Thursday, July 06, 2017

Both Sides Now and Always - How the Progressive Mouth Moves

Image result for Russians hacked Illinois Voters

Two Progressive Cook County Powerhouses and intellectual dim bulbs - Cook County Clerk and Rep. Mike Quigley,   have Yin and Yanged on the Trump investigation into voter fraud.

Vertically challenged Congressman Mike Quigley and former Mayor and  prognathic progressive Cook County Clerk Dave Orr are doing a classic pull-me-pull you argument that arrives with John Dewey certainty at the conclusion that Russia owns President Trump,

First, here is the diminutive Democrat's denunciation of Donald Trump:
Democratic Rep. Mike Quigleyclaims that Russia hacked into Illinois’ State Board of Elections last year to undermine voters’ faith in the electoral process.
Quigley, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, made the assertion on Monday to the Chicago Tribune after an interview with its editorial board. “I believe they’re on the doorstep to hacking into our voting systems. That is my educated guess,” Quigley said. The congressman said the committee should look at classifying election systems as a “target” and devote federal resources to protect their integrity.

The problem is that since May 11, the Trump White House established a panel to study vote fraud in the United States ( the big 50, but not D.C., Guam, and Puerto Rico).  Vote fraud -Russki, Lower Slobovian, or Mikva Challenge 5th Ward Goo-goo Go-Getters - is just wrong.
Image result for David Orr
However, Maxillary Maximus, Clerk of Cook County and Grecian Formula Guy, offered this to the Chicago and Cook County Resistance in hipper Pilsen, Lakeview, Evanston, Peoples Republic of Oak Park,  Hyde Park, the Faith Community of St. Sabina, Unitarian flocks county wide, and in my 19th Ward, Longwood Drive and its ancillary cul de sac'd street - anywhere the Voice of Resistance WBEZ and WTTW blares:
From the time he was a presidential candidate, Donald Trump has made unproven claims of widespread voter fraud happening throughout the nation. Now as president, Trump has assembled the inauthentic Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity to investigate voter registration and voter fraud.
This partisan Commission has been formed on false pretenses: 3 to 5 million people did not vote illegally in the last presidential election, as the president believes, and a true bi-partisan Commission requires careful analysis and expertise.
Were this Commission truly working in the interest of making our elections as error-free and our voter rolls as clean as possible, the focus would be on the following:
Bringing every state on-board with the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) — a nationwide network of states, which includes Illinois, that securely shares voter registration data – so that voter information nationwide would be accurate and up-to-date.
Updating our nation’s election infrastructure — the machines voters use to cast their ballots — which in many election jurisdictions are a decade or more old and are being held together with replacement parts often purchased on eBay.
Pushing all states toward Automatic Voter Registration – a good government tool to help clean voter rolls across the nation.
Instead, the President’s Commission has told state election authorities to hand over information including the names, addresses, birth dates and party affiliations of registered voters in each state. The Commission also wants a record of felony convictions, military statuses, the last four digits of Social Security numbers and voting records dating back to 2006.
I’m happy to see that so far, election authorities in more than 40 states – including Kris Kobach’s own Kansas Secretary of State office – have rejected the Commission’s request for this information, and I urge the Illinois Board of Elections to stand up against this unnecessary overreach.
Voting is a fundamental right. Unfortunately, instead of a genuinely bipartisan group dedicated to protecting the vote, President Trump has stacked the deck of his Commission with a number of lawmakers who have shown an inclination towards voter suppression.
Furthermore, this comes at a time when Republicans have sought to defund the Election Assistance Commission, a truly bi-partisan Commission.
I strongly encourage the Illinois Board of Elections, as well as my fellow elections administrators, to be cautious of the motives of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity and not comply with this dangerous request.

