Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Journolist Saga - Pampered American Fops of What Used to Be Journalism

I have been following the less than newsie revelations concerning the Journolist Play Pals.

This is an amalgamation of pampered, snitty, smarmy, band of fops in American journalism - the bright young things. One and all they are a daisey-chain of rich Toney School brats with oodles of talent and much more clout than a Chicago Community Activist!

Lately, it has been reported by Andrew Brietbart and Tucker Carlson that there was an Our Gang Comedy of a conspiracy to queer the Reverend Jeremiah Wright rantings and frighten the titmice of the American media - like a cake-walk.

This cavalcade of dandies are trotted out on the swiftly sinkibg MSNBC Ship of Fools - all of these fops lisp - is that an homage to 18th Century dandies? Chris Hayes, Ezra Klein & etc. Each and every Journolist Play Pal seems to lisp. Sounds like steam escaping.

Well this Band of Brummels got their asses outed. Too funny.

Click my post title for more on the American Fop Opera in Progress!

Guam Liberated 66 Years Ago Today -

LVT under heavy fire on Red Beach 2 Guam -July 21, 1944

PFC Patrick E. Hickey USMCR carrying the Tripod for a .30 Cal. Machine Gun - July, 1944 on the ridges above Guam's Red Beach 2.

My father, Patrick E. Hickey, died last April 25, 2010. Most of the young men in his WWII Marine Company - Able, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines were wounded or killed on this day.

My Dad's platoon leader Lt. Krawiec of Chicago was wounded and evacuated getting out of the LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) on the Red Beach 2. PFC Boyd Curtis Troup of Jones, Michigan one of my Dad's best friends and fellow .30 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun crew member was wounded on this beach and evacuated as well.

The balance of Company A ( Able)including it's heroic company commander "Skipper" was pretty much wiped out over the next seventy-two hours taking Chorito Cliff and Bundschu Ridge ( named for Capt. Geary Bundschu-Navy Cross Skipper of A-1-3). Very few members of Able Company continued through the Guam Campaign, in fact the regimental casualties on the first day of the battle, exceeded the 3rd Marine Division Campaign casulties for the previous Battle for Bougainville ( Nov. 1-Dec. 25, 1943).

Author Scott Carmichael is completing a book on my Dad's Company and the battles that he never talked about for the balance of his life. I informed him that my cousin Willie had found my Dad's Seabag with the number 312 stenciled next to his name. Mr. Carmichael replied -

Wow. Do you know what the number 312 represents? The men used a numbering
system for their gear. They didn't take their seabags along as they rode
their amtraks onto the beach, of course. Seabags were left behind on the
LSTs, for later retrieval. The men numbered not only their seabags, but a
lot of other equipment and gear. 312 = 3rd Marine Regiment/1st Battalion/2nd
company. The headquarters company was always listed as the 1st company
(311). That made Able company the 2nd company in the battalion (312).
Thanks for the information about the photograph.
The photograph above was confirmed to be my Dad carrying the tripod of the machine gun.

Mr. Carmichael contacted me days after my Dad passed away. He was looking for the few survivors of Able Company. Marine Lt. Krawiec died in January 0f 2010, but the gentle and humorous Mr. Troup still lives with his wife and the horrible and multiple wounds he received on Red Beach 2 Sixty Six years ago. I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Troup, back in May.

God Bless Every American Veteran!

Loevy and Loevy Against Police Officers - The $eamless Garment

Arthur Loevy congratulates clients.

Jon Loevy started the firm in 1997 after leaving the international law firm Sidley & Austin. Since founding the firm, Jon has been joined in the partnership by his wife, Danielle Loevy; Arthur Loevy, who graduated from the University of Michigan Law School; and Mike Kanovitz, a Cornell Law School graduate who joined the firm after practicing at a class action law firm in Washington, D.C. Today, Jon Loevy and Mr. Kanovitz are widely recognized as among the nation's leading civil rights attorneys because of their accomplishments as trial attorneys, having won multiple jury verdicts of more than $1 million. Since 2008 alone, Mr. Loevy and Mr. Kanovitz have secured jury verdicts of $21 million, $16 million, and victory for a class of more than 100,000 people.

My, my, my!

It might seem odd, but the most successful litigation band of attorneys against police officers and municipalities, Loevy and Loevy had its roots in time when Arthur Loevy, father of Jon Loevy, was out of work as a labor lawyer for the powerful Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union and woked for the Police Union that covers Cook County and small municipalities like Oak Lawn, Evergreen Park, Melrose Park and such. Yet, Loevy and Loevy website makes no mention of Arthur Loevy's work for that Police Union whatsoever. Odd.

Arthur Loevy graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in 1963, and has been a member of the Illinois bar continuously for more than forty years.

Arthur Loevy began his legal career practicing labor law until 1970 when he became an elected officer of a trade union, the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union ("ACTWU"). Arthur proceeded to serve in various elected capacities for trade unions, including International Executive Vice President of ACTWU, International Secretary-Treasurer of ACTWU, and, most recently International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union of Needle-Trades Industrial and Textile Employees (U.N.I.T.E.).

Arthur Loevy has also served as a Director and Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Amalgamated Bank of New York (1990-98), the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Trustee of various Taft-Hartley insurance and trust funds for almost twenty years, the President of the Amalgamated Housing Foundation (1974-98), and the President of the Sidney Hillman Health Center in Chicago (1980-98).

Since January 1, 1997, Arthur Loevy has resumed the practice of law on a full-time basis. In 1998, he joined the law firm started by his son, Jon Loevy, and has practiced here ever since.

Bar Admissions:
The University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1963;Honors and Awards:
"Spirit of Life", City of Hope

Man of the Year Award, Illinois Council of Latin American Advancement

Man of the Year Award, A. Philip Randolph Institute of both the Chicago and Detroit chapters

Recipient, Norman Thomas Award

Annual Dinner Honoree of the Debs Day Foundation

"National Humanitarian Award"

Histradrut Man of the Year Award

Professional Associations and Memberships:
The Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union ("ACTWU")

International Executive of ACTWU
Vice President
International Secretary-Treasurer of ACTWU

International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union of Needle-Trades Industrial and Textile Employees

Executive Committee of the Amalgamated Bank of New York, 1990 - 1998
Director and Vice Chairman

Amalgamated Housing Foundation, 1974 - 1998

Sidney Hillman Health Center, 1980 - 1998

The Secretary and the President are the top of the labor food chain.
Arthur Loevey was groomed, it seems, for a position power with Amalgamated Textile Workers Union ( later UNITE) and held positions of authority in Chicago and New York, as well as with Amalgamated Bank - the savings and lending institution founded by the the union in 1923. Then for some reason, Arthur Loevy was no longer with the union.

In the late 1990's, Arthur Loevy left the Amalgamated Textile Workers Union (UNITE), one of the most powerful, wealthy, and politically influential labor unions in America, under a cloud and was out of work. Mr. Loevy band of attorneys went to work for a Police Union and was paid $85,757.03 through 1999, by the Cook County Police Association ( later Combined Counties Police Association -CCPA). Yet, Loevy and Loevy Website make no mention of Arthur Loevy's work for the Police Union. Odd.

Arthur Loevy's time with policemen has made his son's law firm the most lucrative police suing practice in this industry. Arthur Loevy brought five police officers to his son from suburban police departments bannered under the Police Union by which Arthur Loevy was paid a mere $85,757.03 , by CCPA, during his wilderness years away from The Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union.

