Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

Christie and Bridgey

October 2012 - Mitt:'Governor Christie, if I can ever . . .ever do anything . . .to help you as much as you helped me . . .don't even ask.  BTW - I had the dog-gonedest time of a time getting here on that George Washington Bridge . . .only one lane was open outside of this little town. . . can't recalls the name . . .Husky, or Portly? Ask Bridgey, your aide.'

The Guv: ' Bridgey. . .Bridgey.  Yeah, Thanks.'

August 2013 -' Bridgey, Romney gave me a great idea. . . .get this. Put the book down and snap them molars tight . . .Now, Listen.  I am not a bully.''

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

President Diminished Capacity -'Horses and Bayonets and Battleship' Oh My!

Sailors have used bayonets, but Governor Romney was talking about ships, Mr. President.
"You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916," Obama said. "Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed.
"We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go under water, nuclear submarines," he said.
Obama even evoked a children's military role-playing board game, "Battleship," to bash his rival.
"The question is not a game of Battleship, where we're counting ships," he said.

I am sure that 'horses and bayonets' will resonate with the Journolists, MSNBC, OWS, and Soledad crowd.

Ships, if I recall, are nautical weapons platforms.

Horses and bayonets are of some use to ground forces and certainly are being used in Afghanistan.

President Obama's snotty crack, like most snotty cracks, missed the mark and the point made by Governor Romney entirely.  The issue was the diminished capacity of the United States Navy.

Mitt Romney got under the President's skin with the fact that the US NAVY has fewer ships to serve the world and protect our shores than it did when Woodrow Wilson, the first Progressive, was President. President Obama went snotty, purile and true to his character.

This is a President of diminished capacity and he did not bring much to the table from the get-go.   Vote.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The Debate: President Obama ( played by Cab Calloway) and Mitt Romney ( presented by Austrian-born John Wengraf)

 "Scio opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum"   "I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name." (Apocalypse 3.8)

Got us a debate to night.Pass.

Made my mind up in 2007 and I am voting for the guy with the funny name.

I'm gonna read me some Tacitus (translated by Michael Grant) - Tiberius's trap of Sejanus seem fit.

Satire X
Sermones XAnd now the flames are hissing, and amid the roar of furnace and of bellows the head of the mighty Sejanus, the darling of the mob, is burning and crackling, and from that face, which was but lately second in the entire world, are being fashioned pipelines, basins, frying-pans and slip-pails!  Up with the laurel-wreaths over your doors!  Lead forth a grand chalked bull to the Capitol!  Sejanus is being dragged along by a hook, as a show and joy to all!  "What a lip the fellow had!  What a face!" - "Believe me, I never liked the man!" - " but on what charge was he condemned?  Who informed against him?  What was the evidence, who the witnesses, who made good the case?" - "Nothing of the sort; a great and wordy letter came from Capri." - "Good; I ask no more."
    And what does the mob of Remus say?  It follows fortune, as it always does, and rails against the condemned.  That same rabble, if Nortia had smiled upon the Etruscan, if the aged Emperor had been struck down unaware, would in that very hour have conferred upon Sejanus the title of Augustus.  Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two thing - Bread and Games!
    "I hear that many are to perish." - "No doubt of it; there is a big furnace ready." - "My friend Brutidius looked a trifle pale when I met him at the Altar of Mars.  I tremble lest the defeated Ajax should take vengeance for having been so ill defenced."- "Let us rush headlong and trample on Caesar's enemy, while he lies upon the bank!" - "Ay, and let our slaves see that none bear witness against us, and drag their trembling master into court with a halter round his neck."
    Such was the talk at the moment about Sejanus; such were the mutterings of the crowd.  

translation by G. G. Ramsay

Friday, September 21, 2012

Will 2012 Election Depend Upon the Catholic Vote?


Catholics may hold the key to the 2012 Presidential and General Elections.  Swing States are the focus of everyone who thinks that he, or she has a thumb on the national pulse.  The choices at the Top of each ticket pits President Obama is a Christian Non-sectarian against Mitt Romney,a Mormon.  Both Paul Ryan and Joe Biden are Roman Catholics vying for Vice President.  Ryan and Biden reflect two distinct varieties of American Catholic - Paul Ryan is Anti-Abortion and traditional in his observation of Catholic moral teaching; Joe Biden is perfectly all right with abortion and the Planned Parenthood imprimatur on birth control.

I think that Catholics will decide this election.

Me?  I was all set to vote in 2009. I can not, did not and will not vote for Barack Obama for President.

Catholics went wild for Senator Barack H. Obama in 2008 thanks to the very warm reception he received from Catholic academics and Catholic Democrats like Kathleen Sebelius, Joe Biden, Richie Daley, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn and the rank and file in cities like Chicago, Pittsburgh, Youngstown, and Minneapolis.  Democrat used to be a euphemism for urban Catholic. Catholics in the GOP were suspected of being Planned Parenthood shills.  The GOP was very Progressive years before the Democratic Party and then wised up.

My lack of enthusiasm for Barack Obama stems from my belief in his total lack of experience for the job of President, his long association with some of the daffier elements of the Democratic Party Nationally and locally and my personal contact with the man.

All politics is personal.  I take the weather personally.

More so, I take umbrage when someone is insulting my faith, or people I respect all the while demanding that there is something intrinsically wrong with my beliefs, historical knowledge, reading ability, racial sensitivity and fashion sensibilities.

