013, in St. Paul, Minn. Then-Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan's correspondence with Vatican officials and priests accused of sexual abuse was included in documents released as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court with clergy sex abuse victims suing it for fraud. (AP Photo/The Star Tribune, Richard Sennott)

Jeffery Anderson owns SNAP - SNAP is the Survivor's Network Against Priests.

SNAP receives most of its funding from lawyers who target the  the Catholic Church

Jeffery Anderson is one-time alky-bust-out ambulance chaser, who sobered up and discovered that suing the Catholic Church in America is a gold mine.

Jeffery Anderson is the George Hearst of this Catholic specific mother lode. SNAP is data mining operation dedicated to gathering persons who were, or have come to believe that they were abused by Catholic clergy.

Now, listen up!  You will not read or hear about Rembert Weakland in any of the news about the recent revelations of Jeffery Anderson and SNAP about Cardinal Dolan as Archbishop of Milwaukee.

Rembert Weakland was to the media a church reformer and an accomodating cleric who just happened to be as Gay as The Mikado, raped his student and hushed it up with half a million buckeens.

Carmody - pay attention!

The Catholic Church is and will always be opposed to killing unborn babies and will always recognize marriage as a sacred union between a man and woman to make a family.

Because Our Church is against abortion and the redefinition of marriage, as well as providing Trojans to Sandra Fluke,  our enemies use the term 'shielding predators.' as a pejorative, to quote Rembert Weakland and dismiss the fact that homosexuals were doing the abusing and most of shielding of abuse - like Rembert Weakland.

Weakland gets a pass and crap gets tossed at Dolan.  That's the 4th Amendment in the hands of hacks and litigator - activists. 

Cardinal Dolan is facing lawyers, SNAP activists, journalist hacks and easy opinion.

He'll be fine.

Alright!  Drink plenty of water and hit the sleds!  Oh, Ms. Carmody, here is that $ 20 I owe you.  Thanks Sweetie.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dax Crepeau -America's # 1. Threat - I Ain't Kidding ! This Guy is Dangerous and the Only Person on God's Planet That I Truly Hate!

Dax Crepeau last seen at G 20 Summit in Toronto.

From diamond quarries hewn and rocks of gold;
The palace of great Lucifer (so call
That structure, in the dialect of men
Interpreted) which, not long after, he,
Affecting all equality with God,
In imitation of that mount whereon
Messiah was declared in sight of Heaven,
The Mountain of the Congregation called;
For thither he assembled all his train,
Pretending so commanded to consult
About the great reception of their King
Thither to come, and with calumnious art
Of counterfeited truth thus held their ears . . .
Milton Paradise Lost

I deleted several comments from anonymous persons -usually I publish any criticism of me. Hell, you should see one's my Mom writes - immediate family comments are summarily deleted.

These comments that I recently deleted were largely scurrilous slams at private citizens . . .largely . . . and had absolutely nothing to do with the posts I published. Each comment however indicated that I happen to be a hateful man. Iam anything but hateful - topped off with gallons of the milk of human kindness, I am! I hate no one. Well, I do actually hate one person and so should all of you. Dax Crepeau.

Dax Crepeau* is responsible for America's moral, financial, political and military decline. If you really want to know the person responsible for arranging the embedding of Rolling Stone with retired General McCrystal, look to Dax Crepeau.

Dax Crepeau is a very youthful appearing, red headed forty-six (46) year old. I taught Dax Crepeau at Bishop McNamara High School from 1978 until I helped expel the evil boy in 1982.

From that time, the former National Honor Society Student with a GPA 4.32 has gone on to form Indian Tribal Casino Gambling, hired Jimmy Carter as a consultant, engineered the Exon Valdez oil tragedy, encouraged Castro to threaten American Medical students at St. George University on the island of Grenada, plagiarized news copy for the New York Times and found fall guys, gave Dan Rather the dope on George W. Bush's National Guard records, launched the comedy careers of Janeane Garafalo, Bill Maher, Carrot-top, and Pauley Shore, introduced Chris Matthews to Tip O'Neill, married Arianna Huffington in secret Unitarian Ceremony in Finland, to name only beginning of Crepeau's crimes against humanity.

Michel & Lorraine Crepeau of St. Anne, IL 1998 after removing their Bomb Shelter where young Dax Crepeau plotted against humanity.

Crepeau's mom and dad were lovely people -Michel and Lorraine. However, Michel's father Old Joe Crepeau was an arch villain and political fixer in Kankakee County.

