Showing posts with label Bill Ayers the Barney Google of Terror and Proseand His Odious Old Lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Ayers the Barney Google of Terror and Proseand His Odious Old Lady. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Welcome to Foxx's Rooster Coop, Where the Roosters Spit Hockers

Image result for kim foxx idiot chicagoImage result for Spitting Roosters

Minor Offenses.

Taking the last cold beer in the icebox, or that slice of pizza?

Nah. Those transgressions might get a raised eye brow, or a verbal rebuke, but here are some things one might do in order to find oneself before Cook County Judge Peggy Chiampas.

  • Retail Theft
  • Minor Drug Offences
  • Mental health-related charges
  • Simple Assault
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Prostitution
  • Drug Possession
  • Drug Sale
  • Criminal Damage to Property
Minor things. Image result for christian brown , spits at Judge Chiampas

Poor folks no longer worry about getting up the cash to bond out before court date, because Cook County Government President Toni Preckwinkle, Sheriff Tom Dart and States Attorney Kim Foxx are all about Prison/Jail/Detention/Correction Reform.

Good news!!! You can now expedite the bonding process by emailing before you come to the CCDOC. When we receive the email, we will begin getting the release paperwork together, which could cut down on your wait time. Your email must include the following:

That means, not holding people charged with Minor Offences in Cook County Jail.  People like gentle giant and Lynnwood resident Christian Brown, 23.

Brown, 23, of south suburban Lynwood, was up for a minor offense in the Leighton Criminal Courts Building on Saturday afternoon before Judge Peggy Chiampas when she handed down an I-bond, or signature bond, by which the defendant isn’t required to post cash for release, according to several people present during the hearing.
 Witnesses said Brown then spat at the veteran judge, striking one of her arms and her black robe. Some of those present for the incident wondered whether Brown knew that he would have been released without posting bond.
Before Brown was hustled out of the courtroom by deputies, Chiampas held him in direct contempt of court and ordered him held in Cook County Jail for 30 days. She initially ordered him held for 30 months but said she misspoke and corrected her previous order. Chiampas *did note that she could have had Brown jailed for six months but opted not to.
Mr. Brown spit at the Judge, when he was asked if he understood that the Cook County I-Bond insured that he would waltz out of the Leighton Criminal Courts Building and onto the pavement on California Avenue - guilty as hell and free as a bird.  

Well, not quite. And there's pizza!

Guilty as hell, free as a bird.

That is a paraphrase from Old Bill Ayers and his Old Lady, one of the master switches in turning our Justice System into the one where Minor Offenders like Christian Brown can spit on a Judge doing him a solid.

The above referenced news article from the Chicago Tribune does not explain exactly what 'Minor Offence' had been the cause of Mr. Brown's visit to the Leighton Criminal Courts Building.  However, Mr. Brown's new status as a guest of Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is for Criminal Contempt. 

Kim Foxx is all about criminal contempt or Justice.

Minor Offence

One wonders how much saliva will be needed to splatter to keep Cook County Offenders from spilling even more blood into our streets.  As Fats Waller said, "One never knows, do one?"

Judge Chiampas is a hero of the American judiciary.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Billy Thurber? Jimmy Ayres? It's a Whimsical Terrorist Reading His Own Whimiscal Thoughts

Bill Ayers
The Whimsical Weathermen Bill and his Odious Old Lady.

I love Chicago. features Pulitzer Prize winning Mark Konkol  one of the very few authentic Chicago writers in the local media.  Along with John Kass, Steve Rhodes, Natasha Korecki, Dan Mihalopoulos, Steve Metsch, and Kate Grossman, Konkol respects the people who live in this city and not just the tonier denizens of  metro power-communities like Winnetka, Evanston, Hyde Park, Oak Park and Lakeview. The balance of the crew aboard this Chicago neighborhood news aggregater is pretty much solid - I especially like  Wendell Hudson ( Gresham etal) Casey Cora ( Canaryville and Erica Demerest ( Pilsen).  A very few ink-slingers give me the vapors and miseries, Lawd, Lawd!