About that time, young Jon Loevy started suing police Departments when he quit Sidley and Austin and after clerking for Judge Milton Shadur. I believe that he started in Oak Lawn, Illinois when the Village settled out of court and the rest is litigation history. Jon Loevey quickly racked in millions and employed a tight network of politicians, judges, activists, media experts like David Axelrod and Ray Hanania, and police officers to that end. Thus, from Loevy and Loevy's wbesite -

Joseph Regalado: The $28 million jury verdict obtained by Loevy & Loevy in 1999 (in a case tried before Judge Shadur) is the largest police brutality jury verdict in the history of the City, and is believed to be the highest tort verdict against Chicago as well. Mr. Regalado was beaten into a coma by two Chicago Police Officers and ever since, he has been in a "locked in" condition: conscious, yet unable to move or speak

I will be adding more in the days to come.

It is interesting to me that undermining any and all faith in Law Enforcement, while a lucrative practice, is rooted somehow in the American labor movement. A Seamless Garment. Labor Omnia Vincit in so many ways.

Image of Arthur Loevy:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Homicides Keep Coming - Auburn Gresham Killing Zones

Last week Chicago Tribune's Tracy Schwartz presented some of the homicides in Auburn Gresham neighborhood - the home to Leo High School. I am here nearly every day.

Savages kill because they can - it does not require Emile Zola or Enrico Fermi to figure that out. Guns are used because they are easy to get and the quickest and most effective means of dispatching another human being to the Other Side; however, Savages ( bi-peds void of any moral sense or understanding)will use knives, machettes, planks, the odd piece of scrap metal, or huge chunks of concrete to effect another's demise. Guns mostly are used. Guns kill people in much the same manner that pencils fail examinations.

Savages are parsed by opinion columnists as later day Jean Valjean's or petted as half-wits. Lawyers take up their cause along with editorial boards - if it bleeds it leads!

Ms. Swartz offered a fine report -

Auburn Gresham saw its 2010 homicide toll reach a dozen victims this week, a RedEye analysis of preliminary police data found.

A 33-year-old man was shot to death Sunday in the 8300 block of South Hermitage Avenue in the Far South Side community area, police said.

All of Auburn Gresham's 12 homicides this year have been fatal shootings, RedEye determined. The victims, 11 males and one female, ranged in age from 15 to 44, RedEye found.

Citywide, fatal shootings were recorded in North Lawndale, Oakland and Washington Heights in the last week, RedEye determined. Meanwhile, a 23-year-old man was fatally stabbed Saturday in South Shore, police said.

Nineteen homicides have been recorded so far this month, RedEye found. Police recorded 58 homicides in July last year, RedEye found.
July 15 – Anthony Cox, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 15 – Jeremiah Sterling, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Pullman.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 11 – Jerome Cole, a 33 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Auburn Gresham.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 10 – Kemanuel Montgomery, a 23 year old black male, caused by a stabbing in South Shore.
> Read more about this homicide.
July 9 – Eric Hughes, a 21 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Washington Heights.
> Read more about this homicide.

People get slaughtered, lawyers net 30%, papers sell and idiots get re-elected.

Chicago Police Officers - Targets of Savages and Clever Lawyers

In jsut a matter of a few weeks, three Chicago Police Officers have been murdered in Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone. Savages murder with impunity because they can.

Veteran Chicago Police Officer Michael Bailey follows the rookie Chicago Police Officer Thomas Wortham IV and veteran Chicago Police Officer Thor Soderberg to the grave because there is no fear of the law and none whatsoever of Law Enforcement.

I plan to examine the the rise of Loevy and Loevy law firm which specializes in suing Law Enforcement and Chicago Police Officers in particular. Loevy and Loevy is a nitch industry that targets police officers. Thugs can target police officers and rest assured that will find sharp, service-oriented attornies ready, will and able to advocate their suits with the full power of every columnist and editorial board trying their case in the court of public opinion. Police officers are on their own.

I will be talking to John Flood, for whom Arthur Loevy once worked. John Flood is a celebarted police officer and police labor leader*.

Jon Loevy, it seems to me, learned how to target police officers and sue cities, townships and counties from his father - one-time labor lawyer and powerhouse Arthur Loevy.

This, to me, is a public safety issue.

*John J. Flood Biography

John J. Flood, a seasoned veteran of police work, is the founder of the Combined Counties Police Association, one of the most well-known and respected independent law enforcement unions ever formed in the United States.

An established and recognized crime fighter and authority on the La Cosa Nostra and the Chicago Outfit, Flood was an associate of the late FBI agent and author Bill Roemer. Flood advised Roemer on much of the information on the mob that was used in his many books.

Mr. Flood is recognized by his peers to be one of the foremost experts on organized crime, syndicate gambling, and vice activities in Illinois and nationally. His career began as a patrol officer in the Wheeling Police Department after three years in the US Army. Two years later, he submitted his application to the Cook County Police Department. The stirrings of law enforcement reform within the Sheriff’s Police were taking place. The Department was going through major reorganization of historic note.

Flood caught one of two "hit cars" ever taken down in the history of Chicago where he was almost murdered. Joey "Lumpy" Lombardo tried to run Flood over with his car when he and Frank Schweihs were right in the act of committing a syndicate-ordered hit. The victim to be – mob facilitator, Richard Hauff. (Read the story.)

Flood's police background was in his blood. His father, John T. Flood, was a First Grade New York City Detective, serving 30 years. He was very familiar with Organized Crime activities in the City of New York, information he passed on to his son. John was brought up on the mean streets of the Bronx, New York, where you ended up either good or bad. He served in the US Army, remaining in Chicago after receiving an Honorable Discharge at For Sheridan, Illinois.

Cook County voters had just elected a man of character and integrity to the Office of Cook County Sheriff. That man was Richard B. Ogilvie, who had successfully prosecuted nationally known mob Chieftain Tony Accardo and six years later became Governor of Illinois. Ogilvie committed his regime to ending influence peddling, political corruption, and the menacing vice grip of organized crime in Cook County. To these ends, it was necessary to select a cadre of elite police officers who were above reproach -- men of courage and sterling character who would be guided by their conscience and committed to Sheriff Ogilvie's agenda for historic change. One such man was the youthful but aggressive Flood. He led many gambling raids into syndicate-infiltrated suburbs and particularly the Town of Cicero, a stronghold of organized crime since the days of Al Capone.

Flood's work earned the highest praise from his fellow officers and the Ogilvie's administration. The Chicago Crime Commission cited him in several of their yearly reports for his arrests of organized crime figures.

Flood was promoted to Supervisor-in-Charge of Vice for the Northern half of Cook County. He was the youngest officer to hold down such a sensitive post. In this capacity he participated in, and supervised numerous gambling raids countywide. He was quickly familiarized with the inner workings of organized crime, particularly as it related to illegal bookmaking, wire rooms, and card games. Chicago Police officers whom Ogilvie had handpicked for their street ability and knowledge of organized crime to unleash reform imparted their exclusive knowledge and guided him.

