Thursday, June 08, 2017

What to Do on Comey Thursday ! N.B. John Kass, Alone, Brings Readers to the Chicago Tribune

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John Kass, a river to his people!

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Big Jim Comey Spills to Congress, Doo,Dah, DooDah! ( repeat as needed)

Fired F.B.I. Director and J. Edgar Hoover to the Stars, James Comey will dominate the airwaves and suck the oxygen out of this rapidly dying planet, when he tells all to Congress today.

Well, that should clear things up around the Swamp and get them bells of freedom a 'chiming all through this land that's made for you and me.

I read the Chicago Tribune just prior to hitting these keys and it seems Trump is a really, really bad guy and will soon be shown the back exit door of the White House; maybe, even before Baron and Melania show up with the Mayflower vans from Trump Tower, or wherever the tribe lights the campfire.

The always prissy Steve Chapman and the editorial eel-spine-ed Bruce Dold detest President Trump, which always is a stack of chips in his favor for this citizen. On Sunday, Rex Huppke went wee-wee all over Deplorables like me and so many others.
I could punch a mime and pee off the edge of the Eiffel Tower while shouting "America First!" and I would still, without question, be viewed as a higher caliber American than the president.
European vacations are now going to be a blast. We can get away with anything and still seem classy by comparison.
Thanks, President Trump! The people of the United State of Inanity salute you.Image result for rex huppke
Rex Huppke Micturates into above said river.  

What a gas!  What wit! What a self-absorbed asshole! Rex Huppke might get knowing snorks from the beret and knit cap crowd, but his bile is only read by us working stiffs to see just how badly the oligarchs detest us.  The only inane Americans I know of call themselves journalists.

John Kass alone is why people read the Chicago Tribune, Rex.   Rex Huppke, Steve Chapman, Clarence Page the Al Roker of African American Opinion, Mary Schmich and Eric Zorn  all get salaries to insult, deprecate and smarm their contempt for working Americans and college-educated citizens in possession of common sense.  Rave on, Resistance writers, John Kass is providing you the trump to carry on.

Yep, Trump is crispy,over-heated bread. What can Comey add to conversation in the media wind tunnel?


So, today, after a nice two mile round trip to St. John Fisher for Communion and vigorous scrubbing of the kitchen floor, I intend to walk the precincts of the 19th Ward and inhale the vapors of this beautiful and sunny day.
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I shall get a haircut at Cutrone's barbershop on 111th and learn about London's vote, as Giovanni's daughter-in-law and her brother are from Old Blighty. Image result for Cutrone's barber in Mount Greenwood Brother-in-law is a barber and will have something to say on the London Bridge massacre. Cutrone's has English Football playing every day.  Patrons watch Limey Football.  John Kass would love this place. I have never seen a Chicago Tribune at Cutrone's and Sun Times is folded over to the near invisible sports section.

No Bears, no Bulls, but plenty of Chelsea F.C., Tottenham, West Ham United F.C., Chrystal Palace F.C. and Arsenal F.C.  dominate Cutrones huge flat screen T.V.s.   Arsenal ?  Yep.

The leader of the ISIS trio was wearing an Arsenal jumper when he gored tourists and neighbors with his blade.

Yep, that Trump's a tramp.

And tramp I shall with my locks shorn and smelling like Clubman these feet will meet the concrete all the way to Oak Lawn (2.3 miles in 45 minutes) and drop in my granddaughter for sound feeding and changing at the hands of a practiced baby-wrangler. After an hour or two of rubber-caged mugging and idiotic imitations of Mel Blanc to coax out a smile from Miss Lily, I will beat a retreat.

Another 45 minutes of invigorating strides and home to shower and change for my early evening assignation with Miss Terry Sullivan and a stroll through Little Italy's Columbus Park to take in some Thursday T-ball and minor softball, before a light supper at Tufano's Vernon Parkway Tap.

We will engage in lively issues concerning art, film, jazz and real estate in Forest Park.

