Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cor, Blimey! A Yard and Half ($150) Sang'wich? Eat Me; That's Pricey!

Minced Oaths! Now, I am as free with a Buck as any dope with surplus nickels in my strides, but this is one expensive Sandwich! This Brit Hash Slinger concocted this Rolex Roll Robbery !

The chef used a £5 loaf of sourdough dressed with extra virgin olive oil and then layered cheese, slices of quail's egg, heirloom black tomato, epicure apple, and fresh figs.
He added dainty mustard red frills, pea shoots and red amaranth for a salad layer and topped the whole masterpiece with edible gold dust.
The cost of the entire sandwich put together runs to £111.95. ($150 USA)
There is no current official world record for the most expensive cheese sandwich but Blunos and Pilgrim's have applied to the Guinness book to have their sandwich recognised.
The standing record for the most expensive commercially available sandwich is the von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich, which was made at the Cliveden House hotel in Taplow, Berkshire.
It featured Iberico ham, poulet de Bresse, white truffles, quail eggs, semi-dried tomatoes and fermented sour dough bread, weighed half a kilogram, and cost £100.
It's probably a little extra if you want it toasted.

Knock yourself out, Clive.

I'll take a Folo's Beef, Fat Tommy's Hot Dog, Pop's Combo, or Hickey's Morgan Park Masterpiece* any day... and it won't cost me a lung!

Morgan Pork Masterpiece Sandwich.

Thus -

Two lightly toasted slices of Nature's Pride Oatmeal Bread
One thin slice of Red Onion
One layer of mixed greens
Three thinly sliced shingles of cold roasted pork loin
1/2 ounce of Kyle's Generations Barbecue Sauce applied liberally to both slices of bread.

Rick Kogan Hosts Leo President for Institutional Advancement Dan McGrath on WGN 720's Sunday Papers

Leo High School President for Institutional Advancement Dan McGrath, the best prose writer in America, joins Chicago's Best Voice - Rick Kogan for The Sunday Papers tomorrow Morning!

Rick Kogan has a voice like the Wannamaker Church organ in Philly* and we get to hear it every Sunday morning, as we get gussied up for Mass and Services. This Sunday, Rick's guest is Dan McGrath and together they will toccata and fugue the mission of Leo High School, the Catholic high school for young men in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood that provides a quality college preparatory education and sends 93% of its graduates to college and balance into the skilled trades and public service.

The Sunday Papers with Rick Kogan
Sundays 6:30 a.m.
Rick Kogan starts off your Sunday morning with stories unique to Chicago and discussions on the news and oddities of the day . . .

Rick Kogan -Named Chicago's Best Reporter in 1999 and inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame in 2003, Rick Kogan is currently a senior writer and columnist for the Chicago Tribune's Sunday magazine. He began his career at 16, working for the Chicago Sun-Times during the tumultuous Democratic Convention of 1968 and in various writing capacities over the next decade. He was later on the staff of Panorama, the arts and entertainment section of the Chicago Daily News.

When that paper ceased publication in 1978, Kogan joined the Sun-Times, where he worked the night shift, covering crime; served as entertainment editor; investigative reporter, feature writer and critic. His weekly columns on the city's nightclub scene were collected in a book, "Dr. Night Life's Chicago."

By the mid-1980s, he was on the staff of the Chicago Tribune where he was TV critic for five years and later the editor of Tempo, the paper's daily feature section. He was for five years the personal editor of the syndicated Ann Landers column.

A frequent guest on national radio and television shows, he has been an on-air critic for WBBM radio and WBBM-TV; was creator/host of "The Sunday Papers" on WLUP-FM radio; co-host of the daily "Media Creatures" program on AM1000 radio; and a featured weekly commentator on the television program Fox Thing in the Morning.

He has written 12 books, including, in collaboration with his father, Yesterday's Chicago, and in collaboration with Tribune colleague Maurice Possley, the best-selling Everybody Pays: Two Men, One Murder and the Price of Truth. His America's Mom: The Life, Lesson and Legacy of Ann Landers, was published in 2003. His latest books are A Chicago Tavern, the history of the Billy Goat, and a collection of the Sidewalks columns he writes for the Tribune magazine, embellished by Charles Osgood's photographs. He is also the narrator of an hour-long, 10-part Discovery Channel series titled Escaped!

The Wanamaker Grand Court Organ, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the largest operational[1] pipe organ in the world, located within a spacious 7-story court at Macy's Center City (formerly Wanamaker's department store). The largest organ is the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ (which is barely functional). The Wanamaker organ is played twice a day, Monday through Saturday, and more frequently during the Christmas season. The organ is also featured at several special concerts held throughout the year, including events featuring the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ Festival Chorus and Brass Ensemble.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ass -In Two Parts: Terry Rauf the American Anus!

Imam Pastor Terry Rauf -The Perfect Ass! An Autre Ass !

Don't be deceived because people know what a matzo ball is and you can check into fancy hotels now. Ostracizing the outsider because he's different and someone who belongs to his faith once did a bad thing can still work against Jews, too.
Neil Steinberg!

I shot Kean Coffee through my nose when I read Chicago Sun Times practiced hypocrite Neil Steinberg prosing about breaking bread with autre people - when, in fact, Neil dined with me and autre South Side helots with buon gusto and in no time at all called his lunch mates racists and anti-semite Aryan Nation goons on the pages of the Sun Times. Neil was JOKING!