Flood was next appointed to Supervisor-in-Charge of the Detective Section for the northern half of Cook County and was subsequently assigned as the Supervisor-in-Charge of the Criminal Indictment Warrant and Fugitive Section at the Criminal Courts Building, 2600 S. California Ave. During these years, Flood continued to zero in on syndicate hoodlums and their criminal activity with little regard for his own personal safety. Simply collecting a paycheck and marking time -- fine for some police officers -- was never John Flood's personal style.

Frustrated by the administrative bureaucracy and high level corruption that continued to permeate the Cook County Sheriff's Police Department, and the patent disregard for the rights of the street cops he so dearly loved, John Flood decided it was time to enact meaningful change in to police departments. He and other police officers formed the Cook County Police Association (renamed the Combined Counties Police Association in later years), to serve as the collective bargaining agent for police officers. Their actions and activities made law enforcement history.

Until John Flood established CCPA there had never been a true police union in Illinois. No one with the courage of his or her convictions had dared speak out before. He was the pioneer and led the way. He laid the foundation for rights and job benefits that at one time were unheard of in the police profession. He led more job actions by police officers than any other law enforcement union leader in the United States. All of the salary benefits enjoyed by officers today were initiated by the police union – that was known to every political official as “Flood’s union”

Following a highly successful and publicized police strike in the Town of Cicero, the fledgling union negotiated a series of ground-breaking collective bargaining agreements for police officers in the State of Illinois. Mr. Flood's personal leadership, charisma and the courage to shine the spotlight on wrongdoing in high places, established as a man for the times.

In recognition of this fact, Mr. Flood has received numerous commendations and appointments, including the Illinois Attorney General's Law Enforcement Advisory Committee, and the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Crime Commission and is a member of the Illinois Academy of Criminology. Mr. Flood has spoken at numerous universities, symposiums, and labor relations seminars across the United States and was honored by the Emerald Society of Illinois as the 1994 "Police Officer of the Year."

He was cited for arresting a rape and home invasion suspect wanted by the Cook County Sheriff's police. (Read the news story.)

In 1989, Flood announced his candidacy for Sheriff of Cook County. Having spent a decade exposing corruption in the Cook County Sheriff's Office, and battling the corrupt administration of Sheriff James O'Grady and his convicted Under sheriff, James E. Dvorak, Flood vowed to clean up the agency. He ran on a platform to eliminate the election of Sheriff, and called for the appointment instead by the Cook County Board.

Mr. Flood resides in Chicago, Illinois and Las Vegas, Nevada. . . .
He is a frequent guest on television and radio talk show programs around the country, addressing the Mafia, Organized Crime and Police and Policing issues. He is available for public speaking engagements and seminars on police and labor relations, and on issues involving organized crime. To make an appointment, call (702) 991-1848

Congratulations to St. Rita Cheerleaders - Co-Champions at Northern Illinois University Competition

St. Rita Cheerleaders competed at Northern Illinois University's competition and tied for the championship with the ladies of Carl Sandburg High School last night at the DeKalb, IL campus.

Well Done Mustangs!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Night Noise - Louis Prima and Keeley Smith

If can not have fun with Louis Prima and Keeley Smith . . .Square Ged Oudda Dare! Hey, Boy!

Consider Samuel Johnson's "London" When Thinking About Chicago

In the 18th Century, the fashion in poets, as in all things, was imitation. Imitation was and is the means by which the best that has been presented can be restored for ages to come - consider, in music, the parade of cover bands. Imitation was and should not be duplication. Rather, a poet fashioned what was great in Classical Greek and Roman literature into the vernacular-spiced with contemporary allusions to public person, politics, and events.

London in 1737, was a horrific mess. The city was overcrowded, crime-ridden, gang-infested, and notoriously corrupt. Yet, London was the heartbeat of the Hanoverian Empire of King George III,so busy taxing his colonies out of existence.

Samuel Johnson was a poor man - impecunious, broke, Tapioca. However, he was a powerful intellect and a robust and energetic citizen. Chicago's Tom Roeser has about the liveliest mind and matching conservative spirit to Dr. Johnson.

The poem "London" is and Imitation of the Roman poet Juvenal's Third Satire and it written in closed couplets - two exact rhyming lines expressing a complete thought or sentiment.

Given Chicago's horrifically murderous condition and notorious corruption - I am more concerned with the Huge Brahmin Thieves than I am with the Streets and Sanitation worker grabbing a snooze - the stuff of the Inspector General and the Shakman Snitch Enterprises.

I think that this poem reflects our times. The character Thales is a guy who is sick of it all and wants to blow town for the quiet of rustic Wales (Cambria).



By Samuel Johnson 1738

———Quis ineptæ
Tam patiens Urbis, tam ferreus ut teneat se?
Who is so patient of the foolish City, so iron-willed that he can contain himself?

Tho' Grief and Fondness in my Breast rebel,
When injur'd Thales bids the Town farewell,
Yet still my calmer Thoughts his Choice commend,
I praise the Hermit, but regret the Friend,
Resolved at length, from Vice and London far,
To breathe in distant Fields a purer Air,
And, fix'd on Cambria's solitary shore,
Give to St. David one true Briton more.
For who would leave, unbrib'd, Hibernia's Land,
Or change the Rocks of Scotland for the Strand?
There none are swept by sudden Fate away,
But all whom Hunger spares, with Age decay:
Here Malice, Rapine, Accident, conspire,
And now a Rabble Rages, now a Fire;
Their Ambush here relentless Ruffians lay,
And here the fell Attorney prowls for Prey;
Here falling Houses thunder on your Head,
And here a female Atheist talks you dead.

While Thales waits the Wherry that contains
Of dissipated Wealth the small Remains,
On Thames's Banks, in silent Thought we stood,
Where Greenwich smiles upon the silver Flood:
Struck with the Seat that gave Eliza Birth,
We kneel, and kiss the consecrated Earth;
In pleasing Dreams the blissful Age renew,
And call Britannia's Glories back to view;
Behold her Cross triumphant on the Main,
The Guard of Commerce, and the Dread of Spain,
Ere Masquerades debauch'd, Excise oppress'd,
Or English Honour grew a standing Jest.

A transient Calm the happy Scenes bestow,
And for a Moment lull the Sense of Woe.
At length awaking, with contemptuous Frown,
Indignant Thales eyes the neighb'ring Town.

Since Worth, he cries, in these degen'rate Days,
Wants ev'n the cheap Reward of empty Praise;
In those curst Walls, devote to Vice and Gain,
Since unrewarded Science toils in vain;
Since Hope but sooths to double my Distress,
And ev'ry Moment leaves my Little less;
While yet my steady Steps no Staff sustains,
And Life still vig'rous revels in my Veins;
Grant me, kind Heaven, to find some happier Place,
Where Honesty and Sense are no Disgrace;
Some pleasing Bank where verdant Osiers play,
Some peaceful Vale with Nature's Paintings gay;
Where once the harass'd Briton found Repose,
And safe in Poverty defy'd his Foes;
Some secret Cell, ye Pow'rs, indulgent give.
Let —— live here, for —— has learn'd to live.
Here let those reign, whom Pensions can incite
To vote a Patriot black, a Courtier white;
Explain their Country's dear-bought Rights away,
And plead for Pirates in the Face of Day;
With slavish Tenets taint our poison'd Youth,
And lend a Lye the confidence of Truth.

Let such raise Palaces, and Manors buy,
Collect a Tax, or farm a Lottery,
With warbling Eunuchs fill a licens'd Stage,
And lull to Servitude a thoughtless Age.

