Thursday, September 02, 2010

Urbane Violence - Not Always Organized - My Studs Terkel-ing of Chicago's Gang Meet 'N Greet!

Gee, and people are laughing at a MacArthur Foundation Gang Giveaway Initiative?

Studs Terkel the late Progressive gasbag who made money off of other people's thoughts might do something like this with Frank Main *- the hack police beater for The Sun Times -taking the words of our compelling Urban Translators and Pulp Diction Mayor -

“They said, ‘Stop the violence or we’ll lock you all up,’ ” said Barbee, an Unknown Vice Lords member on parole for a drug conviction.

“They can’t hold me accountable for something other people do,” Barbee said, echoing what Labar “Bro Man” Spann
. . . Share it, Barbee! Be your own Truth!

Reginald Akkeem Berry, who described himself as a former Four Corner Hustlers leader, also blasted the strategy, saying the city would be better off bringing jobs to his neighborhood.

“I will pick a shovel up. I will lay that asphalt down,” said Berry, who was wearing a T-shirt with an SOS logo for his organization, Save Our Sons, which Barbee also was wearing.
To The Tune of John Henry Lay that Shovelful of Asphalt! I can hear Win Stuckey and Pete Seeger Now!
. . .

Wallace Bradley, a former Gangster Disciples enforcer who is now a community activist, said one major problem with the strategy is that gang leaders can’t necessarily control the violence in their neighborhoods.

“Violence in our community is not always organized,” he said. “It’s spontaneous.”
. . . As sponatneous as nickels on a court room floor! Haiku! Gesundheit! Comes out loose.

Not to be out done by our City's Urban Translator - thanks to Peoples Law Office and other Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers Hizoner the Original G!

Daley was asked to respond to the rare news conference held by gang members.

“Unfortunately, everybody complains about the police. Everybody does. Because they’re called on 911 call. Your son got killed. Your son is shot. They visit your home. Something has happened. Domestic violence,” the mayor said at an unrelated news conference at Blackhawk Park, 2318 N. Lavergne.

“Everybody complains about the police. But again, it’s America. You can complain about anything.”

Asked if the Columbus Park news conference should have been covered by the media, Daley added, “That’s your right.” . . . Yes indeed. 'I'm Enery De Ate I Yam! Enery De Ate I Yam I Yam!'

“Violence in our community is not always organized,” he said. “It’s spontaneous.” If you are enjoying Chicago's Ganga Violence and this gang Meet N' Greet that the idiots in the Mayor's Office passed on as a great idea, be sure to Thank the Medill School of Journalism, Peoples Law Office the MacArthur Center for Justice at Northwestern University and especially the deep thinkers and deeper pockets at the MacArthur Foundation - they will not give a dime to inner city Catholic Schools helping black and Hispanic kids, but they will give millions to destory American Life!
Drop them a note at

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Office of Grants Management
140 S. Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60603-5285

Phone: (312) 726-8000
Fax: (312) 920-6258
TDD: (312) 920-6285

Spontaneous as Hell!

David Kennedy, director of the Center for Crime Prevention and Control at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is an adviser for the Chicago program along with two former Chicagoans, Andrew Papachristos, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, and Tracey Meares, deputy dean of the Yale Law School. The MacArthur Foundation is funding it.

Congressman Danny Davis' Bread and Circuses . . .er Services! Follow the Money Newshounds

Illinois was ravaged by floods from July until August this year. My basement floods every time an Alderman weeps. Not too bad, shop vac out the gallons - dehumidify - fight the mold! However, six blocks west of me and four blocks north of me, neighbors on Troy, Spaulding, and other north and south streets between 111th & 103rd had their finished basements ruined.

Four Guys Flood Protection, ServiceMagic Lords of the Rings, The Dry Guys, Basement Magic and other flood protecting vans flooded the 19th Ward.

All this week, lines of people -suffering people - who may have had flood waters cascade over the window sills of their third and fourth floor windows of their rental units lined up in the broiling heat to get - money on plastic!

Despite questions of the proof residents need to submit in order to receive flood assistance benefits, at least two state leaders say the program is being managed effectively.

"I think it's very difficult in such a short period of time, to put in play and in force the very same requirements that exist for FEMA assistance," said Rep. Danny Davis during the opening of a new Federal Emergency Management Administration disaster relief center in Chicago's Austin neighborhood.

Since Monday, the Illinois Department of Human Services has been offering flood relief assistance through its food stamp program known as SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It's all meant to help those who experienced flood damage from the torrential rains that swept the area in late July.

The money is deposited on LINK cards for food-related expenses.

"I had to throw out a lot of things. I had to replace a lot of things," said one man waiting in line outside an aid office in Melrose Park.

More than $2.4 million worth of electronic food stamps were handed out on Tuesday, WLS-TV reported, adding that of those who applied, 5,691 households were approved for benefits. Just 58 were denied.

To qualify for the aid, residents must live or work in one of the designated disaster areas and had damage to their home or business, had disaster-related expenses not reimbursed, or had a loss or reduction of income between July 22 through Aug. 20.

No proof of flooding damage is needed.
NO Body! I mean NO body does crocodile tears like Danny Davis . . .except maybe Gator Bradley and G. Flint Taylor.
Danny had both eyebrows batting away on the NBC 5 report by the tough and gentlemanly Christian Farr -click my post title.

Rev. Moon acolyte, Danny Davis opened his FEMA offices! How did word of the giveaway get disseminated? Alderman Emma Mitts knew.

There was no - e-mail blast from my Ward Offices.

Were other Wards shut out of Bonanza?

Media Newshounds! How about a peek under Danny Davis's Tent-of Plenty?

Follow the money? Get on the FEMA-Link Gate?

Who is involved up to their necks in the Danny Davis Plastic Free Money Giveaway?
Follow the Dough - Don'cha Know? Sneedless to say.

Gotta ask, Danny! It's seems as simple as staying in your lane while driving . . .Oh, that was unfortunate.

SEIU's Jan Schakowsky Must Be Scared to Death of Joel Pollak

South side scion and the pride of Morton Grove, John Ruberry - The Marathon Pundit -posted a stunning story about the ACORN/SEIU leash that locks some Democrats - notably Illinois Congress-critter Jan Schakowsky.