I remembered what my sainted Pappy always told me -"Goof, an ass always has two parts." Hypocrites have two faces - the one they pose to you and the one they tell everyone else what they really think of you. Neil Steinberg believes that everyone in the 19th Ward is racist and candidate for the Aryan Brotherhood, but would not put him off of his lunch on another man's dime - of course.

Thus, in all matters where hypocrisy must out - politics, religion and journalism - the Ass dominates - face front; both ways.

Consider Re. Terry Jones and Imam Rauf - what being an ASS is all about.

Pat Quinn Can Win! Joins Hundreds of Middle Class Voters on the South Side to Support John O'Sullivan

GOP Governor candidate Bill Brady had better keep his eyes on the rear-view mirror, because Pat Quinn campaigns like a Sligo Man with a shovel - he don't quit and he's all business. Mexicans, Poles, Serbs, Croatians,Irish and African Americans swelled the halls and surrounded the Governor whom he greeted and named like he had just gotten off the Kedzie bus with them.

I worked the door and had a sideline view of a great political event.

Last night at Merrionette Park's Bourbon Street fundraiser for Worth Township Democratic Committeeman John O'Sullivan, Governor Pat Quinn, Forrest Claypool, Commissioner John Daley, Ald. Toni Preckwinkel, Treasuer Jim Houlihan, State Senator Ed Maloney, Father George Clements, Father Tom McCarthy, Evergreen Park Mayor Jim Sexton,Heavyweight Champion Ernie Terrell and hundreds of skilled trades union leaders and members extolled the virtues of the American Middle Class - Faith, Family and Service.

Governor Pat Quinn was magnificent! He cited the service of the hundreds of young women and men from the south side and suburbs who have sacrificed themselves in defence of our country and reminded all of us that service to others is the key to good living. Quinn seemed to look right at Rich Doyle, Vietnam veteran and Grand Knight of Father Perez Council KC. Quinn was magical.

The hundreds of neighbors packing the halls ( Three were used in the massive Bourbon Street facility on 115th Street) responded loudly. These are people motivated to ring door bells and talk up Pat Quinn.

A very savvy North Side guest remarked - "Signs and money never win an election -motivated people do that and look at this place!"

This was more of a celebration of virtue than Glenn Beck could dream of and the pure definition of American political life.

About John O'Sullivan from 19th Ward Blog

Grew up in St. Cajetan parish.
Lives in Oak Lawn now.
Has a wife and children
Is the newly elected democratic committeeman of Worth township.
Works for Cook County
Has been cleared of charges that he engaged in political activities while on county time.
Was appointed to serve the remainder of Kevin Joyce's term.
Will serve without pay.
Is supporting the election of Bill Cunningham
By all accounts "Johnny O" seems to be a good guy. He wanted the job so that he could claim he did it and I guess it gives him added credibility as committeeman.

Leo Lions Defeat De LaSalle 27-26!

Leo comes back to upset Meteors

Lawrence Huff scored on a fumble return and recorded an interception at the Leo two-yard line with 40 seconds to play as the Lions stormed back from a 20-point, third-quarter deficit to stun No. 24 De LaSalle 27-26 Thursday night at Gately Stadium.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Castro - Cuban Model Doesn't Work . . .Really?

Jefe! Honor Bright? On the Level? Que Hombre!

HAVANA – Fidel Castro told a visiting American journalist that Cuba's communist economic model doesn't work, a rare comment on domestic affairs from a man who has conspicuously steered clear of local issues since stepping down four years ago.

The fact that things are not working efficiently on this cash-strapped Caribbean island is hardly news. Fidel's brother Raul, the country's president, has said the same thing repeatedly. But the blunt assessment by the father of Cuba's 1959 revolution is sure to raise eyebrows.

Why, I think she is delightful! Kind of a Caribe Meredith Baxter Birney . . .well, maybe not as butch.

Hot Livers and Cold Purses - Chicago's Daley Dynasty Wake

Lord Bardolph. My lord, do you see these meteors? do you behold
these exhalations? Henry V. I do.
Lord Bardolph. What think you they portend?
Henry V. Hot livers and cold purses.
History of Henry IV, Part I;Act II, Scene 4 ll. 1303-1308

In Shakespeare's History Play about dynastic succession, Henry IV, Part I, the young Prince Hal is a King in waiting - a young man who hides his genius and talent for governance among louts, losers and layabouts, until the time is ripe to do his country's service. God willing there is a Prince Hal to follow Chicago's Richard II.

Not having gone to De La Salle Institute( The Mighty Meteors) Home to Most of Chicago’s Mayors, Prince Hal offered -

“Hot Livers and Cold Purses.” That, Boys and Girls, signals what awaits the next – Chicago Mayor – Drunkenness ( with Power, Vanity, or Virtue?) and Poverty. Whoever emerges an invisible budget awaits.

The candidate who steps up must either be an Iron Man or a Victim – a willing one on both scores.

There is a parade of pretenders to the power. Let us hope that one emerges who has at least climbed the gradus (the steps) of public service. Experience and a record of service must be the touchstones.