Joe Crepeau circa 1942.

Please, if you see this person, do not attempt to take him yourself - call the F.B.I. and the local offices for Interpol.

Dax Crepeau is powerful and his influence is global. He orders George Soros around in the most heart-breakingly pitiful and humiliating manner. Mel Gibson ran afoul of Crepeau in 1986.

Dax Crepeau is an ArchHipster. You shall know him by these words and phrases that flavor his speech -


A hot-looking lady.


Blues slang for sex.


A spit and sawdust bar. Like the Pump Room


Lounging around while others smoke opium, and inhaling the fumes.




A funeral.


A druggie party.


Empty beer bottles.


Embarrassed, ie red.


A dirty weekend.


Out of work, unemployed.


Drink some water.


Sleeping your way to the top.


You’re a bit crazy.

The world we live in is no joke! That is because Dax Crepeau is foot-loose and fancy free.

*French (Crépeau): nickname for someone with curly hair, from a derivative of Latin crispus ‘curly-haired’.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Chicago Daily Observer - The Only Place for Balanced Opinion

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

Lewis Carroll - He was no Cathleen Falsani

Thirsty in a very dry land, parched readers looked to drink from the water of a clear pond of thought and opinion, but there was ne'er a drop to drink. Chicago was a journalism desert until August 8, 2007.

And Then!!!!!!!

A leading Chicago Philanthropist funded the operation of an Internet news source that offer a varied and balanced forum of opinion for Chicago and the Nation.

The Chicago Daily Observer was launched in late summer of 2007 and continues to provide the best source of opinion on politics, religion, social mores and topical events.

Operated by local genius Thomas Roeser and business innovator John Powers, Chicago Daily Observer manage and edit the vast array of offerings from every point of view and level of talent - from Don Rose and Dennis Byrne all the way down to Pat Hickey.

Thomas F. Roeser is an 18th Century man of letters and parts gracing an age marked by convenient convictions and Wal-Mart world views. Tom Roeser, a life long Catholic and corporate leader,with a discerning eye that scans the offerings from the written word, drinks deeply from the best in thought and shares the best of what he has consumed in voice that levels the conversation with democratic largess.

Here is a posting of Tom's August 8th launch of Cdobs - Chicago Daily Observer. What Tom initiated with John Powers runs sprints in the lanes of opinion every morning.

Not long ago after I spent most of my blog ( complaining about the abysmal quality of our local daily newspapers, a reader known as Lovie’s Leather wrote to say “why don’t you either shut up or start a newspaper of your own?” I don’t know what happened to Lovie’s Leather but he gave me an idea. I visited with a number of people and after a year we have funds were collected to start this five-day-a-week Chicago Daily Observer… which will be a for-profit Internet publication—free to you but paid by ads and other income-producing devices that will allow it to stand tall in the free market.

We have opened our doors to capture a “center-right’ treatment of the news…some breaking news, some commentary—but all, we hope, in the spirit of Chicago’s great newspaper tradition. We’ll have some well-known names in this issue and the succeeding ones…including Dennis Byrne , Russ Stewart, Jeff Berkowitz, Ben Joravsky, talk radio commentators you are familiar with—Deborah Rowe, Teri O’Brien, hopefully Eileen Byrne (who just got married) well as the inimitable Frank Penn, decorated veteran of Vietnam and a former Chicago police officer, Charlie Johnston, probably one of the finest grassroots practitioners in Illinois, Terry Sullivan who helps run an educational enrichment center in the inner city—Midtown, Nicholas Hahn III, the bright young just-turned-20 kid who in his efforts to conservatize DePaul and make it once again the Catholic university it somewhat dishonestly proclaims itself to be, has been named one of the five leading conservative young leaders in the U.S. by the Young America’s Foundation.

Others will include Peter Fitzgerald, Chris Dudley, Ben Joravsky (who will supplement his Reader duties to write in his interesting way on TIFs and other things), Joe Morris and Kathy Posner to name a few. Democrats won’t be ignored with contributions upcoming by people like Jack Franks, the bright young state representative and committee chairman from McHenry and Tom Dart, the young, vigorous sheriff of Cook county. More will be added by the day, Frank Avila, Frank Coconate—many others…

The idea got started with a lunch I had with Ron Gidwitz, entrepreneur and civic leader, whose innovative run for governor of Illinois impressed me. Not enough to support him at the time but as I got to know him, I was highly stirred by his encyclopedic understanding of government in the city and state, bracing ideas with a free-market twist and his courage in articulating them. Ron and all of us agree that the role of government must be subordinated to the free market. After that, I “drafted” John Powers, the young co-founder of Pay-Pal who has become our president. He is one of the brightest young men in Illinois. John is responsible for a lot of snazzy devices in our product—maps that pinpoint where in the Chicago area events are happening that interest us. In the future, for example, if you want to find a good charter school you just need to hit a button and they’re there…or a neighborhood with less crime than yours…hit the button and you’ll see them all. John is responsible for all those wonderful innovations.