Heroes, proceed! What Bounds your Pride shall hold?
What Check restrain your Thirst of Pow'r and Gold?
Behold rebellious Virtue quite o'erthrown,
Behold our Fame, our Wealth, our Lives your own.

To such, a groaning Nation's Spoils are giv'n,
When publick Crimes inflame the Wrath of Heav'n:
But what, my Friend, what Hope remains for me,
Who start at Theft, and blush at Perjury?
Who scarce forbear, tho' Britain's Court he sing,
To pluck a titled Poet's borrow'd Wing;
A Statesman's Logic, unconvinc'd can hear,
And dare to slumber o'er the Gazetteer;
Despise a Fool in half his Pension drest,
And strive in vain to laugh at H—y's jest.

Others with softer Smiles, and subtler Art,
Can sap the Principles, or taint the Heart;
With more Address a Lover's Note convey,
Or bribe a Virgin's Innocence away.
Well may they rise, while I, whose Rustic Tongue
Ne'er knew to puzzle Right, or varnish Wrong,
Spurn'd as a Beggar, dreaded as a Spy,
Live unregarded, unlamented die.

For what but social Guilt the Friend endears?
Who shares Orgilio's Crimes, his Fortune shares.
But thou, should tempting Villainy present
All Marlb'rough hoarded, or all Villiers spent;
Turn from the glitt'ring Bribe thy scornful Eye,
Nor sell for Gold, what Gold could never buy,
The peaceful Slumber, self-approving Day,
Unsullied Fame, and Conscience ever gay.

The cheated Nation's happy Fav'rites, see!
Mark whom the Great caress, who frown on me!
London! the needy Villain's gen'ral Home,
The Common Shore of Paris and of Rome;
With eager Thirst, by Folly or by Fate,
Sucks in the Dregs of each corrupted State.
Forgive my Transports on a Theme like this,
I cannot bear a French metropolis.

Illustrious Edward! from the Realms of Day,
The Land of Heroes and of Saints survey;
Nor hope the British Lineaments to trace,
The rustic Grandeur, or the surly Grace;
But lost in thoughtless Ease, and empty Show,
Behold the Warriour dwindled to a Beau;
Sense, Freedom, Piety, refin'd away,
Of France the Mimic, and of Spain the Prey.

All that at home no more can beg or steal,
Or like a Gibbet better than a Wheel;
Hiss'd from the Stage, or hooted from the Court,
Their Air, their Dress, their Politicks import;
Obsequious, artful, voluble and gay,
On Britain's fond Credulity they prey.
No gainful Trade their Industry can 'scape,
They sing, they dance, clean Shoes, or cure a Clap;
All Sciences a fasting Monsieur knows,
And bid him go to Hell, to Hell he goes.

Ah! what avails it, that, from Slav'ry far,
I drew the Breath of Life in English Air;
Was early taught a Briton's Right to prize,
And lisp the Tale of Henry's Victories;
If the gull'd Conqueror receives the Chain,
And what their Armies lost, their Cringes gain?

Studious to please, and ready to submit,
The supple Gaul was born a Parasite:
Still to his Int'rest true, where'er he goes,
Wit, Brav'ry, Worth, his lavish Tongue bestows;
In ev'ry Face a Thousand Graces shine,
From ev'ry Tongue flows Harmony divine.
These Arts in vain our rugged Natives try,
Strain out with fault'ring Diffidence a Lye,
And get a Kick for awkward Flattery.

Besides, with Justice, this discerning Age
Admires their wond'rous Taients for the Stage:
Well may they venture on the Mimic's art,
Who play from Morn to Night a borrow'd Part;
Practis'd their Master's Notions to embrace,
Repeat his Maxims, and reflect his Face;
With ev'ry wild Absurdity comply,
And view each Object with another's Eye;
To shake with Laughter ere the Jest they hear,
To pour at Will the counterfeited Tear;
And as their Patron hints the Cold or Heat,
To shake in Dog-days, in December sweat.

How, when Competitors like these contend,
Can surly Virtue hope to fix a Friend?
Slaves that with serious Impudence beguile,
And lye without a Blush, without a Smile;
Exalt each Trifle, ev'ry Vice adore,
Your Taste in Snuff, your Judgment in a Whore;
Can Balbo's Eloquence applaud, and swear
He gropes his Breeches with a Monarch's Air.

For Arts like these preferr'd, admir'd, carest,
They first invade your Table, then your Breast;
Explore your Secrets with insidious Art,
Watch the weak Hour, and ransack all the Heart;
Then soon your ill-plac'd Confidence repay,
Commence your Lords, and govern or betray.
By Numbers here from Shame or Censure free,
All Crimes are safe, but hated Poverty.
This, only this, the rigid Law persues,
This, only this, provokes the snarling Muse;
The sober Trader at a tatter'd Cloak,
Wakes from his Dream, and labours for a Joke;
With brisker Air the silken Courtiers gaze,
And turn the varied Taunt a thousand Ways.
Of all the Griefs that harrass the Distrest,
Sure the most bitter is a scornful Jest;
Fate never wounds more deep the gen'rous Heart,
Than when a Blockhead's Insult points the Dart.

Has Heaven reserv'd, in Pity to the Poor,
No pathless Waste, or undiscover'd Shore?
No secret Island in the boundless Main?
No peaceful Desart yet unclaim'd by SPAIN?
Quick let us rise, the happy Seats explore,
And bear Oppression's Insolence no more.
This mournful Truth is ev'ry where confest,
Slow rises worth, by poverty deprest:
But here more slow, where all are Slaves to Gold,
Where Looks are Merchandise, and Smiles are sold,
Where won by Bribes, by Flatteries implor'd,
The Groom retails the Favours of his Lord.

But hark! th' affrighted Crowd's tumultuous Cries
Roll thro' the Streets, and thunder to the Skies;
Rais'd from some pleasing Dream of Wealth and Pow'r,
Some pompous Palace, or some blissful Bow'r,
Aghast you start, and scarce with aking Sight,
Sustain th' approaching Fire's tremendous Light;
Swift from pursuing Horrors take your Way,
And Leave your little All to Flames a Prey;
Then thro' the World a wretched Vagrant roam,
For where can starving Merit find a Home?
In vain your mournful Narrative disclose,
While all neglect, and most insult your Woes.

Should Heaven's just Bolts Orgilio's Wealth confound,
And spread his flaming Palace on the Ground,
Swift o'er the Land the dismal Rumour flies,
And publick Mournings pacify the Skies;
The Laureat Tribe in servile Verse relate,
How Virtue wars with persecuting Fate;
With well-feign'd Gratitude the pension's Band
Refund the Plunder of the begger'd Land.
See! while he builds, the gaudy Vassals come,
And crowd with sudden Wealth the rising Dome;
The Price of Boroughs and of Souls restore,
And raise his Treasures higher than before.
Now bless'd with all the Baubles of the Great,
The polish'd Marble, and the shining Plate,
Orgilio sees the golden Pile aspire,
And hopes from angry Heav'n another Fire.