When I am wrong, I like to have bill-boards painted attesting to my latest sins and omissions.

I think that casting a vote against Obama in 2008 was a good thing and will not consign me to eternal damnation ( I have plenty more to account for in other departments), nor do I believe that encouraging at least my coreligionists to vote vigorously against a man and a world view at odds with my Church.

President Obama and his regime do not tolerate Catholics. He is abortion's son. He is a public service labor bully and no friend of real labor - which built the American Middle Class along with American business.  President Obama Part II will make even more vigorous war on Catholics if he manages to snatch the election.

Aside from that, President Obama is an affable gent more than qualified to occupy elected office somewhere in Illinois. However, if he loses this one,God willing,  there is no way he will return to the land of Lincoln.

Mass Attending Catholics

Presidential Ballot

Issue Questions

Ryan Image Rating


Survey Demographics

Monday, August 06, 2012

David Axelrod Explains Why Romney Can't Win

Mitt Romney belongs to the category of GOP politicians that I call 'tasseled loafer' Republicans.  They tend to be nice enough people, as far as I can tell.  I don't run into many, if the truth be told.  They are folks like Speaker John Boehner, or closer to home here in Chicago, DuPage County Republican types, of the failed gubernatorial candidates Bill Brady, Jim Oberweiss and that other guy . . . what's his name?  Most of these folks have the personality of dial tones and excite the imaginations of of people like the fabled offer of an ALL YOU CAN EAT Melba Toast Buffet.

That said, I find these folks far less repellent than the successfully artful Progressive ophidians who dominate the Democratic Party Nationally, Statewide and locally.

Watch here as David Axelrod gives a tutorial on how exactly Obama will be re-elected in a land-slide:

Make sense to you? Of course not and it is not supposed to . . .Dave Axelrod tosses word salads and even Fox eats it up, without question.

Death by a Thousand UnAnswered Cuts-  that is  David Axelrod's modusoperandi. Mitt Romeny, like every tasseled -loafer GOP hopeful requires the help of an urban ethnic Democrat Ward healing cut-throat adviser - A Tammany baptized, unfiltered voice of practical political wit and wisdom to slap the back of his head everytime he tries to take the high-road to low-road set-ups by media or political surrogates

  • Mitt, go for her nuts, when asked a question about Mrs. Romney's equestrian back therapy by Rachel Maddow - "Well, you want your wife to be healthy would you not spare no expense, Rachel?"
  • Mitt, go Harry Reid, when asked about coughing up tax returns - " You know, I was talking to a top White House source only yesterday, and he told me that Eric Holder had set up a string of used gun shops from Brownsville, Texas to Baja, CA . . . Hey, I'm just sayin' "
  • Mitt, go Desiree Rogers, when asked about Valerie Jarrett running the Obama White House - " You know, one day your BFF gets her Knockers in a Knot and the next it is some other babe's bazongas . . .that's brand Obama.  Hey, did Desiree crash that wedding afterall, Hey, I'm just sayin'"
Such counsel might make Mitt more palatable to folks who read only the New York Times, religiously, and watch only the PBS Nightly News with Judy Woodruff and Gwen Eyeful, as well as the guys who put busted-up chairs out in their freshly shoveled parking places and women who shop at Save Lots. I expect that Mitt Romney will pick a VP cut exactly to specifications of the Obama Campaign 2012 - a Tim Pawlenty  ( Mn), or Rob Portman (OH). He should pick someone like Governor Bobby Jindal, or Gov. Chris Christies, or Col. Allen West.  I don't see it.  Mitt will get my vote, because the alternative is repellent to me anyway.  I doubt if that will be anywhere near enough.  Mitt Romney will be willing victim until his concession speech early on the night of November 6th, 2012; after that . . .hold the phone, citizens!

Ronald Reagan was a good-looking guy with lots of dough who rode horses and never wore tasseled loafers.  Reagan was a Democrat, understood Democrats, and could never get trapped into skipping down a rhetorical blind alley by punks from Evanston, Winnetka, or Hollywood.