David Orr Cook County Clerk (Emphases my own)
 You see, 20 States have already adopted ERIC and Illinois is one of them.  It was David  Orr and Mike Quigley who bulldozed electronic voting here in Cook County back in 2006.  I wrote about this only a few weeks ago -

Donald Trump did not force the use of computer-voting on the voters of Cook County. You did, Mike Quigley. And this twerp is on the House Intelligence Committee? Vlad Putin could not have gotten into our election machines without buck-toothed Dave Orr, Forrest Claypool, Larry Sufredin and the good folks at Sequoia Voting Systems.
In 2006, Mike Quigley was one of the Progressive grifters. . .I mean Commissioners,  who worked with Cook County Clerk David Orr, at the behest of Help America Vote, Abner Mikva and friends, to weld suburban Cook County and Chicago voters together with Venezuelan voting machines.
The Sequoia Voting Machines, Help America Vote, Forrest Claypool, Venezuela and those rascally Russians are all part of our Progressive History.  Prior to the 2008 Election of the transformative Barack H. Obama, a huge fan of Venezuelan Tin-pot Dictator the late Hugo Chavez and voting began getting hacked without hanging chads, on-line and vulnerable.
That was 2006, when former Mayor and Cook County Clerk David Orr insisted that Cook County and City Elections operate the identical voting systems.
 These swell voting gizmos are a product of Venezuela - that paragon of Progressive Democracy.

Well, boys and girls Quigley notes that the Kremlin hacked the Illinois Vote and wants the Federal government to get on that stick!

Dave Orr, who could bite a pig's ass through a picket fences, chews this cabbage twice and wants no scrutiny.

Straight talking Progressives - the gang that made Illinois a laughing stock, Obama President and voter fraud more accessible to computer hacking - always give their truth - out of both sides of their mouth.  One message and many directions. Image result for David Orr and Mike Quigley

The Illinois Elector Commission had better open the books to Mike Pence and  Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity,
Image result for David Orr with Mike Quigley

Progressives lack that last noun.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Illinois - Land of Lotus Eaters

Image result for Ralph Martire

 “What is our basic problem? I think it’s been a lack of political will for generations to deal with tax policy honestly. Tax is one of two, three-letter words ending in ‘X’ in the English language that really gets people excited. And generally, not in a good way. So, most elected officials want to avoid dealing with tax policy. Our chosen method for avoiding dealing with tax policy in Illinois has been, and everyone knows this, is to underfund what the state owed to its five pension systems and divert the revenue that should have gone to normal costs to instead fund current services.Ralph ("Illinois faces a revenue problem, not a pension problem.") Martire Illinois Director of Lotus Eaters

For nine days I was driven by fierce winds over the teeming sea: but on the tenth we set foot on the shores of the Lotus-eaters, who eat its flowery food. On land we drew water, and my friends ate by the ships. Once we had tasted food and drink, I sent some of the men inland to discover what kind of human beings lived there: selecting two and sending a third as herald. They left at once and came upon the Lotus-eaters, who had no thought of killing my comrades, but gave them lotus to eat. Those who ate the honey-sweet lotus fruit no longer wished to bring back word to us, or sail for home. They wanted to stay with the Lotus-eaters, eating the lotus, forgetting all thoughts of return. I dragged those men back to the shore myself by force, while they wept, and bound them tight in the hollow ships, pushing them under the benches. Then I ordered my men to embark quickly on the fast craft, fearing that others would eat the lotus and forget their homes. They boarded swiftly and took their place on the benches then sitting in their rows struck the grey water with their oars.’ Odyssey

People who use the phrase "Help Working Families" could care less about families, much less the work that they do.  People who use the phrase "Help Working Families" want more, much more of the few dollars earned by  working stiffs for their families.

Meet Ralph Martire!   Way back when . . . when Jim Edgar was Governor . . .Dawn Clark Netsch was the Illinois Comptroller and used that office to rail against Illinois Tax policies.  Old Abner Mikva schooled Dawn Clark real good. Get the middle class and plutocrats to pay the checks.

 In 1992 Democrats and Republicans even got together to draft a statewide referendum asking voters to fund at least 51 percent of educational costs through the income tax. But a few days before the election the sitting governor, Jim Edgar, a Republican, announced that he would vote against the measure on the grounds that the state couldn't afford to commit so much money to education. The referendum still got 58 percent of the vote, but it needed 60 percent to pass.
In 1994 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dawn Clark Netsch revived the issue, calling for a swap. Edgar mocked her as a tax-and-spend liberal and scoffed at the notion that the state needed a great new source of money. He won reelection with almost 60 percent of the vote.
A few weeks after his victory Edgar bowed to fiscal reality and changed his tune. Citing a pending budget crisis, he appointed a blue-ribbon committee to study the idea of a tax swap. The committee produced a plan similar to Netsch's, and with Edgar's backing it made its way through the house of representatives. It died in the state senate, killed by another Republican, senate president James "Pate" Philip. One longtime observer says Philip acted more out of political spite than ideology: "Pate was mad at Edgar. He basically said, 'I'd told everyone you weren't going to do this, and you did it--so screw you!' Nothing's happened on this front since.
And Illinois drifted off into its long dope-induced snooze.  One might argue that this was the advent of Hopium, as John Kass so accurately termed the eight year bender of the Obama years.  It feels good to drift away and just gnaw on the Lotus leaves.  No problem so big that one can not run the hell away from it!

