Gee, and people are laughing at a MacArthur Foundation Gang Giveaway Initiative?
Studs Terkel the late Progressive gasbag who made money off of other people's thoughts might do something like this with Frank Main *- the hack police beater for The Sun Times -taking the words of our compelling Urban Translators and Pulp Diction Mayor -
“They said, ‘Stop the violence or we’ll lock you all up,’ ” said Barbee, an Unknown Vice Lords member on parole for a drug conviction.. . . Share it, Barbee! Be your own Truth!
“They can’t hold me accountable for something other people do,” Barbee said, echoing what Labar “Bro Man” Spann
Reginald Akkeem Berry, who described himself as a former Four Corner Hustlers leader, also blasted the strategy, saying the city would be better off bringing jobs to his neighborhood.To The Tune of John Henry Lay that Shovelful of Asphalt! I can hear Win Stuckey and Pete Seeger Now!
“I will pick a shovel up. I will lay that asphalt down,” said Berry, who was wearing a T-shirt with an SOS logo for his organization, Save Our Sons, which Barbee also was wearing.
. . .
Wallace Bradley, a former Gangster Disciples enforcer who is now a community activist, said one major problem with the strategy is that gang leaders can’t necessarily control the violence in their neighborhoods.. . . As sponatneous as nickels on a court room floor! Haiku! Gesundheit! Comes out loose.
“Violence in our community is not always organized,” he said. “It’s spontaneous.”
Not to be out done by our City's Urban Translator - thanks to Peoples Law Office and other Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers Hizoner the Original G!
Daley was asked to respond to the rare news conference held by gang members.
“Unfortunately, everybody complains about the police. Everybody does. Because they’re called on 911 call. Your son got killed. Your son is shot. They visit your home. Something has happened. Domestic violence,” the mayor said at an unrelated news conference at Blackhawk Park, 2318 N. Lavergne.
“Everybody complains about the police. But again, it’s America. You can complain about anything.”
Asked if the Columbus Park news conference should have been covered by the media, Daley added, “That’s your right.” . . . Yes indeed. 'I'm Enery De Ate I Yam! Enery De Ate I Yam I Yam!'
“Violence in our community is not always organized,” he said. “It’s spontaneous.” If you are enjoying Chicago's Ganga Violence and this gang Meet N' Greet that the idiots in the Mayor's Office passed on as a great idea, be sure to Thank the Medill School of Journalism, Peoples Law Office the MacArthur Center for Justice at Northwestern University and especially the deep thinkers and deeper pockets at the MacArthur Foundation - they will not give a dime to inner city Catholic Schools helping black and Hispanic kids, but they will give millions to destory American Life!
Drop them a note at
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Office of Grants Management
140 S. Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60603-5285
Phone: (312) 726-8000
Fax: (312) 920-6258
TDD: (312) 920-6285
Spontaneous as Hell!
David Kennedy, director of the Center for Crime Prevention and Control at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is an adviser for the Chicago program along with two former Chicagoans, Andrew Papachristos, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, and Tracey Meares, deputy dean of the Yale Law School. The MacArthur Foundation is funding it.