Transcript -

But, first, the presidential campaign battle over how to get Americans back to work. Joining us now from Chicago, David Axelrod, senior adviser to the Obama campaign.
And, David, welcome back to "Fox News Sunday."
WALLACE: Let's start with the latest jobs numbers. The economy created 163,000 jobs in July but unemployment rate rose from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent. Let's put that into some context. More than 23 million Americans are now unemployed, have given up looking for work, or are working fewer hours than they would like, and 5 million have been out of work more than six months.
Given that fixing the economy was number job one -- why does President Obama deserve reelection given that record?
AXELROD: Well, first of all, Chris, let's put this in perspective. In the six months before the president took office, we lost 4 million jobs. The economy was shrinking at 8.9 percent in the quarter before he took office. We lost 800,000 jobs the month that he took office.
The hole that was created is huge and we're going to fill it. But in last 29 months, we've had 29 straight months of private sector job growth, 4.5 million jobs created. In this last report, 173,000 private sector jobs created, led by the auto industry and manufacturing, that would be in a depression but for the president's intervention -- something Governor Romney opposed.
So, we've got a lot of work to do. The two sectors, by the way, that lagged were construction and education. The president has been urging Congress since last fall to pass his bill that would invigorate those sectors, and that would help. But we have a lot of work to do.
And the real question for voters is going to be, what is the choice on the other side? This week, we learned that Governor Mitt Romney's tax plans would raise taxes for the wealthy -- would cut taxes for the wealthy, a windfall for the wealthy and raise taxes by $2,000 on the middle class. That's not a prescription for getting our economy moving or rebuilding the middle class.
WALLACE: But, David, didn't this White House badly misjudge this recovery? I remember in 2010, two summers ago, you and Vice President Biden were running around, talking about recovery summer. That was the summer of 2010.
And the fact is that your White House said that if you got the stimulus, that $800 billion, that unemployment would stay under 8 percent. In fact with the stimulus, unemployment has stayed over 8 percent for the last 42 months, that's 3 1/2 years.
AXELROD: Chris, first of all, I wasn't running around saying anything that other than we were going to be persistent, that it took years to get into this mess, it was going to take years to get --
WALLACE: You talked about recovery summer in 2010.
AXELROD: Well, you should show me the tape of me saying that. I have been very consistent about the fact we need to be persistent in our effort.
But we can't do is go back to the -- you know, Moody's analyzed Governor Mitt Romney's plan to the degree you can because there aren't enough specifics to actually score it. And what they said was his plan would actually throw us back ward and might tip us back in a recession because it would ratchet down the things we need to keep the economy growing. So, people are going to have a real choice.
WALLACE: If I may --
AXELROD: Do we think -- do we think that raising taxes is the way to get this economy moving? Do we think cutting education by 25 percent is the way to get this economy moving, research that creates innovation and technology? I don't think most Americans agree with that.
WALLACE: But, David, you talk about Romney. I am asking you about the Obama record and the fact is unemployment has been over 8 percent for 42 months, which is 3 1/2 years.
AXELROD: There's no doubt about it, Chris. There's no doubt -- we have faced an economic crisis that goes back -- you'd have to go back to the Great Depression to see a crisis like the one we walked into in 2009. And as we said then and as I say now, the hole was tremendous. We have to be persistent in moving forward. There are more things we can do. We wish Congress would act on them. There are more things we can do.
But we can't do is go back. And the reason I keep bringing up Governor Romney, Chris, is because people are faced with a choice. They need to know -- they need to make a decision as to whether going back to the last policies is going to get us to where we need to go.
WALLACE: All right.
AXELROD: I think most people don't believe that.
WALLACE: All right. Well, let's talk about the choice, because I think you would say, you would agree that the biggest policy difference right now between President Obama -- there are a bunch. But the biggest policy difference right now between President Obama and Governor Romney is on taxes. Romney wants to extend all the Bush tax cuts for everyone, the president says no, extend them only for people making less than $250,000.
But back in 2010, President Obama opposed raising taxes on the wealthy because he said the economy was too fragile. Let's take a look at what the president said back then.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Potentially, you'd see a lot of folks are losing business, more folks potentially losing jobs. That would be a mistake when the economy has not fully taken off.

Read more:

Thursday, February 07, 2008

John McCain: Romney Bows Out

Mitt Romney is dropping his bid for the White House. Well done, Governor.

Romney quitting presidential race

11:47 AM CST on Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Associated Press

Republican presidential hopeful and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during his Super Tuesday primary watch party as his wife Ann watches in Boston, Tuesday. Also Online

More News 8 politics

More stories about Romney

Mitt Romney for President
• official site
WASHINGTON --John McCain effectively sealed the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday as chief rival Mitt Romney suspended his faltering presidential campaign. "I must now stand aside, for our party and our country," Romney prepared to tell conservatives.

"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror," Romney will say at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.

"This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose. My family, my friends and our supporters... many of you right here in this room... have given a great deal to get me where I have a shot at becoming President. If this were only about me, I would go on. But I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America."

McCain prevailed in most of the Super Tuesday states, moving closer to the numbers needed to officially win the nomination.

Overall, McCain led with 707 delegates, to 294 for Romney and 195 for Huckabee. It takes 1,191 to win the nomination at this summer's convention in St. Paul, Minn.

"I disagree with Senator McCain on a number of issues, as you know. But I agree with him on doing whatever it takes to be successful in Iraq, on finding and executing Osama bin Laden, and on eliminating al-Qaida and terror," Romney said.

Romney's departure from the race came almost a year after his formal entrance, when the Michigan native declared his candidacy on Feb. 12, 2007, at the Henry Ford Museum of Innovation in Dearborn, Mich.

Over the ensuing 12 months, Romney sought the support of conservatives with a family values campaign, emphasizing his opposition to abortion and gay marriage, as well as his support for tax cuts and health insurance that would benefit middle-class families.

"We need to teach our children that before they have babies, they get married," he told voters at his campaign events.

But he was dogged by charges of flip-flopping, a criticism that undermined the candidacy of another Massachusetts hopeful -- John Kerry in 2004. In seeking to unseat Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in 1994, Romney said he would be a better advocate for gay rights than his rival and he favored abortion rights.

Throughout his campaign, Romney was questioned by voters and the media about his Mormon faith. Hoping assuage voters skeptical of electing a Mormon president, Romney gave speech on Dec. 6 in College Station, Texas, that explicitly recalled remarks John F. Kennedy made in 1960 in an effort to quell anti-Catholic bias. He vowed to serve the interests of the nation, not the church, if elected president.