Folks like Ralph Martire offer the Lotus, but we gobble it up and feel good about it.

Ralph is the boss of the ' non-partisan' Center for Tax and Budget Accountability (CTBA).  CBTA is a shell game of pie-chart pirates from public sector funded organizations,  unions, and the Woods Fund which provides the math and the bullshit to argue for tax-increases on working families.

CTBA contribution summary


Note - every huge contributor to Ralph Martire Enterprises has been handsomely rewarded with an Illinois Pension - which is as valuable as Confederate Money. The Woods Fund which helped give us Barack Obama and a nice sinecure for Bill Ayers, made up the balance.

Ralph worked with Dawn Clark Netsch to end Illinois' 'regressive tax' policies.  Tax more and spend more is the mantra. Give to every advocacy and reap re-election!  Glut public pensions and tax the rich.

It worked and between oily Jim Edgar and sand-paper smooth Bruce Rauner, every Governor and every General Assembly have kicked cans down deteriorating roads, burned inadequate bridges and flood more debt.

All the while the voters of Illinois have done a solid for the Guvs, the Speaker, the legislative leadership and both Houses stocked with feather-weight intellects and moral midgets by returning the clowns to the Big Top every voting cycle - the clowns merely exit their tiny cars, disappear for a while and return to the Big Top.

People who had means, beat it out of Illinois.
Image result for lotus eaters in the odyssey
Illinois is drowzey, sleepy and really dopey.

It is not the Land of Lincoln; it is the Land of the Lotus Eaters.

Lotus leaves provided by Marxist economists, Ralph Martire, the Illinois Media, Bad Math, the Paul Simon Institute and every boob you send to Springfield - in both parties.
Image result for lotus eaters in the odyssey
Illinois needs an Odysseus to grab Illinois by the short and curlies and drag it screaming and kicking back to its senses.

Good luck with that.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

It is the 'Morality' that Causes Chicago's Mortalities - Bikes, Crotch-Rockets, Guns, or 2 X 4's

Yingying Zhang
Yingying Zhang was about a month into a yearlong appointment at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign when she disappeared June 9, 2017. | Courtesy of the University of Illinois Police Department via AP

Morality -a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society.

Idiot - is a person perceived to be lacking intelligence, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. 

Yesterday, the White House offered the only conclusive explanation for Chicago's murders, it's lawless disregard of people and it's perpetual state of moral paralysis.

WASHINGTON – Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Friday crime in Chicago was ‘driven more by morality” than access to guns, commenting after the Trump administration sent 20 more U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents to the city to combat gun violence.

Those four words comprising the only government disambiguation over last ten years, immediately sparked more foolish from the media and it's nodding public.
  • elako02Member1 hour(s) ago:And how knows more about morality than Trump and his aides?
  • Dannoday1Member10 hour(s) ago: Immoral guns.
  • 1Realistic1Visitor10 hour(s) ago: Morality?!? Sarah Huckabee Sanders has the gall to lecture on morality? The same Sarah Huckabee Sanders whose daddy, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, publicly defended Josh Duggar, the admitted child molester who fondled his own kid sisters?    She should check herself.

 Chicago Sun Times Obama Cheerleader Lynn Sweet was quick to pounce with Journo-perfect snark:
The extra agents were heralded by President Donald Trump in a Friday Twitter post.
“Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help. 1714 shootings in Chicago this year!”
According to the Sun-Times’ count, even more people, 1,737, have been shot this year, 306 of them killed. This comes as Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been asking Trump to send in more federal help for six months.
Gun trafficking is a leading contributing factor in Chicago shootings. The Trump Justice Department created the Chicago Crime Gun Strike Force to hunt down and prosecute firearms traffickers.
Sanders ( Sarah Huckabee-Sanders) at the White House briefing deflected a question about the link between guns and crime in Chicago even as more ATF agents were assigned to Chicago.
Asked if Chicago’s problems were due in part to access to firearms Sanders replied, “I think that the problem there is pretty clear that it’s a crime problem. I think that crime is probably driven more by morality than anything else.”