Ron, John and I have a lot of fun putting this project together and we intend to see it grow and become a true alternative to the liberal promulgating four major daily newspapers in this market. In a sense, we hope to be something like a local version of by giving you a taste of different views
that…for some reason (I wonder why?)...have been omitted from our newspapers.

Here in the Chicago area have two city newspapers. One is the Democratic party’s newspaper of record and frenetic Barack Obama cheering section. The other is all too often (although getting better) a paper torn between its liberal reporting staff and its editorial board. We have two regional dailies…but guess what? All follow the same generally liberal line. For this huge metropolitan area that is so diverse, they supply precious little diversity. By merely existing, we supply diversity. I hope you stick with us. I hope that today’s will be the worst edition we put out—since by doing we all get better. Welcome aboard!

Thomas F. Roeser
Editorial Board

Give my post title click for the best and most varied in Chicago thought

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blago Just Might Not Get Indicted

The Daily Hearld has a full service Blago/Burris/Barack/Boondoggle File containing tapes and articles - give my post title a click and gorge yourselves on Blago mania.

Federal Prosecutor and Illinois Heartthrob Patrick 'Fitzy' Fitgerald has until April 7th to Indict former Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Blago may run-out the clock*!

I received a note from Tamara Holder with whom I have a had serious disagreement over Expungements for Criminal records - Ms. Holder is an expert and Expungement Attorney and I am C student at best.

However, I am tribal and loyal. Where expungements seem to give an edge to bad guys over Police, I shoot my flannel mouth off. That's how I roll - uphill and over broken glass.

Nevertheless, Ms. Holder is a daughter of good Rocky Colorado soil and a hard working true believer in the Constitution and more importantly gracious when confronted by my splenetic verbiage. As her labors place her in proximity to criminals and the water-bugs who garner wealth from their misdeeds - G. Flint Taylor and Jon Loevy and the like - I tossed my moral net over her labors as well. She is an entirely different species altogether than the aforementioned Lawsuit Lawyer bottom-feeders. My Mea Culpas were graciously accepted, this young lady.

Mis Holder and I agree that Rod Blagojevich may avoid jail altogether -

Here is the note from Tamara Holder:

All "feelings" about Blago aside, Pat Hickey, and what are we left with? Probably nothing but a whole lotta hot air. No, I am not defending him, let me be clear about that.

We are coming up on the EXTENDED deadline for Fitzgerald to OFFICIALLY CHARGE Blago and I'm wondering: what's the holdup?!?

Remember, Fitzgerald said the charges against Blago were so severe they would "make Lincoln roll over in his grave."

But, since that statement, no official charges have been filed and all this time has passed. I suspect the charges against Blago are going to be trumped up. When I say "trumped up" I am not defending him. But I think that the U.S. Attorney really jumped the gun and arrested Blago a bit too soon. (They should have waited for the money to exchange hands.)

What did he really do that was so illegal? He may have WANTED TO OR DESIRED TO sell the Obama Senate seat but conversations with multiple F-BOMBS about that desire are not enough to charge him with a crime. Remember "ATTEMPT" requires a SUBSTANTIAL STEP to be taken and it wasn't!

Agreed that Blago is outta control BUT is he a criminal? My bet is NO - he's a wannabe criminal at best.

We shall see...

Yes indeed, I believe that Patrick Fitzgerald - might - might mind you - have been tapped on the Federal shoulder, whispered into the prosecutorial, by an Iago attached to the newly elected White House Resident.

Soto Voce - 'Fitzy, here's a Bigg-un! Blago is selling the Senate Seat! Get him into the Green Room! Exit Stage Left! You can Idict Him Later! The Guy can not Shut-up! He's as Dumb as a City Hall manager - you know them 'Hey Loooook, it'll be oKay the Guy won't forget you! Trust Him!" See? Put a Bag over Blago Fitzy! Hope and Change!'