In early voting Iowa, Romney sought votes by casting himself as the guardian of the Reagan-era conservative triad -- a three-legged stool, as the candidate put it -- of a strong national defense, strong economy and strong families.

Fueled by what would grow to more than $35 million of personal donations, his campaign hired top-notch staff in the early voting states, and Romney scored an early win when his organization topped the field at the Iowa Straw Poll in August.

Click Post title for full story

Thursday, January 31, 2008

John McCain: He Served and Leads - Mitt Regrets.

Mitt sent his Regrets - One of the two Regrets in his life - what was the other one?

re·gret /rɪˈgrɛt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-gret] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -gret·ted, -gret·ting, noun
–verb (used with object) 1. to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.): He no sooner spoke than he regretted it.
2. to think of with a sense of loss: to regret one's vanished youth.
–noun 3. a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc.
4. a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, disappointment, etc.
5. regrets, a polite, usually formal refusal of an invitation: I sent her my regrets.
6. a note expressing regret at one's inability to accept an invitation: I have had four acceptances and one regret.

Regrets - I had a few but then again Too few to mention , but Hell I never had more than two nickles to rub together. If I had Mitts dough I'd have Regrets A'Plenty!

Regrets came close on the heels of an action. Mitt, regrets to inform the American People that Senators are just legislators and not Leaders! I suppose this could be considered Mitt-picking, but:

But, then he did his patented "Charles Foster Kane!!!!" -

This part was a doozey!

I do believe that as people over the centuries have considered who ought to lead our country, they don't look to senators. They look to governors. And they look to governors because they have the experience of being executive leaders.

They're actually leading something. They're making something happening. They're running something. They're leading an organization.

Senators and congressmen are fine people, but they're legislators. They sit in committees. They're committee chairs. And they call that leadership.

Yeah, Mitt - Harry Truman - Senator; JFK - Senator; JBJ- Senator; Gerald R. Ford - U.S. Congressman!

More Regrets from the conclusion of the debate by Mitt:

Military Service - Mitt Romeny Regrets He will be Unable to Attend!

VANDEHEI: Let's turn that around. Even today, Rudy Giuliani endorsed John McCain and said that there would be no better commander- in-chief. What makes you more qualified than John McCain to run the military as commander-in-chief?

ROMNEY: You know, I'm sure that are those who'd say, you know, to be the commander-in-chief you have to serve in the military. And one of the two great regrets I have in life is I didn't serve in the military. I'd love to have.

But I don't believe that you have to have served in the military to be a great commander-in-chief or to be a great foreign policy expert. I think you're going to see in our foreign policy and in the military, we're going to face challenges not like the challenges of old, where I'd liken it to playing checkers with the red side and the black side.

Did Mitt actually try -actively - to enter military service? I know I did not.
I did not get drafted! I am thrilled not to have been drafted, but I am as Yellow as a Duck's Foot!

Mitt said that a military background does not preclude being Commander in Chief - true enough.

Regrets - Tell that to Miss Otis.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

John McCain: Romney is Mellow/Dazed and Confused - But So Chilled!

Hannity and Colmes want to Mix it Up with McCain - Pack a big lunch girls!

Above one of the creampuffs - who had his feelings hurt by John McCain! Chilling.
"I like my Mitt chilled - shaken but not stirred?" Conservative Gasbags!

What is Mitt anesthetized?

Get Mad Mitt - Wait til tomorrow and then throw a dandy hissy-fit.

As for John McCain's anger? There are twelve deep around the oval bar at Keegan's Pub - traditional Democrats 0h, you know Chicago Cops; Chicago Firemen; Nurses; Bankers; Streets and Sanitation Workers; Tradesmen; School teachers; journalists and even one or two movie stars - George Wendt pops in for a pint of Guinness periodically - waiting to buy rounds all night and cast their votes for John McCain.

He's their kind of guy. Look at the beauties with whom John McCain took umbrage- not Armless Blind Timmy the Newsies; or Mary Jane Ironlung; or Northeye Quinlan - the lazy-eyed jeweler's appraiser. McCain did not slap Cynthia McKinney or Jerry Weller or the other Congresspeople who take the short yellow bus to work. He whacked some powerful crybabies.

Mitt - what did you pay for this "attack ad?" You been had Mr. Business Dude! What are you gonna Cry now? Good reason to.