Sweet is sour on anything not torn from the John Dewey Pre-cast Policy Dispenser, used by the Presidential Bush Boys, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.  Guns Kill People -end of story.

However, two-thousand years plus of Western Civilization, from Genesis through Socrates and beyond Thomas Aquinas, argues that Guns Kill People, like Pencil Flunk Tests.

You will never find Pastor Pfleger leading Jesse Jackson and a dozen solemn faced martyrs in front of School R Us, because young Cuthbert and Amy continue to fail Common Core Math.

Think of that, children.

No.  Guns are to nodders, as Donald Trump is to nodders - a cardboard figure to be hated, reviled, destroyed.

People who have not the time, treasure and talents to be nodders, make informed judgments about actions and their results.  People kill people with guns, knives, bikes, crotch-rockets, sweat pants, chairs, pickle jars, umbrellas and 2 x 4s.  People kill people because they can.  Some people return to kill more people, because Judges, Sheriffs and States Attorneys need core voters.

Yesterday, a Chinese family learned the name of the person charged with abducting their beautiful and talented daughter from the streets around University of Illinois and possibly murdering the innocent. This poor baby.

The person charged is as brilliant as Raskolnikov from Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, a professor like President Obama was and a man of science like Bill Nye, the Monsanto Guy.  Did he purchase a hand gun?
Yingying Zhang, the daughter of a working-class factory driver from China, disappeared on June 9, just weeks after arriving at the University of Illinois where she was pursuing studies in agriculture sciences.
Federal authorities say 27-year-old Brendt Christensen of Champaign, Illinois, is accused of kidnapping Zhang shortly after she stepped off a bus near the university campus. Video show her getting into the front seat of a black Saturn Astra.   The affidavit filed in federal court in support of the complaint says Christensen was under surveillance Thursday when agents overheard him explaining that he kidnapped Zhang. Authorities say based on this, and other facts uncovered during the investigation, agents believe Zhang is no longer alive.
Authorities have not indicated if a body has been found.
Was a gun involved?

We do not know, as yet. What we do know at this time is that Brendt Christensen's cell phone is described as "a means, a facility and instrumentality of Interstate Commerce" and, " therefore, used in committing and in futherance of the commission of this crime."

A cell phone - smart phone no doubt.

I anguish over the abduction of this little girl. Yingying is my youngest daughter's age.  I anguish and pray for the Zhang family.

I shudder at the accused.  I shudder, because he is someone's child and he is the same age as my son.  My son had no use for school, other than what shaped him ( sports, buddies, shared obligations, religious center) as an honest, thoughtful, courageous and courteous gentleman.  This accused son of someone reaped academic honors and developed into a monster, or so it seems. A brilliant idiot.
Brendt Christensen - the accused

Guns and bullets might surface, but I kind of doubt that - the monster a man of science and hubris and consider himself the superior of his victim, or so it seems to me.  Like the killers of Bobby Franks at the University of Chicago in the 1920's, the Democratic Precinct Captain and Clown who slaughtered Gay, Bisexual and Questioning boys in the 1970's, or superior-quality strapped thugs who shot up an end-of-school picnic last month, Brandt Christensen felt comfortable doing what he did.

This is what we do!  

That is the idiot's Rebel yell!  When a person is the center of the universe and not gifted with other-directed thoughts, that person will roller-blade, skate-board, run, bike, or motor through other people and shout "This is What We Do!"

Not all idiots are strapped - armed with a 9mm -but all idiots are ballistically lethal. Here is a video of Chicago values aboard expensive crotch rockets ( The Ducati 999, Suzuki GSXR1000 and Yamaha YZF-R1 are good examples of ~1000cc crotch-rockets.) 'doing what they do'

The action occurred on Irving Park Road near O'Hare International Airport.  Imagine what would  have happened to the police officers interdicting "This is What We Do!" had there been a collision.

