Do you think this little blue-eyed son of a Norwegian Swede cares if Santa is 'one of boys from Home' as Big Crosby claimed, or as Black as a Polk Brothers Santa, or a Turk from 4th Century Myra (which he most certainly was), or the cousin who has developed Dunlaps Disease* thanks to frequent flier miles on the barstool at Keegan's Pub on Western Ave. and snugs into the three score and three Santa Suit Uncle Jack bought when he and Hots Michaels had the nightclub?
I'm a south sider born, bred and bonded-out. No one ever good newses anyone by ringing the front doorbell, or knocking on the swell Claddagh Ring knocker. Friends have and should come to back door - closest to the kitchen where the stove and icebox sit. I don not care if Santa is Meth'd up Hillbilly from Black Oak Indiana, a Muslim rug-peddler doing seasonal work, a jolly rotund Teutonic Falstaff, or Louis Farrakhan's cousin Joe.
Santa is all about the kids. He's a good guy. Santa comes to the backdoor**. By my template, Santa is a Soul Man who comes to and through the backdoor. Now, with apologies to the legendary Clarence Carter, enjoy BB King's cover of a true Christmas Classic.
* Dunlaps Disease - When Your Belly Dun Laps Over Your Belt
** Back Door Santa:
They call me Back Door Santa
I make my runs about the break of day
They call me Back Door Santa
I make my runs about the break of day
I make all the little girls happy
While the boys are out to play
I ain't like the old Saint Nick
He don't come but once a year
I ain't like the old Saint Nick
He don't come but once a year
I come runnin' with my presents
Every time you call me dear
I keep some change in my pocket, in case the children are home
I give 'em a few pennies so that we can be alone
I leave the back door open so if anybody smells a mouse
And wouldn't old Santa be in trouble if there ain't no chimney in the house
They call me Back Door Santa
I make my runs about the break of day
I make all the little girls happy
While the boys are out to play
That's what they call me, Back Door Santa
That's what they call me
They call me Back Door Santa
That's what all the girls call me
I give 'em all little presents
That's what they call me
They call me Back Door Santa
And I like for them to call me that
They call me Back Door Santa
And I like it and I like it and I like it
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