A Top 10 List…

Defending His Amnesty Bill, Sen. McCain Lost His Temper And “Screamed, ‘F*ck You!’ At Texas Sen. John Cornyn” (R-TX). “Presidential hopeful John McCain - who has been dogged for years by questions about his volcanic temper - erupted in an angry, profanity-laced tirade at a fellow Republican senator, sources told The Post yesterday. In a heated dispute over immigration-law overhaul, McCain screamed, ‘F— you!’ at Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who had been raising concerns about the legislation. ‘This is chickens—stuff,’ McCain snapped at Cornyn, according to several people in the room off the Senate floor Thursday. ‘You’ve always been against this bill, and you’re just trying to derail it.’” (Charles Hurt, “Raising McCain,” New York Post, 5/19/07)
In 2000, Sen. McCain Ran An Attack Ad Comparing Then-Gov. George W. Bush To Bill Clinton. SEN. MCCAIN: “I guess it was bound to happen. Governor Bush’s campaign is getting desperate, with a negative ad about me. The fact is, I’ll use the surplus money to fix Social Security, cut your taxes and pay down the debt. Governor Bush uses all of the surplus for tax cuts, with not one new penny for Social Security or the debt. His ad twists the truth like Clinton. We’re all pretty tired of that. As president, I’ll be conservative and always tell you the truth. No matter what.” (McCain 2000, Campaign Ad, 2/9/00;
Sen. McCain Repeatedly Called Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) An “A**hole”, Causing A Fellow GOP Senator To Say, “I Didn’t Want This Guy Anywhere Near A Trigger.” “Why can’t McCain win the votes of his own colleagues? To explain, a Republican senator tells this story: at a GOP meeting last fall, McCain erupted out of the blue at the respected Budget Committee chairman, Pete Domenici, saying, ‘Only an a–hole would put together a budget like this.’ Offended, Domenici stood up and gave a dignified, restrained speech about how in all his years in the Senate, through many heated debates, no one had ever called him that. Another senator might have taken the moment to check his temper. But McCain went on: ‘I wouldn’t call you an a–hole unless you really were an a–hole.’ The Republican senator witnessing the scene had considered supporting McCain for president, but changed his mind. ‘I decided,’ the senator told Newsweek, ‘I didn’t want this guy anywhere near a trigger.’” (Evan Thomas, et al., “Senator Hothead,” Newsweek, 2/21/00)
Sen. McCain Had A Heated Exchange With Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) And Called Him A “F*cking Jerk.” “Senators are not used to having their intelligence or integrity challenged by another senator. ‘Are you calling me stupid?’ Sen. Chuck Grassley once inquired during a debate with McCain over the fate of the Vietnam MIAs, according to a source who was present. ‘No,’ replied McCain, ‘I’m calling you a f—ing jerk!’ (Grassley and McCain had no comment.)” (Evan Thomas, et al., “Senator Hothead,” Newsweek, 2/21/00)
In 1995, Sen. McCain Had A “Scuffle” With 92-Year-Old Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-SC) On The Senate Floor. “In January 1995, McCain was midway through an opening statement at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing when chairman Strom Thurmond asked, ‘Is the senator about through?’ McCain glared at Thurmond, thanked him for his ‘courtesy’ (translation: buzz off), and continued on. McCain later confronted Thurmond on the Senate floor. A scuffle ensued, and the two didn’t part friends.” (Harry Jaffe, “Senator Hothead,” The Washingtonian, 2/97)
Sen. McCain Accused Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Of The “Most Egregious Incident” Of Corruption He Had Seen In The Senate. “It escalated when McCain reiterated the charges Oct. 10 in a cross-examination, calling McConnell’s actions the ‘most egregious incident’ demonstrating the appearance of corruption he has ever seen in his Senate career.” (Amy Keller, “Attacks Escalate In Depositions,” Roll Call, 10/21/02)
Sen. McCain Attacked Christian Leaders And Republicans In A Blistering Speech During The 2000 Campaign. MCCAIN: “Unfortunately, Governor Bush is a Pat Robertson Republican who will lose to Al Gore. … The political tactics of division and slander are not our values… They are corrupting influences on religion and politics, and those who practice them in the name of religion or in the name of the Republican Party or in the name of America shame our faith, our party and our country. Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right.” (Sen. John McCain, Remarks,

Virginia Beach, VA, 2/28/00)
Sen. McCain Attacked Vice President Cheney. MCCAIN: “The president listened too much to the Vice President . . . Of course, the president bears the ultimate responsibility, but he was very badly served by both the Vice President and, most of all, the Secretary of Defense.” (Roger Simon, “McCain Bashes Cheney Over Iraq Policy,” The Politico, 1/24/07)
Celebrating His First Senate Election In 1986, Sen. McCain Screamed At And Harassed A Young Republican Volunteer. “It was election night 1986, and John McCain had just been elected to the U.S. Senate for the first time. Even so, he was not in a good mood. McCain was yelling at the top of his lungs and poking the chest of a young Republican volunteer who had set up a lectern that was too tall for the 5-foot-9 politician to be seen to advantage, according to a witness to the outburst. ‘Here this poor guy is thinking he has done a good job, and he gets a new butt ripped because McCain didn’t look good on television,’ Jon Hinz told a reporter Thursday. At the time, Hinz was executive director of the Arizona Republican Party. … Hinz said McCain’s treatment of the young campaign worker in 1986 troubled him for years. ‘There were an awful lot of people in the room,’ Hinz recalled. ‘You’d have to stick cotton in your ears not to hear it. He (McCain) was screaming at him, and he was red in the face. It wasn’t right, and I was very upset at him.’” (Kris Mayes and Charles Kelly, “Stories Surface On Senator’s Demeanor,” The Arizona

Republic, 11/5/99)
Sen. McCain “Publicly Abused” Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL). “[McCain] noted his propensity for passion but insisted that he doesn’t ‘insult anybody or fly off the handle or anything like that.’ This is, quite simply, hogwash. McCain often insults people and flies off the handle…. There have been the many times McCain has called reporters ‘liars’ and ‘idiots’ when they have had the audacity to ask him unpleasant, but pertinent, questions. McCain once… publicly abused Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama.” (Editorial, “There’s Something About McCain,” The Austin American-Statesman, 1/24/07)

Senator McCain, leave some for the blind-cripple kid - he wants in on these goofs too!

Monday, January 28, 2008

John McCain: A tale of Two Mitties! 'Tis a Far, Far Better Vote for McCain!