Couid'st thou resign the Park and Play content,
For the fair Banks of Severn or of Trent;
There might'st thou find some elegant Retreat,
Some hireling Senator's deserted Seat;
And stretch thy Prospects o'er the smiling Land,
For less than rent the Dungeons of the Strand;
There prune thy Walks, support thy drooping Flow'rs,
Direct thy Rivulets, and twine thy Bow'rs;
And, while thy Beds a cheap Repast afford,
Despise the Dainties of a venal Lord:
There ev'ry Bush with Nature's Music rings,
There ev'ry Breeze bears Health upon its Wings;
On all thy Hours Security shall smile,
And bless thine Evening Walk and Morning Toil.

Prepare for Death, if here at Night you roam,
And sign your Will before you sup from Home.
Some fiery Fop, with new Commission vain,
Who sleeps on Brambles till he kills his Man;
Some frolick Drunkard, reeling from a Feast,
Provokes a Broil, and stabs you for a Jest.
Yet ev'n these Heroes, mischievously gay,
Lords of the Street, and Terrors of the Way;
Flush'd as they are with Folly, Youth and Wine,
Their prudent Insults to the Poor confine;
Afar they mark the Flambeau's bright Approach,
And shun the shining Train, and golden Coach.

In vain, these Dangers past, your Doors you close,
And hope the balmy Blessings of Repose:
Cruel with Guilt, and daring with Despair,
The midnight Murd'rer bursts the faithless Bar;
Invades the sacred Hour of silent Rest,
And plants, unseen, a Dagger in your Breast.

Scarce can our Fields, such Crowds at Tyburn die,
With Hemp the Gallows and the Fleet supply.
Propose your Schemes, ye Senatorian Band,
Whose Ways and Means support the sinking Land;
Lest Ropes be wanting in the tempting Spring,
To rig another Convoy for the K—g.

A single Jail, in Alfred's golden Reign,
Could half the Nation's Criminals contain;
Fair Justice then, without Constraint ador'd,
Sustain'd the Ballance, but resign'd the Sword;
No Spies were paid, no Special Juries known,
Blest Age! But ah! how diff'rent from our own!

Much could I add, —— but see the Boat at hand,
The Tide retiring, calls me from the Land:
Farewel! —— When Youth, and Health, and Fortune spent,
Thou fly'st for Refuge to the Wilds of Kent;
And tir'd like me with Follies and with Crimes,
In angry Numbers warn'st succeeding Times;
Then shall thy Friend, nor thou refuse his Aid,
Still Foe to Vice forsake his Cambrian Shade;
In Virtue's Cause once more exert his Rage,
Thy Satire point, and animate thy Page.

These lines seem to tell us all, or at least they do for me -

. . . This mournful Truth is ev'ry where confest,
Slow rises worth, by poverty deprest:
But here more slow, where all are Slaves to Gold,
Where Looks are Merchandise, and Smiles are sold,
Where won by Bribes, by Flatteries implor'd,
The Groom retails the Favours of his Lord.

God Bless you, Dr. Johnson!

Judge Posner -Is He Smoking the Dope He Advocates? He Has An Opinion!!!! On Everything! Once Again It Is Other Judges! Hear Me?

Judge Posner is so powerful there is Cyber Posner -no kidding.

Judge Richard Posner is a Brahmin - an untouchable. How he came to be a Brahmin? The media, the lawyers, the gutless politicians. Smart guy.

He is universally - in that small but powerful universe of Progressive Thought - regarded as smarter than God - if God had gone to Yale and Harvard Law, but He ( all three of him) didn't.

Judge Posner is the big-mouth of the United States Seventh Court of Appeals. He has an opinion on everything -legalize reefer, give every woman an abortion upon conception, make sure that every American affords Richard Posner Enterprises the opportunity to make more millions of dollars, and every black robe in America is stupid, vague and vapid.

Recently, Posner bullied America into overturning a fellow judge's sentencing of Alderman Edward R. Vrdolyak. Ah, Collegiality! A One-way Street. Talk about the Uber- Butt-insky! That incident was where I became Posner Conscious. Judge Posner rails against politics and yet politics is the rose petaled path he trods - at the University of Chicago, in Trust Law and all over the Democratic and Republican and maybe even Communist Party ( Ma and Pa were members) trails.

Once again, Judge Posner goes where he belongs . . .where ever he wants . . . into the Blago Trial:

In his opinion, Posner quickly came to Zagel's defense. In the first sentence, he wrote: "An experienced trial judge made a reasonable determination that the release of jurors' names before the end of the trial would expose the jurors to the widespread mischief that is a daily if not hourly occurrence on the Internet."

Posner then began a scathing review of Easterbrook's decision, calling it "unsound and confusing."

He attacked the presumption of media access. "Jurors are entitled to be treated with respectful regard for their privacy and dignity, rather than as media prey."

He said the panel ignored the consequences of Zagel having to possibly renege on a promise made to jurors and argued that there's no need for a further hearing. "The jurors may well be upset, concerned for their privacy, fearful of the prospect of harassment and angry at having been induced by false pretenses to agree to take months out of their life to perform jury service."

Posner even went so far as to say that Zagel might have to declare a mistrial.

It's highly unusual for a judge to speak so harshly of a previous opinion, Monico said. Putting aside issues of civility, the controversy raises more questions. Is there a real concern of jury tampering if names are released before the end of the trial? What influence will Posner's opinion have on the hearing?

Judge Posner not only looks like Larry David of Curb Your Enthusiasm but he acts like Larry David's character as well.

Just a helot's opinion. Judge you are a beauty!

Rick Morrissey on Leo High School President Dan McGrath - 'Bricks,Mortar and Truth'

(Photo by Brian Jackson/Sun-Times)

Yesterday, I drove out to far suburban( well, it is far -what with truck traffic on 79th Street, Rt. 83 and all that) Naperville to meet with Leo Man Bill Koloseike (Leo '45)-Chicagoland's Bill Kay the Car King.

Bill has just come back from Kenya where he built and helped dedicate a Catholic school, as a Jesuit volunteer. Bill Koloseike was great Leo football star who traded a college career for a hitch in the United States Marines at the end of World War II. After his service, Bill took a business degree from Loyola and began his career as a Chrysler Dealer - the biggest. Bill retired from the day-to-day work and learned Spanish to teach Mexican kids in Aurora and work as a Jesuit volunteer and build schools out of his own wallet in Africa. Bill wrote me a check that had a numeral and six zeroes and asked about Dan McGrath, Leo's new President. Bill met with Dan and Leo Principal Phil Mesina at Ken's Restaurant on Western Ave. a few weeks ago.

I let Bill know that Dan had already hit the ground at a dead sprint, even though his contract does not kick in until August. We agreed that things look good for our school.

This morning, I went on line and found that Rick Morrissey had written a superb piece on Dan McGrath and Leo High School. I stopped at Beverly's Java Express and met Larry Lynch, recently retired from the U.S. Secret Service. "Hickey, you see The Times? It's great!" Larry, was on his way to Loop and asked about the Alumni Golf Outing. I assured him that I would be there and would not hold up the progress by playing myself. " You are a good man, Hickey, . . .some days." True, in so many ways. I got my coffee and headed to Leo with the paper. It is wonderful.

Here is the meat for your breakfast!

. . .A few months ago, McGrath, the former sports editor of the Tribune, told me he was considering a job as president of Leo High School on the South Side. I laughed. He was kidding, right? Or perhaps misinformed again? His entire professional life had been devoted to journalism, either as a writer or an editor. How could this be?