Joel Pollak, a sharp and honest young guy, is running to unseat the daffy Schakowsky, most noted for her convicted felon Grassroot opportunist hubby Bob Creamer who operated Camp Obama in 2008, after he spent a few semesters in Terra Haute Federal Prison for check kiting. Jan is also frequent howler on the irrelevant cable Progressive cheer leading MSNBC. Other than that, Jan Schakowsky votes in Congress to eliminate the American middle class.

It appears that Schakowsky called on the Purple Gang of Illinois SEIU to disrupt a Pollak fund raiser -

During the luncheon, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, endorsed Pollak, the GOP candidate for Congress in my district, Illinois' 9th. Ryan, who represents a southeastern Wisconsin district, is the author of the Roadmap for America's Future. Ryan says social security is going bankrupt, and I don't think a single sane person disagrees with him. Too few workers will be funding too many retirees--it's a numbers game. Ryan that workers under 55 be given the opportunity to invest one-third of their social security taxes into personal retirement accounts. The protesters, most of whom are over 55, were waving signs "Hands off My Social Security." Ryan's plan won't effect them, and besides, he wants to strengthen social security.

There were about 50 protesters.

Initially it was believed that was organizing the rally, but this was a Service Employee International Union operation, I believe. Although with these leftists, it's hard to tell where one group ends and another begins. Which brings me to the picture on the upper left. The man in the blue sport coat is Keith Kelleher, a longtime SEIU organizer. For years he was the head organizer of SEIU Local #880, which was started by the disgraced community organizing group ACORN--the serial voter registration fraudsters. Kelleher once claimed he was "a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer for ACORN."
Here's what Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL), the GOP candidate for the US Senate in Illinois, wrote last fall about this two-headed monster:

SEIU Local 880, which until recently boasted it was founded by ACORN, used an ACORN e-mail address on its Web site and tax filings, was co-located with an ACORN "tax center" and employed the former president of ACORN Illinois, according to official records. Recently, the IRS terminated is relationship with ACORN tax preparation offices.
Local #880 is now SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana, Kelleher is still in charge.

Whose "roadmap" would you believe in? Ryan's? Or a gaggle led by a former ACORN organizer?

On the lower left is John Gaudette, who is the organizing director for Citizen Action/Illinois. If he looks familiar, it's because he was the astroturfer shown on Fox News last summer coaching attendees to chant "Health Care Now" at a Jan Schakowsky townhall at near my home at Niles West High School. Robert Creamer, the husband of Pollak's opponent, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, was caught kiting checks while serving as executive director of this organization. He spent five months in prison for fraud and tax evasion for his avionics.

Yikes! Democrats, this is your party.

Gaudette must have liked the way I looked, he took about a dozen pictures of me. I took only two of him. Perhaps he was trying to intimidate me, which isn't easy, although a rattlesnake in Utah succeeded.

I spoke with some of the protesters, who (surprise!) knew nothing about the Roadmap for America's Future, other than Ryan wants to privatize it, which is a colossal distortion.

Once again, Ryan wants to strengthen social security.

What I witnessed this afternoon could be a preview of the Democrats' counterattack against the GOP this fall. Using imaginary assaults on social security to scare voters hasn't worked for them before. But it could be the only thing they can come up with this year. If that's the case, the Dems are in a worse predicament than I thought.

Coming in November: The Great Correction.

Related post: (emphases my own

SEIU goons fail to disrupt Joel Pollak fundraiser

Jan and Bob Creamer must be more than a tad nervous in the service of SEIU. Purple is the new Red.

The more Democrats cling to the Marxists and the goofs, the more Democrats will take other ballots.

Wake up, kids, that coffee is a boiling!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Aborting a Child is the Essence of Domestic Violence, Wendy Pollack, Abortion is Killing a Child, HBO Not-Withstanding

Bill Maher's writer for his HBO Yawn - Real Time, like his boss needs to have his teeth loosened. This should have been performed years ago by their elders and betters, but . . .no time like the present. In attacking Sarah Palin, the Progressive Pussy ( short script for Pusillanimous) - Letterman, Maher, Moore, Olbermann, Matthews and this Mick half-wit, Chris Kelly, abuse a kid - Bristol Palin.

Here is what the Progressive mind finds amusing -

Bristol's mother, Aimee Semple McFacebook, had thrown her support behind Murkowski's opponent, and cited his position on abortion- - really, really against it -- as the reason.

So, here's Alaska's position as of today: Unwed, pregnant teenagers getting abortions? Bad. Unwed pregnant teenagers doing the Cha-cha-cha? Good.

Got it.

The Republicans do have a jobs plan. And it's all babysitters.

But here's the part where I get confused. The pressure group behind Alaska's new parental notification law said it was a good idea because . . .
Side splitting, Jagoff.

Then, to bring it down a just a bit this JO ( onanist) Kelly offers a Planned Parenthood sober reminder - (aside : how did this asshole grow without a daily ass kicking?)

34 states have laws that require parental consent or notice before abortion, and these laws have led to fewer abortions, lower rates of teen pregnancy and more responsible behavior among teenagers.

Huffington Post, for which Kelly scribbles his Abortion hackery, is full court press for Planned Parenthood which owns Illinois Democrats.

Wendy Pollack who writes for Huffington Post as well as lobbies for The Shriver Center - a Planned Parenthood, ACORN, ACLU and SEIU money laundering operation - writes that Teen Pregnancy and Domestic Violence are bad. Only Abortion can Help.

Remember, 34 states have laws that require parental consent or notice before abortion, and these laws have led to fewer abortions, lower rates of teen pregnancy and more responsible behavior among teenagers.

Illinois is one of them and Bill Maher's Chris Kelly is on the case trashing Bristol Palin!

Now, here is Wendy!