One howler is the chap who covers Hyde Park - home of humorless Humanists and the prickly Progressive.  Hyde Park is a cool neighborhood with great dining and dancing, as well as intellectual jungle jims where coffee or beer can lubricate quality talk between persons who actually know something besides their place in the front of the line.

The neighborhood is not generally plagued with crime despite the disposable income available to ne'er-do - wells in the corduroy, or denim britches of both gender afoot. Rather the neighborhood is blemished with blow-hards who tend to be radical Progressives. Convicted Alderman Larry Bloom'd here and abouts until his two big-hearted meat hooks snagged some swag in between Larry's Rage Against the Machine landed Larry in Oxford Federal Pen. Toni Preckwinkle, Barbara Flynn-Currie, and,of course, Dr. Quentin Young the Guru of the Marxist Progressive Democrat sway enormous clout over the city, county, state and nation from this 'hood.

A tad north of Hyde Park is Kenwood kind of like Morgan Park is to Beverly in the real world.  In Kenwood resides President Obama's clout and chinaman - Bill Ayers, SDS/Weatherman Veteran/ Educational Ghost Payroller (Ret.)/ Commie Snake-Oil Shill and Cubana de Aviación frequent flier - he is even believed to have penned both of Barack H. Obama's autobiographies.  Bill Ayers - the Barney Google of Terror.This fatuous dope gets far too much attention and I only wish to point out the rather flawed work of a small cognomen in the Chicago wheel - Ted Cox - accent grave on the Ted.

Bill Ayers is the product of a powerful home chock full of money - cash, bonds, dividends, investments, trusts and I'll bet more gold coins than William Devane.  Ayers Pappy - Old Tom - was a Commonwealth Edison CEO and Chicago's utility, charity, civic and political, boards-man.  I know some revolutionaries and even a couple of devout Communists and they are sweet generous and self effacing people from whom one could expect the loan of a generator when Com Ed goes out.  Old Tom and his kid strike me as the types who call the cops on Trick 'R Treaters at the stroke of 6PM.  The real revolutionaries worked in Northern Ireland and Nicaragua and one never hears much about their guerrilla days.  Ayers never shuts up.  Covering this clown is Ted Cox.

International House at University of Chicago - has a seating capacity for 300-400 persons.  Bill is reported to have attracted 100, which in crowd reporting gets a bemused nod of 'Sure. . .sure.'  Ayers Zippo'd Kerry, Obama, Clinton and Henry Kissinger and dys-informed the gathering on Syria, Libya and Dylan.  Ted listened and filtered Chicago's Own Billy Ayers through . . .now, get this . . .James Thurber

The reading part of the evening, from "Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident," a sequel to his earlier "Fugitive Days" about his time underground with antiwar radicals the Weathermen, tended to be humorous, ironic and self-deprecating, as Ayers' writing also displays an air of whimsical imagination reminiscent of James Thurber.
Ayers writes of being in a seminar with his students in 2008 when they began watching the debate in which he was dragged into the campaign as a "domestic terrorist" who had supported Barack Obama in his early political ventures. One student turned to him and said, "Oh my God, that guy has the same name as yours."
Pokkatah, Pokkatah, pokka . . .What???  Whimsical Billy?  Whimsy is Ogden Nash.  Bill Ayers is a political sideshow and rhetorical chicken choker.  Ayers is a hillbilly grifter, so obvious in his dress, speech, deportment and pretensions ( Rilke?  Really?),  that he resembles the old cartoon-snake-oiler Barney Google. Even Slate hates Ayers books.

Beacon Press will publish Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident. It’s billed as a sequel to Fugitive Days, Ayers’ 2001 Weather Underground memoir, which at the time was the most “self-indulgent and morally clueless” memoir Slate’s Tim Noah had ever read. (This was several years before Eat Pray Love.) I liked Fugitive Days a little more than that, and Ayers was kind enough to sign a copy for me after some of my college friends and I annoyed him at one of the 2001 readings.

