This seems Serious!
Twenty Two of Thirty Posts linked on Wonkosphere's McCain Buzz Tab are violently anti-McCain. I lodged two inquiries to Wonkosphere and received no Response.*
Take a look at the sharp contrast in the tone of posts in the Romney Buzz linked below.
Here is one of the inquiries that I lodged to the Wonkosphere Editors:
Look at the nature of the Posts linked below. Why is that?
The Contrast is Unbelievable! What's up? McCain Buzz is top-heavy negative postings and your Romney Buzz is all Hozzanas!
Let me know ASAP.
Thanks folks,
Pat Hickey
This is not Right - Wonkosphere appears to be in Mitt's mitts shortly before the New Hampshire Debates and Primary.
Here is the
McCain Buzz as it appears on
Wonkosphere at this moment:
John McCain BuzzSignificant posts about John McCain from the last 24 hours, updated every 4 hours.
Color codes for posts: RED is for conservative, BLUE is for liberal, and GRAY is for independent.
Get out the vote in NH
Taking the Silver in Iowa. Like Mitt said, it’s not what we’d hoped but it’s still a great finish, and preparation for the ultimate gold. We need to keep things humming along. What can you do? Make sure you make your phone... (Read more...)
From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 09:10
What's at Stake in New Hampshire
Gov. Romney is down, and I’m not going to pretend that I think he’s got the advantage going into New Hampshire. Sen. McCain is peaking in the state at just the right time just at Gov. Romney’s low point. He CAN win though. He... (Read more...)
From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 07:04
John McCain: Hero but Hypocrite
I’m growing tired of the double standard as it relates to “negativity” on the campaign trail. Mitt’s been a gentleman, despite running contrast ads against his opponents. He has yet to make any judgments on character or... (Read more...)
From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 05:00
Dueling GOP Web Ads
MANCHESTER -- Mitt Romney and John McCain target each other, naturally, in two new Web ads out today. McCain's ad will appear on targeted national and early state news and information websites, including politico.com, unionleader.com and boston.com,... (Read more...)
From: national journal hotline | Posted: 2008-01-05 03:21
I Agree With McCain On Something!
We want the same thing: When asked about Joe Lieberman (who has endorsed McCain), he responded: I would definitely want Joe Lieberman to play a part — particularly in national security issues — in my administration. Me too! It would... (Read more...)
From: Multi Medium | Posted: 2008-01-05 02:58
Swifties aren't gone, they've just changed candidates
Over the last three years, the group of organized, well-financed liars ironically named the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,” have come to be synonymous with vicious smears and mendacity. Most honorable people, who have any decency at all, look... (Read more...)
From: Crooks and Liars | Posted: 2008-01-05 02:45
Amidst All The McCain Worship
John Hood makes an excellent point: There is also a longer, truly heart-felt affection by center-left journalists for McCain, who... (Read more...)
From: Transterrestrial Musings | Posted: 2008-01-05 02:30
Great comments
There are always such great comments from this Blog’s readers, that I want your post on the front page not just the discussion session. Here are a few: From Nivek: Medved has lost a listener in me. He doesn’t have to agree with me on who ... (Read more...)
From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-05 01:30
Video: "Make it a hundred"
Straight talk. (Read more...)
From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:51
Hugh Hewitt: The Case for McCain: Climate Change and Campaign Finance Reform (Bumped and Updated)
Former New Hampshire Congressman Charlie Bass just endorsed John McCain, and explained to Fox News' John Gibson that John McCain has always stood for the same things. The first two issues cited by Bass? "Climate... (Read more...)
From: Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:44
Post-Iowa Fred
(Read more...)
From: Say Anything | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:36
McCain's Days as Viable Candidate Numbered
From Bob McCarty Writes: En route to New Hampshire, Republican John McCain is getting a lot of mileage out of his third-place finish in the Iowa Caucus. At the same time, he must realize his days as a presidential contender are numbered, in part, ... (Read more...)
From: NoisyRoom | Posted: 2008-01-05 00:29
The McCain Update - January 4, 2008
(Read more...)
From: Politico Mafioso | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:46
LIVE Webcast/Chat/Blog From The Spin Room At The NH Debate Tomorrow Night!
LIVE Webcast/Chat/Blog From The Spin Room at the NH DebateI will be Webcasting/Blogging LIVE from the Spin Room at the ABC News/Facebook/WMUR sponsored debate from St. Anselms College in Manches (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:39
The Pentagon's Muslim tug-of-war ends in defeat
Follow up. (Read more...)