The Sun Times offers this early poll of candidates -

If the election to replace Mayor Daley were held today, who would you vote for?
Ald. Tom Allen (38th)
17% 1981 votes
Ald. Edward Burke (14th)
19% 2244 votes
Ald. Walter Burnett (27th)
2% 252 votes
City Colleges Board Chairman Gery Chico
0% 36 votes
Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart
3% 416 votes
City Clerk Miguel Del Valle
10% 1150 votes
Rep. Danny Davis (D-Chicago)
0% 36 votes
Presidential Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
2% 302 votes
Ald. Bob Fioretti (2nd)
4% 532 votes
U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)
0% 45 votes
Ald. Leslie Hairston (5th)
0% 6 votes
Ex-City Inspector General David Hoffman
9% 1043 votes
Cook County Assessor Jim Houlihan
5% 647 votes
City Schools Chief Ron Huberman
0% 27 votes
Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th)
0% 22 votes
U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.)
0% 48 votes
Attorney General Lisa Madigan
3% 340 votes
State Sen. Rev. James Meeks
0% 39 votes
Former Ald. Terry Peterson
0% 27 votes
U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.)
0% 44 votes
Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd)
0% 29 votes
Ald. Tom Tunney (44th)
15% 1771 votes
Ald. Scott Waugespack (32nd)
2% 266 votes

Total Votes: 11303

It will be either an Iron Man or an Idiot.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Lookee Here! Crown Heights Al Sharpton's Larder Near Empty

Here's a shocker - Rev. Al Sharpton who came to Chicago and appointed Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Baby Girl as his director the National Action Network - NAN is almost broke.

Sharpton and NAN's board of directors put up "over seven figures" to begin paying down tax arrears, she said.

"By the end of the calendar year 2010, there will be no tax liabilities as per our agreement in '08 with tax authorities," the spokeswoman added.

Meanwhile, the audit found that NAN was a defendant in five lawsuits:

* Alpha International Travel accused the group of failing to pay $50,000 in outstanding bills. NAN settled the case.

* The Peabody hotel in Memphis, where NAN held its 2008 convention, accused NAN of stiffing it out of $70,000. NAN is contesting the charges.

* NAN's Arizona chapter is accused of being a deadbeat tenant. The organization is fighting the claim.

As a nonprofit group, NAN is required to file its financial report with the state attorney general's charities bureau as well as the IRS. NAN has requested an extension to file its 2009 report.

Far from closing shop, Sharpton has opened new NAN chapters across the country the past two years.

But such an expansion is a costly mistake, said one insider familiar with the group's finances.

"Sharpton is the face of NAN," the source said. "The strength of his personality and his ability to mobilize people around issues is what makes the NAN work. Adding chapters doesn't add anything."

Read more:

Jew baiting and Arson just might not be all that lucrative - filthy, but not lucrative.

Chicago Reader on Daley Heir - "Seductive Rump Rhetoric?"

Princess Letizia of Spain;
Carla Bruni of France; FOTUS courtesy of Detective Shaved

It's all about the Fin d'Aley Chicago today.

I was biting down on my Leo High School cafeteria bologna sandwich today when nearly chewed off the tip of my tongue, while reading this Chicago Reader feature by Whet Moser -

"That's the kind of reductive stump rhetoric that suggests a mayoral run, at least to me."

Oh, reductive stump -not seductive rump rhetoric.

I gotta start buying #250s at Walgreens.

Jonathan Alter AGAIN Proves He Knows Knothing About Chicago Politics

Jonathan Alter of Newsweek, MSNBC and The Barack Obama Cheerleading Squad, like most Progressives, understands zip, ziltch, nada about politics. I wet my strides reading his idiotic piece on Daley's Sunset. I also, received e-mails from folks in the know who also had mositened their pantaloons. A Smart Chicago Lawyer who also read Alter's nonsense noted -

What a pompous moron!

Alter's mom served on the Sanitary District Board -- three quarters of the population of Cook County did not even know her name.

Emanuel is not a native Chicagoan. He lived on the North Shore in New Trier Township. He had to move to Chicago when he wanted to run for Congress because he did not have the stones to challenge (drum roll) Mark Kirk. After being foisted upon the 5th District, succeeding his former friend Rod Blagojevich, most of his precinct organization from the City Water Department were sent to prison for campaigning on the government's dime.

Next to MSNBC Masterclown Chris Matthews, of course the nebbish Alter seems like Jake Arvey; however, the Lakeview Democrat, like most Hyde Parkers or Lakeshore Progressives would not know how to pull two voters together with two teams of oxen guided by two drovers with a hangover.

Jonathan Knows KNOW-thing. Cliffs Notes are the Progressives library.

Get this Drip's insight into the Daley Fallout ! This clown probably thinks that Bobaks is a pizza.

With Daley’s decision to retire at the end of his term, the path is cleared for Emanuel to resign as chief of staff after the midterms and move his family back to Chicago. It’s not 100 percent certain that he’ll do so, but the odds favor it. Whether he wins or not is a different question. As a native Chicagoan with roots in local politics (my mother was a politician there in the 1970s and ‘80s), I’m excited to watch this one unfold.

The handicapping is already underway, with Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. currently favored by some analysts, mostly because there doesn’t seem to be another prominent African-American candidate to split the large black vote in Chicago. ( who, Bubbie? Jimmy the Two-Headed Boy? Jonny Boy - Jesse Junior is going through the bLago Buzz-saw still playing at the FED. Wake Up, Son!)

But there are a bunch of other candidates who might make a race more complicated. Jim Houlihan, the Cook County Assessor, and Tom Dart, the Cook County Sheriff, could get in. I’ve known Houlihan for nearly 40 years and he is smart, charming and (important to note, especially in Chicago) totally honest. David Hoffman, a corruption-fighting former inspector general who ran a spirited if unsuccessful campaign for Senate this year, is another possibility. It’s also possible that several local politicians who have said they aren’t interested will change their minds. ( Only Dart has a Base of Support, Junior.)