I imagine that they would appear before a Grand Jury, once the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times rolled out a series on police pursuit policies and Rahm squeaked, " The streets belong to all of us!"

Retired Chicago Police officer Larry Casey offered me this look at the ballistic idiots and the website that seems to defend their actions.

Morality is a state of being and it includes immorality as accepted.

Idiots grow in an immoral society.  No moral society Balkanizes behavior.  Chicago Values do that. 

Friday, June 30, 2017

Hey, Just Thought I'd Mention it, but WE have the 4th of July Coming Up!

Image result for 4th of july and CatholicsFather, we beg Your blessing for the Right to Life, the Unborn, the weak, the sick and the old; all who are finding themselves being targets of the vicious culture of death; that our Lord Jesus bless and protect all who stand up for the Christian dignity of persons. That God enlighten those who are traveling down death's highway by their involvement, in any way, with either the contemporary death culture, selfism, relativeism, or any of the new age errors of our times, that God envelop our culture with His Divine protection and help us both individually and as a nation to true enlightenment, conversion and repentance of our selves and our culture. Help us to turn from our national sin of abortion, and return to, and once again become a Christian nation, on the narrow road, that is, the path to becoming a nation and culture, under God. Amen.

I went to St. John Fisher this morning to receive the Eucharist, because I believe that Christ is physically present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and not just a nice memorial of the last supper.  I am free to do that and to believe the Nicene Creed.

I try and do this daily, because it helps me remember to listen to the positive voice of Christ, His Mother and the Holy Spirit, and ignore the more glamorous, easy and sexy whispers of Satan.

I danced more than a few jigs with Devil in my life and it never worked our real good for me, my family and people who come in contact with me.

I am free to do that because people who had absolutely no truck with my religion, put their own lives in hazard to give me liberty to believe, think and act in the best interests of my immortal soul. Two hundred and forty one years ago, the Deists, Congregationalists, High Church Anglicans, Quakers and Mennonites*, with a courtly nod to the few Jews and Papists of the colonies, gambled their lives, fortunes and reputations to Declare Liberty for All.

Thank you, Gents.

Faiths of Our Founding Fathers:

Religious Affiliation  Total  Percenatge
Episcopalian/Anglican 32 57.1%
Congregationalist         13 23.2%
Presbyterian                 12 21.4%
Quaker                          2 3.6%
Unitarian or Universalist 2 3.6%
Catholic                          1 1.8%
TOTAL 56 100%

Name of Signer State Religious Affiliation
Charles Carroll Maryland Catholic
Samuel Huntington Connecticut Congregationalist
Roger Sherman Connecticut Congregationalist
William Williams Connecticut Congregationalist
Oliver Wolcott Connecticut Congregationalist
Lyman Hall Georgia Congregationalist
Samuel Adams Massachusetts Congregationalist
John Hancock Massachusetts Congregationalist
Josiah Bartlett New Hampshire Congregationalist
William Whipple New Hampshire Congregationalist
William Ellery Rhode Island Congregationalist
John Adams Massachusetts Congregationalist; Unitarian
Robert Treat Paine Massachusetts Congregationalist; Unitarian
George Walton Georgia Episcopalian
John Penn North Carolina Episcopalian
George Ross Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Thomas Heyward Jr. South Carolina Episcopalian
Thomas Lynch Jr. South Carolina Episcopalian
Arthur Middleton South Carolina Episcopalian
Edward Rutledge South Carolina Episcopalian
Francis Lightfoot Lee Virginia Episcopalian
Richard Henry Lee  Virginia Episcopalian
George Read Delaware Episcopalian
Caesar Rodney Delaware Episcopalian
Samuel Chase Maryland Episcopalian
William Paca Maryland Episcopalian
Thomas Stone Maryland Episcopalian
Elbridge Gerry Massachusetts Episcopalian
Francis Hopkinson New Jersey Episcopalian
Francis Lewis New York Episcopalian
Lewis Morris New York Episcopalian
William Hooper North Carolina Episcopalian
Robert Morris Pennsylvania Episcopalian
John Morton Pennsylvania Episcopalian
Stephen Hopkins Rhode Island Episcopalian
Carter Braxton Virginia Episcopalian
Benjamin Harrison Virginia Episcopalian
Thomas Nelson Jr. Virginia Episcopalian
George Wythe Virginia Episcopalian
Thomas Jefferson Virginia Episcopalian (Deist)
Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Episcopalian (Deist)
Button Gwinnett Georgia Episcopalian; Congregationalist
James Wilson Pennsylvania Episcopalian; Presbyterian
Joseph Hewes North Carolina Quaker, Episcopalian
George Clymer Pennsylvania Quaker, Episcopalian
Thomas McKean Delaware Presbyterian
Matthew Thornton New Hampshire Presbyterian
Abraham Clark New Jersey Presbyterian
John Hart New Jersey Presbyterian
Richard Stockton New Jersey Presbyterian
John Witherspoon New Jersey Presbyterian
William Floyd New York Presbyterian
Philip Livingston New York Presbyterian
James Smith Pennsylvania Presbyterian
George Taylor Pennsylvania Presbyterian
Benjamin Rush Pennsylvania Presbyterian