This makes a swell day.


No, I got a haircut at Cutrone's.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Obama Girl Busted - Reality7 Sara Winner Now Alpha Mike Foxtrot!

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 Reality7 Sara Winner - HBO series in the line-up?   Sorry, that was mean.
Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled as they have been during the Bush administration. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.  Obama & Biden 2008
On Monday, she ( Reality7 Sara Winner) was charged after the FBI arrested her Saturday at her home in Augusta, Georgia. She faces up to 10 years in prison for the classified leak, according to CNN. She's back in court on Thursday.
Winner was accused of leaking a report that showed Russian intelligence tried to hack U.S. voting systems before the election in November. The Intercept shared printed pages of the report, and the folds and creases in the documents gave away that they had been "printed and hand-carried out of a secured space." From that, the agency saw six people had printed the report and then tracked down the one person from the group who had emailed the news outlet.
Her motivations for leaking are not yet known. But she left a lot information about herself online. She was active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for years and shared her anti-Trump and other political sentiments on the platforms.
Sara Winners @Reezlie@JZarif There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!

 @JZarif "There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran." Name two.

Oh, that's right.  Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett.

Reality7 Sara Winner too. . . . and Baby Makes Three! But, what about Vlad the Bad and the Muscovite Deplorables?

Reality7 Sara Winners is Federal Employee, an NSA contractor, and she and people like her are the reason Barack Obama became President and remained President. She looks like a character created by HBO - quirky, smirky and no fan of the man with Orange tan and mane in the White House.

This is odd.  Image result for spaulding smailsOne might, might mind you, suppose, that having consumed the memes pumped out by the minute at CNN and New York Times that the Russian colluder would be some Spaulding-like cousin of President Trump, or an Obama fired ex-military snake eater.

Rather, we have a Lena Dunham look-alike with a real metaphorical stiffy for President Trump and a Federal Employee covered by Obama's Whistle Blower Deep State Spakle.

Four neat guys, called the Intercept, received classified documents from Reality Sara Winner and the Russians got a back door to the NSA firewall. The Intercept is owned by Pierre Omidyar and has a dubious record of achievement,

NSA info is as easy to get as one of them Walgreens Red Noses.  Everyone has it.  Wee Little Mike Quigley of Congress wildly waved his crocidile arms to all one and sundry about Russkies tweaking the Illinois Board of Elections, "If you had read what I had read and heard and so forth, and you watch this president and how he's acted under certain situations, if there's ever a president who would defy the Supreme Court, this is the one," Image result for tiny mike quigleyQuigley said..

Little Mike is on the House Intelligence Committee and is gabbier than Col. McCormick about Midway Codes. 

Reality7 is one of Barack Obama's heroic patriots playing at whistleblower.

Boy, that Trump is sure dangerous.

Common? Not a Bit; a Most Singular Man in Our Cookie Cutter Culture

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I see Common is in a new movie. I will see it.  Common is a great actor.

Common is the name of a Rap artist and very solid actor. He is a south side kid from Calumet Heights, under the Skyway and over by the Avalon Theater, around 87th. and Chicago Ave. sliced by Stoney Island.

Rap, Hip-Hop and Gangstah Rap is not to my tastes.  However, no genre is all bad or all good and true genius emerges unexpectedly from music panned by old timers, just as novelty pop had been in my 1960's era- Alley Oop is no novelty tune; it is the swagger of American manhood: " He walks thru the jungle tearin' limbs off a trees/ Knocks BIG monsters flat on their knees." Q.E.D. Look at that caveman go!

Every American male should be baptized in this song*. The cats don't bug him, because they no better/ He's mean-motor-scooter and bad go-getter.

In the first decade of this new century, roughly 2006, I bothered Leo High School's Executive Assistant,Miss Natasha Adams, almost daily about a tune that was played on WGCI 107.5 FM.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

" 'Tash, who does that song again?" I would ask. . ..every time I passed Miss Adams' desk.