Here's what the G told us in December when Blagomania got launched:

“First of all, there's not an indictment, realize. It's a complaint. So I don't want people to understand it's an indictment. We filed a criminal complaint.”
Pat Fitzgerald Dec 9, 2008

“The criminal complaint is a charging document that is supported by the affidavit of a law enforcement agent that is intended to set forth and establish probable cause and that probable cause can be tested in a preliminary hearing,” Randall Samborn 2008

“Governor Blagojevich has been arrested in the middle of what we can only describe as a political corruption crime spree. We acted to stop that crime spree,” Pat Fitzgerald 2008

Putting George Ryan, who never took a nickle by any standard, away for 'Corruption' was easy - Democrats and Republicans shot their bazoos off when Fitzy twisted their ears. Blago is insulated -stupid and obnoxious, but the boy is Bullet Proof. We sall see.

That's how Ms. Holder and yours truly see things. Let's see if Fitzy pulls the big trigger in the next few days. My guess is Blago will sign a contract with WLS.

Then I gotta listen to WBBM again - damn it.!%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4GWYE_enUS275US275%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=CHTPSZa8FpjznQednYXlCQ

Friday, March 07, 2014

My Design and Site Proposal for the Obama Library in Chicago

The University of Chicago has been working behind the scenes to get competing factions to collaborate on a unified bid to build the Obama presidential library in Chicago, but U. of C. officials said Thursday that they won't select a neighborhood for the library — the president and first lady will.
"The Obamas know Chicago like the back of their hands, and for us to say we want it in one spot does not make sense if they want it someplace else," said Susan Sher, a senior adviser to the university's president and coordinator of its library effort. "At the University of Chicago, our approach is to build it on the mid-South Side of Chicago within a few miles of the university. But we have no specific site." Chicago Tribune
Me and the guys do!!!!
Since the announcement calling for proposals for the design and site of a future of Presidential Library named for Good Old Number 44- Barack H. Obama, I have been feverishly reading Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel, watching Old Maverick re-runs that I taped from Encore's the Western Channel, planning dinner menus to suit the gustatory discernment's of my son, meeting the standard obligations of good citizenship in the light and heavy snow removal incumbent upon us all with advent of Global Warming, dating a gorgeous woman, attending Leo High School basketball games in its run to capture the IHSA basketball title and generally doping off.
In the last thirty minutes, or so, I put together a nondiverse team of gender specific 19th Ward Democrats and retired city workers to meet the challenges posed by Marty Nesbitt's team of Library sycophants and Obama bundlers.

Hickey's Big O Library Design & Site team - L-R- Aloysius T. Byrd, Mike "Slim" Cullen, Terry "Four-Eyes" White, Pabst " Blue" Ribbon, and Neary Lee Dunne enjoy a breakfast turkey and brainstorm.

We met in my kitchen, when Brewbaker's closed this morning.  The ideas were wholesome and praiseworthy.  As Obama is the most transformational, unprecedented, omniscient and fluid of men, we hit on a design that just might - meet the mark.  Between the turkey and the spuds it was determined that our design should tell the story of the man himself.
The Square peg in the round hole.  It was determined that such an All-Seeing-"I" of A Man deserves a placement worthy of his waters - The 68th Street Water Crib out on Lake Michigan. Imagine the morning halo, like all those pictures of the BIG O taken by the hand-picked White House Boy photoger!
The site should fit the Presidential self-styled south sider and Sox Fan - he can see Adam " Big Donkey" Dunn from the library were it to sit out on the Lake. 
There should be enough shelf space for both of President Obama's books and all of the swag he's collected.
 The Big O out on the Lake! Sun Rise; Sun Set!

This work was not done over night - took only a couple of minutes, like filling potholes and increasing property taxes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chris 'Milky' Matthews: Obama Howler Monkey at Def-Con Six

Like a degenerate gambler circling a casino or a dry drunk popping into a saloon for a glass of water, I channel surfed and popped in at MSNBC - twice: once last night when Game Show Host and Great Gildersleeve Impersonator Keith Olbermann during one of his full-foam fumes and today while doing laundry I caught Chris 'Milky' Matthews getting 'tough' with Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R. New Mexico)concerning Milkey's theme of McCain Desperation. Like the gambler or the drunk I thought one stop can't hurt - Wrong!