'Mitt, Bay and Jeb, send their best. It's over quickly. Tuesday and out! Hey, can we get a job at Staples after all this? Me and Kc here are with you man! Rush says You Rock! Watch your step.'

ALEXANDRIA , VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released a new web ad, entitled "A Tale Of Two Mitts," focusing on Mitt Romney's shifting positions on important issues like abortion, gun control and Ronald Reagan.

As the Orlando Sentinel wrote today, Romney's record of shifting positions "raises doubts about his core beliefs and commitment to principle."


Script For "A Tale Of Two Mitts" (1:00-Web)

CHYRON: Masterpiece Theatre

CHYRON: A Tale of Two Mitts

CHYRON: On Abortion

CHYRON: MA-U.S. Senate Debate 1994

MITT ROMNEY: I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country.

CHYRON: MA-Gubernatorial Debate 2002

MITT ROMNEY: I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard.

CHYRON: TV-Interview 2007

MITT ROMNEY: I am pro-life, and favor that legislation.

MITT ROMNEY: You will not see me wavering on that or be a multiple choice. Thank you very much.

CHYRON: MA-U.S. Senate Debate 1994

CHYRON: Republican Presidential Debate 2007

MITT ROMNEY: You can go back to YouTube and look at what I said in 1994. I never said I was pro-choice but, my position was effectively pro-choice. I've said that time and time again.

CHYRON: On the 2nd Amendment

CHYRON: MA-Gubernatorial Debate 2002

MITT ROMNEY: We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts . I support them.

CHYRON: Speaking in 2007

MITT ROMNEY: I support the 2nd Amendment. I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life.

CHYRON: Speaking in 2007

MITT ROMNEY: Small, small, uh, varmints if you will.

CHYRON: On Being a Republican

CHYRON: MA-U.S. Senate Debate 1994

MITT ROMNEY: Look, I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush.

CHYRON: On Being a Republican

CHYRON: Campaign Commercial-2007

MITT ROMNEY: It's time for Republicans to start acting like Republicans.

CHYRON: On Being a Republican

CHYRON: MA-U.S. Senate Debate 1994

MITT ROMNEY: I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.

CHYRON: Mitt Romney's Flip-Flops Truly Are Masterpieces

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approved this message.

CHYRON: Paid for by John McCain, 2008. Approved by John McCain.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

John McCain - Primary Source for Truth; Mitt Romney - Cliffs Notes

Mitt's Lead Blogger had this to say about John McCain's Dramatic Lead in the Polls!

I noticed that Mitt's Video Rangers are using You-Tube Video Cuts of Gottacha McCain!

Click my post title for the transcript of NBC's Meet the Press.

I was always a read the book guy over the Cliffs Notes crowd - that is why I am one of McCain's guys.

Click on my post title for John McCain on Meet the Press

McCain Trumps Mitt's Run on the Wonkosphere


Mitt Romney's Boy Rangers flooded the Wonkosphere with anti-McCain posts and articles and continues today.

John McCain's Buzz Page reads like tributes to Drew Peterson ( the Bolingbroke Cop who looks like the Cowardly lion of OZ who disappeared (allegedly) his child bride # 3 r 4 and goes on Larry King to ask the Press to 'Give him His Life Back') or the scum-bag Chicago lawyer who key-ed a soon to be deployed Marine's car during the Holidays. Mitt's ATM Machine Makes Media Marvel!

It turns out that the poor kids at Wonksphere are victimized by the Math and Money as much as McCain. WonkoKev and WonkoSteve sent me two very nice notes on this problem to which I have replied:

Dear Wonko Kev and Steve,

Boys, thanks for the response to my inquiries concerning the less than balanced BUZZ allotted to John McCain out there in the Wonkosphere.

As a guy who takes the weather personally, I was taken aback by the Mitt-heavy attacks on what should be McCain's Buzz page.

After learning that algorithms were hard at play, I fully appreciate the depth and scope of the issue. I do not understand it, mind you, but be assured that I appreciate your pickle.

Mitt Romney has more money than Warren Buffet has in his couch and that is a formidable commodity when getting 'people to like you.' Hell, I 'd probably write nice things about Mitt, if he were to toss some Don Trump-Walking Around Money my way! I have an intrinsically larcenous heart in open combat with my basically loyal soul.

Thank God for poverty! Loyalty wins!

We need more loyal souls, pumping Pithy McCain Positive missives your way! I'll do what I can; but , boys, this guy has trouble with balancing his check book ( 'let's see . . . spent $700 on Courvoisier this week -subtract from $1,500 - eight check to myself at Keegan's Pub - no amounts Gadzooks!') let alone algorithms

I will post our correspondence Lads! Thanks so much!


Pat Hickey

Now, McCainiacs get on the Wonkosphere and Fight Back!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

McCain Controls New Hampshire Debate - Mitt called the Tune and Paid the Pipers Playing Over His Political Grave!

I watched Charlie MC the Debate on TV - but no way he conducted the show . . . .

ABC News New Hampshire Debates were handled by John McCain like Sir George Solti was back with a baton in his mitt for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Romney, reeling from the Iowa corn husking by Governor Huckabee,attempted to chorus his campaign with the theme of Change and the Shape shifter was handed his Brylcreamed head by not only John McCain, but the saintly Mike Huckabee, the affable Fred Thompson and also the calming voice of Rudy Giuliani.

Change, Change, Change - Change of Fools!