But Emanuel would be formidable too. He was elected to the House in 2002 with no prior experience in elective office. He had Daley’s support but it was still a bruising campaign that tested Rahm’s ability to translate his experience as a hard-charging White House aide into street-level campaigning. Chicago’s ethnic stew no longer votes exclusively along tribal lines, so his being Jewish isn’t the handicap some critics suggest.
( emphases my own)

There! Now, you have done it Jonathan, I wet my britches! Please . . .there it goes again! Why Lord did you make laughter so kidney challenging?

Oh, Hell No, Son! Rahm-a Lama- Dang- Dong shouts in phones. His 2002 Congressional Bid was Daley asking Skinny Sheahan to help Rahm. Jonathan Alter would not know Skinny Sheahan if Skinny was standing on his chest. The Polish Bushas would make mince-meat of Rahm; let alone a Hall full of Teamsters and Operating Engineers.

Stick to the Sierra Club, Sweetheart.

Here is how things will shake out by February - Terry Peterson will emerge as the Candidate and eventual Mayor.

1. Terry Peterson

2. Tom Dart

3. Doc Walls ( in it because it is an election)

That Jonathan is the final field.

Daley Legacy - Dave Orr is Howling "Policy" - What Drove Daley Down

When Mayor Daley chose policy over politics, after he had secured his power, when he turned to academics outside of public service to call the shots - remember Frank Kruesi*? - Daley's fortunes turned south of north. CTA Policy? There's a head-scratcher. Ron Huberman is a protected species ( BTW, Who is Huberman's real Chinaman?)and generally follows in the wake of every Policy Disaster to a newer and more calamitous disaster - now with Public Schools.

Policy works for the candidate who has no record of service, much less of accomplishment.

Policy begins with an Agenda and the scary thing is who sets that agenda. It is promulgated by some written document - like the one Mike Quigley had drawn up by the University of Chicago when he thought that he might take over County Government - didn't happen.

The Small Schools Policy had less to do with getting fewer kids in the classroom than it did to allow Billy Ayers and Mike Klonsky the opportunity to play urban guerrilla in the classroom - kids are still learning next to nothing.

Policy is what ineffective political wannabees buzz - budget pie-charts, agenda advocacy groups, think tank wizards, political panjandrums ( people with only a tangible touch to political life-usually inherited).

Politics is the means by which government gets things done. Thus - Policy: No Smoking ban and the effect upon bar owners and the tax-base. Fewer or no cigarettes smoked and fewer dollars to the tax-base raised by Policy Wonks.

Moving out of Bridgport allowed Mayor Daley to embrace Policy and divorce himself from political accountability. He was no longer answerable to Gert, Tim, Stosh, Curtis and Jorge - Policy, Folks, Policy.

Politics requires accountability. Obligations to individuals does not allow for a universal answer of Policy in all things.

Policy pours lead paint over common sense.

Politics requires common sense and hard work. The people who can not get two people to to support their run for office depend upon Policy to change voting laws.

Mayor Daley depended upon Policy as political cover and as a sop to the howlers.

The Howlers are unleashed and that, I believe, will be Mayor Daley's Legacy.

We will have policy aplenty, God Help Us!

View more news videos at:

Policy, Dave, was once a euphemism for gambling . . .Oh, it still is . . .and a very bad gamble at that.

*Frank Kruesi is the former President of the Chicago Transit Authority. He resigned in April 2007 after serving 9½ years[1]. He is now an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy[2]. Prior to his time at CTA, he was the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy for the U.S. Department of Transportation[3].

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Lawman John Flood -The Context of Police Lawsuit Lawyers - Loevy and Loevy

Suing the Police, particularly here in Chicago, is an industry that connects radical leftist academics, lawyers, thugs, gutless politicians, taxpayers and the media. The Chicago Thug Comfort Zone is in no small way due to this industry.

The Jon Burge Midnight Crew was created by G. Flint Taylor and the media.

Every career criminal has an opportunity for wealth ( less 30%)by bringing suit against police officers and City and County government. The Media have its collective head in the sand and never will connect the dots for the public in this matter. They will only howl out phony outrage against police officers under charge and wring milky hands when savages kill.

A Lawman and Labor Leader, John Flood is the source every citizen needs to turn to in order to understand the context that forms this vicious and hypocritical industry that usurps Police Chain of Command and has destroyed public confidence in law enforcement.

John Flood formed the first genuine and effective Police Union since Boston broke the Police Union in 1919. Mr. Flood employed Arthur Loevy, a powerful member of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and witnessed the methods and motives that are the core of the Police Lawsuit Industry. I will defer to Mr. Flood in matters concerning this Industry and wish to pint to his authority.

Mr. Loevy and son Jon were starting their firm – Loevy & Loevy. Son Jon was suing a Chicago Police officer and Solomon Smith was coaching Loevy Sr as to how police officers react and think as it related to the strategy of the initial Loevy inspired suit. Smith had touted behind my back and against my directives, in his position as a CCPA staff member legal actions against the Village of Oak Lawn PD Chief of Police Jim Houk and one of his commanders Terry Voderer with Officer Marty McGrath a CCPA representative within that Department point man to the cause. Stutzman and Dwyer agreeing of the actions and briefing McGorcle of Burbank P D.

The show was on. The Chicago Police Department suit and the suit one might consider calling the legal extortion of the Village of Oak Lawn, Illinois. In that municipality Marty McGrath, Solomon Smith and Arthur R Loevy engineered a legal maneuver that represented Oak Lawn Patrolman Carlos Panthera who was not well thought of in that Department for his braggadocio of having been a member of street gangs.