Moving forward, the Shriver Center is working with advocates in Illinois and other states to gain traction for this issue. At the federal level, funding has been designated for state programs to support pregnant and parenting students and young women; Illinois is one of several states that applied for this funding and is awaiting a decision from the newly established Office of Adolescent Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Also at the federal level, Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the Pregnant and Parenting Students Access to Education Act which reflects much of the goals and the language of the original Ensuring Success in School bill as it relates to expectant and parenting youth. In Illinois, the Shriver Center is working with other advocates on next steps for the task force's recommendations and to create a curriculum to train school personnel on how to recognize and respond appropriately to students who are survivors of domestic or sexual violence and students who are parents or expectant parents. With these and other initiatives, these students who are at risk of poor school performance and/or dropping out have a better chance at being able to stay in school, stay safe while in school, and successfully complete their education.

The teenager who aborts her child will not get slapped around by the boy who knocked her up! WIN WIN WENDY! Task force my broad manly ass, Wendy - these are some worms.

Wendy's eyes must be brown!

No Wendy. Abortion is violence. There are no laugh tracts or Bill Maheresque Bass Thumps. Only that Hump finds Bass Thumps riveting.

Wendy Pollack and the Illinois Legislators who backed this legislation and any legislation that leads to a child's death is a violence enabler.

John O'Sullivan's Worth Township Democratic Party - Fundraiser at Bourbon Street Sept. 9th at 7PM

MSNBC - Promotes Pogrom Preacher Al Sharpton

MSNBC is all over Glenn Beck like a cheap-suit. Howver, MSNBC provides the leader of two anti-Jewish Pogroms that killed Yankel Rosenbaum in Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklynn - Crown Heights Al Sharpton. Pastor Hagee has yet to kill a Catholic. Crown Heights Al has the street cred for MSNBC's Rock Solid Hypocrisy!

Al Sharpton is a professional bigot. During his long career the Reverend has incited two anti-Semitic pogroms; the Crown Heights riot and the firebombing of the Jewish-owned Freddy’a Fashion Mart in Harlem. Each of the Sharpton-incited pogroms resulted in deaths, but now for some unknown reason Reverend Al believes he is the caretaker of religious tolerance in the country, as well as the protector of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy of peaceful protest.

Sharpton's bigotry and hypocrisy has been front and center recently as on one hand he campaigned for what he saw was the First Amendment rights of Muslims who want to build a Mosque 500 feet from the ground zero footprint, but on the other hand, he bashed Glenn Beck for organizing a religion-themed rally from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Reverend King’s “I have a dream speech.”
Click my post title an dread more.

Boycott MSNBC -all they understand is a buck.

MSNBC Chris Matthews - Finished - "Let Me Finish - They are like Swedes!"

Welcome to Hardball*

Is he supposed to have anti-aircraft guns? How‘s a mayor of New York stop the incoming airplanes that hit the World Trade Center? This is “Beau Geste” all over again, fortresses out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Arabs who don‘t want you there. Anyway, thank you Paul Rieckhoff for joining us, and giving us this insight. We‘re going to come right back with the “Politico‘s” Roger Simon, one of the best columnists around. We‘ll talk about the debate coming up, also the Democrats and their big fight now with the president over the war funding issue, which is coming to a head tonight, as the president has vetoed the bill. It‘s all happening tonight, the big fight between the Democrats and the president over Iraq. We‘ll be right back.

Let me Finish - Is Dick Cheeeney - that's how it's prounnced by Me - Cheeeney - everyone else says CHAIN- Knee - is he a troll ready to bite someone's ankle under the bridge? I think so!

Crispus Attucks was gotten off by John Adams, a real community activist and never once did any one check his card.

Sarah Palin is a nut! She kills me. Don't you think so? Tip O'Neill hired me. I can say the Suscipiat. Tea Party. . . that's not the Boston I know!

These people are wearing guns and demanding Birth Certificates! What's with that?Let me ask you, what does the President need to know that he doesn't know now before he decides on whether to give General McChrystal his requested 40,000 more troops?
If he is born in the USA and 70% of the REPUBLICANS say he is from Witchita, Kenya what does that say?

There is mood in this country that will lynch this President and I don';t me Jane Lynch on Glee either, but CHEEENEY -that's how it's pronounced by the way - was at the TEA Party with Glenn Beck saying that Martin Luther King is all for the Birthers!

Let me finish!

LET Me Finish . . .I'M almost Done! With me, is Joan Walsh of of of . . . Salon . . .that's a place. Maybe. the 1st black President was born there in SALON with Dick CHEEENEY, under a bridge, he's like a troll.

Remember, Boys and girls, if you are healthy and robust be just that and if you play at being really,really, really sick for long enough, you can get really, really sick.

The world we live is no laughing matter; however, MSNBC is an entirely different story.

*Treatment of Munchausen syndrome is often difficult, and there are no standard therapies for the condition. Because people with Munchausen want to be in the sick role, they're often unwilling to seek treatment. However, if approached in a gentle, face-saving way, a person with Munchausen syndrome may agree to be treated by a mental health provider.

Although there are no standard treatments for Munchausen syndrome, treatment often focuses on managing the condition, rather than trying to cure it. Treatment generally includes psychotherapy and behavior counseling. If possible, family therapy also may be suggested.

Medications may be used to treat other mental disorders that are also present, such as depression or anxiety. In severe cases, temporary psychiatric hospitalization may be necessary.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Daley Explains Jody's Gang Meet-N-Greet! Parse this!

"What it is, is the community people getting together with the police and talking to these gangbangers who live in the community,"

"If you lost a son to gunfire, you'd sit down with anyone,"

"This is not grammar school," Richard M. Da,ey August 31, 2010

Now, who can argue with that?

Barry O'Bama Sings! The Last Rose of Recovery Summer!

"Sadly, this so-called 'Recovery Summer' could end up with more Americans finding themselves out of work then when it began," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain. "Expect Republican candidates across the country to ask one simple question of Democrat incumbents: 'Where are the jobs?'"

ABC News August 24, 2010

'Tis the last rose of Recovery summer

Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions ( under the bus)
Are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred,
No rosebud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes,
To give sigh for sigh.

I'll not leave thee, thou lone one!
To pine on the stem;
Since the Recovery are sleeping,
Go, sleep thou with them.
Thus kindly I scatter Stimulus and Tarp,
Thy leaves o'er the Harp,
Where thy mates of the garden
Lie scentless and dead.