Yeow! Mitt looked like Groucho Marx on crack and came off like a stuttering dope.

John McCain articulated the sensible path to Health Care, cleared up the wildly right-wing Immigration Pork Pull for American People - did Mitt miss the pinata on that one! and reasoned the Surge in Iraq and its strategic interest for the American People.

Advantage McCain! Yeah, Mitt, "You are the candidate of change,'' laughed John McCain! Lots of changes! Mitt there's more changes coming your way on Fox tomorrow night!

Click on my post title for more!

McCain is Being Cheated in The Wonkosphere It Seems to Me

This seems Serious!

Twenty Two of Thirty Posts linked on Wonkosphere's McCain Buzz Tab are violently anti-McCain. I lodged two inquiries to Wonkosphere and received no Response.*

Take a look at the sharp contrast in the tone of posts in the Romney Buzz linked below.

Here is one of the inquiries that I lodged to the Wonkosphere Editors:

Look at the nature of the Posts linked below. Why is that?

The Contrast is Unbelievable! What's up? McCain Buzz is top-heavy negative postings and your Romney Buzz is all Hozzanas!

Let me know ASAP.

Thanks folks,

Pat Hickey

This is not Right - Wonkosphere appears to be in Mitt's mitts shortly before the New Hampshire Debates and Primary.

Here is the McCain Buzz as it appears on Wonkosphere at this moment:

John McCain BuzzSignificant posts about John McCain from the last 24 hours, updated every 4 hours.

Color codes for posts: RED is for conservative, BLUE is for liberal, and GRAY is for independent.

Get out the vote in NH
Taking the Silver in Iowa. Like Mitt said, it’s not what we’d hoped but it’s still a great finish, and preparation for the ultimate gold. We need to keep things humming along. What can you do? Make sure you make your phone... (Read more...)

From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 09:10

What's at Stake in New Hampshire
Gov. Romney is down, and I’m not going to pretend that I think he’s got the advantage going into New Hampshire. Sen. McCain is peaking in the state at just the right time just at Gov. Romney’s low point. He CAN win though. He... (Read more...)

From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 07:04

John McCain: Hero but Hypocrite
I’m growing tired of the double standard as it relates to “negativity” on the campaign trail. Mitt’s been a gentleman, despite running contrast ads against his opponents. He has yet to make any judgments on character or... (Read more...)

From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 05:00

Dueling GOP Web Ads
MANCHESTER -- Mitt Romney and John McCain target each other, naturally, in two new Web ads out today. McCain's ad will appear on targeted national and early state news and information websites, including, and,... (Read more...)

From: national journal hotline | Posted: 2008-01-05 03:21

I Agree With McCain On Something!
We want the same thing: When asked about Joe Lieberman (who has endorsed McCain), he responded: I would definitely want Joe Lieberman to play a part — particularly in national security issues — in my administration. Me too! It would... (Read more...)

From: Multi Medium | Posted: 2008-01-05 02:58
Swifties aren't gone, they've just changed candidates
Over the last three years, the group of organized, well-financed liars ironically named the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,” have come to be synonymous with vicious smears and mendacity. Most honorable people, who have any decency at all, look... (Read more...)

From: Crooks and Liars | Posted: 2008-01-05 02:45
Amidst All The McCain Worship
John Hood makes an excellent point: There is also a longer, truly heart-felt affection by center-left journalists for McCain, who... (Read more...)

From: Transterrestrial Musings | Posted: 2008-01-05 02:30
Great comments
There are always such great comments from this Blog’s readers, that I want your post on the front page not just the discussion session. Here are a few: From Nivek: Medved has lost a listener in me. He doesn’t have to agree with me on who ... (Read more...)

From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 01:30
Video: "Make it a hundred"
Straight talk. (Read more...)

From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:51
Hugh Hewitt: The Case for McCain: Climate Change and Campaign Finance Reform (Bumped and Updated)
Former New Hampshire Congressman Charlie Bass just endorsed John McCain, and explained to Fox News' John Gibson that John McCain has always stood for the same things. The first two issues cited by Bass? "Climate... (Read more...)

From: Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:44
Post-Iowa Fred
(Read more...)

From: Say Anything | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:36
McCain's Days as Viable Candidate Numbered
From Bob McCarty Writes: En route to New Hampshire, Republican John McCain is getting a lot of mileage out of his third-place finish in the Iowa Caucus. At the same time, he must realize his days as a presidential contender are numbered, in part, ... (Read more...)

From: NoisyRoom | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:29
The McCain Update - January 4, 2008
(Read more...)

From: Politico Mafioso | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:46
LIVE Webcast/Chat/Blog From The Spin Room At The NH Debate Tomorrow Night!
LIVE Webcast/Chat/Blog From The Spin Room at the NH DebateI will be Webcasting/Blogging LIVE from the Spin Room at the ABC News/Facebook/WMUR sponsored debate from St. Anselms College in Manches (Read more...)

From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:39
The Pentagon's Muslim tug-of-war ends in defeat
Follow up. (Read more...)

From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:15
One further thought about the prospect of a McCain-Obama contest next fall: The gap between the candidates' ages (McCain is 71, Obama is 46; that's a 25-year difference) would probably be the greatest in American presidential election history. (Read more...)