Oak Lawn Village administration settled the Loevy & Loevy suit against the strong disagreement wishes of Chief Houk and Commander Voderer because it would cause more to defend than to settle. Panthera left Oak Lawn P D.

I opened this remembrance as to a most recent surgery – for surgery played a major role in my leaving my career – my profession – and the union founded.

On March 21st 2009 – 59 years of age -woke up in the morning – blood in urine. That afternoon in Rush Presbyterian North Shore Hospital, Skokie, Illinois.

Bladder cancer – immediate surgery. My doctor - my internist of many years – wonderful man – Arthur R. Loevy’s cousin. The curse of cancer was a life changer – two people immediately notified of the CCPA union staff – Arthur R. Loevy and Solomon Smith – and then – new to the scene elected - CCPA officers William Stutzman, Wheeling P D and Michael Dwyer, Evergreen Park P D. All requested I stay overseeing administration till a transition could be arranged. Out of responsibility to the membership and state of the union – continued on – in a “lame duck” position.

The first of many betrayals began - openly – it was Arthur R Loevy - point man. The man I viewed as my closest friend, my professor, advisor of over thirty one years and “THE CREW” - as I was to become to call them - was quickly aligning under Loevy behind the back coordination and surreptitious leadership.

Arthur R Loevy was far smarter than the whole crew combined. He did not lack for intelligence and political acumen. Both are his forte. Personal courage is not.
He was aware that I was becoming cognizant of untoward matters involving him. Nine days after cancer surgery – recovering - Arthur Loevy phoned my home and in his almost laughingly rhetorical way – his deliverance of words – his weapons of ability – tried to convince me that I did not have bladder cancer. His conduct – his presentation – most difficult to fathom – to believe occurring. He was to write it off, later as playful –joking, kidding banter.

He continued behind my back political treachery and betrayal of trust. Such betrayal is not easily recognizable – especially when orchestrated by a man of Loevy’s political union savvy.

January 30th 2000. Hit once again. Bladder cancer. Second surgical go round. Doctor, overseeing care – Arthur R. Loevy’s cousin. Announce to all elected CCPA union officers and staff that retirement will be of necessity – but commitments will be met.

Commitments and my word I have lived by all of life and know of no man – none – from youth, through military and police career – the entire journey - who can challenge that statement – true of my mind.

If one does not have their word – then one has little. One’s character is wanting. Lost, maybe never possessed. One might achieve wealth and title – but one’s word means more than all.

It is a class – one’s word -and if you don’t have it – no matter what else you have – doesn’t make much of a difference. If you have it you don’t need much of anything else.

Arthur R Loevy - who does not have it - was dismissed – March 6th 2000.

Fired - from my staff. Personal meeting of him and I.

I was mad as hell at that difficult meeting. Mad enough to want to hit him for his untoward conduct, betrayal of trust and deceit- but told him if I did it would be as striking a woman – for anything physical or situations that would place him in harm’s way - was to be left to others. As mentioned - courage not his forte. Words – the convolution of words - for the pen is mightier than the sword- and he well knows that – the wielding of words alone – to serve whatever of his purposes - definitely is his forte.

They the Loevy & Loevy Firm continue to be on the attack – ambulance chasers of a different form. They are the police chaser firm with a few FBI agents of note thrown in. Too this very day at the Chicago, Illinois Kluczynski federal building and other venues outside Illinois and spreading nationally as the specious legal maneuvers are sought with highly played advertisements and staged press conferences.

May I add that all the major politicians of Chicago and Illinois know Arthur Loevy from his personal union career and involvement with the Chicago Federation of Labor – but most of all for his participation with the Combined Counties Police Association as my consigliore for want of a better term? He lived many years under my imprimatur – but he was kept well in line. He only felt safe to attack- form a cabal with William Stutzman, Wheeling P D, Mike Dwyer Evergreen Park P D Solomon Smith, Maywood P D, and Marty McGrath Oak Lawn PD when I was well weakened with cancer.

He surmised and “THE CREW “did to – that my possible death was imminent.

Now knowing what I had come to know as to his quick to leave the International Secretary position with UNITE, formerly the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America , and his son initiating law suits against police officers I was totally disgusted and wracked with a sense of stupidity as to how I could be fooled so long.

The law firm of Loevy & Loevy was underway – but his dealing with “THE CREW” to control the affairs of a then still major, well known police union as I attempted to leave my career was also well underway.

A coup d’etat of power was well formed underhandedly. Loevy was the brain. Wanted the power therein and "THE CREW" were his foils. “THE CREW” served his purposes and he served theirs. A mutual seduction of “THE CREW” and the law degreed Mr. Loevy, so to speak.

Few can plot, twist, remake reality, conjure untoward possibilities, misrepresent fact, distort and outright lie as attorneys.A lifelong evaluation. Most in the law enforcement profession are well aware that members of the bar and the ethics they profess are fallacious at best. The financial moguls and the legal practitioners along with the politicians they align themselves with and many of whom they outright buy – control the power structure of the nation. The good of anyone- the people per se - is secondary to the self serving power control. They can even debate over what the word “is” is ala William Jefferson Clinton – a liar of enormous historic proportions – true to his Juris Doctorate.

So for the moment now - I retreat from the continuance of this sad tale of police -lawyer chicanery.