And then I thought, of course. Some things are true and right, and this is one of them. He's a 1968 Leo graduate, and he has given time and effort to the school. He has served on the school's advisory board. He loves the place, as much as a man can love bricks and mortar and ideas.

And that's the truth.

The new president of Leo will start work next month, proving there is life after a newspaper career and that the concept of giving back is still alive and well.

''I don't want to sound all 'Field of Dreams,' but it felt like a calling,'' he said. "It felt like at this time of my life, this is something I could do and maybe I should do.''

Leo is a struggling, all-boys Catholic high school at 79th and Sangamon streets in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood. Even though its enrollment is below 200, it has been very successful in basketball and track. Ninety-four percent of the students continue their education after high school, yet a challenging economy has Leo fighting for its life.

It's a comeback story McGrath would love to write.

Click my post title for Rick Morrisey's superb story about a wonderful man and the great school he will guide. God Bless All Leo Men and People Who Help Us!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Roman Polanski Rapes a Kid & Eric Holder Screws the Pooch -Way To Go Stedman!

How this mannequin with a moustache, Eric "Stedman" Holder keeps a job, let alone remains America's top law enforcement ( rather Scoff Law-in-Chief) is truly a wonder.

He sues Arizona, because he refuses to execute Federal Law; He dogs around on the KSM Trial; Gitmo? What Gitmo; We are a Nation of Cowards -New Black Panther Cover Boy; and now does a check's in the mail and Roman Polanski avoids justice.

LOS ANGELES — The Swiss government asked the U.S. Justice Department to release sealed transcripts in the Roman Polanski case just days before a Los Angeles judge was told that the Swiss did not request that information, according to a letter from Swiss officials that points to apparent miscommunication in the case.
The officials said that the denial of access to the information was the key factor in the refusal to extradite the film maker to the U.S., according to the letter to the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland.
A district attorney's spokeswoman said their office was never notified of the Swiss request and did not know that the Justice Department had turned it down.

The letter dated Monday was obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday night. It provided a time line of when the request was filed and when it was turned down.
The letter blamed the denial of extradition solidly on the refusal by the Justice Department to show transcripts of testimony by the film director's original prosecutor to Swiss officials.
"Since the additional documents requested were not transmitted in full, extradition of Roman Polanski to the United States of America is thus denied," said the letter.
Justice Department spokeswoman Laura Sweeney said she had no comment on the matter.
The Swiss said that they wanted to know whether Polanski, who was being held in a 33-year-old sex case, had already served his sentence.
The Swiss had said from the beginning that their extradition laws allowed Polanski to be sent to the United States only if he was going to be required to serve at least six months in prison. They sought the testimony of original prosecutor Roger Gunson to clarify the matter.
On May 13, the letter said, the Justice Department "responded that the desired copy of the statement of Roger Gunson could not be given out."
The letter added, "Under these circumstances it cannot be excluded with certainty that Roman Polanski, who was imprisoned in the Chino State Prison for 42 days, has not already served the sentence imposed on him."
It was the first indication that the Swiss were potentially accepting arguments raised by Polanski's lawyers who claimed he was a victim of misconduct by now deceased Superior Court Judge Laurence Rittenband. The letter mentions Rittenband by name and said authorities wanted to know whether Rittenband had promised Polanski that his time undergoing a diagnostic study in prison would be his entire sentence. He had pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl.
The request was transmitted to the Justice Department, they said, on May 5, 2010.

Eric Holder, America! Your Attorney General!

Read more: Click my post title

Anti- Bill Brady Ad Planned Parent Hood Sheep's Wool Ad is a Howl!

If you're a woman or have a daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife, an aunt-- or even just a friend or a neighbor or a co-worker who is a woman-- then you have a reason to help us stop Bill Brady.

Oh, Heavens! Bill Brady thinks that crushing a baby's skull is bad at any age!

That's all you've got girls? Bill Brady sounds Okay to this Democrat. I like Pat Quinn, but I am personally and completely opposed to a woman's choice to snuff out a life.

Pat Quinn could have done without this stupid ad, but Bill Brady will pick up Democratic votes.

I Like Tea and Tea Parties . . . for Other Folks

I watch eight seconds of MSNBC celebrated nit-wit loudmouth Chris 'Milky' Matthews and his guests Salon's Joan 'Weepy' Walsh and Mother Jones' David 'Crum Character' Corn doing a stomp on the usual targets Tea Party People and Sarah Palin.

MSNBC is in full panic - The Ship of Fools is going down faster than a Dago battleship.

Pop-eyed, mouth-like-a-fire-bucket Matthews was sputtering on and on about racists, Jim Crow, and signs that don't exist. He then went after Nikki Haley, a gorgeous Indian American running South Carolina with the mope that she defeated-

How do you figure your state out? It's pretty conservative obviously. It's Strom Thurmond country in many ways and, and it has people like DeMint pretty far over and then people like Lindsey Graham who are sort of regular conservatives. But then you nominated, your party has nominated an Indian-American woman, Nikki Haley. Obviously an attractive candidate, she knows how to present herself obviously, but what's that about? Is that just an interesting little aspect? "It's okay to be Indian-American but we got a problem with this black president?" What's that about?
Yeah, Milky, everyone has a problem with this President - he is in way over his head and is surrounded and advised by dummies. The only people calling Barack Obama a BLACK President are the morons of MSNBC and CNN - two tanking cables.

What a moron!

I witnessed several Tea Party demonstrations in Chicago's Loop and they were about as threatening as Disney on Ice.

I am and remain a 19th Ward Democrat - Anti-Abortion, No Gay Marriage -civil unions you bettcha, Seal the border and then talk about Amnesty, reduce taxes.

Can not do the Tea Party. I like them and admire them, but I am pretty buttoned down and square and have been wearing the same fashion template since 1965 - Oxford cloth shirts, short hair-cut Princeton not buzz-cut, wools and cottons.

The Tea Party calls to mind too much Colonial America get-up. I don't do pony-tails, or wigs. Tri-cornered hats? Not a chance.

However, there is no racism. No race hate. Three of my black neighbors in Morgan Park are Tea Partiers and wear the ColonialDon't Tread on Me, Chump! regalia

MSNBC needs to run old movies. Chris Matthews needs a tail to chase to keep him busy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Daily Herald Editorial Board Nails University of illinois "Inclusivity" Hypocrisy

The American Progressive!

Here is the full text of a wonderful editorial by the Daily Herald Editorial Board
concerning the oafish and hypocritical firing of "admitted" Catholic Professor Kenneth Howell over an ambush e-mail complaint by the friend of a one of Howell's students.

This Progressive Witchunt of Catholics will continue unabated so long as marriage continues to be between a man and a woman and abortion is fought at every turn,

Great to see one newspaper taking a stab at common sense and heroic defense of the facts.

It may be too early in the debate to condemn the University of Illinois for firing an adjunct professor whose orthodox Catholic views on homosexuality deeply offended some of his students. But the university's action against religion professor Kenneth Howell certainly bears more, and careful, scrutiny.

The principle of academic freedom is one of the critical underpinnings of a strong and intellectually vital university - especially a public university that purports to serve the society in all its rich diversity. So, there's a darkly Orwellian irony in the U of I's firing of Howell for violating the school's policy of "inclusivity."

"Inclusivity" at the University of Illinois, it would appear, does not apply to devout Catholics describing their points of view on morality.