Milky 'Right'-ed the Congresswoman throughout her talk and interrupted like Jack Cafferty on speed. The pay-off came when the the very proper middle aged woman smiled during Rep. Chris Van Hollen's attempt to defend Joe 'HIYAH FOLKS!' Biden for his recent self-inflicted tonsil massage with his Florsheims: 'The Kid's Gonna Get Us in Dutch! In Dutch I Tells Ya! We Gotta Stick By Him! He's Wrong but We Gotta! - Now, that's nuanced!

Milky - 'You're smiling - what's so funny?' - Saw Milky pull this one before.

Jesus. Think you can take her Chris?

I wish she could have reached out and dropped this fatuous pain-in-the-ass with one from the purse and right between his brow less piggy little eyes! Hard Ball! Pop!

Nah, Rep. Wilson was gracious.

Then, Milky went off on the Congresswoman and read his own thoughts on the State of Race and excoriated McCain and Palin.

MSNBC - The Tool Box! This is an irrelevant bunch of loudmouths. I wish people who agree to appear with them treated them so. Click my post title and get a glimpse at what IN THE TANK is all about.

I better put the blocker on this cable channel. Oh yeah, I forgot about Fat Boy!

Olbermann - Oil Can Harry with Tourrette Syndrome.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Bunch of Things You Might Or Might Not Have Known About Fred Chopin and George Sand, BUT Got Compiled Anyway So You How Smart I am

Related image

I hate lists.

I really hate lists.
Commies compile lists - for future exile or execution.

Image result for Communists make lists
People who admire Commies imitate them and make them mainstreamImage result for Communists make lists

Americans are too tolerant of Commies and the people who admire the Reds - they'll be sorry some day. Me? I'll be dead and long judged by God. God don't make lists.  He takes you individually.
The only guy who should make lists is Santa.

One Christmas I received the Book of Lists from three different people, who thought like millions of others that I would want to know about
  • Famous Freemasons with flatulence 
  • Whigs murdered on Christmas Day 1853
  • Cumquat eaters of Connecticut
  • Democrats who sneezed
  • Popes who break-danced for Lorenzo Magnifico
  • VD Victims of Cole Porter
  • Hemingway's Beat-Downs by Better Writers
Image result for Communists make lists for extermination

Likewise, I detest TOP TEN ( or any number)  Lists of anything.

Psychologists used to warn us about people who never recovered from potty-training - the anal retentive like the passive aggressive rules our world.

I go to restaurants and if the food is good and prices, as well as the service is good, I return for another meal.   Then, if asked by anyone, 'have a good meal anywhere?' I might mention the place.

People no longer tend to communicate with other people. They refer to pre-caste lists, or worse, go to an APP.

Why is it import to compile things like
  • 866 things we know about Donald Trump's inner ear infections
  • 5 Things We Do Not Know, But Will Guess about Race Relations in Cairo, IL
  • 7 Explanations for Michael
  • 9 Steps to Good Grooming That Do Not Involve Soap, Water and Alcohol
Santa is the only one who should continue to compile lists of any type.

Oh, by the way - Chopin dated George Sand for nine years and then died.

Here is a Lis. . . .catalog of Chopin's greatest works. That cat could tickle them 88s! Compiled by the good people of Wikipedia - I have no time for such nonsense . . .far too busy,

  • Op. 10, 12 Études:
  1. Étude in C major, Waterfall (1830)
  2. Étude in A minor, Chromatic (1830)
  3. Étude in E major, Tristesse, or L'adieu (1832)
  4. Étude in C minor, Torrent (1832)
  5. Étude in G major, Black Keys (1830)
  6. Étude in E minor, Lament (1830)
  7. Étude in C major, Toccata (1832)
  8. Étude in F major, Sunshine (1829)
  9. Étude in F minor (1829)
  10. Étude in A major (1829)
  11. Étude in E major, Arpeggio (1829)
  12. Étude in C minor, Revolutionary (1831)
  • Op. 25, 12 Études:
  1. Étude in A major, Aeolian Harp, or Shepherd Boy (1836)
  2. Étude in F minor, The Bees (1836)
  3. Étude in F major, The Horseman (1836)
  4. Étude in A minor (1832–1834)
  5. Étude in E minor, Wrong Note (1832–1834)
  6. Étude in G minor, Thirds (1832–1834)
  7. Étude in C minor, Cello (1836)
  8. Étude in D major, Sixths (1832–1834)
  9. Étude in G major, Butterfly (1832–1834)
  10. Étude in B minor, Octave (1832–1834)
  11. Étude in A minor, Winter Wind (1834)
  12. Étude in C minor, Ocean (1836)
  1. Étude in F minor
  2. Étude in A major
  3. Étude in D major