" Who are they?"

"Common is one man."

"Common what?"

" Just "Common," Mr. Hickey, like Cher?"

"Is that his real name?"

" No, he has a real name and he graduated from Luther South."

" I like that song. What's it called?"

" Corner"

"Corner, by Common?"

" Yes."

" One word?"


"One word - he got a thing for one word?"

" Songs over, Mr. Hickey.  Scat!  I must type these letters for Mr. ( President) Foster."

"Why one word?"

"Ask Mr. Foster."

" Thing for one word.  Weird."

" Hickey! Go raise money and leave me alone, please."

"One word - Hickey!  Like Common."

"No, not like Common!  Go!"

I got.

I liked Corner.  I did not care for most Hip-Hop, but this was authentic and deep and included the OGs of the genre The Last Poets.  I was introduced to the Last Poets just before I began teaching in Kankakee, IL and teachers like Dave Raiche, Jim Frogge and Nick Novich were most hip to the Last Poets.  I loved Jazz and Nick Novich pointed out the jazz nuances reflected in the scatting and percussive hammering of inages by The Last Poets, a la Sun Ra and Rashan Roland Kirk.

I next became steeped  in Common watching that wonderful tale of the transcontinental railroad Hell on Wheels.   He was riveting.  Common played the role of a recently freed black man as a tower of dignity and fierce intelligence.

The young man is no screaming Samuel L. Jackson minstrel show player. He uses his powerful and studied voice like the musician he is and paints the vocal tower of singular poise that matches his physical grace.     <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> See what I mean?

Also, Common never manages to make a complete goof of himself and presents youngsters with a solid image of a centered man.  He is not a media creep and political weasel like Chance the Rapper seems to be, nor is he a knuckle head with a death wish like Chief Keef AND  HE DOES NOT SCREAM AT THE TOP OF HIS VOICE ABOUT NONSENSE LIKE SAMUEL L. JACKSON@# Dialit down.

Common exudes dignity.

Few actors can carry this off - Spencer Tracy and Anthony Quinn come to mind. No notices anyone else when they are on screen. Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe and Common are about the two best examples of this quality today.

* alternatives:


Monday, June 05, 2017

It Takes a Special Kind of SOB to Stab Anyone and a Gang of Very Special SOBs to Stage a Fake PC CNN Feel-Good Protest

Image result for woman stabbing victims London june 2017London Bridge terror attack First victim of London Bridge massacre identified as "beautiful" Canadian bride-to-be Chrissy Archibald. She was butchered by the son of a bitch bleeding out on the London sidewalk. 

Have any of you been stabbed?  I worked as a meat cutter for Jewel Foods in the late 1960's and bear the scars from accidental ( I hope) stabbings to my wrist, thigh and arms.  We wore chain-mail gloves when cutting huge pieces from beef, pig and lamb carcasses.  We were especially careful with one another, but accidents do happen. I was cut about eight or ten times and only needed stitches for three slices to my lard.  Nothing too horrific, but a sharp blade cuts deep and really begins to hurt hours later. 

I gained a deep and abiding respect for the trade and what the tools can do to living flesh.  There is also a deep sympathy in my heart for stabbing victims.

A gun takes no amount of will, courage, or hate to let fly at another person.  It is a coward's weapon of choice. A bat, length of pipe and especially a knife requires a true psychopathic person to bring on the suffering.

You must be some kind of deeply disturbed and rotten human being to beat or stab another human being to death.  You are a practiced son of a bitch, if you can do either. This London hero witnessed the stabbers and helped the police knock them off.  Here is a compelling report from the London Mirror: 

You must practice to this kind of violence. This could not have been the ISIS trio's first rodeo.
Practice on small and large animals, graduated to harming small and harmless people and perfected in the act of murder to 'send a message.'

I can understand the hate and frustration that might volcano into a passionate stabbing of a person by a person who has had some conflict - eating the last pizza slice, or kissing the wrong girl - but to conduct a stabbing rampage on anonymous people as a gift to Allah?  That is some sick stuff.