So soon may I follow,
When friendships decay, (Big Ed, Rachel, Mother Jones,HuffPo)
From Love's shining circle
The Gibbs drop away.
When true hearts lie withered
And fond ones are flown,
Oh! who would inhabit,
This bleak world alone? Un-Presidented?

Apologies to Thomas Moore

Progressives - Piety? Not Feeling it. Ross Douthat Explains

To too many Catholics, piety went out of fashion with Vatican II and the Lay Pontificate took off - fat ugly nuns in polyester Orwellian duds beating tom-tom drums, or doing the Isadora Duncan through the pews in a whirling Liturgical dance & etc!

Piety is rooted in human understanding of a greater good - God. The etymology of piety can be traced through Latin and Greek to the Indo-Aryan languages of Persia and India.

In America, the neo-Romantic grifters Emerson, Thoreau, the Brooke Farm crowd later Jane Addams and the Baby Reds of John Dewey's Age, stomped all over Piety.

Sinclair Lewis laughed at piety in Main Street, Babbitt, and Elmer Gantry.

The Secular Hegalians looted popular culture of piety - well almost.

I can not watch Glenn Beck, but I admire the work he is doing. He gets first rate thinkers like Peter Hitchens, Jonah Goldberg and others to form a context for his feelings. He's a Mormon and seems to be pious man.

As with Beck, I admire Sarah Palin. She is happy in her own skin and as tough as a cob. She strikes me as a genuinely pious woman.

I admire piety. I do not admire smarm or snotty Cliffs Notes Readers who tuck the New York Times under their armpits and slowly shake their heads in sad, sad disbelief that people could ever have voted for George Bush or not believe that Abortion is great.

Here is a snotty example - Ross Douthat of the New York Times damning Beck and Americans with very faint praise.

There was piety — endless piety, as speaker after speaker demanded that Americans rededicate themselves to God. There was patriotism: fund- raising for children of slain Special Forces vets, paeans to military heroism (delivered by Sarah Palin, among others), encomiums to the founding fathers. There was an awards ceremony on the theme of “Faith, Hope and Charity,” in which community-service prizes were handed out to a black minister, a Mormon businessman and the St. Louis Cardinals’ Albert Pujols. And since this was (as you may have heard) the anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech, there was a long tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. . . . Now more than ever, Americans love leaders who seem to validate their way of life. This spirit of self-affirmation was at work in evangelicals’ enduring support for Bush, in the enthusiasm for the Dean campaign among the young, secular and tech-savvy, and now in the devotion that Palin inspires among socially conservative women. The Obama campaign raised it to an art form, convincing voters that by merely supporting his candidacy, they were proving themselves cosmopolitan and young-at-heart, multicultural and hip.
( Emphasis my own)

"Americans love leaders who seem to validate their way of life." validate? Like a parking chit? Stop into a Veterans Hospital or a VFW and ask one of these heroes to validate your way of life. Progressives can not admire any virtue - by nature Virtue is manly.

It is time that Americans laughed at these pompous twerps and got themselves pious once again.

Max Kennedy, Dude, Where's the Keys? There's Cops on the Boat, Dude!


It's still there! Ready the plank! Max Kennedy, son of former Dem presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and brother of Chris, the nicest Kennedy you'll ever meet, has yet to remove his 50- to 60-foot sunken houseboat, "The River Maiden," from a large slip of water near the U.S. Steel plant along Lake Michigan!

• The buckshot: Kennedy may have stirred up a hornet's nest with his arrogance, yet nobody seems to know how to use the appropriate fly swatter! It's been in the water since June 12.

Did the Clan Camelot off-load a cadre of Kennedy's in Indiana and Illinois in the soft Chicago under-belly of Cal Harbor?

Are there now in the Iron Weeds of Hegewisch Kennedy Hatchlings awaiting their chance to infest Illinois Politics as Panjandrums?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Chicago Catholic School Leader Board - Enrollments Up! Send Your Kids to Catholic Schools!

The other day Leo Admission Director and Head Football Coach Mike Holmes, President for Institutional Advancement Dan McGrath and your humble correspond ant were on 79th Street welcoming the Young Lions through the Portals of Leo High School.

A gentleman asked us, "How long are you your lunch periods, if I may ask, my daughter and son attend Perspectives ( formerly Calumet HS of CPS) and they are afforded twenty(20) minutes - there are 500 kids."

Mike Holmes asked the man, "Who many in a lunch period?"

The man replied, "There are hundreds of children and my kids must go to their lockers and the cafeteria is a very long way from their classrooms."

Mike Holmes informed the gentleman that Leo High School affords twenty-five minutes per lunch hour divided into three separate lunch periods -one Freshman only and two for the upper classmen.

Catholic Schools schedule, develop curriculum, monitor the halls and lunch rooms and provide mentoring with the students in mind.

Policy is based on what is good for the kids and not on what a Teachers Union or Central Casting dictates.

Sticking to mission and adherence to Catholic values* makes success.

The fruits of these labors can me seen in the resurgence of Chicago's Catholic Schools. Leo High School is vigorously addressing our enrollment shortfall here in economically distressed Auburn Gresham - Leo High School students are African American young men and eight of ten are non-Catholics from Chicago Public Elementary schools.

However, our brother and sister Catholic Schools are hitting their enrollment stride -

"For a long time, Catholic schools didn't necessarily toot their own horn. It was just expected (that Catholic students would attend). There wasn't that sort of critical communication," said Sister Mary Paul McCaughey, schools superintendent for the archdiocese and former president of Marian Catholic High School in Chicago Heights.

Well said, Boss! Like all Catholic Schools, Leo High School is tuition and donation drive - The Big Shoulders Fund and the Leo Alumni Association behind Rich Furlong's leadership provide thousands of dollars annually to this great school in order to help struggling families meet the costs of tuition. Our parents, like all parents of Catholic School Kids, pay for Public Schools, as well as meet the costs of a Catholic Education. They pay twice - and kids succeed.

