There are a few things I have learned while stomping on the terra these near three score years of breathing and staying awake.
1. Never take a whiff of Ammonia Concentrate
2. Never drink excessively while Sturgeon fishing
3. Never valet park three blocks from Comiskey Park
4. Never loan your debit card to a Romanian homeless man for a few minutes
5. Never work with electricity when your wife is in the basement where there is a washer and dryer
6. Never pet a snarling dog
7. Never try to reason with a skunk
Life's verities stop cold with those seven. Everything else may have metaphysical outcomes.
To that list I might add, If the Obama Administration strips your University of its standing as a Catholic religious institution, it may not be a great idea to invite Robert Gibbs to speak for some handsome fee, in the hopes that the Dept. of Labor may reconsider its decision.
That said, Baghdad Bob Gibbs, former Obama White House Press Secretary, parser extraordinaire, Stephen Root look-alike, and Obama 2012 front dude, will speak tonight at Chicago's oldest Catholic university ( until April 2011 that is) as part of the Voices & Visions Speaker series. Click my post title.
The stated mission of the SXU Voices and Visions notes "In spring 2007, Saint Xavier University began the SXU Voices and Visions Speaker Series as part of the school's yearlong 160th anniversary celebration of education, faith and service. The series is dedicated to bringing respected public figures and the highest level of discourse to the Chicago area."
Cokie Roberts, Kofi Anan, Colin Powell, Elie Wiesel, Jim and Mary ( Matalin) Carville, Madeline Albright were past speakers.
Baghdad Bob?
This was the gent who said that Ahmadinejad was the elected leader of Iran following the Green Massacres in that disputed election. There are some Islamic Seasons of the Year that Obama's White House does not recognize - just like Easter, Christmas, . . .& etc.
Most of all, Robert Gibbs was an adept in making Obama Care the stealth vehicle for Planned Parenthood's continued American genocide.
SXU can invite any one they please. As they are no longer recognized as a Catholic university by the Obama Administration, why the hell not invite Bob Gibbs, Ahmadinejad, Vernon Supreme of the Occupy Wall Street Journal, or the gals of Planned Parenthood themselves?
Saints heard voices and visions. The odd thing is that Saints never heard "Abortion is a Woman's Choice," or saw visions of a world without children, or the unhealthy and bothersome elderly.
The persons who heard, "Let's have Robert Gibbs!" might be the type of persons who think sniffing ammonia concentrate, boozing while ice fishing, valet parking at 36th & Lituanica, waiting for the sparks when wifey throws the circuit breaker,loanin the Visa to troubled-soul Dragos, petting a pitbull while its choppers are bared, and reasoning with skunks.
Who's to say?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
SXU Hears Voices and Sees Visions - Give Gibbs a Fee; All Will Be Well
Posted by
4:23 AM
Labels: Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Robert Gibbs, SXU
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
St. Xavier University: Why Robert Gibbs, Now? Why Anytime? Dick Walsh and Americans for Life Will Ask These Question on Thursday Night -October 20
St. Xavier University sits in the middle of Chicago's Catholic Ground Zero - a blue collar, ethnic land of tax-paying helots who still pack the pews every Sunday.
This neighborhood is about to witness a diminished 19th Ward due to remapping. There is about to be enacted an ordinance that takes what little autonomy aldermen still retain - the Garbage Grid debacle, that will lay off hundreds immediately and thousands more up the street, not so much to save pennies, but to chase the middle class out of Chicago.
Catholics keep having children and that is anathema to the Transformative Progressives.
Only a very few months ago, St. Xavier University, in this Chicago neighborhood, was slapped out as a Catholic University by Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States, Barack Obama's Department of Labor. St. Xavier University, they determined, should Not be considered Catholic, because non-Catholic students attend and there happens to be a Rainbow of Diversity on its staff.
Not only that, there are too few Sisters of Mercy on its Board.
The Obama Administration, not the Ordinary of Chicago, Cardinal George, determines what is Catholic. Why have a bishops, when Captain Hope and Change is doing pay-back to Planned Parenthood?
To some baptized Catholic Democrats this is a "No Biggie." deal. All the White House wants is for adjunct faculty to unionize. Adjunct faculty are part-timers.
To celebrate this installation of Planned Parenthood's 1st President and his transformation of America, St. Xavier University has invited former Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to collect and pocket $200 a pop (ticket) speaking fees and shill for more transformation.
I am sure that Bahgdad Bob will be . . . Bahgdad Bob.
You can't fault Baghdad Bob, as the gent was known by the White House Press Corps, after all a buck is a buck in this lousy economy.
What is St. Xavier University thinking?
Make nice and the White House* will reconsider? Sisters, Please!
Robert Gibbs was an adept at keeping the Obama Transformation at chameleon levels of transparency.
Here is Gibby, at his best from November 9th, 2009. I have done a kind of intrusive way-back machine and interrupted Gibby's exchange with a reporter (Chip) with the actual Transformation from Jeff Zelney of the New York Times and William Saunders of the National Review.
Okay, set way back dial to November 9th 2009. The White House Press Room - Here's Gibby!!!