In London, this past weekend, the world once again witnessed the devout disciples of the Religion of Peace run-over and stab scores of people going about their lives, only a few weeks after their brethren set off shrapnel spewing bomb vests a concert hall full of little girls.  By Allah's beard, these are not Mormons doing this, nor are they Knights of Columbus, Greek Orthodox monks and sure as hell are not members of B'nai B'rith.  They are Muslims.

The IRA were Catholic lads.  The UVF were Protestant Boys.  They were sectarian sons of bitches who blew up one another as well as non Celts. ISIS is not a secular club.

Muslims are victims as much as non-Muslims.  However, the stabbing, beating, beheading, butchering and vehicle assaulting sons of bitches tune-up at Mosques and not around  Salvation Army kettles. CAIR never comes down hard on terror.   CAIR is Sinn Fein with a Koran.

Our secular theology of global ecology hootenanny harmony is the dogma attached to those who benefit from  terror, science jihad and wealth redistribution scams.  CNN is one of the most oily, obvious and obnoxious defenders of Globalist Secular Theology - No God, No Master but Mammon.

Immediately after the horrific stabbings and crushings of innocent tourists and Londoners.  CNN offered this:

I saw it and felt in my heart, " This is pure bullshit, worthy of PBS."  I read quite a bit and one source I choose is from Israel Artuz Sheva 7.   Israel knows all about the stabbing for Allah trope.  Image result for terrorist repeatedly stabbing womanTheir site offered a confirmation of my suspicions.

And they offered insight to the goings on behind the cameras and mic-booms.

The reporter narrating the segment is Becky Anderson an Abu Dhabi-based CNN news anchor, who praises the gathering as “a wonderful scene”.
But footage recorded just behind CNN’s cameras cast some doubt as to the veracity of Anderon’s coverage of the alleged protest. he behind-the-scenes footage, which quickly went viral, shows Anderson calling over the “Muslim Mothers” and positioning them in front of the cameras.
Criticism of what some dubbed CNN’s “fake news” or the “fake protest” spread like wildfire.
According to the original uploader of the behind-the-scenes clip, Mark Antro, CNN not only positioned the demonstrators in front of the cameras for a better shot, but also brought in minority police officers for the filming of the clip.
“Note the white police officers leaving before the CNN shot & the Asian officers coming in,” wrote Antro. “They then left after they went off air!”

CNN has claimed Antro’s footage is misleading, telling Mediaite that the demonstrators were simply allowed through a police cordon at the CNN crew’s request, and that the demonstration was quite real.

You have to be some kind son of a bitch to stab another human being.  Worse, it takes a practiced and soul-less bunch of bastards (CNN) to skew a tale of terror.  CNN says, the report is "quite real."

Quite real.  As genuine as CNN, the Paris Accord, Lord Mayor Khan's concerns and Kathy Griffin's apologies.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

" God, or Bust?" Military Becomes More of Cult State Force Than Imperial Rome

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 One Man's Church is another Man's Truth*
  ""Beyond Humanism, the new listing is a win for diversity in general, . . . abandon the outdated concept of a god-or-bust chaplaincy," Jason Torpey, Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers,
 "Moses has words. Pharaoh has spears!"  Dathan in Ten Commandments

Yeah, Father Duffy would want more Wiccans in The Fighting 69th.

Inclusive, diverse and as remarkable as the Defense Department's new policy of expanding the list of approved religions to include the " Church of the Spiral Tree" and other earth-centered people of faith, one wonders which god is being served - Mars Invictus, or Lady Gaia.

You see not only did Barack Obama sign America up for Paris Peace Accord by a stroke of the pen, he also signed an Amended Religious Freedom Act just before Christmas, or Saturnalia in 2016, which, on the surface, is an Atticus Finch-like defense of humanism, atheism, agnosticism, and by golly just anything old thing one might like to believe with all of one's little heart.