For I tire- body seeking rest, following doctors orders. For my body to rise up and get the ANTERIOR CERVICAL DISECTOMY WITH FUSION addressed to a wellness state. To sully forth as best a man of seventy one years can do - and heal.

Operations take their toll and I have seen more major ones than most. Thirteen major medical shots of memory and the periphery needles and numerous tests, therapy and ongoing checkups.

So this most factual remembrance will commence again. But at a future time.

John Flood does great service to the public as a resource.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Jan Schakowsky's Long and Torrid Blago Love!

Can you blame Jan? Every Girl Crazy 'Bout A Sharp Dressed Man!

That TRIBUNE photo captures the essence of Blagoof!

Between 2000 and 2006, Schakowsky’s congressional campaign contributed $28,000 to Friends of Blagojevich. When Blagojevich launched his first campaign for governor in 2001, the Chicago Tribune reported that he “was introduced to the crowd by liberal North Side and North Shore U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who called him a ‘political ally.’” (“Blagojevich candidacy starts with home base,” August 13, 2001)

When Blagojevich ran for re-election in 2006, Schakowsky endorsed him over his primary opponent despite an ongoing federal investigation into alleged corruption.

According to Illinois news reports, Schakowsky spent the summer months of 2008 raising money for a Blagojevich re-election bid in an effort to secure an appointment to then-Senator Obama’s seat.

In April 2008, Schakowsky told the Sun-Times that she and Blagojevich “have a working relationship, and we have a long-standing friendship.” In the weeks leading up to Blagojevich’s arrest for attempting to sell Illinois’ U.S. Senate seat, Schakowsky confirmed that she spoke with the governor about the appointment and was under consideration.

Schakowsky’s Convicted Felon Husband and Rod Blagojevich

From 2001-2002, Friends of Blagojevich paid more than $541,000 to a political consulting firm run by Schakowsky’s husband, Robert Creamer, according to state records. The firm, Strategic Consulting Group, reportedly provided “consulting,” “field consulting” and “predictive dialer” services to the Blagojevich campaign.

During the same election cycle, Creamer and his firm were linked to fraudulent voter activities in the Illinois’ 17th Congressional District – and a slush fund he helped create called the “17th District Victory Fund” was later fined by the Federal Election Commission.

In 2004, Creamer was indicted on 16 counts of bank fraud and 18 counts of tax fraud after failing to pay more than $300,000 in income taxes and pulling a $1 million overdraft in a check kiting scheme. In 2005, Creamer pleaded guilty to two felonies, bank fraud and failure to pay federal taxes. In 2006, Creamer was sentenced to five months in prison and 11 months home confinement.

Chicago' Rainbow Beach - Once an Urban Spa, Now a Shooting Gallery

Four shot near Rainbow Beach on South Side
September 5, 2010
Sun-Times Media Wire
Four people were shot Saturday night while attending a barbecue in a park near Rainbow Beach on the South Side.

About 9:20 p.m., the victims were at a barbecue in a park in the 2900 block of East 77th Street when three gunmen approached and begin firing, police said.

A 20-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound to the lower back and was taken in “stable” condition to John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, police said. A 39-year-old man was shot in the right side and taken in “stable” condition to Stroger.

A 34-year-old woman was shot in the buttocks and taken in “stable” condition to Stroger. A 18-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound to the right arm and was taken in good condition to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

No one is in custody.

Calumet Area detectives are investigating

Mid to late 1960's South Side Chicago:

The 79th Street eastbound bus to Jeffery once ferried pale wiry Irish kids laden with blankets, transistor radios and brown paper bags of Velveeta and bologna sandwiches. At 79th & Wood Streets scores of teenagers would board the CTA green limousines for the Urban jostle to the end-of-the-line and a walk of several hundred yards to Rainbow Beach. I used to take the less traveled 75th Street bus, with Terry Smith, Al McFarland, Jimmy Shea, Larry Fiscelli and his Italian cousins and pals from St. Mary of Mount Carmel and Justin Martyr parishes from north of the tracks, Joe Prizzi, Tony DiPolito, and the Angone brothers to South Shore Drive, passing the Synagogues and great corner stores on Yates and Jeffery. As we got older and way cooler, a trip to Astro Lounge on 79th Street might add a couple of cans of Drewrys to our loads.

Take on The Mountie!

The South Shore landmarks for both the 75th Street and the 79th Street approaches were


Italo-Hibernian harmony solidified as the bus would cross the racial DMZ at Halsted and the black neighborhoods would dominate our concerns for a race-heated confrontation on the bus that almost never was realized. More Italians, would get on the bus at Grand Crossing on 75th and finally Jewish kids closer to the Lake. In the late 1960's Jewish kids going to Hirsch or South Shore, or Hyde Park tended to dress in the manner similar to the Italian kids from around 69th & Ashland - Greaser Habiliments - black, grey and fawn colored Dago Knit, skin tight black Levis, Rat Stabber ( pointed toes) Stacey Adams shoes and boots and girls in alluringly slutty tight-fitting tops and shorts with cotton-candy Big Hair. We Micks tended to affect the more staid looks of Big Ten Athletes and Jane College sweethearts - Princetons (just barely enough hair to make part), Flat Top or Buzz cuts on boys and Mary Tyler Moore flips for the young Deirdre's and Molly O'Malleys.