. . .Mr. Gibbs: Yes,Sir!
Q Thank you. On the health care bill, does -- the President supports, endorses, whatever you want to call it, the House bill. He's made that very clear. Does he support the abortion funding restrictions in the House bill?
MR. GIBBS: The President, Chip, as you know, went to Capitol Hill to rally support for the bill. That bill is now through the House, which we're quite pleased about. The Senate, once we get budget numbers from CBO, will become -- that will move to the Senate floor. I don't doubt that you'll have a somewhat different bill. That's the way this process works, and we'll iron out differences as they come.
Fast Forward to January 5, 2011, 9:56 am
Gibbs to Leave as White House Press SecretaryThe New York Times)
10:30 a.m. | Updated Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary and close confidante to President Obama, said Wednesday that he was stepping down to become an outside political adviser to the president and his re-election campaign.
Yep, I remember,now; Gibby is working to re-elect Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States. Back to 2009.
Q What's his position on abortion funding restrictions?
MR. GIBBS: I think you heard the President in front of Congress several months ago, and we'll continue to make progress.
Q So then he wouldn't support anything like the provision that's in the House bill?
MR. GIBBS: I'm not going to become a negotiator from Capitol Hill -- on Capitol Hill from the podium.
Q Would he accept something that goes beyond what the Hyde amendment does?
Obamacare passes! Now let's see how Gibby did. What Happened:
The answer is yes, Obamacare did mark a significant expansion of abortion. It violated one plank of the “Hyde Amendment principles” (Hyde itself does not apply, since Obamacare is funded outside of Health & Human Services appropriations): no federal funding of insurance plans that provide abortions. The state exchanges established under Obamacare will certainly include plans that cover abortion. These plans will receive federal subsidies, thus violating Hyde principles. The meaningless “restriction” in the law is that the subsidies go to the insurance provider, not the individual, and that the abortions are paid for from a pool established by mandatory monthly payments by insurees. And even this restriction lapses if Hyde itself is not renewed (it is subject to yearly renewal).Saunders National Review)
Beyond this, there are virtually no restrictions on abortion in Obamacare. Funding streams such as those through Community Health Centers were thus unaffected. And while that particular problem was addressed in Obama’s executive order, the order failed to address anything else.
But back to Bob Gibbs 2009-
MR. GIBBS: We will wait to see what health care reform brings.
Gibby resigns and remembers -(Jeff Zelney NYT: “This has been an extraordinary journey, an amazing privilege to serve the country and to serve this president. It’s an opportunity, quite frankly, of a lifetime,” Mr. Gibbs said. “But it’s important to take a step back and recharge, ahead of 2012, when we transition to the task of re-electing the president.”)
Back to Chip's question in 2009
Q So there could be something then in the end that goes beyond current law in restricting abortion funding?
As we know for sure from William Saunders-
For instance, one loophole left open by the EO involved the high-risk pools. In fact, HHS would have directly funded abortion thereunder but for the protests of pro-life advocates. But HHS’ initial decision came as no surprise. As both the Congressional Research Service and the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights pointed out, there was no legal restriction against HHS approving such funding since neither the law itself nor the executive order forbade it.
Another loophole left unclosed by the EO is the meaning of “preventive care,” which must be covered by all private insurance plans under the new law. The government can define it to include abortion. If so, every insurance plan — not just those on the state exchanges — would have to cover it. This is a hole wide enough to drive the proverbial truck through.
Finally, one thing we know from court decisions in many circuits is that unless abortion is expressly prohibited, courts will read it into laws providing for health-care services.
In short, Obamacare marked a decisive pro-abortion shift. Representatives who voted for it should not be surprised if their constituents hold them accountable for doing so.
Yet, Gibby got giggles to Chip's question in 2009-
MR. GIBBS: Chip, I wish we were having this conversation as the last part of this process, but as your network and others have pointed out, there are miles to go before we sleep.
Back to Jeff Zelney's article in the New York Times -a quote on Gibbs' departure from Planned Parenthood's 1st President's Transformative Administration:
(“Robert, on the podium, has been extraordinary,” Mr. Obama said, declining to answer questions about who he intends to hire for any position. “Off the podium, he has been one of my closet advisers. He is going to continue to have my ear for as long as I’m in this job.”) You may say, Sir.
The long sleep. Abortion, Euthanasia and more attacks on Catholic institutions are getting voice from Robert Gibbs, by invitation from St. Xavier University.
For Christ's sake, wake up.
Americans For Life, led by Dick Walsh, a Lion for the Unborn, will be outside of St. Xavier University to question the University's decision to invite Planned Parenthood mouthpiece in purple.
I am going to get off of my comfortable rump and join them. Click my post title and Occupy your hearts and minds with the link to Americans for Life.
* Also three ago - Obama ordered Georgetown University to cover up all crucifixes -
Obama requested no crucifix in sight before he spoke at a CATHOLIC university?You think?…
I cannot figure out which is worse...the stupidity of the university..or the arrogance of obama..
either way...this is very disturbing
Posted by
4:24 AM
Labels: Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Robert Gibbs, Rock Solidy Hypocrisy, St. Xavier University
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thank You, Mr. President! May We Have Another Slap? St. Xav's Thanks Obama Administration for Stripping Its Catholic Identity -and They Helped!