  1. Mazurka in F minor
  2. Mazurka in C minor
  3. Mazurka in E major
  4. Mazurka in E minor
  1. Mazurka in B major
  2. Mazurka in A minor (1829, revised 1830)
  3. Mazurka in F minor
  4. Mazurka in A major (1824, revised 1830)
  5. Mazurka in C major
  1. Mazurka in B major
  2. Mazurka in E minor
  3. Mazurka in A major
  4. Mazurka in A minor
  1. Mazurka in G minor
  2. Mazurka in C major
  3. Mazurka in A major
  4. Mazurka in B minor
  1. Mazurka in C minor
  2. Mazurka in B minor
  3. Mazurka in D major
  4. Mazurka in C minor
  1. Mazurka in G minor
  2. Mazurka in D major
  3. Mazurka in C major
  4. Mazurka in B minor
  1. Mazurka in C minor
  2. Mazurka in E minor
  3. Mazurka in B major
  4. Mazurka in A major
  • Mazurka in A minor (No. 50; "Notre Temps"; 1840; pub. 1841 in Six morceaux de salon, without Op. number; B. 134; KK IIb/4; S 2/4)
  • Mazurka in A minor (No. 51; "Émile Gaillard"; 1840; pub. 1841 in Album de pianistes polonais, without Op. number; B. 140; KK IIb/5; S 2/5)
  1. Mazurka in G major
  2. Mazurka in A major
  3. Mazurka in C minor
  1. Mazurka in B major
  2. Mazurka in C major
  3. Mazurka in C minor
  1. Mazurka in A minor
  2. Mazurka in A major
  3. Mazurka in F minor
  1. Mazurka in B major
  2. Mazurka in F minor
  3. Mazurka in C minor

Published in Poland during early years[edit]

  • Two Mazurkas (unnumbered; 1826; pub. 1826, without an Op. number; B. 16, KK IIa/2-3, S 1, No. 2):
    • a. Mazurka in G major
    • b. Mazurka in B major
With opus numbers[edit]
  • Op. posth. 67, Four Mazurkas (Nos. 42-45; pub. 1855):
  1. Mazurka in G major (1833)
  2. Mazurka in G minor (1849)
  3. Mazurka in C major (1835)
  4. Mazurka in A minor (1846)
  • Op. posth. 68, Four Mazurkas (Nos. 46-49; pub. 1855):
  1. Mazurka in C major (1829)
  2. Mazurka in A minor (1827)
  3. Mazurka in F major (1829)
  4. Mazurka in F minor (1849; Last composition)
Without opus numbers[edit]
  • Mazurka in C major (1833; pub. 1870; B. 82; KK IVB/3; P 2/3)
  • Mazurka in D major (1829; pub. 1875; B 31/71; KK IVa/7; P 1/7)
  • Mazurka in B major (1832; pub. 1909; B. 73; KK IVb/1; P 2/1)
  • Mazurka in D major "Mazurek" (doubtful, 1820?; pub. 1910; B. 4; KK Anh Ia/1; A 1/1)
  • Mazurka in A major (1834; pub. 1930; B. 85; KK IVb/4; P 2/4)
  • Mazurka in D major (1832; pub. ?; P 2/2)


  1. Nocturne in B minor
  2. Nocturne in E major
  3. Nocturne in B major
  1. Nocturne in F major
  2. Nocturne in F major
  3. Nocturne in G minor
  1. Nocturne in C minor
  2. Nocturne in D major
  1. Nocturne in B major
  2. Nocturne in A major
  1. Nocturne in G minor
  2. Nocturne in G major
  1. Nocturne in C minor
  2. Nocturne in F minor
  1. Nocturne in F minor
  2. Nocturne in E major
  1. Nocturne in B major
  2. Nocturne in E major

Posthumously published[edit]

With opus number[edit]
  • Op. posth. 72 (No.2 and No.3 are works other than Nocturnes):
  1. Nocturne in E minor (1827–29)
Without opus numbers[edit]


  1. Polonaise in C minor
  2. Polonaise in E minor
  1. Polonaise in A major, Military
  2. Polonaise in C minor, Funeral

Published in Poland during early years[edit]

Posthumously published[edit]