Not all Catholic schools are struggling to stay afloat.


According to 2009-10 school year numbers, four Southland Catholic high schools were among the top 10 in the Archdiocese of Chicago based on enrollment. The schools, their ranking in the Archdiocese, and last year's enrollment:

2. Marist (Mount Greenwood), 1,797

3. Marian Catholic (Chicago Heights), 1,505

4. Mother McAuley (Mount Greenwood), 1,409

10. Brother Rice (Mount Greenwood), 1,029

Eight Catholic elementary schools were among the top 30 based on enrollment. The schools, their ranking and last year's enrollment:

4. St. John Fisher (Beverly), 691

8. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin (Orland Hills), 679

13. St. Christina (Mount Greenwood), 630

14. St. Michael (Orland Park), 618

17. St. Damian (Oak Forest), 572

25. St. Catherine of Alexandria (Oak Lawn), 485

26. Saints Cyril & Methodius (Lemont), 481

29. St. Bede the Venerable (Chicago), 477




(708) 633-5960

Unlike the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Diocese of Joliet had a roller coaster year, closing and consolidating several schools.

To the dismay of parents and students in Joliet, the diocese closed St. Joseph School at the end of the 2009-10 school year.

"The bishop has made some difficult decisions. Anytime you close a school it is a very emotional issue," diocese spokesman Doug Delaney said. "His vision is we will have a stronger Catholic education system in the long run."

But the diocese's long-term plans could mean more school choices for Will County parents.

Part of Bishop Peter Sartain's strategic plan is to weigh opening new Catholic schools in Frankfort and Homer Glen, as well as expanding St. Joseph Catholic School in Manhattan. In New Lenox, the bishop is mulling establishing a new parish and school, and possibly expanding the existing Catholic school, St. Jude.

Some Will County schools were also encouraged by early fall enrollment numbers.

Mary Jane Bartley, principal of St. Liborious in Steger and Crete, said enrollment at her school increased by 10 students.

"This is the first time in the six years I have been here that enrollment has not fallen in any way, and we are very pleased with that," Bartley said.

Bartley partially attributes the increase to the closing of St. Joseph School in Dyer, Ind.

Providence Catholic High School in New Lenox is up 30 students from last year, bringing enrollment to about 1,200. School officials said the bump is largely due to financial assistance the school has provided to struggling families.


Catholic schools focus on the values of faith, hope, love, and community. We talk openly about values and spend time each day giving children an opportunity to learn, share, and understand the consequences of good and bad behaviors. We believe in Jesus Christ and we have a feeling of grace that comes from our beliefs.

Can the school your child attends teach the sort of lessons that will help your child become a good and compassionate person? Is there a clear expectation that all children will be treated with respect by teachers and other students?

How a school handles these issues indicates whether the school is capable of reinforcing the values that you and other parents teach at home. Ultimately, we want your child to grow up to be a good and compassionate person, and we will do everything we can to help you raise your child in the right way.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lordy! Louisiana Voters Think Bush Did a Better Job of Handling Crisis Than Obama by 54%-33% President Shrimp Toast Heads for Big Easy!

Louisiana Voters Think Bush Did a Better Job of Handling Crisis Than Obama by 54%-33%! Yep, The Levee Breaks Both Ways I guess.

Louisiana has face two major crisis in recent years. The first was hurricane Katrina handled by former President Bush. The second was the Gulf oil spill handled by current President Obama. A PPP poll asked likely voters who they think is better at handling crisis, Obama or Bush. 54% chose President Bush. Only 33% picked President Obama.

Now the Fresh Prince of Marth's Vineyard, President Shrimp Toast, has ordered that his bags be re-packed for . . . THE BIG EASY!!!!

Obama is to speak Sunday afternoon at Xavier University, a historically black, Catholic university that was badly flooded by the storm. The White House says he will discuss what's been done and remains to be done in rebuilding from Katrina, and also talk about an oil spill cleanup that's been complicated by conflicting assessments of how much oil remains and its long-term effects.When the promises of the governments in US and EU go unfulfilled.

The Late Cook County Board President -John Stroger went to St. Xav's!

Sing Kumbaya and Give Your Old Fanny One Last Kiss - Jody Weis Adopts Obama Diplomacy

CHICAGO, Oct. 31, 2007 — Senator Barack Obama says he would “engage in aggressive personal diplomacy” with Iran if elected president and would offer economic inducements and a possible promise not to seek “regime change” if Iran stopped meddling in Iraq and cooperated on terrorism and nuclear issues. . . .“We are willing to talk about certain assurances in the context of them showing some good faith,” he said in the interview at his campaign headquarters here. “I think it is important for us to send a signal that we are not hellbent on regime change, just for the sake of regime change, but expect changes in behavior. And there are both carrots and there are sticks available to them for those changes in behavior.”
The Guns of August Summit between Jody and the Gang-bangers!

The under-the-public’s-radar gathering -- first reported in Saturday’s editions of the Sun-Times -- was part of the new Chicago Gang Violence Reduction Initiative.

“They did not like the idea at all,” Weis said Saturday at an unrelated news conference with Mayor Daley.

“We are focusing on group responsibility,” Weis said. “If one of these guys should kill another gang member, we are going to come down on them with all the firepower we have.”

Great to the City of Chicago is willing to give Bro Man, Bo Diddley and all the other Urban Translators a heads-up on the mutually benefical compacts to come!

When will Americans begin again to laugh at the clowns and not give them any authority? Soon, I hope.

Author Scott Carmichael to Help Retieve Remains of Marines Killed on Guam

My father, Patrick E. Hickey ( carrying the tripod in the photo), died last April 25, 2010. Most of the young men in his WWII Marine Company - Able, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines were wounded or killed on this day. Author Scott Carmichael is completing a book on my Dad's Company and the battles that he never talked about for the balance of his life. I informed him that my cousin Willie had found my Dad's Seabag with the number 312 stenciled next to his name. Mr. Carmichael replied -

Wow. Do you know what the number 312 represents? The men used a numbering
system for their gear. They didn't take their seabags along as they rode
their amtraks onto the beach, of course. Seabags were left behind on the
LSTs, for later retrieval. The men numbered not only their seabags, but a
lot of other equipment and gear. 312 = 3rd Marine Regiment/1st Battalion/2nd
company. The headquarters company was always listed as the 1st company
(311). That made Able company the 2nd company in the battalion (312).
Thanks for the information about the photograph.
The photograph above was confirmed to be my Dad carrying the tripod of the machine gun.