Notre Dame positioned itself as the gelding Catholic University, not only when it invited Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States to parse and get an Honorary Degree, but more so when it sic'd the cops on an elderly priest and others for saying a rosary for the unborn.
Not to be outdone, Georgetown University, purportedly a Jesuit University, took down the crucifixes and covered IHS with a shroud to please Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States.
Last April, Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States had his Labor Department strip Chicago's St. Xavier University ( the oldest college in Chicago) of its Catholic identity, because there were not enough Mercy Nuns on the Board.
That was done in order to clear the path for adjunct instructors, like Planned Parenthood's 1st President himself, to organize into a union.
In response, St. Xavier University invited Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States's former Chief Parser - Bob Gibbs.
The Catholic Church is anathema to Planned Parenthood's 1st President of the United States, because the Catholic Church refuses to say that Abortion is Ok and that Homosexual Marriage is not acceptable. Abortion and Homosexual Marriage is not Ok.
It is OK with too many politicians, who only get Catholic when it is St. Paddy's Day and they need to press the flesh, Vatican II cupcake clerics -priests who preach on Sundays about Gary loves Barry. or "Who's To Say" and goofy old nuns who work for Planned Parenthood, Hamas, and anything but their vocations.
Get this nonsense - St. Xavier was stripped of its Catholic Identity;yet, it will bend over backwards to help the very White House that has it in the cross-hairs
Robert Gibbs speaking at Chicago's Saint Xavier University Thursday. By Lynn Sweet on October 17, 2011 2:55 PM | No Comments
WASHINGTON--Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs hits Chicago on Thursday, to speak at
Saint Xavier University, 3700 W. 103rd St. Tickets are still available.
Gibbs, who is advising the Obama 2012 re-election campaign headquartered in Chicago, will be back behind a podium earlier in the day, in a press conference Saint Xavier is arranging. 9emphasis my own)
Gibbs joined the Obama operation during then state Sen. Barack Obama's 2004 general election campaign for the U.S. Senate. He is now on the speaking circuit and is a top surrogate for the Obama team.
Tickets for the 7 p.m. Gibbs talk start at $20. From Saint Xavier: "A limited number of $200 priority tickets are available, which include priority seating and admission to an exclusive post-lecture wine and cheese reception with Gibbs. Tickets may be purchased online at, keyword: voices or by calling (866) 468-3401."
Yet, Catholics for the most part are coming to understand that not only is President Obama and his folks no friend of Catholics, no friend of any people of faith.
Planned Parenthood stands only for killing unwanted children and everything else is mascara. Planned Parenthood paid good money to get Barack Obama elected and he is acting accordingly.
Catholics voted for President Obama. Catholics might want to re-think that vote.
In the past year, Obama's Justice Department has argued in court that defenders of traditional marriage — the most visible segment of which are observant Catholics and bishops — should be regarded in law as the equivalent of racists. His National Labor Relations Board has issued rulings against two Catholic schools, St. Xavier University in Chicago and Manhattan College in New York, saying that they are not sufficiently Catholic to warrant religious exemptions from federal labor law —a stunning breach of the precedent in which religious bodies, not government officials, decide who qualifies as a member of a particular church. Those rulings followed on the heels of a highly publicized crusade by Obama's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to punish North Carolina's Belmont Abbey College for removing contraception coverage from its employee health plans, a move the Catholic school made to conform to church doctrine.

When someone kicks me in the nuts, I tend not to ask him over for a snack, an ice cold bottle of pop, a Netflix or two and another leggy wind-up and kick to the gents.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Labels: PC-Nitwits, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Robert Gibbs, St. Xavier University
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Robert Gibbs Sells Israel Down the River
"This is supported not just by the United States, but by the international community," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says.
Yeah this will help.
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: Amateur Hour White House, God Bless Israel, Robert Gibbs
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
White House Robert Gibbs -"It's a Touch of Cancer."
I went to a wake at Sheehy & Sons on 79th Street once and asked the widower what his wife had succumbed to -"T'was nothing serious, so." the County Kerry gent offered.
Following yesterday's National Tune-up of the Hope & Change White House, Stephen Root playing Robert Gibbs offered this -
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that the president viewed the Republican victories in New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races as referenda on local issues that reflect little on his policies in Washington.
"People went to the polls and voted on local issues not to either register support for or opposition to the president," Gibbs said. Asked whether moderate lawmakers might view the results differently, and worry about casting tough votes on Obama's priorities, Gibbs said no.
"I don't think they will and I'm not concerned," he said.
As my Irish Cousins might say "It's a Touch of Cancer is all."
Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: Boiled Beets Progressives, President Obama's Collectivist Conscience, Robert Gibbs
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Comes Clean
Grab a knee, Girls! Robert Gibbs explains exactly what you thought that you have heard from him, the President and the Obama White House.
Click my post title and listen up.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Labels: Robert Gibbs, Secret Sauce, White House Transparency