With opus numbers[edit]
  1. Polonaise in D minor (1825)
  2. Polonaise in B major (1828)
  3. Polonaise in F minor (1828)
Without opus numbers[edit]
  1. Polonaise in B major (1817)
  2. Polonaise in A major (1821)
  3. Polonaise in G minor (1822)
  4. Polonaise in B minor, Adieu à Guillaume Kolberg (1826)
  5. Polonaise in G major (1829)


  • Op. 28, 24 Preludes:
  1. Prelude in C major (composed 1839)
  2. Prelude in A minor (1838)
  3. Prelude in G major (1838–1839)
  4. Prelude in E minor (1838)
  5. Prelude in D major (1838–1839)
  6. Prelude in B minor (1838–1839)
  7. Prelude in A major (1836)
  8. Prelude in F minor (1838–1839)
  9. Prelude in E major (1838–1839)
  10. Prelude in C minor (1838–1839)
  11. Prelude in B major (1838–1839)
  12. Prelude in G minor (1838–1839)
  13. Prelude in F major (1838–1839)
  14. Prelude in E minor (1838–1839)
  15. Prelude in D major, Raindrop (1838–1839)
  16. Prelude in B minor (1838–1839)
  17. Prelude in A major (1836)
  18. Prelude in F minor (1838–1839)
  19. Prelude in E major (1838–1839)
  20. Prelude in C minor, Chord or Funeral March (1838–1839)
  21. Prelude in B major (1838–1839)
  22. Prelude in G minor (1838–1839)
  23. Prelude in F major (1838–1839)
  24. Prelude in D minor (1838–1839)
  • Op. 45: Prelude in C minor (1841)

Posthumously published[edit]

  • P. 2/7: Prelude in A major (1834, published 1918; ded. Pierre Wolff)
  • A. 1/2: Prelude in F major
  • Prelude in E minor, Devil's Trill (recently found)


Posthumously published[edit]

  • Op. posth. 73: Rondo in C major for two pianos (1828; arr. piano solo 1840)




  • Op. 12: Variations brillantes in B major on "Je vends des scapulaires" from Hérold's Ludovic (1833)
  • B. 113: Variation in E for Hexameron (1837; pub. 1839)

Posthumously published[edit]

  • B.9: Variations in E for flute and piano on "Non più mesta" from Rossini's La Cenerentola, KK. Anh. Ia/5, (? 1824; pub. 1955) [1]
  • KK. IVa/6: Introduction, Theme and Variations in D on a Venetian air, piano 4-hands (1826; pub 1965)
  • B. 12a: Variations in D major or B minor on an Irish National Air (from Thomas Moore) for 2 pianos, P. 1/6 (1826)
  • B. 14: Variations in E major on the air "Der Schweizerbub: Steh'auf, steh'auf o du Schweitzer Bub", a.k.a. Introduction et Variations sur un Lied allemand (1826; pub. 1851)
  • B. 37: Variations in A, Souvenir de Paganini (1829; pub. 1881)


  • KK. Ve/9: Variations, (January 1818)
  • KK. Vb/2: Variations in F, piano 4-hands or 2 pianos (1826)
  • KK. VIIa/3: Variations on a Ukrainian Dumka for violin and piano, by Antoni Radziwill, completed by Chopin (by June 1830)


  1. Waltz in A major (1835)
  2. Waltz in A minor (1831)
  3. Waltz in F major (1838)
  1. Waltz in D major, Minute Waltz (1847)
  2. Waltz in C minor (1847)
  3. Waltz in A major (1840, some sources say 1847)

Posthumously published[edit]

With opus numbers[edit]
  • 1852: Two Waltzes, Op. posth. 69:
  1. Waltz in A major, L'Adieu (1835)
  2. Waltz in B minor (1829)
  • 1855: Three Waltzes, Op. posth. 70:
  1. Waltz in G major (1832)
  2. Waltz in F minor (1841)
  3. Waltz in D major (1829)
Without opus numbers[edit]
  • 1868: Waltz in E minor (1830), B. 56, KK IVa/15, P. 1/15
  • 1871–72: Waltz in E major, B. 44, KK IVa/12, P. 1/12
  • 1902: Waltz in A major, B. 21, KK IVa/13, P. 1/13
  • 1902: Waltz in E major, B. 46, KK IVa/14, P. 1/14
  • 1955: Waltz in A minor (1843–1848), B. 150, KK IVb/11, P. 2/11
  • 1955: Waltz in E major (Sostenuto), B. 133, KK IVb/10 (not always classified as a waltz)
  • 1932: Waltz in F minor, Valse mélancolique, KK Ib/7, A. 1/7. Reattributed to Charles Mayer as Le Régret op. 332[2]