Mr. Carmichael contacted me days after my Dad passed away. He was looking for the few survivors of Able Company. Marine Lt. Krawiec died in January 0f 2010, but the gentle and humorous Mr. Troup still lives with his wife and the horrible and multiple wounds he received on Red Beach 2 Sixty Six years ago. I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Troup, back in May.

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from Scott Carmichael about the progress on the book and sent me two photos of Marine mess gear found by two Boy Scouts on the ridge above the Asan landing beaches, in 1961 - several Marines from the Headquarters Company were attached to Able Company in the assault on Bundschu Ridge and their bodies were never discovered and are believed to be on that ridge yet.

Scott Carmichael wants to assist in the recovery of these young men lost in July, 1944 while Liberating Guam. Here is the note -


It’s ( profress on the book) coming along fairly well. Lately, I have been populating my outline with the many (thousands) tidbits of information which I developed during the research phase of the project – akin to putting a jigsaw puzzle together, to form a whole picture. So far, my outline runs to 180+ pages. Quite an outline. I’d estimate that the outline is 75-80% complete. Once the outline is complete, I will be either ready to write – or, burned out.

Ran into a snag while planning travel to Guam to look for the remains of our Marine on Bundschu Ridge – funding. My wife looked at the estimated cost and put her foot down. Well, I’m developing work-arounds. I’ve secured free lodging through a relative of a friend…, and I submitted an application to the USMC Heritage Foundation for a grant to cover the expense of airfare. Still waiting to hear from the Foundation regarding the grant. My travel partner – Joe Tuttle, who was one of the ‘young men’ who discovered the remains of a Marine on Bundschu Ridge circa 1961 – believes that he will be ready to go in November – just in time for your article, I suppose (though, Joe insists upon maintaining a low profile regarding this search for the remains. Joe feels fairly confident that he will be able to find them. But this is a very personal effort, for him. He feels quite guilty for leaving that young Marine on the ridge.). So…, if I get the grant, we hope to travel to Guam in November. Mention of the book project in the Irish American News would be a good idea. . . .

I don’t recall whether I provided the attached photos to you in an earlier email. Photos of the canteen found on Bundschu Ridge circa 1961 by Joe Tuttle and friends. This is the canteen which was found with the remains of that Marine. Thought you might enjoy it.
Scott Carmichael

Saturday, August 28, 2010

R.I.P. Phil Krone : 1941-2010 Gentleman Liberal Patriot

All theory is against freedom of the will; all experience for it.
Samuel Johnson

Phil Krone is missed. He was the last of the Gentleman Liberal Patriots. Phil Krone invited debate, drank in opposing ideas and courteously offered thoughtful rebuttal without ever raising the volume, let alone insulting his combatant.

My political beliefs differed from Mr. Krone, though we both registered and tended to vote as Democrats.

Phil was an ideological Keynesian Liberal -like John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Simon and the great Paul Douglas, with just a pinch of Henry Wallace.

I adhere to the urban Ward-level empirical Regular Democratic point of view, that never parses away moral and religious convictions.

My political hero was my uncle and the Hickey family patriarch after the death of my grandfather - Larry "Bud" Hickey.

Uncle Bud was the Chief Engineer for Cook County Hospital from the 1950's until the 1980's. He was then made the Chief Engineer of Cook County by George W. Dunne. Uncle Bud and his large family lived in Meyer Hall - the former Cook County Hospital Doctors Residence at Taylor and Wolcott -because Uncle Bud was on duty 24 hours a day. The great surgeon and former Director of Admissions for Loyola Medical School, Dr. James H. Kennedy,MD once told me that as young resident at CCH he told, "See the Medical Director, but, above all, pay attention to Larry Hickey."

When Abortion, got its bloody foot in the door of the American soul in the late 1960's, Progressive forces, like the bed bugs now scourging urban American, bullied politicians with Policy. False tickling Policy. In the late 1970's, Cook County purchased an incinerator for the sole purpose of burning aborted fetuses.

Uncle Bud installed the gas operated incinerator and welded its doors shut. No Fetuses would be burned. it operated, but absolutely no fetuses were burned. The children would be buried with human dignity. You see, Uncle Bud was a Catholic, when that meant something, and Catholics, at that time, were prohibited from cremating the human body. All of that was parsed out by clerical Vatican II Cupcakes, don't you know.

News of this got out. The Policy hit the fan. Uncle Bud told Dunne, "Fire Me, but those doors stay welded shut."

George Dunne ended abortions at Cook County Hospital, except to save the life of the mother, because he agreed that Cook County Hospital had become no more, in the Cook County President's words, 'an Abortion Mill,*' Uncle Bud and George Dunne were Democrats. Dick Phelan bowed to Planned parenthood as Cook County President.

Policy, Phil Krone would argue, took into consideration the idea of a Woman's Choice - the euphemism for abortion -and Policy overtook the empirical act of killing a child in the mother's woman.

Gentlemen can agree to disagree - Policy holds that war is bad. A combat veteran understands that sometimes you need to squirt napalm into a cave and incinerate twenty enemy combatants in order to make Peace Happen.

Phil Krone unlike Uncle Bud believed that a Policy of Choice would bring about a better world. Phil Krone had a great heart and a wonderful intellect. Uncle Bud had a gas-operated incinerator that would burn the aborted fetuses of children. Gentlemen can disagree.

I raise the issue of abortion,only to make the distinction between Policy and Politics.

Phil Krone's voice was never the strident, arrogant, divisive pusillanimous caw of the Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, or Rachel Maddow. Phil Krone put his money where his heart was and entered the political arena in the New York Primary, though suffering in the last months of his heroic life.

Phil Krone believed in Civil Rights, Peace, Human Dignity, Liberty and Justice.