Monday, June 26, 2017

Star of David Offends Mainstream Inclusive Exclusive LGBTQI & Etc. Community?

Navy chaplain Lt. Roland Gittelsohn was the first Jewish chaplain to serve in the Marine Corps and deployed with the 5th Marine Division during the Battle of Iwo Jima. That Star of David did not seem to upset too many there. 

“An Anglo-Saxon, Hinnissy, is a German that's forgot who was his parents. They're a lot iv thim in this counthry. There must be as manny as two in Boston: they'se wan up in Maine, an' another lives at Bogg's Ferry in New York State, an' dhrives a milk wagon. Mack is an Anglo-Saxon. His folks come fr'm th' County Armagh, an' their naytional Anglo-Saxon hymn is 'O'Donnell Aboo.' Teddy Rosenfelt is another Anglo-Saxon. An' I'm an Anglo-Saxon. I'm wan iv th' hottest Anglo-Saxons that iver come out iv Anglo-Saxony. Th' name iv Dooley has been th' proudest Anglo-Saxon name in th' County Roscommon f'r many years. "Schwartzmeister” Finley Peter Dunne, Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War

No persecuted people is as happy as at that magic moment when they can begin to persecute other people.
Image result for 3657 South Hoyne chicago
Back at the turn of the 1970's, I belonged to an amalgamation of south side manhood.  He got a charter and called ourselves The SMC - Southwest Men's Club.  We rented a saloon at 3657 S. Hoyne Street, right across from McKinley Park and within walking distance of Bingo John Fary's saloon on Damen.

It was swell.  The SMC was dedicated to  helping our fellow man with food drives, playing softball and drinking beer on the cheap.

At our first meeting we discussed by-laws and operations. There were about thirty of us - Polish, Lithuanian, Irish, Italian and a couple of Mexican lads.  One guy wanted to have some sort of initiation rite to inflict upon new members.

President ( the late)  Thomas McBennett asked, " Were you initiated?"

" No, but it would be great to have new members do all sorts of humiliating things to get in and . . ."

McBennett hit the gavel, " I call for vote!  All in favor of kicking this asshole out of the SMC say 'Aye!'

It was unanimous!

We did not consider ourselves exclusive; yet, this mope managed it.

Everyone has a right to exclude, so says one of the most self-proclaiming "Inclusive" communities - the LGBTQI & etc. Community.

The Community is offended by the Star of David.  The Star of David
One Dyke March collective member, asked by Windy City Times for a response, said the women were told to leave because the flags "made people feel unsafe," that the march was "anti-Zionist" and "pro-Palestinian."
"They were telling me to leave because my flag was a trigger to people that they found offensive," Grauer said. "Prior to this [march] I had never been harassed or asked to leave and I had always carried the flag with me."
Another of those individuals asked to leave was an Iranian Jew Eleanor Shoshany-Anderson.
"I was here as a proud Jew in all of my identities," Shoshany-Anderson asserted. "The Dyke March is supposed to be intersectional. I don't know why my identity is excluded from that. I fell that, as a Jew, I am not welcome here."
Does the Cross offend?  I guess it must.  Anything else is Okay under Rainbow. I do not understand "inclusive" people - they get offended by people so easily.  I live in Morgan Park which our idiotic and race-divisive media insist upon calling a close-knit community, which is PC code for not-inclusive, bigoted, hateful, really, really, really mean and sarcastic. Well, hush my mouth.