It must be said that freedom of speech in general and academic freedom in particular do not justify dangerously irresponsible statements. One is not free, nor should one be free, to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater, as the U.S. Supreme Court has famously determined. Similarly, we cannot tolerate in the name of free speech those who advocate the violent overthrow of the government nor those who call for violence against any individual or group.

But from the early reports, it's hard to see what Howell said that could rise to that standard, Indisputably, he argued in an e-mail that homosexual acts are a violation of what the Catholic Church and he himself regard as "Natural Moral Law." He also stated that students "are not ready to make judgments about moral truth in this matter" if they have not adequately studied it, perhaps implying that the grade they could expect on a pending exam might depend on their adherence to his own prejudices though he insists he would not penalize students for holding views different from his.

If the definition of "hate speech" stoops to the level of such expressions, it's not just academic freedom but all speech freedom that is in trouble. For on such grounds, the assessment of almost any statement is reduced not to its inherent logic or lack thereof, but to the whim of the people in authority.

The people in authority at the University of Illinois wisely have agreed to examine this situation more thoroughly, and they are right to go about that business with the notion of protecting the rights and dignity of all individuals and groups in the university community. Yet, they must also keep in mind that - at a university, of all places - offensive statements are not necessarily dangerous statements. The prospects of firing a professor for teaching and defending the point of view of one of the world's dominant religious denominations are in themselves an act of intimidation that surely would send shudders of fear through any professor whose pronouncements could be construed to offend the powers that be.

In such an environment, it is not Howell's ideas but the intolerance of them that truly threatens the doctrine and practice of inclusivity.

If You Like Shakman Monitors, You Gotta Love Todd Stroger!

That's Boss Shakman! Right there in the Middle! Boss Shakman!

In fact, the revolving door of employees has picked up speed in the wake of Stroger losing the February primary, according to a report issued Tuesday by Mary Robinson, the Shakman compliance administrator charged with ensuring the county adheres to a federal court-ordered ban on political hiring.

Todd Stroger is where he is today thanks to more than forty years of Shakman! In fact, young Todd is a Shakman Baby - born of the death of the vile but effective Cook County Machine!

Wait a minute, hold the phone - Shakman Monitor's have been on the case saving all of us from poiltical crooks, cut-purses and ne'er-do-wells!

Really, Murial?

Shakman, Michael Shakman, the Cook County Michael Shakman Decree, like Andy Shaw on the case for the BGA, is the best bet for tax-payers to not get good government and have their wallets lifted.

Michael Shakman was running to join the Illinois Constitutional Convention, CON-CON - Dig this from Chicago Encyclopedia - afixed bag of special interests re-telling history. Fixed you say? Yes, read on!

Shakman Decrees
In 1969, one man made his stand against the Chicago political machine. Michael Shakman, an independent candidate for delegate to the 1970 Illinois Constitutional Convention, battled against one of the most enduring traditions in Chicago's politics: political patronage, or the practice of hiring and firing government workers on the basis of political loyalty. With many behind-the-scenes supporters, Shakman's years of determination resulted in what became known as the “Shakman decrees.”

Shakman filed suit against the Democratic Organization of Cook County, arguing that the patronage system put nonorganized candidates and their supporters at an illegal and unconstitutional disadvantage. Politicians could hire, fire, promote, transfer—in essence, punish—employees for not supporting the system, or more particularly, a certain politician. The suit also argued that political patronage wasted taxpayer money because public employees, while at work, would often be forced to campaign for political candidates.

In 1972, after an exhaustive court procedure and much negotiating, the parties reached an agreement prohibiting politically motivated firings, demotions, transfers, or other punishment of government employees. A 1979 ruling led to a court order in 1983 that made it unlawful to take any political factor into account in hiring public employees (with exceptions for positions such as policy making). Those decisions along with companion consent judgments—collectively called the Shakman decrees—are binding on more than 40 city and statewide offices.

Roger R. Fross

Now that's historical, Roger - you were co-counsel on the Shakman case and yet you do the that patented Movie Preview "ONE MAN" in your opening sentence! Que Hombre!
More than One Man, Rog - as you make two and two makes a . . .conspiracy? No, an enterprise.

Roger Fross has extensive experience handling mergers and acquisitions, financings, business successions, and general corporate matters for privately-held firms, not-for-profits and high net-worth owners.

He approaches estate planning from a business planning perspective whether it is dealing with the personal and generational issues of business succession or the dollars and cents’ objectives of minimizing wealth transfers.

Mr. Fross’ clients cut across many segments of American industry and are geographically dispersed throughout the United States. He has worked with numerous individuals and companies on their capital-raising, disclosure, compliance, and securities matters. Much of Mr. Fross’ work has addressed the day-to-day concerns of corporate ownership, such as customer, supplier, and distributor arrangements; key employee contractual and compensation matters; licensing of property rights; joint ventures and ownership succession and wealth-transfer strategies for privately owned businesses.

His experience also includes representing marine transportation companies in financing and operating matters, insurance companies in capital-raising transactions, and community banks with acquisition, regulatory, and Community Reinvestment Act problems. He has also been active in the demutualization of insurance companies and representation of nonprofit organizations.
Mr. Fross serves on many boards of directors and committees, including The Joyce Foundation, the Chicago Metro History Fair, and the Southeast Chicago Commission. In addition, for more than 30 years, Mr. Fross has participated with co-counsel in the landmark anti-patronage case in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Shakman v. Democratic Party, et al. He is listed in Who’s Who in America.

Mr. Fross served as managing partner of the Firm from 1981 to 1987, and has served four terms on the firm’s executive committee.

J.D., University of Chicago Law School, 1965

B.A., Mathematics and Physics, De Pauw University, 1962
Gold Key, Rector Scholar

Talk about cozy insidered, Roger and Michael. You boys must have known one another and that's Anti-Shakman . . .well, now.

The Shakman Decree ham-strings good government services and opens the public troughs to real cretins, feebs, dummies and crooks.

Here's the deal -

1.Good people can not be hired to serve Cook County and Chicago government if they are in any way related, familiar with, hold a nodding acquaintance or brushed up against the hiring boss at church, thanks to Michael Shakman.

Shakman is a straw dog. It is a phony dodge that kills political organization and the precinct and Ward levels.

The intent of Shakman was the goof could not get himself elected to CON_CON in 1969 and was percieved by the outsiders who wanted to get inside as a means of power.

Take it to the streets? Hell, no take it to a Judge. Courts gave us Shakman - not a vote.

Our Shakman monitors help the Chicago Media tell us who received . . .gasp! . . .Overtime! Everytime stories appear about how much some poor slob is paid and who put in a seventy-hour week and finds that he is portrayed as Todd Stroger's boot-black, you can bet that Shakman Industries - Monitors, Goo-Goo Clusternuts, Media darlings and sharp University of Chicago trained activist lawyers are amassing more power to prevent good government services.

My precinct captain, my Ward Committeeman knows my neighbors and their needs. Michael Shakman? Noelle Brennan? Roger Fross? I don't think so.
Instead Shakman Industres has become the clearing house -paid mightily don't you know-for political hiring and outsources to Public service unions (SEIU & etc.).

Ain't that nice! Oh, Tut! They'll protest - "we only monitor!" Now, I know that common sense is a stretch, but let's try this.

Look Goo-Goos -People who worked more hours than they are normally asked to work get OVERTIME! News Flash?