More importantly, Phil Krone respected the people who believe in those very same principles, but disagee with the path to them.

May Christ throw open His Arms for a Gentleman Liberal Patriot! God Bless you, Phil!


Dunne's views on women's sexuality are hypocritical
Click here for complete article

Date: May 4, 1988
Publication: Chicago Sun-Times
Page: 32
Word Count: 528
As the powerful Cook County Board president, George Dunne has been almost singlehandedly responsible for the fact that poor women cannot obtain abortions at Cook County Hospital.
While the issue of this abuse of power through the use of sex is the foremost issue publicly raised by the Better Government Association, there is another issue here: Sex carries with it the risk of pregnancy.
It is time to take notice of the hypocrisy of male politicians on the issue of women'...

Friday, August 27, 2010

True Story of Chicago's Celtic Fest - It Was Developed by Willie Winters

The inaugural Celtic Fest Chicago took place September 21-22, 1997 on Columbus Drive and Jackson Boulevard in Grant Park. Its lofty goal was to educate the public on Celtic music and culture from the 7 Celtic nations. Those nations are Ireland; Scotland; Isle of Man; Cornwall; Wales; Galicia, Spain; and Brittany, France. Headliners the first year included John McDermott, La Bottine Souriante, Altan, Leahy and Carlos Nunez. All true but there is more.

Willie Winters worked for James "Skinny" Sheahan who was the City of Chicago Director of Special Event, when Chicago knew how to throw a party. Once Sheahan and Winters departed Festivals seemed to turn into a PBS Pledge Drive. For a Taste of Chicago, Willie once put together the great Tom Jones and Chicago's Mambo Express headed by the great Victor Parra! That was a knockout!

For Celtic Fest, Willie Winters went out and attracted each of the brilliant talents listed above and more - The Great Big Sea of Canada and the Bing Brothers of North Carolina. Willie studied the music of the Celt and brought it home to Chicago. Now?

Willie brought in the great Donal Luny who is presented here -

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History of Celtic Fest Chicago
The inaugural Celtic Fest Chicago took place September 21-22, 1997 on Columbus Drive and Jackson Boulevard in Grant Park. Its lofty goal was to educate the public on Celtic music and culture from the 7 Celtic nations. Those nations are Ireland; Scotland; Isle of Man; Cornwall; Wales; Galicia, Spain; and Brittany, France. Headliners the first year included John McDermott, La Bottine Souriante, Altan, Leahy and Carlos Nunez.

The festival was unique in that it highlighted different Celtic instruments such as the Harp and the Uilleann Pipe, which is the Irish bagpipe worked by pumping air into it with an elbow.

Celtic dancing has been a big part of the festival since it began. Local dance schools showcase their students on their own separate stage. Fest goers were introduced to ceili dancing and eagerly participated.

The bagpipe parades through festival grounds have been a tradition at the event since the beginning. The general public is invited to parade along with the pipers.

Over the years, we’ve added the Gathering Tent, now programmed by our Presenting Sponsor,; a Celtic Cultural Tent, Sheepherding demonstrations in Butler Field each day, which has proven to be a very popular family destination; a Men in Kilts Leg Contest; a Coffee & Tea Garden; an upgraded children’s area featuring musical performances and new for 2009 is a traveling exhibit titled: Come Back to Erin: Irish Travel Posters of the 20th Century.

A Poignant Tale of Urban Travel

A woman gets onto a bus with her baby.

The bus driver says, “That’s the ugliest baby that I’ve ever seen. Ugh!”

The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her, “The driver just insulted me!”

The man says, “There’s no call for that. You go right up there and tell him off.
Go ahead; I’ll hold your monkey for you.”


"In riposte to any double meaning naughty suggestion, "I beg your pardon" should be used. "I beg your pudding" is the jocular form." J.P. Donleavy from The Unexpurgated Code A Complete Manual of Survival & Manners

Governor Pat Quinn Can Win - Perhaps Bill Brady is Billy Conn; Pat Quinn Should Shed Progressive Goofs for a Joe Louis Punch!

Will Bill Brady or Pat Quinn use this quote from Billy Conn? -
-- "What's the use of being Irish if you can't be dumb?"

Read more:

I believe that Governor Pat Quinn can win in November. He is in the political fight of his life with Bill Brady and also with himself.
Here's the numbers now -

Pat Quinn* (D-inc): 30 (30)
Bill Brady (R): 39 (34)
Rich Whitney (G): 11 (9)
Undecided: 20 (27)

Pat Quinn is a bridge builder and has made a career of amassing support from regular Democrats, who are fiscal and social conservatives and the most numerous demographic in Illinois, but he has also played into the Progressive Cash Cows that require a Catholic politician to jettison his core beliefs for a few nickels.

SEIU, Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, and Progressive coalitions that co-opt the LBBTQ voters, the radical University Policy think-tanks and Centers, the Socialists and the Communists own too many Democrats. This network has more money than the Vatican. It has wild influence with the Media and with transient,unmarried and very loud crowd. Taxpayers are Regular Democrats, Republicans and some Independents. The Greens are out there . . .way out there.

Pat Quinn's muscle and sinew could and should be the not Purple T-shirt crowd of public trough suckers, the real genuine Middle Class of Illinois - farmers, small-business people, cops, firefighters, skilled tradesmen and genuine property owners.

Last week, I wrote here,

Governor Pat Quinn should model his campaign after the will of the voters of Dan Lipinski's 2rd Congressional District, rather than to continue his unrequited love affair with Progressives. Pat Quinn already has Progressive knives in his ribs - just read Capitol Fax Blog and SEIU's Progress Illinois.

Stay with the folks, Governor. Retired Illinois Represenattive Kevin Joyce enjoyed
wild support, as does Senator Ed Maloney. These guys listened to people who vote and not Pie Chart Pirates like Ralph Martire or Policy Punks from every agenda.

Queer Centric Congressman Mike Quigley** can get away with that due to the fact that most of Illinois's homosexual community resides in his District and LGBTQ Activistas are thick in the Progressive Machine -not so Braidwood, Utica, Mendota, Cobden, or Macomb.