The Star of David, like the Cross, recognizes God.  Perhaps that is the source of the contretemps. God became dispensible once the Pat Quinn's ink dried on Greg Harris' Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Bill on Movember 20, 2013 and paved the way for Illinois lawsuits against God-people who wouldn't bake cakes or rent hall,  but make really tasty boneless deep fried chicken. 

I believe that Chick fil A was boon to Greg Harris' legislation, underwritten by Fred Eychaner and Henry Van Amerigen.  Only months after the Chick fil A's two months hate, dopey old Pat dragged out Lincolns secretary desk for the historic signing away of traditional marriage and mainstreaming the LGB community that soon appropriated a T and a Q.

Let's not forget that Gay Liberation Movement was locked arm-in-arm with the Palestinian Movement. Here in Chicago, Gay Liberationists Andy Thayer and Kevin Clark made frequent assaults on Israel and those Star of David people, as well as W. and Cardinal George.

As it is Queer Dykes were told to take a hike from the Dyke March Collective. Star of David is offensive to "inclusive" mainstream victims.
Image result for Hexagon Black gangster disciple nation
Shucks, even the Black Gangster Disciples revere the Hexagon.  Let's here more about the Rainbow. 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Welcome to Foxx's Rooster Coop, Where the Roosters Spit Hockers

Image result for kim foxx idiot chicagoImage result for Spitting Roosters

Minor Offenses.

Taking the last cold beer in the icebox, or that slice of pizza?

Nah. Those transgressions might get a raised eye brow, or a verbal rebuke, but here are some things one might do in order to find oneself before Cook County Judge Peggy Chiampas.

  • Retail Theft
  • Minor Drug Offences
  • Mental health-related charges
  • Simple Assault
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Prostitution
  • Drug Possession
  • Drug Sale
  • Criminal Damage to Property
Minor things. Image result for christian brown , spits at Judge Chiampas

Poor folks no longer worry about getting up the cash to bond out before court date, because Cook County Government President Toni Preckwinkle, Sheriff Tom Dart and States Attorney Kim Foxx are all about Prison/Jail/Detention/Correction Reform.

Good news!!! You can now expedite the bonding process by emailing before you come to the CCDOC. When we receive the email, we will begin getting the release paperwork together, which could cut down on your wait time. Your email must include the following:

That means, not holding people charged with Minor Offences in Cook County Jail.  People like gentle giant and Lynnwood resident Christian Brown, 23.

Brown, 23, of south suburban Lynwood, was up for a minor offense in the Leighton Criminal Courts Building on Saturday afternoon before Judge Peggy Chiampas when she handed down an I-bond, or signature bond, by which the defendant isn’t required to post cash for release, according to several people present during the hearing.
 Witnesses said Brown then spat at the veteran judge, striking one of her arms and her black robe. Some of those present for the incident wondered whether Brown knew that he would have been released without posting bond.
Before Brown was hustled out of the courtroom by deputies, Chiampas held him in direct contempt of court and ordered him held in Cook County Jail for 30 days. She initially ordered him held for 30 months but said she misspoke and corrected her previous order. Chiampas *did note that she could have had Brown jailed for six months but opted not to.
Mr. Brown spit at the Judge, when he was asked if he understood that the Cook County I-Bond insured that he would waltz out of the Leighton Criminal Courts Building and onto the pavement on California Avenue - guilty as hell and free as a bird.  

Well, not quite. And there's pizza!

Guilty as hell, free as a bird.

That is a paraphrase from Old Bill Ayers and his Old Lady, one of the master switches in turning our Justice System into the one where Minor Offenders like Christian Brown can spit on a Judge doing him a solid.

The above referenced news article from the Chicago Tribune does not explain exactly what 'Minor Offence' had been the cause of Mr. Brown's visit to the Leighton Criminal Courts Building.  However, Mr. Brown's new status as a guest of Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is for Criminal Contempt. 

Kim Foxx is all about criminal contempt or Justice.

Minor Offence

One wonders how much saliva will be needed to splatter to keep Cook County Offenders from spilling even more blood into our streets.  As Fats Waller said, "One never knows, do one?"

Judge Chiampas is a hero of the American judiciary.