Fugitive Days and Ayers’ post-9/11 book tour were streaked with humility. Ayers had done something wrong, and he admitted it, but he did it for the right cause. Public Enemy, by contrast, is a memoir of score-settling, against a cast of extremely stupid (according to Ayers) critics. To hear Ayers tell it, since 2001 he’s been victimized and pilloried and misunderstood by a succession of idiots.
Guerrillas don't cry!  There's no crying in Bolivarista World Revolution!

Ted Cox finds the dope whimsical!   How about CCCP's own Thurber, Beria, Ted? What a scamp.   Now, that lad could kick up a swell Beriozka.  Ted is probably a pretty good guy, who just wants a neighbor to feel good.

Ted, Bill Ayers is a talentless, wealthy, but talentless dope hooked up for life to an odious hag of a cheerleader.  Now, she is dangerous.

Ted, Bernardine Dohrn is not whimsical. This is 

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Will Traitor Edward Snowden Seek Asylum in Chicago, Our Sanctuary & Laundered Life City?

Billy, tell Eric Z to 'call' me; I thinks I gots a place for that kid, Snowden.  How's retirement?  I see you are doing side-walk marketing for Liberty Tax Preparations - pensions sure ain't what they was! "- Stanley Ikernberry Uof I Utility Grifter

A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Snowden had withdrawn his request for asylum there because of Putin’s (dubious) requirement that Snowden stop doing damage to the United States. WikiLeaks announced Tuesday that he’s still seeking asylum from 20 countries, including such bastions of freedom as China, Cuba and Venezuela. Dana Milbank - Washington Post

Chicago is the only only city in the world where a law breaker can get square deal.

Milton Bradley, formerly of the Chicago Cubs and MLB, parted our sanctuary city for the sunnier coast. Between 2011-12 he tuned up his bride, because he was smokin' loud in front of kiddies.  He will now go away for six semesters. Had Milton not been the obstreperous lout with a lousy batting average, he might have avoided incarceration altogether and garnered an academic posting at De Paul University, or as an Urban Translator along side of Gator Bradley in Wrongful Conviction Heater Trials.

Milton, you should have stayed put, Son!  Tio Hardiman's missus has been 'induced' to drop the Brown Hand Procedure charges.

Wife beaters get work in Chicago - columnists and anti-violence activists.  Charges disappear like magic.

Any malefactor can get work in the City That Works for Some. Cliff Kelley is a disc jockey.  America's domestic terrorism Mr. & Mrs. North - Billy and Bernardin Ayers & Dorhn helped kill cops and blew up buildings only to become Distinguished Professors at Cement City (UICC) and Northwestern University.

There are ex-con Aldermen and ex-con Obama strategists, like Bob "the Shank" Creamer - Terra Haute Alumnus and Schakowsky Spouse. Chicago is a sanctuary city for illegal aliens, but more so the de facto sanctuary city of Progressive Blessed Criminals. Rahm ordered Chicago be the Welcome City! More so, Chicago provides The Laundered Life!

Chicago is not unlike a medieval church where felons find not only shelter but a comfortable income.

Why would Edward Snowden opt to end his days in banana burgs like La Paz, Quito, or Caracas, when he could Lou Malnati his way to a quiet grave right here in Chicago - via the Laundered Life.

My advice, to Snowden would be

1. Dump Glenn Greenwald and seek the patronage of Stanley Ikenberry ( Bill Ayers' Chinaman U of I Utility Grifter)
2. Have Dad make a drop to the Re-elect Pat Quinn Campaign, Personal PAC, or WTTW
3. Reach out to Carol Marin for a series of heart-tugging columns about your being bullied by Pipe-fitters and Cement Finishers
4. Wear Cubs gear in the Russkie airport
5. Advocate for Gay Marriage . . .after you leave Moscow of course

In no time at all,   Eric Snowden will be a resident and distinguished fellow of Something-or-Other at De Paul,  corned beef stacking judge at Manny's, WTTW panelist, BGA Whistle Blower Lecturer and roof-top seating life member, Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch Member and permanent guest of Chicago: The Sanctuary City!  Be as big as your dreams and as big as the lies.