Progressives get good, smarmy and downright unctuous press, but that has a very short realistic shelf life. Ask Barack Obama. Turn to the helots, whom the Progressives always depend upon and then turn on. Skip the middle man. Send the Progressives to the Kiddie Table from whence they came - make sure that the megaphones are without batteries - Hey, it's a tough economy!

Tell the Progressives " Hey, thanks! Can get you a drink? Six Pack to Go?"

Do it before Labor Day, because Pat Quinn needs to start hitting the heavy bags.

Bill Brady scares the bejabbers out the Progressive Network, in much the same way that Sarah Palin does, because Brady is true to his core beliefs and instincts. I do not see Brady to be anywhere near as skilled a politician as Pat Quinn, but he is an honest and forthright man.

This could be the Billy Conn Joe Louis bout with Bill Brady as the Irish Tough Guy and Pat Quinn as the Brown Bomber, only if Pat Quinn gets wise to himself and his core beliefs.

If he really and truly believes that abortion is great, homosexual marriage a right and necessity, and tax-bleeding what government is all about as Ralph Martire, Quentin Young, and Planned Parenthood have always told him, he will go down without throwing a punch.

Raleigh, N.C. – As one of the ten least popular of the 27 governors PPP has polled this
year, Pat Quinn was already on shaky ground, down 34-30 to Bill Brady among
registered voters in June. But among likely voters, Quinn remains at 30% to Brady’s
39%, with Green Party candidate Rich Whitney also slightly increasing his share of the
vote, from 9% to 11%, with 20% still undecided.
Quinn is partly hurt by the presence of Whitney, who gets 10% of Democrats, helping to
hold Quinn at only 60% of his own party’s support, to Brady’s 80% of the GOP. But
Quinn’s job performance does him no favors with his own party. As in the Senate race,
Democrats are not moved by their nominee, with 24% of them undecided, to only 10% of
Republicans unsure of their vote. Whitney also gets more, 19%, of independents than
does Quinn at 15%. Brady has more unaffiliated support, at 40%, than Quinn and
Whitney combined.
Only 40% of Quinn’s party members approve of his job performance, but 81% of
Republicans and 60% of independents disapprove, giving him a dismal 23-53 overall
mark. Brady breaks even with independents, but is slightly more liked by Republicans
than disliked by Democrats, for an overall 25-30 favorability, down from 22-22 in June.
Both Quinn and Brady are more disliked by members of their own party than they are
liked by the opposite party.
“For all the talk of anti-Washington sentiment, governors are in many places the least
popular figures in the country, and Pat Quinn is no exception in Illinois,” said Dean
Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “But he still has more room to improve than
does Brady, who already has his party and independents locked up. As with Alexi
Giannoulias in the Senate race, if Quinn can get his base off the fence to support him and
then turn them out, he can eke out a victory in this blue state.”
PPP surveyed 576 likely Illinois voters from August 14th to 15th. The survey’s margin of
error is +/-4.1%. Other factors, such as refusal to be interviewed and weighting, may
introduce additional error that is more difficult to quantify.
If you would like an interview regarding this release, please contact Dean Debnam at
(888) 621-6988 or 919-880-4888.

In May of 1941 Billy Conn vacated the light heavyweight championship to fight Joe Louis for the heavyweight championship of the world.

Joe Louis wanted a June fight, and since Billy Conn looked to be the only possible opponent, the fight was scheduled for June 18, 1941.

Billy Conn fought Joe Louis in front of a crowd of 54,487 fans at the Polo Grounds in New York City in a fight that turned out to be one of the greatest heavyweight boxing fights of all time. The fight was Joe Louis’ eighteenth title defense and proved to be one of the toughest of his career. And for Conn, he was outweighed by more than 25 pounds and at a further disadvantage in height and reach.

This fight was one of the highest profiled sporting event of the era.. The same night this fight was taking place at The Polo Grounds, home of the baseball New York Giants; The Pittsburg Pirates were playing The Giants at Forbes Field in Pittsburg. When the fight started officials in Pittsburg stopped the baseball game for the fight to be broadcast over the public address system; when the fight was over the ball game resumed.

In his autobiography Joe Louis said, “I made a mistake going into that fight. I knew Conn was kinda small and I didn’t want them to say in the papers that I beat up on some little guy so the day before the fight I did a little roadwork to break a sweat and drank as little water as possible so I could weigh in under 200 pounds. Chappie was as mad as hell. But Conn was a clever fighter, he was like a mosquito, he’d sting and move.” Louis clearly under-estimated the great light heavyweight. Boxing historian Bert Sugar wrote of the fight, Conn carried into the ring, “His consummate boxing skill, his flashy left hand the center piece, (that) made him a lineal descendant of Gentleman Jim Corbett, the first of the great scientific boxers” also with a great defense, “Conn could block punches with his arms, elbows and gloves, and further nullify his opponents punches by ‘rolling’ with them” also having “Remarkable recuperative powers, having been knocked down only twice in his career and haven gotten up both times.”

For the better part of thirteen rounds, the beautiful jabbing, feinting, and maneuvering of Conn gave him the advantage in the fight. Louis did have his moments when he stunned Conn with a left hook in the 5th, cutting his eye and nose. By the 8th round dehydration set in on Louis and he began to tire badly. By the 12th round Louis was completely exhausted with Conn ahead on two of three boxing scorecards.

Then Billy got cocky and overconfident at the part of the fight when he knew he was winning on points. Conn decided to trade punches with the heavy hitting Louis, as the two were slugging it out Louis landed a powerful left hook to the jaw of Conn. He followed that up with an even harder right as Conn was almost ready to collapse. Billy had little left but courage as Louis battered his body with lefts and rights until the crushing right landed with only two seconds on the clock to end the thirteenth round. A finishing right from Louis’ TNT fist brought an abrupt end to the dazzling show. Overconfidence caused Billy Conn’s downfall in the fight.

Even losing the fight by a thirteenth round knockout Billy Conn came close to defeating The Brown Bomber.

The fight went down in the history of boxing as one of the ten greatest heavyweight fights of all time.