From: TAPPED | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:05
Hugh Hewitt: The Case For McCain: Climate Change and Campaign Finance Reform
Former New Hampshire Congressman Charlie Bass just endorsed John McCain, and explained to Fox News' John Gibson that John McCain has always stood for the same things. The first two issues cited by Bass? "Climate... (Read more...)

From: Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:44
CNN on Ron Paul and Sunday Fox News Forum
This is a fair treatment of the situation by CNN and Wolf Blitzer. UPDATE: ARG New Hampshire GOP Primary John McCain 35% (30%) Mitt Romney 25% (30%) Mike Huckabee 12% (11%) Ron Paul 9% (7%) Rudy Giuliani 8% (9%) Fred Thompson 1% (3%) Duncan Hunter 1%... (Read more...)

From: M Rebman | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:41
A little straight talk from Wilford Brimley
by Jill Zuckman Nashua, N.H. – The big gun is here. Wilford Brimley, the Marine turned actor turned oatmeal pitchman, will be traveling on the bus for Sen. John McCain. "The reason I'm here is because I think John McC (Read more...)

From: The Swamp | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:38
McCain's Momentum Ad
The New Hampshire pitch: (Read more...)

From: The Daily Dish | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:37
Mitt today: "No way" will McCain bring change; Mitt 2002: "He has always stood for reform and change"
Flipper! (Read more...)

From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:30
Has the media picked its man?
Last year, Fred Barnes, the prominent conservative pundit and executive editor of The Weekly Standard, noted, “In 2000, his aides joked that McCain’s base was the media. In truth, it was.” I rarely agree with Barnes, but he’s ... (Read more...)

From: The Carpetbagger Report | Posted: 2008-01-04 21:10
Blogtalk: New Hampshire Lights Up Online
A stew of voices -- Republican, Democrat, substantial and light-hearted -- can be heard these days within the New Hampshire blogosphere. (Read more...)

From: The Caucus | Posted: 2008-01-04 21:09
McCain Web Ad Blasts Romney
I used to be skeptical about the propulsive effect of campaign web ads, and viewed them as a way for campaigns to drive the press's focus without having to spend the money on a television advertisement. Well, I still think the latter thought is... (Read more...)

From: Marc Ambinder | Posted: 2008-01-04 21:08
McCain presses support for Iraq War at defense contractor
By Mike Dorning NASHUA, N.H.—The war in Iraq may not be popular with the broad national public. But John McCain still charged into the final stretch of the New Hampshire primary campaign highlighting his unwavering support for the U. (Read more...)

From: The Swamp | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:58
Stick it to Politico
Fred Heads get the last laugh. (Read more...)

From: Don Surber | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:34
Four more years of Cheney?
In all likelihood, you don’t need yet another reason to reject the very idea of a Rudy Giuliani presidential administration. Here’s one anyway. Would a Rudy Giuliani administration be populated with a cabinet of Republican rivals and a... (Read more...)

From: Crooks and Liars | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:27
Swift Boat Liars aren't gone, they've just changed candidates
Over the last three years, the group of organized, well-financed liars ironically named the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,” have come to be synonymous with vicious smears and mendacity. Most honorable people, who have any decency at all,... (Read more...)

From: The Carpetbagger Report | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:20
Dance of the White Heads
(Read more...)

From: Crooks and Liars | Posted: 2008-01-04 19:42
Video: "Twists"
Mileage. (Read more...)

From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-04 19:32

The McCain Campaign Need to Jump on this and Get some Answers!

UpDate 11:58 CST:*

RE: Above - I just got this e-mail from Wonkosphere View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: Wonkosohere message: question

Good morning. In response to your inquiry, please see

It appears that Mitt Romney's Campaign flooded the Wonkosphere with violently negative posts on John McCain. Akin to tearing down house signs and smearing one's character. Mitt's desperate.
The Wonkosphere should cover itself and yank the Romney vitriol - or at least start posting from the McCain People.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

McCain - Talk Straight and Avoid Getting Mitt in the Wringer

A good old south side Chicago aphorism - and I am sure that it is around Shelbyville, Georgia, Kenosha, WI, Alhambra, CA as well- goes: 'tell the truth and you won't need a good memory.' Now, what in the hell was I talking about? Oh, Yeah!

McCain - John McCain. McCain continues to speak directly to the American people here's a bit on what he had to say about the real threat to the American economy:

"We're one successful attack away from an economic crisis," McCain said, adding that US enemies knew the damage a disruption of supplies would wreak on the US economy from Islamist Terror.

While other Republican candidates have been reluctant to lay out policies to combat global warming, or questioned the science behind claims that mankind is a major contributor to climate change, McCain has called for action.

"It is a serious and urgent economic, environmental and national security challenge," he said.

McCain has called for a plan to limit carbon emissions by using market forces to develop advanced technology and nuclear energy to reduce US reliance on foreign oil.

Poor Old Mitt got caught having a few brain cramps this past weekend. Speak straight and you won't need to recall - It will keep them out of the Wringer. 'Only Suckers Beef, Mitt!'

Give Brad Marston's great site Azamatteroffact's latest post on Mitt's scrambel with the facts: Brad is working like three Kerrymen fighting over a shovel, when the boss say's 'half of you get to work!' The man is Mad for the Work, So he is!

As always click me post title for the whole tale.

God, wouldn't you just love to slap me for using that fake brogue - I know I would - hell, it's early.

High Five to Guntotinliberal for the photo of Mitt spinning to the pooch.