Rainbow Beach was a Rainbow of skin tones ( olive, black, tan, ruddy and bone white) and yes there were African American teenagers and families enjoying the Sun and Sand without incident or violence. I remember meeting a bunch of Jewish Kids who attended South Shore and we camped with them on the sand, on a tight patch not dominated by dead Alewives. We crowded together to share the Lord's blessings of the day, in the hope of coaxing a make-out session with a beauty out of Walter Scott's Ivanhoe a Rainbow Beach Rebecca to our 79th & 69th Street Templar Knights -Brian de Bois-Guilbert- what lives by the tracks.

Alewives were a Lake Michigan herring-like fish that turned into Fish-Jerky and stunk up the beach. Seagulls -flying rats were everywhere and Stuka'd more than few french fries from the chubby mitts of toddlers and teens. The huge pavilion served burgers and fries and sun tan lotion - we Irish used Quaker State, as an Irish Tan usually went from Nuclear Pond Scarlet to bubbly crisp brown scabs, followed by weeks of pealing dry epidermis layers and then a return to the full alabaster.

The Jewish kids were great and funny and hip. The Italian kids were very hip and we Irish we about as hip as a Mitch Miller album. Naivete suited us Harps like a Carrol's Red Hanger wardrobe. Beverly Irish dressed better - Lyttons, Baskins & etc. North of 87th Street Irish were more blue collar wallet sizes and we decked out from the Red Hanger at 63rd & Kedzie. We, also, listened to WVON - "You're Standing TALL with the Butter Ball!" WVON - the Voice of Negro - because the tunes were better. No Beach Boys, thank you. JJ Jackson, Sly Stone, Wilson Picket, Soul Survivors, Four Tops and Watts 103rd Street Rythm Band - Do Your Thang!

One Jewish girl who had redder hair than Maureen O'Hara said, to her friend over the blanket, indicating the Goyim Golums sharing the spot -ikh hob moyre which I think meant - "These Guineas and Potato eaters are creepy" - was reassured by by the Pepsodent smile of Tony DiPolito, who looked like James Darren, "We don't even go to church much . . . they do," indicating Smith, McFarland, Shea and Hickey. Ecumenism and WVON! Dipolito eventually coaxed the Redhead into a stroll to grassy park just east of the beach. He took a later bus home to 71st Street.

Rainbow Beach was a wonderful place. In our Post Racial America it is another shooting gallery.

God help us.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Planned Parenthood's Man of the Year - The Late James " Discovery Channel" Lee?

“Saving the Planet means saving what's left of the non-human Wildlife by decreasing the Human population. That means stopping the human race from breeding any more disgusting human babies!” James Lee 2010

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.

As an advocate of birth control I wish ... to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the 'unfit' and the 'fit,' admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation....
On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.
Margaret Sanger. "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda." Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5.

"The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics."
Margaret Sanger. "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda." Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5.

"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying ... demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism ... [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant ... We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."
Margaret Sanger. The Pivot of Civilization, 1922. Chapter on "The Cruelty of Charity," pages 116, 122, and 189. Swarthmore College Library edition.

"The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind."
Margaret Sanger, quoted in Charles Valenza. "Was Margaret Sanger a Racist?" Family Planning Perspectives, January-February 1985, page 44.

"The third group [of society] are those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped."
Margaret Sanger. Speech quoted in Birth Control: What It Is, How It Works, What It Will Do. The Proceedings of the First American Birth Control Conference. Held at the Hotel Plaza, New York City, November 11-12, 1921. Published by the Birth Control Review, Gothic Press, pages 172 and 174.

"The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order..."
Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.

"[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children..."
Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.

"Give dysgenic groups [people with 'bad genes'] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization."
Margaret Sanger, April 1932 Birth Control Review.

"As we celebrate the 100th birthday of Margaret Sanger, our outrageous and our courageous leader, we will probably find a number of areas in which we may find more about Margaret Sanger than we thought we wanted to know..."
Faye Wattleton, Past-president of Planned Parenthood

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, proposed the American Baby Code that states, "No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child… without a permit for parenthood".

Celebrate Real American Labor and Ignore Class Warfare Rhetoric of the Hypocrites Playing at Union

The labor movement doesn't have much to celebrate this Labor Day. Congress first established the national holiday in 1894 at unions' behest. Since then, the American labor movement's fortunes rose to their zenith in 1956, when more than three-in-10 workers were union members, only to decline each year after. Today, only 12 percent of workers hold union cards. And if you discount union members who are public employees, barely 7 percent of private-sector workers are union members.

So why has labor unions' membership declined so far in the last 54 years? Some of it has to do with the changing work trends in the United States. We've moved from large-scale industry to service and white-collar jobs, from big employers to small business, and from lifetime tenure to job insecurity and frequent career changes -- all of which makes union organizing more difficult. But the biggest problem for unions has been their own leadership, which has grown increasingly out of touch with the very people those unions hope to represent. - Linda Chavez

I wrote this in 2007 -

This Labor Day - try and rememember that thousands of people struggled and many died for the right to form Unions. These Unions of skilled trades and industrial workers moved America's poor in to the great middle class that created the standard of living enjoyed by no other Nation in History.

Let's not be fooled by the enemies of that standard of living on the political radical Right or the Left. 'Redistribution of Wealth' strategies are the latest phoney labor Ponzi scams - stay true to genuine Labor Unions. Real Labor gives people the skills to move to the next economic level and engages in collective bargaining to protect workers rights, health and welfare and above all safety on the job. Labor is not merely a lobbying tool for slick politcal agendas.

Most of all let's remember the people who stood on the picket lines and suffered the lock-outs to make the American Dream come true.

God Bless the Working Woman and Man! Honor Labor!

