In 2004, Democrats delivered a “Chorus Of Boos” during Bush's Bush’s State Of The Union when he called for renewal of the Patriot Act., according to the Washington Times.
In 2005, Dems howled, hissed and shouted "No!" when Bush pushed for Social Security reform in the SOU: "Foreshadowing the contentiousness of the coming debate, Democrats broke decorum and booed twice," according to the National Journal.
At the time, CNN's Bill Schneider remarked, “It was unusual. I had never heard it at least at that level before. The Democrats clearly were booing, heckling, saying no when the president talked about the crisis in Social Security."
The Politico Sept. 10, 2009.
No matter how bad things were going in this country, Bush was respected as the president of the United States.
Race Baiter Mary Mitchell Sept. 17, 2009
Mary Mitchell goes on to praise President Jimmy Carter, the guy who has his book (
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid),on Osama Bin Laden's Must Read List.*
Of course! White People use every waking moment to bullwhip, bamboozle, cheat, slander, vilify, lynch oppress, and make God's Green Earth a bed of nails for black folks. That is why 100% of the African American kids at Leo High School get an education supported 99.9% by white guys. Hateful. Obvious irony is sarcasm. Sorry. Let's be up-beat about the Old Peanut Farmer Cincinnatus and Presidential Hamas Farm Hand - President Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter tossed his nose in to help President Obama with all of hsi customary planning, foresight and tactical wisdom that sent a doomed rescue team into Iran. The commandos sent in to rescue the hostages in Tehran were doomed from the dust-off. President Obama has now been historically fused to the lamest American President - ever.
Here's the deal. I like President Obama, but believe he is in
way over his head, because he jumped to the White House too soon. More so, he is surrounded by the halt, lame and lazy.
Thanks Jimmy! President Obama needed your two cents like he needs another ACORN tape.
When the Race Card gets tossed, you lose.
Gov. Patterson, Roland Burris, William 'The Refrigerator' Jefferson, Maxine Waters - 24/7, Jena Seven, Duke LaCrosse, Bobby Rush, ACORN, MSNBC & Time/Warner & etc. Sad Company these Cartesians.
The sad truth is that President Obama seems to be wandering the same old lonesome road as Jimmy Carter did through the 1970's - appeasement, disarming America, and getting a weekly tune-up from tin-horn dictators and Islamist psychotics. Jimmy had plenty of advice from dilettante power players and so does President Obama.
With less than 300 days Office, President Obama is Jimmy Carter.
As the Old Spiritual tells us,
Nuts, Hot Nuts You Get 'Em From the Peanut Man!**http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2009/09/obama-is-pushing-israel-to-war.html
**Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, anybody here want to buy my nuts?
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, I've got nuts for sale.
One for five, two for ten,
If you buy 'em once, you'll buy 'em again.
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, you buy 'em from the peanut man.
Nuts, hot nuts, anybody here want to buy my nuts?
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, I've got nuts for sale.
You tell me your nuts is mighty fine,
But I bet your nuts isn't hot as mine.
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, you buy 'em from the peanut man.
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, anybody here want to buy my nuts?
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, I've got nuts for sale.
You tell me that man's nuts is mighty small,
Best to have small nuts than have no nuts at all;
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, you buy 'em from the peanut man.
Spoken: Hot nuts? Peanuts! Nutsies? Nuts!
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, anybody here want to buy some nuts?
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, I've got nuts for sale.
You see that man all dressed in brown,
He's got the hottest nuts in town.
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, you buy 'em from the peanut man.
Nuts, hot nuts, anybody here want to buy my nuts?
Sellin' nuts, hot nuts, I've got nuts for sale.
When a hog gets hungry, he begins to grunt,
When a man gets hungry, he begins to hunt,
For nuts, hot nuts, you buy 'em from the peanut man.