From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:15
One further thought about the prospect of a McCain-Obama contest next fall: The gap between the candidates' ages (McCain is 71, Obama is 46; that's a 25-year difference) would probably be the greatest in American presidential election history. (Read more...)
From: TAPPED | Posted: 2008-01-04 23:05
Hugh Hewitt: The Case For McCain: Climate Change and Campaign Finance Reform
Former New Hampshire Congressman Charlie Bass just endorsed John McCain, and explained to Fox News' John Gibson that John McCain has always stood for the same things. The first two issues cited by Bass? "Climate... (Read more...)
From: Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:44
CNN on Ron Paul and Sunday Fox News Forum
This is a fair treatment of the situation by CNN and Wolf Blitzer. UPDATE: ARG New Hampshire GOP Primary John McCain 35% (30%) Mitt Romney 25% (30%) Mike Huckabee 12% (11%) Ron Paul 9% (7%) Rudy Giuliani 8% (9%) Fred Thompson 1% (3%) Duncan Hunter 1%... (Read more...)
From: M Rebman | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:41
A little straight talk from Wilford Brimley
by Jill Zuckman Nashua, N.H. – The big gun is here. Wilford Brimley, the Marine turned actor turned oatmeal pitchman, will be traveling on the bus for Sen. John McCain. "The reason I'm here is because I think John McC (Read more...)
From: The Swamp | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:38
McCain's Momentum Ad
The New Hampshire pitch: (Read more...)
From: The Daily Dish | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:37
Mitt today: "No way" will McCain bring change; Mitt 2002: "He has always stood for reform and change"
Flipper! (Read more...)
From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-04 22:30
Has the media picked its man?
Last year, Fred Barnes, the prominent conservative pundit and executive editor of The Weekly Standard, noted, “In 2000, his aides joked that McCain’s base was the media. In truth, it was.” I rarely agree with Barnes, but he’s ... (Read more...)
From: The Carpetbagger Report | Posted: 2008-01-04 21:10
Blogtalk: New Hampshire Lights Up Online
A stew of voices -- Republican, Democrat, substantial and light-hearted -- can be heard these days within the New Hampshire blogosphere. (Read more...)
From: The Caucus | Posted: 2008-01-04 21:09
McCain Web Ad Blasts Romney
I used to be skeptical about the propulsive effect of campaign web ads, and viewed them as a way for campaigns to drive the press's focus without having to spend the money on a television advertisement. Well, I still think the latter thought is... (Read more...)
From: Marc Ambinder | Posted: 2008-01-04 21:08
McCain presses support for Iraq War at defense contractor
By Mike Dorning NASHUA, N.H.—The war in Iraq may not be popular with the broad national public. But John McCain still charged into the final stretch of the New Hampshire primary campaign highlighting his unwavering support for the U. (Read more...)
From: The Swamp | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:58
Stick it to Politico
Fred Heads get the last laugh. (Read more...)
From: Don Surber | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:34
Four more years of Cheney?
In all likelihood, you don’t need yet another reason to reject the very idea of a Rudy Giuliani presidential administration. Here’s one anyway. Would a Rudy Giuliani administration be populated with a cabinet of Republican rivals and a... (Read more...)
From: Crooks and Liars | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:27
Swift Boat Liars aren't gone, they've just changed candidates
Over the last three years, the group of organized, well-financed liars ironically named the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,” have come to be synonymous with vicious smears and mendacity. Most honorable people, who have any decency at all,... (Read more...)
From: The Carpetbagger Report | Posted: 2008-01-04 20:20
Dance of the White Heads
(Read more...)
From: Crooks and Liars | Posted: 2008-01-04 19:42
Video: "Twists"
Mileage. (Read more...)
From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-04 19:32
The McCain Campaign Need to Jump on this and Get some Answers!UpDate 11:58 CST:*
RE: Above - I just got this e-mail from
Wonkospheresteve@wonkosphere.com View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
To: conorhickey@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: Wonkosohere message: question
Good morning. In response to your inquiry, please see
It appears that Mitt Romney's Campaign flooded the Wonkosphere with violently negative posts on John McCain. Akin to tearing down house signs and smearing one's character. Mitt's desperate.The
Wonkosphere should cover itself and yank the Romney vitriol - or at least start posting from the McCain People.