Friday, September 03, 2010

Eugene "Spud" Moriarty - Chicago Mount Carmel Man at Yale 1967

The Prep Bowl was started in 1934 by then-Chicago Mayor Edward Kelly as a fundraiser to help needy kids around Thanksgiving time. As it has always been, the champions of the Chicago Public and Chicago Catholic High School Football Leagues collide at Soldier Field on the Friday after Thanksgiving. At one time, this event attracted 125,000 fans, making it the most well-attended event in amateur sports history, even surpassing today's big-college stadium records.

The Kelly Bowl later became the Prep Bowl and The Caravan of Mount Carmel won the title a record 13 times. The 1967 Championship Game at storied Soldier Field yielded a score of Mount Carmel 37 over DUNBAR 0. That game sealed the deal for Eugene "Spud" Moriarty of St. Walter's Parish. Spud was a talented tackle who played both ways all season for the Caravan and excelled in English with both Father Bob Lee and Father Gavin Quinn, O.Carm.

His test scores were as solid as his biceps and soul as pure as Canfields Ginger Ale. He was an exacting scholar who raised questions out of a genuine and pure empirical sense and became loudly annoyed, when his questions posed were deflected, or, worse, neglected.

Spud went to Yale University on a full ride. Spud leaped from Carmel Brown to Ely Blue! He could not wait for fall term.

Upon arrival at his freshman dorm, he was greeted with a cold nod, by seventh generation Yale Man - C. Dexter Vander-Swell of Fremont-Stokes, East Egg Long Island, New York.

Spud shrugged and smiled broadly

Spud: “Where are you from?”
Yale scion: “I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions.”
Spud: “Okay – where are you from, jagoff?”

Four Years later, C. Dexter went to Columbia Law.

At the end of September 1967, Spud quit Yale, joined the Army and went to Vietnam, came home, went to DePaul and Loyola Law on the G.I.Bill, went to work for Justice Department and indicted and convicted Vanderswell for running a Ponzi Scheme in 1983. The rest is history.

It's possible.

Australian Imam Calls for The Noggin of Dutchman!

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper said on Friday.

Wilders' Freedom Party scored the biggest gains in June 9 polls and is currently negotiating to form a new minority government with the Liberals and Christian Democrats. Polls show Wilders would win a new election if one were called now.

Imam Feiz " Bluey" Muhammad -

Mates! I'm Ishoo'in a Fat-Wah for this 'ere Wanker what's good for in Oz and O.S. on this Ocker bloke! That's Huge on this Beauty! London to a brick I want this Wanker's Old Fella nailed to the shithouse door, Mates! This Dutchie Whacka insulted Our Prophut, like he was a Brasser. So, this Dag thinks he can skitter? Not by half, he won't!

I want this Blowie's noggin kicked around like it was the dead last drained dry Tinner on Banana Bender's Holiday in BrizVegas! S'traila Fuh Ever, Amen! Too Bloody Right, I am!

That's all! Time fer me Coldie and Tucker Bag!

Watch Leo High School President Dan McGrath -Tonight, on Week in Review with Joel Weisman WTTW at 7PM

Leo High School President for Institutional Advancement and Sports Journalism Icon Daniel B. McGrath joins Joel Weisman and the WTTW panel for an in-depth discussion of Chicago's week in the news.

Dan McGrath is President for Institutional Advancement and is charged with strategic and financial initiatives to bring robust and sustained support for Leo High School through the Leo Alumni, Chicago's philanthropic community, within the Catholic traditions and values of the Chicago Archdiocese. Mr. McGrath also is respected and thoughtful member of Chicago's journalism tradition and one of the best prose craftsmen in America. An adjunct professor of journalism at Loyola University, Dan McGrath brings his experience and insights to the students of Leo High School.

Join Joel Weisman, Dan McGrath and the panel for lively round table of opinion on the Week in Review.

WTTW -Channel 11 at 7:00 PM.

Today, Leo High School is graced by a visit from Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry, Vicariate VI of the Chicago Archdiocese.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

MacArthur Foundation Funded Carney Directs Chicago Gang Summit

David Kennedy* -- the New York professor behind a nearly 15-year-old law enforcement strategy of warning gang leaders to put their guns down or else -- said he expects Chicago will see a dramatic decrease in killings after launching a pilot program here.

It has been done in about 60 jurisdictions across the country, including Cincinnati, where murders are down about 40 percent since 2007, Kennedy said.

» Click to enlarge image

David Kennedy, a New York professor, expects a large decrease in killings here because of the strategy Chicago is trying against gangs.

"Hey Rube! I'm the Butcher here. . .just kidding! Look . . . The Kitty from the Mac was a Gusher! It's almost to the point in the crime control business that if The Mark [Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis] were not to do it, it would be borderline irresponsible, every Splinter Head besides me would be on this Hammer-Squash (Weis and Daley) MacArtie Gaffed the Job! " Kennedy said.

"What we would like to see, after this Bally bone-rush in Chicago is what we've seen everywhere else where it's done well, which is a very large and sustained crime reduction, - the Key to Midway Rubes!" he said.

Kennedy, director of the Center for Crime Prevention and Control at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and Flash Carry Amusements and Novelties ( Tilta-Whirl and Zipper) is an adviser for the Chicago program along with two former Chicagoans, Andrew Papachristos, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, and Tracey Meares, deputy dean of the Yale Law School. The MacArthur Foundation is funding it.
apologies to the always with it Frank Main - No Greenie, He.