Miscellaneous pieces for solo piano[edit]

Posthumously published[edit]

With opus numbers[edit]
  • Op. posth. 72:
  1. Nocturne in E minor (1827)
  2. Marche funèbre in C minor (1827; B.20)
  3. Three Écossaises (1826; B.12)
    1. Écossaise in D major
    2. Écossaise in G major
    3. Écossaise in D major
Without opus numbers[edit]
  • B. 17: Contredanse in G major (doubtful) (1827)
  • B. 84: Cantabile in B major (1834)
  • B. 109: Largo in E major (1837)
  • B. 117: Andantino in G minor (arr. of the piano part of the song Wiosna; 5 different MS exist) (1837)
  • B. 129a: Canon in F minor (unfinished (1839))
  • B. 133: Klavierstück in E "Sostenuto" (1840; sometimes classified as a waltz)
  • B. 144: Fugue in A minor (1841)
  • B. 151: Album Leaf (Moderato) in E major (1843)
  • B. 160b: 2 Bourrées (1846)
  • P. 2/13: Galopp in A (Galop Marquis) (1846)
  • KK. Vb/1: Andante dolente in B minor (lost)
  • KK. Ve/3: Écossaise (? date; lost)
  • KK. Vb/9: Écossaise in B major (1827; lost)
  • KK. VIIa/2: 3 Fugues (A minor, F major, D minor; arr. from Cherubini's Cours de contrepoint et de fugue)

Piano and orchestra[edit]



Cello and piano[edit]

Violin, cello and piano[edit]

Voice and piano[edit]

Posthumously published[edit]

With opus numbers[edit]

  • Op. posth. 74, 17 Songs (1829–1847; Polish)
  1. "The Wish" ("Życzenie") (1829)
  2. "Spring" ("Wiosna") (1838)
  3. "The Sad River" ("Smutna Rzeka") (1831)
  4. "Merrymaking" ("Hulanka") (1830)
  5. "What She Likes" ("Gdzie lubi") (1829)
  6. "Out of My Sight" ("Precz z moich oczu") (1830)
  7. "The Messenger" ("Poseł") (1830)
  8. "Handsome Lad" ("Śliczny chłopiec") (1841)
  9. "From the Mountains, Where They Carried Heavy Crosses [Melody]" ("Z gór, gdzie dźwigali strasznych krzyżów brzemię [Melodia]") (1847)
  10. "The Warrior" ("Wojak") (1830)
  11. "The Double-End" ("Dwojaki koniec") (1845)
  12. "My Darling" ("Moja pieszczotka") (1837)
  13. "I Want What I Have Not" ("Nie ma czego trzeba") (1845)
  14. "The Ring" ("Pierścień") (1836)
  15. "The Bridegroom" ("Narzeczony") (1831)
  16. "Lithuanian Song" ("Piosnka litewska") (1831)
  17. "Leaves are Falling, Hymn from the Tomb" ("Śpiew z mogiłki") (1836)

Without opus numbers[edit]

  • "Enchantment" ("Czary") (1830)
  • "Reverie" ("Dumka") (1840)

Lost works[edit]

  • Polonaise for piano, composed 1818. Presented by Chopin to the Empress Maria Teodorowna, mother of the Tsar, on the occasion of her visit to Warsaw on 26 September 1818.
  • Variations for piano, composed 1818. Mentioned in the "Pamietnik Warzawski" of 1818
  • Polonaise 'Barber of Seville' for piano, composed 1825/11. In 1825/11 Chopin wrote to Bialoblocki: "I have done a new Polonaise on the "Barber" which is fairly well liked. I think of sending it to be lithographed tomorrow."
  • Variations for 2 pianos in F major, composed 1826. Listed by Louise Chopin
  • Variations on an Irish National Air (from Thomas Moore) for 2 pianos, composed 1826. Stated to be "in D Major or B minor."
  • Waltz for piano in C major, composed 1826.
  • Andante dolente for piano in B minor, composed 1827. Mentioned in the list of Louise Chopin
  • Ecossaise for piano in B major, composed 1827. Mentioned in the list of Louise Chopin.
  • Waltz for piano in D minor, composed 1828. Given in Louise's list, with the date, and entitled (? by Louise) 'La partenza' ('The departure')
  • Waltz for piano (supposedly) in A major, composed 1830/12 (?).