The Defense Department which has struggled to defeat monotheistic bigots in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the globe, has planted  the Rainbow Flag for the LGBTQ community and managed to cover the Cross and Star of David, when devotees of the Crescent Moon get upset. Threats, really imagined and trumpeted loudly.

Anyway, Chaplain Charlie's Light Show now includes - New Age Churches, Unclassified Churches, Pagans, Wiccans, Magick and Spitualist, Agnostic, Atheist, Unknown, No Preference, No Religion and the Unknown faiths.

Humanism was recognized by the military in 2014, but until this order it wasn't recognized by all branches of the military.
"There have been prior declarations that the government or the military has recognized Humanism in one way or another," Torpy said. "But this is different."
While many new faith groups, such as the "Church Of The Spiral Tree" and "Dianic Wicca" have been added to the list, there are some that have been discarded. Faith groups such as the Tioga River Christian Conference, as well as nondenominational Protestants have been removed from the list.

This sprang for the unofficial religion of the United States the First Church, Temple, Mosque and Meetin' House of the Victim:

The Army has disciplined a military chaplain for making references to the Bible during a suicide-prevention seminar last month.
A serviceman brought the Judeo-Christian religious content to the attention of an atheist group, which complained about it. Now, the chaplain is fighting back, maintaining he did nothing wrong.
The dispute has renewed a debate over the appropriate role of faith in the military.
The chaplain, Capt. Joe Lawhorn, conducted the training session on suicide prevention Nov. 20 at the University of North Georgia. During the session, he shared his personal struggles with depression while an Army Ranger.
What upset the atheist group is that Lawhorn explained how he learned to conquer adversity by following the example of Israel’s warrior king, David, one of the great heroes of the Old Testament.
The three tenets of this secular faith are - Beef, Lawyer-up, Collect.

All these iconoclastic measures against Military Chaplaincy rooted in Judeo-Christian traditions were applauded wildly by the same folks who worship at the Church of Climate Change.

The Roman Legions of the Republic were comprised of citizens who served in in times of crisis and then went home.  The Roman Legions of Imperial Rome were given cults to follow - especially the cult of the State. Ennius wrote in his Annals " Moribus antiquis res stat Romana virisque." - trans. "The Roman state survives by its ancient customs and its manhood." Annals, Book V

The Roman Army was the last bastion of the pagan. The American Military seems to have reversed that under Obama.

You see, when you do not choose to believe in God, you choose another thing to believe in like The Spiral Tree,

The Church of Euthanasia was inspired by a dream, in which Rev. Chris Korda confronted an alien intelligence known as The Being who speaks for the inhabitants of Earth in other dimensions. The Being warned that our planet's ecosystem is failing, and that our leaders deny this. The Being asked why our leaders lie to us, and why so many of us believe these lies. Rev. Korda awoke from the dream moaning the Church's infamous slogan, Save the Planet - Kill Yourself.

Every aspect of the deepening global environmental crisis, including climate change, poisoning of the water and atmosphere, reduction of biodiversity, and topsoil erosion, directly results from the over-abundance of a single species: homo sapiens. The human population is increasing by one million every four days, according the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau. This is a net increase of 95 million per year, the current population of Mexico.

Even a major war or epidemic hardly dents the rate of growth, and modern wars have tremendous environmental consequences. It is for these practical reasons, as well as moral ones, that Euthanasians support only voluntary forms of population reduction, including suicide, free abortion, and sodomy, which they define as any sexual act not intended for procreation. They are also fiercely vegetarian, and support cannibalism for those who insist on eating flesh.

The planet is a living, breathing organism, and is capable of defending itself if necessary. The Church hopes to avoid the suffering this would entail by achieving a massive leap of consciousness in which human beings begin to think of themselves, not as individuals belonging to races or nation-states, but as a species. This species awareness would be the first step towards what Biodiversity author and population expert Paul Erlich calls "our absolute responsibility to protect what are our only known living companions in the universe."