If a Metra cop is told that due to cut-backs, he must work more hours -OVERTIME

If a Streets and Santitation Snow Plow Driver is told by Tom Skilling that a blizzard will last 48 hours -OVERTIME!

Who hired the Shakman Monitors? Who's their clout? Why can't my alcoholic, half-wit, and larcenous pals get jobs with Shakman?

Why is the Shakman Machine doing all the hiring? Who pays Shakman? I do.

But after five years under the shackles of a federal hiring monitor, aldermen said Thursday they no longer have a dog in this fight.

“We can't touch hiring. [Daley] can't touch hiring. [Monitor] Noelle Brennan does the hiring, so what do we care?” said Ald. Tom Allen (38th).
Sun Times, June 24, 2010.

Shakman Decrees and all of their nepotism and in-bred pay-to-play looters of the tax-payers need to go!

Click my post title and monitor YOUR Cook County Shakman Monitors!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to The Beautiful and Talented Terry Sullivan!

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, chic, dignified, kind, devout, and musical woman on terra firma!

Marie Terry Sullivan graced this earth with her eternally tiny feet only a few semesters ago.

Thank you for your warmth, trust and indulgence from a man who is lacking in most of the adjectives above.

Happy Birhday, Terry! Now, get down off of the bar, Sophisticated Lady.

When You Are Old -Bill Yeats

WHEN you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face among a crowd of stars.

Australian Drunk Not as Stupid as University of Illinois

I bought BP shares in April of last year.

I worked for John McCain.

I went Sturgeon Fishing with my face.

I entertained myself by Casino gambling.

I eat bacon and lard sandwiches.

I drive the speed limit and stay in my lane on Vincennes Ave..

I read Huffington Post and Progress Illinois

but I never would have fired Kenneth Howell, nor would I get a skin full of booze and hop on the back of a Croc . . . I don't imagine I would ride Croc.

My Letter to University of Illinois President Michael Hogan Concering Catholic Professor Kenneth Howell's Firing

Dear President Hogan,

Congratulations of becoming President of University of Illinois.

The placement scandal was a feather in a whirlwind. The firing of a Catholic teacher of Catholic Studies following a smear of Hate Speech is your Oil Leak, Katrina, Tsunami.

I would take this matter a serious affront to Catholics and scholars of all faiths and inclinations. More importantly, you might make this crisis an opportunity study and consider the fatuous nature of neologisms like Inclusivity, Diversity and Hate Speech. It is an atrocity what academic charlatns have done to language and social intercourse.

President Hogan, I wish you the best. Let's see what you will do.


Mr. Pat Hickey
10%%& S. Rockwell
Chicago, IL 60655

"The Idea of a University"by Newman and Then There's University of illinois

Catholics not wanted at University of Illinois!

Nor is there surely any thing derogatory to the position of a Catholic in such a proceeding. The Church has ever appealed and deferred to witnesses and authorities external to herself, in those matters in which she thought they had means of forming a judgment: and that on the principle, Cuique in arte sua credendum. She has even used unbelievers and pagans in evidence of her truth, as far as their testimony went. She avails herself of scholars, critics, and antiquarians, who are not of her communion. She has worded her theological teaching in the phraseology of Aristotle; Aquila, Symmachus, Theodotion, Origen, Eusebius, and Apollinaris, all more or less heterodox, have supplied materials for primitive exegetics. St. Cyprian called Tertullian his master; {7} St. Augustin refers to Ticonius; Bossuet, in modern times, complimented the labours of the Anglican Bull; the Benedictine editors of the Fathers are familiar with the labours of Fell, Ussher, Pearson, and Beveridge. Pope Benedict XIV. cites according to the occasion the works of Protestants without reserve, and the late French collection of Christian Apologists contains the writings of Locke, Burnet, Tillotson, and Paley. If, then, I come forward in any degree as borrowing the views of certain Protestant schools on the point which is to be discussed, I do so, Gentlemen, as believing, first, that the Catholic Church has ever, in the plenitude of her divine illumination, made use of whatever truth or wisdom she has found in their teaching or their measures; and next, that in particular places or times her children are likely to profit from external suggestions or lessons, which have not been provided for them by herself.

John Henry Cardinal Newman -The Idea of a University

A complaint was later made on behalf of a student in Dr. Howell's class objecting to the exposition of Catholic moral teaching contained in the professor's e-mail on the grounds that it constituted "hate speech". The complaint was circulated among university administrators and presented to Dr. Robert McKim, the head of UI's religion department, who met with Dr. Howell and informed him that he would not be asked back to teach future courses.

Dr. Howell offered to compromise by electing to refrain from discussed the subject of homosexuality in all future classes; an offer summarily rebuffed by McKim. Howell then appealed to his first amendment rights and the principles of academic freedom, pointing out that he had done nothing more than his university-approved job of presenting his students with the unembellished facts of Catholic moral doctrine. This plea was also ignored, and Howell was informed that McKim's decision not to renew his employment was final.

Dr. Howell has since related his dismissal to a number of fundamental religious disagreements between himself and Dr. McKim.
Examiner Cleveland

Yet, The University of Illinois summarily fired Professor Kenneth Howell over an obivious ambush by a student and his friend who found a willing heart in Howell's Department Chair, Robert McKim.

One of the great Victorian essays, found in the canon of every genuine English Department's curriculum was written by Catholic convert -John Henry Cardinal Newman - The Idea of University. That essay is a scholarly arugument for the development of a Catholic university in Ireland -University College Dublin -because Catholics were not welcome at Trinity College. Until that enterprise, Catholic intellectuals either 'took the soup' and affected Protestant devotion like Edmund Burke, or went to France for university education, like Daniel O'Connell.

Religious Toleration, like the Diversity chimera, is a parlor game. Robert McKim, who parses a fatuous and dodgy but fashionable religion presentation which is embraced by agnostic and aetheists and thus also Progressive secularists has a book on religious diversity coming out in 2011. This tome gives cover to the Bill Mahers of our culture as God, to McKim is very, very hidden.

Some Catholics could care less, they tend to be Democrats and elected officials, who also play ball with Gay Advocacy Agenda Groups and the Abortion Industry. They give little or no thought to religious convictions, unless trolling for votes in the 19th Ward or at the Father Perez Council Knights of Columbus and then tell Catholic Street Cred Yarns about Fenwick, De La Salle, or Decatur St. Teresa. Religion is only a button to push.

However, most Catholics live their faith as cops, firemen, teachers, tradesmen, civil servants, nurses and business people. They send their kids to Catholic grammar schools and high schools and nurture the Faith in their children. They tell their kids to remain faithful in this secular melange that we call American Life and kids find that they are as welcome as Amish Kids at Navy Pier, in the circle of the University. The Progressive bullying at the University level is real and empirically evident with this incident. The Faith is under fire.

Newman and Howell are Catholic intellectuals. The University of Illinois revealed that Catholics have no place in it's secularist, gutless, soulless and cowardly idea of a university.

Catholics are not welcome.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey Rev. Didn't Slaves Used to Runaway To Ohio?

Jesse Jackson says the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers sees LeBron James as a "runaway slave" and that the owner's comments after the NBA forward decided to join the Miami Heat put the player in danger.

Now, I always thought Slaves ran away from the south to Ohio. Did I miss the full context of Reverend Jackson's latest step on the Old John D'Conqueroo?